DM Immortal's Blood Red Roses: A Skull & Shackles Campaign

Game Master imimrtl

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Current Map

Island of Empty Eyes Map

Port Peril Map

Ship interior
Ship exterior

Dread Lady Upper level
Dread Lady All Levels

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Sovereign Court

Male Human Magus 2; HP 17/17, AC 16/12/14; saves 4/2/3; CMB: +4, CMD 16 loot list

When Adular lays a hand on Variel his mind clears instantly. The fogginess that he was struggling to think through was gone and for the first time he could understand the situation better. Seeing Horatio and Amen-set in their condition with Rain and Jiro searching Variel sets himself to action. Thanks Adular. That helps a lot trying to clear this house out.

Horatio, while you are tending to Amen-set over there why not use the time to round up the gear on the guards and take an inventory of what you found. That way the gear is ready to go when we leave.

Calling ahead to Rain as she is searching, Hold up a second there dear and I will join you. Who knows what else is in this house and you may need another set of hands with you.

Jamba wrote:

Meh name be Jamba. I jus happen upon ya. I be lookin' fah a ship doe Cappy." Jamba smiles at the Captain with gold and brown teeth.

Well it seems that we have a ship available and we can always use another able bodied man with us that has skills.

That goes for you as well, Variel says to Adistan. You can join us if you like. Although I am curious to what you mean by helping Amen-set but it might affect her soul. You mind elaborating a bit on that for us?

After that he goes to help Rain search the house for potions first and then information second. With the lady dead Variel hopes there is a ledger or journal somewhere that will provide the answers they seek.

aid Rain perception 1d20 ⇒ 13 Rain, Arwenamin, should we jam the doors open so they don't close like they did on Amen-set?

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
Variel Nightstorm wrote:
Horatio, while you are tending to Amen-set over there why not use the time to round up the gear on the guards and take an inventory of what you found. That way the gear is ready to go when we leave.

Horatio turns a glance to Variel -

"No worries on that count. Already taken care of," he says as he hefts the satchel that holds the nine Cure Moderate Potions.

Variel Nightstorm wrote:
That goes for you as well, Variel says to Adistan. You can join us if you like. Although I am curious to what you mean by helping Amen-set but it might affect her soul. You mind elaborating a bit on that for us?

Horatio pauses in his advance and turns a glance to Adistan.

He then turns to look at Jamba -

"While we're at it - wasn't that one using some ju-ju ritual or something on the head of the dead witch?" he asks Variel, his eyes still watching Jamba curiously.

Then he decides to let Variel sort that out, guessing he'll find out the details soon enough.

Turning, he heads back to the room that had the chest in it, curious to know its secrets.

Horatio will go back to the room that had the chest in. He'll use Sift spell to search it.

He'll also Take 20 to search for traps before messing with it...

F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19

Okay, guys, wait up a minute. Immortal said the Cloudkill remains several minutes after combat was over. I was going with the assumption the poisonous fog is still in place around the areas noted on map and was waiting on Immortal to clarify. So that means the pantry (in or around) and any area around the stairwell is filled with poison currently.

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
Rain Taneththir wrote:
Okay, guys, wait up a minute. Immortal said the Cloudkill remains several minutes after combat was over. I was going with the assumption the poisonous fog is still in place around the areas noted on map and was waiting on Immortal to clarify. So that means the pantry (in or around) and any area around the stairwell is filled with poison...

Hmmm... that's fair. Well, I'm not sure about the time frame specifically, but Horatio would check it out when it is safe, I guess.

For now, I guess I'll move to the front door and post a watch on the street until things look safe - making sure that the party is safe from the spread of the cloud if it's still moving...

Male Human Witch 1 [HP:9/9 | AC: 13 T: 13 FF: 10 | F: +4 R: +3 W: +2 Init: 3, Perc: 7]
Cappy wrote:
"Well it seems that we have a ship available and we can always use another able bodied man with us that has skills."

"Many tanks, Cappy. Shakka gettin' da lady's head ready fah talkin'. Maybe she answer some of da questions yah be havin'?"

Horatio wrote:
"While we're at it - wasn't that one using some ju-ju ritual or something on the head of the dead witch?"

"Yah. Dats right, Pistoles. He tryin' ta make da lady talk. How yah lady dere? She gonna be okie, okie? I gots some healin' if she be needin it."

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
Jamba Mumbata wrote:
"Yah. Dats right, Pistoles. He tryin' ta make da lady talk. "

Horatio cocks his head and studies Jamba thoughtfully.

"You remind me of the Mwangi near my homeland," he says thoughtfully, but with no malice, as if merely digesting this information.

Jamba Mumbata wrote:
"How yah lady dere? She gonna be okie, okie? I gots some healin' if she be needin it."

Horatio turns to look at Amen-set.

"Hmm? Well, she's as good as can be until the damn sleep spell wears off... Once that's done, I'm hoping she'll be alright, but she's got some bad trouble in her lungs, same as me, thanks to that gods damned gas," he says as he scratches his chin thoughtfully, his eyes narrowing as he feels anger at what happened to the young girl.

He glances up at Jamba and the tension seems to ease from his face.

"How'd you end up in this place?" he asks, curious to know what happened to him.

As he waits for a response he reaches into his coat and pulls out a cheroot, offering it to the Jamba, recalling vaguely that he had mentioned something about smoking earlier.

F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19
Adular wrote:

"Forgive me, Rain... but I can fix one of those with the spell I have, not all. Tell me which, and I'll pray for it." He puts a hand on her shoulder energy flows.

Which ever one Rain selected gets restored 1d4 points

Rain speaks her preference to the priest and some of her vitality is restored, but not wholly.

+2 to CON from the Lesser Restoration.

Current Status: Rain's HP currently due to CON damage: 50/56.

Ability Damage suffered: INT damage 4 (INT now 10), WIS damage 3 (WIS now 11), CON damage 1 (CON now 11).

Rain inclined her head toward Adular, "It helped alittle. Thank you."

She had heard the other stranger give his name and homeland to Flynn. She gave a swift introduction of her own, "I am Rain, the Lady's pilot."

Variel wrote:

Calling ahead to Rain as she is searching, Hold up a second there dear and I will join you. Who knows what else is in this house and you may need another set of hands with you.

Rain took in her betrothed with turquoise eyes that seemed to lack their usual lustre and then nodded once. "Be wary of any remaining poison."

We'll search the areas not covered by any of the poisonous fog (and be mindful not to get too close to it) and once the Cloudkill dissipates, then we'll move cautiously into the other spaces to search.

Variel wrote:

Rain, Arwenamin, should we jam the doors open so they don't close like they did on Amen-set?"

"Aye, Melamin. I'd rather not be trapped in a room with more poison, even in your company."

Rain looked for any heavy pieces or furniture to prop against the doors so they do not close on them.

So Rain rolled a 26 to Perception to search for restoration potions and anything important ... and Variel aided for a total of 28. Jiro rolled a 22 on Perception to search, as well. Immortal, do we find anything?

Island of Empty Eyes Map Current Map

Ok so Shakka's speak with dead spell will go off about 1 minute before the fog clears so i'll do that first and then tell you what you find in the house.

Will save: 1d20 ⇒ 5

The severed head on the floor begins to glow with a pale ghostly light, mirrored in the eyes of the strange bird. The face animates and twists into a sneer, eyes flicking back and forth between you all.

Whhaaat do you waaant? the voice hisses softly.

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)

Realizing the fog will remain a problem for a while, Horatio lowers himself to the floor near Amen-set and cradles the young girl’s head in his lap, stroking her hair almost absently as he considers options.

Thus far he had tried to learn more about the men that were discovered with Dhaavan and found at least that the Andoran had spoken of some healing, albeit one connected to some power that reminded him of tales of that strange, dread city and its foul, cyclopean walls which stretched like dark and macabre fingers to grasp hungrily at the stars.

Yet – regrettably – when he had pressed Adistan for more lore about this mystery, the man had not answered.

What thing of nameless antiquity gives birth to the magic he may wield? Surely it is not as dark nor Infernal as that of our silver-tongued First Mate; nay, I would deem, rather, that it hearkens from a day long-forgotten of the eons before time – and so my heart reckons that such things are better left forgotten…

He takes another drag of the smoke as he makes himself more comfortable, and his mind tacks to the man from Mwangi…

He speech is thick with their dark accent, and – moreover – his skill is birthed of the lore of the Ju-Ju men… Perhaps it is best that the witch is dead, else it may be that the man might consider bending her flesh into that of a zuvembie or some other such foul creature…

His eyes narrow as he considers this and he studies Jamba intently.

Mayhap he offers prayers to more than just the kin of Damballah, perhaps he instead whispers to Bacalou…

Horatio’s face suddenly splits into a sardonic smile at that idea, especially the imagery such thoughts conjure.

Then his eyes narrow and he considers the broader implications.

If the concepts which vex your consciousness are true then it is likely these two shall be good company… For is it not a certainty that you seek the answers to that which you have discovered and now carry – the enigma of the Black Stone? Aye! For that dark item is even now kept safe in your holding to reveal its purpose to you; yet what better way to divine its mysteries than with those who have new lore to share…

He pulls his smoke from his lips and taps the ash on the carpet near him and then pauses to take another swig from the flask he carries as he glances around.

When they seek to pry the answers from this corpse I shall leave them, for I am less concerned with the trivium of what the dead caster may possess and would rather be free of these foul chambers… Indeed, would that we were quit of this place and returned to our ship!

A soft gleam lights his eyes as he remembers the freedom of the sea, contrasted to the inflexibility that such deeds as their current task pressed upon him.

Aye, with the deck tilted eagerly under a full press of sails as a sharp wind spurns us to the naked horizon!

Gods, would that we were away!

Horatio takes off his own greatcoat and bundles it in his hands like a pillow, then places it under the head of Amen-set and hauls himself to his feet.

He looks at the others that stand by him.

”I think I’m going to go exploring,” he says, then turns a glance at Rain and Jiro.

"Do you want to look together, or would you rather split up?"

If Rain and Jiro want to explore with him, he will join them - if they want to explore independently that's cool, too - whatever works for you two :)

Meantime, when the fog is done Horatio will go explore each room – starting with the pantry he already explored where the “small chest” was mentioned earlier.

As he makes ready to leave, he pauses and glances at them.

”Let me know how it turns out with the corpse,” he says with a crooked smile.

DM Immortal wrote:

The face animates and twists into a sneer, eyes flicking back and forth between you all.

Whhaaat do you waaant? the voice hisses softly.

Surprisingly he has little interest in the conversation with the dead woman, but only because he’s more interested in trying to find something that can heal either himself or Amen-set. Also, he has a suspicion that the others will do a much better job with the investigation then he will :)

Male Human Witch 1 [HP:9/9 | AC: 13 T: 13 FF: 10 | F: +4 R: +3 W: +2 Init: 3, Perc: 7]
Horatio wrote:
"You remind me of the Mwangi near my homeland."

Jamba gives the gunslinger a teethy grin. "Jamba spent his childhood in da Expanse before Gozreh called him to da sea."

Horatio wrote:

"How'd you end up in this place?" he asks, curious to know what happened to him.

As he waits for a response he reaches into his coat and pulls out a cheroot, offering it to the Jamba, recalling vaguely that he had mentioned something about smoking earlier.

Jamba takes the cheroot cigar from Horatio and sniffs it. "Now yah be talkin' meh language, Pistoles!" He lights the cigar and takes a long draw from it, exhaling dozens of smoke rings. "Stuck between jobs. Been lookin' fah a rig ta get back on da sea." He takes another drag from the cigar. "Ran into yah delivering a package ta poor ole Zar over dere!" He laughs at his last statement. "How about yah?"

Human - (Status: normal) Varisian Sorcerer 5 (HP: 56/56, AC:21(14/19[+2]) /F:8,R:8,W:9 / MP: 5/5 / Init. +2 / Perc. +5/6(3))(Jack's Perc: +13/+15)

When Dhaavan sees the condition of his knight and the man's ward, his expression turns dark. Flynn, you look like shit. The Hells happened up there? I heard the explosion, but beyond that...
And what's wrong with the girl? Your magical healing hasn't brought her to, but she is breathing. Any idea what got her?
He keeps his voice carefully level, not betraying anything more than concern.

i want to see what this hag as to say for herself. Why has she been eliminating our leads, and what she was doin to mea and Adistan

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
Jamba Mumbata wrote:
Jamba gives the gunslinger a teethy grin. "Jamba spent his childhood in da Expanse before Gozreh called him to da sea."

Horatio nods at that.

”I’ve grew up near the Expanse – I didn’t travel much in it, but there were folk who journeyed from it to near where I lived; I learned quite a bit about the Mwangi, but I’m always eager to learn more,” he responds with a friendly tone.

Jamba Mumbata wrote:
Jamba takes the cheroot cigar from Horatio and sniffs it. "Now yah be talkin' meh language, Pistoles!" He lights the cigar and takes a long draw from it, exhaling dozens of smoke rings. "Stuck between jobs. Been lookin' fah a rig ta get back on da sea." He takes another drag from the cigar. "Ran into yah delivering a package ta poor ole Zar over dere!" He laughs at his last statement. "How about yah?"

Horatio shrugs.

”Nothing as exciting as all of that,” he says with a frown.

”We came here to find this bytch and try to learn why she’s been hits out on some folk – to be honest I don’t really understand the point, except that it has somehow to do with Cheliax – supposedly she may be mixed up in some kind of fight coming from them,” he says with a grunt, then rolls his eyes.

”If it were me, I’d not protest if Cheliax came – if those sons-of-whores brought their ships down here that’s just more vessels to pirate – though that shouldn’t matter much,” he says with glance at Adistan – ”after all, taking Cheliax ships is no worries for me as I still got my Letters of Marquee to attack their fleets if they get close,” he says with a grin.

He sends a sudden stab of smoke shooting between the slowly rising rings that Jamba has been blowing and sighs.

”Anyhow, we’re here now – but luckily we’ll be heading out, and just as well – I’d rather be on board ship instead of skulking around this place,” he says with a somewhat bitter voice, his emotions clearly colored by his concern for Amen-set.

As he broods for a moment, he glances down at her face and displays an unusual sign of tenderness for the young girl as he pushes a long strand of platinum blonde hair back from her face.

Dhaavan wrote:
When Dhaavan sees the condition of his knight and the man's ward, his expression turns dark. Flynn, you look like s##%. The Hells happened up there? I heard the explosion, but beyond that...

Horatio turns a glance from Amen-set to Dhaavan.

”Gods damn, I’m glad to see you,” he says with a wide grin.

”As for what happened…” his grin turns to a scowl.

”Well, the truth is that every single action I tried was shyte,” he says with a grunt.

”I tried to kill the sleeping creature with a bullet to its brainpan – the thing was less then twenty feet from me, but somehow I managed to screw that up,” he says.

”Then I tried to burn through the webbing to help out against another enemy; but I guess my understanding of how web spells work was wrong – so that screwed up royally, too.”

”Then I had a bead on the gods damned monster, never had such an opening like that - so I fired a shot that should have split its skull clean open – but before the bullet even reached its mark the creature suddenly changed into multiple enemies and my shot failed.”

His eyes grow flinty and he turns his head and spits on the rug with disgust, then sighs.

”Anyhow, seeing that all I was doing was gum up the works I figured that it would be better for everyone if Amen-set and I went below to get out of the way, but we lingered around in case you needed healing in a pinch so we could come back and help.”

His eyes narrowed as he recalls what happened next.

”Then that poisonous fog followed me down the stairs – I thought Adistan’s wind spell would stop that – but it didn’t. And then I thought the fog would mess with us for a moment, then simply drift pass us – no luck on either count.”

”Instead the fog moved right on top of me and stayed there for a while – until I managed to hack through a door – it just lingered on top of me, draining my life away with each stroke of my hatchet – and I needed to do it hard, too, because the gods damned witch had decided to teleport from dealing with you guys above and then come down right into the same room me and Amen-set had gone into so she could attack us directly, I guess…” he says with a frown, his hand clenching into a tight fist.

”Anyhow, at that point she zapped Amen-set with another type of poison – this one managing to make my girl fall asleep – which is why I can’t seem to wake her now.”

”That said; you guys were lucky that the witch didn’t take a personal interest in any of you, too; otherwise…” he lets the words linger then shrugs.

Dhaavan wrote:
And what's wrong with the girl? Your magical healing hasn't brought her to, but she is breathing. Any idea what got her? He keeps his voice carefully level, not betraying anything more than concern.

He seems to relax a bit at that, his eyes drifting to Amen-set.

”It’s the gods damned poison.”

”She was hit with something that managed to make her collapse and fall into some sort of enchanted sleep… she should be awake soon, but until it happens she can’t do much of anything but rest here…” he adds.

He glances up at Dhaavan.

”For what it’s worth, she was worried quite a bit about you; seemed to think you’d be killed if she didn’t come to your rescue personally.”

He gives the sorcerer a dry smile.

”If you ask me, I think she fancies you, though gods knows why…” he adds with a quiet chuckle.

As he notices the poison fog disappearing he seems to relax a little more.

Dhaavan wrote:
i want to see what this hag as to say for herself. Why has she been eliminating our leads, and what she was doin to mea and Adistan

Horatio grunts.

”I’m curious to know what you learn; but I’m not so stupid as to try to interfere in that conversation,” he says glancing around.

”Besides, this place needs to be looked over proper – even if we don’t find gear to heal us I’d wager we can find a ton of us stuff to sell, and if we do sell it then we can easily afford further healing,” he adds with a wry grin, then looks down at Amen-set as she nestles against his coat on the floor, a frown on his face, clearly worried about her.

Nosoi Psychopomp-Arcane Familiar [HP: 26/26 | AC: 19 T: 15 FF: 16 | F: +3 R: +6 W: +6 Init: +3, Perc: +13]

The creepy bird transforms into a raven and starts asking the alchemist's disembodied head questions. "Caw! Who hired you to set up the assassinations? Caw!"

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)

When the fog clears, Horatio will move to test the door at C:10, hoping for a place for Amen-set to rest a bit easier than laying on the floor.

The map has some beds in this picture; I’m not sure if we’d know that formally, but I’m assuming Horatio can put Amen-set on one of the beds to rest as she’s currently out of things for a bit.

Meanwhile, if there’s anything of value here Horatio will spend some time searching it for things like clues or valuables.

Taking 20 to search room should take 2 Minutes for a Total Perception Check of 33. GM - did he find anything in that time?

Once Amen-set is settled he returns to the party in the hallway and catches the bit of the strange creature near Shakka that is now speaking to the head of the dead caster.

"Shakka" wrote:
"Caw! Who hired you to set up the assassinations? Caw!"

His eyes narrow suspiciously at the ritual, but he says nothing about it.

Doing what he can to make sure he doesn’t disturb things, he moves quietly to Rain and Jiro.

”Did you find anything else in the rooms you searched?” he asks them softly.

Horatio will share whatever he found in the room with them, if he found anything useful at all.

M hp 28; AC 17/touch 12/flat-footed 15; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1 (+2 vs. emotion spells, effects) Human slayer 3

Sorry for the delay; my wife's still home, and my posting will be a bit spotty for another week or so.

Temmer looks surprised at Flynn's offer of a drink.

"I hardly think now is the time to dull our senses, sir. We were lucky to survive that encounter, and who knows what else this house holds?" he replies stiffly.

Variel Nightstorm wrote:
That goes for you as well, Variel says to Adistan. You can join us if you like. Although I am curious to what you mean by helping Amen-set but it might affect her soul. You mind elaborating a bit on that for us?

"My thanks, Captain. I owe you and yours a debt, and I would rather pay if it I can. If you'll have me, I'll join your crew and see what I can do to balance the scales...

"As for her soul, I wish I could tell you more. I had an encounter with some ... dark magic, and I fear it has infected me. It is my duty now to contain it, and I do my best to do so, but I can't guarantee that it won't seep into others should I touch them."

Also, not that it really matters, but no one has any idea that the wind came from Temmer.

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
Adistan Temmer wrote:

Temmer looks surprised at Flynn's offer of a drink.

"I hardly think now is the time to dull our senses, sir. We were lucky to survive that encounter, and who knows what else this house holds?" he replies stiffly.

Horatio's eyes widen at the man's casual brush-off, but he takes the flask back without a word.

I wonder how he would have treated me if he knew I was knighted and with a title? Would he have shown me more courtesy, or respect, even if he didn't agree with my actions but simply because of a pedigree or position? Or would have still treated me as he did, ignoring my earlier questions about the dark forces he alluded to, instead bending his full attention on Nightstorm alone?

Yet perhaps I'm being unfair in my assessment. After all, it could also be that his lack of manners are merely predicated by the lingering stress of the situation...

His gaze turns back to study Adistan thoughtfully and he notes how the man seemed to deferring only to Variel.

His gaze also lingers and he now studies the man's gear, including the fine, though weather-beaten, clothing and other indications of wealth and station which seemed like evidence that this man did not wish to be mistaken for a mere "commoner".

His memory ranges back during when he had sailed with the Royal Navy and was suddenly reminded of the strictly enforced caste system and the consequences for diverging from it.

With that in mind he nods to himself, reevaluating his prior assessment of the man and then shrugs.

Be at ease and remember the old Varisian saying your uncle was so found of quoting - "Never trust a sword until it is tried, a maiden until she is bedded or a drink until it is tasted!"

He glances at the man and notes how he is now presenting an answer, but only to Variel and he scratches his beard absently.

Well, no doubt we shall all learn about each other better in due time...

AC20 (T 16, FF 14); HP 86/86; saves F +6, R +16, W +7; bab: 6/1; melee 8/1(+13/8), ranged +12/7; CMB 8, CMD 24; speed 30; init +6(+8); perc +11(13)(+15) mp 2/5 | kitsune rogue (pirate)/7; bard(sea singer)/2
acro 21(23,26), appr 11, bluff 6, climb 11, dd 17, disg 5, esc art 10, fly 9, intim 8, k local 5, k geog 6(8), ling 8, perc 11(13,15), prf: harm 8, prf: act 8; pr: sail 11, sm 2, soh 13, spcrft 6, stlth 19(21)(23), swm 10

not sure how to respond, because don't know the results of the searching if any....

When the search is over, Seijiro will bring whatever he's found of value and set it down, listening in since hopefully he's back in time to hear the 'speak with dead' results.

Island of Empty Eyes Map Current Map
"Shakka" wrote:
The creepy bird transforms into a raven and starts asking the alchemist's disembodied head questions. "Caw! Who hired you to set up the assassinations? Caw!"

The head rolls around slightly as the magic takes effect before coming to rest and slightly floating in the air so the jaw can work. I am in the employ of a noble house in the Umbral Court of Nidal. I know not the house.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Island of Empty Eyes Map Current Map

For the searching don't worry about it. I will give you a list of what you find.


10 +1 cutlass's
10 chain shirts, bucklers, mighty composite longbows (+3 str) (all these are masterwork)
250 gp of assorted alchemical and herbalist goods and gear for crafting
Chest with 760 gp and 1237 sp
On the dead kamadan upstairs you all find a ring on one of it's paws (magical)
290 gp assortment of low value gems
850gp Alchemist Lab (125lbs in total)
3 doses of Id moss
4 doses of Sassone Leaf Residue
6 vials of acid
4 flasks of alchemist fire
2 vials of antitoxin
3 smokesticks
2 tanglefoot bags
4 thunderstones
vial of Salve of Slipperiness
1 ounce of Sovereign Glue
3 flasks of Unguent of Timelessness
5 uses of Universal Solvent
Journal about Zarskia's Alchemical experiments (when studied for 1 hour will give +4 to any roll to make an Alchemical item)
250gp perfumes and cosmetics
stylish purse with 10 pp, 47 gp, 29 sp
360 gp fashionable female outfits and dresses
disguise kit

on Zarskia's body you find:
2 doses of Large Scorpion Venom
2 doses of Purple Worm Poison
2 doses of Shadow Essence
+1 Mithral Chain Shirt
2 Masterwork butterfly swords
Cloak (Magical)
Headband (Magical)
Alchemists Kit
MW Thieves tools
3 tindertwigs
Alchemist Formulae book
500gp diamond dust

You also find a hidden basement accessed from a hidden shaft on the third floor.
50 pp, 100 gp in cloth pouch on table with assorted papers.
3 vials which hold and elixir of hiding, tumbling, and vision
Swan Boat feather token

Among the papers you find that many of them are encrypted or use ambiguous code words, but they nevertheless expose the identities of a widespread network of spies throughout the Shackles. The papers also detail the primary players in the spy ring—Corlan, Elliece Farhaven, Haddon Pike, and Roweena Kellet, as well as their ordered assassinations (by an imp in the case of Elliece, and by Giles Halmis in the case of the others). Dated 3 weeks ago and written in Infernal, several read, “Silence is now key. Our plans will go into full force once our agent finishes his preparations. Destroy any remaining evidence and discreetly sell your business. Report to Nisroch for your next assignment.”

K. Geography dc 12:
Nisroch is the largest city in Nidal

Nosoi Psychopomp-Arcane Familiar [HP: 26/26 | AC: 19 T: 15 FF: 16 | F: +3 R: +6 W: +6 Init: +3, Perc: +13]

"Caw! How did you contact your employer?"

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)

Not sure how long it will take to get a full break-down of all the loot, but at some point I'm assuming Horatio may have seen the notes...

Knowledge: Geography
1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23

As Horatio glances at the notes, he studies the cursed Infernal language and ponders its meaning.

"Hmm... Well, Nisroch is the largest city in Nidal, that much is clear..." he mutters thoughtfully, then glances at the others, curious to know what they may have discovered during their interrogation.

As he helps Rain and Jiro take the loot back to the main room he pauses to check on Amen-set and makes sure she is doing alright.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Magus 2; HP 17/17, AC 16/12/14; saves 4/2/3; CMB: +4, CMD 16 loot list
Adistan Temmer wrote:

Sorry for the delay; my wife's still home, and my posting will be a bit spotty for another week or so.

"My thanks, Captain. I owe you and yours a debt, and I would rather pay if it I can. If you'll have me, I'll join your crew and see what I can do to balance the scales...

"As for her soul, I wish I could tell you more. I had an encounter with some ... dark magic, and I fear it has infected me. It is my duty now to contain it, and I do my best to do so, but I can't guarantee that it won't seep into others should I touch them."

Variel does not press the issue too much about the dark magic at the moment. After all there is other more immediate concerns. Still he tries to give some encouragement to the rather bleak outlook. I may not know that much about such matters but Adular has connections to Bismara, Dhaavan is learned in arcane power and Horatio has a variety of skills and knowledges in the healing arts. Perhaps later we, or they, can help figure out this infection and clear it up for you.

Horatio wrote:

As Horatio glances at the notes, he studies the cursed Infernal language and ponders its meaning.

"Hmm... Well, Nisroch is the largest city in Nidal, that much is clear..." he mutters thoughtfully, then glances at the others, curious to know what they may have discovered during their interrogation.

But that doesn't make much sense though. I mean the leads were leading us to believe that it was Cheliax that was involved. Is this misinformation Jamba or have we uncovered a second plot that was unknown before hand? Either that or Nidal was just a staging area for Chelaxian informants?

Sovereign Court

Male Human Magus 2; HP 17/17, AC 16/12/14; saves 4/2/3; CMB: +4, CMD 16 loot list

spellcraft headband 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (19) + 13 = 32
spellcraft cloak 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (19) + 13 = 32
spellcraft ring 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26

Nice job rounding up the gear everyone. Some of this stuff will fetch a nice price while others people could really use. Some of this stuff looks like poisons. I am not in the habit of using them myself but by all means someone who wants to use them should definitely put them to good use. The same goes for some of this other stuff as well. If you think you can use it please claim it.

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
Variel Nightstorm wrote:
But that doesn't make much sense though. I mean the leads were leading us to believe that it was Cheliax that was involved. Is this misinformation Jamba or have we uncovered a second plot that was unknown before hand? Either that or Nidal was just a staging area for Chelaxian informants?

Horatio glances at Variel, then back to the paper.

"You know, the writing is in Infernal..."

He rubs his chin thoughtfully, considering the broader implications.

"It occurs to me that Cheliax has plenty of connections to the Infernal realm in general - what of Nidal?" he asks thoughtfully.

He glances at Variel -

"Right now we've been operating under the assumption that the threat is something like a fleet of Man-o-War's or something like that... What if this invasion isn't being orchestrated by a temporal leadership but something more... I don't know... infernal?" he says with a somewhat helpless shrug.

"We already know that Cheliax is filled with folk who worship dark forces - if they're getting the tip from some lower level of Hell - or wherever they get their orders - maybe the same being is using their contacts through something like a dark priesthood - devil worshipers, cultists, that sort of thing..."

"In which case those bosses could be reaching out to contacts in Nidal as well as Cheliax."

"Anyhow, that's just a theory," he says, then glances at Jamba.

"Of course, you could try asking her more about that hunch - if you'd like?" he says somewhat solicitously, then he turns to study the potions and gear.

"Poisons can be handy - and I'd bet Amen-set would be pretty excited to get her hands on some Alchemical Fire... but as of now I'm not too sure on anything quite yet..." he adds.

Knowledge: Geography for follow-up on Nidal
1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17

He glances at Variel -

"You know anything else about Nidal?" he asks him, curiously, knowing that the Elf has studied quite a bit of lore, too.

F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19

Know. Geography re Nisroch with penalty for INT damage included (DC 12): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

Rain, with simple nod, agreed, with Flynn's declaration about Nisroch.

Hearing Vaiel speak of Nidal and the Chelaxian spy ring, Rain added, "Cheliax lies to the south of Nidal and they could very well be allied." Rain rolled high enough that she would be able to have a little more info re the Georgraphy. I hope that's okay, Immortal.

F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19

If this helps, tossing it up, too...Shrugs.

Know. Local regarding the strength of relations between Cheliax and Nidal, penalty to INT damage included: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
Rain Taneththir wrote:
If this helps, tossing it up, too...Shrugs.

Hopefully the GM will allow us to take the highest check and add the other rolls in via Aid checks to boost it to the total, but I guess we'll see what he has planned.

I mean, I feel like our combined knowledge should give us plenty of knowledge about this Nidal place, but given that the writing is Infernal I'm starting to wonder where the invasion is going to come from (granted, I had assumed it would be a massive invasion from the Chelaxian Imperial Navy, but who knows? It might be devils or something like that instead)...

Here's hoping the GM will give us more tips on Nidal in general :)

As Horatio considers things, his mind tacks back to the island with the Halflings they had visited.

"Wasn't those priests we were working for asking questions about this? I mean, weren't they interested in these details, too?" he adds.

Can't really remember very much, but I feel like the cultists were aligned to a god that was pretty shady but still wouldn't be keen on an infernal invasion - of course, this assumes my hunch is right about the location of the invasion.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Magus 2; HP 17/17, AC 16/12/14; saves 4/2/3; CMB: +4, CMD 16 loot list

That is a possibility Horatio. I mean about Cheliax using devils to pass information around. It would prevent any trace of it being found here on Golarion. As Rain mentions, the 2 countries are close together geographically and could be allied in this as well.

I don't know how much more this woman knows about that if she could not even name her contact. Some Umbral House is not enough information to go on at this time. How could we rephrase the question to possibly get more answers? Even if we can't at least this is more than we had before.

Night all

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
Variel Nightstorm wrote:
That is a possibility Horatio. I mean about Cheliax using devils to pass information around. It would prevent any trace of it being found here on Golarion. As Rain mentions, the 2 countries are close together geographically and could be allied in this as well.

"That just means they're possibly connected via the location - but that's not what I meant about devils."

"I mean, not that men are using devils to pass on information, but that maybe devils are using men to get their dirty work done on our plane..." he says, his eyes narrowing at the possibility.

Variel Nightstorm wrote:
I don't know how much more this woman knows about that if she could not even name her contact. Some Umbral House is not enough information to go on at this time. How could we rephrase the question to possibly get more answers? Even if we can't at least this is more than we had before.

Horatio ponders the nature of the "Umbral House" and Nidal as a whole...

Knowledge Local on Nidal
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)

GM: While we track down all the gear and goods how long has it taken in game? Have our crewmates arrived and has Amen-set awakened yet?

I'll leave the formal questions to the rest of the party, but also, what do we know via our Knowledge Rolls?

Cool! See you all soon!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Island of Empty Eyes Map Current Map
"Shakka" wrote:
"Caw! How did you contact your employer?"

I did not, they contacted me. If I had information to give I placed it in a box along with other items, marked it with a small red X in the top right corner and sent it to Nisroch.

Island of Empty Eyes Map Current Map

Rain and Flynn, Nidal and Cheliax are firm allies. Nidal is essentially a vassal of Cheliax. The Umbral Court is made up of Nidalese Aristocracy and are essentially the ruling body of Nidal. Nisroch is the largest and most open city in Nidal but is not the capital, the capital is an inland city called Pangolais.

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)

Horatio turns to Variel after considering things…

”So me and the Pilot-Major put our heads together and we know for a fact that Nidal is just a vassal state to Cheliax… So it’s a good bet that they’re both working together for however this supposed “invasion” is going to go down…”

”Meantime, this “Umbral Court” is the ruling class in Nidal – made up of the usual ‘toff’s and other High Born sorts… but the point is; if messages were being sent to the Umbral Court then it wasn’t sent to a bunch of back-water cultist’s with delusions of grandeur – this stuff was sent to the top brass, as it were,” he says as his eyes narrow.

”I don’t know if any of this matters, but I hope that helps…”

As he waits for an answer he hears the voice of the head utter even more dark words.

DM Immortal wrote:
I did not, they contacted me. If I had information to give I placed it in a box along with other items, marked it with a small red X in the top right corner and sent it to Nisroch.

Fair enough – but what else was placed in the box – and who was the courier? Because, if there was a courier they may come back to find out why there’s no further communiqués – and when they do, maybe we can be there to intercept…

He glances at the others, still letting Jamba do the talking with the corpse, instead addressing the company as a whole.

”What do you suppose will happen when she fails to deliver her next message? Do you think they’ll reach out to her?”

M hp 28; AC 17/touch 12/flat-footed 15; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1 (+2 vs. emotion spells, effects) Human slayer 3

During the search
"My thanks, Captain," Temmer replies to Captain Nightstorm. "I would not want to be a bother, though. This is my burden to bear, and I would not ask anyone else to carry it for me in any manner."

The sailor remains in the room, standing guard over the ailing Amen-Set, as the others search the building. A look of pain briefly crosses his face, but after a handful of seconds, he stands more erect, his color looking better and breathing more easy.

Casting lesser restoration on self, though there's no visual indication that he's done so: 1d4 ⇒ 4 Back to full Constitution.

After the search
Knowledge (geography): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22 For whatever that's worth to help with Nidal, though I assume that won't get us anything new.

"Do you have much contact with the devil-worshipers? I think they certainly work hand in hand with the forces of Hell," he says. "Regardless of who may be in charge, their goal is the same, and one all good men must oppose."

As the loot is laid out, and the captain makes his offer, Temmer looks it over, his eyes seeming to become more sunken, almost as if they were in shadow.

[b]"Captain Nightstorm, I think several of these items contain some magic, but I'm afraid I'm not certain what exactly it is that they can do,"[b/] he says.

Spellcraft (ring): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
Spellcraft (cloak): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
Spellcraft (headband): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

Quick Stats:

HP 38/55
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14
Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +4 (+1 vs. fear, +4 vs. mind-affecting effects*); CMD 20
Spells Used: 1st [x], 2nd [xx]
Bonded Manifestation: 2/8
Mythic power: 1/5 (1d6+1 surge)
Consumables: 0/20 arrows,

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
Adistan Temmer wrote:

During the search

"My thanks, Captain," Temmer replies to Captain Nightstorm. "I would not want to be a bother, though. This is my burden to bear, and I would not ask anyone else to carry it for me in any manner."

Horatio stifles his frustration at how the man continued to speak only to Variel and not to the rest of them, and though he does his best to keep his expression neutral, it's not hard to read his emotions.

"Right - so, regarding your past, it sounds pretty bleak, but I think the real question about what you alluded to is probably more about how it will effect us, as opposed to you, no offense."

"You said there's something dark about your soul, or something like that. But at this point I'm thinking that if you want to sail with us then how do we know whatever may be possessing you doesn't decide to maybe manifest itself when we're at sea and maybe decide to do some damage to us later?" he asks, trying to clarify his point a bit better.

"I mean, we've got quite a bit of troubles already, so if you're telling us you have some darkness on you, I'd kind of like to know more about it personally before sailing with you, if that's not a problem?" he adds, studying the man carefully.

During the Search -

Adistan Temmer wrote:
The sailor remains in the room, standing guard over the ailing Amen-Set, as the others search the building. A look of pain briefly crosses his face, but after a handful of seconds, he stands more erect, his color looking better and breathing more easy.

Horatio's searching is more reserved as he notes the man seems intent on watching Amen-set, however, he says nothing about that specifically, instead merely keeping an eye on things.

Casting lesser restoration on self, though there's no visual indication that he's done so: 1d4 Back to full Constitution.

Adistan Temmer wrote:

After the search

"Do you have much contact with the devil-worshipers? I think they certainly work hand in hand with the forces of Hell," he says.

Horatio gives Dhaavan a sidelong glance for a moment, then turns back to Temmer.

"We've had a little experience..." he says slowly.

Then he shrugs.

Adistan Temmer wrote:
"Regardless of who may be in charge, their goal is the same, and one all good men must oppose."

Horatio cocks his head as he studies Adistan.

"No man should live in bondage, no matter where the chains are forged... Aye! Well said," he says with a grim smile.

Despite his enthusiastic agreement he doesn't offer much information in response, instead he looks at the others to see what they may want to volunteer.

Nosoi Psychopomp-Arcane Familiar [HP: 26/26 | AC: 19 T: 15 FF: 16 | F: +3 R: +6 W: +6 Init: +3, Perc: +13]

"What are the names of any others targets you had when you died?! Caw!" The "Raven" hops around and shifts to see the lifeless, bleeding eyes of the alchemist better.

M hp 28; AC 17/touch 12/flat-footed 15; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1 (+2 vs. emotion spells, effects) Human slayer 3

"I would tell you more about it if I could, Master Flynn," Temmer replies, "but I'm afraid I know little of what it is. ... It has not been a problem on any other ship that I have sailed on since I first realized what it was, but I certainly understand should you not want to offer me a berth. I cannot say I should be surprised at such an action, and will take no offense."

Sense Motive DC 10:

Temmer is not mentioning some problem relating to this "darkness."

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

"Master Flynn, any true Andoren could not help but agree with that statement," Temmer nods in approval as the man finishes.

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
Adistan Temmer wrote:
"I would tell you more about it if I could, Master Flynn," Temmer replies, "but I'm afraid I know little of what it is. ... It has not been a problem on any other ship that I have sailed on since I first realized what it was, but I certainly understand should you not want to offer me a berth. I cannot say I should be surprised at such an action, and will take no offense."

Horatio peers at Adistan thoughtfully.

Sense Motive
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

"Hell, I'm not saying either way... I mean, you could have just as easily kept your mouth shut about the whole issue and let us find out the hard way, you know?"

"Look, I'm just saying that as you were direct with us at all, despite the fact that you're dancing around the issue - no offense - makes me think you're more trustworthy than you might be."

"Like I said, it's not my decision, but the way I see it, we could always use extra lads that spent time before the mast."

"Besides," he says with a cheerful grin "if things do go south when we're at sea together? Well, let's just say that I'm sure we'll figure out how to take care things quick-smart if they do, eh?" he adds with a lighthearted tone, though his eyes were watching Adistan as if appraising him carefully.

However, whatever his private musing are at this point he says nothing about them at this time.

After the back-and-forth about living in freedom, he notes Adistan's response and his somewhat suspicious gaze brightens considerably.

Adistan Temmer wrote:
"Master Flynn, any true Andoren could not help but agree with that statement," Temmer nods in approval as the man finishes.

He flashes Adistan a bright smile at that.

"Hell yeah, and praise be to Milani," he responds with a grin and a wink, his hand patting the butt of his pistol absently.

Knowledge Religion 8:

Milani is a minor goddess dedicated to the violent overthrow of slavers. Her symbol is a bloody rose.

She is considered to be Chaotic Good.

Her weapon is a morningstar and her favored animal is "The Mouse".

Knowledge Religion 12:

Those devoted to her found the courage to organize the rebellions against the infernal takeover of the Chelish Empire, helping many of her outlying territories break free of its control. They fought against the slow slide into barbarism, restoring people's hope that a just and good society could be restored.

Milani and her clergy are generally on good terms with the more benevolent deities.

She actively fights against Asmodeus and Zon-Kuthon are Milani's arch-enemies, though she cleverly uses her lowly power to avoid their attention and that of other evil deities. She battles against all of them, often utilizing mortals to confound the evil these gods would wreak.

Knowledge Religion 15:

Also known as "Everbloom" she was considered a Saint in the Last Alzanti's Faith.

Her church is generally most popular in areas of intense upheaval such as Galt, the River Kingdoms, and parts of Cheliax, and generally only gather in small congregations.

In peacetime, her followers demonstrate their obedience by planting and cultivating roses or brewing and sharing tea, then praying to her while inhaling their scent. During conflicts, Milanites train for battle alongside their allies.

Before she achieved divinity she was born of Half-Elf parentage and generally feels ashamed of her heritage, largely because of how pure-blood elves treated her in life.

As such she has little patience for people who use their class and race as a method to look down on people.

Knowledge Religion 20:

Full details found Here

Sovereign Court

Male Human Magus 2; HP 17/17, AC 16/12/14; saves 4/2/3; CMB: +4, CMD 16 loot list

I understand what you mean Horatio. I had it the other way around. You think that the invasion is designed and comprised of devils and they are using the Chelaxians. That is a possibility but I have no idea how to prove that one. Devils could be anywhere and travel the planes easily. If there was an invasion from them specifically though why all of this effort on their part. Couldn't they just appear wherever they wanted to and attack immediately?

Why all the trouble of sending the reports to NIdal then? While a valid argument I think that the ties that you and Rain speak of between Nidal and Cheliax points to more of a human effort than devil effort. It does not hurt to be prepared though for devils in the future. Perhaps you would be so kind as to research for us the best way to counter devil attacks and if they have any weaknesses?

---------------------------Adistan darkness conversation---------------

While you say that this is your burden alone I would tend to disagree along with Horatio here but for other reasons. It is true want Horatio says that we do not want any illness or disease upon our ship the other matter is more personal. Pointing to the others around him (even Jamba but not Shakka at this time), You see, while we all have our differences of opinion and even arguments, we do our best to help each other in dire circumstances. I may want to strangle Horation sometimes when we argue but he knows I have his back and he has mine.

You may not have seen it just now but when Horatio was in that poison cloud with Amen-set, once we realized the danger Rain and myself hurried forward to assist him. We did what we could at our own risk to help.

There are countless other times where we have bled for each other and Dhaavan even died once supporting us. Rain has saved my life more times than I can count. For that reason I count them allies but more importantly I count them as friends. So you see Adistan, it is not only to protect our ship that we ask but I am concerned about my friends as well.

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
Variel Nightstorm wrote:
I understand what you mean Horatio. I had it the other way around. You think that the invasion is designed and comprised of devils and they are using the Chelaxians. That is a possibility but I have no idea how to prove that one."

Horatio rubs his chin thoughtfully at the response.

"I mean - the way I see it, it could go either way, I guess," he says eventually.

"But after we had the problem with the dragon and the sea serpent thing," he says, referencing the origin of their more powerful abilities "and then that thing with the box Amen-set found on that ship..."

His voice trails off and he tries to articulate what's on his mind a bit better.

"There's so many powerful beings out there it's just hard for me to believe that we - Men, and Elves and Dwarves, and so on - anyhow, that we are the real movers and shakers, you know?"

"I mean, as things go Men are pretty frail creatures - compared to something like a demon or devil. It's hard for me to imagine a nation of nothing but Men using a whole army of devils or demons, or whatever, to go out and do our dirty work."

"I guess it's a lot easier to imagine a bunch of dark and diabolic forces using Men as nothing but their puppets in some scheme is all."

Variel Nightstorm wrote:
Devils could be anywhere and travel the planes easily. If there was an invasion from them specifically though why all of this effort on their part. Couldn't they just appear wherever they wanted to and attack immediately?

"Well, as for their attack strategy about appearing wherever they want? Well, sure, I mean - I guess that's one way to go. But if they played that hand when they go popping in and out of our Plane causing all this havoc behind them... Well, I figure that would draw the attention of a whole lot of other powerful beings."

"If they're using Men then I figure they could - assuming this hunch is even right - but they could get Men to do their dirty work, prepping all the points they need to get ready before a big invasion, or whatever... And then, when the time is right and no one in other realm's been paying much attention... BAMF!" he says with a sharp snap of his fingers.

Variel Nightstorm wrote:
Why all the trouble of sending the reports to NIdal then? While a valid argument I think that the ties that you and Rain speak of between Nidal and Cheliax points to more of a human effort than devil effort. It does not hurt to be prepared though for devils in the future. Perhaps you would be so kind as to research for us the best way to counter devil attacks and if they have any weaknesses?

He shrugged somewhat helplessly.

"I mean, Nidal and Cheliax have been allies for years; no matter what plans they have cooking together I'd not be surprised to see them working on a joint venture."

"But all of that is kind of secondary hash to me, I guess."

"I mean - we signed on to do sailing and look for adventures and so on, you know? I mean, we're bloody-handed reavers; scurvy scalawags; rollicking sea-dogs; cold-blooded corsairs - hell, we're poxing pirates now, not some sodding crusaders looking to do charity work," he says, grinning at his own use of redundant alliteration.

Meanwhile, the sardonic gleam in his eyes obviously reflects his own memories regarding how only a few months ago he personally advocated strongly for being "privateers" and tried to discourage outright piracy.

Clearly he seemed to have changed his mind on the subject.

"Anyhow, worst case scenario is that Cheliax decides to invade The Shackles outright - in which case we got a whole lot of new ships to plunder."

"Plus, there's a lot of money to be made during wartime, you know?" he says, thinking of the gun-running he had done with the Halfling resistance fighters in his younger years, or the smuggling of supplies past Imperial Blockades he participated on before being hit with Harrigan's bully boys and their press gang.

He coughs a little at the long speech, then wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and continues.

"Besides, you think that folk like that Pirate King, or even that sod Harrigan, you think any of them would sit still if Cheliax invaded? Not a chance! Those sons of whores don't want anyone to boss them around, least of all Cheliax - I figure they'll be on the front lines fighting some kind of invasion - you know, if it comes to that."

His eyes narrow thoughtfully, painfully aware of how poorly he had done in that last fight - how close to death he was, and confident that such things would continue to be a problem in the future.

"Look, the way I see it we're small fish in a big sea and no matter what our opinions might be until or unless we get to be more experienced than we are... I don't really see us doing much of anything to be able to stop all that."

"But what the hell - if you guys still want to deal with this stuff, it's all the same to me, I guess. Though personally I think the whole thing is way above our abilities - well, at least so far," he adds with a grim smile.

---------------------------Adistan darkness conversation---------------

Variel Nightstorm wrote:
"So you see Adistan, it is not only to protect our ship that we ask but I am concerned about my friends as well."

Horatio gives Variel a glance, then turns his gaze back to Adistan thoughtfully.

Despite Horatio's usual ramblings he didn't feel there was anything else to add at this point.

Variel was right; on their ship they didn't always get along and sometimes they nearly came to blows - but at the end of the day they were a crew; and everyone knows that you protect your crew, and your friends, whether you like them or not - because that's just what you do.

Nothing else needed to be said on that point.

So for now he'd listen to what Adistan would say in response.

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
"Shakka" wrote:
"What are the names of any others targets you had when you died?! Caw!" The "Raven" hops around and shifts to see the lifeless, bleeding eyes of the alchemist better.

As Horatio waits for Adistan to respond he overhears Shakka's question.

I wonder if I stabbed the head if it would answer?

He grins mirthlessly, then tuns to Jamba.

"The witch said she put the names in a box and send them somewhere..."

"Maybe we could figure out who picked up the messages and how they were delivered?"

He glances at Variel and Dhaavan, recalling the sorcerer's lore on such dark matters -

"So did she send the box down to the docks via some mundane courier service for delivery, or was the box itself magical and whatever put inside magically delivered?"

"I'm just curious because if there was some connection between this place and whoever was handing out the jobs - well, now that the witch is dead maybe they try to reach out to her again and then - once they figure she's not answering - maybe they change their plans?"

"Or maybe they're already on their way now, ready to figure out the results or something else, even while we're lollygagging."

"Just saying; I sure would like to know how the messages are being relayed; who's sending them, who's picking them up, how they're being sent, and when the next communication is scheduled for - you know, that kind of stuff," he says in a somewhat louder voice, hoping to learn more about those details soon.

Island of Empty Eyes Map Current Map

The voice responds in a hiss. There were none. All dessssstroyed.

Island of Empty Eyes Map Current Map

Go ahead and give me the rest of the questions at once.

Nosoi Psychopomp-Arcane Familiar [HP: 26/26 | AC: 19 T: 15 FF: 16 | F: +3 R: +6 W: +6 Init: +3, Perc: +13]

"Who is Nisroch?"
"Where is the box located?"
"who are your other allies?"

Island of Empty Eyes Map Current Map

History is the city in Nidal where I was to go.
I know not of which box you speak.
I have no allies beyond the ones you killed.

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
DM Immortal wrote:
"Shakka" wrote:
"Caw! How did you contact your employer?"
I did not, they contacted me. If I had information to give I placed it in a box along with other items, marked it with a small red X in the top right corner and sent it to Nisroch.

Horatio's eyes narrow at the response about about the lack of information about "the box" she had mentioned.

He glances at Jamba -

"Is there any chance she's lying, or just maybe confused..." he says, hoping she'll clarify things a bit about the box she already mentioned, though not overly worried given that she had already said all her allies were already dead.

Unless, of course, she was lying...

M hp 28; AC 17/touch 12/flat-footed 15; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1 (+2 vs. emotion spells, effects) Human slayer 3

OK, I'm back and don't expect any more interruptions to my posting until mid-October.

Horatio Flynn wrote:

"Besides," he says with a cheerful grin "if things do go south when we're at sea together? Well, let's just say that I'm sure we'll figure out how to take care things quick-smart if they do, eh?" he adds with a lighthearted tone, though his eyes were watching Adistan as if appraising him carefully.

"Indeed," Temmer nods gravely, apparently taking Master Flynn at his word, with little sign of levity. "I hope it won't come to that, though."

A thin smile does cross his lips at the captain's words, however.

"I thank you for that, Captain Nightstorm. I shall endeavor to do my best to serve ably and earn all of your trust and companionship."

The sailor waits, still unsure what his new shipmates are after here, but ready to move when they are.

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
Adistan Temmer wrote:
"Indeed," Temmer nods gravely, apparently taking Master Flynn at his word, with little sign of levity. "I hope it won't come to that, though."

Horatio shrugs, then crosses his arms over his chest and leans back against the wall to get comfortable.

He turns a glance at Jamba and notes that the man seems to be lost in thought.

"Huh," he says after a moment.

"Well, here's a few certainties..." he says slowly.

"She says all her allies are dead, but a business partner doesn't need to be an ally, just someone who gives you money to do a job."

"She said that she didn't know about the box - but she was the one who told us about the box - so she may be lying somehow."

"Oh, and she also said that "history" was in Nidal, which seems a bit too esoteric for my taste, being that "history" can be found in any city that you want to look for it in, but anyhow - that's what she said."

Then he grunts and shakes his head, his eyes flicking to Jamba, then back to Variel -

"Here's the thing; I think I'm done trying to glean stuff from this corpse, you know? The way I see it, we're not going to get any more information then what we got and that's that."

He then holds up his right hand with the fingers spread.

Turning a glance to still silent head, his eyes narrow.

Then turns his gaze back to the lean Elf and continues to speak -

"Right now Dhaavan's been pretty quiet on the whole thing; likely that's because this line of questioning isn't to his taste, but he's clearly not seeking more information. Point is; he doesn't have anything else to add or he would have done so," he says, closing one of the fingers into his palm.

"Jiro-san doesn't seem too talkative neither, but maybe he's eager to get out of the blood and mess - can't say I blame him, but he's not been asking about much, either," he adds, closing another finger to his palm, as if counting.

"Now the padre hasn't said much, but then, he's a priest and they tend to do a lot of philosophising, even if it's just deep thoughts," he adds with a nod to Adular as he closes another finger.

His gaze flicks to Rain and then back to Variel.

"As for the Pilot-Major? Hell, I don't know for sure, but I'm betting that she'd prefer being at the helm with a fresh wind at her back and naught but the horizon before her," he says, closing the last finger into a fist.

"Now I'll be square with you; I wouldn't mind more information, but the thing is - I'm pretty damned sure it won't be forthcoming any time soon. At the least I'd bet we're not going to find anything more out here other than what we've discovered," he says, punching his fist into the wall almost absently.

"That being the case - as no one else seems very interested in questioning this head - and seeing that we don't seem to be getting that many answers when we do question it - and seeing that the entire shindig regarding this whore feels like we're just kicking a dead corpse at this point... Well, hell! I say we grab the gear we found and head back to the ship."

He watches Variel thoughtfully.

"I mean, if we're still going to sail then let's get to it, know what I mean?" he asks with a dry smile.

Variel, at this point Horatio will take all the consumable items for now. If someone else wants them, just let me know; for now he's holding them.

That said, what's going on with the game?

F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19

Rain turned to Jamba and Shakka and spoke quietly, "Ask her who is her contact in Nisroch. Earlier the head revealed that the information she had gathered was placed in a marked box and sent to Nisroch. Which person in Nisroch? What address? I believe the questions need to be more precise if we are to gain clear information from her." Rain rubbed at her temples as if trying to clear the fog from her mind.

Is there anything else we discover during our search, Immortal? You mentioned there were papers on the table on the lower floor? Can we read what is on those papers? Are there any other secret ledgers or journals we can discover in the meanwhile? We don't all need to be gathered around the head to ask questions and it saves time to finish the search now if the poisonous fog has now lifted and then leave quicksmart.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Magus 2; HP 17/17, AC 16/12/14; saves 4/2/3; CMB: +4, CMD 16 loot list

It seemed that the head had given them all the information that it knew, or was willing to give. The rest they would have to make do on their own. It would be pretty easy to keep her in the dark. She is contacted by her employer, they watch for a package with an 'x' marked on it and take it once it is seen. All it would take is another operative hired to watch the store here for such a box. It is that person that would have the contact information and the person passing the information is kept out of the loop just for this reason.

Seeing Rain making one more sweep of the building Variel meets Horatio's gaze. Once she is done here and Amen-set wakes up then we will leave. As you said yourself you do not want to drag her along with you in her condition. I am sure it won't be much longer. Of course that could be fast forwarded as well.

Variel looks over the items gathered together. I wouldn't mind one of those antitoxins myself to keep a hold of. It might help if we ever come across another creatures that has poisonous breath.

the rest of the gear we can sell if no one wants it on the way back to the ship.

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