For a Sip o' Chelish Wine - Skull and Shackles PBP

Game Master Rafael Bronzatti

Map of the Wormwood

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Lieutenant? Round here you're nothing, and it'd be delusional to think otherwise.

He picks his mop up off the floor and resumes work, moving a few feet away from you.

AC 16 || HP 50|| Fort/Refl/Will +5/+8/+1 (+2 enchantments) || CMD 19 (21 trip) || Perc +11 || Brine's sting +8 (1d6+4/18-20) || MAP HERE


Question: If I were to take the axe with me, would I be able to hide it? I'm thinking of somewhere in the rathole that is a kitchen?

Question: Do I have time to talk to the man?
If no >> I'll come back the next day.
If yes >>
"Good day to you, signori. You seem to be in quite a pickle. Dare I ask why? And maybe offer my assistance in some way?"
She will address the man in common, obviously.
Diplomacy, if required: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22

Concering kitchen duty / Fishguts: "he" should have been "we" in that sentence.
And it wasn't supposed to make much sense (to him), but she's referring to cooking rats as a 'healthy' adddition to the ship's rations. She wants to see if he'll pick it up (Ah, you know of that?) or if he'll groan in digust (You're one of those! Yuck!!)

Oh, and she'll sing during her work, if it doesn't upset Fishguts.
Sing:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

The kitchen is a total mess, you could hide a canon in there if you wanted to. However, you don't need to hide it; you've seen crew members, including new recruits (the halfling), openly carry weapons.

Fishguts quietly ignores your comment on the rats.
After listening to your song for a while: "I 'preciate the singin' miss, but ahm not nearly drunk enough t'enjoy yer, ahem, wunnerful voice."

The man in the bilges simply pays no heed to your question, and goes back to staring off into space.

AC 16 || HP 50|| Fort/Refl/Will +5/+8/+1 (+2 enchantments) || CMD 19 (21 trip) || Perc +11 || Brine's sting +8 (1d6+4/18-20) || MAP HERE


Does he react if I take his head in my hand, and look him directly in the eyes?

If not, does he react if I put my dagger against somewhere I couldn't possibly hurt him too much, and pricked his skin? I'm talking a drop of blood kinda deal.

If he doesn't react after this, Satinder will conclude he is out of his mind.

Magic, probably. It can do that, I have heard. Poor lad!

Q: Does he appear to receive food?

Male Aasimar (Garuda-blooded) Gunslinger 1
monjebleu wrote:
Take another look at the description page, it now has labels for all the rooms. I will allow you to change what area you want to explore if you so wish.

I'll explore the lower decks (A10). Those are usually interesting and I don't really want to meet the captain... XD

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Fighter (Corsair) 1

Gideon gets about his duties grudgingly

Actrobatics:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Constitution:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18

You hear footsteps above.

Before you can get close enough to do anything to the man, he speaks up.
Take one more step an' I'll shout loud enough to rouse the whole crew.

The hold is actually empty of any cargo right now. There are, however, 30 lockers stacked along the walls; about half of them have locks.

At the far end of the hold stands redheaded woman you saw at the climbing contest. She calls out to you when she sees you enter.

"Oi! Come help me open up this trapdoor!"

Gideon, you need to indicate your daytime action. Some of those have effect on your job rolls.

AC 16 || HP 50|| Fort/Refl/Will +5/+8/+1 (+2 enchantments) || CMD 19 (21 trip) || Perc +11 || Brine's sting +8 (1d6+4/18-20) || MAP HERE


"Oh, it *can* speak! I was beginning to think you were one of them no-brainers that mages keep around. You know, all good looks but nothing in the head."

She pauses, gauging his reaction.

"You know, I reckon it could be handy for a man in your position, to know a girl in my position. Access to food and knives, and all.
Think about it, grumpy!

She means it, so I'm guessing it's diplomacy, but I can't use it twce in the same day on the same person. So just to know how innocent she sounded: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10

After this, Satinder will return to where her work awaits.

At the mention of knives the man perks up.
You kin get me a knife? Let's see it then.

Shoot, three posts above this, the spoiler was for Maeleg, not Gideon. It has been updated and is now correct.

AC 16 || HP 50|| Fort/Refl/Will +5/+8/+1 (+2 enchantments) || CMD 19 (21 trip) || Perc +11 || Brine's sting +8 (1d6+4/18-20) || MAP HERE

Satinder will show the man her knife, right before stepping out of the doorway.

"Sleep on it, grumpy. I might see you tomorrow.. Or the day after..
Until then... SHHHHH!"

She winks just before getting out of sight.

Satinder will move back to the kitchen, to be sure the cook won't have missed her too long.

Let's see if I can't find something to help mr Grumpy. If he is willing to help me, of course!

Q: Will there be a moment when Fishguts will retire or leave the kitchen for a little while? Might want to hide one of the knives, for use later on.

Male Aasimar (Garuda-blooded) Gunslinger 1


He quickly goes near the woman and looks at the trapdoor.
"Can do. Or at least, I can try. But do you mind if I ask what is on the other side, why you want to open it and who you are ?"
He smiles at the woman.
"Speaking of names, mine is Maeleg."

Satinder and Maeleg:
"A pleasure to meet you Maeleg, I'm Sandara Quinn, Besmaran cleric. This door leads to the bilges, where --"

She pauses as the two of you open the trapdoor, underneath which stands none other than Satinder.

"Aah, just the woman I was looking for! What a fortunate encounter this is! I've been meaning to talk to both of you since the tests. I was impressed by your, as well as the rest of the newly conscripted's, conduct. I've come to offer you my friendship. Here on a pirate ship it doesn't matter what you know, but who you know. If you have the chance to run into your other friends, before I do, tell them the same."

She turns to Maeleg.

"To finish answering your question, I meant to get into the bilges to check on the man being held prisoner down there. His name is Jakes Magpie, and he was caught stealing from the quartermaster's store the other day. Master Scourge wanted me to make sure Jakes hadn't tried to escape. Poor man. I fear the worst is in store for him."

Before Satinder leaves Sandara catches her arm.

"By the way, I believe these belong to you." She presses a set of thieves tools, yours, into your hand. "I persuaded old Cut-Throat Grok to give me these, she'll have the rest of your possessions for sale in her store if you need them. Just don't go getting yourself into trouble."

"I'd be honored if both of you would be willing to dine with me; just come find me after the dinner bell rings.

She turns and leaves promptly

Shortly after your encounter with Conchobar, you are approached by the red-haired woman from the climbing contest.

"That was a fine tale you told. Don't worry about Conchobar, he's even more vain than the captain. I'm Sandara Quinn, Besmaran cleric. You seem to have a much clearer conscience than the rest of these pirates; I was hoping we could be friends. You see, on a pirate ship like this, it doesn't matter what you know, but who you know.

"By the way, I believe these belong to you." She presses both of your bags of runestones into your hand. "I persuaded old Cut-Throat Grok to give me these, being the superstitious old half-orc she is. I figured these would be important to you, but she'll have the rest of your possessions for sale in her store if you need them."

"So please, come find me during dinner, where I'm sure we'll be able to talk more.."

Before you can pursue further interaction with the bandana'd man, the red haired woman from the climbing contest pulls you aside.

"I'd leave old Cog alone for now if I were you. He's a decent man, but prone to very violent mood swings.

Once she has your full attention she begins talking again.

I'm Sandara Quinn, Besmaran cleric. You seem to be cut from a much better roll of fabric than the rest of these pirates; I saw the way you stood up to Plugg and Scourge. I'd be careful around them if I was you.
But anyways, I was hoping we could be friends. You see, on a pirate ship like this, it doesn't matter what you know, but who you know.

"By the way, I believe this belongs to you." She hands you your spell book. "It's quite unusual to have a wizard on board. There is Peppery Longfarthing, but of course she's not a real wizard.
I persuaded old Cut-Throat Grok to give me this, being the superstitious old half-orc she is. She'll have the rest of your possessions for sale in her store if you need them."

"And one more more thing; come find me during dinner. We'll be able to talk more freely then."

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Fighter (Corsair) 1

Sorry, I forgot to pick my daily action didn't I....well Gideon will be working diligently in but not blindly. He takes pride in his work! Despite is motivators >.>

In that case, the day is soon coming to an end. Post any last minute comments before the dinner bell rings!

Gideon Stronghand wrote:
Sorry, I forgot to pick my daily action didn't I....well Gideon will be working diligently in but not blindly. He takes pride in his work! Despite is motivators >.>

Which would give you a work result of 7. Meaning you botch much of your job, but not dismally so. You do earn a whack with the knotted end of a ship's rope from Master Scourge however. Take 1 nonlethal damage.

Male Half-Elf Summoner 1

Priestess, I'd be honored to have such fine company. I shall spend the rest of the day looking forward to it. Skaldi gives a happy nod and gets back to his work in the rigging.

Male Aasimar (Garuda-blooded) Gunslinger 1

"A real pleasure to meet you Sandara. How could I think of refuse such a graceful proposition. It will be an honor to dine with you."

Male Male Catfolk Slayer 1 | HP 12 | AC 16, FF 10, Touch 13 | F +5, R +6, W -1 | Init +3 | P +3

I know Lux elected to work hard . . . and how this cat is working like a dog. Has he learned anything working with the other riggers. Other than Plugg sucks. Or do I need to take other actions to learn more?

Terz "Lux" wrote:
I know Lux elected to work hard . . . and how this cat is working like a dog. Has he learned anything working with the other riggers. Other than Plugg sucks. Or do I need to take other actions to learn more?

Normally you'd take an action, but I'll let you make one Diplomacy check at a -2 penalty to either learn something about one specific npc, OR to hear a general rumor floating around the Wormwood.

Male Male Catfolk Slayer 1 | HP 12 | AC 16, FF 10, Touch 13 | F +5, R +6, W -1 | Init +3 | P +3

diplomacy: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (16) - 1 = 15

Wizard/Swashbuckler 2 (HP 22/22) | AC: 12 (16) | T: 12 | FF: 10 | CMB +3 | CMD: 15| Fort: +0 | Ref: +4 | Wil: +4 | Init: +2 | Appraise +8 | Bluff: +3 | Diplomacy: +10 | Kn(Arcana, Geography): +9 | Kn(Planes): +12 | Kn(others): +4 | Prof. (Sailor): +7 | Perception: +6 | Sense Motive: +6 | Sleight of Hand +6 | Spellcraft: +9 | Stealth +5 | Swim +5 | Panache 5/5

Ambrose accepts the book with surprise. He manages to get out a "Thank you!" to her retreating form before she disappears entirely from view. He looks down at the worn cover, leafs through it to check that it's undamaged. Closing it again, he traces the inverted pentagram stamped into the leather. It seems the circumstances have tipped ever so slightly in my favor. Hail, Asmodeus! He slips the book carefully into an interior pocket of his coat before getting back to work.

I suppose the real question here is whether or not this Sandara Quinn is to be trusted. Is this a true gift, or is it merely a ploy? Despite his suspicions, he can't help but hum a jaunty tune to himself, until a grunt from Cog shuts him up. Even then, his tail flits about with satisfaction.

Terz "Lux" wrote:


Are you looking for info on an npc (and which one) or general rumors?

AC 16 || HP 50|| Fort/Refl/Will +5/+8/+1 (+2 enchantments) || CMD 19 (21 trip) || Perc +11 || Brine's sting +8 (1d6+4/18-20) || MAP HERE

Satinder will be baffled. She is not used to someone smiling away the fact that she is where she is not supposed to be.

When she leaves, Satinder will 'run' after her.

"Even if Jakes could get free, there would be nowhere to run now would there?"

She looks her square in the eye. "What will happen to him?"


Satinder will try to freshen up before dinner, and be sure to look her best.

Male Half-Elf Summoner 1

I'd completely missed the "Here's your stuff" part of that post, somehow. The below is an edit of my last post above.

Skaldi takes the sack and the runestone bag with a smile. Thank you ever so much. This will, hopefully, make life on board a bit more... interesting.

Priestess, I'd be honored to have such fine company. I shall spend the rest of the day looking forward to it. Skaldi gives a happy nod and gets back to his work in the rigging.

Looks like you're staying pent up just a bit longer.

If Skaldi has any chance to hop belowdecks and speak with Satinder before the end of her shift in the kitchen, the below conversation starts.

Madam, I need some butter and I figured you'd be the person that might arrange that. If you get a chance to swipe any, I'd be in your debt.

AC 16 || HP 50|| Fort/Refl/Will +5/+8/+1 (+2 enchantments) || CMD 19 (21 trip) || Perc +11 || Brine's sting +8 (1d6+4/18-20) || MAP HERE

Either in the kitchen, or when they meet at dinner, or even in the sleeping quarters:

"Sure, I can arrange that. For a price... " she says with a fake evil grin on her face.
"Oh come on, don't look mad. I'm just the most curious of the bunch I guess, so I would like to know what you plan on doing with it. Don't want to find myself tied to something that will cost me my pretty little neck!"

Her smirk widens.

"At least without knowing why!"

She winks.

"Oh, and have you seen Gid? I think I have something he'll appreciate."

Satinder Morne wrote:

Satinder will be baffled. She is not used to someone smiling away the fact that she is where she is not supposed to be.

When she leaves, Satinder will 'run' after her.

"Even if Jakes could get free, there would be nowhere to run now would there?"

She looks her square in the eye. "What will happen to him?"

Sandara speaks by gravely in a hushed tone:

Let's just say that if you were thinking of helping him - don't.

Now you must excuse me, I've got to get back to my duties.

AC 16 || HP 50|| Fort/Refl/Will +5/+8/+1 (+2 enchantments) || CMD 19 (21 trip) || Perc +11 || Brine's sting +8 (1d6+4/18-20) || MAP HERE

Poor man... Wish I could help him, but it's not worth my own life...

Male Half-Elf Summoner 1

Skaldi answers with little hesitation. He's seen little reason not to trust Satinder and on this ship he could use every friend available. I'm blessed with many talents...

One is a means of casting the occasional spell. I'd need butter to fuel one of them. I had both butter and some other items on me at the Formidably Maid, but those are gone now. For all I know it's my butter in your kitchen.

At the last question, I've not seen Gid in quite a while. He took a good thump from 'Master Scourge' a while back. Skaldi names the taskmaster with more than a bit of disdain in his voice. The word "master" drips with sarcasm.

Yes, I might just feed him to you later.

AC 16 || HP 50|| Fort/Refl/Will +5/+8/+1 (+2 enchantments) || CMD 19 (21 trip) || Perc +11 || Brine's sting +8 (1d6+4/18-20) || MAP HERE


I assume I could get some butter and put it in a closed cup or something?
Should I roll, or can we assume it shouldn't be too difficult? :)


"I'll see what I can do. If there is anything else you might need, be sure to let me know. I love finding, and finding out, things..."
Her smile widens.

"Now let's get to eating, I'm starving. Can't put much of the stuff I prepare in my own mouth I'm afraid. Old Fishguts is always tasting before I can manage!"

Lovely to roleplay with you! ;)
It's nice to build up the tension, especially your internal monologues. Can't wait to see the 'little guy' come out to play :D

Male Half-Elf Summoner 1

Many, many thanks. Much has happened in the last day and it is good to have someone I can depend on. I hope you'll consider me the same. He offers to let her proceed to dinner first. After you, I'm sure you've worked up quite the appetite.

Same to you. I'm really enjoying the game so far.

AC 16 || HP 50|| Fort/Refl/Will +5/+8/+1 (+2 enchantments) || CMD 19 (21 trip) || Perc +11 || Brine's sting +8 (1d6+4/18-20) || MAP HERE

I edited above, be sure to refresh ;)

Satinder, you can definitely get some butter, but its going to take some searching.

Right now you don't have the time because the dinner bell is about to ring. I'm just waiting until everyone is ready to proceed.

Male Half-Elf Summoner 1

Skaldi continues working hard above deck.

Is there any way you want us to mark being ready for the next "phase"? Is anybody's daytime action still pending?

AC 16 || HP 50|| Fort/Refl/Will +5/+8/+1 (+2 enchantments) || CMD 19 (21 trip) || Perc +11 || Brine's sting +8 (1d6+4/18-20) || MAP HERE

I think everyone did their daytime action but Lux, who still needs to receive an answer.
That catfolk is on the lazy side. Maybe he sleeps 18hours a day, like my cat ;)

Satinder ready!
Skaldi ready!

Lux just needs to tell me what npc he wants to gather information on. Or tell me that he's just looking for general rumors.

Male Male Catfolk Slayer 1 | HP 12 | AC 16, FF 10, Touch 13 | F +5, R +6, W -1 | Init +3 | P +3

sorry crazy work day. Skaldi is chatting up the gnome so I will see if I hear any rumors about any of the crew that was here before us though it would be while working the rigging so I am not sure what that leaves for options.

"Oi! Catman! Do y'see that cage hangin' off the mizzenmast? The one with the old parrot perched on top? That parrot belonged to the now rotting corpse of a former sailor, Harnak Gruft, who lies in that cage. An' yew wanna know what for? Beatin' the captain at dice, fair and square. Let that sit in yer furry noggin."

The dinner bell rings and the crew gathers on the main deck. There is a palpable sense of unease in the air; the entire crew seems to be behaving like newly-convicted prisoners assigned a death sentence.

Mister Plugg and Master Scourge stand in front of the mainmast, eying the sailors hungrily. Some of you may not have noticed before, but a pair of thick ropes dangle from the mast in a way that suggests nothing other than "whipping post."

"Fer those of you who are unfamiliar with pirate custom, before dinner a lovely custom takes place known as "Bloody Hour." 'Tis during this time that punishments shall be dolled out to those deservin'."

"I'm not much with explainin' though so I'll get on with meself. Let you experience firsthand."

He puts particular emphasis on his final words, pauses, and then continues.

"Fer the outright shirkin' o' duties: Jack Scrimshaw. Punishment: three lashes!"

A young man just barely older than boyhood timidly approaches the whipping post, where he is stripped of his shirt and firmly tight by a gleeful Master Scourge. The boy panics and tries to jerk free at one point, but Mister Plugg holds him firmly in place. As first mate Mr. Plugg gives the command followed by the crack of Master Scourge's whip.

1d3 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
1d3 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
1d3 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Three times the whip strikes, leaving three large welts on Scrimshaw's back. By the time he is taken down, the boy is unconscious, and Master Scourge calls up two mean looking thugs to take him back down to the sleeping quarters.

Mister Plugg speaks again:
"Fer failin' ta' even attempt me climbin' test: our very own hellspawn, the pit-fiend Jeggare. Punishment: three lashes."

Master Scourge loosens the rope bindings and awaits his next victim.

Wizard/Swashbuckler 2 (HP 22/22) | AC: 12 (16) | T: 12 | FF: 10 | CMB +3 | CMD: 15| Fort: +0 | Ref: +4 | Wil: +4 | Init: +2 | Appraise +8 | Bluff: +3 | Diplomacy: +10 | Kn(Arcana, Geography): +9 | Kn(Planes): +12 | Kn(others): +4 | Prof. (Sailor): +7 | Perception: +6 | Sense Motive: +6 | Sleight of Hand +6 | Spellcraft: +9 | Stealth +5 | Swim +5 | Panache 5/5

So much for keeping my head down.

Ambrose shrugs off his coat, handing it to Sandara. He unbuttons his shirt without aid, lets it fall to the deck, and approaches the mast. He says nothing, but a thin stream of smoke rises from his tear ducts as he's roughly bound to the mast. This is going to be unpleasant, he thinks, gritting his teeth in anticipation of the first strike.

Male Male Catfolk Slayer 1 | HP 12 | AC 16, FF 10, Touch 13 | F +5, R +6, W -1 | Init +3 | P +3

Lux tries to hide a shudder at the first lash of the whip on the boy. By the second he steels himself. His eyes glass over and he looks past the spectacle at the open sea. He shifts his weight to not get caught daydreaming.

AC 16 || HP 50|| Fort/Refl/Will +5/+8/+1 (+2 enchantments) || CMD 19 (21 trip) || Perc +11 || Brine's sting +8 (1d6+4/18-20) || MAP HERE

Satinder will move closer to Skaldi.

"Gee, I guess you were right Skald, they don't joke around.
Poor hellboy... Let's be ready to drag him away if need be, okay?"

She looks around to see if she can find Gideon.

Master Scourge smiles wickedly before raising his whip.


1d3 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5


1d3 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3


1d3 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

That's 7 nonlethal damage and 6 lethal, leaving you with 1 hit point!

After three excruciating lashes, Ambrose is finally released, conscious but only barely. Chuckles can be heard from Plugg, Scourge, and a couple other pirates.

The ceremony is far from over however, for Mister Plugg takes center stage once again. He opens his mouth for the final punishment.

"Fer stealin' from ar' dear quartermaster's store: Jakes Magpie. Punishment: keelhaulin'."

A hush washes over the crowd of sailors as the thugs from earlier drag a disheveled looking man from belowdecks with his hands bound. Around his neck a rope is firmly secured the other end of which is looped over the ship’s keel.

Bearing a look of pure fear tinged with resignation and defeat, the poor man is brought to railing of the ship. Here Master Scourge firmly grips the rope and then kicks him overboard.

For nearly two minutes Jakes Magpie is dragged underneath the ship: down one side, underwater across the barnacle encrusted hull, and up the other side.

What comes up from the dark waters is no longer Jakes Magpie, but rather a vaguely humanoid hunk of meat. The thing is hoisted into the air so that all the crew may gaze at the bloody mass of shredded skin before it gets thrown overboard.

"For the sharks," Master Scourge informs the crew with a malicious twinkle in his eye.

DC 15 Perception:
You caught a glimpse of Mr. Plugg’s face as he tugged at the rope during the keelhauling. The look on his face could only be described as one thing: pure glee.

DC 15 Heal:
Based on what was left of the body, you can tell that Jakes was both severely wounded (about 24 points of damage) and drowned as well. This is clearly a fate to be avoided at all costs.

After the ordeal is over, the entire crew sheepishly leaves for dinner, leaving only the six new recruits and the red-haired woman. She looks at Terz and Gideon and quickly introduces herself.
“Sandara Quinn. You six had better come with me.”

After taking you to a relatively quiet end of the ship (offering any help she can to Jeggare), she mutters short prayer:

“Pirate Queen, grant me the power to make these poor sailors fit to fight another day.”

At this a nimbus of light begins to spread from her fingertips, until it encompasses the seven of you. When it disappears, everyone is left feeling refreshed and even the wounds on Ambrose’s back seem to have miraculously healed.

Everyone heal all nonlethal damage and the following amounts of lethal damage (if necessary):

Gideon: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 4) = 6
Jeggare: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 4) = 7
Maeleg: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 6) = 11
Satinder: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 3) = 9
Skaldi: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 4) = 8
Terz: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 1) = 6

“Well, now that we’re all feeling better, there are a few things that we’d do best to discuss. Correction, that we need to discuss.”

AC 16 || HP 50|| Fort/Refl/Will +5/+8/+1 (+2 enchantments) || CMD 19 (21 trip) || Perc +11 || Brine's sting +8 (1d6+4/18-20) || MAP HERE

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
Heal: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (1) + 0 = 1

I will help carry Jeggare if he needs it.
"I'm not that strong, but if anyone helps..."

After the healing..
"I'm starting to like you more and and more, miss Quinn. Please, lead the way, we'll follow.
I believe food was to be had?"

She winks at Saranda, and smiles at the others.

Male Aasimar (Garuda-blooded) Gunslinger 1

Perception : 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
Getting rid of that guy will be a pleasure..

Maeleg helps carry Ambrose if he needs it.
"I guess dad never thought I would help a tiefling one day... don't worry, we'll do our best."

After the healing, he answers to Sandara with a smile.
"After what you've done for us, I'm ready to discuss anything with you."

Male Half-Elf Summoner 1

Skaldi winces as the boy is whipped. Poor boy. Lesson learned, let's hope.

When Ambrose is called forward, Skaldi's breath stalls for a few heartbeats. Would the Tiefling even answer to this? He exhales audibly when the Lieutenant steps forward. No, pirates rarely joke when it comes to discipline. I'm with you if he needs it.

Skaldi is proud to see Satinder and Mael step forward with him to relieve Ambrone from the burden of his own weight. {b]I'm here for him.[/b]

Oh, you would enjoy that, wouldn't you.

The next punishment hits Skaldi like a punch to the gut. If you were around, you could save him from this.

He watches the man go over the edge and waits, far too long, for them to draw him up.

I could make you.

perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

Skaldi whispers. The comment is for himself but loud enough for his companions to hear. That man is a monster... The men of the north are anything but soft, but Mr. Plugg has even Skaldi off balance at this point.

Skaldi quickly looks around for Sandara, hoping to ask her for aid. Happily he sees that she's already among them. He follows her out of sight and is relieved by the healing aura she releases. He watches the wounds stitch closed on Ambrose' back and offers the man his shirt.

Priestess, that's twice that I'm in your debt. What can we do to repay you? Can we speak here or should we head belowdecks? As hungry as he is, Skaldi can acknowledge some things take precedence over food. His stomach disagrees and rumbles quite loudly.

I don't know how, but I am sure that you did that.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Fighter (Corsair) 1

Gideon, silently absorbing both tortures from the back of the group, is forcing himself to stare into the heart of evil.

You. he says staring at Mr. Plug while he gleefully profanes the back of two crewmates. No rest for the evil I see Mr. Plug begins to throw Jakes overboard. Gideon's eye begins to twitch as the screams of fear and pain shriek from out of the water. After what's left of him is pulled up and disposed of and Mr. Plugs tells the group to follow him, Gideon fall in line behind Satinder.

No mercy in return.

He puts a hand on Satinder's shoulder to let her know he's here, but perhaps maybe, to steady himself too.

Male Aasimar (Garuda-blooded) Gunslinger 1

When he hears Skaldi, Maeleg puts a hand on his shoulder and speaks softly.
"We'll find a way to give him what he deserves."

Male Half-Elf Summoner 1

Aye, we'll beat him at his own game and make him all the sorrier for it.

Certainly you can help with that one. It's what you're best at.

Male Male Catfolk Slayer 1 | HP 12 | AC 16, FF 10, Touch 13 | F +5, R +6, W -1 | Init +3 | P +3

perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Lux whispers quietly with the others."Aye, I have know too many like these two. It is a fine thing to meet others willing to talk of action. So often necessity forces one to keep their head down and out of the way. Thank you Sandara. I am Terz, though for awhile I have been known as Lux." He looks about. {b]"We should get to some privacy if we can or carry out these conversations in smaller blocks of people. No doubt these men are not fool enough to know that a clique of newly conscripted pirates would need to be broken up."[/b]

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