Razmiran Archetypes

Pathfinder Society

Dataphiles 3/5

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So I just got a couple of cool Razmiran minis out of a wizkids box and several of the other people present decided to join me in playing a regular group of Razmiran characters for PFS. We're going with a group of 4 so that we can spread the good word of Razmir to a couple of new players per scenario.

My question though is are there any legal Razmiran character archetypes/options besides the Razmiran Priest for Sorcerer? So far my searches haven't turned anything up. Obviously, we can build characters of just about any class and choose to venerate Razmir but it would be nice if there were actual class options for each of us.

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There's also a prestige class, but it's not PFS legal. I think you're just going to have to figure out your Razmiran plans yourself without the aid of mechanics designed for them.

Dataphiles 3/5

Thanks. I kind of thought that might be the case.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

There’s also a ninja archetype in The Player Companion Disciples’ Doctrine.

Dataphiles 3/5

waltero wrote:
There’s also a ninja archetype in The Player Companion Disciples’ Doctrine.

Thanks. Disciple's Doctrine also had a series of Arcanist Exploits that were Razmir related(although two of them aren't legal.)

Dark Archive 4/5 Venture-Captain, Online—VTT

Beyond the Sorcerer and Ninja archetypes mentioned there's no other archetypes for them sadly although there are a couple of items and a few traits, however, do not fear for Razmir has faith in you and and the Living God provides!

I myself have a paladin of Razmir (Oracle of Battle) who takes great joy in spreading the good word, may your group have as much luck as he has, and if you find other so called 'followers' of the Living God out there besmirching His name and causing trouble, well, it behooves you to ensure people know they're not real Razmirans and hand out summary justice to such pretenders! (It's amazing how almost all the Razmirans I've met in scenarios fall into that category... >.>)

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