Satinder Morne |

When Gideon is close, and not too many people are looking, she will draw his attention to the hatchet at her side.
"I know it's probably smaller than you are used to," she says and follows with a pause that took just a second too long before she continues. "...but maybe this could be useful to you. I never understood those axes, they don't balance quite right. Although this one seems to be very nice.
Oh, and don't worry about the price, I'm sure you'll find a way to repay me in kind."
I figure you're the most obvious choice to get it, as a fighter.
Who's your favourite rogue? ;)

Lieutenant Ambrose Jeggare |

Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Ambrose grunts in pain after the first lash is laid across his back. The second brings him to his knees. At the third strike, his vision blacks out, returning slowly in shades of red. Tendrils of smoke drift up from the stripes on his back, and he's vaguely aware of rough hands unbinding him from the mast and gentler hands dragging him back to the crowd. Leaning on the shoulders of the others, he hangs his head, too weak to watch the spectacle. His forked tongue lolls out of his open mouth, and he mumbles something unintelligible.
After another bout of dulled dragging, he feels a sudden surge, like the rising tide, buoying his spirit. There's a sensation of water lapping at his wounds, but it comforts rather than stings, until he no longer feels the welts. Ambrose stands, finally able to carry his own weight again, and looks around to see his fellow conscripts gathered around Sandara. He accepts his shirt from Skaldi, putting it back on. "Thank you, Ms. Quinn. I had suspicions about you before, but I lay them aside in gratitude." He looks at everyone's faces, meets their gaze, evaluating them. Like it or not, Jeggare, these are your new mates. You've drawn too much attention to yourself to hold off picking sides; that decision has been made for you. Now you owe it to them to prove they have chosen well; Jeggares always pay their debts.

![]() |

It'll work fine when the time comes. He replies reassuringly. Hopefully the rest of our comrades will find other means to help themselves too. I'll be ready when you are.
He smiles slightly
Just pull that move when you snuck up on those slavers back in the day while I charged them and we'll be fine.
You are of course lol

Sandara Quinn. |

"Don't worry about being seen together, most of the ship's officers dine together, away from the crew. Be wary, however, for it is highly likely that Scourge and Plugg will soon set some of his lackeys to spyin' on you. I have no doubts that those two fiends, no offense to you, Lieutenant, will soon set about poisoning the minds of the crew against you."
"That's why I wanted to talk to you. It will be of immeasurable importance that you make some friends here on the Wormwood; your survival could very well depend upon it. To help you, I've written you a list of all the crewmembers and officers aboard. Use it well."
Check the gameplay tab for this list. Attitudes have been included and will be adjusted accordingly.
"Now, we'd best get belowdecks for the nights entertainment before we're missed."

Satinder Morne |

"Me, sneaking? You aren't implying that I fight unfair now would you?
They saw, and heard, me coming all right but were a little unprepared. I must say I won't forget the way their eyes changed when they felt my dagger in between their ribs.
Oh, and as for our companions, I'm helping Skald get some butter. Don't look at me like that, I'm serious! Magic and all that you know..."
She will look around at the others, unsure if they have heard the conversation.
"I was talking to Gid about being prepared. Anyone need anything to defend themselves? It would be wise to be ready for trouble, and aid one another as much as we can."
That's easy, i'm the only rogue :p

Skaldi the Tallest |

I'm sure they're away in a hidey hole, but they've eyes and ears amongst the crew. Do any crew members bind them together. Is there anyone we should try to sway?
Skaldi follows everyone else when they head belowdecks for chow.
In response to Satinder, I have most of what I need here, he pats the pair of bags on his hip, thanks to Sandara. If you see a dagger with a handle carved to resemble a nude nymph, I'd appreciate having it returned. It won't cut flesh for anyone but me.
And only my flesh at that.

Satinder Morne |

"Kinky!" is everything she says when she joins the others down below.
Satinder will tap her own sleeve with her index and middle fingers locked together, when she is certain Gideon can see it.
That Skaldi is a strange fellow. I can see his pointy ears are similar to mine, but he has a dark aura around him. Not like the tiefling, whose eyes smolder when we is angry or upset. Doesn't seem to be very handy when trying to hide your feelings... Also intriguing to see to see him interact with the Aasimar. Haven't seen any of them, but it's hard to not tie that image together with the descriptions.
Gid is still the same, thank you Calistria. It's nice to have someone to be able to trust.
The big cat is interesting, and I *am* interested.

Maeleg Valdemar |

"I fear I'm not really good at making friends but I'll do what I can."
When Satinder asks if anyone need anything, he answers immediately.
"Well, if you ever see a musket.. that's a weapon by the way.. I'd love to have it back. Hopefully, nobody on this ship knows its real value."
And as soon as I'll have it back, I'll be ready to tell our dear Mr Plugg what I really think of him ...

Satinder Morne |

"I can tell you I didn't prepare Varisian duck! Oh, remember when tha Dwarven monk came to us and asked if we knew where to get a Varisian sandwich?"
Satinder grins, and her eyes seem to continue her laughter.

Lieutenant Ambrose Jeggare |

Ambrose raises an eyebrow at the mention of a 'Varisian sandwich'. "Forgive me, I seem to have misunderstood. Did you say you were the cook or the ship's whore? Crumpet, strumpet, they sound so alike, you see."

Skaldi the Tallest |

Leftenant, Skaldi says with a clap on his shoulder, you have so very few friends right now. Perhaps insulting those you do have isn't called for, at the moment. Skaldi can't help but laugh as they make their way to dinner. His tone is light and joking.
That's enough out of you. Behave for once.
I'm not sure if the tone was supposed to be joking or not on Ambrose's part. If so, hopefully Skaldi doesn't offend. I'm kind of picturing him as our Mr. Spock at this point.

Maeleg Valdemar |

"I really hope you're joking, Lieutenant..we don't need that right now."
Maeleg smiles at Satinder.
"Anyway, your friend asks a good question : what are we going to eat tonight ?"
I don't know what is a Varisian duck and I'm sure I don't want to ask...maybe Skaldi knows, I could ask him.

Terz "Lux" |

Lux laughs and begins to loosen up a bit. His tail flitting around back and fourth. "Any weapon in a pinch will do. Though I favor throwing axes they work good up close and across the deck. I had a pair and a few coins before I ended up here. Though so far the company is better than my last ship. Less Chels. No offense Jeggare you are in rough straights here too."

monjebleu |

As you step down into the crew's quarters you are met with the sounds and sights of gambling, song, idle chatter and everything in between. Rum is being pass around freely, and in an instant a group of pirates presses tankards into your hands.
"Rum rations, captain's orders. Drink up!"
As you settle down in a quiet corner of the main hold, you survey the scene. There seems to be plenty to do, the only question is: what?
Check campaign info for nighttime actions. You each receive one action, although you may take more after everyone has gone to sleep (see Campaign Info for more details). I'm going to recommend that everyone takes one action first, and then see how it goes before taking more.

Skaldi the Tallest |

Skaldi looks askance at Sandara. Captain's orders? He keeps them besotted to keep them his?
I'm planning on influencing crew, but I'm curious what's up with the rum first. Can we use it as bribery? Namely can someone use it to get on Tilly's good side?
He looks to his companions and then about the room. We need friends and we need knowledge, who can try for what? I'm a talker, as I'm sure you've sorted out. I wouldn't mind speaking with the Quartermaster. Satinder, do you think you can get chummy with the cook tomorrow? Priestess, can you speak with Rosie or Conchobar? Us new kids need to stick together.
At the moment Skaldi has no reason not to treat Sandara as one of the PCs. She's been as active as anyone.

Lieutenant Ambrose Jeggare |

This is the awkward thing about PbP - time flows on without a chance to respond. I don't mean to have the last word, but I won't let a perfectly viable roleplaying opportunity go to waste simply because we're already at dinner :)
For notice, the prior post was, indeed, a joke. It doesn't appear to have translated very well, and it was meant to be sardonic and dead-pan. There's no way to resolve that bit without being even clumsier than this is already going to be, so I'm just letting it slide unless Satinder responds to it in some fashion. See above for comment on PbP awkwardness.
At the implication, Ambrose whips his head around to the cat-man, his barbed tail flexed and poised. With fire in his eyes and ice in his voice, he says, "I am many things. I am devil-spawn. I am Asmodean. I am Jeggare. But I am no damned Chel." He rotates his head, glaring at everybody in turn, wisps of smoke escaping from his flared nostrils. "I am Korvosan, and I will not tolerate such insult. Do I make myself entirely clear?"
After a few seconds, he calms down. His tail falls limp, he relaxes his shoulders and he takes a deep breath. His sinuses gradually stop smoking and the tension in his voice fades. "Dinner awaits," he says.
In the crew quarters, Ambrose sips the rum carefully, nursing it through the meal. He doesn't speak without prompting, preferring to watch and listen. He pays attention to the plans being made, but also takes time to watch the other activity going on around them, making not of who's grouped together, what they do, how they respond to each other.
Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21

monjebleu |

Skaldi: The rum rations are freely available, so the one you recieved would be useless as a bribe.
It is the captain's orders that everyone drinks however, so regardless I will need to know if you plan on obeying orders or what you do with the rum.
Jeggare: Oh the wonderful world of PbP miscommunication. Anyways, with regards to that Perception check, are you using your nightime action to spend the whole time watching and listening, or are you just doing a quick look-around?

Lieutenant Ambrose Jeggare |

The initial intent was just a quick look around, for the time being, though with that check I'm tempted to use it as a night action. Speaking of, what of the bird? I have an empathic link with my familiar, so I should at least be able to 'check' if it's in danger.

Satinder Morne |

Everyone will have heard this, but i'm spoilering for "wall of text" syndrom.
"You sure know how to treat a woman just right, don't you? Make her feel loved and wanted, and treat her like a lady 'n all?"
She looks at the others, to let them make sure that she is not offended by this comment.
"Come on guys, chill. At least we know our dear leftenant has been to Varisia.. Or did you learn all this from your books?"
Satinder will try to get Ambrose to blush.
I wonder if he only gets those smokey things when he is angry...
Satinder will go and see where Fishguts is at, and give him a wink before getting on one of the tables and whistling hard to get everyone's attention.
She will then start singing a song, not too strong at first to make sure everyone "stops" talking to listen, and when it is more or less quiet, she will unlease the true strength of her voice.
I hope someone will know this song, and break out a guitar to accompany me...
The streetlamps are on in the Shackles tonight,
And lovers a'gazin' at stars
The stores are all closin', and Daley is dozin',
And the fat man is counting the hams...
And there's more hams than places to put 'em, he says
But I've got room for them all;
So 'round 'em up lad,
'cause I want some more fat.
In the lot by the butcher's store...
To me, way, hey, tow them away,
The Wormwood Pirates are we,
From Cheliax to Brevoy, there's nothin' so hairy
And we always collect our fee!
So it's way, hey, tow 'em away,
We plunder the streets of your town,
Be it gold or silver, there's no loot too heavy,
And no one can make us shut down…
Perform (sing): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
The link is in the italics text above, if you want to "hear" it.
Later on:
Influence Cut-throat Grok, by drawing him and Fishguts into a drinking competition. The winner gets a kiss!
Satinder will make sure to fill up the cup of Grok a little less than Fishguts, and give Grok more attention.
Constitution: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3 > Satinder will be fatigued tomorrow.
Diplomacy (if necessary?) > 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

monjebleu |

Before I give you the results of your entertainment, several things:
- I'm going to wait to start your interaction with Grok and Fishguts until after everyone takes their first nighttime action, so as to give you a chance to respond to what the others may do.
- Grok is female.
- Did you drink the rum or not?

Satinder Morne |

* Okay, no problem.
* Grok is a female? Mhmm, hard to tell with these orcs. But Satinder will still offer a kiss (on the cheeck), to rile up the men. If Grok is truly appaled by the idea, she will switch it up to "You can choose who you get it from. I can vouch for Gideon, that man has quite some experience, I can tell you!" Sorry Gid
* Seeing as Satinder has a busy night planned ahead, she will use the song as an excuse not to drink (beginning of the night) and the drinking contest as a way to get rid of her own drink in the cups of others.
I will expect responses to my song guys. Better suit up, or Satinder will be pissed off.. Common sense check DC 5 :P

Maeleg Valdemar |

To Ambrose
"My devil-born friend, we don't really care what you were. You are now one of us and that's good enough don't you think ?"
Maeleg drinks his rum slowly, watching and listening to the crew.
He grins at Satinder when she sings and makes sure she sees him applauding her performance.
After the meal, he'll go near the tall Mwangi woman and speak with her.
That would be an Influence action. I'm not sure Maeleg is the best suited for that kind of action but I'll try

Skaldi the Tallest |

I'll be taking two extra actions and accepting the fact that I'm fatigued tomorrow. I mean, I'll roll, but it won't be pretty.
Edit:Yup, not pretty at all, but that's a lot of diplomacy being thrown around at least. I think I managed to raise both of them by 2 steps.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30
Con Check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Terz "Lux" |

Lux puts up his hands to diffuse the situation. "Forgive me Jeggare I have know three very small worlds in my days. The jungle I was born to, the mansion of my first slave master and the deck of a Chel frigate. Obviously I mistook you for something you are not. I like you better already."

Terz "Lux" |

This is my second conscription aboard a ship. Do I notice or have any insight as to why the captain would have to order sailors to drink rum, which normally sailors favor? That phrase hung ominously in the air.

Lieutenant Ambrose Jeggare |

monjebleu |

Rum is freely passed around, and often times it's drinking enforced, to keep the sailors happy, sedated, and in no condition to rebel.
Gain 2 temporary points of charisma, take one point of constitution damage, become fatigued.
Gain 3 temporary points of Charisma, take 1 point of con damage, become fatigued.
The Mwangi woman eyes you warily, and does not say anything as you approach.
Skaldi, and anyone who hasn't had anything to drink: no actions until you tell me what you do with the rum!

Satinder Morne |

Seeing as Satinder has a busy night planned ahead, she will use the song as an excuse not to drink (beginning of the night) and the drinking contest as a way to get rid of her own drink in the cups of others.
Satinder will pretend to drink, but use the song(s) she is about to sing as an easy way to get rid of the cup, by putting it on a nearby table.
I'm sure someone will drink its contents before the song is over.
After the song:
* If it is no longer there before she goes to Grok: perfect.
* If it is still there, she will lose the rum by passing next to people and spilling it on the ground and a little bit on her tunic for the smell.
"Hah! I'll have to see it to believe it..."

Satinder Morne |

Stealth: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

monjebleu |

You surreptitiously spill the rum.
Most of your crew is listening to your song when you finish; sailors like these are eager for any entertainment. At it's finish, a few murmurs come from the crowd, and then everyone returns to their business. The crew is not particularly impressed by your ditty, but, on the bright side, they aren't disgusted either.

Satinder Morne |

Ditty means short song right?
If I notice they are expecting more, that's what I'll give em. If I can, of course. Hell, why not use the classics?
Perform (sing):1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
You can hear the song here!
Yo ho, yo ho a pirates life for me
we pillage, we plunder, we rifle and loot
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.
we kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.
Yo ho yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
we extort, we pilfage, we filch and sack.
Drink up me 'earties yo ho
Maraude and embezzle and even hijack
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.
Yo ho, yo ho a pirate's life for me.
We kindle and char and flame and ignite
Drink up me 'earties yo ho.
We burn up the city, we're really afright
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho!
We're rascals, scoundrels, villans and naves
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.
We're devils and blacksheep and really bad eggs
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho!
Yo ho, yo ho a pirates life for me
We're beggars and blighters and ne'er do well cats
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho
I think we're loved by our mommies and dads.
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho!

Skaldi the Tallest |

Do I have options, mechanically? Skaldi'd rather not drink. In the least he's not getting drunk. He'll sip the rum until thre's a chance to dump it. Even better if he can mix up some grog and sip that instead. Still with the intention of dumping or spilling it somewhere.
He doesn't have an issue drinking, but he'll certainly not get drunk while surrounded by enemies.

monjebleu |

This time around, the pirates respond warmly, and a good part of them even join with you in singing the popular sea shanty, although they all seem to know different versions of the song, resulting in a rather cacophonous uproar of mismatched lyrics and tones. After the song finishes there is a warm cheer from the crowd.
Satinder takes +2 to diplomacy and bluff checks against anyone who heard this song.

Lieutenant Ambrose Jeggare |

During the second song, Ambrose can't help but grimace in disgust. Never have I been surrounded by such scum. Black-hearted scoundrels, honor-less curs, and inveterate reprobates they are. Asmodeus, lend me strength.
He stops sipping, and drains his mug instead. Stick with your fellow conscripts, Jeggare. They've shown themselves to be a cut above the others, if nothing else, and you shall require allies; alone, you will get yourself killed. You learned that lesson today. Take it to heart, and Asmodeus may see fit to preserve you through this malfeasance.
At some point during the festivities, he approaches Terz. "My prior conduct was... unbecoming of my station. You and I may be more different than we are alike, but if nothing else, we have a common enemy in Cheliax. It would serve me well to remember that."
So, how's the Spock comparison holding up?

Terz "Lux" |

Lux leans over to those seem wary of the rum. Lux speaks quietly"It likely won't kill you but it won't help. I will take the hit tonight. Hold on a moment I will cause a scene maybe give you who wish to dump it a chance. If I don't get much attention don't try to dump it."
Stepping forward in a lull of the entertainment, Lux makes a show of slamming his rum. With a loud "AHHHHH!" he moves to block his companions lifting both hands up and declares, "I think they serve better Piss in Hell, but those bastards have more to forget eh."
Constitution: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12
bluff if necessary: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22Including the buff from drinking the rum
At this point Lux joins in the general merriment trying to entertain and chum around with the crew. He dances about acrobatically (Sargavans do capoeira right LOL) during boisterous songs.
Night time action entertain: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
When Jeggare approaches Lux offers him a hand to shake. "It was not you who judged another wrongly. I did not know the Pentagram was revered outside of Cheliax. I see you have no love for one my time harsh masters."

Terz "Lux" |

lol man I was hoping my perform dance check would cover it. I knew I should have made him a ranger. If I really screw the acro can my perm check above include self deprecating humor to make everyone laugh with me lol
acrobatics: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15

monjebleu |

Lux performs his dance with a mediocre level of skill and technicality. However, his antics a showmanship make him the favorite dancer of the night.
Satinder and Lux both now enjoy +2 to all charisma based checks against crew members who saw them perform for the next 24 hours.
Skaldi: While Tibs only engages in polite quite conversation at first, by the end of the evening, she is roaring with laughter at your stories and anecdotes.
"Skaldi, you are much too kind, I couldn't possibly be as lovely as this gnome you speak of. Still, I thank you for that; I haven't heard a compliment in a long time."
By the time you finish up your game of darts, the gnome has a smile plastered on her face nearly as wide as the mainsail.
"Hah! You forget that I am, believe it or not, a bloodthirsty pirate, and I know when a game is being thrown. You are a true gentleman, and I couldn't be more pleased to have met you. I may be a lowly swab, but if I can ever do anything to repay you for all the joy you have brought me tonight, consider it yours."
You were right, Giffer Tibs has become helpful!

Lieutenant Ambrose Jeggare |

Ambrose reaches to take the proffered hand, but he pauses as the inverted pentagram on the back of his glove catches his eye. Considering it, he sighs deeply. "My family tree has deep roots in Cheliax, it is true. It is undeniable that hellfire runs in my veins, and I serve the Dark Prince by right of my lineage. But the Chels look down on me and mine. They forget that they worshiped Hell before the death of the god of Humanity, before they took power. And now, they foolishly believe that Hell serves Cheliax." At this, his face contorts in loathsome disgust, and his voice fills with vitriol. "Devils are servants there, second-class citizens if not slaves outright, and if I had been born there, it would be no different for me, no matter what my name. But the proud Chels forget that they only have the power that Asmodeus has bestowed upon them, and House Thrune's hubris will be the final downfall of their crumbling empire!" He looks into Terz's large cat-eyes, set into his furry face. He holds that gaze as he finishes, "I serve Hell. But Hell does not serve Cheliax, and neither do I." Finally, he reaches forward again, taking Terz's paw in a firm grip. "I am Lieutenant Ambrose Jeggare, of the Korvosan Jeggares. Well met."
My, how the rum has loosened his tongue. Terz, I'm digging the scene; cat-man doing the ginga on a pirate ship, shanties and pirate songs filling the air. Good stuff!

Maeleg Valdemar |

Maeleg sits near the Mwangi woman and speaks softly, looking at Lux' dance.
"I guess being a newcomer makes me and my friends look like the underdogs here. You seem to be a sensible person so I hope you won't make that mistake. To be honest, I'd rather hope you'll see in us an opportunity. If I were to be lucky on this ship, I wouldn't forget my friends. I won't forget my foes either."
And I'll see them swimming with sharks before I forgive them.
His tone becomes more cheerful as he raises his tankard to finish his rum.
"By the way, I'm called Maeleg. Maeleg Valdemar. Cheers."

monjebleu |

Maeleg sits near the Mwangi woman and speaks softly, looking at Lux' dance.
"I guess being a newcomer makes me and my friends look like the underdogs here. You seem to be a sensible person so I hope you won't make that mistake. To be honest, I'd rather hope you'll see in us an opportunity. If I were to be lucky on this ship, I wouldn't forget my friends. I won't forget my foes either."
And I'll see them swimming with sharks before I forgive them.
His tone becomes more cheerful as he raises his tankard to finish his rum.
"By the way, I'm called Maeleg. Maeleg Valdemar. Cheers."
The woman's reply is terse and not altogether polite.
An aasimar? Back in my days as a body-trader you'd have fetched a fine price. Now what do you want?
![]() |

Gideon is enraptured by Satinder's singing, yet again.
For all her flaws and that insatiable curiosity that has somehow gotten me into trouble more than I'd like, she really is something.
Then he sees her striking up a drinking competition.
God's give me strength.
He walks over to make sure she doesn't end up repeating that night in.....suddenly he couldn't remember the name.

Maeleg Valdemar |

He answers with a grin.
"I hope I'd have fetched more than a fine price."
And I'm sure you wouldn't have been able to pay.
"Anyway, what I want is quite simple : help me and my companions on this ship and you won't regret it. And please, don't make the mistake to think I'm like my father : I'm a servant of the Pirate Queen and I don't hesitate to help her other servants. The aquatic ones if you take my meaning..."
Well, I guess calling for a sea monster would not be a great idea but there are always sharks in those waters...