For a Sip o' Chelish Wine - Skull and Shackles PBP

Game Master Rafael Bronzatti

Map of the Wormwood

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There's no save.

It's an automatic 1d2 con damage and 1d4 temporary charisma as well as fatigue.

I may have forgotten it, but I meant to put a spoiler saying that you gained 2 or 3 cha and got hurt for 1 con

Male Male Catfolk Slayer 1 | HP 12 | AC 16, FF 10, Touch 13 | F +5, R +6, W -1 | Init +3 | P +3

Ahhhhh only one action for lucky kitty

AC 16 || HP 50|| Fort/Refl/Will +5/+8/+1 (+2 enchantments) || CMD 19 (21 trip) || Perc +11 || Brine's sting +8 (1d6+4/18-20) || MAP HERE


*starts slamming the cups hard on the table*

And Terz, you can take as many actions as you like, but the DC for your check increases by 4 for every action beyond one (14 > 18 >...)

The check is not if you have enough energy left, it's whether or not you will be fatigued (or worse) the day after.

Male Aasimar (Garuda-blooded) Gunslinger 1

I think I'll let you influence the NPCs, seems I'm not really good at it :o

AC 16 || HP 50|| Fort/Refl/Will +5/+8/+1 (+2 enchantments) || CMD 19 (21 trip) || Perc +11 || Brine's sting +8 (1d6+4/18-20) || MAP HERE

Maeleg, you should try bellydancing beforehand.. Works like a charm ;)

Male Aasimar (Garuda-blooded) Gunslinger 1

I'll need my musket...I can't negotiate without my musket ;)

AC 16 || HP 50|| Fort/Refl/Will +5/+8/+1 (+2 enchantments) || CMD 19 (21 trip) || Perc +11 || Brine's sting +8 (1d6+4/18-20) || MAP HERE

Well then, let's see how we can get your musket back into your possession as quickly as possible ;)

Male Half-Elf Summoner 1

I'm working on it. We just have to get to the rest of our night-time actions. Hopefully Grok is Helpful by morning.

All we need taken care of, as far as I can see, is Gideon's gambling. Hopefully we have some rules put forward for that sometime soon.

AC 16 || HP 50|| Fort/Refl/Will +5/+8/+1 (+2 enchantments) || CMD 19 (21 trip) || Perc +11 || Brine's sting +8 (1d6+4/18-20) || MAP HERE

I'm sure there are.
I just wonder if those two things will happen simultaneously, or one after another.
Can't wait :)

Sorry guys, I've been a little busy the past few days. Anyways, I'll run Gideon through some gambling and then we'll run everyone's extra actions.

AC 16 || HP 50|| Fort/Refl/Will +5/+8/+1 (+2 enchantments) || CMD 19 (21 trip) || Perc +11 || Brine's sting +8 (1d6+4/18-20) || MAP HERE

No problem bossman!
We be mighty interested though, that's a good thing ;)

Wizard/Swashbuckler 2 (HP 22/22) | AC: 12 (16) | T: 12 | FF: 10 | CMB +3 | CMD: 15| Fort: +0 | Ref: +4 | Wil: +4 | Init: +2 | Appraise +8 | Bluff: +3 | Diplomacy: +10 | Kn(Arcana, Geography): +9 | Kn(Planes): +12 | Kn(others): +4 | Prof. (Sailor): +7 | Perception: +6 | Sense Motive: +6 | Sleight of Hand +6 | Spellcraft: +9 | Stealth +5 | Swim +5 | Panache 5/5

How do watches work? Is there a schedule? Will we each be on watch at some point every night? Does it matter?

Also, how would you rule things like getting up early? Those personal habits can come into play on a pirate ship. Would it just be treated as taking a night action that occurs in the morning?

How early are we talking? Most of the pirates start work at noon, so if its just an hour to prepare spells and such it shouldn't be a problem at all.

Wizard/Swashbuckler 2 (HP 22/22) | AC: 12 (16) | T: 12 | FF: 10 | CMB +3 | CMD: 15| Fort: +0 | Ref: +4 | Wil: +4 | Init: +2 | Appraise +8 | Bluff: +3 | Diplomacy: +10 | Kn(Arcana, Geography): +9 | Kn(Planes): +12 | Kn(others): +4 | Prof. (Sailor): +7 | Perception: +6 | Sense Motive: +6 | Sleight of Hand +6 | Spellcraft: +9 | Stealth +5 | Swim +5 | Panache 5/5

Noon?! Bunch of layabouts! Given his history with the merchant marines, I would think Ambrose would likely be up no later than 6 AM.

EDIT: Being on a ship is not the same as being on land; shift schedules prevail. Therefore, it's not necessary that he had to be up at 5 or 6 AM every day. At the moment, I have no idea what would be 'normal' for him.

SECOND EDIT: It would appear that the ship we're currently on doesn't actually function on a watch system; it's more like a 9-5 job with no real work happening at night. I suppose there's not much that can be done on a ship in the dead of night, so that makes some degree of sense. The watch system bit also does terrible, terrible things to spellcasters who require 8 hours of sleep. Taking all this into account, I will fiat that Ambrose was previously subject to a modified watch system that allowed for the 8 hours uninterrupted rest required for preparing spells. I still like the idea that he gets up early, so if it meets your approval, in the future I'd like to take an extra night action that occurs in the morning period before the others are active.

Fair enough, I will still require you to roll against fatigue for that morning nighttime action.

AC 16 || HP 50|| Fort/Refl/Will +5/+8/+1 (+2 enchantments) || CMD 19 (21 trip) || Perc +11 || Brine's sting +8 (1d6+4/18-20) || MAP HERE

Great idea. Satinder would be one to stay up until the sounds of the night are ebbing away, before doing anything else, and simply sleep in the next day. However, I could see a wizard making a habit of going to bed ealier, and waking up (at least an hour) earlier than the others. He could be doing "nighttime" actions at a completely different time than Satinder!

Love the idea Horny ;)

Wizard/Swashbuckler 2 (HP 22/22) | AC: 12 (16) | T: 12 | FF: 10 | CMB +3 | CMD: 15| Fort: +0 | Ref: +4 | Wil: +4 | Init: +2 | Appraise +8 | Bluff: +3 | Diplomacy: +10 | Kn(Arcana, Geography): +9 | Kn(Planes): +12 | Kn(others): +4 | Prof. (Sailor): +7 | Perception: +6 | Sense Motive: +6 | Sleight of Hand +6 | Spellcraft: +9 | Stealth +5 | Swim +5 | Panache 5/5

I expected no less :) That's part of the fun, after all. And I'm glad it meets with your approval, Babs.

Male Half-Elf Summoner 1

I'm winding down and getting ready to head out so here are my daytime actions for tomorrow, summed up without the RP attached. Hopefully we don't make it to Nighttime actions, but expect them to be similiar.

Influence: Skaldi will attempt to influence one Unfriendly NPC if there's one working the deck/rigging. If no Unfriendlies are about, he'll try for a Hostile. If none of those, Indifferent.

I'm rolling Prof: Sailor on the assumption it's called for in my job. If not, feel free to sub in the appropriate skill.

Profession: Sailor: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24

Wizard/Swashbuckler 2 (HP 22/22) | AC: 12 (16) | T: 12 | FF: 10 | CMB +3 | CMD: 15| Fort: +0 | Ref: +4 | Wil: +4 | Init: +2 | Appraise +8 | Bluff: +3 | Diplomacy: +10 | Kn(Arcana, Geography): +9 | Kn(Planes): +12 | Kn(others): +4 | Prof. (Sailor): +7 | Perception: +6 | Sense Motive: +6 | Sleight of Hand +6 | Spellcraft: +9 | Stealth +5 | Swim +5 | Panache 5/5

To be completely fair, it may be prudent to point out that you're doing this for half a gold piece, rather than survival :P

AC 16 || HP 50|| Fort/Refl/Will +5/+8/+1 (+2 enchantments) || CMD 19 (21 trip) || Perc +11 || Brine's sting +8 (1d6+4/18-20) || MAP HERE

Ahem... Got your spells back, leftenant? Coz I got me a dagger and 'nuff hatred ;)

Also: half a gold piece, AND a bottle of grease... AND maybe Gideon's hand and pride.

Also: That's the order I put them, yes xD

AC 16 || HP 50|| Fort/Refl/Will +5/+8/+1 (+2 enchantments) || CMD 19 (21 trip) || Perc +11 || Brine's sting +8 (1d6+4/18-20) || MAP HERE

Poke and dodge...
Poke and wait...

It's dead Jim!

*starts casting Ressurect DM*

Male Half-Elf Summoner 1

*pokes the thread with a stick*

AC 16 || HP 50|| Fort/Refl/Will +5/+8/+1 (+2 enchantments) || CMD 19 (21 trip) || Perc +11 || Brine's sting +8 (1d6+4/18-20) || MAP HERE

*joins the poking*

Move action: assume flanking position.
Standard action: Poke 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 3 + 2 = 15
Damage: 1d4 + 3 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + 3 + (5) = 10

Male Half-Elf Summoner 1

Hooray for teamwork.

AC 16 || HP 50|| Fort/Refl/Will +5/+8/+1 (+2 enchantments) || CMD 19 (21 trip) || Perc +11 || Brine's sting +8 (1d6+4/18-20) || MAP HERE

We'll need someone to stabilize our GM.


*looks around*


Wizard/Swashbuckler 2 (HP 22/22) | AC: 12 (16) | T: 12 | FF: 10 | CMB +3 | CMD: 15| Fort: +0 | Ref: +4 | Wil: +4 | Init: +2 | Appraise +8 | Bluff: +3 | Diplomacy: +10 | Kn(Arcana, Geography): +9 | Kn(Planes): +12 | Kn(others): +4 | Prof. (Sailor): +7 | Perception: +6 | Sense Motive: +6 | Sleight of Hand +6 | Spellcraft: +9 | Stealth +5 | Swim +5 | Panache 5/5

Here, this should boost morale.

AC 16 || HP 50|| Fort/Refl/Will +5/+8/+1 (+2 enchantments) || CMD 19 (21 trip) || Perc +11 || Brine's sting +8 (1d6+4/18-20) || MAP HERE

*starts dancing and singing along!*

Perform: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

Guys, I was thinking, maybe we could continue and have a little time shift to "after" this is happening. I'll assume we sleep together, so we can talk about the day? Introduce ourselves more?

Wizard/Swashbuckler 2 (HP 22/22) | AC: 12 (16) | T: 12 | FF: 10 | CMB +3 | CMD: 15| Fort: +0 | Ref: +4 | Wil: +4 | Init: +2 | Appraise +8 | Bluff: +3 | Diplomacy: +10 | Kn(Arcana, Geography): +9 | Kn(Planes): +12 | Kn(others): +4 | Prof. (Sailor): +7 | Perception: +6 | Sense Motive: +6 | Sleight of Hand +6 | Spellcraft: +9 | Stealth +5 | Swim +5 | Panache 5/5

I'm in favor of this, though I intend to be asleep while the extra night actions are going on.

AC 16 || HP 50|| Fort/Refl/Will +5/+8/+1 (+2 enchantments) || CMD 19 (21 trip) || Perc +11 || Brine's sting +8 (1d6+4/18-20) || MAP HERE

Lame. Just "play pretend" and say you're awake ;)

Male Half-Elf Summoner 1

I think you need to be resting, not necessarily asleep. It's possible that when Satinder and I come back in after spending a chunk of the night out, we woke you.

Then, instead of crashing again, you lounged and spoke with us for a bit.

It at least gives us something to do while waiting for monjebleu to return.

As long as we don't say anything about how successful or not-so-successful our nighttime activities are, I'm all for it.

AC 16 || HP 50|| Fort/Refl/Will +5/+8/+1 (+2 enchantments) || CMD 19 (21 trip) || Perc +11 || Brine's sting +8 (1d6+4/18-20) || MAP HERE

Should we do it in discussion? or gameplay-tab?

Male Half-Elf Summoner 1

Gameplay. IG talk is IG talk.

AC 16 || HP 50|| Fort/Refl/Will +5/+8/+1 (+2 enchantments) || CMD 19 (21 trip) || Perc +11 || Brine's sting +8 (1d6+4/18-20) || MAP HERE

Kick it off Skaldi!

Male Half-Elf Summoner 1

It's always possible that Monjebleu came down with pneumonia or had a power disruption or internet failure or something. I'd love for this campaign to continue, and I think that we can stretch out the IG talk for a while. I think that once we hit 2 weeks with no word from the GM people will understand if we post looking for a replacement.

I certainly hope Monjebleu is doing alright.

AC 16 || HP 50|| Fort/Refl/Will +5/+8/+1 (+2 enchantments) || CMD 19 (21 trip) || Perc +11 || Brine's sting +8 (1d6+4/18-20) || MAP HERE

When was the last day he reacted?
Like the 2 week deadline.

AC 16 || HP 50|| Fort/Refl/Will +5/+8/+1 (+2 enchantments) || CMD 19 (21 trip) || Perc +11 || Brine's sting +8 (1d6+4/18-20) || MAP HERE

3rd of March.. Which would be 16 days ago.

Skaldi, will you try to get us hooked up again? :)

Male Half-Elf Summoner 1

Saturday will mark 2 weeks. This was his last post.

Male Half-Elf Summoner 1

I do alreay have the recruitment post drafted. We'll have to see how everything works out. Powers that Be willing, Monjebleu is alright and simply suffering from lack of internet. Next best scenario is that Monjebleu decided DMing three campaigns as his/her first pbp experience was a bit much and disappeared. I'm certainly hoping that this isn't a health concern.

AC 16 || HP 50|| Fort/Refl/Will +5/+8/+1 (+2 enchantments) || CMD 19 (21 trip) || Perc +11 || Brine's sting +8 (1d6+4/18-20) || MAP HERE
Skaldi the Tallest wrote:
I do alreay have the recruitment post drafted. We'll have to see how everything works out. Powers that Be willing, Monjebleu is alright and simply suffering from lack of internet. Next best scenario is that Monjebleu decided DMing three campaigns as his/her first pbp experience was a bit much and disappeared. I'm certainly hoping that this isn't a health concern.

I stil think he would tell us, not simply go away rude.

Worst case scenario, and he finds his way back to the internet, he could always take back the mantle of bossman?

Any here would like to DM?
Coz if we won't someone else, I will volunteer. Would hate to see this bleed out, we have such a nice group.

Male Half-Elf Summoner 1

I'd certainly prefer to keep the Crew together, though if you'd rather take over we can go that route as well. Depends on how everyone else feels.

If we lose Satinder as a PC, I'd love to see her stick around as a helpful NPC. I'd also like to find out about some other stowaway. We could use another skill monkey. We could also use another PC with a decent Diplomacy score. Out of 6 characters, Skaldi's the only one with higher than a +2.

Man I hope I find a wand of Eagle's Splendor.

I'd volunteer for the DM seat, but this campaign with this PC has been my white whale for almost a year.

Hey guys, monjebleu here and I know you probably want to murder me right now. Let me explain.

After my last post, the compulsive checking of the forums and the trouble of managing close to 20 PCs over three campaigns got to me, and I decided to take the day off. Long story short, one day turned to two, two to three, and so on. Before I knew it a week had passed, and I was too scared to even go on the forums, fearing the wrath of my players (despite the fact that all of you are wonderful good-natured people). I realize that I should have given you notice, and between that and my long hiatus I cannot apologize enough.

And finally, some bad news and some good news. The bad news is that I've decided it would be best for myself to extend this break from PBP to deal with some other stuff in my life (nothing terrible or dangerous, not to worry). The (somewhat) good news is that a friend of mine recently joined the forums, and maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to convince him to pick up one of the campaigns. Maybe. In the meantime, I suggest you all start looking for new GMs or moving on to other things or whatever you had planned.

Once again, I can't apologize enough and I hope that you (being some of the most excellent players) will find it in your hearts to forgive me.

Signing out (regretfully),


Wizard/Swashbuckler 2 (HP 22/22) | AC: 12 (16) | T: 12 | FF: 10 | CMB +3 | CMD: 15| Fort: +0 | Ref: +4 | Wil: +4 | Init: +2 | Appraise +8 | Bluff: +3 | Diplomacy: +10 | Kn(Arcana, Geography): +9 | Kn(Planes): +12 | Kn(others): +4 | Prof. (Sailor): +7 | Perception: +6 | Sense Motive: +6 | Sleight of Hand +6 | Spellcraft: +9 | Stealth +5 | Swim +5 | Panache 5/5

Meh. It happens. I'm running a private game for a friend of mine, and it's happened to each of us; we just have an understanding that it will eventually continue.

Good luck with everything else, Monjebleu. Just glad it isn't health problems.

AC 16 || HP 50|| Fort/Refl/Will +5/+8/+1 (+2 enchantments) || CMD 19 (21 trip) || Perc +11 || Brine's sting +8 (1d6+4/18-20) || MAP HERE

Monjebleu, thank you for reacting here. I find it sad to see you go, as I believe you were doing an excellent job in entertaining us, complete strangers from around the globe.

Secondly, I perfectly understand why you want to quit. My roleplaying motto, and my players know this, is that "real life trumps imaginary life", and I adhere to that.

We will attempt to find a suitable replacement for you, and we hope you will check in from time to time, to read and maybe give some feedback. :)

Hate to see you go, but wishing you well!


AC 16 || HP 50|| Fort/Refl/Will +5/+8/+1 (+2 enchantments) || CMD 19 (21 trip) || Perc +11 || Brine's sting +8 (1d6+4/18-20) || MAP HERE

What say the other peeps here?
* Want to volunteer?
* Want to ask for someone on recruitment thread?
* Want to quit?
* ...?

Male Half-Elf Summoner 1

Monjebleu, I'm just glad to hear you're doing alright. Best of luck in dealing with what ails you. Real Life Comes First. It's a rule. Hopefully we see you back some day and you can enjoy the experience here.

Hopefully you'll be around long enough to hand over the reigns to the campaign. I'm sure three's a mechanism for that on these forums.

@All others: My preference is to persevere. I'm ready to hunt down a new GM if you guys are ready to follow one. We can start the hunt in our own ranks, if that works for everyone here.

This adventure with this PC is my White Whale. I'm hoping we can keep it going.

AC 16 || HP 50|| Fort/Refl/Will +5/+8/+1 (+2 enchantments) || CMD 19 (21 trip) || Perc +11 || Brine's sting +8 (1d6+4/18-20) || MAP HERE

Satinder would love to play, but you can consider me as a back-up in case nobody can take over. It's just that I enjoy playin' on these boards, since on the AFK roleplaying games, I'm always the DM :P

Male Half-Elf Summoner 1

I'll wait to hear from more of the crew before putting up a recruitment post.

Male Male Catfolk Slayer 1 | HP 12 | AC 16, FF 10, Touch 13 | F +5, R +6, W -1 | Init +3 | P +3

I would love to continue. If we can get a new gm that would be fun.

Male Aasimar (Garuda-blooded) Gunslinger 1

My preference is to persevere. I'm ready to hunt down a new GM if you guys are ready to follow one. We can start the hunt in our own ranks, if that works for everyone here.

This adventure with this PC is my White Whale. I'm hoping we can keep it going.

Same here, I'd love to continue.

Male Half-Elf Summoner 1

That's, at least, a majority. I'm heading over to recruitment to seek a GM.

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