
Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Today's page

29 posts. Alias of captain yesterday.


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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Captain ? wrote:
You're time traveling to the old west to invent Mountain Dew.
Somebody hadda do it...

Personally, I'd rather go back in time and assassinate the creator of Mountain Dew, but we all know that would only lead to Methtastic Dew or something. Time travelling is a cruel mistress.

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Don't worry, I have a plan involving Freehold, the Ghost of Christmas Past, and a Baby Hitler type of situation.

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Sure do wish it was Friday today and not tomorrow.

But, it's not May 4th... Or is it...

BigNorseWolf wrote:
They try it and the magic of 147 gods shoots them back before the gap or causes a timey whimey ball.

[b]Whoo hoo! Party!! Now it's my turn to shine!!!

Sprays thread with boxed wine.

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NobodysHome wrote:
doctor_wu wrote:
It was 4 years before I was born today exactly 30 years ago.

A very merry, un-birthday, time wibbly wobbly thingamajig!

That was my shtick...

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It is in fact NOT Friday.

Just in case anyone else got mixed up.

Who's counting.

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It's Thursday!?! How did it become Thursday!! My brain told me it was Wednesday. >:-(>

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It can't possibly be the new year, we just had one last year!

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Limeylongears wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Couldn't. They're bolted to the concrete floor.
Did you try lighting fires on top of them?
Wouldn't do a thing. Hot air rises, after all.
Did you try lighting upside-down fires on top of them?

Makes sense to me.

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Man do I hate daylight savings time!

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Slams a whiskey bottle on the ground in slow motion.

f!*% yeah!

What Wisconsin Trumps supporters are like, sadly there's more people like this around then i'd care to admit.

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Pretty close.

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The weekend went by too fast.

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Go on...

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Now I want to make meat pies this weekend. :-)

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I've settled on laying on my side and trying to run in a counterclockwise manner.

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I pride my yourself on her coherency.

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I'm almost four years older than Limey. :-)

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I can do better than 300 postmonster.

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I blame the nogoodniks, whoever they may be.

I call shenanigans!

It's all made up.

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TriAlphaZero wrote:
Whelp, time to switch aliases for awhile.

That way they'll never suspect it's you ;-)

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Oh, man I was gonna tell him to wait for it!

Curses! Foiled again!

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Flibbety Jibbets.

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Sharoth wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

You know your manager knows you far too well when she texts you at 6:30 am on your day off and you respond immediately because you've already been up for 2 hours.

Yeah, I'm a morning person. What are you going to do?

~wards off the morning person, then flees to my bedroom, locks the door, and hides under the bed~ Go away! You might be contagious.


Does the Dragon need his coffee, c'mon! Join us! The cinnamon rolls are fresh (I know because I made them)

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AlexTrebek wrote:
Babe: Pig on the Internet wrote:
Dr. Strangegnome wrote:
Maneuvermoose wrote:

By the way, I have a question for any of Captain Yesterday's aliases:

What is your opinion on people arguing with themselves using different aliases?
Until you've tried it, you might not realize how therapeutic it is to just let the different facets of your personalities just free associate.
Also, it seems totally appropriate for a forum dedicated to a role-playing game.
You're both idiots, and worse, you're hogging the spotlight from Wibbly-Wobbly Timey-Wimey Doctor Yesterday and all his concurrent regenerations.

This is the best I could do, alas I should've thought of it from the beginning, so many wasted years!