Skaldi the Tallest |

Bossman, Any chance we can get a stock of who we've met on the ship and how they feel about us?
Maybe Name-Note (race, job, etc)-Apparent Disposition
Conchobar Shortstone - Gnomish fop & rigger - Neutral
ETA: You were right about the roll, it garners a +1. Here's my attempt.
Knowledge: Local: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14
Failure. :(

Satinder Morne |

Our DM is even more amazing than you think, Skaldi ;)

Satinder Morne |

Nice! :)
Poor bugger, keelhauling is not a nice way to go.

Satinder Morne |

Man, the other PBP's i'm in are really slowing down a LOT...
Keep up the good work lads, I love (playing) Satinder! :)
Anyone had the same experience? PBP coming to a halt mid-adventure?

Lieutenant Ambrose Jeggare |

Same. A bunch of people dropped from one, and we've got some new recruits, but they're not very good about posting. The other one is just very awkwardly-paced.

Satinder Morne |

Can I just say that I am loving everyone's internal monologues?
Awesome, real nice way to add character.
Also: Satinder is a rake, so she needs to ruffle feathers (in my opinion). If you don't like something, or want to add some way for me to 'insult' your character (I'm looking at you horny! ˆˆ) be sure to let me know.
Oh, and remember that Satinder has a peg leg, so you can hit her where it hurts ;)

Lieutenant Ambrose Jeggare |

Oh, there are plenty of ways to insult Ambrose. Some of them shouldn't be used until they come up somehow in character, but given his status as a tiefling, a rich kid, and a military man being forced to serve on a pirate ship, it shouldn't be hard to come up with a laundry list of ways to make his eyes smoke. Sheesh, I already feel like the smoke thing is getting overused.
If you ever feel like some serious confrontation, call him a Chel. You might want to hold that one up your sleeve for awhile, though.

Satinder Morne |

I can't wait to use my next one, Ambrose!
Got a good idea ˆˆ

Satinder Morne |

Cant see the list, am I doing something wrong?
I swear, I'm not a blond with gigantic boobs in real life, I know how to use the computer :P

Lieutenant Ambrose Jeggare |

It's not just you. I suspect that the DM is currently working on it, as well as the next post.

Skaldi the Tallest |

Not sure if this will be helpful for you, but I tend to write out my posts in a WordPad type program and save them often there. I've had a frustrating amount of posts disappear halfway through when stuff like that happens. After you’re done, it’s simple enough to cut and paste.

Satinder Morne |

Same here, Skaldi.
I play Vampire aswell, and some of the ingame letters have to really ahve a ZING.. So after half an hour of typing and getting the right feel, you DONT want t start all over :P

Skaldi the Tallest |

Alternately, a Google Doc that only you can edit, but we can all view.
I've been there with letters for VtM and VtR. That may be one of the things that drove me to the Nosferatu after a while. Plus, at a LARP, handing someone a stained and soiled letter is just a precious moment.

Satinder Morne |

+1 on the Google Document. Damn easy!
Skaldi: you still paying VTR LRP? I am, once a month, and still enjoying it. As a matter of fact, I'm prepping a coup: slow'n'steady, Carthian style ;)

monjebleu |

Sorry for the delays everyone, part mishap and part me getting a lazy. I'll make sure to work on an external program from now on.
Check the Campaign Info page! Lots of new stuff!
Hold up on posting for a minute however, as I have an important post to make before you start declaring nighttime actions.

Terz "Lux" |

How aware are we of the attitudes of the crew in character. I mean is it obvious, people walking around meh or scowling at us or smiling? Or should we expect to make sense motive checks before we get a feel for who hates us.

Satinder Morne |

Monjebleu, you missed on of your npc's in the list.
I mean, it's not in bold like the others.
>> Maheem (male human): a big Rahadoumi with a permanent scowl; job: rigger; attitude: hostile.

Satinder Morne |

Euh, maybe a strange question.
But i assume that the secondary action *works*, but you feel fatigues the next day...
How about doing 2 extra actions, but failing both con-checks?

Satinder Morne |

So it's this:
1 action: no check
2 actions: single con check 14
3 actions: single con check, but DC 18?

Satinder Morne |

Prepare to be whipped! ;)
Rolls: 17 -> 20 -> 19 -> 4...

Satinder Morne |

Did you guys (not characters) like the Pirate Song I converted?
If I know it's appreciated, I'll attempt to do the same next time...
Also, Bossman, can I see what my song has done? Or will I be able to in the future? I'm okay with a "No.", just mighty curious :D
Also, I remember packing "Alchemical Kindness" for these kinds of situations. Too bad it was nicked, guys ;)

Lieutenant Ambrose Jeggare |

I haven't listened to the song, so I was a bit thrown off by the lack of rhyming, but it seemed solid enough. IIRC, there was a thread that popped up right after the AP was announced for converted shanties. I'll see if I can find a link.
Edit: Link removed. Skaldi's (below) works.

Satinder Morne |

Yeah, it's a real song so I had to edit some words to make it work.
Can't really be talking about cars now can we? :P
And thanks for the link. I am purposefully not entering the section of S&S to avoid possible spoilers.

Satinder Morne |

Your link brings me to our own "Campaign Info".

Skaldi the Tallest |

I really appreciate anything that adds a bit of atmosphere to the thread. Keep it up.
Edit: Try this one.

Satinder Morne |

Bossman, do you require more info about what Satinder does after this?
Coz you told me to wait, so be sure to give me the green light.
Reminder: she will visit Grok and Fishguts, and have a drinking contest (between them). :)

Skaldi the Tallest |

Well, tis the season of "almost not freezing outside" which means I'll be off for a few days this weekend. People will hit me with padded plumbing supplies. I'll fall down. It'll be great. For a few days, thought, I won't be able to post. Apologies for that.
You'll have dead air from me from about 4 on Friday until sometime Sunday evening.
Just an FYI In case you guys worry.

Satinder Morne |

You do know you're not supposed to fall down? You should aim to make the other guy fall ;)
Maybe you can inform the GM what you would want to do in the next couple of days, and he can "post" for you? :)

Satinder Morne |

Welcome back Gideon, we missed you!
Get ready to attack! Ignore the half-elf!
Damn it! :p

monjebleu |

Conchobar's attitude is correct. I may not have played his arrogance up enough for you to realize that he was originally hostile.
The Mwangii has not been adjusted, as I don't think Maeleg has made any rolls yet.
And everyone going to the drinking contest needs to wait until everyone has taken their first nighttime actions, as that will happen later.