W. Kristoph Nolen's page
Organized Play Member. 635 posts (682 including aliases). 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters.
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This is just *SUCH* the greatest story!
I haven't played since 2e came out, but I still read the Meet the Iconics and other blogs and news posts.
But this story got me to just had to comment!
I absolutely adore her! AsI read, I literally kept saying aloud, "She's a mommy!!" ... and each time another wonderful baby came along, I said it again!
I love the iconics for whom adventuring isn't a first career. She's a military combat veteran, a mom, a devoted wife, and an all-around great person!
Also, I like that this is very much a middle age "I didn't peak in high school" kind of story! She's successful, and has done a lot of things in her life.
It's almost like, "Okay, I'm retiring. I'm gonna go travel the world in an RV, now ... kbye!"
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote: I love Tank Mama! This is the absolute **BEST** nickname for her!
And, yes, her tshirt with otters on it is as adorable as it sounds!
My iPad just ate a post. Retyping, blargh.
Things are going well, and having fun. I've already gotten to see and greet lots of people. Neil Spicer, and the ineffable Thurston Hillman, with firm handshakes all around.
Got to give a hug to, and sit down and catch up with cartographer extraordinaire Anna Meyer, since it's been eight years since we last saw each other. She's doing great work with both Lone Wolf Publishing and Kobold Press, if memory serves.
There's a steady stream of folks arriving now, and every time I pass the front desk there's folks I know, but names I can't recall. Neil had to help me remember Will Chase and Heather Payne's names (Paizo staffers, both), because I'm so bad at that.
Looking forward to seeing the first things creeping out into hallways, since the staff is already here and setting up, and there's sure to be banners and signs and stuff out with geeky goodness for snapshots.
Painlord wrote: And W. Kristoph Nolen joins me for breakfast. He went for the full buffett (with eggs and bacon and whatnot). Good on him. Eating food like a normal person. We catch up on our lives.
And so, it begins.
I have, indeed, had breakfast with Painlord. Like a normal person. "Like" a normal person. i do a pretty good impression of a normal person. I must have Painlord fooled.
Enjoying the time here, so far. It's mostly a social convention for me, this year. As a professional artist, I'm sure I'll be making contacts, as well. But, I don't even have any events, at all. I get to be social all weekend.
And, of course, post a lot, so that Painlord will know where to avoid, so he can dodge me.
Anyone up for breakfast, yet? I hear the buffet is pretty good, but not cheap. Or there's Denny's across the street.
I think I'm gonna post myself downstairs near the seating lounges near the concourses and see if I can spot anyone.
I'll be the guy with the red iPad and the Daredevil shirt!
Woran wrote: That's the front end. My room is in 5B :P Hahaha. Well, yeah. Had thought you might come up and hang. No worries. We'll have to say hi sometime.
Gary Pepper wrote: W. Kristoph Nolen wrote: Well, The bar/restaurant is always nice! It's not the ass end. ;P
I'm hanging out, having a Bloody Mary by the front window! How are the Bloody Mary's? Theyre not bad. I liked it. ... If you don't like'em spicy, mention it to the server, because, the bartender I had, at least, made'em pretty hot.
Well, The bar/restaurant is always nice! It's not the ass end. ;P
I'm hanging out, having a Bloody Mary by the front window!
Looks like I'm kicking off this thread, this year!!!
Who's already here in town, and/or at the convention hotel?
I came up for a whole week, so, I'm here from now 'til the 30th!
Great room by the pool, bar, and convention, even near stairs!!
Woot, woot!
Here's to a great weekend!,,
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I am a freelance artist, specializing in character design and portraiture.
I've been published in several books by Legendary Games, and numerous magazines, including Wayfinder and Oerth Journal, and on websites like GreekMythology.com.
I would love to do art for your character or campaign, for trade of a boon.
●● Most specifically, I'm interested in a Vanara boon, but will consider others. ●●
To take a look at my artwork, please visit my Online Gallery or my professional Facebook page - W. Kristoph Nolen, artist
Contact for your art is easiest via email, which can be found via a button-link on the FB page, or prominently listed on the gallery site.
Well, it looks like my Magic Eight Ball says, "All signs point to YES!"
My *FIFTH* PaizoCon!
I'm especially excited about getting to see the Special Guest, Crystal Frazier, and getting her autograph again! (On Mummy's Mask issues!)
I'll be staying at the convention hotel, as I always have.
Marvelously written!
Not only is it interesting to see the Traders of the Adventure Card Game, but, also it's interesting to see them all, for the names of the NPCs and their interests and what particular items they trade in, for use in the actual Mummy's Mask AP!
I just started a new Mummy's Mask campaign, and I undoubtedly plan on using these NPCs when the players inevitably go into Wati after exploring the Tomb of Akhentepi, to sell their goods!
Thanks so much for a great article!
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Only because it has never been answered on this thread, I want to clarify the answer for anyone else who happens to be researching this answer like I just was ...
The official Ultimate Equipment Errata (available on the Paizo website) says:
Quote: Page 98—In the hireling entry, change the price to “1 sp–3 sp per day”.
*THIS* is absolutely awesome!
I love, Love, LOVE Nyambe. This is a tool that I guarantee I will use. And I'm about to look up the other thread you mention!
Obviously, I'll only use it in home games, but, I also love the World of Greyhawk, and I use Nyambe as fill-in detail for the Hepmonaland sub-continent and the fantasy-African adventures there.
8 people marked this as a favorite.
I think that in addition to a great story by Erik, the ART just really grabs me. Especially that Wayne used very clear style to make her appear Vudran. And the salwar, choli and dupatta (or sari) that she's wearing give her a very specific cultural appeal, while adding a sort of far-away mystery to her. Even her hairstayle seems to convey how strange she would be to someone from, say, Absalom.
From when I first saw Rivani on display at PaizoCon, I absolutely adored her. I love all things psychic/psionic, and Inidian/Hindu mythos is chock full of it. And I love the fact that Paizo isn't shying away from that historical feel of a fantasy India. I know that Vudra is far, far cooler than just a Mythic India, but, I like stuff like that.
I can't wait for the tidbits of info to begin trickling out about Vudra and Jalmeray. I *SO* want more Vudrani stuff!
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but, in this case, I don't think that even 1,282 words (yes, I checked. <sigh>) begin to touch how much there is to her story.
I'd love to read a Pathfinder Tales novel devoted to her.
Vic ... that's a pretty cool way to do it. I hadn't ever thought of that. So, obviously, Wayne doesn't know the name when he's doing the art.
So, has the name of the new Vudrani Psychic gal been released yet? I was trying to look it up today, and couldn't find it.
Have any of the new iconics been given a name yet that's been released? I'm really interested in the Vudrani Psychic ... I can't help but wonder, Wayne, if they specifically don't tell you a name when they give you an art order.
Bwah-ha-hah! This is great!
I thought they'd snap another one when I was being silly and photobombed this one! A great pic ... lots of fun was had by all. This will be a fond memory for me. :)
"Licking the window like a cat ..." LOLOLOLOL!!!!
I've FOUND the bloggery!
And thus, it begins. ... I've already seen ... Painlord, TriOmegaZero, Matt Goodall, Adam Daigle, Andrew Christian, and many others whose names I can't put all together in my brain right now.
Thrilled to be here and hanging out!
Did I get stupidly unlucky, or did they really put the PaizoCon block of rooms all the way out at the end of Building 5? I feel like it's a 1/4 mile walk to my room.
I made it! A veery long day, all the way East Coast to Weet. Checked in, cleaned up, and about to have a bite at the hotel lounge/bar. Seaports, I think it's called.
Wow! This looks like fantastic fun! I've been saying I wish I could go to the AFK Drink and Draw events! I can't wait!
On a similar note, Liz ... when I looked before the lottery, the Portfolio Review sessions all said "Full", and they still did and hour after the Open Signup began ... is it being listed that way for some reason, or did I actually miss all three sessions of Portfolio Review in less than an hour?
So, the past several times I've come on the website to check out my sessions and such, or update my RP descriptions for my characters, I've noticed something odd ...
When I look at the "Aliases" tab, one of my characters, Vincent Ramil, has his name with a line through it. I'm not certain why a strike-through font would've been applied to my character, and I'm not certain what it's s'posed to mean.
The first thing I'd thought of was that the character died. ... but, none of my other characters who've died have had that happen to them. And when he did die, he was immediately raised and I've had eight sessions with him after that.
So ... maybe I'm just confused. Take a look at My Aliases Page, and tell me if y'all see it, too, and if anyone can tell me why it's there, I'd be *super* grateful.
Dave Setty wrote: From the APG: "In order to select a regional trait, your PC must have spent at least a year living in that region."
You can be eligible for any number of regional traits based on backstory, but you can only actually take 1 of them, just like the other categories.
Insofar as it goes for PFS, RP requirements are hand-waved ... that's been a long-standing fact. If someone wants to say they lived somewhere for a year, then it is so. There's nothing more to it than that.
"It's a kind of magic!"
SCPRedMage ...
Not to be contrary, but, no, that's not what I'm describing. I don't want to be able to add up my armor class by mixing and matching different armor types, or varying amount of armor coverage.
I simply want to be able to define what my own armor spikes look like. As I showed in the photograph above, and as you're describing, spikes can be added to just about any armor. There's nothing to say that how that's done ... including welding. In the example of leather that you gave, it would be incredibly easy to remove the spikes if they were simply added on with an extra addition of leather to "sandwich" the base of the spikes in.But, I can't imagine that for a padded gambeson, for example. Or hide, or chain. How would spikes be added to a chain hauberk?
And as far as welding, I'm not entirely certain that there's any necessity that they'd be welded onto anything. The suit of armor is still the same suit, and not piecemeal armor, if the pauldrons (or whichever part(s) are spiked) is simply replaced with another pauldron that has spikes. There's nothing that dictates process or crafting method, and as many illustrations of various spikes, and opinions about how spikes are put on can be shown or quoted as there are grains of sand on a shore ...
But, that doesn't mean that one person's idea of them or their attachment is any more valid (strictly speaking, by the rules) than anyone else's.
CathalFM wrote: That said, for ambiguous cases when it comes to buying and selling you really only need one GM to agree with you, sell it off in their game, get them to initial it, and as long as it is not specifically forbidden then the next GMs probably can't do much about it. (But do you really wanna be that player?) Cathal ... I couldn't help but chuckle a little when I read this. :D
You're right, I don't wanna be "that guy" ... Which is mostly the reason that I decided to ask others what they thought.
SCPRedMage wrote: LazarX wrote: You'll notice that everything that is called out are things that are easy to remove in that they are almost separate pieces of clothing. helm, boots, gloves. Also known as "things that are frequently wondrous items"; alternatively known as "those things some GMs might say prevent you from using magic armor, because they (the GM) say you need to wear the ENTIRE suit of armor to gain the benefits".
The quoted sentence is meant to clarify that wearing magic boots/helms/gauntlets/whatever does NOT prevent one from wearing magic armor, not to set some precedent about modifying existing armor. I would agree with this point.
Following this rule, I don't think that most GMs would say that one couldn't wear bracers with their armor, even if they're not specifically called out. Despite that most armor is worn with a mundane pair of bracers, they can be swapped out, and another pair can be worn.
LazarX ... Thanks for the input.
The point you make is one that I considered when I was writing the post. Many people think of armor spikes as something welded into metal plates. The only problem with that is that if they were welded, one wouldn't be able to put spikes, for example, on leather armor.
What I imagine is, essentially, like the photo I posted with my original question. It's very similar to gauntlets or what have you that are a separate piece that can be strapped on, or not, or swapped with the original pauldrons, elbow cops, or whatever that comprises the armor.
If there were something that indicated welded-on spikes only, I would whole-heatedly agree with you, most likely.
zefig wrote: Throwing is the only one of those that strikes me as impossible to add after creation. The others would be difficult to add and even more difficult to remove from a craftsmanship standpoint, but doable. I'd tend to agree with you, Zefig.
FLite .... *totally* for a PFS game. I can see it being said that we couldn't simply take the spikes off the armor, but rather that we have to *sell* them ... Which would sort of explain in-game why we only get half their value.
Thanks for the post, FLite. I hadn't seen some of those items before, and had to look them up! :)
Some of the items you listed (like the hollow hilt) I can see being able to be added independent of the crafting of the base item to which it is attached. While this is a fantasy game, IRL swords chan have their hilt or pommel changed. Perhaps this is why the item is listed with a direct price, rather than a plus-value which is added to the price of the base item.
That kind of complicates matters, though, because there are various items that are listed in differing ways, but, at least in my imagination, might be removed. I would wholeheartedly agree that a Sawback weapon is absolutely not something that could be changed ... And the language on it actually specifies that it is a modification to a item, and not an item itself.
Quote: This is a modification to any light or heavy blade rather than a unique weapon type. The saw blade on the back of the sword lets you use it to perform crude carpentry. I would like to think that if the designers had intended armor spikes to be ruled that way! it would've been included in the description.
Thanks again for your post, it gave me new things to consider, especially items I hadn't read before!
SCPRedMage wrote: ... The quote you provided exists entirely to clarify that you can mix magic armor with various wondrous items, such as boots, gauntlets, and helms ...
As to the "enchantment", I didn't bring one up. I mentioned throwing shields, which is a non-magical modification to shields presented in the Adventurer's Armory; it is a +50gp modification that allows you to use said shield as a thrown weapon.
Oh! SCPRedMage, my apologies ... I didn't realize there was a non-magical thing like that! I assumed that it was essentially the same as the "Throwing" enchantment for weapons. Interesting to learn that there's a device like that! I'll be sure to look that one up!
Quote: T ... The rule of thumb on the matter is if the price is listed as a modifier (such as armor and shield spikes, but notably NOT locked gauntlets), then you cannot buy/sell it separately. That's probably the most coherent argument that I have heard. The only thing that I am curious about is where it comes from. Is there any chance that you know if this rule of thumb comes from other rulings or FAQs that relate to additions to armor? I would love to be able to read something comparable to this, but, haven't been able to find anything on the boards.
Quote: Correct; armor spikes must be "added" at the time the armor is crafted. This is the only thing that I am having a problem with so far. I'm curious where this is coming from, and if it is something that is official, or just something that is held in practice.
The phrase "RAW" is thrown around a lot (especially in discussions like this), but, as far as I can find, the rules are silent on the issue. There aren't any rules written on the topic that I have been able to manage to get a high enough Search Check on my google-fu to find.
BTW, thanks for taking the time to discuss it in a casual, moderate way without resorting to arguing. It's rare on internet forums.
SCPRedMage wrote: No, because armor spikes are not a separate item, and thus can't be purchased separately. You don't have "armor" and "armor spikes", you have "spiked armor", a unique item whose stats are determined by the base item (the armor) modified by the extra feature added (armor spikes).
Trying to sell back armor spikes while keeping the armor is akin to having trying tell sell back the "throwing" on a throwing shield.
SCPRedMage .... Thank you for your response. There is a certain amount of logic in your point, but, I feel that must disagree ... It is obvious that I am hoping that I can remove the spikes, otherwise I wouldn't be asking the question. :)
But, the main basis of my particular point of view is that the core rules allow for changing out of individual pieces of armor ... In particular, in the section covering magical armor.
Quote: "Armor is always created so that if the type of armor comes with a pair of boots, a helm, or a set of gauntlets, these pieces can be exchanged for other magic boots, helms, or gauntlets." While I realize that this doesn't specifically call out spikes, I would like to presume that bracers or vambraces, pauldrons, sabatons, greaves, et al. would also be able to follow this guideline ... Especially since the rules are otherwise silent on the issue.
There are often two types of art which often depict spiked armor: one of which has been mentioned here, where they would be welded on, after a fashion, and the other where they are an armor piece that has replaced the original pauldrons or other part, an example of which I showed one piece of in a photograph up-thread. I am imagining the latter sort.
As to your comparison to an enchantment, I would entirely agree. By PFS rules, that cannot be done. But, spikes aren't an enchantment, they are a physical object. I don't feel the situation is the same. There is nothing in the rules that indicate that spikes are a permanent alteration to the armor.
Will Johnson wrote: I'll try to shape this without bias:
Specifically, a player wishes to take Heirloom Weapon with a suit of armor with armor spikes. Would this person later be able to upgrade to better armor and transfer their heirloom spikes?
Mr. Johnson, I would ask that your NOT put your presumptions based on other threads in other forums on other websites into this one.
The conversation you are referencing with the Heirloom Weapon has nothing to do with either this thread or *MY* character Vincent Ramil, who is a Hellknight, and wears Hellknight Armor, to which I added spikes. I am considering changing the character in light of the recent announcements of the changes to the Cheliax faction, and becoming the Dark Archive. It has nothing, whatsoever to do with your claims.
It is possible that an official answer here, or FAQ response, may impact that other thread, but, I don't post hypothetical questions on the boards that have nothing to do with my own characters.
I would prefer that you not make presumptions about the questions I make and the discussions I have on the Paizo forums.
It's not so much about the actual price one gets back, but, rather about if it's allowed to take them off the armor to sell.
I'm glad that you managed to find good players that are compatible, and are playing with people you like!
Pancakes! Who knew?!
Well, most of us could've guessed, most likely. There's not much I wouldn't do for good pancakes. :)
So, there was a discussion in another Pathfinder forum that brought up armor spikes.
Let's say my fighter wanted to add armor spikes to his leather armor or something, and tried feats to go with it, but found he didn't like it and retrained the feat.
Would it be legal to not keep the spikes on the armor, or go to an armor smith and have the spikes removed from the armor and sell them back to a vendor for half price? (Or hang them on a wall for decoration, or whatever?)
Here's the type of armor spikes that I'm thinking of:
Add-on armor spikes
Personally, in two game slots, I saw four out of nine characters die ... I don't think that's "challenging", I think that something around a 50% death rate, with a very distinct possibility of a TPK is more like a crap shoot.
And I too think that should've been addressed. Also, one of the tables had the DM (running non-sanctioned) entirely take out the first encounter. If that's the kind of feeling a GM gets when preparing a scenario, then I think that there's something really amiss with that particular adventure.
OMG!! I can't believe I made it! By the skin of my teeth!
I'd not seen the thread, but, I'M GETTING GOBLIN BRAINS! WOOT!!
I'll be arriving Thursday afternoon, around two o'clock, and am staying on-site.
(BTW, glad to see that you and the crew from Texas are making it again, man! I miss gaming with you guys! I haven't had a game since I moved to Delaware!)
Congratulations, Brian! It's great seeing so much enthusiasm from a player and GM. Glad to see you're one of those who have earned the benchmark ... epic, to be sure.
Looking forward to hanging out with you soon, and gaming with you next week!
Seth Gipson wrote: Michael Brock wrote: and why would anyone mess with Netflix anymore? Too much trouble mailing back and forth when I can just order whatever movie I want immediately on DirectTV Cinema. Because I pay only about $17 a month for Netflix streaming and 1 disc at a time. :P Goodness! I only pay about $7.99 for streaming video on Netflix!
Mike ... If the US wins, do I get a Chronicle or anything that specifies that I don't get a boon? Or an Anti-boon that must be maintained with my other chronicles?
Because I would actually love to chuckle over that for years to come. :D
I'm convinced that its a subversive commie plot pushed by FIFA to force us all to watch soccer.
We're all being corrupted my the maniacal overlords, and Mike has been dominated and is now their minion.
We must save him at all costs.
Hey, Mike, I heard there are these things called Netflix and Hulu where you can binge-watch entire television series beginning to end. Come on, man! Come check'em out with us! ... And hey, would you stop at the store on your way over and get some cheesy poofs and a gallon or two of soda? Pizza wouldn't hurt, either.
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Just booked my flights so that I would arrive early enough to check in and have time to make it before the Meet and Eat!
Can't wait!
I think that I am going to have to dissent on the "petition".
But, maybe I'm missing something in this discussion ...
The more numbers and stuff that are reprinted in a scenario, the *less* room there is for anything else; like plot development, extra description, art, extras like sidetreks, more rooms, lists of rumors, or hell, descriptions of the areas outside the dungeon entrance.
Publishers don't pay by the hour, they pay by the word. So, they set a budget, and put a fairly standard amount of words into a book. Irrelevant of whether the "words" are awesome NPC descriptions that include tactics and backstory, or charts of numbers and stat blocks.
I'll take the fluff over the crunch (that's already printed) any day of the week.
James T Boyd wrote: ... it pains me that this article on earth gods is double sized... sorry "ancient osirion" gods.... the earth golarion cross over hasn't been too bad up to where I am in half dead city, it's been pretty easy to remove it. I just hope this dosen't become more ingrained into the story. Okay ... am I totally missing something here? I remember reading some reference to an earth-space/time-continuum-thingy in speculation before the AP came out. ... I own the first volume of the AP, but, I'm kind of lost on where earth comes in. Am I missing something in the fine print somewhere?
((Please put spoilers in a hide-button for those who may not wish to see the response.))
BigNorseWolf wrote: He's not obligated to run a game: unless he signs up to run a game. That's the pretty literal social contract of signing up to run a game when you say "I'm going to run a PFS game at X time". I agree with that up to a point. If the VO (or whoever's organizing) doesn't publish a playlist, or it's not a visible sign-up, then it's not the GM's fault. If there's a known issue, then the GM has every right to apologize to the other players, and rest the problem squarely on the shoulders of the organizer. There's certainly an implied social contract to run a game when one signs up for it ... but, if the other party breaks faith in that contract that implies that he won't be put at a table he'll loathe running, then there is absolutely no moral compunction compelling him to run it.
Quote: Quote: It's not about you, or your five dollars, or the drive time it took to get there ... it's about a fella who's having a difficult time, is feeling hurt and conflicted, and needs help figuring it out. Its about both of them. There's only one "here" but there's more people than that involved.
My apologies - I should've been more precise. While I was generally referring to the situation the thread is about (i.e. - the IRL situation involving the player and GM), what I was more specifically saying is that this thread isn't about him. I meant this thread is about a fella asking for help. It's the "I" statements that got me. He's saying "I spent money", "I took time", "I'm upset" - making it personally about him, when the thread is about someone else and how they're feeling confused and upset. ... As a goofy clarification: There's two "here's" and only one person involved. Unless, I s'pose, that he was actually one of the players at the table with the OP. And I s'pose that's a possibility.
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Mark ...
Personal differences absolutely *are* a reason to not GM a table. As are playstyles. I personally like long sessions of RP. I won't play with powergamers that don't understand that. It's often problematic when PFS as a whole generally insists that a game must be playable in a 4 hour slot. When I take the time to RP, and a powergamer continuously tries to prevent it, or huffs and puffs, or rolls his eyes - it's a disruption. And it prevents people from having fun. And it's not *my* fault, and I have to change my playstyle. If I'm GMing, I would absolutely tell a player that they need to straighten themselves out or they'd be asked to leave a table. Just because the OP isn't quite so outspoken and doesn't feel comfortable being that direct doesn't mean that he's any less in the right.
If a GM came to you off the boards and said, "A player is causing a problem", would you do the same thing as you are here on the boards? Because you're essentially saying that you'd tell *him* to deal with it. The OP has come to the boards asking for help, similar to going to a VO IRL. And you're saying, "I'd tell him to go talk to the person himself". That's the point - the OP has already said that he doesn't want to cause problems and doesn't want to speak out. And rather than saying, "Talk to him, and if you want, I'll do it with you to help. I'll help you find a solution." What you're saying is "Go do it yourself, and if you don't want to play with him, and I assign a table anyway, I'm going to ban you from local PFS."
And the sheer fact that rather than work with a player to help resolve a difficult situation you'd *BAN* a GM from running games, tells me that you are absolutely just as much a part of the problem. PFS is a privilege, not a right. And insinuating that you condone players misbehaving to the point that it irritates a GM, and that you'd remove a GM before the offending player, is precisely the problem that arises from having people that have no authority whatsoever pretend like they somehow have a say-so in what other people do. It is absolutely *NOT* your job to decide to ban a GM. And before you say "I didn't say I'd ban anyone", saying that you'd ask a GM to not participate in the PFS in his local area is the same thing for all intents and purposes.
I would like to point out that no one is saying (except you) that the GM would simply not show up. There's a difference between a GM not showing up, and a GM being there but, deciding not to run because a VO didn't bother posting a play-list beforehand. If there's a known issue, as part of the collective experience you referred to, it *IS* your job to not put players at a table where there's a known issue.
Just out of curiosity, if you're a Venture Lieutenant, why doesn't your nameplate say that, like all of the other Venture Officers' do?
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I'd like to make a suggestion for everyone who's said "my time and money" ... let's quit making this about time and/or money. This is about the way a person feels, and about how they are uncomfortable around another player.
My first suggestion to you is to find a venue at which you don't have to pay to play. I have never once, not even a single time, paid money to play a PFS game. I pay enough for the books, and I don't like to pay extra on top of that. I'd offer for your consideration that there are plenty of venues where one can sit at a table and not pay for PFS, and still support whatever store, library, student center, etc. where the game is by buying food, drinks, etc. And that should be enough.
More than that, though, let's not make this about *you*. This is about the OP's problem, and how he feels. Let's not turn this around, and make it all about how you want this, or you want that. Let's take all of the "I" our of this, and offer some kind of helpful suggestions about how to deal with a difficult situation. It's already been said that the place to make this decision isn't at the last minute. But, rather, in a considered time and place, giving others (like the organizer) time to cover the table or arrange to have a discussion with the player.
That being said, it's no different than if the GM got sick at the last minute. Especially if the organizer hasn't made it so that the GM is aware of who signed up for the game. But, if he makes the choice to run the game, the who are we (or who are you to tell him that his feelings are invalid and imply that he's somehow required or obligated by a social contract to run a game regardless of how upsetting or distinctly not fun that would be for him.
It's not about you, or your five dollars, or the drive time it took to get there ... it's about a fella who's having a difficult time, is feeling hurt and conflicted, and needs help figuring it out.
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Well, I have to say, I've seen it happen, and I've had it happen to me. I've had power-gamers suck so much fun out of the game for me that I left the group with whom I was gaming.
The bad part was that I really liked the people outside of the game and enjoyed their company, but, when it came down to play-time, it was like they were entirely different people.
That being said, I can relate to the OP. And I really want to say that while there's a lot of really good support and encouragement from people here on the thread, especially Venture Officers, there's also assumptions being made.
One of the founding things of PFS is "Don't Be a Jerk". If someone's pushing buttons - intentionally or not - then they're offending you. Clearly, the OP wouldn't be coming here if he didn't have feelings behind this. And there's absolutely no one in the world that has the right or privilege to make someone else not have fun. Personally, I say that I agree with those who have posted that you are entirely allowed to decide to not GM a table where the offensive player is sitting. It would be much better to simply warn whoever's running the gameday about the situation beforehand, so that it won't be a problem and the player can be seated somewhere else. Or if there's only one table, the person can have the matter discussed with them away from the gaming table.
The place for the discussion is not at the last minute where there's other people around, and it would make a scene. If you don't feel comfortable saying anything about it, then talk to someone and get help. Take it to someone who you feel comfortable with, and speak your mind. And as far as it's been said that you're wrong for refusing to GM, I would go back before the event of refusal ... how about they ask the other player to be more considerate so that you didn't feel you have to refuse to GM? I don't believe for even a moment that you're the only one who's noticed their players transgressions ... it's just that everyone wants to play, and they're putting up with poor behavior and tolerating it so that they can have a game.
Despite what anyone in this thread has said, you don't need to give stats, or DCs, classes or numbers. If you don't like playing with an aggressive, offensive person, you're entirely entitled to that feeling, and you don't have to substantiate it. Sometimes people just don't get along. Even if it were nothing more than having a funny nose, or eyebrows too bushy, or smelled funny, you don't have to game with anyone that you don't want to.
... now I hope my funny broken nose doesn't get me kicked of a table.
Just as my own thoughts on the matter ... I think one of the key things for my understanding of the vanity (and I happen to have a porter, as well) is that Mark Moreland described it as being like "Nodwick". I can't believe that there's very many of you who haven't read Nodwick.
When combat ends, he comes wobbling up, sometimes having been blasted by Dragon fire, but, somehow still managing to have lived through it. It doesn't explain how or why, but, he's there. We all know he should be dead, and we know that when Piffany patches him up with duct tape, she's not actually casting a healing spell ... but, there he is, all the same, having made it through combat.
Also, Mike called out "in the background". He's not in another plane, or another dimension, he's just out of sight, hiding, under a rock, catching up around the corner where he had to stop to tie his show "off map", or whatever.
He carries whatever he's given. And if that happens to be a dead (or inanimate) body, then the carries it. And our fragile and precious Necklace of Fireballs is just as safe from being damaged as is a body. I don't think that I am comfortable with saying that a spell effect created by someone else other than the porter can't effect the equipment or whatever carried by the porter. I understand that the porter himself can't do anything, but, in this case, I don't think that he is, other than providing the precise function of the vanity.
I don't think that I would say that a "Called" weapon wouldn't appear to the owner of it, simply because the porter has gone hiding, is tying his shoe just off map, or is otherwise "faded into the background". Then the porter would actually be preventing a character from taking an action simply by his presence, and the spell even calls out that it still works even if being carried by another person. And if that spell can work, there's no reason why a Magic Jar wouldn't work, following the same logic. The porter didn't take any action, he didn't "do" anything.
The only thing that's left to be decided is what square the body occupies when it suddenly becomes animate again! :D
Of course, as always, GMs are a fickle lot, and there's bound to be variance on it. :)
I'm setting up a limited run campaign using the old D&D Module "Night of the Seven Swords." Estimated game run time is 6-9 months. The game will be run on the Harpy Play by Post platform (harpy.gg), which is free to join and play.
Characters start at level 4; there are two current players, one of whom is a Summoner. I have several recommended concepts pre-built on the site, but players are free to make their own thematically appropriate characters if none of the recommendations fit.
Anyone who is interested please register at Harpy and go to the "Find a Game" section; my ad should be pretty easy to find. I'll post back here if this closes.
Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
Game Play thread opened for dotting in.
Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
This is a link to discuss the potential still-in-the-works campaign Temporal Agents. Players already have the rulebook. We can discuss characters and progress here.
Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
It is in sleepy Albarra where we begin our tale. A small farming and trade town from the Olden Times, it has survived invasions, doughts, plagues, and The Great Migration, and still sits today much as it was 300 years ago.
The River Casnei flows by her western edge, with trade going north to the city of Santa Merceda from the mesas and grasslands to the south. The lands nearby are mostly farmland, growing mostly oats, wheat, and maize, or cattle ranches. An ancient road leads East toward Espa.
In this place, several adventurers with disparate goals will encounter each other and begin their journeys together.
You may place yourself anywhere within the town to begin interacting. I'll bring you together at the Friendly Mesa Inn after a few days.
Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
Here's where we'll finish up character generation and discuss the campaign before we get started and during play.
To get started, character generation uses Pathfinder point buy rules at 20 Points. You begin with 1 trait of your choosing. To start make your characters at level 1. We might boost them before game start but I'd like to see the 1st level version. Maximum HP at 1st level.
Cordova Setting Background
Okay, that's not super-exiting. I don't want to give too many details, because I want it to be a homebrew world where the races and classes the PCs choose actually influence the creation of the world.
So here's the skinny. I'm looking for 2-3 more players (PBP, this site). Starting in a week or two. I'd like for posting at least once every 48 hours (when relevant; understandably there are times when one character doesn't have a lot to say or do), with allowances for real life situations. I'd also like like to make an unusual request that at MOST, you post twice in 24 hours, just to make sure everyone has a chance to play.
Here's what I will tell you about the world so far:
The campaign area is a classic "borderland" type area called the Caldovan Marches, ruled by a Marques from a larger, older empire. That empire used to have colonies in this land, but due to some political issues and a prolonged drought, ignored them for a long time. Thus this new land, though populated (sparsely), is for most purposes unexplored. The area is warm temperate, though there's a small desert area. Think Oklahoma, North Texas, or eastern New Mexico.
The only races that for certain currently exist in the world are humans (multi-ethnic, so no restrictions there), Gnolls, and Wild Elves. The only PC so far is a Gnoll (Ranger, I think), so I'd prefer no more Gnoll PCs. Any other character concept you can come up with can probably be made to fit in. I'd like to see 1st level (or 0-1 CR) versions of the characters, but we might end up starting a little higher.
I will give opportunity to the first 3 character ideas I get, with one exception. If someone who is in my current game shows up here, they take precedence. I'll announce the players hopefully no later than 1 week from today.
What sort of creatures would you use to populate a fortification/dungeon ruled by an undead lord in the style of Minas Morgul (set in a general D&D style world, not Middle Earth)? The party is starting the adventure at 7th+ level.
I've got various wraiths, specters, and wights, some other misc. undead, some evil trolls, and some vermin. Does anyone have anything outside those parameters that jumps out as a really fitting encounter for such a setting?
Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
In Scene: Whichever characters you want (either or both)
The lounge of the OSF Guangzhou was normally a sterile, institutional kind of room, one large table, a few small tables, a couple of plants from Earth, Voom, and Samsara, and a nice if sanitized large viewport looking at the oncoming Drift Space as the Guangzhou soared on its mission.
But tonight, at 18:00, it had been transformed. The lighting had been muted, and more tables added to accommodate the entire crew at the same time. A buffet line was set up off to the starboard side of the room with literally dozens of options, and some lively jazz played over the speakers. Foot-tall cardboard letters in various bright colors read “Welcome Aboard New Officers and Crewmen.”
"New Officers and Crewmen" includes Dr. Ilrani Ezdottir Yusil, Lieutenant Rudo Clausius, and most of your secondary characters.
At the buffet line, a thirty-something non-commissioned officer and several crewmen are waiting to serve. A red-haired Lieutenant in Sciences division has just reached the front of the line.
Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
Discussion thread for my new campaign starting in a few weeks. Currently not seeking more players, will open Recruitment if we need to.
Links to campaign info:
House Rules
Character Generation
Not sure if this fits best under general or homebrew, or somewhere else, but has anyone tried a military style game, as laid out on the Galaxy Exploration Manual? If so, how have you dealt with equipment? The flavor text mentions characters receiving "only the equipment...deemed necessary to complete the mission" (presumably requisitioned from armory/equipment stores). I suspect some players balk at such restrictions. How do you respond?
As far as I can tell, if you're grappled but not pinned, and you have a pistol in your hand, you can still fire it, correct?
Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
An unnamed world, known by its inhabitants merely as "the world"; sometime in the future yet a simpler time to those who live there. The Big City.
It's night in the Big City, the time when the shady underside of humanity pokes its head out like a serpent and looks around to see what sort of mischief it can get up to. A time when most good, law abiding citizens are home in bed, and the revelers have taking over the night in seedy bars and cocktail lounges.
Down at the 10th Precinct, the dedicated men of the Police Department work late into the night, doing their best to ensure public safety. Here we find Detective Abradel "Del" Crast buried up to his neck in paperwork. The detective takes a swig of the swill that passes for coffee in this place and rests his head in his hands. Checking the clock, he finds it's "too late" AM. As he reaches for his hat to head home for the night, the phone on his desk rings loudly.
I need ONE player who is a Doctor Who fan for a Timelords game using custom D20 rules. Rules are not level based and focus on Feat and Skill advancement.
I have two players signed up for companions, but neither is really interested in the Timelord position. The character will be working for the Celestial Intervention Agency, a Gallifreyan organization devoted to protecting the timeline from existential threats such as Daleks and rogue Timelords, but not above local intervention from time to time.
The character will have access to a TARDIS, will begin on his/her 2nd life(1 regeneration being recently used) with two PC companions (players already chosen).
Ideal player would be able to post at least once every 48 hours, but obviously things come up occasionally.
Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
NOTE: I have at least 2 of 4 players already, and the Timelord position is likely taken. This thread is mostly for those players, but I'll consider adding one or two more companions.
This game takes place in the Dr Who universe and uses custom D20 rules. The PCs consist of 1 Timelord member of an underground organization known as The Celestial Intervention Agency, and 1-3 Companions playing human or human-appearing characters. Companions may be from any time either in Earth's history, or the history of humanity across the stars (basically, if you can think of a theme for your character, we can find a place where the character fits in).
The universe is based on Dr Who, but I won't be getting too tangled up in canon from that show. In this version of the universe, Gallifrey exists and is reachable, and the Time War hasn't happened.
There is no magic, per se, available, but characters can get psychic powers, which may or may not be considered magic in certain cultures.
Characters will start off with set Hit Points, Stamina, Base AC, BAB, Saves, Skills and Feats. They will progress by purchasing Skills, Feats, and Ability scores, but the other attributes won't raise except through use of Feats (ie you can get a few more Hit Points from Toughness, but you don't "Level Up" and Get more BAB, HP, etc.
This is more in tune with the show, where death is close at hand, and problems are more often solved with skill and wit than with weapons (though they do have their uses).
Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
Street image 1
Street image 2
Shicagopolis: River City. The largest port on the mighty Anishibi River; transportation hub of the central-west. Almost a million souls live in this city which is struggling to push itself into the future. It’s a city of industry; a city of immigrants. A city of ever-rising buildings and ever-increasing wealth. But it’s also a city with a grubby side; a city with poverty and inequity. A city with crime, rivalries brought from the old country, or established brand new. It is in this city that a group of unlikely refugees find themselves. Veterans of a platoon the Mercurian Government denies existed, running from a super-secret organization few know exists: Department 7. Veterans possessed of powers and abilities few in the modern age have ever seen.
You have been on the run for a few months now, laying low but occasionally making use of your extraordinary abilities to turn a quick buck or for a worthy cause. You arrived in Shicagopolis a week ago, and so far have managed to evade both trouble and official notice. However, funds are starting to run low.
Give a quick physical description of your character, and what you've been up to in one of the largest cities in the industrialized world for the last week.
Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
This is the discussion thread for my new game. We already have enough players, so we'll skip the recruitment page unless too many duck out.
We won't be starting play on this until Starfinder is done or at least close to done, so no rush posting here; I just want this around so we don't pollute the SF discussion thread more than we already have.
Campaign World Basics
The year is 5502 according to the Lexandrian Calendar. The World is named Faldriene (in your language, anyway). On the subcontinent of Pretronia, in a country named Mercuria, a lot of changes are taking place. Just 168 years ago, Mercuria was a few small Britanglian colonies.
Over the course of time, Mercuria became independent (via a brutal war with its motherland), grew across a large portion of Pretronia, and has now entered a phase called The Industrial Age. Mass production, steam powered locomotion, and improvements in the technologies of war have vastly changed the cities of Mercuria (as they have done to other parts of Pretronia). Swords have largely (but not entirely) given way to rifles and revolvers, obviating most of the benefits of armor to the point where most modern nations now shun it entirely. No armor has been developed that will protect against bullets.
But rumblings of war abound both within Mercuria and across Pretronia in general. Southern states (many of which still keep Dwarves as Indentured servants) are speaking of rebellion against the north, and skirmishes have broken out when such servants are "freed" by northern abolitionists. Meanwhile, across greater Pretronia, The Ugrinian baron Andre Fader was just assassinated by an extremist from the nearby vassal-state of Brask. Tensions run high as Ugrin debates whether to send troops to suppress the activists. Ancient allies of both nations prepare to throw their power behind long-time friends.
Science and (lack of) Magic
Seriously. Old-world transplants have lived in the western hemisphere roughly 500 years on Earth, and we dominate the entire northern continent. How is Valenhall supposed to still be colony-sized if it was founded in -473 AR and it's now 4720-ish? Wouldn't there have just been massive wars due to increase in Ulfen population expanding by necessity? Or do the Ulfen all hop ship and head back across the sea?
Does anyone know if Breadth of Knowledge stacks with Bardic Knowledge?
I have an NPC avatar and I'm trying to make a post, but I get:
You have made seven posts as "ZeldaNPC". You can change your avatar name until you have posted 10 messages to the messageboards.
Click here to change your avatar name.
If you do not wish to change your avatar name, you can ignore this message.
Unfortunately, I CAN'T ignore the message, because hitting submit post just brings me back to the same message. Essentially, I can't post with this avatar anymore.
We're in need of TWO (and only two) new crewmembers in our ongoing campaign. The characters are members of a resistance organization on a Dwarven mining colony trapped between an indifferent Pact Worlds government and the hostile Azlanti.
Looking for a new captain and someone to function as additional gunner/backup pilot. PCs just hit 6th level. I would like new players to commit to being able to post every other day minimum.
Inexorably, as I near 50 years old, I come slowly toward the end of a long gaming career. What are some of the coolest campaigns you've ever run or played in?
Here's my list:
FASA Dr Who - Back in the mid 1980s, Dr Who was a big deal to geeks and completely unknown to everyone else. I picked up this game when I was in my mid-teens and both ran and played Timelord characters solo with one of my best friends. Pretty typical sci-fi fare, but back then it was just Amazing to play in the Whoniverse.
Triumph campaign (DC Heroes RPG) - This campaign, started in my college years, lasted over 10 years; at the beginning, players played Super versions of themselves in our college town. The players, characters, and game-world expanded over that decade, and I wrote three years of blog recapping those adventures in prose form.
American Revolution D&D (modified Advanced D&D) - set during the American Revolution if there were Elves, Orcs, and Magic in our world. The player characters were the rebels, of course, and the theme was patriotically, self-awaredly myopic. My fav was a Ravenloft episode where the Hessian mercenary's player was RP'ing so hard he was cowering under a table!
Crisis in the Ran-DC Universe (cross-system) - I ran a multi-night cross-over where players played whatever characters they wanted from multiple different campaigns/game systems, fighting to save all known existences from an evil GM. I used a comparative system where each character acted against difficulty levels in his own system. It was the finale to my college era gaming.
Collisions (D&D 3.0) - In this campaign, I pondered what would happen if the D&D universe collided with our own. The world was much similar to ours, except that science had failed once the magic from the D&D universe spilled in. All technology could now only be powered by magic. Instead of massive nations we had devolved to city-states. Dungeons from another universe had overlaid themselves on ours.
Call of Cthulhu (D20 Cthulhu/D20 Modern mashup) - I was a player in this one. I played a divine caster, a Kabbalah powered version of Tori Spelling! As with all Cthulhu games, I'm sure we got our butts kicked in the end.
Kingmaker (Pathfinder) - My second Pathfinder campaign, the first one set in Golarion. Pretty much ran by the modules. The main hero was a half-fiend, which lead at one point late in the campaign to a conflict with an army of Paladins flying on Crystal Dragons. As the heroes won, the Druid's player shouted "Whooo, we kicked those Paladin's asses! Wait. Are we the bad guys here?"
American gods (Pathfinder, Mythic) - Not a direct copy of the Gaiman series, but a similar concept. I was a player, and we were destined to become a modern day pantheon. I started with an evil but lovable Lex Luthor-like businessman/scientist. My comparitive physical weakness became more and more obvious as the game went on, but with abilities like Dominate and a Diplomacy score so unbelievable it may as well have been dominate, I ruled social interaction.
Alien Invasion (Pathfinder/Modern Path) - A post-apocalyptic campaign where the Mi-Go devastated Earth during an invasion.
Arzata Abnormal (Pathfinder/Modern Path) - My first campaign on Paizo's website, the characters were paranormal investigators in the fictional town of Arzata, NM. They fought zombies, secret societies, efreeti (on the elemental plane of fire) and more.
So, those are SOME of my best games. What are yours?
A player is trying to cast frostbite outside of combat, hold the charge, and then enter combat later and deliver the charge as a free action.
My argument is that just because you can hold a charge doesn't mean you get a free action NEXT round if you choose not to take it the round you cast, let alone casting outside of combat. Casting the spell doesn't make you faster, you're just able to both cast and attack in one round, if you choose.
Am I wrong?
I'm not 100% understanding how to apply computers rules on pages 214-217 or so, to Starship computers. One of my players would like to add a Firewall module to their ship computer. Their question was "does one Firewall protect our entire system?"
My initial answer is "No," because the Firewall rules indicate you need one firewall per module. But now I'm a little confused, because all they have is a Mk 1 tetrinode computer, which can add +1 to up to four items. There's no mention of Modules at all. Does a standard ship computer consist of only one Module? And if so, how does one pay a 20% purchase price to get a Firewall for it, when the computer cost is in BP?
I'm working on a homebrew Bat Family game, set in "Gotham City," using various house rules and adaptions (I've previously run a very successful 1920s mafia game using a similar pathfinder subset with custom rules).
I'm running into an issue where there SEVERAL "definitive" sources for Gotham City. I found a map put out by DC comics around the time of the "No Man's Land" story line. I found another map, using the same geography, purporting to be based on the Christian Bale Dark Knight movies. Both have completely different names for the same features. I also have DC Heroes 3rd Edition, which includes names of neighborhoods not featured in either of those maps.
For Batman fans out there, how much would it affect your enjoyment of the game if your GM sprung some names on you that didn't fit what you knew about Gotham City? And do you have some suggestions of additional Gotham resources that might make the game more enjoyable?
In Pathfinder, you have verbiage that says "You can make an Escape Artist check in place of a combat maneuver check to escape a grapple (see Chapter 8) or to change from a pinned condition to merely grappled." (CRB 96).
I'm having trouble finding the same clarification in Starfinder CRB. Does it work the same (in that escaping a pin makes you still grappled)?
Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
This is the discussion thread for the upcoming Starfinder campaign, titled Zothune for the chief planet the characters will be working from and defending.
Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Does this seem overpowered, underpowered, or reasonable? Any conflicts people can see with existing rules?
Martial Artist Archetype
Alternate Class Features
The martial artist grants alternate class features at 2nd, 4th, and 6th levels.
Flurry of Blows (2nd Level): The Martial Artist automatically gains Improved Unarmed Strike and Multiweapon Fighting as Feats. If the character already has either Feat, the Full Attack penalty is reduced by an additional point when fighting unarmed.
Fists of Fury (EX) (4th Level): The Martial Artist's unarmed strikes are no longer counted as archaic weapons.
Powerful Strike (EX) (6th Level): The Martial Artist's damage die increases from d6 to d8.
So according to the starship rules, "Go into Orbit or Land" takes 1d2 hours.
According to NASA, de-orbital burn starts at landing -1 hour, so I can see the 1d2 hours being fine for landing (though it's still very hard-science and counter to what you see in a movie like Star Wars).
But using that as a take-off time is insane. Also according to NASA, it takes 8 1/2 minutes for a Space Shuttle to get to orbit (0 MPH to 17k MPH). I can't imagine what circumstance it would take to lengthen that to an hour, let alone 2.
Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
Hey guys. This is the discussion thread for my playtest. I want to get you thinking about your characters, but since you won't know your abilities in advance, your best course is to think about:
1. Your character's life to this point. How old are you? What are your (normal) goals? What do you value?
2. If (aka WHEN) your character becomes a super-hero, what will motivate them to be a hero, at risk to their own well-being?
Upholds Good: This character is a hero because it's The Right Thing To Do.
Responsibility of Power: With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility, and this character knows it.
Seeks Justice: This character feels that, whether the system is up to it or not, by whatever means necessary, justice must be served.
Thrill of Adventure: This character is in the hero game for the sheer excitement of it.
Unwanted Power: The hero didn't ask for this, didn't want it, but seem to be stuck with it. Normal life is no longer possible, so this is the best he or she can do in the mean time.
Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
A campaign where I assign a superpower suite to a normal human and we go from there. 3 of 4 players already assigned.
Like it says. I'd put this under rules questions, but I already know the answer. Basically, a fellow player is trying to convince our DM that Magical Knack will give him ALL the benefits of two more levels of a casting class, rather than just upping the numeric benefits of spells he already knows. He essentially wants to take six levels of Ranger, one level of Sorcerer, and then take Magic Knack and Kobold Press' "Improved Caster Level" Feat to suddenly have 6 more levels worth of spells per day and spells known.
I've found some links were people answer this, but what's the most definitive way to tell someone that's not the way it works?
Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
Here's a discussion thread. We can move comments here.
Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Someone recently pointed out in a game that picking up a thick stick in the woods to use as a club counted as an "improvised weapon." While I understand the logic, what the heck is the "club" simple weapon? You can say it's a wooden weapon with a specifically built grip, and that would make sense to me but for one thing: there's no COST associated with a club. If a club is a worked craft, there should be a cost assigned, however cheap. No one is going to be carving out clubs as weapons and just dropping them off in a general store for miserly adventurers to use. If there's no cost associated, I have to assume there's no skill involved in its production, at which point, any branch picked up in the woods can become a club, not an improvised weapon. Thoughts?
Aside from the rules which show how many new spells these classes get automatically as they level, is there any guideline as to how many spells they SHOULD be able to gain through other means? Other means being finding scrolls, purchase from NPC, etc.
And as a secondary, how much does the level of access provided by the GM to new spells affect the character's power overall?
I have a Cleric L3 I'd like to get to Divine Scion for Weapon Specialization. Unfortunately, the skill requirement buy-in sucks for a 11 int non-human. What's the best way to get the required skill points? I was thinking Bard, but then I'm stuck at +2 BAB until level 6, which sucks when you're trying to improve weapon damage.
I don't own any but the first adventure; how difficult, in your opinions, would it be to adapt the later path books to E10 or even E12? It really wouldn't come into play until Books 5 and 6, I guess, and mostly 6. Could I just downsize the threats and DCs in book 6 and still have a playable adventure, or are there assumptions on certain class abilities that would make adaption impossible?
I'm running a game where we're spreading into using the Business and Organization rules from Ultimate Campaign. This will change the dynamic of the game a little from a One Session = One Mission flow to a focus where some sessions will be mission based and some will be handling results of Capital checks, Events, etc.
This works great for two of the players, one of whom wants to start a brothel, the other who wants to start a tavern. They're all part of a criminal organization, so starting these types of businesses will be a way for them to gain more power and prestige within the organization.
The problem is, I have one player who doesn't really have an interest in starting something like this. And it makes sense, not every PC would want to get involved in these types of situations. So I don't want to penalize the character for not going that route, but I need to find something that's equally useful and lucrative for him to do while the other two are doing their thing. Advice?
Okay, I searched for this, but my search-fu sucks today. I'm sure it's referenced somewhere, but what are the rules concerning quoting module text on the forums? So far I've only run homebrew campaigns here, so I haven't had to worry about it much, but are you allowed to direct quote Paizo AP modules? If not, do those of you who run such games simply reword the text? Its seems like there would only be so many ways to describe a scene, and if I have to completely remake descriptive text, that takes away lots of the incentive of a premade module.
Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
Since 1982, when the masked hero of Freedom City known as The Raven began fighting crime and the powerhouse known as Centurion struggled against super-threats, the world has been aware that there are those among us with fabulous abilities. Over the years, many more heroes appeared in Freedom City and on the East Coast in general, and formed a team known as the Freedom League.
Across the US, a number of super-beings have risen up in the last several years. In response, the US Government created Aegis, an organization responsible for monitoring and, if need be, dealing with such beings.
St Louis has been absent such heroes, until recently. It seems like in the last two years, a number of such beings have sprung up. Some of these have met before, others have spent their time on different cases hearing only rumors of one another. Today, this warm June day, is the day they come together....
Please come up with a reason your character's 'normal' identity would be downtown on a Saturday afternoon in June. It might be for a Cardinals baseball game, lunch at a restaurant, or an important board meeting or weekend shift at work. Reward yourself with 1 Hero Point (bringing your total to 2) for this first post.
Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
I'm going to post setting information and related questions here. My first instinct, since Jaster is running on the east coast, is to set the campaign somewhere else. Any objections to my home city of St Louis? It will give me a big head start on setting up the game, and it's a relatively small city so it's a good fit for lower powered heroes.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
This is the split out thread from Jaster's thread. I'm re-posting some information here from that thread.
World wise, I'd like to use Freedom World as a base (M&M 2e standard setting). It's got analogues to many DC standard heroes but is pretty streamlined and has a couple Marvel-esque features as well.
Biggest houserule I employ is the Hit Point variant from Mastermind Manual. A lot of people don't dig it, and if it's a deal killer I understand, but standard M&M combat frustrates the heck out of me.
Another big one is I basically say only Feats can overcome PL limits. In other words, you can Power Attack to get a temporary trade off of hit bonus for extra damage, but if you've maxed out your Defense by the PL, shrinking won't do anything to raise it higher (if you haven't maxed out your Defense at full size, shrinking will take you until the point where it IS maxed out). So essentially, PL is a hard limit except for round to round effects of usually just a couple points, or using normal trade offs to permanently change your maximums. If you have a specific question, just ask.
I started thinking about a Sci-Fi campaign yesterday, and I started along my usual "Star Trek but not Star Trek" line, where I have humanity just starting to reach out to the galaxy early 21st century, with some alien allies like Grays, etc.
Then I got to thinking, what if I went a different direction? What if the galactic Federation/Empire/etc. had already existed, but was destroyed in the distant past, and humanity in the modern era somehow stumbled on it.
After reviewing the Xenu story from Scientology legend, it seemed like a great myth: an ancient human(oid) civilization that was destroyed long before our humanity started civilizations of their own.
And then, it hit me. There's already an "ancient" Empire of humans in our own mythology: Star Wars! It happened "a long time ago," in a galaxy far far away. And everything that happened in the SW universe could be long gone by now. Hell, the whole SW galaxy could be but a distant memory. Now, what if some artifacts from that far away galaxy made their way here (who knows how, timey-wimey stuff)? What if humanity (Earth humanity) happened to be in deep need of technology, maybe a large ship to escape solar destruction? A Star Destroyer could carry thousands of human refugees into the stars, into the unknown...
Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
Each of you, regardless of your individual backgrounds, has felt lately that something is not as it seems in Arzata. You’ve been been listening to a local podcast, “Arzata Abnormal”. The host, a young woman who goes by Stacy Know, seems to have an in on the occult happenings around here.
“Hello, Abnorms,” Stacy says, as she always begins her show. “Tonight’s show will discuss the recent rash of arsons in the Big Cactus. In and of itself, this trend is disturbing. But, as always, there’s something deeper. What they don’t want you to know is that each of these arsons claimed one life, and exactly one. The life of the person who combusted to start the fire in the first place. Yes, that’s right listeners. We’ve got a spontaneous human combustion epidemic happening in Arzata. The question is, of course, why? Some people I’ve talked to suggest radiation in Gila lake, pretty much our only source of water, as the cause. Is someone in Old City dumping illegally? Scary thought. My guess, however, is that whatever it is, the cause is something far more sinister. And far less...normal.”
Male Human (Polish Jew/Native American/Irish) Techie 7/Martial Artist 2
Right now I'm leaning toward the following for a setting:
Arzata, New Mexico (fictional city)
Incorporated: March, 1951
Elevation: 2600 feet
Population: 2.9 million
Metro Population: 4.2 million
Time Zone: Mountain Time
Zipcodes: 87920 - 87929
Airport: Gila International Airport (Hub)
Industries: Uranium mining, Technology, Healthcare
Arzata was founded as a support city during the uranium mining boom of the mid to late 1950s. The city's urban area boasts the only remaining active uranium mine in New Mexico, and the mining and refining of uranium still makes up a substantial portion of Arzata's industry. However, due to its lower rents and proximity to California, Arzata has recently made substantial progress in the technology industry, particularly server farming. Finally, Arzata is the leading city in radiology and radiation sickness treatment.
Arzata's large population is tightly clustered around Gila Lake, and presses up against mountains in all directions except the north-east. Thus, the majority of the population is urban, with recent suburbs springing up in the desert in the only direction they can grow.
Because Arzata is a very young city, its architecture is mostly based in late sixties through early 80s trends.
Looking for players for a modern setting urban arcana/horror campaign using Pathfinder rules (some house rules). Villains will include abberations, undead, cults, etc.
15 point buy (minimum stat 8)
level 2 (level by fiat)
classes any, as long as you can fit the character in a modern setting (ie no running around in full plate armor paladins)
race human only