Knighttom |

hello all of the seven swords. felt the need to let you in know about why i am going to be away or have irregular play times.
for those who know that i have been working on getting a house built i am most likely going to be going to start the whole paper trail that locks me in for 30 years of my life. there is alot of prep work that needs to get done however before the build starts that i and my family can do and that is going to eat up some or most of my free time .
the reason i havent been on for anything other than skill changes in about a week is because i came down with a nast chest cold that has left me out of it when im home. and a bit out when im at work as well. good thing i have a very understanding crew i work with.
i will try to get in and get some mission time in to try to continue raising my faction to help with getting our goals done.
sorry for the long post
hopefully i didnt ramble to much
cold meds are fun on the brain. going to post this here and in the xfire thing. maybe some or all will see it. or atleast those that need to.

Knighttom |

well that went well. something else came up to derail the whole starting of the paperwork plan. this is starting to realy suck. i know not what about my previouse post is still true. granted the being sick part is. excuss me while i go find a thick tree to smash my head up against for awhile. it should feel better than this whole up down crap about getting my house on the road to being built. sheesh all this trouble just to get my own home on the farm..

Turin the Mad |

well that went well. something else came up to derail the whole starting of the paperwork plan. this is starting to realy suck. i know not what about my previouse post is still true. granted the being sick part is. excuss me while i go find a thick tree to smash my head up against for awhile. it should feel better than this whole up down crap about getting my house on the road to being built. sheesh all this trouble just to get my own home on the farm..
I've seen that kind of thing before - it can take the better part of a year just to deal with the paperwork.
Good Luck!

Turin the Mad |

Just logged on for the first time in a while. Seems about 3 days ago or so I got made CEO of Seven Swords.
I'll be on for the "meeting night" Monday 29th September as early in the evening as I can manage. I'm estimating 7-8 pm EST until about midnight EST. Game Time is 2300 - 2400 hours log on.
Hopefully those of us who are left can catch up and see what we want to do. :)
IRL I've been quite occupied, so naturally this made things ... interesting ...

Knighttom |

i may or may not be able to join. it is the last week of the month and the last week of the quarter so my place of work is trying to ship out as much as possible . i might end up working till after midnight.
last few weeks i have been busy and sick. just starting to get over asthmatic broncitis. twas no fun . from what i understand my doc who thinks im a bit stubburn decided he wasnt even going to try to get me to go to the hospital even though he wanted to get me admitted so instead he put me one about 4 different things. found out about the hospital thing when my mom went in and asked him just how bad was i. so it has not been a fun four weeks. currently being treated for just my ashtma which is still causing me problems after leaving me alone for several years. on three different things for it. its making work a bit more exhausting then normal.
sorry for the ramble ttyl

Knighttom |

Based on the office leases, certain decisions will have to be made by the latest of the 11th of October.
Hopefully I'll hear from as many of us as possible this week (i.e., by about the 4th or 5th of October)...
we have office leases.
i did not know this.so um what are they being used for?
and or what are there purpose to our corp?

Turin the Mad |

Turin the Mad wrote:Based on the office leases, certain decisions will have to be made by the latest of the 11th of October.
Hopefully I'll hear from as many of us as possible this week (i.e., by about the 4th or 5th of October)...
we have office leases.
i did not know this.
so um what are they being used for?
and or what are there purpose to our corp?
Basically, (a) to have a "HQ" - seems to be required to have at least a home office to make a corp - and (b) to seperate "what is the corporation's stuff" from "the individual's stuff".
7 Swords currently has only 2 offices, but one costs several million ISKies a month - which is the one coming up on the 12th. If we're effectively defunct as an EVE corp ... well, obviously we don't want to keep shelling out meelleeons and meelleeons for something doing us no siginificant good.

Turin the Mad |

Since it looks like the corp is defunct, I'm liquidating all corporate assets ASAP (which rots, but seems necessary...) and divyying the ISK evenly between everyone left in the corp roster.
Then I'm closing the corporation. EDIT: If I can figure out how to do i that is...
Sorry all, but with pretty much everyone inactive beyond skill bumps in the corp info display, this seems the most prudent course of action.
:( ~sighs~

Turin the Mad |

Yeah, it sucks.
I couldn't close the corp - that seems to be the founder's baby, or at least whomever holds the largest chunk of shares or something.
Anyhoo, I'll be doing the 'skill bump bounce' for about six weeks myself. We'd hashed out an interesting name and [tag] for a new corp that can eventually be founded. I want to get the Real Life Monster tamed again before turning attentions back to EVE in the evenings.
I'll miss the chaps from Paizo of course, and I check these messageboards more regularly than EVE mail, so I do not see why we couldn't keep in touch this way.
Since these particular RLM Quests revolve around setting up the domicile for hosting a 9-person gaming group at the house, closing down the 'fair weather' elements of my business for the year and other Not Fun Stuff, the timing is not so bad in that regard.
From what I've seen in nearly five years of EVE, any small corp that goes inactive for a month or more (for whatever reason) has a really difficult time starting up again. Sure, the founder/majority shareholders can remain and attempt to resurrect Frankenstein's Monster, but the old boy has a rough time of it when sewn together twice... or more...

Turin the Mad |

Turin the Mad wrote:Apparently they didn't learn OMGWTFBBQ paranoia from the Guiding Hand Social Club incident, eh?Rhavin wrote:BoB has been disbanded as of this night. Apparently a goon spy with director level power decided to screw them over.O.o That's ... impressive ...
So it would seem - rumor has it that their Band of Brothers [BoB] corp name and [sticker] were ninja'd out from under them too ...

Lilith |

Turin the Mad wrote:Apparently they didn't learn OMGWTFBBQ paranoia from the Guiding Hand Social Club incident, eh?Rhavin wrote:BoB has been disbanded as of this night. Apparently a goon spy with director level power decided to screw them over.O.o That's ... impressive ...
Apparently not. :D
On the other hand, Apocrypha is looking damn neat - wormholes and T3 ships! Has anybody checked out the latest on the skill queue stuff in the Dev blogs?

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Kassil wrote:That was some cah-raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy stuff right there. :)...Wow. It's one thing to hearthat BoB is no more, and quite another to see the map with no BoB presence on it anywhere.
I just guess it took subterfuge from an unusually canny Goon to do what no war could ever accomplish.
I'll say. Who ever thought a Goon could be that patient, subtle, and clever?

Dorje Sylas |

I'm not so sure about the T3 ships in Apocrypha. I'm not liking the look of the randomly removed skill rank when the ship blows up under you. Had enough network glitches causing close calls to want that kind of penalty without some kind of 'insurance'.
Anyways, yo Paizo-Fan EVE people. I've got a budding Mining Director/Omni-booster hanging out in Minmatar space if anyone's looking for extra bonuses.

Turin the Mad |

I'm not so sure about the T3 ships in Apocrypha. I'm not liking the look of the randomly removed skill rank when the ship blows up under you. Had enough network glitches causing close calls to want that kind of penalty without some kind of 'insurance'.
Anyways, yo Paizo-Fan EVE people. I've got a budding Mining Director/Omni-booster hanging out in Minmatar space if anyone's looking for extra bonuses.
Heya - today's the day, both for retail (re)release of a primary-disc install set as well as the first 13-hour upgrade to the new expansion.
I hope everyone remembers where they parked! :)

Turin the Mad |

sheesh tried to mine omber today to see if it was more profitable than plag .. gah have to mine more of it to get the same amount.
Yeah, the best current ore to nom on at the moment are the Veldspars - at least, they are in high-sec space. Low-sec, dunno.
If you can probe-down "private" asteroid belts (or, even more thrilling, enter w-space and mine belts out therein) you can nom up whatever is there.
Be advised that the Sleepers in w-space hit HARD. :)
And of course other players can attempt to gank you within... or you them ...

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Veldspar gives you the most bang for your buck, as far as I've been able to see. When I was a bit more of an active player, I could pull down a couple million ISK easy an hour.
I remember the days of the kernite boom. Unrefined kernite was going for upwards of 350 ISK/unit once upon a time in Caldari space. Ahh... those were the days...

Dorje Sylas |

Miners just have to stay up with current events. I heard through our news hound that there was increased demands for replacement capital ships, capital ship parts, and thus large amounts of trit (Veldspar being the best for that for the effort). Good thing I'm not the actual mining expert, just the guy with director skill.
Ya W-space mining is a crazy thing. We(the corporate we) is exploring options to effectively exploit the ore reserves there. We've only had one experimental mining group get... spooked by Sleepers. Fortunately everyone was on the ball and pre-aligned. No PvP encounters but did stumble on another group's POS that was out there. I think they also had a Gas mining op going at the time.
Its to bad most high-sec connected wormholes can't take much mass disruption so brining in the big equipment like Orcas and Freighters is proving a logistical challenge.

Turin the Mad |

Miners just have to stay up with current events. I heard through our news hound that there was increased demands for replacement capital ships, capital ship parts, and thus large amounts of trit (Veldspar being the best for that for the effort). Good thing I'm not the actual mining expert, just the guy with director skill.
Ya W-space mining is a crazy thing. We(the corporate we) is exploring options to effectively exploit the ore reserves there. We've only had one experimental mining group get... spooked by Sleepers. Fortunately everyone was on the ball and pre-aligned. No PvP encounters but did stumble on another group's POS that was out there. I think they also had a Gas mining op going at the time.
Its to bad most high-sec connected wormholes can't take much mass disruption so brining in the big equipment like Orcas and Freighters is proving a logistical challenge.
Yeah, the little ones won't even let anything 'heavier' than a battlecruiser through - which precludes Covetors, Hulks and Orcas.
Since the current ore of choice for raw income for miners is Veldspar, it's a good thing you can get it almost anywhere - even quite a few missions have big honkin' belts in them that last until you complete the mission objective. Once that's done, you have until downtime to get the rocks munched.
Lost over 600k bonus ISK on this last one ... grrr...

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Funny that almost every wormhole I've used/found has been of te type that allows 20+ BS jumps through it with a maximum mass to allow Orcas, these tend to be to class 2/3 systems and the ore belts are quite good, (One belt had more Crokite than you could sneeze at and we never got round to exploiting it because of the Arkanor and Bistot in the system. (Just about cleared the Arkanor abrely touched the Bistot)