Aldern Foxglove

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Organized Play Member. 97 posts (356 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 3 aliases.

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Its worth noting that 5 and 10 are very much 2 of the nicer Doctors (8 and 9 might fit here) hence the much more positive meeting.

Its also worth noting that 10 is given the sobriquet of the Hero which is very much a more positive one than a number of the others got 2 got the clown, 3 the dandy and 7 the trickster.

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Arnwyn wrote:
Backfromthedeadguy wrote:
If people want to nitpick the show to death they can always replace it with a reality TV show. People should be damn grateful that they're putting this out at all. Like every show there are things that I would do differently but I feel the positives way out weigh the negatives.
Indeed. Somewhat inexplicable, too, since AoS blows the living poo-poo out of Arrow (though I don't mind Arrow) and (though I loathe to mention it at all because it is truly a horrid show) The Tomorrow People.

I'd have to disagree here Arrow is much better in my opinion (though at a similar stage I'd probably say its more of a slight edge but it also started to get better much quicker around this many episodes in.) That being said I'm seeing improvement in AoS its more gradual and I'm not altogether sure its going to hit a decent quality before season 2 also they really could do with actually tapping into the Marvel mythos a bit more.

Totally agree on the Tomorrow People though.

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I have to say I think I might be a little jazzed for the anniversary ep,

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Zherog wrote:

Hi Nychus. Lou and I worked insanely hard on Fire as she Bears, so I excited to hear it's well-received. Thank you so much for taking the time to point out that you liked it.

As for the gun deck issue... when I was putting numbers together, that was a real tough balancing point. I re-wrote the "math" of Hull Locations easily a half-dozen times (maybe more) and at least two of those were to try and get gun decks to work better.

In the end, we went with complete abstractions for cannons. Reload times, distances, etc were all designed with game balance in mind rather than realism. Your observation that you can pack more "small" guns onto a deck is enirely accurate; that was the intention. The trade-off to doing so is that you lose range. If you're ship has nothing but 6-pounders and your opponent has a bunch of 36-pounders, then her best course of action is to try to stay away from you and fire at range, because your guns can't even reach her ship. On the flip side, if you manage to maneuver your ship into closer range, you then have the upper hand in the fight. You're brining more guns to the battle, and so have more chances to hit. And your reload time is less, so you're making those attacks more often.

It's all part of the chess game about how to build and equip your ship, coupled with the tactics you use out on the open seas.

Hope that helps bring a bit of understanding to the gun deck issue. Again, I'm so glad to hear you're digging the book. those sorts of comments make all the work worthwhile.

I really like the way its been approached very similar to what I was trying to to do when trying to write my submission (it never made it in :-() though I went a bit more abstract on some stuff such as cannon being mounted in batteries which basically ignored hardness/DR but did the same damage as a single piece etc.

Incidently the 26 location Victory comes out with the correct sailing speed as well as everything else so thatsa real plus. (and I never ever want to see a properly armed first rate ship of the line heading at me in game. ;-))

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Ok anime fans, jist as an FYI Crunchyroll is now streaming subbed anime straight from the creators legally, your milage may vary dependant on region but its worth going to to show support for the creators as well as support what should be a decent method of international entertainment distribution.