British Diver

sveden's page

Organized Play Member. 672 posts (1,011 including aliases). 3 reviews. 3 lists. No wishlists. 13 Organized Play characters. 3 aliases.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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Of the 59 scenarios I've run I've only received credit for 70% of them.

That's largely because I'm new to this campaign. I expect that percentage to decrease as I continue to GM.

The credit is important but its more important to me that my store's gamedays serve as many people as possible.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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Netopalis wrote:
I recently had to leave during the middle of a game due to a personal emergency. The table was running rather long, and we were approaching the final encounter anyway. I left my mini and my character sheet, and asked the GM to finish the last encounter (which we were just getting ready to start)with the GM playing my character. Could you have asked this player to do something similar?

No because that is not allowed. If you leave you get the credit for what you completed. Having a GM bot your PC isn't allowed.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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I found myself uttering this phrase yesterday when I wanted to give the PCs a clue...

"The Knowledge Local section of your brain is tingling."

I laughed after I said it and so did the player I was goading into noticing the Minotaur hair.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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CRobledo wrote:
Yeah no problem broski, hit me up with that stick every time I get hurt"

Most of the paladins I've played with talk exactly like this. What is it about this class that attracts bros?

Grand Lodge 4/5

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At a table I ran on Saturday, a Magus PC got dropped by a Mite with rogue levels. That's pretty funny.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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If I was the GM I'd tell that person they are welcome to walk away from the table but the chronicle sheets won't be handed out for another hour when the rest of the table is done playing.

Also there are several ways I can think of that the player's assumption he would get same XP and Prestige as the rest of the table would be incorrect.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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Every time you run a table keep a small piece of scratch paper where you write down mechanics you didn't understand or need to familiarize yourself with.

Follow up on the list after the scenario is over.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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My wishlist:

2)Dave the Barbarian**** (met him last night and he seems like he would be just as fun to have on the other side of the screen)

I think I could learn a lot by sitting at my own table. See things from the outside of my skull. Witness first hand how I communicate and such. Maybe a video recorder is in order.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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TClifford wrote:
Wow. After reading through 187 posts I am really really glad I never got into Pathfinder Society play. Last I checked this was a freaking game. Not some facist rule. If someone is doing something hinky....tell them it isn't going to happen. I understand there are rules, but man this is ridiculous.
TClifford wrote:

This is a forum discussion between what appears to be high level members of the society dictating the rules. I understand that the 'local' level and non-society games aren't probably like this. I also understand with a cannon as large as PF there has to be a little rules on what rules you can use. But if this the the kind of decision making that is being done on the convention can keep it.

I mean we aren't talking about National Championship card games and such where the winner makes actual money. We are talking about pen and paper and dice game. Most of which is played in the mind. Yea dealing with rules monkeys can be a hassle, but that is why you got into the convention for free and in some cases got room and board.

I've run games, demos, and booths for other companies and I really can't believe the dictatorship role that is being shown on these boards. Personally I think this thread and the actions of some of the GMs on here have hurt the society as a whole more than helped it.

Guess I am not glad I never got that second interview for the Venture-Captain position in my town.

National, Dictator and Fascism.

Godwin's Law in effect.

Official time of death, Oct. 22nd, 12:50pm

Grand Lodge 4/5

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Lab_Rat wrote:
Completely agree. In St Louis our weekly game session is done completely cold for the most part.

This blows my mind. Why aren't the GMs getting the scenarios beforehand? Is there anything we can do to help? Maybe your area could get started with more concrete RSVPs? Would that help you plan?

Grand Lodge 4/5

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Mergy wrote:
Ah, my mistake. Carry on! :D


Grand Lodge 4/5

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trollbill wrote:
Mergy wrote:
trollbill wrote:
Dylos wrote:
Kyle Baird wrote:
I'm sure the ONLY reason to do this combination is for flavor.
Cheese has flavor.
Cheese or no cheese, its quintessential Eastwood.
Blondie also used a rifle. He wasn't a pistolero.
The whole reason Stranger, a.k.a Blondie, a.k.a. The Man With No Name, uses the metal chest plate in "A Fistful of Dollars" is to get close to rifle-expert Ramon is because he is much better with a pistol than a rifle. Obviously he took Exotic Weapon proficiency so he could shoot a rifle too.

The man with no name appears in more than just one movie. In one he's an agent of hell sent to seek revenge on a town's indifference. Mysterious Stranger Pistelero Tiefling anyone?

Grand Lodge 4/5

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My witch enjoys killing spellcasters and then drinking their blood.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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Jiggy wrote:
Bonus points of the AniComp is named Joe.

Joe is a lion. That other Joe isn't approved for PG-13 PFSociety play.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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Goblin Revenge*!

*Caution: contains violence, drug use and blazing metal music.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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Stormfriend wrote:
Jeff Mahood wrote:

At the end of the session, I wrote the following on each of their chronicles:

"While in Magnimar, once per session may receive one free portion of Horse-on-a-Stick from *specific vendor whose name I can't remember* per session. (No game effect.)"

You should have seen their faces light up when I handed out the chronicles.


I think there's another thread where Mike is asking what we want to see on our chronicles going forwards. Horse on a stick (no game effect) is far more interesting than a +2 flaming greataxe!

I still have my peppermint flavored Cure Light Wounds Potion from <redacted>.

God's Market Gamble

Grand Lodge 4/5

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TriOmegaZero wrote:

The Goblinblood Dead

The God's Market Gamble

No to both of these. These are not for a group of new players.

My two cents:

I would suggest Frostfur Captives, Mists of Mwangi, We Be Goblins.

City of Strangers 1&2 would be a good one if they are new to PF but not new to Pen and Paper roleplaying games.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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I'm all for having us earn things. And getting new people to GM is an excellent added bonus to present PFSers a carrot.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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Jiggy wrote:
sveden wrote:

Really? Crazy! Same world different realities. And we play in the same society.

I've had a few play experiences personally with obnoxious spotlight hogging power characters that put the rest of the party on vacation as they single handedly stomp through scenarios.

I didn't have fun.

Just to make sure your example is what I was talking about not seeing: was the player being a spotlight-hog (or otherwise disruptive/selfish), or was it the build itself that made things un-fun for you? If the former, that's not what I was saying I've never seen (I've seen it). If the latter, it would be the first.

You may see a difference in how the tool is used there, I don't. I'm only here to assert my reality, not deny yours.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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Jiggy wrote:
I say this because for all the "his build is ruining other people's fun" that I see on the boards, I have never seen a fellow player react negatively to powerful characters. Sometimes there's a head-shake, but it's always been accompanied by a friendly chuckle and a smile. The gap between some GMs' claims and my own experience is bigger in this regard than (I think) in any other. The difference is so complete that I sometimes have to wonder if the GMs are simply projecting their own feelings onto their players, thinking they're not having fun when really the GM is the only one annoyed.

Really? Crazy! Same world different realities. And we play in the same society.

I've had a few play experiences personally with obnoxious spotlight hogging power characters that put the rest of the party on vacation as they single handedly stomp through scenarios.

I didn't have fun.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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This thread. I'm running away from it and yet its not a haunt.

Grand Lodge 4/5

16 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Staff response: no reply required. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

In a different thread a message board user posted that it was legal in PFS for the group to pool their money and buy a scroll of Darkvision, Communal for the party magic user to cast on the party.

But the Guide clearly states that the only time party members may pool their resources is:

PFS Guide wrote:

In Pathfinder Society Organized Play, you may never buy

items from, sell items to, or trade items with another player. You may, however, allow another player to borrow an item for the duration of a scenario. You are also permitted to spend your character’s gold to help a party member purchase spellcasting services such as raise dead or remove disease.

Now the issue here is not the fact that someone else is actually using the item you bought. The issue here is that it is not allowed to pool resources to purchase anything but spellcasting services for a party member that has a condition gained over the course of an adventure.

I didn't want to derail that thread further so I am posting it here for clarification.

Grand Lodge

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Bump, thanks fro the script, A_Mage.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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Conundrum wrote:
Jiggy wrote:
Conundrum wrote:
I don't know but to me 20 point buy, a 12 lvl cap, tons of paizo material not allowed including certain classes like Anti-paladin.

PFS allows PCs built with 33% more points than the CR system assumes and allows material from 83 different sources.

You call that restrictive?

I've heard in many threads the this or that isn't allowed and 95 % or so of the time we're not even talking 3rd party material, so yes when compared to the paizo published material available to what is allowed in PFS yes seems restrictive. Many of the posters here have swayed my view slightly, those who stated their points without resorting to direct attack style statements. Thanks for the enlightenment for those with constructive points! To the rest of you, troll on ;-) I shall revel in the nerdrage a while longer.

The only person I ever considered to be trolling in this thread is the OP, which is you.

Same world, different realities. Its crazy!

Grand Lodge

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artificer wrote:
Shar Tahl wrote:

charisma is not just looks.

It is a measure of the strength of their personality and control of their "self".

THE PSRD just says: Charisma measures a character's personality, personal magnetism, ability to lead, and appearance

Actually WISDOM says: Wisdom describes a character's willpower

Using that logic, Strength has nothing to do with the ability to swing a sword better just because it doesn't say so in the first sentence of the description.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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It should cost the 3.5 seconds I spent reading your question.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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Stonecunning wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
It's already been FAQed for months.
This FAQ isn't particularly helpful with the porter, because they provide a tangible benefit (enhanced carrying capacity) but there's no ruling on when or how gear is accessible from them. I get it may be a bit stupid to say "Oh my Str 8 wizard decided to wear full plate, but he has a porter so he isn't encumbered!" but for a high str character this could matter hugely during combat. It does seem like there's a bit of discrepancy with the porter and the faq.

Any wizard can own full plate. Owning full plate and wearing full plate are two different things.

The porter isn't out on the battle field moving your legs and arms up and down to fight against encumbrance.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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Ansel Krulwich wrote:
tlotig wrote:
So hands up all those who think having the NPCs cast dominate makes things fun for the players?

There was non-stop laughter around the table when the succubus and the paladin "engaged" in a couple rounds of "unspeakable activity".

I think you meant "the succubus and the lunchbox". :]

Grand Lodge 4/5

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I was just discussing at my FLGS how completely amazing and awesome it is that races from this book is not legal for PFS yet.

Paizo has consistently proven that they care about their organized play. The simple fact that they just released a new book and AREN'T allowing it proves that they are cautious. And that adding the book to organized play is not a cheap ploy to sell units.

Let this book simmer for a little bit. Let the players use it, abuse it and point out possible flaws.

Then and only then should Paizo consider adding potentially content from this book.

/edit changed "this book" to "races from this book"

Grand Lodge 4/5

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Boooooooooat. Baaagel. You betcha!

Liberty's Edge

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Heretical scum such as Oracles don't worship a deity so I don't see why a deity should bother listening to their pleas.

Grand Lodge

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Don't forget smelling salts!

Grand Lodge 4/5

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After running a session last weekend, one of my players said, "I thought I was going to die, then I thought I was going to live, then I thought I was going to die."

I told him that was the nicest thing he could have said to me.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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I have a folder for each of my characters. I put the chronicles in there. Then I put the folder on a bookshelf.

Grand Lodge

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Grand Lodge

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LearnTheRules wrote:
Skill points aren't gained retroactively actually, just hit points.

Does your username every get you into sticky situations?

Grand Lodge 4/5

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I ran this for my home game on Sunday. We had a blast! Or at least I had fun and my PCs paid attention for 5 hours. :)

I went all out preparing for this session as it was my birthday and the end of a 3 part series.

The PCs were in luck as the village just happened to be celebrating Je Tsun's imminent birth event with some Ice Cream Cake

I made the village of Nesting Swallow using some free papercraft resources. There were several houses, the meeting hall, a smithy and a two building barn structure.

The worker placement section of the scenario went well as I had each option written on half sheets of paper along with some hints and general guidelines. I then used 5 Minis per 10 villagers to represent the work force. The villagers were placed on the half sheets first and then the PCs decided where they were to work each day.

The Owlbear at Tier 4-5 hooted menacingly as the Fighter under the effects of Enlarge Person rolled a 27 on its CMB to trip. It then proceeded to knock the Level 4 Fighter and Level 4 Half-Orc Cleric below 0 in 3 rounds.

Good times!

Grand Lodge

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Judging by this exchanges in this post I'm going to go ahead and suggest you don't play a prankster character.

Grand Lodge

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Honor in All Things order power - declare before of after roll?

Honor in All Things wrote:
At 2nd level, the order of the warrior samurai draws strength from his sense of honor. Whenever the samurai makes a skill check or saving throw, he can call upon his honor as a free action to grant him a +4 morale bonus on the roll. He can use this ability once per day at 2nd level, plus one additional time per day for every four levels beyond 2nd (maximum of five times per day at 18th level).

Does this power have to be used before you make your roll or can you use it after the roll is made but before the outcome is determined?

The reason I ask is that it seems a little underpowered for a class feature if you have to declare before rolling. And maybe I'm just a bad judge of how powerful a class power should be.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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I've created a spreadsheet listing every Pathfinder Society Scenario and Module based on the information found on the Paizo site.

The Scenarios are ordered by Tier as well as by Season.

I created this as an aid for local organizers to keep track of where and when scenarios are run in their city/area. Players can also use this to keep track of what scenarios they have played and with what characters.

I hope you find this helpful and umm lawful?

Grand Lodge

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Someone should make an updated version of this guide and put it in Google Docs so it can be viewed more easily.

Grand Lodge

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blackbloodtroll wrote:
No, it stays.

Thanks for the reply.

Also, daaaaaaang.