Aldern Foxglove

WannabeIndy's page

Organized Play Member. 97 posts (356 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 3 aliases.


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The Exchange

It isn't the entire point Grey, though you do need to get 4 to 6 episodes in before the silliness recedes.

The Exchange

Tinkergoth wrote:
Kthulhu wrote:
Ivan Rûski wrote:

Really enjoyed the movie, though a bit disappointed that while it fixed some of the continuity issues, it created others.

** spoiler omitted **
Er, in the new timeline that Wolverine retuned too, everything post-1973 is going to be different. So, it essentially resets the continuity...X1, X2, X3, Origins: Woverine, and The Woverine never happened.

To be fair, some of it could still have happened, just with altered circumstances. There's nothing to say that the Weapon X program didn't occur somehow.

With regards to the Kitty thing its less a secondary mutation and more an expansion of the phasing powerset (in Kitty's case its quantum tunneling stuff rather than vibrational) so moving someone into phase with themselves at a differant point in space time. (in the comics one of her other universe alternates in Exiles had a similar ability with regards to dimensions.)
The Exchange

Andrea1 wrote:

Lack of manual for basic gameplay is annoying for newcomers to the series.

Finished off Last Giant. Anyone know how to get to the bottom floor if possible where the fires are? I saw a treasure down there.

Went to Flame Tower, the mace is a very good weapon to use against the guards there.

Hi Ornstein. *dies*

Several ways to get in there, silvercat ring from shalquoir and jumping down in the right place with low burden, fall control sorcery, or theres a key later in the game which unlocks a door in.

The Exchange

RPG with an online component, (you can leave limited messeges for other players, be summoned, invade or be invaded.).

As for running the Swordsman that was a cruel thing to do to a starting souls player that low health is a real pain, though it will teach you the games defensive tactics quite fast as you learn them or you die. (I started as swordman myself for exactly that reason low health forces solid play as even a single slip will kill you.)

The Exchange

Rynjin wrote:
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
Shadowborn wrote:
Kthulhu wrote:

I think prior to the events of Avengers, SHIELD was a very covert organization. Think early- NSA. where they were so covert that most people weren't even aware the organization existed.

Since the New York invasion, SHIELD seems to have become more visible.

I'd probably buy that if it weren't for the flying aircraft carrier.
Flying INVISIBLE aircraft carrier.

Is it really invisible? I thought in the MCU it merely flew really high (above the clouds) and had Stealth capability. No invisibility, just can't see it from the ground and it's undetectable by radar.

It wouldn't make any sense for it to be invisible, actually. In Thor 2 the Asgardians seemed FLOORED by the concept of the invisible space/aircraft the Totally-Not-Drow used.

I think it was less the invisibleness more the get past Heimdallness of the stealth, remember invisbleness is a sliding scale based on whats trying to breach it.

The Exchange

I note no ones mentioned second season of Asura Cryin' yet.

Can be found


along with several of the other fine offerings in ths list as well as the first season if you missed it.

The Exchange

Dwarves are too cheap eh I found they just didn't perform to any real degree in the long run, the lack of passing game is a real killer and the slow movement means half the time you can't catch up to what you want to smash, this results in less player points which means overall you very quickly start to lose out to teams that get better players than you. That being said the correct setup can make it practically impossible to dodge through a dwarf defense so you'll have to watch out for that.

The Exchange

mearrin69 wrote:

Heh. Which version of Star Trek was it you watched that *didn't* include copious amounts of time travel cop-outs and eye-rolling cliches? :) I missed that series/movie I think!


Edit: Upon further reflection I realized that this might be the first use of time travel in S-T that wasn't a cop-out...they actually had the stones to leave the timeline in its altered state, rather than putting everything back all neat and tidy.

So a time travelling Romulan destroys Vulcan, my question is where the hell were time fleet! after all the sticking their noses in to everything in the late unlamented Voyager and Enterprise, youda thunk they'd put in an appearance here.
The Exchange

So you've been reading S.M. Stirlings Novels of the Change stuff then, I have to say the best of this sort of show is still the SAS, Are you tough enough? shows, no prize, no audience voting just theres your jobs for these couple of days if you fail the Sergent Major kicks you off the show winnowing down as things progress. Ah happy thoughts.

The Exchange

Day job, Nicks job is considerably more than a day job, which is really the problem, along with his perfectionist tendancies and probable lack of slave monkeys... uh sorry post grad/TA types to shove stuff on it being his first year and all. That being said a little post on the Bank Holiday Monday would have ben appreciated.

The Exchange

Funny that almost every wormhole I've used/found has been of te type that allows 20+ BS jumps through it with a maximum mass to allow Orcas, these tend to be to class 2/3 systems and the ore belts are quite good, (One belt had more Crokite than you could sneeze at and we never got round to exploiting it because of the Arkanor and Bistot in the system. (Just about cleared the Arkanor abrely touched the Bistot)

The Exchange

For shangri-La go to lots of stuff here all official like though regional issues may apply.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ok anime fans, jist as an FYI Crunchyroll is now streaming subbed anime straight from the creators legally, your milage may vary dependant on region but its worth going to to show support for the creators as well as support what should be a decent method of international entertainment distribution.

The Exchange

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Hugo Solis wrote:

-maybe- I'll be able to do a small Xmas pic and publish it on Monday 22th. Just one question on vote:

Seoni dire kinky gift present or Seoni PG13 Santa's elf custome?


Honestly Butterfrog with this crew do you even expect anyone to vote for the PG-13 option? ;)

You never know some people might have a more adult sense of taste and style.....

The Exchange

Ok heres the list of things that a fighter gets if these feats are opened up to not being fighter only.

1: Early access as these fall on levels where base attack bonus is an even number this gives the fighter access 1 level earlier than other martial classes and considerably earlier than anyone else.

2: More of them, other classes can just about get 2 of these feat sets if they devote all their feats to it, the fighter can get 4 easily and doesn't have many other real choices to take up his attention.

3: Weapon and armour training class features, this counter balances quite a lot of the but the fighter only gets feats, ok thier a fairly boring static bonus mechanically speaking but lets not knock the fact that they are very powerful effects (especially the armour training.)

Some people are talking about the fighters thing being feats and that he should have special things that are fighter only, but I always saw the fighters thing as you can build just about anything you want out of a fighter build across 20 levels its the versitility of the calss that makes it what it is form a sheer amount of concepts you can run through it from Knight in shining armour to swashbuckler, Achilles to Zorro, other people may not agree bit there it is, if the aim of these feats is to help the martial classes compete at the higher levels then they need to be open to ALL the martial classes.

The Exchange

Kayos. wrote:
Ginger Andy wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

I'll be drawing (or at least attempting to!) the dashing Mr Lorenzo as an apology for killing him off in tonights game! Sorry hun!

Just remember to show the Wyvern tattoo (silly boy).

The Exchange

Ok I dislike fighter only feats on the base level that other martially inclined characters should be able to attain this level of training. The fighters above and beyond is the sheer number they get and the training class features.

Shifting the whole raft of these feats to the relavant base attack bonus would be my solution to the issue, this would include shifting the weapon spec tree out of the fighter only domain as well.

The Exchange

Just as a point I believe the re written holy bond no longer railroads you into using the weapon of your god, at least I can't see that limitation in the text at the moment.

The Exchange

Monk still seems to be missing Knowledge:Religion, given a lot of Monk tropes are from religious orders possibly should be added.

The Exchange

Due to the proliferation of Gold sellers this gives an exchange rate for such and therefore they could tax you real money for your game gold, (The discussion came up on the EVE forums a bit back.)

The Exchange

They used Bind in the campaign setting,

Grapple whilst grappling take a full action action to attempt to throw (another grapple check) if sucessful hurl them 5ft per point of strength bonus.

Really at under $10 the indulgence bundles are really worth the money.

The Exchange

Or you could pick up Sinister Adventures Warriors Way which has some throwing rules in there along with a lot of Monk/Unarmed fighter stuff.

The Exchange

I so need more anime but at roughly $30 for 4 episodes (dependant on series) its not going to happen unless I can source it better. Sometimes I hate living in England.

I think my favorites currently have to be some of the more recent GUNDAM series SEED and SEED destiny particularly.

Cowboy Bebop I never could get into, though Outlaw Star I did quite enjoy.

The Exchange

Robert Brambley wrote:
Vult Wrathblades wrote:

@Jason and Robert.

Doesnt the idea of gaining + to hit/damage = the number of smites remaining in a day give you something very close to what you were going for there with a lot less text?

Well with all due respect, Vult, I'm not a fan of that mechanic for two reasons: 1) it creates memory problems - like Dirty Harry...."Have I used 6 smites or only 5?" thus making it more work to keep track what my always on ability equates to currently. 2) It would tend to make me more gunshy - not wanting to use any smites so as to keep the highest amount on all the time with hopes of meeting that one encounter I've saved the smites for, and even when it's there, still wondering if there's another even bigger one around the opposed to just slinging it.

It's not a bad idea, in truth; just not something that I personally would want to have to deal with - neither as a player, or as a DM to oversee players using it appropriately and adjusting the math all the time.


Yet monks have a varient on that particular mechanic.

The Exchange

I believe you can do multiple CMB's per turn with multiple attacks dependant on the CMB, trip, disarm and sunder, the others all have a movement component anyway so you wouldn't be getting multiple attacks move your attacking at the same time as getting into position around or through an obstacle.

Seems like quite an elegant little solution.

The Exchange

*la sigh* always forgotten when ideas are being repackaged, here's what I'd do using Vults latest idea, on the use of the smite (expending the charge) I'd basically make it an auto critical for the damage component keeping thhe charisma modifier to hit, would that be sufficiently poky for those who think they'd be losing something.

The Exchange

Ok I've played the bard as written for exactly 1 session, and we didn't actually do so much really(mechanicswise) as it was a heavy Rp one. So far therefore I can only really comment on a few factors, this is with a Brd5/Fighter2.

Bardic Knowledge and subfeatures, Ok I like the changes to this ability whilst I was initially concerned about the potential loss of knowledge this proved to be misplaced the new amounts plus new knowledge gave an almost perfect copy across giving all the knowledge skills about the same as pre conversion (some a little higher, some lower) and Loremaster allows them to be used to great effect.

Buffs, Ok I seem to be the master of the morale buff with no less than 3 seperate things giving potential morale boosts to things 1 feat, 1 spell and the inspire courage/competance. Thats more a function of my build for the redundancy factor however it does highlight the issue somewhat the 2nd level spell is better than the 5th level ability and I'd have had it longer under PF.

Bardic Music hasn't really changed since last iteration, the new abilities require a second differant perform type, now I think I can see how Jason split the 2 but to my mind they don't fit I've got 2 perform skills (RP reasons again) ones vocal (Oratory) the other is visual (Dance) ok the dance came in useful under a silence spell but the 2 are in the same perform category for the abilities that trigger, its kinda annoying but music/not music doesn't seem right where as visual/auditory seems a more likely split. We've used Bardic music as move equivalent in situations where it seemed appropriate and it didn't overpower the situation, and neither when it was allowed to stack with Bless or another morale effect.

The only other thing that really springs to mind at the moment is that both Linguistics and Appraise would fit under the Loremasters umbrella and possibly could be added to the skill list of the ability (or redesignated knowledge skills but thats a differant discussion.)

The Exchange

Possibly making the bardic music bonuses untyped so it stacks with everything else?

Also Bardic Music should probably be a move equivalent action, ok playing some instruments does take a little more concentration 9and both hands) but dance and oratory can both be used on the move in a free flowing fight, (my personal favorite being quiping for the bonuses,)

The Exchange

Wow I'm kinda surprised theres no thread up on this one yet, anyone seen this and how does it stack up against the source material?(My only experiance of that being the CCG and Warzone.)

The Exchange

Ok my only real issue is that as a fighter the paladin is still very much a warrior below level 5. Maybe allowing the lay on hands to be channeled through a weapon strike to tag that damage on for when fighting undead gives a very specific niche that doesn't step elsewhere a sort of mini smite if you will.

The channeling and Layon Hands changes seem to be much what the docter ordered for these abilities.

The Exchange

Thats one of the reasons I threw the permanent divine favour option in, small enough bonus and gives the whole "My heart is pure therefore I fight as ten" feel.

The Exchange

Just as a thought rather than Prot Evil howabout perma bless or permanent divine favour (scale the favour by Paladin level rather than class level.) That way you get something on that base aura and give the permanet boost to combat potential some people have been asking for with out being as pokey as the current suggestions?

The Exchange

Selgard the reason for the fighter is all those extra feats he gets allow for built up feat chains and quite a few of them, a Paladin is only going to have 1 or two of these if he's totally optimised for beat down neglecting his other abilities. These kick fighter damage into a whole new stratosphere if set up for it as well as allow for a whole load of fairly nifty little tricks.

The Exchange

Malkari Durant wrote:

As a compromise to ease of conversion and the complaint that cleric's don't get enough skill points, why not have each religion have a skill tied to their faith. This skill is treated as a class skill and has ranks equal to their cleric level, similar to the bard's bardic knowledge ability. In addition, clerics may make Knowledge(religion) checks untrained at any DC for questions pertaining to their faith, but no other.

What do you guys think?

See the thread on Domains and skills further down :-)

The Exchange

Again the more I look at it the more I think that Paladins should be able to access the Glory domain (at least at CL 12 and lower) it's just a really good fit.

The Exchange

I actually just had another thought, hows about taking a leaf from the monks book and have Smite Evil have both components within it, whilst you have uses left it provides a passive boost.

For instance int he monks case whilst they have Ki remaining their fists count as X,Y and Z for damage reduction purposes.

So whilst a Paladin has Smite uses left he has his constant bonus, this would require the Smite itself to be extremely pokey to justify using especially at low level I'm actually quite fond of auto crit myself given the limitations (limited use and only evil).

The Exchange

Well I'm already on the band wagon regarding some form of continual to hit and damage buff of some description. Roberts "Divine Might" being the form that I would suggest it taking as it was the mechanic I suggested fairly early in Last Knights thread for a possible continual Smite ability, I still believe that might be a way to go as for BC purposes (excluding feat issues) its a very simple conversion of number of times per day becomes the bonus look at an old smite stat block and look at the number, this is also the main reason I like the additional class feature working similarly.

As to smite itself, how about something that acts a little like the current domain touch powers, auto critical, damage boost or whatever lasts a number of rounds equal to charisma modifier or untill discharged.

The Exchange

It strikes me as a little odd that they don't get any real martial training type benefits beyond the proficiencies and good BAB, Fighters get their training abilities and a stack load of feats, Rangers have the style thing, Barbarians don't but they have that whole instinctual fighter thing going.

Just add something that suggests that Paladins actually have a decent amount of martial training please.

The Exchange

Pretty good all in all.

Nobility power at will? Bards only get this a number of times a day and whilst it gets better and they have an additional role as information font isn't this stealing a little of their low level thunder? Ideas good though will need to try to come up with something that feels right.

Soul of War is definately too powerful as written, I'd go with a weapon training idea similar to the fighters would kick in earlier and wouldn't be quite as broad and would be a nice nod back to the free weapon focus.

War 1st level Weapons Training(Ex): A cleric with the war domain gains plus 1 to hit and damage with his dieties favoured weapon this bonus increases every 4 levels to a maximum of plus 5 at level 20.

I'd also drop some of the skill bonii in favour of a differing way of tackling domains and skills as mentioned in the thread "Cleric Domains and Skills"

The Exchange

Ok wizards and sorcs need to use a feat to get a beefier base familiar (Improved Familiar), hows about you implement similar for AC's it would also discourage certain types of players from "trading up" thier beloved animal companion without some thought.

The Exchange

JoelF847 wrote:

I would like to see clerics get some sort of skill bonus for appropriate skills based on their domains, but I wouldn't want it to be as much as a free skill rank per level like the bard knowledge bonus. If this were adopted, it would make clerics as good as the classes for which those skills were considered key. I don't think that a cleric with the trickery domain for instance should automatically be as good as a rogue or bard who maxed it out, or a cleric with the animal domain should be for free as good as a druid or ranger at knowledge (nature).

However, a boost to represent that they are more knowledgeable on these skills than the average person would be a good idea, either by making them class skills, or giving them a flat +2 to the skills in question. I would rather not have the bonus be the skill focus feat, since that would prevent the cleric from choosing the feat to further boost the skill, should they choose. I would also make sure that the bonus be the same type as the druid nature sense bonus, so that a cleric/druid couldn't get the benefits of both (or for that matter, a druid with the animal domain.)

Under the original proposal the cleric wouldn't be quite as good as a class to whom the skill was considered key as it wouldn't be a class skill.

Another option of course is to use the other bit of the bardic lore ability instead giving a bonus equal to half the clerics level and the ability to use untrained, again this would be two skills determined by domain. This would roughly translate into an extra skill point per level rather than two but would retain the flavour.

The Exchange

Right Jason has already said once that he doesn't want to increase the skill points per level in the Fighter discussions, to an extent this proposal is a way around that giving clerics 4 skill points a level just 2 of them are pre determined by your clerical studies.

As for making them class skills not doing so saves on but they already have that skill in their skill list issue though your milage may vary on how much of an issue you think this is.

The Exchange

Ok I thought I'd bring up this idea, Clerics tend to lack knowledges in certain areas that they should otherwise have e.g. The follower of a nature god doesn't get knowledge(Nature) and the skill points don't really allow for cross classing to get the skill.

Here's a possible solution give clerics free skill ranks in skills associated with their domains like the bard gets under his bardic knowledge ability.

So a cleric with nature and trickery for example could get free ranks in Knowledge(nature) and Bluff, Charm would get free ranks in Diplomacy etc,

I wouldn't go so far as to make them class skills at this point but it should fill that hole in what a particular religions capabilities are.

So what do people think.

The Exchange

If you go this route why not just count weapon training bonus to base attack for feat qualification, asves more space that way, not sure if I like the idea or not though, will need some thought.

The Exchange

Ah Clerics I have to say my not wanting to play a cleric was because I had played 1 through Age of Worms and one in a campaign to 11-12 not that long before that and fancied something differant, plus the holy symbolled shield yes would be for putting that somewhere in the core equipment because it really is a common tactic (so much so in Age of Worms that I had a handfull of shield fighting feats as the dice seemed determined that I would be smiting down enemies with either magic or the shield, go go Chaplain Lathander :-)), but yes people expect heal botness generally (a role I didn't really play but that came down to the brokeness of Initiate of Lathander plus spell compendium), and don't like tobe forced into doing that kind of thing.

The Exchange

Oh dear Turin unleashed on Korvosa, end of 7 days will be interesting, a completely unscrupulous DM with all those evil clerics to play with, oh deary deary me.

The Exchange

Elemental Rage has a place given its roots in Celtic folklore where several versions of Cúchulainns describe to be burning with relevant wounds.

The Exchange

Not got too high hopes for this one myself after the travesty that was "Robin Hood".

The Exchange

Ok I vastly prefer the flexibility of option 1 it allows you a great deal of leeway in how you apply your powers.

Option 2a is an acceptable alternative though not prefered.

The Exchange

Samuli wrote:
Samuli wrote:
Maybe it would be better to remove monks altogether.
Robert Brambley wrote:
Remember, that fighters do more than grapple and trip; they have frequent access to power-attack related feats such as: overrun, bull-rush, and sunder; as well as disarm and trip.

Maybe my comment didn't come out exactly as meant. The point was that if fighters are equally capable in combat than monks why not combine them?

I know backwards compability is one of the stated goals of Pathfinder. If it keeps us from combining the two classes, maybe we should differentiate them more - instead of making them more similar. Unfortunately, I don't have any ideas how to do that, at the moment.

I think this is more a subject that should come up when Monks are discussed as thats where the differances should lie,

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