Mystic Theurge

The Usual Suspect's page

***** Pathfinder Society GM. 311 posts (1,194 including aliases). 3 reviews. 2 lists. No wishlists. 42 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.

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Shadow Lodge

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And thank you.

Shadow Lodge

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Close. She went to school in Texarkana after getting out of the Air Force.

Shadow Lodge

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Back in 2e days I was walking by some folks in the college rec center and saw an all woman (college age) game. And it scared me. They were the most ruthless, blood thirsty group of players I had ever seen.

What college? I think you may have met an ex-girlfriend of mine from that description.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

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Man, can't work 7 slots for hotel space anymore? This is going to be a rough con.

Shadow Lodge

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quibblemuch wrote:
The Usual Suspect wrote:
Al Gore & manbearpig as a druid and his animal companion.
I do have the occasional player who would eat all the treasure to smuggle it out of the dungeon without the other players knowing...

Do you call them Cartman? Or The Coon?

Definitely make them make fort saves to hide the belly ache they would get until their booty passed the booty.

Shadow Lodge

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Al Gore & manbearpig as a druid and his animal companion.


Shadow Lodge

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I'm pretty sure you post twice as often as I do, Vixie.

Hope everybody is either having a wonderful year or that it is getting better. And Rysky, you can come visit the snow at my house any time. Better hurry though. Temps are expected to get back into the 40s this weekend.

Shadow Lodge

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Uhhggg. Y'all's stories of wisdom teeth extractions always leave me queasy. Happy drugs to you, Todd.

<Gives thanks to the great old ones that he never had wisdom teeth. or wisdom for that matter.>

Shadow Lodge

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For the card player, just change names. That's easy enough.

For the player that played through part of Skinsaw, make subtle story changes as Latrecis suggests.

switching rolls:

You can make Aldern the crazy guy a the sanitarium instead of Silva. Then when players go to see him there, they will really feel some sympathy. Especially if one of the players developed a relationship with him.

Make Ironbriar a victim of the Skinsaw Murders and replace him as a cultist with anybody else you like.

Flip the Clocktower and the Sawmill as encounter locations.

Lots of things you can easily do to make the story fresh for all the players.

Shadow Lodge

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Read the entire chapter before you begin. read the entire book if you can, then read the chapter you'll be running again. And take notes.

Have print outs of the beastiary entries you'll be using a lot in a given game session. For Burnt Offerings, that means the Goblin & goblin dog pages. Keep them handy.

Add your own spin to everything; based on the players in your group. Make it personal to them and they'll get more deeply involved. Especially the social encounters in the first chapter.

Always remember, it is not about you. This is the PCs story. Make sure each player gets a chance to have center stage at some point. If the players write up short background stories, work those into your game. Do your best to make Sandpoint home for your heroes.

Start staging chapter two, Skinsaw Murders, while still running chapter one.

Make sure that the players know that they are the heroes of this story. When they act heroic, have the townsfolk treat them like heroes. When they act like scoundrels, have the townsfolk comment on how far they seem to have fallen. Encourage that heroism and highlight the battle between good and evil in this AP. It is a classic hero story, so play it up.

Shadow Lodge

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Jesse Heinig wrote:
Long story. Short version, White Wolf decided to do Revised editions of the World of Darkness games, I was instructed to do a revised version of Mage (or find another job) and the former developer was pushed out, some corners of the internet decided they didn't like the direction I took. Among older fans the "Mage edition wars" are internet famous. Also, in certain parts of the 'net if you post anything positive about any of my work (not just Mage) you can expect people to show up and make angry comments within about 15 minutes.


Now I admit that I loved the old WoD games. But really? Death threats from fans of the old game? Sometimes I hate us gamers. We're real dicks.

Shadow Lodge

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Jesse Heinig wrote:

Ascension, Revised, circa 2000.

(I'm not serious, but there are some people out there who take it seriously enough to have sent me death threats.)



Please tell me that you're at least one of the writers for the game. You shouldn't be getting death threats in any case, but at least if you're a writer for the game your name would see enough exposure that some nut job with too high an opinion of their own ideas would get upset about something as harmless as a game.

Shadow Lodge

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Cindy, I hope you're filing a complaint on the pharmacist.

And I hope you're feeling better all around. Hugs.

Shadow Lodge

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Algodor wrote:
A lot of my characters have embarrassingly long back stories.

50 pages or more? If it's not 50 pages or more, it's not a back story; it's a synopsis.

Shadow Lodge

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Will check it out tonight when I have a moment.

My players may curse you if this works.

Shadow Lodge

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My stealth is so high I excede everybody's perception when I roll a 1.
Nobody talks to me anymore. #lvl20rogueproblems.

Shadow Lodge

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I executed a whirlwind attack and killed a small nation. #lvl20fighterproblems.

Shadow Lodge

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My perception is so high I can hear the clatter of dice every time I make a perception check. #lvl20problems.

Shadow Lodge

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Civ IV on PC; but I upgraded to Windows 10 last summer and it hasn't worked right sense. Too cheep to buy it again through Steam; and too busy as a PFS VA anymore to spend time on video games.

Never was a big consol player.

Hi everybody! (wanders back in from the wilderness)

Shadow Lodge

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Hugs all around. And John, do what you must to be taken care of. Having a stroke is often a symptom of something else that is wrong, so no more delays.

Shadow Lodge

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
I can't sleep without it now. Not even naps.

Wow. Glad you have it.

Shadow Lodge

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My wife comes to bed at 3 AM, falls quicky asleep, and snores like a locomotive. Refuses to have herself tested for sleep apnia. This morning at 3:30, I nearly cut lose with a pillow trying to get her to stop snoring.

I want sleep.

Shadow Lodge

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Shadow Lodge

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quibblemuch wrote:

MONK: I'm going to start wearing daisy dukes!

GM: Then I'm banning high kicks.

That is wrong in so many ways, and yet I laugh. Now imagining a highly competitive Scottish monk challenging to the title of Master at the Teabag Monastery.

Shadow Lodge

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Mr. Grogg wrote:

They managed to see pretty much everything, and only two of them died. (One stabbed himself in the throat with a piece of wood that he thought was a silver dagger and failed his save against his own coup de grace, the other leapt out a window and had a series of unfortunate rolls, taking massive damage as she hit the ocean far below.)

We'll be picking up the next session right outside Aldern's lab, meeting the Skinsaw Man. Unfortunately for them, before the party was cut by 2/5ths, they actually managed to DEFEAT Iesha's revenant. They wouldn't take any hints that she should be let by, and kept fighting her. They're real proud of themselves for it, but as a result they are hurting, and they don't have Iesha to soften up Aldern for them.

It's going to be interesting. That's for sure.

If you can stall the party for a day, revenants come back. They exist as long as their killer exists; so destroying one is temporary. I know that the Paizo entry for revenants in Bestiary 2 does not say this, but it does imply it. Iesha should rise from the grave the next night if destroyed as long as Aldern is still living/undead.

Shadow Lodge

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Some non-LGBT fun in my life. Had surgery on my left foot to straighten my toes Friday. Toes are healing nicely, and they no longer hook down, or under other toes. Seriously, I had some very messed up toes. Now I just have to deal with steal pins sticking out the front of two of my toes for the next few weeks. So much fun.

Doctor wanted me to sit home of vacation for two weeks, like I have two weeks of vacation to blow, or could stand to sit at home for two weeks not doing anything. So I slept Saturday, like a good boy. Went out and ran game #99 on Sunday at one of our local Pathfinder Society events, then ran game #100 at a new venue yesterday to earn my 4th star. Yep, grinning past the minor pain and making people green with envy (or nausea) I earned my 4th star this week.

Yay for me.

Shadow Lodge

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The Doomkitten wrote:
Hm. Opinions, folks. Should I rant about my fanfiction here, or just create a new thread in the Writing forum?

I believe the answer is, yes.

Shadow Lodge

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Run with it. Run like the wind!

Shadow Lodge

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Approximately 99% of the US population are people. Some fraction of the remaining 1% are politicians.

Other than that, there's just no telling.

Hugs everybody. Running my 100th table credit on Monday. Woot.

Shadow Lodge

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This is in a 2nd Ed game in the mid 90s. We are playing in the Forgotten Realms. The party consists of the following;

Human male paladin, LG.
Human male cleric of Cyrik the Dark, NE (me).
Half-Elf male rogue, N.
Elf male wizard, NG.

The GM had asked each of us to create a basic background tying us to a small village where we had all been living for the last 5 or more years. My character was a simple country doctor, and the town's mortician. Perfect cover for an evil cultist. The paladin worked for the temple as its only guard. The rogue worked for the sheriff, because he liked being outside the cell. And our wizard ran a potions shop. All nice and simple.

The game starts with a murder mystery, that isn't my fault, so I'm eager to get the sheriff and his deputy to find out who my competition is. Over the course of the next 5 levels, the paladin and my cleric become best buddies. No, really. Doc and Tin Britches are best friends.

So we wind up with the party split. Which is always how things go wrong, but not in this case. The rogue is checking out something for the sheriff in town (I don't remember what it was), and the wizard is working on some project that to make an item (I think his player was absent). So when a woman comes crashing into the town morgue looking for me (the town doctor) because somebody has been hurt, I grab the paladin and we rush out to the edge of town to find out what is going on. Of course we get jumped by cultists from this rival cult, and they've already captured the town's high priest (NG cleric of Lathander) and killed the sheriff, so no help for us. However, we handle the fight fairly well for an unarmored doctor (HA) and a lone paladin.

As soon as the fight is over, and all the cultists are down, I tell the paladin to go get help while I try to save the High Priest's life. The paladin runs out the door heading for town. Seconds after saying that his character was rushing to get help, the paladin's player sits up and says, "Hold on... Did I just leave a helpless priest in the hands of an evil cleric?"

At that point I describe the sacrifice of the High Priest to the GM, then tell him how I carefully stab myself 7 times for limited damage, and finally, lay down beside the other cultist's alter that I had borrowed for my goals, and wait for my best friend to come save me in the nick of time.

Pretty much floored the GM; and had the paladin's player laughing in hysterics, because my evil cultist priest was still his best friend. Never tell me that evil characters can't work with paladins. Just don't stand in front of them when they are detecting evil.

Shadow Lodge

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A thick heavy curtain that is black on one side and red on the other. Works especially well if one of the players knows what a cloaker is.

If they don't, put a cloaker in a game. They never forget, and stab curtains constantly.

Shadow Lodge

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I think we need to create an award for players who insist that their character concept is so good that it must be accepted against all logic.

I herby grand unto the Evil Wizard;

The Order of the Snowflake.

Shadow Lodge

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A Parliament of Devils.


A Congress of Devils.


A Bureaucracy of Devils.

To be honest, the decision on which to use is still in committee.

Shadow Lodge

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I no longer know which encounters are dangerous monsters and which are relatives of ex-girl/boyfriends. #level20bard problems.

Shadow Lodge

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John Napier 698 wrote:
The Usual Suspect wrote:
Slothsy wrote:

Best of luck with your rough days ;~~;

I also just found out that I now need to submit full costuming pictures before I can attend my larp on Friday, so trans group tonight probably won't happen.

Wait,... wait a minute. you have to submit audition photos for your LARP in order to attend? WOW! Just WOW!
Having volunteered for an anime convention for five years now, I will say that some people can be "snobbish" about costumes.

I shall stick to playing Gangrel; where a 10 gallon hat, jeans, and boots are appropriate cosplay.

Shadow Lodge

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I rolled a 65 to disable device; what do you mean I can't open the pickle jar! #level20rogue problems.

Shadow Lodge

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Slothsy wrote:

Best of luck with your rough days ;~~;

I also just found out that I now need to submit full costuming pictures before I can attend my larp on Friday, so trans group tonight probably won't happen.

Wait,... wait a minute. you have to submit audition photos for your LARP in order to attend? WOW! Just WOW!

Shadow Lodge

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DrDeth wrote:
Gabriel Cantrell wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
That's just someone throwing a tantrum because they didn't want to be in PFS. I'm normally against PvP, but that bastard would've been cut to ribbons in my game.
No the player likes PFS. Just the character didn't and that was the pain in the a** part.
Players who are not a pain dont play PCs who are.

Going to agree with Doc Deth here. We've had a player who plays his character as if he's a rude jerk that intentionally does contrarian and disruptive things. Why does he do that? Because he wants to be able to be a rude jerk, but is hiding it behind a character. He knows that in real life he can't get away with that, so he is using his roleplaying time to get away with it by claiming that this is just his character.

That's just crap. Adventurers are under no obligation to keep a jerk around; and Society rules allow for a disruptive player to be removed. Talk to your local VA or VL if this player continues to intentionally disrupt games.

Shadow Lodge

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Freehold DM wrote:
I support the hug button!!!

Hug button? That's a brilliant idea.

Shadow Lodge

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Kalindlara wrote:
Bellona wrote:
And Shalelu is not a Forlorn elf. She was brought up in an elven community, so she would have heard of the elven version of the boogeyman.

Not only that, but as we see in Second Darkness...

** spoiler omitted **

All good points, that require the GM to use the full scope of Paizo products and background information for an NPC, when the GM can chose to edit that as needed. In the case of one game I'm playing in; the GM made changes to accommodate the player rather than fighting it. However, our player was not, and still is not looking to be an evil PC. Because of that, our GM cut him slack and let it fly.

I am curious as to how the game in question is going though.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

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Hey Tonya,

How do we report organized blocks for recurring store events on the form? Count up the expected tables over the course of the next year? Just give a monthly count? The Form is designed for convention support and doesn't really translate to local recurring store events.

And if we are running events at two locations for the same store (they own two storefronts), with different event numbers for each store (to make sure people checking the Paizo event lists go to the right store), is it possible to combine those into functionally the same event.

Edit: And should Core and RPG campaign tables be reported/tracked separately? Some boons don't work for Core tables.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

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-Steve Johnston- wrote:

My location doesn't have a venture officer since I only have time to run one game a month and therefore don't qualify.

Maybe my players can access this at other venues.

However, I worry that this will actually discourage players and GMs from taking part in the events I organize.

Steve, you only have to run one game a month to be a VA. You have to organize two events a month, but only have to GM once. The big issue is getting other people to GM during your other event; but that's manageable if there are boons for them after GMing enough games.

Shadow Lodge

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Stops in, picks up package of hugs, drops of reciprocal package of hugs. Sweeps up salt and waves enthusiastically.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

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Daniel Knipfer wrote:

I hate getting all excited when I see that there's a new email in my box, and finding that it is junk mail from AOL. Look, I know I'm like one of three people still using AOL, but I just wish they'd lay off the junk mail this weeks so I can be excited when my confirmation email arrives and not disappointed when it's more AOL junk mail.

Still pacing the virtual floor, now cursing AOL.

Okay, I post one slightly snarky comment and boom, there's email in my box. Confirmation received. Tier 2 this year.

Shadow Lodge

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Digitalelf wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
My group never chooses the options I think they will, and it throws module loving GMs completely off the rails. They prefer a more free form way of playing
It's been my experience (like you, over 30+ years of being the primary DM), that modules and other published adventures need players to be on-board with a willingness to follow where ever the story might take them.

It also takes a strong understanding of what your players like and how they act/react to the world around them. If a player is pure murder-hobo, don't run them in a political thriller or an empire builder like Crimson Throne or King Maker. If your players really get into political intrigue and mystery, Giant Slayer probably won't be their thing.

It doesn't matter how nice the train is if it isn't going where you want to go. You won't ride that train.

Shadow Lodge

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I will never apologies for starting this. :p

Shadow Lodge

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Disjunction junction, what's your function?
Braking up casters, enchantments, and spells.

Shadow Lodge

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Thank you Rysky, cause I need lots.

Shadow Lodge

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A key that doesn't fit any locks.

Shadow Lodge

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Archdevil wrote:
I guess this qualifies as embarrassing... Drow are my favorite D&D race. I've read a probably excessive amount of sourcebooks and novels about them, and I secretly feel a little bit hurt when people say things like "drow players just want to make Drizzt ripoffs".

The problem isn't that all drow players want to make Drizzt ripoffs. The problem is that too many players that do play drow want to make Drizzt ripoffs; and that too many players do not want to play the disadvantage of being a drow. The drow are for all intent and purpose the Nazis of the D&D/Pathfinder game worlds. Not just the Nazis, but the SS. Their reputation is that of murderous bastards that perform diabolical experiments on what they consider lesser races (everybody not drow). Now, if you're willing to play a character who is treated as the most evil mortal race ever; shunned, feared, and despised by everybody that hasn't gotten to know you; and hunted methodically by strike teams of elite elven arcane archers and ninjas, rock it like there's no tomorrow.

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