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![]() Nope, homeowners didn't cover it. Pipe collapsed in yard and so it's not covered because it didn't occur in house. I have all the votes totalled and it looks like the consensus is to go back to the main game. I am up for doing that but Flynn did quite a bit of work on his quest so I want to make sure that is taken into account so you aren't just yanked out of the other quest with no thought to Flynn who nicely stepped up and ran when I went out. Perhaps we could keep that game in stasis and you guys could get pulled back in or something later. Not sure, what do you all think? ![]()
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![]() Diving into the water, you descend into the reef. Bits and pieces of the ship dot the sea bed and coral but before long you hear a bell ring from the longboat, the signal that someone has found something. After some discussion, it seems that Rajah found a strongbox, partially buried in the sand below an overhang of brain coral. With the help of Dhaavan's summoned creatures, you are able to get the strongbox up on the longboat and then back to the ship. The wreck did not contain any other items of note, nor were enemies harboring within it at this point. Up on deck, Seijiro is able to easily pick the rather simple lock, revealing the contents within. +1 Keen Cutlass
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![]() My name is Bikendi Otongu and why I want the Immortal Dreamstone so I may leave this cursed existence. That is as much as you need know. Friends, he gives a derisive laugh, sentimental nonsense. This is a business arrangement. You wish to possess the Fort and to do so I must not be here, in order for me to leave, I must possess the Immortal Dreamstone. That is the extent of our relationship. Sense Motive is that he sees you as his inferiors but isn't being deceptive. None of you know anything about the Immortal Dreamstone as it is a unique magical item. ![]()
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![]() YAY!!! GOOD JOB GUYS!!! Seijiro moves forward carefully and pulls the chain with the Pride symbol etched into the handle. A low chime rings and a section of wall slides open revealing what looks to be some sort of vault or treasure room. A variety of small chests, crates, and sacks fill this small chamber. A large number of different items are present. a suit of +1 glamered elven chain,
Island of Empty Eyes Map Current Map
![]() Everyone makes it up without issue. After closer study of the crystal, you are sure that the initial suspicion was correct and that these are used for communication across great distances. These seeing stones allowed visual and auditory communication across vast distances without the need for the user to be a magic user. They would only need to touch it and visualize the tower they wished to converse with and a link would form, sending an illusory representation across between the two. If you try it though, it doesn't seem to work. --------------------------------------------- The carved staircases lead down into the lower level of the tower, the steps difficult to traverse due to them being 2 feet tall for each step. They lead down 30 feet to landings with tall doors that you suspect lead out onto the walls. Continuing down a further 30 feet or so, the stairs end at a round, mostly empty room. Another staircase leads below ground level. No traps seem to spring out at you. ![]()
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![]() Old Salt is there at the bar. He has heard of the murder by now but has not heard of Shanxia or Shenxua. The only piece of information he has is that an elf was briefly seen in that vicinity but was cloaked in black and not seen clearly. That's all the info you can get. ------------------------------------ Horatio, during the brief time you have you aren't able to find any specific dwarves looking for work as stonemasons. There are a couple of humans but they are engaged in projects in town. ![]()
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![]() Varyan nods and replies that he has missed her as well before finishing his wine and standing up from the table with a word about getting back. He promises to send any information he comes across that may be useful. You all begin to make your ways around the city, purchasing items and such. A few hours pass and you make your way back to the ship at the appointed time but Adular is not among you. Deciding he probably has just lost track of time you set in to wait for him but after another hour he has still not returned and you are starting to worry. Variel decides to send out some of the crew to see about finding him, having a bad feeling about his absence. A short while later Conchabar comes running up on his short gnome legs, looking white as a sheet, his hat in his hands, his bald pate glistening from sweat in the brief moment of sunshine. He looks at you all gravely and says with no trace of his normal wit and sarcasm, Captain, you and the other officers are going to need to come with me...I...I've found Adular, sir. He refuses to speak any more, going a bit green as a feeling of dread washes over you all. Hurrying with him, he takes you down multiple side streets away from the docks, down in the warren of tight alleys and ramshackle buildings known as the Gutter. Turning a corner, you see several apothecary shops that traffic in some of the more exotic spell components. Conchabar takes you down another alley crowded with crates, where you see several of your other crew standing. Sandara Quinn, looks over as you arrive, tears streaming down her face, more distraught than you have ever seen her. Rosie is there as well, eyes as big and round as saucers, absently wiping her mouth from where it looks like she was sick upon a nearby wall. Moving around the crates, you finally get a view of what has has caused them such distress. Red blood is splashed everywhere, contrasting sharply with the drab driftwood crates and walls. Your eyes are first drawn to his chest which is bare to the waist, where the mark of Shanxia has been carved and burned into his flesh. The stroke marks are long and wide and were made with razor precision. With the exception of the mark, his chest is undamaged...the rest of his body was not so lucky. His head was severed cleanly from his body and rests upon a small box near the wall. He is stripped to his smallclothes, his skin pale white from loss of blood. The arms and legs appear to have been filleted open removing the large bones of the legs, and arms with surgical exactness. The bones seem to have been taken...for what purpose you aren't sure. The Blue Rajah:
You are shuddered to your core...as you recognize the position your fallen friend is in and what was done to him. This is known as the Shun-lien-fen, or Red Lotus Offering. It is a ritual designed to infuse the bones of the victim with an insurmountable level of pain to make powerful components for dark rituals. The victim is tortured to the brink of insanity before having his bones extracted before his own eyes. He then, and only then, is allowed to die from beheading done. This ritual was described in one of the unholy texts your family used to make you read as a child. Perception DC 25: You find that under Adular's outstretched left hand he drew a small shaky symbol in his own blood, one that you almost miss. Mysterious Symbol It is not one you recognize however. ![]()
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![]() Varyan smiles and says I may know some but they aren't here now. Perhaps I could gather some together to be ready by the time the wedding is here. As for the island itself, not much is known about it since most who go to the island have never returned. I am sure with your immense capabilities however that you will be alright. Most of those that make their way there do so accidentally while fishing or the like and are unprepared for it's dangers. I know that the island has a large number of giant lizard beasts, dinosaurs, I think they are called in the common tongue. As for the party I am aware of the custom but do not know a great deal of the particulars of what is expected as I have never attended. However I will reach out to my contacts over the coming weeks and see what is expected and send you anything I find out. He pauses to take a drink of wine for a moment before saying Preparations for the wedding are coming along nicely but ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies. This last statement is said with a wink and smile as he looks at you fondly. ----------------------------------------------------- Variel:
It needs about another week before it's finished but the progress looks amazing. ----------------------------------------------------- These are the magic items currently available for purchase in Drenchport through various sellers and shops including costs. Minor Items [5,000 gp] ring of rat fangs [no external clues]
Medium Items [16,000 gp] staff of understanding [no external clues]
Major Items [25,350 gp] +4 champion splint mail
*where it says [no external clues] that means there are no clues to it's function in it's styling and such. ![]()
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![]() You can pick up 2 extra people here (2nd and 3rd level and can be what you want them to be for the most part (no magic classes though) and to be honest I haven't really been tracking the plunder too much. The prize money I gave you for winning from the Master of Gales was supposed to be in plunder but I figured I'd just give you straight gold. ![]()
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![]() Where you are now is not a port it is literally a stretch of beach on an uninhabited isle that was temporarily used for the race. You are 100 miles north of Tempest Cay. Drenchport is by far the closest port. You would have to go way way past it to get to Quent. The journey to Quent would take at least a week one way due to the fact that you would have to maneuver through many many islands to get there. If you left from here and went directly to find your new island, it would take you about 2 days or so. If you go to Drenchport first and spend a day there, it will take 1.5 days to get to Drenchport and then a day in port getting what you need and then 2 days at least to get to the island for a minimum total of about 5 days. ![]()
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![]() Ok so you guys are in the top five (Rain's piloting skills have gotten around) you are getting 3-1 odds to place in the top 3, 4-1 to win. Several ships sunk when they were traversing a particularly dangerous stretch of shoals in sahuagin infested waters. None in particular. Once you get into the Eye all bets are off as the storms are incredibly unpredictable. Yes they are but no teleporting or gating or things like that, nor spells to make you fly but increasing speed is fine. He has several ships that are known to be allied with him but none of them are thought to be a major threat in the race. ![]()
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![]() The crew gives a wild cheer and seems extra motivated to do everything possible to win. Rain slides the ship deftly into the flotilla, weaving among the other ships like a bird of prey slaloming through trees in search of its next meal. You still have several hours before you reach Cauldron Rock if you wish to do anything. --------------------------------------------- Flynn: Tessa smiles at the clever wordplay and says with a coy tone, Such a gentleman. I do like to be satisfied. The back and forth goes on a bit more, the tension building between you before you both lunge at each other. Carafe smashing on the floor, drapes pulled from curtains, furniture overturned,...and that was just the foreplay. ...and fade to black. Panting for breath on the floor, somehow having never actually made it to the large bed, she looks at you, smiling, and says Master Flynn, I must say, you are quite the cunning linguist. I truly enjoyed our conversation. We must make our discussions a regular occurrence when in proximity, don't you agree? ![]()
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![]() Rain, feather fall is for if your wings are disabled or something like that so you don't fall to your death. Basically it's like insurance. Rains maneuverability will increase at level 10 (to good) and 15 (to Perfect) ![]()
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![]() Rain: Yeah I think it's now 2 months give or take a week. Let me know how you would like to handle that and anything you would need my support to help with (npcs, coordination, etc.) and I'll be happy to help! ![]()
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![]() The papers in the basement were the ones written in infernal. From loot list post: Among the papers you find that many of them are encrypted or use ambiguous code words, but they nevertheless expose the identities of a widespread network of spies throughout the Shackles. The papers also detail the primary players in the spy ring—Corlan, Elliece Farhaven, Haddon Pike, and Roweena Kellet, as well as their ordered assassinations (by an imp in the case of Elliece, and by Giles Halmis in the case of the others). Dated 3 weeks ago and written in Infernal, several read, “Silence is now key. Our plans will go into full force once our agent finishes his preparations. Destroy any remaining evidence and discreetly sell your business. Report to Nisroch for your next assignment.” ![]()
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![]() "Shakka" wrote: "Caw! How did you contact your employer?" I did not, they contacted me. If I had information to give I placed it in a box along with other items, marked it with a small red X in the top right corner and sent it to Nisroch. ![]()
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![]() For the searching don't worry about it. I will give you a list of what you find. Loot: 10 +1 cutlass's
on Zarskia's body you find:
You also find a hidden basement accessed from a hidden shaft on the third floor.
Among the papers you find that many of them are encrypted or use ambiguous code words, but they nevertheless expose the identities of a widespread network of spies throughout the Shackles. The papers also detail the primary players in the spy ring—Corlan, Elliece Farhaven, Haddon Pike, and Roweena Kellet, as well as their ordered assassinations (by an imp in the case of Elliece, and by Giles Halmis in the case of the others). Dated 3 weeks ago and written in Infernal, several read, “Silence is now key. Our plans will go into full force once our agent finishes his preparations. Destroy any remaining evidence and discreetly sell your business. Report to Nisroch for your next assignment.” K. Geography dc 12: Nisroch is the largest city in Nidal ![]()
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![]() Yeah the web was a good idea Jamba. Definitely prevented me from annihilating your captain...curse you!!! ;-) ![]()
Male Catfolk bard 1 / swashbuckler 2 Archetypes Archaeologist, Inspired Blade, NG (catfolk) Init +4, Senses low-light vision; Perception +3 AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex, ) hp 23 ((1d8)+(2d10)+4 Fort +1, Ref +9, Will +1
Acro +9, Bluff +7, Climb +4, Diplo +7, Disable Dev +5, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (Nature) +6, Knowledge (Planes) +6, Ling. +5, Percept +3, Perf (Dance,Sing) +7, Sense Mot. +3, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +9, Surv +5, UMD +7 ![]() int based caster would be great! Ariarh, with the departure of Anila and Connor, Jules taking over Anila's niche, we seem to be sorely in need of someone who can stand the line and take hits. Felix is not designed to tank but as a melee striker in a similar vein to Riley. Any ideas for how to remedy that? Can I reskin to go more tanky? Do I need to? Just want to be able to protect the more squishy members of the group lol Also, WELCOME JULES! ![]()
Male Catfolk bard 1 / swashbuckler 2 Archetypes Archaeologist, Inspired Blade, NG (catfolk) Init +4, Senses low-light vision; Perception +3 AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex, ) hp 23 ((1d8)+(2d10)+4 Fort +1, Ref +9, Will +1
Acro +9, Bluff +7, Climb +4, Diplo +7, Disable Dev +5, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (Nature) +6, Knowledge (Planes) +6, Ling. +5, Percept +3, Perf (Dance,Sing) +7, Sense Mot. +3, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +9, Surv +5, UMD +7 ![]() Felix is picking up a level of Inspired Blade Swashbuckler. Netting him Weapon Finesse and Weapon focus (Rapiers) Will be going back to Bard after this level. +1 BAB
Anila is taking another level of Sorcerer netting +1 BAB
Male Catfolk bard 1 / swashbuckler 2 Archetypes Archaeologist, Inspired Blade, NG (catfolk) Init +4, Senses low-light vision; Perception +3 AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex, ) hp 23 ((1d8)+(2d10)+4 Fort +1, Ref +9, Will +1
Acro +9, Bluff +7, Climb +4, Diplo +7, Disable Dev +5, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (Nature) +6, Knowledge (Planes) +6, Ling. +5, Percept +3, Perf (Dance,Sing) +7, Sense Mot. +3, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +9, Surv +5, UMD +7 ![]() We're still around just been kind of nuts. Posting here and there when we can. We'll be back to regular posting sunday/monday timeframe. Thanks for the patience. ![]()
Male Catfolk bard 1 / swashbuckler 2 Archetypes Archaeologist, Inspired Blade, NG (catfolk) Init +4, Senses low-light vision; Perception +3 AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex, ) hp 23 ((1d8)+(2d10)+4 Fort +1, Ref +9, Will +1
Acro +9, Bluff +7, Climb +4, Diplo +7, Disable Dev +5, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (Nature) +6, Knowledge (Planes) +6, Ling. +5, Percept +3, Perf (Dance,Sing) +7, Sense Mot. +3, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +9, Surv +5, UMD +7 ![]() To help with martial, I am going to take a level of inspired blade swashbuckler for Felix. Will greatly improve my melee and allow me to be a flanking buddy for you riley. Also opens me up to take fencing grace at level 3 for dex to damage as well. Also, sorry again for the lack of posting. Anila wanted me to let you know that as well. We aren't going to be purchasing much as shes not very equipment dependent until we get into magical equipment and Felix isn't very equipment dependent either. We'll both just be exchanging coins. ![]()
Male Catfolk bard 1 / swashbuckler 2 Archetypes Archaeologist, Inspired Blade, NG (catfolk) Init +4, Senses low-light vision; Perception +3 AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex, ) hp 23 ((1d8)+(2d10)+4 Fort +1, Ref +9, Will +1
Acro +9, Bluff +7, Climb +4, Diplo +7, Disable Dev +5, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (Nature) +6, Knowledge (Planes) +6, Ling. +5, Percept +3, Perf (Dance,Sing) +7, Sense Mot. +3, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +9, Surv +5, UMD +7 ![]() Felix laments the tear in his shirt but other than that is fairly well taken care of. He will politely refuse the offer of a bath before sitting down, Anila having cleansed him with magic, thus avoiding the horror of a bath. ![]()
Male Catfolk bard 1 / swashbuckler 2 Archetypes Archaeologist, Inspired Blade, NG (catfolk) Init +4, Senses low-light vision; Perception +3 AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex, ) hp 23 ((1d8)+(2d10)+4 Fort +1, Ref +9, Will +1
Acro +9, Bluff +7, Climb +4, Diplo +7, Disable Dev +5, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (Nature) +6, Knowledge (Planes) +6, Ling. +5, Percept +3, Perf (Dance,Sing) +7, Sense Mot. +3, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +9, Surv +5, UMD +7 ![]() k. Engineering: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8 Unable to add anything to the details of the collapse, Felix nods and says Death...human and kobold... Looking over he says to Anila, Anila, I could use your eyes if you please. I don't want to announce our presence with light just yet if we can help it. He looks to the others and says Stay here just a moment. We can move forward with my nose and her eyes without benefit of light. We will not go far. Felix begins to sneak forward toward the north, where the smell was coming from. Stealth: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
Male Catfolk bard 1 / swashbuckler 2 Archetypes Archaeologist, Inspired Blade, NG (catfolk) Init +4, Senses low-light vision; Perception +3 AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex, ) hp 23 ((1d8)+(2d10)+4 Fort +1, Ref +9, Will +1
Acro +9, Bluff +7, Climb +4, Diplo +7, Disable Dev +5, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (Nature) +6, Knowledge (Planes) +6, Ling. +5, Percept +3, Perf (Dance,Sing) +7, Sense Mot. +3, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +9, Surv +5, UMD +7 ![]() Connor son of Ceorl wrote: Connor turns to face the gated door and sees that it is indeed in terrible condition, so he slams his booted foot into it. ![]()
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![]() Also btw, I LOVE JAMBA AND SHAKKA! wonderfully creepy and awesome. They remind me of calypso from pirates of the caribbean ![]()
Male Catfolk bard 1 / swashbuckler 2 Archetypes Archaeologist, Inspired Blade, NG (catfolk) Init +4, Senses low-light vision; Perception +3 AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex, ) hp 23 ((1d8)+(2d10)+4 Fort +1, Ref +9, Will +1
Acro +9, Bluff +7, Climb +4, Diplo +7, Disable Dev +5, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (Nature) +6, Knowledge (Planes) +6, Ling. +5, Percept +3, Perf (Dance,Sing) +7, Sense Mot. +3, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +9, Surv +5, UMD +7 ![]() Felix follows along with the group, internally rethinking his life's direction and making minor changes to himself for the betterment of all...of course none of his companions know this as they have not known him very long. ;-) Switched to Archaeologist bard to get back bardic knowledge and slightly alter career path. ![]()
Male Catfolk bard 1 / swashbuckler 2 Archetypes Archaeologist, Inspired Blade, NG (catfolk) Init +4, Senses low-light vision; Perception +3 AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex, ) hp 23 ((1d8)+(2d10)+4 Fort +1, Ref +9, Will +1
Acro +9, Bluff +7, Climb +4, Diplo +7, Disable Dev +5, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (Nature) +6, Knowledge (Planes) +6, Ling. +5, Percept +3, Perf (Dance,Sing) +7, Sense Mot. +3, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +9, Surv +5, UMD +7 ![]() Riley "Lucky" Rylin'dar wrote:
Always my friend, always! ![]()
Male Catfolk bard 1 / swashbuckler 2 Archetypes Archaeologist, Inspired Blade, NG (catfolk) Init +4, Senses low-light vision; Perception +3 AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex, ) hp 23 ((1d8)+(2d10)+4 Fort +1, Ref +9, Will +1
Acro +9, Bluff +7, Climb +4, Diplo +7, Disable Dev +5, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (Nature) +6, Knowledge (Planes) +6, Ling. +5, Percept +3, Perf (Dance,Sing) +7, Sense Mot. +3, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +9, Surv +5, UMD +7 ![]() im perfectly fine with you switching if that will make a character you enjoy more. You like skill based and ranged fighters the most so i'd be fine with that. I can retool Felix mechanically, without compromising the character at all, into a front line fighter pretty easily. ![]()
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![]() Fine by me darlin. No need to talk to no one as I been paid already. Ye let me go and I'll forget all about this meet'n. --------------------------------------- He definitely seems to be telling the truth, at least as far as he knows it. --------------------------------------- Rain K. Local: You can find the place on the corner of fiddler’s Lane and Anchor Way. Zarskia Galembar runs the apothecary; she bought the old mansion and set up shop about three years ago. The apothecary employs a number of ex-pirates as guards and sells more than just poultices and medicinal remedies. They say you can buy poison and
other contraband goods there as well. ![]()
Male Catfolk bard 1 / swashbuckler 2 Archetypes Archaeologist, Inspired Blade, NG (catfolk) Init +4, Senses low-light vision; Perception +3 AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex, ) hp 23 ((1d8)+(2d10)+4 Fort +1, Ref +9, Will +1
Acro +9, Bluff +7, Climb +4, Diplo +7, Disable Dev +5, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (Nature) +6, Knowledge (Planes) +6, Ling. +5, Percept +3, Perf (Dance,Sing) +7, Sense Mot. +3, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +9, Surv +5, UMD +7 ![]() Felix is barely holding back laughter as the interplay between Anila, Riley, and Connor goes on, the lights seem to mirror his mood, turning a shade of yellow and shaking like with silent laughter. ![]()
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![]() The man looks back at you for a moment before shrugging and saying in heavily accented common, Alrights den. Whazzit yous wants ta knows den? When you mention your questions he begins to answer relatively freely. Name be Giles Halmis and that nasty bird man be my last mark. My contract was to kill Haddon, Roweena, and Corlan. Theys all dead. As for who signed me contract, that be Zarskia Galembar of the Jasperleaf Apothecary in Port Peril. That said, if'n your goin there, the password be "two pounds of powdered thileu bark." That'll get ye entrance to a secluded meeting room where ye can do yer business. If'n ye do go and ye got a minds to, try an kill that b!#!& Mwangi Zarskia if ye can. All filthy, them Mwangi. Don't know who she be workin for nor nothing about no Shankshea or whatever the hells ye call that. As for poison, got that from the Apothecary b~+*! I did. Don't right like using it but the whore insisted. Anything else? ![]()
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![]() Assuming you strip him of his gear, you find: Studded Leather Armor (Magical)
Male Catfolk bard 1 / swashbuckler 2 Archetypes Archaeologist, Inspired Blade, NG (catfolk) Init +4, Senses low-light vision; Perception +3 AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex, ) hp 23 ((1d8)+(2d10)+4 Fort +1, Ref +9, Will +1
Acro +9, Bluff +7, Climb +4, Diplo +7, Disable Dev +5, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (Nature) +6, Knowledge (Planes) +6, Ling. +5, Percept +3, Perf (Dance,Sing) +7, Sense Mot. +3, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +9, Surv +5, UMD +7 ![]() Thanks Riley! Did you notice he has Scent also! ;-) Also I can't wait to do some Inspire Competence for you! Disarm, Disarm, Disarm that trap! Otherwise we'll take that long dirt nap!! lol ![]()
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![]() Through your combined efforts asking around you are able to find out the Corlan is a smuggler and find out his address. His apartment house lies on the edge of Hell Harbor’s tengu rookery. Corlan’s house sits at a crossroads where two wide streets intersect in a “T.” It is a small house nestled between two larger buildings in the intersection. Rain, during your questioning, you find out that Arronax is out of town having a meeting with another Pirate Lord. Adular, you aren't sure but you'd guess the normal of Besmara and the like are in town. ![]()
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![]() Rain expertly guides the ship to Hell Harbor, a journey which normally takes two days but is finished in half that time. Pulling into port, you see that Hell Harbor is a medium sized town built upon the slopes of an active, although relatively tame, volcano. Black cliffs surround the harbor and the buildings have a generally gray cast to them. You are able to pull up to the dock without incident. A few questions identifies Roweena as a harbor quartermaster in the employ of Arronax Endymion, lord of Hell Harbor and a former admiral in the Empire navy. Roweena manages two of Endymion’s smaller trade warehouses, but she’s recently gone missing. Since Roweena’s disappearance, the goods in the warehouses she managed have been transferred to other holdings, leaving both warehouses empty. ![]()
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![]() Jaymiss looks at you with genuine surprise at the news of his death. I hadn't seen him but I didn't think anything of it and despite how it might have sounded, I don't spend every day looking at him. I hear rumors and such things and no one brought me anything about him being dead otherwise I woulda told ya. As for the bird, I didn't make it for him but it sounds like a Tengu and probably was Corlan, a good friend of Haddon's ![]()
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![]() Awesome! After a few hours of trying multiple combinations and such, Seijiro hits on a melody that helps with the translation. The decoded instructions order Haddon to report on the movement of ships visiting Drenchport, especially those belonging to the Master of the Gales. The instructions also identify Haddon’s main contact, a woman named Roweena Kellet in Hell Harbor on Devil’s Arches. ![]()
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![]() Haddon looks to have been dead for about a week and there are faint traces of poison on the crossbow bolts. The angle of the bolts suggests that Haddon was shot through the window. You discover outside a discarded glass vial near a rocky outcropping about 80 feet away with a good view of Haddon’s window. Rain has washed away tracks and any residue from the vial. In the fish tank, you find a false bottom in the base, inside is a waterproofed bag containing 40 pp, 259 gp, and a scrimshaw walrus tusk scroll case (worth 50 gp). Inside the case are several rolled up scrolls of sheet music and lyrics, part of an old Chelish opera written in Infernal. ![]()
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![]() Ok going to move ahead. Rain spreads her wings, which were draped around her like a glistening leather cloak, and puts her arms around Seijiro, holding him securely to herself. With a powerful downward flap and a leap from strong legs, she soars into the rain which has pulled back to a steady, seeping kind of rain that soaks into the thickest clothes. Nothing happens as you both reach the cottage. The front door is closed and the windows are shuttered. Seijiro spies a simple lock and no traps and has the door open in moments. As the door opens you can see why Horus smelled blood. Haddon’s dead body lies inside the cottage. Two crossbow bolts protrude from his back, and his head is submerged in a fish tank. Inside the red tinged water of the fish tank is a piranha-like creature with frilled spines, huge eyes, and lots of teeth, which has consumed most of its master’s exposed f lesh. Clutched in Haddon’s hand is a piece of driftwood carved to resemble a birdlike humanoid with a narrow beak. Knowledge Local DC 10:
The carving is a Tengu The cottage is a simple one room cottage with an area for cooking eating and sleeping. ![]()
Island of Empty Eyes Map Current Map
![]() Jaymiss looks around before lowering his voice and says Now I'm not one to normally go telling tales of folk but I've had my eye on a particular man that's got a real bad air about him. I hear tell of most things around Drenchport and there be a man named Haddon that do stink of something bad. He is a beachcomber, fisherman, and occasional smuggler. The thing is, many of Haddon’s supposed smuggling trips down south in a hired boat don’t actually involve moving goods. Now I know the black market in Drenchport pretty well, and I've noticed that Haddon seldom buys or sells any contraband goods before or after these trips. I've also heard tell of strange folk coming and going on occasion to his cottage at odd hours. That coupled with the rumors of spies makes for a likely candidate don't you think? He then gives you the location of Haddon's cottage if you want to check it out yourselves. ![]()
Island of Empty Eyes Map Current Map
![]() Rain, you remember from Drenchport a place called Carver's Hall where the scrimshawers ply their trade. If he is anywhere in Drenchport, it will be there. ![]()
Island of Empty Eyes Map Current Map
![]() Ok so I made a whole bunch of changes to clean up the campaign info tab and paizo lost it all so im a little pissed. Suffice it to say you all here is what you get. ALL not specifically described crew are either skilled (i.e. Level 1 rogues) or martial (Level 1 fighters) The rogues have the statistics listed here with the dagger not falchion. The fighters have the statistics listed here. You gain a total of 30 from the rolls Rain made. You can mix and match as you like but that is the total you will get to outfit BOTH ships. ![]()
Female Domani Wilder 1/Initiate 4/Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah 6 Defense 18 (Touch 18, Flat Footed 10) HP 66 / SV Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +16 / Perception +17
![]() Jasmine nods at Rhyvin once before she then weaves together multiple strands of the one power into a complex pattern which snaps into place, a brilliant white line appearing in the air as a gateway forms. Create Gateway level 4 + 3 to create directly to the place Keelix described and where Jasmine has been before. Overchanneling 3 levels to use a level 4 slot. Concentration overchannel DC 30: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (16) + 26 = 42 Stepping through the gateway, hauling Keelix with her and moving under his direction, Jasmine rushes to Vala. Reaching there, she does a quick delving Level 3 to see the issues. Fiallain, tell me what you can about her condition and quickly. ![]()
Island of Empty Eyes Map Current Map
![]() Really under the weather so just a quick post in narrative, then you can decide what you want to do from there. As you all make your way to visit Slip, when you get there, you see that Horatio is already waiting. Apparently, Slip was currently "unavailable" but as soon as you all arrive the appears in the doorway, wiping his hands which looked to be stained a deep red at the moment. From beneath his disturbing half mask, you see him smile and say Pardon for the tardiness, I had some other business to attend to. After that you all exchange pleasantries before he dispatches another member of his staff to accompany you to the Dread Lady to examine the wheel. He casts several divination spells over it to ascertain the exact nature of it. Once satisfied, he returns with you to Slip who informs you that he has heard tell of a certain water naga named Sarlis who claims to know the location of a smuggler and spy for a foreign power. Sarlis resides in a shallow cove on the Slithering Coast at this time of year, the location of which Slip marks on the your charts. He tells you to look for a hillock with a lone tree at the top on the western side of the river flowing into the cove. Nearby is a pool where the you should wait for Sarlis, which could take several days. The nagas of the Slithering Coast are aggressive and territorial, but Sarlis is more “social” than most of her ilk he informs you. After that business is complete, he begins to show you out when Flynn mentions the cube. Slip looks at it a moment before saying that he hasn't heard of such a cube but if he does hear anything he'd be happy to barter for the information. You are then shown out. ![]()
Female Domani Wilder 1/Initiate 4/Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah 6 Defense 18 (Touch 18, Flat Footed 10) HP 66 / SV Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +16 / Perception +17
![]() Jasmine closes her eyes for a moment giving silent thanks to the creator, before returning her gaze to the Ogier. Ryvin is right, we must know what happened. Chen, what do you remember? she says in a calm soothing voice. Looking around at the various bodies, she stifles a sob at the loss of life. Rizzen are any of the aes sedai, warders, or novices alive? Anyone in need of healing or at least any that I can stabilize? ![]()
Island of Empty Eyes Map Current Map
![]() The Aboleth falls under the onslaught of fierce strikes. It had lashed out at you all but ultimately your superior skills made short work of it. The attacks which brushed against you from the tentacles coated you with mucus and you felt it seep into your skin but were able to get it off fast enough to avoid lasting damage. Seijiro however was unable to do so and his shifting skin becomes translucent and soft. Seijiro's new “flesh” is soft and tender, reducing his Constitution score by 4 as long as it persists. If Seijiro's flesh isn't kept moist, it dries quickly and he takes 1d12 points of damage every 10 minutes. Remove disease and similar effects can restore an afflicted creature to normal, but immunity to disease offers no protection from this attack. The save DC is Constitution-based. You all are able to get the wheel back up to the ship without any more incident.