Silver Dragon

Zach Davis's page

*** Pathfinder Society GM. 603 posts (1,359 including aliases). 12 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 32 Organized Play characters. 4 aliases.

Dataphiles 3/5

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So I just got a couple of cool Razmiran minis out of a wizkids box and several of the other people present decided to join me in playing a regular group of Razmiran characters for PFS. We're going with a group of 4 so that we can spread the good word of Razmir to a couple of new players per scenario.

My question though is are there any legal Razmiran character archetypes/options besides the Razmiran Priest for Sorcerer? So far my searches haven't turned anything up. Obviously, we can build characters of just about any class and choose to venerate Razmir but it would be nice if there were actual class options for each of us.


I'm pretty excited I got into this game! Who else got in? What characters are people bringing? I'll be playing Caliban-2 an Android Technomancer.


Change Size (Su)
Source Blood of the Beast pg. 28
One Vanara in every 500 is gifted with limited shapeshifting ability. Such a creature can adjust her size at will. She gains the change shape ability and the shapeshifter subtype. Instead of changing appearance, she can use change shape to reduce her size category to Small. Her ability scores don’t change, only her size (and thus her weapon damage); normal size penalties and bonuses to AC and CMD and on attack and skill rolls apply. Changing size or returning to her true size is a fullround action. This racial trait alters the Vanara’s type and replaces nimble.

I'm creating a Vanara character, and want to use this trait. Should this adjust my movement speeds? It doesn't mention movement in the ability, and I don't see any mention of movement being decreased by similar effects like the reduce person spell.


Can't wait to play the first 5-8 scenario! Its definitely cool being part of a campaign from the beginning.


Thought I would get this thread up and running. Who's arriving early, and wants to get in some extra gaming? Here's the Warhorn. I'm arriving Thursday around noon.

Dataphiles 3/5

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I'm very excited that we're getting Tengu related adventures, and glad to hear that my level 9 Tengu who worships Hei Feng gets to play in one! The Legacy boons sound intriguing. Definitely interested to see how these work.

Dataphiles 3/5

The racial ability modifiers for Vetala born Dhampir are different in Blood of the Night (+2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Int) than in Inner Sea Races (+2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Wis). Should I assume Inner Sea Races is correct since it is the newer source?

Dataphiles 3/5

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I will be GMing this at PaizoCon, and while I haven't received the PDF yet I want to start prepping what I can. Reading the scenario description it mentions the NPC Zahra from season 2. I have not played or run the scenario she is in though. Does anyone know how much info about her is given in the intro of the scenario? I'm hoping it gives a recap of any info that would be relevant without spoiling the other scenario so that I can do her character justice.

Dataphiles 3/5

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Both of the adventures set in the Gloomspires have been awesome in my opinion. I am really hoping Season 8 sees another foray into Sevenfinger's Tomb. Even better would be if its tier 5-9 so people can continue the plot with the same characters(well at least it will make it possible though I'm sure some have leveled out of range). I would absolutely hold off on leveling my Gloomspires character if he could return in higher tiers. It would be really cool if we could explore the entirety of the Tomb and come face to face with old Sevenfingers.

Besides it provides Calisro Bennary more screen time, and she's one of my favorite VC's. Calisro was so excited to hear what we discovered at the end of the scenario it would really be a shame if we didn't explore further :)

Dataphiles 3/5

So as I understand it this is the only way to get to level 20. Correct?
And since it has a tier for every level there is no way to GM it, and hold it for a character. So if you have any desire to hit level 20 you should avoid playing OR GMing this like the plague until 19.2. Right?

Dataphiles 3/5

Additional Resources wrote:
Warpriest: To select a blessing, a warpriest must worship a deity that offers the domain of the same name.

So I assume this means that for PFS a Warpriest may not opt out of worshiping a specific deity. Is that correct?


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Like so many others I watched the Humble Bundle Gaming marathon the other day on the new Twitch channel. It was a lot of fun to watch(especially the ones you got to watch live so you could participate in the chat.) Will there be a way to know in advance when new content will take place?

Dataphiles 3/5

The Soul Warden Boon on the Scarab Sages Faction Journal Card grants a +4 bonus to your effective Con score to determine when you would die. Does this stack with Savior of the Sages

Your effective Constitution score for determining when you would die from hit point damage increases by 1..... For each Seeking the Sages Boon you have from earlier parts of this series, increase these bonuses by 1.

Dataphiles 3/5

I'm prepping this for this coming Saturday, and in Hondo Heru's tactics it states that he casts "Improved Invisibility" before the fight. Sorry if I'm missing something obvious but I'm not aware of, and wasn't able to locate "Improved" Invisibility. Was this intended to be Greater Invisibility?

Dataphiles 3/5

I have seen threads where people ask what classes or races people are playing, but not one about alignments people make their characters. After seeing several comments recently about the society's lack of morals I got curious how accurately this perception of our morals reflects what people chose as their alignment. Personally when I create a character I really try to ask myself what his motivations are, and decide alignment on a case by case basis, but after looking over my characters I see that I definitely have many more Chaotic Good characters than anything else.

LG: 1
NG: 2
CG: 6
LN: 2
CN: 1

Dataphiles 3/5

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I would like to start out by saying I loved season 6. I have played almost every scenario (Only missing Silver Mount Collection, The Technic Siege and Valley of Veiled Flame), and played a character through every Scenario that actually gets you a piece of the Sky Key.
I also really enjoyed the Numerian Tech adventures that I played in.

It also had several adventures not directly tied to these themes that I really hope Paizo revisits during season 7.

The Story Arch with Slave Ships of Absalom and Slave Masters Mirror I really liked, and the setting of Seven Fingers Tomb in Hall of the Flesh Eaters was excellent in my opinion.

Anyway just wanted to throw that out there in the hopes that positive feedback would encourage Paizo to give us follow ups to these scenarios if they aren't already in the works.

Speak up if you agree or even if you don't. I'd be interested in hearing any reason people didn't like those scenarios(make sure to include spoiler tags if you cite specific instances.)


So I thought a Monk/Paladin build as a "Paladin of Irori" might be fun for my first Core character. Not sure what the best split would be level wise though.

Definitely want to start Monk at level 1 since I'll be building towards crazy Monk unarmored AC, and it would be kind of a waste of funds to buy armor for just a level or two of use.

Going Halfling for his race for size bonuses and even more amazing saves.

Ability Scores I was thinking Str 13, Dex 16, Con 12 Int 7, Wis 14, Cha 16
Will raise strength a 4th. Everything else will probably go to Dex.

I know the hit to Skills will suck, but he really isn't intended to be a skill monkey.

Want to go Ranged with him primarily, and will use Prestige to buy a tricked out Composite Bow at first level of Paladin. I know I won't be able to Flurry with the bow for Zen Archer craziness, but I fell like I should have a solid BAB + Rapid Shot/Manyshot I should still be pretty effective. Especially when Smiting. Flurry will be his go to melee option obviously though I'm not sure how great he'll end up at it as I still don't know how to best divide the levels.

Any feedback would be great.


I am planning to start playing a wizard character, and was wondering which scenarios people recommended I play in with a character whose interests revolve around lost civilizations, magical artifacts, and other various arcane subjects. He is a Human(Mwangi) wizard, and is in the Osiron/Scarab Sages faction. I think it would be fun from a roleplaying perspective to have his entire Pathfinder career center on his interests and areas of expertise.