HolmesandWatson |

HolmesandWatson |

HolmesandWatson |

Rolls!! My paladin just used power attack, giving him damage of 1d8+4+4 against a wererat. got a solid hit.
Paioz dice roller treats me to a "1". Damage reduction 10 negates that blow.
In three attacks, I've rolled a 1 to hit, blown up a wererat using Smite Evil and then rolled a 1 for damage. Yeesh.
I can't wait for the law of averages to catch up with the dice roller!

HolmesandWatson |

Lest it seem like Linflass is trying to take things over...
My last post was a way to get everybody involved since Eve seems keen on nobody going off alone.
As a group, we haven't really done anything in about three weeks (when we questioned the brothers) and since Linflass only knows of one other place to investigate (from the GM earlier) I wanted to get something going.
No criticisms: just an explanation based on an observation.

HolmesandWatson |

Played Wrath of Ashardalon last night. Fun game. Highly recommended for some non-complex gaming.
Pathfinder minis make nice repacements for the included one-color ones.
The spirit of the paizo dice roller inhabited my 20 sided die. At one point, I rolled a one for my attack and a twenty for the monster. I felt like I was in a PbP...

HolmesandWatson |

Just in case the party has some confusion on where we are at the moment:
My thought is that Linflass, Eldwin and Norn would find Eve and Tomas at the Festival, move them to a quiet place and then have the conversation I posted as having happened at Linflass' shack.
Which would leave Eve and Tomas to respond to the proposal to go take over the farm.
Does anybody else have something different in mind?

DM Mathpro |
hey guys sorry for the long delay. Got hit by a car on Tuesday and have been in the hospital since. Dislocated my knee, broke my tibia and fibula, and fractured my ankle all on my left side as well as scraped up my left arm pretty good. The foot was 90 degrees out of socket when I got to the ER Wednesday. They decided as they were relocating it for the second time that it would also be a good time to pick the shards of glass out of my arm...
Had surgery yesterday to place a plate and some screws in my foot and am on the mend. Got up and walked with a walker today for the first time since Wednesday. Going to be hopefully going to rehab on Monday if we can find a place that has beds otherwise there sending me home. 6 weeks of no weight on my left leg and no driving.
Not sure what my posting schedual is going to be like. I'm borrowing my girlfriends laptop as we speak to finally get you guys an update and if I go to rehab I might see if my mom can bring me my laptop so I can get things moving again.
Thanks for your patience and prayers.

DM Mathpro |
Just wanted to just drop by and give everyone an update. I am going to be released to my house today. I'm doing well enough on the walker that I won't be needing to go into a live in rehab place at all. 2 weeks and I'll be in a removable boot and then 6 weeks and I'll be learning to walk again.
The bad part is that I don't have internet at the house and don't know how often I'm going to be able to get out to the libraries now. Not supposed to drive for at least another 6 weeks if not longer. I'll get back when I can to give you updates.

DM Mathpro |
Had a doctors appointment today so I was able to talk my fiancee into taking me to the library after the appointment. Things are starting to heal and if the tingling in my foot is any indication the nerve damage I suffered won't be permanent...needs to hurry up and fix its self though because the pins and needles feeling gets really old especially at 2 AM when you're trying to sleep.
Going in next Monday to get the "cast" off and getting fitted for a walking boot. Still won't be able to walk for another 4 weeks but they want me to be able to shower and for the wounds to properly be taken care of so the boot makes that much easier. Getting more moble every day and I've pretty much mastered my walker.
Going to be looking into internet with in the next week because I'm going mad with out being able to get online. Day time tv gets very old very fast lol.

Eve Valeria Abia |

DM Mathpro |
Hey guys. Just wanted to give you a heads up that I should be on on a much more regular basis now. I have been given the all clear to start walking and driving so that means I can start getting online again.
Still having some moderate pain and swelling but now that I'm walking on it again its to be expected. Should be off the walker by Friday but we will see...foot still feels a little unstable for that.