Ulfen Guard

Viscountess Margarett Erskine's page

50 posts. Alias of Ash...

Organized Play Characters

Dark Archive Larksong Brightarrow PFS Core

F Elf Conjurer 1 - HP 8/8 | AC 16 (T 13, FF 13) | Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +0* | Init +3 | LLV | Perception +0 (1 post)
Giant Hunter
Dark Archive Annastacia Elynn Hawkwing PFS
(22 posts)

Grand Lodge Skulaną
(0 posts)


Koriah Azmeren

Init +6 | HP 65/65 | AC: 28, T15, FF24 | Fort: +6 Ref: +9 Will: +7 (+2 vs enchant/death) | Perception +7 Half-Elf Oracle(10) (36 posts)
Ulfen Guard

Init +2 | HP 13/21 | AC: 21, T12, FF19 | Fort: +5 Ref: +2 Will: +2 (+2 vs death, +1 vs fear) | Perception +6 (LLV) Human Fighter 2 Melee: [dice=Glaive]1d20+3[/dice] [dice]1d10+4[/dice] Ranged: [dice=Sling]1d20+4[/dice] [dice]1d4+3[/dice] (80 posts)
Dinvaya Lanalei

| Oracle 1 | AC: 18 T: 13 FF: 15 | F: +1 R: +3 W: +0 (+2 enchant, +2 death, Immune sleep) |
[ dice=melee]1d20+2[ /dice] [ dice=lsword dmg]1d8+2[ /dice] Crit:19-20 [ dice=cestus dmg]1d4+2[ /dice] Crit:19-20 [ dice=ranged]1d20+4[ /dice] [ dice=sbow dmg]1d6[ /dice] Crit:×3
(49 posts)
Caroliss Minerran

Half-Elf Hospitaler Paladin 2/Tatooed Sorcerer 2 | AC18 T12 F16 | HP 36/36 | F+11 R+6 W+8 (+2 vs enchantments, death; immune:sleep) | Init+2 | Per-2 (69 posts)
Alice d'Margonelle n'Allesandra

HP 67/67
AC:22 T:19 FF:16:
+2 armor +6 Dex +3 insight +1 shield
Saves F:+7, R:+11, W:+6 (+6 vs. mind, +2 vs. evil)| Evasion | DR 5/cold iron; Resist cold 10, electricity 10
Init +12|Senses DV 60', LLV|Perception +9|Speed 20/30, Fly 45 (good); long step 50 (32 posts)
Grand Duches Trietta Ricia
Alusair Filfaeril, House Alliel

Human Paladin of the First Child of Ao:
HP 29/29
AC 22 T:11 FF:21:
+7 armor, +1 Dex, +4 shield
Saves F:+9, R:+3, W:+9|Conditional:+2 vs. death/mind-affecting|Immunities: |Resists:
Init +1|Senses normal vision|Perception +3|Speed 20/30 (25 posts)

Arasmes the Hidden

Human (Keleshite) Ranger/1 (4 posts)
Elf Archer
Silver Crusade Artemisia Burningleaves

F Elf | Eldritch Knight 2/Swsh 1/Div 5 |HP 73/73 |AC 19+2 T 14+2 FF 15 (Buffs:cat’s grace) | F: +6 R: +10+2 W: +6 +2 vs Ench (Buffs:cat’s grace)| Immune: Sleep | CMB +7 CMD 20+2 (Buffs: cat’s grace) (66 posts)

Elven Eldritch Knight:
HP 14/18 | AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 | Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +2; +2 vs. enchantments Immune sleep | Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +2 | Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor) (46 posts)
Shalelu Andosana
Bendis Artemaris

F Druid13 | NG M Elf | Init +5 (+9 buffed) | Low-Light Vision, Perception +34 | AC19/T13/FF16/CMD26 HP: 119/119 | F13 R12 W18 +2 enchant, Immune: Sleep | Speed 20/30 | (26 posts)
Cassandra Lillium

HP 11/12
AC:18 T:13 FF:15:
+5 armor +3 Dex
Saves F:+4, R:+3, W:-1 (+2 vs. death, +1 vs. evil casters)| Uncanny Dodge |
Init +3|Senses Scent, LLV|Perception -1|Speed 20/30, Climb 20 (49 posts)
Daphne Oleander Marid

HP 11/11| AC 12| T 10| FF 11| CMD 16 (20 v Trip)| Fort +4 | Ref +2 | Will +2 (+2 v death)| Init +1 | Perc +0 | Senses darkvision 60 | Speed 50 | Immune: | Conditional: +2 vs death (118 posts)
Thog Grogsplit
Dolgrin Brightlaughter

Paladin3/Oracle2 | AC18, T11, FF17 | HP 52/52 | F11, R7, W9 (+2 death, Uncanny D) | Init +1 | Perc -2 | Immune: Disease/Fear Melee: [dice]1d20+9[/dice] [dice]1d8+7[/dice] | Melee Power Attack: [dice]1d20+7[/dice] [dice]1d8+13[/dice] | Smite 1/1 | LoH 4/4 (1d6) | Channel 4/4 (1d6) (198 posts)
Pirate Sniper
Elaine Aslandaughter
(45 posts)
Genevieve "Gennie" Silversouled

Pal 1 | HP 11/11 | AC 17 T 11 FF 16 | F +5 R +1 W +0; (+2 vs. death, share will allows reroll at +3/+7) |CMD 15 | Init +1 | Perc -2 LLV | Botted Action: Cestus or Scythe Attack
cold iron cestus +4 (1d4+3/19-20) or . . 'Kindness' cold iron scythe +4 (2d4+4/×4) or . . dagger +4 (1d4+3/19-20) or . . bite +4 (1d4+4)
At will—detect evil, change shape, fox shape | 3/day—dancing lights
(68 posts)
Lark Glasswright
(13 posts)
Shalelu Andosana
Dark Archive Larksong Brightarrow

F Elf Conjurer 1 - HP 8/8 | AC 16 (T 13, FF 13) | Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +0* | Init +3 | LLV | Perception +0 (38 posts)
Lasciel en Alassandra di Marat
(37 posts)
Lillianna Allassa Hikari

HP 51/51 ► AC 22/20 (22/20T 17/15FF) ► F +6, R +10/+8, W +8 ► Init +14/+6 ► Perc +13/11(+8 Birgitte), Darkvision 60', LLV ► F Kitsune (33 posts)
Trinia Sabor
Melanie Alexandra Feathermoon
(32 posts)
Ondrea Falconer
(34 posts)
Lady Chanar Cynore
Silver Crusade Pasara Albercoft Anchoralten
(9 posts)
Peregrine Windlass
(4 posts)
Rosalind Almati Thornbright

HP 28/34 | AC:20 F:8 R:4 W:7 (+2 death) | Init: 1 (roll twice take better)| Speed: 20/30 Melee: [dice]1d20+5[/dice] [dice]2d6+4[/dice] | PA: -1/+2 1h; Smite(1): +2/+2 (45 posts)
Rosalind Thuvia
(26 posts)
Samantha Orlovsky

Cohort of Selene (9 posts)
Velriana Hypaxes
Selene Lebeda

Cohort: Samantha (19 posts)
Ulfen Guard
Viscountess Margarett Erskine

HP 25/25 | AC 18 (T14, FF14) | Init: +4 | Perception: +7 | F +6 R +8 W +2 | CMB: +4 | CMD: 18 | Arcane Pool 3/3 Grit 2/2
Ranged attacks:
clever solutions (+1 living steel pepperbox rifle) +9 (1d10+6/×4) or practical answers (MW double-barrel shotgun) +8 (1d8+1)
Melee attacks:
(L) cold iron bastard sword +2 (2d8+3/19-20) or cold iron boarding axe +4 (1d6+2/×3) or mwk cold iron cestus +5 (1d4+2/19-20) or mithral cestus +5 (1d4+2/19-20) or silver machete +4 (1d6+1/19-20)
(50 posts)
Dinvaya Lanalei
Wren Glasswright
(17 posts)
Yulai Sakura

HP 37/48 | AC 21 (T14, F17) | CMD 20 | Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +6 (+2 vs death, immune: disease, fear) | Init +4 | Perc -1 | Smite 1/2 | LoH 3/5 F Kitsune (54 posts)