"The Blue Rajah" |

He wanders over to Rajah.
”You did damn good in the fight and you helped out a lot,” he says to the man.
He takes from his side the satchel that carries his share of the prize money and counts out 4,000 gold pieces from the 16,000 of miscellaneous coin and other gems.
”You said you needed clothes, but likely other gear will be handy, too,” he says looking at the man before him and then beckons Amen-set over.
”I don’t know much about this place, but I’m willing to bet it’s got at least a decent place to buy goods and gear,” he adds.
He hands over the coin 4,000 coin to Rajah.
”You could have gone below decks, but you didn’t… You earned this at least when you fought and bled to help us and I’m appreciative of what you did.”
”Anyhow, when you go to buy the gear you need, just so you know - whatever the price they ask, don’t pay it. Let my girl Amen-set do the haggling… She’s got a knack for getting good rates.”
”I’m glad you’re sticking around and I’m glad to be sailing with you,” he says and offers Rajah his hand.
Taken aback by the gift, he reluctantly accepts it but keeps it out front just in case. "This is not necessary, Sir Flynn; it is far, far too much. While I appreciate the compliment and the gift, you can take the money back and use it for whatever benefits the crew as a whole, if you so prefer. Either way," he starts as he reaches out and shakes the man's hand, "I will shake your hand and say it's a pleasure to be on board and couldn't have been drawn up with a finer crew," he tells him, grinning and giving a nod of thanks.

Horatio Flynn |

Lots of really good RP everyone! Give me an ooc post of any actions you want to take and then I can move on depending upon what you want to do.
I'll have a letter sent to the contacts to you soon - it's taking me some time to compose it.
At this point Horatio gave Rajah 4,000 GP to buy gear. I doubt highly that the village on this island will have much, but Amen-set can generally acquire goods beyond the base value of a Settlement via her talent - if Rajah wants to buy misc. gear here, she'll help him do so.
Right now Horatio is for going straight to the island instead of buying goods, but only because I don't think we should buy good until we have more money to spend, or until we're able to level, which probably won't happen until after we conquer this island.
However, Horatio's not planning on pushing the issue. If others want to go somewhere else first, that's cool. But he doesn't want to go further south than Quent at the most as anything else will take too much time. Based on the distance of Quent from where we are now, and where our island is supposed to be, and the average travel time in the rules for a Sailing Ship - it shouldn't take us longer than 3 days to get to Quent; 2 day to offload/buy goods/gather crew/gather information and 4 days to get to our island - add on 2 more days for our trip just in case Rain rolls a 1 (I highly doubt she will, but worst case scenario...) then it will take us a total of 10 days at the longest to get to where we're going (as opposed to the 2.2 days to get the mere 100 miles to our island).
As an aside we could go to Bag Island - we'd probably do better on getting recruits, but buying raw materials will be less profitable (I'd imagine, given that Bag Island is smaller than Quent and we don't have the same bonus to buying goods/gear that we have in Quent) - but based on its location in relation to Quent; if we should be able to cut out 3 days from our total journey.
Anyhow - that's my plan; write out the letters and offer the reasons I want to go straight to the island - however, if anyone disagrees or wants to do other things (including getting supplies first; Horatio isn't trying to argue that point, just explain his reasons for going straight to the island is all), then no worries, whatever you guys want to do is all good :)

Horatio Flynn |

Taken aback by the gift, he reluctantly accepts it but keeps it out front just in case. "This is not necessary, Sir Flynn; it is far, far too much. While I appreciate the compliment and the gift, you can take the money back and use it for whatever benefits the crew as a whole, if you so prefer. Either way," he starts as he reaches out and shakes the man's hand, "I will shake your hand and say it's a pleasure to be on board and couldn't have been drawn up with a finer crew," he tells him, grinning and giving a nod of thanks.
Horatio grins widely and shakes Rajah's hand warmly.
"Sure - I could take it back; but I won't..." he says, the grin still on his face.
"As for the crew? The best way to help them - other than outfitting the ship with some different weapons I've thought about since watching that last shin-dig during the race... Well, it seems to me that getting them some decent land to build on and settle down at would be pretty handy."
Amen-set watches the action thoughtfully, her hand brushing up against her own tattered armor. For now she looks at Rajah, but her smile for the friendship between the two men is genuine.
"Now that you got some coin you can start outfitting yourself with some of that gear and goods you were asking after - especially given that you may not have the goods to protect yourself proper in the coming fight. You being alive is better for us and for the crew."
He glances at the sky for a moment then looks back at Rajah.
"If - after we finally get this thing with the island nailed down proper - your conscience is bugging you later, you could always repay me the coin, if you'd like.... But if not? It's not the end of the world..." he adds with a shrug.
Rajah, if you'd like, Amen-set will help you bargain for goods here. If we end up going somewhere that we can find better goods, she'll help you there, too. She's very good at getting merchandise; second only to Dhaavan in that count - but it's up to you. And if Rajah wants to pay Horatio back later, that's cool, too, but no worries on that count either way...

"The Blue Rajah" |

As a grin forms, "You make a bargain I cannot refuse. Done! And I would be most grateful if Amen-set would aid me in such a cause," he says as he looks over to her. "If she has no objection, of course. I fear I do not possess a bargainer's tongue."

Dhaavan |

slight ret-con... Ssorry, but wanna add to the earlier conversation
Dhaavan had missed much of Flynn's theorizing, and been engaged in idle chit-chat, but hearing Variel reply his ivory face goes sallow. No, no, no... That Dragon turtle wasn't summoned. She can't have that kind of power. I can pull hounds from the Nine in a blink, and while a proper studies conjurer could likely pull some larger, fiercer creatures, summoning is still my speciality. That kind of magic? She can't possibly... Dhaavan tames his emotions, wide, clouded eyes closing he continues, no, more likely the beast was the product of either demonic or diabolic breeding or cursing, something like that. Simple summons vanish upon death, and such a Calling has to beyond all but maybe the greatest archmaji.She can't be that far ahead it takes another moment, but Dhaavan is back to his usual self.
I don't have the juice to do a long-distance teleport like that. I can't even manage a short range jump. It was a fluke that I was able to when we were caught by that plant. Dhaavan admits quietly.

Horatio Flynn |

As a grin forms, "You make a bargain I cannot refuse. Done! And I would be most grateful if Amen-set would aid me in such a cause," he says as he looks over to her. "If she has no objection, of course. I fear I do not possess a bargainer's tongue."
Horatio nods amicably and beckons Amen-set over.
She glances between the two men and nods to Rajah.
"Well, you'd better double-time it, then - I got a hunch we're sailing soon," he says with a glance at the ship.
Rajah - for now, my best advice is just compile a list of stuff you want and then put it on the discussion thread. Then we'll get a flat price (including if it's available) and then I'll make some rolls to see if the price can be adjusted. But in this case I feel like the best thing to do is simplify things otherwise we'll be stuck on this beach for another week :)

Horatio Flynn |

slight ret-con... Ssorry, but wanna add to the earlier conversation
No, no, no... That Dragon turtle wasn't summoned. She can't have that kind of power. I can pull hounds from the Nine in a blink, and while a proper studies conjurer could likely pull some larger, fiercer creatures, summoning is still my speciality. That kind of magic? She can't possibly... Dhaavan tames his emotions, wide, clouded eyes closing.
Horatio cocks his head thoughtfully.
"To be fair, we've seen some pretty unusual stuff lately... what about those two creatures that did battle when we suddenly got all the power that came to us?" he says slowly.
"And with the threat from Cheliax coming in hard - I don't know... They do have an entire empire dedicated to those summoning extremely powerful diabolic creatures... I guess I just figured that it seemed like a reasonable - albeit far-fetched - possibility..."
no, more likely the beast was the product of either demonic or diabolic breeding or cursing, something like that. Simple summons vanish upon death, and such a Calling has to beyond all but maybe the greatest archmaji. She can't be that far ahead it takes another moment, but Dhaavan is back to his usual self.
Horatio looks at Dhaavan for a bit.
"Who knows, maybe she is that far ahead... Still, you're the expert. If you don't think she could do it, or if you don't think someone that powerful would be risking themselves in this kind of race... Well, hell - then I'll trust your judgment in these things, no problem."
"Sorry for any confusion on the matter, I honestly don't know much about summoning, but I'm happy to learn more..." he says with a sincere voice.
After we beat this island and can finally level again, I am definitely going to put at least one rank in Knowledge: Planes... sorry again for any confusion.

Dhaavan |

No confusion, bud, just an in character moment of panic. Usually Dhaavan responds to a real threat or challenge with anger toward whatever has the audacity to oppose his will. Peppery Longfarthing is one of the three things in the multiverse that make him feel fear.
Horatio looks at Dhaavan for a bit.
"Who knows, maybe she is that far ahead... [snip]"
"[snip], but I'm happy to learn more..." he says with a sincere voice.
Dhaavan's pupils widen as he turns his eyes to Flynn, but he replies Yes, we can go over a few things I have gleaned in my studies when I am taking a break from crafting.
DM Immrtl Would we be able to do any recruiting here? considering they just witnessed us win the captain's regatta there may be some pirates, freebooters or sailor-folk interested in joining a winning team, plus some of the survivors. I can post that
Can we also try to garner further influence? I've been remiss in that duty.
Do we have any plunder to spend? I'd like to use at least 1 point for a +2 to the check?
Dhaavan would like to spend the day the others are gearing up in port carousing with a small guard from the Wormwood: Rosie, Shivikah, Jape, Shix and Reevah who have been with him longest and are less likely to have other duties, spending some of their purse (if that's cool).
Before he goes he asks, Jiro, can you see to it that whatever we've got extra as far as cash is concerned is used to gather magical crafting materials? I've got several things on a bit of a back-log, from while I was spelling, on the way over, and I gots to get to it.
Infamy DC:31: 1d20 + 25 + 1d6 ⇒ (11) + 25 + (4) = 40 +1 if we can spend a plunder
Diplomacy:Recruitment: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (2) + 22 = 24

Horatio Flynn |

No confusion, bud, just an in character moment of panic. Usually Dhaavan responds to a real threat or challenge with anger toward whatever has the audacity to oppose his will. Peppery Longfarthing is one of the three things in the multiverse that make him feel fear.
Fair enough :)
Dhaavan's pupils widen as he turns his eyes to Flynn, but he replies Yes, we can go over a few things I have gleaned in my studies when I am taking a break from crafting.
Horatio nods.
"Why not try to grab gear with Rajah and Amen-set, then? They were already planning on going shopping anyhow... Besides, you're handier at bargaining than she is, but she's still good at finding those rare, hard-to-find items in town..."
That's just because of her Trait; but she'll easily be able to Aid you in any bargaining you do for goods and gear.
Given our situation, the best thing we might want to do at this place regarding gear is just buy as much crafting supplies as we can get - both magical and mundane. That way, we can work on crafting stuff on the way to our next port of call, and once we see what this island has on it we can spend a day or so off-shore crafting any extra stuff we'll need to deal with it.

Seijiro |

"Sure, Dhaavan, I'd be glad to get whatever you need... If there's anything special needed, let me know, otherwise, I'll just pick up generic materials."
Seijiro finishes up his notes on the party supplies and logistics, then goes on the hunt for Dhaavan's crafting materials. He'll find out what's available and at what price, then ask for aid from our best negotiator to lower the price a little.

DM Immortal |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

You can pick up 2 extra people here (2nd and 3rd level and can be what you want them to be for the most part (no magic classes though) and to be honest I haven't really been tracking the plunder too much. The prize money I gave you for winning from the Master of Gales was supposed to be in plunder but I figured I'd just give you straight gold.

Horatio Flynn |

What is the size of Drenchport via Settlement size?
Drenchport is a "Small City". It should be more than adequate for your needs...
Horatio looks at the others.
We could sail around the island to get to the main settlement of Drenchport - but that'd likely take roughly 3 more days... and probably five days to get gear and then get to our new island..." he says.
"Or we could just piss on that and sail directly to our island..." he adds.
"If someone picks a location, I'm good to go wherever that is, just so long as we're moving..."
He looks at Rajah.
"If we don't have time to get gear from you, no worries - I can still lend you a spare set from my kit aboard," he says reassuring the man.
"And if we do stop at Drenchport first, then we probably should add foodstuffs for our crew once we get there, and probably at least 20 sets of carpentry tools and 10 sets of masonry tools..." he adds.
He looks at Rain and Variel -
"You guys have the wheel; make a decision and we'll stick by it."

Rain Taneththir |

"I say we travel to Drenchport first and then onward to our island,"
Looking to Variel and then the others, she added, "It isn't far from my family's home. I could send a message to my grandfather. And the town is run by the Master of the Gales. We are certain to gain aid from the locals."

Horatio Flynn |

"I say we travel to Drenchport first and then onward to our island,"
Horatio nods his head briskly and whistles to Amen-set
"Come on, lass - grab your gear; we need to help get things ready to sail and get the crews to their stations. The Pilot-Major has given the Word... We're headed to Drenchport," he says, pleased that finally they had decided.
For now it's nearly midnight, so Horatio will do what he can to make sure the rest of the crew/sailors have put aside their drinks and is at least back in the ship and ready to sail whenever the party needs to leave.
Looking to Variel and then the others, she added, "It isn't far from my family's home. I could send a message to my grandfather. And the town is run by the Master of the Gales. We are certain to gain aid from the locals."
Horatio seems pleased that Rain will be able to visit family.
However, when she mentions the Master of Gales his eyes narrow, and his expression seems less confident in the certainty of the man's integrity.
He glances at Variel as he puts his hand on the butt of his pistol, his eyebrows raising questioningly - as if to suggest - Do you still want patience? - and he waits from a response from his friend.
If Nightstorm says we can kill that sod, then we kill him... If he wants us to be a bit more patient, well, then I guess I can be patient...
After all, I might even be mistaken about the guy... He might not be aiding Harrigan in that race, he might only be incompetent...

Dhaavan |

Dhaavan will consult with his class-features about the attack on Rain. The elemental and the Dragon-turtle seemed natural but the invisible creatures that would not made visible is not natural, as far as he can tell. He speaks with his invisible companion about what it could be.
[dice=Aid from "buddy"]1d20+5[/dice] for +2?
K(Planes): 1d20 + 10 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (15) + 10 + 2 + (4) = 31

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Dhaavan I took away the plunder on the sheet for your infamy check so good to go there. I will add the +3 to infamy for your success by 10+
To Drenchport it is!Smoother sailing by far than in the eye and if the gods be good we can have our hold full of workers and materials for our island.
Seeing the look on Horatio's face VAriel shakes his head no. Later he will go talk to him in private.
Any thoughts on the new recruits? Thinking some basic help onthe island would be a bonus. A few ranks in engineering to help Horatio along with some profession or craft skills

DM Immortal |

Dhaavan they wee invisible stalkers that attacked rain. Those are definitely summonable and would be extremely difficult to see for anyone watching the race.

Horatio Flynn |

Any thoughts on the new recruits? Thinking some basic help onthe island would be a bonus. A few ranks in engineering to help Horatio along with some profession or craft skills
Horatio has a +15 in Knowledge: Engineering, so he's not too bad off in that case. Between you and Rajah we should have a pretty good set of Knowledge: Engineering - However, at this point I agree with the Pilot-Major; we have extra sailors from the Sullied Strumpet. Our priority ought to be destroying the enemy before we recruit extra hands to sit around the ship and do nothing but accept payment.
As for goods and gear; Horatio would like to have 2,000 in Mundane Crafting Supplies and 14,000 in Magical Crafting Supplies at this time. I'm not sure what I'll do with it yet, but I'll think of something...
Dhaavan, can you improve armor or fashion rings, yet?

Seijiro |

Seijiro will spend the time getting to Drenchport by making shopping lists, consulting with Dhaavan for exactly what he needs in the way of crafting materials, and finalizing his lists of items needed to host the pirate lords, though those latter items can wait in regards to actual purchase date.

Dhaavan |

As we have 5 days, only one of which will be spent in port, 4 days at sea, Dhaavan spends that time crafting. Take 10 on spellcraft to make the DC13+5 check for the headband of vast wisdom for rain since i don't have Owl's Wisdom. Unless i can use a Mythic Point to mimic the spell for the casting, or can get another caster to cast for me, in which case i complete the headband after 2 days.
In Drechport, Dhaavan will go for more Infamy (unless i use my previous roll cause i couldn't garner infamy from where we were moored
Infamy: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (18) + 22 = 40 Once i know when i can do my check, I'll post the storytelling

DM Immortal |

hey guys and gals, not feeling too hot so will update tomorrow morning.

DM Immortal |

You leave Coaming Point to head south to Drenchport and resupply before heading to your new island and adventure. The trip through the Eye took it's toll on the crew and the Lady but she seems to be in good shape and once you get into Drenchport, you could have her checked over more fully before setting out to parts unknown.
The trip south is uneventful and takes a little under two days, during which time the crew rests as much as possible and you discuss plans for what will happen once you dock.
You arrive in the small hours of the morning and as instructed, the crew immediately gets to work. You have promised them time that night in town for shore leave to spend some of the gold that was given to them from the winnings. You meet the dockmaster and pay the docking fee. When he sees the Dread Lady, emblazoned upon the ship he says I am supposed to give a message to Rain Taneththir that her grandfather awaits her and her companions if they so wish to come, at the Drowned Dwarf Inn. He points his hand down the docks towards a 3 story building of rough cut driftwood and whitewashed walls with a large sign showing a dwarf in armor sinking below stylized waves.
Assuming you go, you find Rain's grandfather at a table, sipping mulled wine and conversing with some of the other patrons. He looks up and smiles before saying loudly to the rest of the tavern, Three cheers for the Captain, Pilot, and officers of the Dread Lady! Winners of this years Free Captain's Regatta! Hip-hip-hooray! Hip-hip-hooray! Hip-hip-hooray!
He motions to the table for whomever has come to sit and says I received your message my dear. What can I do for you?
(either later or at the same time depending on if you went to the meeting)The city of Drenchport lives up to it's name by being in near constant rainfall with only minor lapses in precipitation for the sun to poke it's rays through the swirling clouds. You manage to get through to the different shops and places without too much trouble however.
So go ahead and give me a list of what you want to purchase and I can tell you what is available. Most things will be with the exception of magical items and such which will need to be rolled for to see what is currently there for sale.

![]() |

Horatio, how much do you have currently in magical reagents for crafting? If you have the 1500gp Variel can upgrade a suit of armor from +1 to +2 for you. It will take 3 days though for Variel to complete.
On the way to Drenchport after the race Variel does indulge in a little bit of downtime as well recovering from the race. Downtime to Variel though means getting up after a full night's rest and then going about some tasks that he hans't had a chance to do in a while. He works some magic on armor in the morning, sees how the progress is going with the repairs fromthe race in the afternoon, plans final details with Rain in the evening; nothing too strenuous.
When they arrive at Drenchport Variel is about to head ashore on some personal business when the dockmaster hails them about meeting Rain's grandfather. Variel quickly changes his plans as he heads over to the Drowned Dwarf Inn. Thank you for the notice and the directions. We will be pleased to join him shortly.
Once the meeting with Rain's grandfather was completed Variel checked on his personal business.
Immortal Variel is holding on on buying any purchases till he sees what the availability is of workers and supplies are for the island.

Seijiro |

Seijiro will, after the meeting at the inn, go on the hunt for Dhaavan's crafting materials, purchasing as much as he can fine in this town, up to the amount affordable... not sure how much Dhaavan actually needs in gp amount.... Dhaavan?

Horatio Flynn |

Neth 24th
Time: Roughly 2:00 PM
Location: At the Harbor of Drenchport
Moon Cycle: Crescent Moon; Next Full Moon 25th of Neth
Moon Cycle
Weather Conditions: Cold, windy and rainy...
Horatio, how much do you have currently in magical reagents for crafting? If you have the 1500gp Variel can upgrade a suit of armor from +1 to +2 for you. It will take 3 days though for Variel to complete.
I already have some supplies for magical and mundane stuff, but I had planned on swapping my winnings in Drenchport for crafting agents; both magical and mundane (I think the numbers were above - should be 2,000 Mundane and then 14,000 Magical Crafting supplies). As soon as we're able, I'm going to try to have Amen-set bargain down the value of the cost of the crafting material.
We should have 5 days of sailing and one of downtime to get to our island, so - hopefully - that will be more than enough time to have the gear made.
Horatio would also like to build a "Swivel gun" for the ship - it's black powder weapon; but if Dhaavan can build another of those magical sites for it then anyone who uses it can resolve a touch attack at any range; and it does 2d12 damage per shot. What do you think?

Rain Taneththir |

At the Drowned Dwarf Inn, you find Rain's grandfather at a table, sipping mulled wine and conversing with some of the other patrons. He looks up and smiles before saying loudly to the rest of the tavern, Three cheers for the Captain, Pilot, and officers of the Dread Lady! Winners of this years Free Captain's Regatta! Hip-hip-hooray! Hip-hip-hooray! Hip-hip-hooray!
He motions to the table for whomever has come to sit and says I received your message my dear. What can I do for you?
Rain inclined her head at the cheers coming from her grandfather and the other patrons inside the inn. She smiled at Varyan Taneththir before greeting him with a deep hug. "Well met, grandfather. It is good to see you, again. Thank you for meeting us, here." Rain took a seat beside her grandfather and ordered a mulled wine from a passing serving girl. "We are soon headed to survey our island prize. Firstly, what do you know of the Island of Empty Eyes? Do you have any men or know any who could aid us in civilising the place? As you are aware, from my letter, we have three months to make it hospitable enough for the other Free Captains on the Pirate Council to visit. And somewhere inbetween we have the wedding to take care of."

DM Immortal |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Varyan smiles and says I may know some but they aren't here now. Perhaps I could gather some together to be ready by the time the wedding is here. As for the island itself, not much is known about it since most who go to the island have never returned. I am sure with your immense capabilities however that you will be alright. Most of those that make their way there do so accidentally while fishing or the like and are unprepared for it's dangers. I know that the island has a large number of giant lizard beasts, dinosaurs, I think they are called in the common tongue. As for the party I am aware of the custom but do not know a great deal of the particulars of what is expected as I have never attended. However I will reach out to my contacts over the coming weeks and see what is expected and send you anything I find out.
He pauses to take a drink of wine for a moment before saying Preparations for the wedding are coming along nicely but ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies. This last statement is said with a wink and smile as he looks at you fondly.
These are the magic items currently available for purchase in Drenchport through various sellers and shops including costs.
Minor Items
[5,000 gp] ring of rat fangs [no external clues]
[4,500 gp] wand of elemental touch (CL 3)
[5,200 gp] vest of escape [no external clues]
[5,000 gp] grappler's mask [clue indicates function]
[4,500 gp] wand of restoration, lesser (CL 3)
[4,250 gp] +1 impervious chain shirt
[4,315 gp] shatterspike [sheds light]
[5,000 gp] tunic of careful casting [no external clues]
[6,000 gp] ring of spell knowledge (type ii) [no external clues]
[6,000 gp] ring of spell knowledge (type ii) [no external clues]
[5,800 gp] grim lantern [no external clues]
Medium Items
[16,000 gp] staff of understanding [no external clues]
[18,312 gp] +2 shock warhammer [no light or external clues]
[18,303 gp] +3 tube arrow shooter [no light or external clues]
[4,500 gp] wand of darkness (CL 3)
[14,170 gp] volcanic shield
[4,500 gp] wand of darkness (CL 3)
Major Items
[25,350 gp] +4 champion splint mail
[50,000 gp] ring of shooting stars [no external clues]
[82,000 gp] staff of evocation [no external clues]
*where it says [no external clues] that means there are no clues to it's function in it's styling and such.

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Variel walks in with Rain and sees her grandfather there. Closing quickly with him Variel bows low in respect to the elder Taneththir. Honored Elder. I hope that the last few weeks has seen you and yours well? Much has happened recently as I am sure you are well aware but foremost in my mind is the upcoming wedding. Is there anything you need of me to assist you?
When Varyan responds with a wink and a smile Variel can't help but respond in kind. Very well. I know this is in good hands and will not ask anything more.but this. On which day should we return for the wedding? Will you want or need us a few days prior or just the morning of?
Holding off on purchases although grapplers mask is intriguing. Need to save though for the island.

DM Immortal |

Varyan says A few days prior would be good. I shall send word when we have a fixed date but within 6 weeks or so. I understand you have a great deal to get done so I will not keep you but please be careful. Varyan will continue to visit with you as long as you wish to remain.
Does anyone else have anything they want to do? Horatio you can buy the crafting gear and swivel gun if you want.

Horatio Flynn |

Does anyone else have anything they want to do? Horatio you can buy the crafting gear and swivel gun if you want.
My intention was to make the gun, as I can do that at a cheaper price than buying it wholesale. However, I had also planned on using it for the ship when I suggested it. That said - if you'd deduct the cost of the parts from the Ship's Funds, that would be helpful.
Also, if we're going into some rough country, it might also be helpful to either recharge, or claim a new Wand of Cure Light Wounds. If you could subtract that from Ship's Funds, too, that would be great!
Also, I didn't know if Dhaavan would be helping bargaining or not; but I'll have Amen-set attempt to lower the cost of goods via a Diplomacy Check...
Diplomacy Check
1d20 + 15 ⇒ (17) + 15 = 32
EDIT: I believe that discounts 5% plus 1% for every 5 over 20 - so I think that's a 7% discount on the bulk goods? And also for the other stuff that the company needs; such as the Wand of Cure Light Wounds, and the use of Ship's Funds to buy crafting supplies for the ship's company.
Cool - and thanks GM! At this point Horatio is ready to sail :)

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Variel sees that the work is coming along nicely and leaves soon after the inspection as he does not want to interfere with the man's work. You are outdoing yourself and this gift will be the delight of the party gifts I am sure. Thank you good sir for the time and effort you are putting into this.
With Varyan...
Variel nods at the wise words of the man. From what we have figured out we will need 4 days notice to make sure that we can make it back to the ship and travel here. I await your word with great pleasure and if truth be told some impatience. I can't wait to see Rain on our wedding day and proclaim to all that I am her husband. Thank you again sir for your blessing in this.

Rain Taneththir |

I know that the island has a large number of giant lizard beasts, dinosaurs, I think they are called in the common tongue. As for the party I am aware of the custom but do not know a great deal of the particulars of what is expected as I have never attended. However I will reach out to my contacts over the coming weeks and see what is expected and send you anything I find out.[/b]
He pauses to take a drink of wine for a moment before saying Preparations for the wedding are coming along nicely but ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies. This last statement is said with a wink and smile as he looks at you fondly.
Rain looked to Variel upon the mention of the giant lizard beasts, similar to Brightscale by the sounds of them. She briefly wondered if they would ever see Ana again. "We better be prepared for these dinosaurs. They might not take too well to us attempting to take over their island home."
As to the wedding, Rain smiled at her grandfather's wink and smile. Secretive, as always, she mused silently. "I trust that you and grandmother have the details and planning well in hand. Variel and I will be choosing the wedding bands as soon as we are able to find a good store or merchant."
Rain was most pleased with the respect Variel was showing her elder. An old sea captain like Varyan Taneththir would certainly enjoy such a demonstration and manner, especially so from his only granddaughter's intended.
I await your word with great pleasure and if truth be told some impatience. I can't wait to see Rain on our wedding day and proclaim to all that I am her husband. Thank you again sir for your blessing in this.
Her smile widened at hearing Variel openly proclaim his pleasure and impatience before her grandfather. "Aye, I am eager to see my wedding day and be wed to this one and make an honest Elf of him," and with that she winked and laughed affectionately.
Turning back to Varyan, she added, "Pass along my love to grandmother and the cousins. I thank you for making the journey here and it was very good seeing you again, Grandfather. I await your news regarding what your contacts know or have heard." She reached out and took hold of her grandfather's still fine hand, although some lines were now present atop it. "I have missed you," she said more quietly and squeezed his hand. "I will see you soon enough, adar adar. Fair winds until then."
adar adar=father's father (paternal grandfather)

DM Immortal |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Varyan nods and replies that he has missed her as well before finishing his wine and standing up from the table with a word about getting back. He promises to send any information he comes across that may be useful.
You all begin to make your ways around the city, purchasing items and such. A few hours pass and you make your way back to the ship at the appointed time but Adular is not among you. Deciding he probably has just lost track of time you set in to wait for him but after another hour he has still not returned and you are starting to worry.
Variel decides to send out some of the crew to see about finding him, having a bad feeling about his absence. A short while later Conchabar comes running up on his short gnome legs, looking white as a sheet, his hat in his hands, his bald pate glistening from sweat in the brief moment of sunshine. He looks at you all gravely and says with no trace of his normal wit and sarcasm, Captain, you and the other officers are going to need to come with me...I...I've found Adular, sir.
He refuses to speak any more, going a bit green as a feeling of dread washes over you all. Hurrying with him, he takes you down multiple side streets away from the docks, down in the warren of tight alleys and ramshackle buildings known as the Gutter. Turning a corner, you see several apothecary shops that traffic in some of the more exotic spell components. Conchabar takes you down another alley crowded with crates, where you see several of your other crew standing. Sandara Quinn, looks over as you arrive, tears streaming down her face, more distraught than you have ever seen her. Rosie is there as well, eyes as big and round as saucers, absently wiping her mouth from where it looks like she was sick upon a nearby wall. Moving around the crates, you finally get a view of what has has caused them such distress.
Red blood is splashed everywhere, contrasting sharply with the drab driftwood crates and walls. Your eyes are first drawn to his chest which is bare to the waist, where the mark of Shanxia has been carved and burned into his flesh. The stroke marks are long and wide and were made with razor precision. With the exception of the mark, his chest is undamaged...the rest of his body was not so lucky. His head was severed cleanly from his body and rests upon a small box near the wall. He is stripped to his smallclothes, his skin pale white from loss of blood. The arms and legs appear to have been filleted open removing the large bones of the legs, and arms with surgical exactness. The bones seem to have been taken...for what purpose you aren't sure.

Seijiro |

perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (1) + 13 = 14
Seijiro's attention is on Adular's head for some reason... and he misses anything else of note... he turns to the wall of the alley and is quietly but most definitely sick, losing his last meal.

Rain Taneththir |

It was sad to see her grandfather go but she knew it would not be long before she saw him and the rest of her family again.
Upon Conchobar's plea they rushed back to town, to the section known as the Gutter. The scene that meets her is gruesome, most cruel and shocking. She earnestly willed herself not to turn away or show distress at the mutilation before her. Shanxia had assassins on this isle, too? How was she unaware of this on Tempest Cay or her grandfather? Poor Adular. How had his paths crossed with the Shaxia assassins? Had they been following the ship, even with the regatta? She heard Jiro's quiet retching and looked up at Variel, to see how he was reacting to the death of his officer and friend. She reached her hand out to touch her betrothed knowing this killing would be a double blade to Variel's heart. Offering what comfort she could under the circumstance, Rai turned back to Adular's most violated body and her eye caught sight of something in his outstretched hand.
Perception (DC 25): 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (15) + 15 = 30
In a whispered, mindful voice, she spoke, "There is a strange symbol painted in blood on his left hand. I do not recognise it." She did not say painted in Adular's own blood for it would only make the message more terrible, whatever it was, and the shocked spectators more aggrieved.
Looking to the crew members huddled around, she quietly asked the weeping Sandara, who knew Adular the most, "I am sorry for the loss of your beloved. He was a good man. Forgive me, but did Adular say where he was going or what he wanted to purchase? He is...was unfamiliar with Drenchport and for him to come on his own to this part of the town is strange." Why had the assassins come after the priest and not Variel or her as his betrothed? Had Adular discovered or accidentally walked in on something he shouldn't have here in town? She sent a quiet prayer to the gods on behalf of the goodly priest. Such a death as this was more than she had ever seen in her long Elven years. Were Shanxia goading Variel with this act, trying to push him into seeking them out now?
Diplomacy to speak with respect and care: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

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Variel rose quickly when Master Tanththeir made to leave and bowed once again to the man. Until such times as we hear from you I hope favorable winds upon you and easy sailing.
The day was going on splendidly as far as Variel was concerned. The regatta won and the crew had money to spend. His officers were likewise equipped with sufficient funds for their own ends. Variel and Rain met with her grandfather and it seemed that all was progressing nicely for the wedding. Even though it was raining and cloudy there seemed to be sunlight upon Variel.
The mood turned quickly though as he returned to the Lady to find Adular late. That was not like him After a further hour and people sent out Variel was slightly alarmed. Yet what worry was there really? No one knew that we were heading this direction until they set sail 2 days ago. This was Rain's grandfather island and a place of safety.
Or so he thought. When Conchabar returned with that strange look Variel assumed the worst. Following quickly yet quietly Variel passed the normal looking shops and markets that all of them had past numerous times already. when they turned down an alley even then Variel was not too alarmed at the location. Still they moved deeper into the Gutters as they were called. Why Adular would come here was a mystery yet Variel gave each officer and crewman their freedom in port. What they did was no concern of his.
Rounding the corner Variel stopped short at the sight of the group of people standing there. The first thing he noticed was Sandara and her expression. The look said enough but not all. Not wanting to see the sight himself but knowing he had to as captain and friend Variel forced himself to move forward. As the people parted and Variel got his first glimpse he felt himself reaching to the necklace he always wore under his shirt. Grasping the pendant there Variel stood for what seemed like hours. How did... I mean how could...this is impossible. No one could have known we were coming here.
Fury building inside of him he barely hears Rain consoling Sandara yet he sees the two of them together. In a strained voice Variel asks Rain, Rain would you be so kind as to escort Sandara back and get her something to drink. Hell, have Fishguts open up a cask and give everyone a drink.
Hearing Rain say something about a symbol on his hand Variel looks at it himself committing it to memory before giving commands to the others around him. Harsher than necessary Variel has a hard time controlling his temper. I want his body cleaned and brought back to the Lady. Treat him with the utmost respect and cloth him in garments fitting of an officer of the Lady. Some of you I want to put up posters all around this city. 'Wanted: information on the murder of Adular, officer of the Dread Lady. Gold, titles and land for those who lead us to his killer. Captain Variel Nightstorm'.
Pausing to let others add anything if they want to. will be back in 3 hours.

Horatio Flynn |

How did... I mean how could...this is impossible. No one could have known we were coming here.
He lets the others examine the body, for now is attention is entirely focused on the onlookers surrounding them, studying them, wondering if a seemingly innocent bystander is watching the company to gauge their reaction.
Then Horatio turns a glance at Variel.
Not certain of the people living nearby, he lowers his voice and speaks softly to the Elf -
"Maybe - but just won the Regatta and a whole host of folk watched us win it... Not only that, but most of those folk didn't live at the finish line, they were there to watch the results and then they shipped out afterwards - at least, several of them did..."
"We have a huge amount of fame and this is a fairly large port... When we entered we announced our presence... It could be they have agents in this town already, or it could be that they followed us from the finish line of the regatta... After all, we didn't post a lookout for folk following us."
When the others have formally examined the body, he pulls his cloak from his shoulders and bends down to cover the body and at least keep it from disrespectful gawkers.
As he pulls his cloak gently over Adular's face he then does what he can to dismiss emotion and try to consider things logically.
Glancing up from his crouched position and rubs his chin thoughtfully, then he speaks addresses the officers near him.
"This place is near apothecary shops... they make potions and medicines, sure - but it's no secret that many of those folk will make their potions from the remains of the living," he says as he looks slowly around at the shops.
"It is not a surprise that some folk here might pay money for human remains - whatever their personal business, there may be a connection to one of the shopkeepers and this cult."
"Besides, this wasn't a fast process... Whoever did this took their time. Someone near here heard something, I'd wager... They can be made to talk" he adds looking around, his tone flat and emotionless as he prepares himself for what needs to be done to convince witnesses to share what they observed.
GM - Adular was either killed here, or he was moved here afterwards. I believe we should be able to try to Track in an Urban Setting, but I'm not sure if you'll allow us to, or what the modifiers are... Can we find any sings of blood nearby, for example?
Harsher than necessary Variel has a hard time controlling his temper. I want his body cleaned and brought back to the Lady. Treat him with the utmost respect and cloth him in garments fitting of an officer of the Lady. Some of you I want to put up posters all around this city. 'Wanted: information on the murder of Adular, officer of the Dread Lady. Gold, titles and land for those who lead us to his killer. Captain Variel Nightstorm'.
Take 10 on Knowledge Religion to know how a Priest of Besmara would have done to the remains of one of her Faithful... - Knowledge: Religion: 18
He looks at Variel -
"Begging your pardon, but that may be a risky gambit," he says slowly.
"The person who did this could have moved against you, but given that you were sequestered with Rain's grandfather - a powerful person in this town with his own resources and protection - In my opinion they likely did not want to risk it on you personally with someone as powerful so close... At least, not yet..."
"If you put such a message out you might get an offering from a would-be ally that could potentially lead you into a trap..." he adds, wanting revenge, too - but his mind still considering options.
"I think that our best bet is to return to that place on Bag Island - the place where those priests were; the ones we helped - the ones who owe us a favor - the one's who know something of secrets and finding out mysterious details, a skill augmented with divine powers..." he says, his own anger prompting him to ramble Also, I can't remember much of those priests except what the details I just put up there...
He shakes his head and calms his temper.
"If you want information it might also be a good idea to ask Rain's grandfather personally; surely his connections and agents in this town are better than ours. He will likely know who to talk to, who to trust, and who not to trust..." he says with a glance to Rain and then nods his respectfully at her.
He glances toward the horizon, his eyes seeking the harbor.
"These Shanxia folk know you - And I'm sure that by now they would have known at least that we've won the island... Of course, that we went east instead of west would mean - likely - that we went to visit the town that housed Rain's grandfather... A detail they'd also likely know if they've been studying you lately..."
"Also, it wouldn't take much to guess we'd probably want to resupply at the closest port from the regatta - That said, perhaps they gambled on a hunch and beat us here? In any case, we might want to speak to the Harbor Master and get a list of ships that arrived in the past twenty-four hours and try to work from there? That might give us a clue on how to proceed before we leave this place, and it shouldn't take long."
He lowers his voice and looks at Variel.
"Failing that, my friend; I beg thee to consider a far more grim possibility... Anyone can be bought, if the price is high enough... As much as it pains me to suggest this; do we have a traitor in our House?" he asks, his faith in those who sailed longest with him high, but suddenly suspicious when it came to those folk who had signed on recently...
Perhaps that spoony Bard we met at the regatta is possibly someone to distrust? We made no secrets with him about our plans; further, he's already demonstrated he's not the most honorable individual... Could he have said something to someone, perhaps?
He glances at the others.
"Anyhow - that's just a suggestion," he adds, as Amen-set kneels by the body and whispers a prayer in a strange language.

Seijiro |

Seijiro gets ahold of his emotions and his gag reflex... stands and rinses his mouth out with a swig from his waterskin... walks a few paces away before spitting out the residue.
When he returns to the others, he his pale but not so green looking... His eyes are brimming with unshed tears as he looks at Adular.
Softly in Minkaian he mutters...
"May Yaezhing cause the most calamitous suffering to whoever did this.. and may I have the grace to be granted the opportunity to be a part of that vengeance. You will be sorely missed, my friend Adular."

"The Blue Rajah" |

Perception: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (17) + 16 = 33
Rajah finds himself curious due to the gnome's demeanor, following him and the others to the destination.
Noticing the mutilated corpse of the healer, Rajah's typical smile is gone as the color in his face vanishes. He carefully moves over and bends at the knees to examine the body closer. Looking up and noticing the healer's head up against the wall, Rajah can only shake his head in despair as he rises.
Turning to the others and appearing practically lifeless, "It is called 'The Shun-lien-fen'. Or - 'The Red Lotus Offering'. I am so very sorry...," he says somberly, turning back to the body. "So very sorry, good sir," he murmurs through a cracked voice. He takes a moment to gather himself before turning his attention back to the others, a look of what appears to be anger and/or determination about him. "Do NOT separate from one another. I implore to stay together at ALL times while we are here. At the very least, do not have less than three among you wherever you go. I CANNOT emphasize that enough! Do you all understand?!" he asks with an authority that is unlike him, burying his hands within his arms as he realizes he can't keep them from shaking.

Rain Taneththir |

Fury building inside of him he barely hears Rain consoling Sandara yet he sees the two of them together. In a strained voice Variel asks Rain, Rain would you be so kind as to escort Sandara back and get her something to drink. Hell, have Fishguts open up a cask and give everyone a drink.
Rain was somewhat surprised by the instruction but hearing the strain in Variel's voice she accepted it without question and was about to lead Sandara back when she heard The Blue Rajah's warning,
"Do NOT separate from one another. I implore to stay together at ALL times while we are here. At the very least, do not have less than three among you wherever you go. I CANNOT emphasize that enough! Do you all understand?!"
The way the newcomer had spoken, commanded, made her stop and look to Variel. "Shall I still take Sandara back to the Lady, then?"
As she waited for Variel's word, Rain replayed the words The Red Lotus Offering uttered by Rajah. What other dark rituals would the Shanxia dare to perpetrate? Rain loved Variel but the mystery surrounding his birth and his connection to Shanxia concerned her. Why were they targeting him and those he cared for? She wondered what sins his mysterious parents had committed to draw the Shanxia into his life... Too many thoughts, but at least Flynn had covered Adular's severed head with his cape so the lifeless eyes could not further distress the officers and crew assembled in the alley.

Horatio Flynn |

Horatio looks at the other officers for a moment.
Horatio turns to look at Jiro and listens to his prayer, then he glances at Rajah, noting suddenly that the man seemed to know the name of the killing, though he had shared little else... he wondered at that; and considers suddenly the last thing he had asked Variel.
Then he overhears Rain's question to Variel.
The way the newcomer had spoken, commanded, made her stop and look to Variel. "Shall I still take Sandara back to the Lady, then?"
As Variel ponders the situation, Horatio looks at him.
"Knowing nothing about this ritual, I do know enough medicine to know that it would have had to taken time to do what the killers did... meaning that the body wasn't here for very long... meaning that the killers wouldn't have had time to go very far."
"They're either still hiding on this island - or they've gone to their ship..."
"I am going to go the Harbor Master and find out about the ships," he says to Variel.
He turns and points to Conchobar and Rosie, knowing that he doesn't have to tell Amen-set to follow.
"You two - you are going to come with me - that's an order," he says with a tight voice.
"We lost a friend and I'm going to do what I can to find the killers and you are going to help me," he adds to them both.
He pauses before leaving and looks at Variel.
"Given Adular's size, they'd have had to drag him... I'm no tracker or I'd study the ground here and try to find a blood trail at least."
"I don't have the magic to speak with the dead nor to speak to animals... Speaking to animals could help - this place has many rats and other vermin. Whatever fears a human would have, an animal might have come to the smell of blood and seen something... But like I said; I don't have the magic to learn more."
"Finally, I don't know the people on this island well enough to show up at their home uninvited and ask for help and advice and that's why - for now - I'm just going to talk to the Harbor Master," he adds.
He glances at the other officers.
"You all heard my opinions. But they're just that - opinions. If you don't like them, hell, no worries... do what you think is best."
He turns back to look at Variel.
"As for myself, I'm not going to leave this poxing island until this gets resolved."
At this point Horatio will take Amen-set, Conchobar and Rosie and go to the Harbor Master and get the information. GM - please let me know what you think I should do when I get there. Thanks!

Seijiro |

"I'll accompany you and Sandara, Rain, if you'll allow, heeding Rajah's suggestion that we travel in groups of no less than three... " Seijiro chimes in with a quavering voice, as if on the verge of tears...

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Variel heard Horatio's objections to his bounty but that didn't sway him from his course. You may be right Horatio but I will gladly walk into that trap if it means finding answers. If it means that the target is myself and no one else I will walk through a thousand traps till this is ended. The cowards that hide in the shadows will fear to move against us.
Go Horatio and take those you need to search for answers. We have much to do but we need to find what answers we can here first for today.
About to speak further on the matter Variel stops as Rajah expounds vocally on the subject. Rounding on the man Variel grabs him by the shoulders and forces him against the building. Explain yourself. What do you know of this...this Shun-lien-fen? Do you know what the symbol in his palm is or means?
Still holding Rajah up agasint the wall Variel turns partially when Rain asks what he would have of her. Calming slighlty as he looks at her, I want you to be safe and not have to worry about being a target. Yet that is not possible while these scum are free to target anyone close to me. IF you wish to return to the Lady with Sandara and keep her company then I will at least know where are you. However if you wish to remain here with me I would appreciate that as well. Do you think your grandfather would know anything about Shanxia on his island?

Rain Taneththir |

Rain nodded at Jiro's offer to accompany them. "Your company is welcomed."
Looking across to Variel, Rain added, "Jiro and I will return Sandara and any other to the ship. We will check the Lady for signs of interference by the Shanxia and then set up a watch. I will then join Flynn and the others at the docks for I am a decent tracker, more so on water, but fine enough on land. We will be careful, Variel, and we'll remain in decent numbers so they do not find us alone to strike again." She gave a farewell nod and then drawing Sandara forward, headed back to the ship with Jiro (and any others), mindful of every step and surrounding.
Perception - on the look out for signs of threat: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (4) + 15 = 19

DM Immortal |

Flynn, the only blood you see is in the immediate vicinity of the body. Priests of Besmara are returned to the ocean, dropped in a deep part and weighted down to hit the bottom. The Bag Island halflings were priests of Norgorber.
The Harbormaster doesn't have much information to give you unfortunately. He has not seen anything suspicious.
You don't see any signs of threats Rain and can make your way back to the ship without incident. There doesn't seem to be any signs of sabotage to the ship.

Amen-set Neitaker |

Go Horatio and take those you need to search for answers. We have much to do but we need to find what answers we can here first for today.
Horatio pauses in his advance and nods at Variel.
”Aye,” he says to him, then nods his head.
Amen-set is prepared to follow as she notes Horatio moving down the street with Conchobar and Rosie in tow.
As she does, she overhears Jiro –
"I'll accompany you and Sandara, Rain, if you'll allow, heeding Rajah's suggestion that we travel in groups of no less than three... " Seijiro chimes in with a quavering voice, as if on the verge of tears...
Her eyes move to Jiro and she watches him trying not to cry.
She hears of his desire to leave the situation and go back to the ship. Her eyes narrow as she seems to be thinking, then her gaze flicks to Horatio and she watches him move stiffly away.
She seems to be thinking of something, but then she hears Rain…
Rain nodded at Jiro's offer to accompany them. "Your company is welcomed."
The expression in her face changes radically and the color seems to drain from it as she stares in surprise.
She makes as if she is ready to follow Horatio and she hears Rain’s next comment…
Looking across to Variel, Rain added, "…I will then join Flynn and the others at the docks for I am a decent tracker, more so on water, but fine enough on land."
A look of relief washes over her face for some reason then she hurries to catch up to Horatio who has moved forward at a brisk pace.

Horatio Flynn |

The Harbormaster doesn't have much information to give you unfortunately. He has not seen anything suspicious.
Of course! I’m not looking for anything suspicious, though. I’m looking for the list of the name’s of the ships (and their respective captains) which have docked in the port in the past 48 hours.
Obviously ships that have come in will need to report their business to the Harbor Master; their ship, their captain, and their business – that’s what the Harbor Master does, after all :)
Once we have the listing of the ships, the captains (not to mention the class of ship, too; obviously there’s big difference between a Frigate vs. a Sloop, of course). Anyway, once we have the complete list of information than I can use that list and begin to prepare a proper file on the potential threats that may have potentially caused trouble.
We’ll then start to narrow this list down via a set of probabilities – augmented by information which we’ll get after the next set of searches and clues.

"The Blue Rajah" |

About to speak further on the matter Variel stops as Rajah expounds vocally on the subject. Rounding on the man Variel grabs him by the shoulders and forces him against the building. Explain yourself. What do you know of this...this Shun-lien-fen? Do you know what the symbol in his palm is or means?
Offering no resistance, the warpriest explains wearily. "What it means, I know not. But it does represent a cult called the 'Shenxua'. Worshipers of Zon-kuthon."

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How do you know all of this information? And are you sure it is Shenxua and not Shanxia? What else do you know of the Zon-kuthon worshippers?
Trying to give Rajah the benefit of the doubt Variel still has a hard time holding back his anger at the atrocity committed to Adular.