Silver Dragon

Zach Davis's page

*** Pathfinder Society GM. 603 posts (1,359 including aliases). 12 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 32 Organized Play characters. 4 aliases.


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Male Human Geek 1

Athan Cree: Human(Aquatic Heritage) Deep Shaman

As I was painting the broad strokes of Athan's backstory I stopped and read Zay's backstory and thought Athan's past is sort of a dark, unhappy reflection of Zay's. He wants to fit in but at the same time, he's learned the hard way that most people can't be trusted.

Here is a quick description of Athan's family background I shared with Zay earlier while discussing our similarities and differences.

Father(ish): Deep One who co-mingled with several female cultists who worshiped it as an avatar of Dagon. Mother: Human female who drank the fish-cult kool-aid. Father left/was driven off when the mother and her fellows were burned alive. Foster parent: old Besmaran cleric who absolutely only saved the child from the torch because he thought the Goddess of Sea Beasts would look favorably on the child/good luck charm.

I'll post a fleshed-out narrative version on Athan's profile once I get it sorted out.


Male Human Geek 1

No worries regarding the Aquatic Elf. I knew that as an uncommon race that might be the case. It was honestly the option that was calling to me the least out of the ones I presented anyway.

After chatting with Darren it seems he would prefer the Brawler to the Cleric so I will read over your earlier posts and create a Shaman.


Male Human Geek 1

Same, Taty! I always look forward to meeting and gaming with new people.


Male Human Geek 1

Hi everyone, I'm Zach and I'm one of the players Zay mentioned. I'd be happy to jump into the group. I actually had the pleasure of playing in a pbp with Zay run by Netherpongo once before I think(Hao Jin tapestry multitable special for pfs) and am looking forward to playing with you all.

I'm pretty flexible as far as what class/role I fill in the group. Based on your comments and party composition the options I'm looking at are Deepwater Rager Barbarian, an Aquatic Elf Wizard, or Human with Aquatic Ancestry Deep Shaman. I'm happy playing just about anything though so if the gm has an issue with any of the choices, or the other player Zay recruited has a specific concept, or any of you have feedback I can work with that as well.

Also, Zay has mentioned to me that the game hasn't necessarily been as aquatically oriented as the player guide might lead me to believe but I just think the Aquatic character options sound really cool.

Dataphiles 3/5

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Congrats to everybody!

Dataphiles 3/5

Can't wait for those player sign-ups to start!


Male Human Geek 1

I generally use Discord as well but am open to Slack if people want to use it. My Discord is Zach79#5951


Male Human Geek 1

Sorry I've been quiet. I got distracted by all the PaizoCon Online activities. Now that the madness has passed I can focus on my character.


Male Human Geek 1

Yea! Thanks for agreeing to run for us GM Rat Sass.


Wow. I just discovered The Windsong Testaments. These are really good please keep them coming.


Me me me! It wouldn't be PaizoCon without Goblin Brains. Count me in!


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I just want to say thank you to Tonya and the entire Paizo team for making this happen. This is absolutely amazing news!


I hope your wife recovers quickly and that you and the kids stay healthy. I'm glad you've got such a great support network willing to pitch in and get you any supplies that run low.


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Is there a smoke monster on this island?

P.S. I love the flip-mat for this one! Thanks for giving me an excuse to use it again.

Dataphiles 3/5

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Congrats on your quest Dennis! I can't wait to play it.

Dataphiles 3/5

Cyrad wrote:

Have: Full Boon List

Sapphire Guardian
Seen it Once
Haven't I Been Here Before? (lots of them)
And many many more

Ratfolk, samsarans, and grippli to sacrifice for a merfolk


Dataphiles 3/5

The race boon from that chronicle is only for the player that earned it. The first line of the boon states that "You" may play a tiefling character."


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Thurston Hillman wrote:
CorvusMask wrote:

...Why is there a great old one in the cover


Sometimes, apples aren't enough.

*sips coffee*

Maybe Elder Gods have a taste for apple-flavored Ysoki. I for one vote that we find out. You know so we can appease the nightmare-inducing eldritch god and send it back to sleep. Definitely no other motivations.

*slowly backs away*


Awesome! Can't wait to visit the Veskarium.


Woo! So excited!

Dataphiles 3/5

"Dr." Cupi wrote:

I'm pretty decided on a Dragonkin Vanguard. The stats aren't Brakim level of ideal, but the concept seems cool enough. Plus, I'm thinking of trying out a low AC Vanguard. Also, maybe some fun with the Partner Bond ability and a friend playing an operative or blitz soldier.

I'm thinking an Elebrian Biohacker. Who wouldn't want an Elebrian being their doctor?

As for Witchwarper...I'm unsure. Right now I'm leaning toward a Contemplative, though Stellifera is in consideration as well.

I've been considering a Stellifera Witchwarper as well. Seems like it could be a lot of fun.

Dataphiles 3/5

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Congratulations on being a guest of honor Kate!

James, the chart you're looking for is on the OPF page here. Just scroll down past PAX Unplugged and you'll see the PaizoCon info.


Male Human Geek 1

Thanks Hmm. Your enthusiasm when promoting the online region was one of the reasons I gave online play a chance.

Dataphiles 3/5

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In regards to how much knowledge a morlamaw could have accumulated regarding the Society, it is important to remember that the morlamaw who took up residence in the abandoned lodge where we first encountered them had access to a number of learning tools which enabled them to learn a great deal about the Society and the Pact Worlds in general before we made first contact.


Male Human Geek 1

Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 14


Sounds good. I've already played both of the other two but I'll keep an eye out for the next Beacon Code.


GM Valen wrote:

Looks like we have one full table already. The following may dot, dash, and then delete here for a run of The Beacon Code :

Kate Baker
Dax Thura

It appears that there is enough interest to support the other two scenarios in a couple more weeks once I gain more bandwidth.

Dang. Missed the boat on this one. If you run another Beacon Code I'd be interested.

Dataphiles 3/5

Just checked and this link says the poll is closed for me as well but the link Tonya posted on Facebook works.


Male Human Geek 1

Thanks for running a great game. Had a great time playing with everybody.

Dataphiles 3/5

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I am torn between Calder Soren and Ehu Hadif Ko'Ra Amares. Both of their goals are important to the society. The real question is: can I be convinced to not vote for a Morlamaw? Probably not. But we'll see.


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Male Human Geek 1

Thanks, Hilary! Your enthusiasm and ringing endorsement of the online region played a big part in my decision to give pbp a try and it has been a lot of fun. Congratulations on your growing freelance career I can't wait to see all the great content you create!

Congratulations to Tyranius as well! The online community is in good hands.


Male Human Geek 1

Gunnar joins the firing line and takes a shot at yellow.

Laser Rifle, Traditional Enemy(maybe?): 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 6 + 1 = 14

Fire Dmg.: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

Dataphiles 3/5

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I also voice my support for a Count Jeggare! It would be awesome if he led a Faction(or Minor Faction.)

Dataphiles 3/5

waltero wrote:
There’s also a ninja archetype in The Player Companion Disciples’ Doctrine.

Thanks. Disciple's Doctrine also had a series of Arcanist Exploits that were Razmir related(although two of them aren't legal.)

Dataphiles 3/5

Thanks. I kind of thought that might be the case.

Dataphiles 3/5

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So I just got a couple of cool Razmiran minis out of a wizkids box and several of the other people present decided to join me in playing a regular group of Razmiran characters for PFS. We're going with a group of 4 so that we can spread the good word of Razmir to a couple of new players per scenario.

My question though is are there any legal Razmiran character archetypes/options besides the Razmiran Priest for Sorcerer? So far my searches haven't turned anything up. Obviously, we can build characters of just about any class and choose to venerate Razmir but it would be nice if there were actual class options for each of us.


Gunnz wrote:

Anyone out there thinking of running any one of:

01-12 - Ashes of Discovery, or
01-16 - Dreaming of the Future or
01-28 - It Rests Beneath?

I have one low-tier scenario left before I out level them, and they all have vehicle or spaceship tags, which Gunnz rather enjoys.

I would definitely be interested in playing 1-28

Dataphiles 3/5

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Sorry for the delay but here is the breakdown of my week in Seattle.

PreCon activities:

I arrived the Monday before the Con and was met by Steven Coling and Shelly Hudson at the airport. Steven was the spearhead of the Aussie Invasion and later that morning I joined their invasion force for a tour of the Paizo offices led by Tonya.

After eating lunch in Redmond at the Tipsy Cow(great burgers) we got down to business and started our four days of Seeker activities to get ourselves ready for Gallowspire. We had two tables running consistently and completed Tomb of the Iron Medusa, Unleashing the Untouchable, two full runs of All for Immortality, Academy of Secrets, Betrayal in the Bones, and Rasping Rebirth. My fellow players were Steven Coling, Chris Senz, Daniel Baker, Lachlan Jones, Tim Schneider, Preston Hudson, Shelly Hudson, Nate Hudson, Jared Thaler, Dustin Knight, Chris Danahy, Jonathan Choy, and Angie Powers. Alex Augunas joined in for two of the tables on Thursday.

PaizoCon activities

Friday I ran Debt to the Quah in both the morning and evening slots. I got to chat with Majuba in line for my badge when he made his way down the line handing out Goblin Brains. If you ever have the chance you have to try Goblin Brains. They are delicious and I make sure to reserve some each year. In between my GM duties I got to play Return to Sender run by the author Natalie Kertzner. It was a lot of fun and I met Amber Hipsher who simply referred to my Technomancer as "Mechanic Friend." I got to chat with Amber again while waiting in line for the banquet the next day.

Saturday started with running another group through Debt to the Quah. In the afternoon I played Data Breach. I had a great GM whose name I failed to catch but I got to meet Derek Larsen aka Tyranius and his wheelchair-bound cat lady. I would also get to chat with Derek more in line for the banquet which came directly after.

In line for the banquet, in addition to Amber and Derek, I got to chat with Hilary Moon Murphy(always a pleasure), and Dennis Muldoon(briefly as he stopped to say hi).

At the banquet, I sat with Thursty, Amanda Hamon, Chris Danahy, Will Johnson, and Nils Janson. I got to catch up with Will who is an old friend that I always enjoy chatting with. I didn't get to talk to Nils much at dinner but got the chance to game with him the next day.

Sunday morning I played on Hmm's table of Many Minds of Historia which I really enjoyed. Afterward, I spent the afternoon making sure I was prepped for Gallowspire and chatting with another old friend, Loren Schmidt, whom I hadn't even known was at the Con.

Then came the special. Siege of Gallowspire was epic! Nils Janson was the GM who tried to murder our party in the 15-16 Champion tier. He was a fantastic GM but the only player to die quickly recovered. It was cool to have the chance to game with Nils after meeting him at the banquet.

Monday morning I played on Gary Norton's 5 Nova evaluation table with Hilary, John Dehning, Kate Baker, Dennis Muldoon, and B.B. Wolfe(who I had the pleasure of meeting for the first time.) Gary did a great job guiding us through a really cool adventure. Kate and I were Team Dwarf, Dennis and Hilary were Team Skitter, and B.B. and Jon were Team Science. There was a lot of hilarious competition between the members of Team Science.

Monday afternoon I just decompressed in the hotel lobby before heading to the airport. Thanks to Adam Daigle for pointing us towards a stash of free gaming paper someone had left in one of the elevators. B.B. Wolfe claimed a clipboard from the stash and practiced looking official as she strode about confidently consulting non-existent documents on her new acquisition. I also got to meet Wei Ji the Learner for the first time! We had recently traded boons via mail and it was cool to meet him in person. I also ran into Graypark in the lobby. I played Unleashing the Untouchable with him in the pre-con games last year and it was great to see him again even if it was brief.

During the convention, I also had the pleasure of meeting Jon Dehning's wife Nicole and catching up with old friend Brian Darnell and meeting his wife Heather.

I also got to chat with Wayne Reynolds at his table in the store and he drew a really cool goblin sketch in the front of the artbook I purchased!

Now I am home and the whirlwind week of Paizo has subsided. I am grateful to be getting a bit more sleep once again but can't wait to see everyone again next year! Maybe next time I'll get to meet Painlord and buy him a drink to thank him for starting this Bloggery.


I'm pretty excited I got into this game! Who else got in? What characters are people bringing? I'll be playing Caliban-2 an Android Technomancer.


Belafon wrote:
Vanessa Hoskins wrote:
We're doing some mock combats so we can learn each other's strategies and become more effective.

That is some dedicated planning.

John Compton wrote:
Belafon wrote:

I will be shenaniganning my way through champion mode!

Now the important question... alchemist, cleric, or Prophet of Kalistrade? Since I’m absolutely sure this scenario will be all about social interaction and high-complexity market trends, I’m thinking the Kalistocrat.

Kalistocrat! Kalistocrat! Kalistocrat!

Well, if the developer says I should bring that character, guess I have no choice.

Vanessa Hoskins wrote:
If you're there mid-day on Thursday, come find us and join in. We're doing some mock combats so we can learn each other's strategies and become more effective.

In case I don't make it, my combat strategies go something like this:

"I'm looking for someone with your particular skillset to lead my one of my trade caravans. I'll give you 3% of the profits each run and a 200gp signing bonus. Of course that does mean you'll have to stop threatening us with that big sword."
"A master spellcaster such as yourself shouldn't be stuck in this dungeon. Have you calculated how much you can make setting up shop in Druma and providing teleportation and plane shift services? I have, and it's a lot more than what we're carrying. Repeat customers - that's where the real money is."

This seriously needs to be how Tar Baphon meets his end... as The Whispering Tyrant and begins his career as The Whispering Merchant.

Dataphiles 3/5

So here are links to a couple of locations that are a bit closer to Lake Hughes than Long Beach.

Pasadena Warhorn

Santa Clarita Warhorn

Both have a pretty great group of regular PFS/SFS players who may be interested in playing the card game as well.

I am an organizer for the Long Beach Warhorn that Rob linked. I rarely if ever see PACG/PACS on the Warhorn. There are a few players in the area but I've never had any luck scheduling it. All that being said I do know at least a couple people who enjoy playing so if you let me know when you're planning to be in the area and want to drive down to the South Bay I'm happy to get a few people together.


Updated Schedule:
Friday, May 24
08:00 AM – 01:00 PM
Grand Ballroom Pathfinder Society Scenario #10-14: Debt to the Quah (for levels 3-7) GM

02:00 PM – 06:00 PM
Evergreen 2 SFS #1-23: Return to Sender Author Edition with Natalie Kertzner (for levels 5-8)

07:00 PM – 11:59 PM
Grand Ballroom Pathfinder Society Scenario #10-14: Debt to the Quah (for levels 3-7) GM

Saturday, May 25
08:00 AM – 01:00 PM
Grand Ballroom Pathfinder Society Scenario #10-14: Debt to the Quah (for levels 3-7) GM

01:00 PM – 05:00 PM
Grand Ballroom Starfinder Society Scenario #1-33: Data Breach (for levels 3-6)

07:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Grand Ballroom PaizoCon 2019 Preview Banquet

Sunday, May 26
08:00 AM – 01:00 PM
Grand Ballroom Starfinder Society Scenario #1-38: The Many Minds of Historia (for levels 5-8)

01:00 PM – 06:00 PM
Grand Ballroom Starfinder Society Scenario #1-39: The Herald's War (for levels 7-10)

07:00 PM – 11:59 PM
Grand Ballroom Pathfinder Society Scenario #10-98: Siege of Gallowspire (for levels 15-16, SOLDIER)

Monday, May 27
08:00 AM – 01:00 PM
Grand Ballroom Starfinder Society Scenario #1-36: Enter the Ashen Asteroid (for levels 1-4) Gary Norton's 5 Nova confirmation table

Dataphiles 3/5

Is there light in the Rasping Rifts or The Rift of Repose? It isn't mentioned in the planar traits for the Abyss in Planar Adventures but I don't have The Book of the Damned or the Wrath of the Righteous volume the scenario references for more info on the two layers.

I can't see why there would be light in a plane where the inhabitants all have Darkvision. It may not be a huge deal as I assume most Seekers will have access to some serious light sources but The Hive Mind can Summon a Shadow Demon and once it starts tossing around Deeper Darkness the natural light conditions might matter.

Dataphiles 3/5

My table went high tier and definitely ran long. I played a Musket Master who had played all the previous installments with every kind of ammo you could hope for.

When I played this we had a fairly solid group but it was a randomly assembled group at a convention so it was hardly optimal. Heck, our only caster was a Bloodrager that I think was playing up.

For the first fight having a ranged damage dealer can be pretty important for dealing with the duppies.

The Leng Spiders are a slog but the fact that they emerge in waves helps. We shortened it somewhat by throwing some of the eggs down the hole before the spiders emerged. Air Walk didn't help unhatched Leng Spiders and the fall damage was enough that we were able to splat at least a spider or two. I do agree that going from 3 spiders to 12 is a bit crazy.

We all loved Thael Shivers and carried him around for the rest of the scenario.

We tried to Diplomacize the third encounter and thought we succeeded until they tried to jump as we exited. They died horribly for their crimes.

The Dragon fight was skipped, unfortunately, due to time.

We all quickly boarded the ship in the final encounter and the Bogeyman seemed worse than Sevenfingers himself. Though it is hard for me to judge since he went down in a single round(once he emerged from belowdecks) after eating a full round of attacks from my Gunslinger that included two confirmed crits.


One for me please.

Dataphiles 3/5

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Paul Jackson wrote:

PLEASE tell me that we finally get to KILL KILL KILL Torch, that he is Passing on from the Campaign forever.

I'm betting that will depend on the reporting notes for the scenario. I for one have no intention of killing him. Shadow Lodge for life!

Dataphiles 3/5

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Spermy The Cat wrote:
keerawa wrote:
Racial feats and alternate racial traits are go if you have a tiefling boon. The big table of rolling for bizarre abilities is not PFS-legal.
So I'm stuck with a no good, lazy shadow then?

Don't buy into that act! They're not lazy they're just biding their time.

Dataphiles 3/5

PFRPGrognard PFS1e will continue to exist after 2e launches so this will remain a PFS thread, however, as pointed out above there are actually numerous threads about non-society Thornkeep play in the section of the boards dedicated to the discussion of modules. This is a matter of your advice not being applicable rather than it not being valued. Here is a link to all the non-Society Thornkkep discussions I found. I hope that is helpful.


Morning: Debt to the Quah
Afternoon: Free
Evening: Debt to the Quah
Overnight: Sleep

Morning: Debt to the Quah
Afternoon: Free
Evening: Banquet
Overnight: Probably sleep

Morning: Free
Afternoon: Free
Evening: Free(Probably 10-98)
Overnight: Probably sleep

Morning: Free
Afternoon: Checking out


I also received and accepted mine!

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