Male Human Ranger/3
![]() [/ooc] With a look of grim determination Tomas takes a bead on the old woman sends two more arrows her way hoping these will take her out. [ooc]previous round of attacks. Targeting the old woman again with two attacks Longbow attack: 1d20 + 8 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 8 - 2 + 1 = 18
Current round of attacks. If the old woman is still standing these two will go into her. Otherwise they are for the mayor. Longbow attack: 1d20 + 8 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 8 - 2 + 1 = 20
Male Human Ranger/3
![]() Using Rapid Shot to fire second arrow and both attacks suffer a -2 penalty. Tomas targets Alizna. Longbow Attack: 1d20 + 8 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 8 - 2 + 1 = 25
Second Longbow Attack: 1d20 + 8 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 8 - 2 + 1 = 26
+1 to hit and damage if target is within 30' from Point Blank Shot ![]()
Male Human Ranger/3
![]() Using Rapid Shot to fire second arrow and both attacks suffer a -2 penalty. Tomas targets Alizna. Longbow Attack: 1d20 + 8 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 8 - 2 + 1 = 19
Second Longbow Attack: 1d20 + 8 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 8 - 2 + 1 = 15
+1 to hit and damage if target is within 30' from Point Blank Shot ![]()
Male Human Ranger/3
![]() Tomas quickly surveys the scene and fires two arrow at the nearest person not already targeted by his friends. Using Rapid Shot to fire second arrow and both attacks suffer a -2 penalty. Longbow Attack: 1d20 + 8 - 2 ⇒ (15) + 8 - 2 = 21
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Point Blank Shot +1 to hit and damage if they are within 30' hasn't been added yet. ![]()
Male Human Ranger/3
![]() Tomas looks at the Mayor's belly and says, "Did you say that nasty little beast was your pet? What in the nine hells would you be doing with a pet like that anyway unless you are some agent of a dark god. You might as well drop the charade we know something strange is going on in this town and we wont be leaving until we get the answer we came for. I'm done playing these silly cat and mouse games." ![]()
Male Human Ranger/3
![]() "Well, I just hope you don't turn into one of those things. I was just starting to get to like you and it would be a shame to have to fill you full of arrows.", he says as he tries to get a closer look at the thing growing out of Lin's leg. Knowledge Nature: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18 "Maybe there is some herb or something that we could use to counteract the thing." ![]()
Male Human Ranger/3
![]() "Yeah it looks like it. They seem to trying awful hard to blend in with the crowd while trying to keep an eye on us. I wouldn't worry about stick out like a sore thumb and if you were more like a normal woman you would be bored to death." , says Tomas as he follows Eve through the festival. "Whenever you are ready to slip off and meet the others let me know.", he says as he glares at a local staring at Eve. ![]()
Male Human Ranger/3
![]() "I guess we could just wait around until the festival starts and keep an eye on the mayor. The only way I can see the mayor dealing with all of us at once is if he uses poison. So I suggest we don't eat anything or drink anything. I know I said this all earlier but now that we know for sure he is having us followed and plans to deal with us later I think it is for the best." Tomas says to the annoyed Linflass and the rest of the group. ![]()
Male Human Ranger/3
![]() Tomas watches the boys run off and mutters, "That is one of the reasons I don't like kids." Hearing Linflass's plan to go off on his own Tomas says, "Before careful and if we don't hear from you within an hour we'll come looking for you, but I agree with Eve it probably isn't a good idea to split up knowing that the mayor plans to deal with us in some way." ![]()
Male Human Ranger/3
![]() "They might but at this point do we really care. It is obvious that they are up to nefarious activities and much of the town could be involved. I agree with Linflass and we should check out the abandoned farmhouse.", Tomas says to the rest of the group as he looks around to see if anyone has notice them. Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8 DOH!! ![]()
Male Human Ranger/3
![]() Tomas looks to Eve and says, "If I think someone will be offend by something I says can I run it by you first? I don't want to make things more difficult for the group or myself. This is not the first time something like this has happened to me. I've grown to like you all and would like to continue our friendship." ![]()
Male Human Ranger/3
![]() Tomas looks at Norn in surprise and says, "There is no way I'm leaving here without more evidence and we get to the bottom of what really happened." He nods in agreement with Linflass "I'm not happy about leaving me bow, but they might not like us going to the festival armed. Knowing what we know I don't really care if they are unhappy about us going armed, but it the rest of you think I should leave me bow behind I will." Tomas says with a frown. ![]()
Male Human Ranger/3
![]() "I knew it. I agree that it might look odd if we all try to pile into your house if it is small like you say. Maybe we should all stay at the mayor's house. He'll be less likely to try something with us all there; unless he tries to poison us." he says in a low voice as he rubs down Windrunner. "I'm willing to stake out Chenowitz Place, but do you think its a good idea to split up. I wouldn't doubt it if they sent someone to follow me." ![]()
Male Human Ranger/3
![]() Tomas listens to Linflass and nods slightly and says loudly, "Well, Windrunner let us get this saddle off and give you a good rub down. How about you guys come along it looks like your horses could use some attention as well." He pats the horse on the neck and starts walking towards the hitching post while whistling a song he heard in a tavern a while ago. ![]()
Male Human Ranger/3
![]() Tomas says to Nora "Something just just off about the mayor and I don't trust him. Not sure what it is but I think he might know more about our missing man than he is saying." He nods to Linflass and says, "Well, I don't trust him or anyone so I'm going to be careful about what I eat and drink. I don't want to wake up strapped to a rack or something like that. My paranoia has kept me alive this long and I tend to follow my instincts." ![]()
Male Human Ranger/3
![]() After the mayor leaves Tomas motions for the group to get closer and whispers, "I think there is something fishy going on here. Something about what the mayor was saying doesn't ring true to me. I'll not be eating or drinking anything tonight at this festival unless it is check for poison with magic." ![]()
Male Human Ranger/3
![]() Tomas shrugs and follows the rest of the group. Hopefully, I can get a chance to let them know that something is up with the mayor and I have no intentions of eating or drinking anything during this feast. Tomas pats Windrunner on the next and says in a soothing voice, "Come on boy. It seems that no one heard us so I guess we'll follow them." ![]()
Male Human Ranger/3
![]() Tomas nods to the mayor and says,"Well, be there shortly mayor we but we need to take care of our horse and I prefer to do that personally. Is there somewhere we can stable our horses for the night?" Tomas glances to the others hoping they picked up his hint and then quickly looks around for a barn to stable the horses. ![]()
![]() I will say cant do that. Cause the corpse not haste to the land. Its time fall down. (Betwen 1-2 secs) 1 round is 6 secs. Cant fall 8/9 times. Maybe 2-3 times being waiting betwen attacks. But waiting its lose time and that could mean lose attacks. Its something to think about. Another option is start the grapple=end the full round attack. ![]()
![]() You just check if they can scape from jail. You an add items in the veil to help them. Later during the training adrastus can give them items to support the group lackness. For campaign flavor i suggest the gnome/halfling being a human "deformed" like game of thrones Tyrion (but stats of gnome or halfling) When they being trained with the others knoths they could get retrain free and advices from each character (you can help throught npcs) Posible Items to help... Healing wand? Maybe infernal healing? Wand of magic missile (cl1 at start, cl3 from adrastus?) Not full of charges maybe 20+1d10? Consumables, scrolls or potions utility? ![]()
![]() Druids, clerics, Rangers, Paladins and sure some one more "know" all the spells. The GM choice what sources will use in his/her game. The gm even can limit more creating home rules like you only know x spells each level being druid. But following the rules a druid know all the existents spells for his/her level Druids are overpowered like other pure casters (wizards, clerics even sorcerer) dont worry about that ![]()
![]() If you call a balor to kill and torture angels. He will be happy, but he maybe want to do better things, or his own things. If you call a solarion, same. Golarion is in danger. Yeah, but he was saving golarion from other thing before being called. And he is very busy doing angel things. Both can be hired. And both will be expensive. Maybe one ask you to disease a entire city to be paid abd other ask you to heal a entire city... ![]()
![]() Deadmanwalking wrote: Executing criminals is not inherently evil, depending on their crime. I mean executing petty thieves is pretty Evil, but serial killers? Not so much. I think Kill is ever evil act. A good act will be try another thing, like reeducate the guy, redeeming him. Deadmanwalking wrote: The difference between a legally empowered court doing this and an individual doing so is a Law/Chaos distinction not a Good/Evil one. Indeed Deadmanwalking wrote: Therefore, it really depends on whether the prisoner has committed some crime worthy of execution. "crime worthy of execution" good characters arent judge dredd to choice that and execute Deadmanwalking wrote: If they have, it's probably still not a Good act, but it's not Evil either. If they haven't done anything worthy of execution then it's Evil. Being legally empower is law/chaos, Kill is evil. ![]()
![]() from core rulebook PRD "Good implies altruism, respect for life, and a concern for the dignity of sentient beings
You can be good doing evil things, same you can be chaotic doing lawful things (or even evil doing good things, and why not lawfull but law should be more strict) A chaotic man who who respect authority its doing law act. But can do it, nothing happens. A good guy can kill, nothing happens.
Why you kill and how, could change your alignement (and how your gm thinks) ![]()
![]() Good is white. Evil is black. Not everything is full good (white) or full black. Kill is evil act.
You can do acts both things at time. Free the cultist is good. But he can do lot of evil acts later. Killing him is evil, but he cant do more evil acts. The cultist cant do good acts dead. Think in Gandalf talking tp frodo about gollum execution in Lord of the rings movie. Gollum is evil, but he throw the ring (actident) to the fiee ![]()
![]() What do you mind with "fight"? A caster with fly is unbeteable against other nudes non casters. Fight like wrestling, prob monk or brawler or fighter. Magus can do magical strikes very well and put on defensive buffs Druid in animal form is another option. The occult kineticist The ussually banned summoner sintetist... ![]()
![]() My recomendations: Never played d20:
_________________________ Later in this order: Core Rulebook (you got it)
Game Master Guide
_____________________ Books related to your adventure path place (Varisia to runelords or River Kingdoms to Kingmaker for example) If you are handle the rules then:
And any book what themes you like (horror, equipment, technology, dragon empires...) |