Hey guys, monjebleu here and I know you probably want to murder me right now. Let me explain.
After my last post, the compulsive checking of the forums and the trouble of managing close to 20 PCs over three campaigns got to me, and I decided to take the day off. Long story short, one day turned to two, two to three, and so on. Before I knew it a week had passed, and I was too scared to even go on the forums, fearing the wrath of my players (despite the fact that all of you are wonderful good-natured people). I realize that I should have given you notice, and between that and my long hiatus I cannot apologize enough.
And finally, some bad news and some good news. The bad news is that I've decided it would be best for myself to extend this break from PBP to deal with some other stuff in my life (nothing terrible or dangerous, not to worry). The (somewhat) good news is that a friend of mine recently joined the forums, and maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to convince him to pick up one of the campaigns. Maybe. In the meantime, I suggest you all start looking for new GMs or moving on to other things or whatever you had planned.
Once again, I can't apologize enough and I hope that you (being some of the most excellent players) will find it in your hearts to forgive me.
Hey guys, monjebleu here and I know you probably want to murder me right now. Let me explain.
After my last post, the compulsive checking of the forums and the trouble of managing close to 20 PCs over three campaigns got to me, and I decided to take the day off. Long story short, one day turned to two, two to three, and so on. Before I knew it a week had passed, and I was too scared to even go on the forums, fearing the wrath of my players (despite the fact that all of you are wonderful good-natured people). I realize that I should have given you notice, and between that and my long hiatus I cannot apologize enough.
And finally, some bad news and some good news. The bad news is that I've decided it would be best for myself to extend this break from PBP to deal with some other stuff in my life (nothing terrible or dangerous, not to worry). The (somewhat) good news is that a friend of mine recently joined the forums, and maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to convince him to pick up one of the campaigns. Maybe. In the meantime, I suggest you all start looking for new GMs or moving on to other things or whatever you had planned.
Once again, I can't apologize enough and I hope that you (being some of the most excellent players) will find it in your hearts to forgive me.
Hey guys, monjebleu here and I know you probably want to murder me right now. Let me explain.
After my last post, the compulsive checking of the forums and the trouble of managing close to 20 PCs over three campaigns got to me, and I decided to take the day off. Long story short, one day turned to two, two to three, and so on. Before I knew it a week had passed, and I was too scared to even go on the forums, fearing the wrath of my players (despite the fact that all of you are wonderful good-natured people). I realize that I should have given you notice, and between that and my long hiatus I cannot apologize enough.
And finally, some bad news and some good news. The bad news is that I've decided it would be best for myself to extend this break from PBP to deal with some other stuff in my life (nothing terrible or dangerous, not to worry). The (somewhat) good news is that a friend of mine recently joined the forums, and maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to convince him to pick up one of the campaigns. Maybe. In the meantime, I suggest you all start looking for new GMs or moving on to other things or whatever you had planned.
Once again, I can't apologize enough and I hope that you (being some of the most excellent players) will find it in your hearts to forgive me.
1d20 - 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 = 3
Gideon drives the opposing pirates hand into the table, causing him to let a short shriek of pain as the glass cuts into his arm. After being released, he sheepishly slinks away to nurse his wounded hand.
After making some collections from the other betting members of the crew, Ratline drops five gold pieces onto the table in front of Gideon.
"Pleasure doin' business wiv yeh! Man like you could make quite a bit a money bettin' like this every night. Quite a bit o' enemies too."
"And you lass! Normally I would disdain your ahem questionable tactics but just this once it wouldn't kill me to let it slip here's yer prize an a little extra o' course don't try it again!" he says flipping an entire good piece in Satinder's direction.
Everyone's taken their first nighttime action. Could I just get a recap of everyone's staying up late actions (if any) and what they passed the con check for staying up late?
Ratline immediately seats you at a small table with another of the crew opposite him.
The two of you grasp hands, and the other pirate stares you down, flexing his arm and attempting to crush your arm in a display of intimidation.
"Rules are very simple when I say go you go simple simple first one to let their arm touch the ground loses other one takes the pot. Good good one more thing," At this point another of the pirates brings a bag from behind his back and spreads its contents, shards and chunks of jagged broken glass, all over the table. As I said before there would be some improvements now before we begin I will need you to place a bet typically money but you may bet anything you like clear?
As Gideon approaches the "gambling corner" of the hold, he is immediately accosted by a shifty looking halfling, who, having obviously gauged his interest in gambling, immediately begins nudging him closer to the tables. In a second his mouth is open, words pour out in an almost unintelligible slur as he explains the gambling system aboard the Wormwood.
"Well, well, well, izis a new conscript I see? Name's Rattsberger call me Ratline and it would be my pleasure to help you loose yerself, possibly yer gold, in a few delicious diversions!
Gen'rally the rules are simple:
Either issue a general challenge or a specific challenge to anyone on the ship to a game cept officers well yeh can challenge em but its a bad idea just as old Harmak beat the captain in dice not lookin verry pretty nowadays anyways we got cards dice darts all o that but if you wanna try yer hand at a contest of skill we got standard arm wrestling with a few improvements of course an we got hog lob fine game fine game players take turns throwin a lead ingot cross the deck farthest wins then there's heave very dangerous er very fun drinking game last man standing wins you might die but that part a bein a pirate.
Got it?
So what do yeh fancy gamblin on then?"
Satinder is staying up late to take extra actions, so if you want to shadow her, I'm afraid resting won't be an option. If you do decide to wait for her, might I interest you in a contest of chance or skill? These pirates have invented many gambling games, some which are particularly suited to a man of strength.
I seem to be developing some mild psychic powers. Every character concept I have (first a half Orc drunken master, then a spellscar oracle) seems to get claimed before me. I must look into this. And think up some more characters!
Between the tone of you voice and your body language, you must have struck a wrong note, because Shivikah caution quickly turns to rage. She slams her mug onto the table and knocks her bench back as she stands up, raising her voice just enough to be audible to everyone in close proximity.
"Let me tell you something. I've been a slaver and a pirate for longer than you'll ever be, if there's one thing I've learned in this business it's that you DON'T simply go around begging like some stupid child for aid and expecting it will come to you. You want help? You earn it. And don't you ever expect to earn my help either.
Aasimar! Bastards always think their so damn entitled."
That last line she mutters under her breath in disgust, before storming away to her another part of the hold.
Maeleg sits near the Mwangi woman and speaks softly, looking at Lux' dance.
"I guess being a newcomer makes me and my friends look like the underdogs here. You seem to be a sensible person so I hope you won't make that mistake. To be honest, I'd rather hope you'll see in us an opportunity. If I were to be lucky on this ship, I wouldn't forget my friends. I won't forget my foes either." And I'll see them swimming with sharks before I forgive them.
His tone becomes more cheerful as he raises his tankard to finish his rum.
"By the way, I'm called Maeleg. Maeleg Valdemar. Cheers."
The woman's reply is terse and not altogether polite.
An aasimar? Back in my days as a body-trader you'd have fetched a fine price. Now what do you want?
Nothing much suspicious has come to your eye. Until now. You notice one of the officers, one of Plugg's lackey's come down and pass a note to a gang of four pirates who've been talking together the whole night. Based on Samdara's list, those four would be none other than Aretta Bansion, Fipps Chumlet, Jaundiced Jape, and Slippery Syl Lonegan. Fipps Chumlet cracks a wicked smile and looks around, briefly pausing as he spies you and each of the other five conscripts. Something is afoot.
Lux performs his dance with a mediocre level of skill and technicality. However, his antics a showmanship make him the favorite dancer of the night.
Satinder and Lux both now enjoy +2 to all charisma based checks against crew members who saw them perform for the next 24 hours.
Skaldi: While Tibs only engages in polite quite conversation at first, by the end of the evening, she is roaring with laughter at your stories and anecdotes.
"Skaldi, you are much too kind, I couldn't possibly be as lovely as this gnome you speak of. Still, I thank you for that; I haven't heard a compliment in a long time."
By the time you finish up your game of darts, the gnome has a smile plastered on her face nearly as wide as the mainsail.
"Hah! You forget that I am, believe it or not, a bloodthirsty pirate, and I know when a game is being thrown. You are a true gentleman, and I couldn't be more pleased to have met you. I may be a lowly swab, but if I can ever do anything to repay you for all the joy you have brought me tonight, consider it yours."
This time around, the pirates respond warmly, and a good part of them even join with you in singing the popular sea shanty, although they all seem to know different versions of the song, resulting in a rather cacophonous uproar of mismatched lyrics and tones. After the song finishes there is a warm cheer from the crowd.
Satinder takes +2 to diplomacy and bluff checks against anyone who heard this song.
Most of your crew is listening to your song when you finish; sailors like these are eager for any entertainment. At it's finish, a few murmurs come from the crowd, and then everyone returns to their business. The crew is not particularly impressed by your ditty, but, on the bright side, they aren't disgusted either.
Terz and anyone else who has been conscripted before:
Rum is freely passed around, and often times it's drinking enforced, to keep the sailors happy, sedated, and in no condition to rebel.
You do notice something right away: the six new conscripts are being watched by two nasty looking pirates the stairs. However, the two stop watching whoever starts drinking the rum. The effects of which, by the way, are starting to sink in.
Gain 2 temporary points of charisma, take one point of constitution damage, become fatigued.
The rum hits you hard, but it certainly provides a much needed boost in confidence.
Gain 3 temporary points of Charisma, take 1 point of con damage, become fatigued.
The Mwangi woman eyes you warily, and does not say anything as you approach.
Before you go to Grok, what do you do with the rum?
Skaldi, and anyone who hasn't had anything to drink: no actions until you tell me what you do with the rum!
Grok and Fishguts aren't currently in the crew area, they are off drinking somewhere else. So you'll have to wait a bit for that interaction to take place.
Before I give you the results of your entertainment, several things:
I'm going to wait to start your interaction with Grok and Fishguts until after everyone takes their first nighttime action, so as to give you a chance to respond to what the others may do.
Skaldi: The rum rations are freely available, so the one you recieved would be useless as a bribe.
It is the captain's orders that everyone drinks however, so regardless I will need to know if you plan on obeying orders or what you do with the rum.
Jeggare: Oh the wonderful world of PbP miscommunication. Anyways, with regards to that Perception check, are you using your nightime action to spend the whole time watching and listening, or are you just doing a quick look-around?
As you step down into the crew's quarters you are met with the sounds and sights of gambling, song, idle chatter and everything in between. Rum is being pass around freely, and in an instant a group of pirates presses tankards into your hands.
"Rum rations, captain's orders. Drink up!"
As you settle down in a quiet corner of the main hold, you survey the scene. There seems to be plenty to do, the only question is: what?
Check campaign info for nighttime actions. You each receive one action, although you may take more after everyone has gone to sleep (see Campaign Info for more details). I'm going to recommend that everyone takes one action first, and then see how it goes before taking more.
Sorry guys, I was almost done with a huge update to the campaign info (including the list) when the page got refreshed and I lost all of my progress. It'll be just a little while before I get it up again.
Master Scourge smiles wickedly before raising his whip.
1d3 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
1d3 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
1d3 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
That's 7 nonlethal damage and 6 lethal, leaving you with 1 hit point!
After three excruciating lashes, Ambrose is finally released, conscious but only barely. Chuckles can be heard from Plugg, Scourge, and a couple other pirates.
The ceremony is far from over however, for Mister Plugg takes center stage once again. He opens his mouth for the final punishment.
A hush washes over the crowd of sailors as the thugs from earlier drag a disheveled looking man from belowdecks with his hands bound. Around his neck a rope is firmly secured the other end of which is looped over the ship’s keel.
Bearing a look of pure fear tinged with resignation and defeat, the poor man is brought to railing of the ship. Here Master Scourge firmly grips the rope and then kicks him overboard.
For nearly two minutes Jakes Magpie is dragged underneath the ship: down one side, underwater across the barnacle encrusted hull, and up the other side.
What comes up from the dark waters is no longer Jakes Magpie, but rather a vaguely humanoid hunk of meat. The thing is hoisted into the air so that all the crew may gaze at the bloody mass of shredded skin before it gets thrown overboard.
"For the sharks," Master Scourge informs the crew with a malicious twinkle in his eye.
DC 15 Perception:
You caught a glimpse of Mr. Plugg’s face as he tugged at the rope during the keelhauling. The look on his face could only be described as one thing: pure glee.
DC 15 Heal:
Based on what was left of the body, you can tell that Jakes was both severely wounded (about 24 points of damage) and drowned as well. This is clearly a fate to be avoided at all costs.
After the ordeal is over, the entire crew sheepishly leaves for dinner, leaving only the six new recruits and the red-haired woman. She looks at Terz and Gideon and quickly introduces herself.
“Sandara Quinn. You six had better come with me.”
After taking you to a relatively quiet end of the ship (offering any help she can to Jeggare), she mutters short prayer:
“Pirate Queen, grant me the power to make these poor sailors fit to fight another day.”
At this a nimbus of light begins to spread from her fingertips, until it encompasses the seven of you. When it disappears, everyone is left feeling refreshed and even the wounds on Ambrose’s back seem to have miraculously healed.
Everyone heal all nonlethal damage and the following amounts of lethal damage (if necessary):
"Oi! Catman! Do y'see that cage hangin' off the mizzenmast? The one with the old parrot perched on top? That parrot belonged to the now rotting corpse of a former sailor, Harnak Gruft, who lies in that cage. An' yew wanna know what for? Beatin' the captain at dice, fair and square. Let that sit in yer furry noggin."
I know Lux elected to work hard . . . and how this cat is working like a dog. Has he learned anything working with the other riggers. Other than Plugg sucks. Or do I need to take other actions to learn more?
Normally you'd take an action, but I'll let you make one Diplomacy check at a -2 penalty to either learn something about one specific npc, OR to hear a general rumor floating around the Wormwood.