
monjebleu's page

Organized Play Member. 127 posts (228 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 9 aliases.

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Me Chief Rendwattle Gutwad. You may know me from adventure book called "We Be Goblins!" It real good book, but me not play big enough role in it. So me take matters into own hands, go kill book-writers. But me not find book-writers, even though me have goblins search all over Golarion.

So Chief Gutwad make up own adventures. Better adventures. But goblins not play Pathfinder with Me, because goblins can't read rule book. Neither can Chief Gutwad. Chief Gutwad have them killed, they make yummy stew.

Now Chief Gutwad get smart. Me have captured human, make him write words-that-travel-real-far. He says they go to message boards, where other stupid humans read them. Me not know what message boards are. Me cut his toes off. They make nice jewelry.

Now Chief Gutwad asks question. You interested in playing game with Chief Gutwad? Me can take you through adventure paths, modules,or even adventures Chief Gutwad make, you name it.

If yes, write words-that-travel-real-far with what Chief Gutwad should do.

If no, cut stomach out and send to Chief Gutwad. Me burn stomachs of all the stupid humans who not play game with Chief Gutwad.

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You just know that you're going to have a great campaign when someone uses the phrase "relatively normal" to describe an Animal Lord Dire Smilodon pc.