Owain, the Dread Commander.
Human, LE, Bard* 7/Cavalier (Standard Bearer) 2/Warlord 1/Battle Herald 10
* = Favored Class. Favored Class bonus: +1 skill rank
Starting Abilities (15 points) Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 18*
Final Abilities - Str 16, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 29*
* = Human bonus
HP 177, Initiative +9, AC 42 (Flat Footed 37, Touch 20), Fort/Ref/Will +21/+18/+20
Order: Cockatrice
Feats: Pander*, Discordant Voice, Lingering Performance, Combat Casting, Dazzling Display, Practiced Tactician, Improved Initiative, Leadership, Spellsong, Skill Focus (Perform: Comedy), Intimidating Gaze*, Bravery*, Craft Wand, Piercing Strike, Pack Attack*
* = 3rd party feat
Skills (180 ranks): Perform (Comedy) +38, Perform (Oratory) +32, Perception +25, Use Magic Device +32, Profession (Soldier) +25, Ride +18, Handle Animal +22, Knowledge (All) +10, Diplomacy +14, Intimidate +14, Appraise +16
Inspiring Commands: Inspire Hardiness, Rally, None Shall Fall, Stand Firm
Equipment: +5 Elven Chain; +5 Heavy Mithral Steel Shield; +5 Keen Longsword; +5 Light Crossbow with 60 bolts; +5 Cloak of Resistance; +5 Ring of Protection; Ring of Wizardry III; +6 Headband of Mental Superiority; +6 Belt of Physical Perfection; +5 Amulet of Natural Armor; various scrolls, wands and mundane gear.
Spells Known (Per Day 7/5/4):
3rd - Good Hope, Haste
2nd - Rage, Blistering Invective, Blur, Cure Moderate Wounds
1st - Undetectable Alignment, Vanish, Remove Fear, Liberating Command, Charm Person
Traits: Magical Knack (Bard), Maestro of the Society
This is my buffbot I am working on. Thanks to 7 levels of Bard I have access to some of the best 3rd level bard spells.
I love demoralizing enemies because it is a great way to boost my allies defenses and save DCs, but think one enemy per standard action is a bit weak. Dazzling Display feat from being a Cavalier and Blistering Invective let me demoralize everything in range which is great. Intimidating Gaze lets me demoralize as a swift action.
+8 competence bonus to one character and +4 to the rest of the party, a +2 morale bonus to everyone due to Good Hope, and a -2 for shaken condition is a +10 boost to my party's attack and a damage bonus of 1d6+6 with an additional 1d6 piercing if flanking up to 2/day.
As an evil character I have 1 extra feat due to the Antihero rule in APG. I didn't think that having access to Hero Points would fit my theme.
Critique away!! Feat, equipment (especially since I didn't see many that stood out as must haves), and any other suggestions you can make are appreciated.