
Tarquin-RK's page

341 posts. Organized Play character for Jolly Roger.

Organized Play Characters

The Exchange Tarquin-RK

AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
Corrosive Bite +7/9 (1d6+9/1d8+13) +1d6 acid, Corrosive Claws +9 (1d6+13+1d6 acid), Cold Iron/Silver Morningstar +7 (1d8+14), Mwk Comp Longbow +7 (1d8+6), Alch. Bomb +7 (3d6+7) 20/x2 Splash [Fire]
Craft (alchemy) +21, Disable Device +13, Fly +6, Intimidate +17, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (nature) +8, Perception +13 [Find Traps +15], Sleight of Hand +6, Spellcraft +8, Survival +6
(341 posts)
Scarab Sages Tyrion Wyrmbane

AC 29 (T 13, FF 27). HP 59, Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +11 (+5 vs spells+poison+disease). Init +5, CMB 13/CMD 25, Speed 30ft
Adamantine Keen Falcata +12/+7 (1d8+6) 17-20/x3, Mwk CI/Silver Falcata +12/+7 (1d8+5) 19-20/x3, Mwk Darkwood Throwing Shield +4 (1d6+5) 20/x2 CM +1; trip, free action, Mwk Comp Longbow +8/+3 (1d8+5) 20/x3
Bluff +16, Diplomacy +11, Heal +8, Intimidate +16, Knowledge (arc/dung/nat/reli/planes) +7, Perception +15 [Traps +17, Unusual stone +17], Sense Motive +17, Spellcraft +5, Survival +11 (Tracking - 1/2 speed +15), Swim +8
(232 posts)
Spell Sovereign
Sovereign Court Logain Xanatus

Magus 6 | AC 19 (23 shield) (T 12, FF 17). HP 39, Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +6. Init +2, CMB 8/CMD 20, Speed 30ft
Cruel Silversheen Scimitar +1 +9 (1d6+5 / 18-20 x2), Cold Iron +9 (1d6+4 / 18-20 x2), Mwk Comp Longbow +7 (1d8+4), Silver Lucerne Hammer +9 (1d12+6)
Fly +15, Intimidate +14, Knowledge (arcana/dung/planes) +13, Knowledge (nobility) +6, Linguistics +7, Perception +10, Spellcraft +14 [Identify properties of magic items +16], Swim +11
(318 posts)
Dark Archive Tywin-RK

Summoner 5 | AC 18(+4 cover) (T 12, FF 16). HP 35 Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +5 (+4 vs charm/compulsion +2 vs ench). Init +2, CMB 7/CMD 19, Speed 30ft/40ft mounted
+1 Lance +8, 1d8+7 20/x3, Mwk CI/Silver Morningstar +8, 1d8+6 20/x2, Sling +5 1d4+4 20/x2
Diplomacy +7, Ride +11, Knowledge planes +2, Perception -2/+14
(236 posts)
Irabeth Tirabade
Silver Crusade Aviendha-RK

AC 27/23 (T 13, FF 26). HP 39/45, Fort +8/+8, Ref +5/+8, Will +9/+3. Init +4, CMD/CMD 8/20, Speed 20/40 ft fly 80ft
Mwk CI Greatsword +9 (2d6+6) 19-20/x2, Mwk Scorp Whip +9 (1d4+4) 20/x2 (disarm, trip, 15ft reach), Throwing shield +2 1d6+4 (20 ft, trip), +1 Lance +10 20/x3, Scimitar+1 +9, 1d8+5 18-20/x2, Havok: +7 1d6+6, 2x 1d4+6
Climb +4, Diplomacy +11, Handle Animal +10, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (religion) +6, Perception +1/+6, Ride +12, Swim +8
(394 posts)
Silver Crusade Xerance-RK

AC 21 (T 15, FF 16). HP 32, Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +5 (+11 total vs charm & compulsion). Init +5, CMB/CMD 6/21, Speed 30f
Mwk Composite Longbow +9 (1d8+8, 20/x3) (+7/+7 RS, PBS, DA), Mwk CI Greatsword +6 (2d6+3, 20/x3)
Bluff +4, Diplomacy +12, Intimidate +4, Perception -2, Use Magic Device +15
(242 posts)
Clanartus Viliras
The Exchange Garox Fang

AC 18 (T 13, FF 18). HP 59, Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +3(+2 vs compulsion&charm/+1 fear). Init +2, CMB 10/CMD 23, Speed 30ft
+1 Merciful Cruel Silversheen Earthbreaker +10 (2d6+8) 20x3, Claws +9 (1d4+5) 20/x2, Mwk bow +8 (1d8+5) 20x3, mwk Ci Katana (1d8+5) 18-20x2, Sap, bola's
Acrobatics +12, Bluff +16, Diplomacy +10, Disable Device +16, Intimidate +12, Perception +17 [Find Traps +19], Stealth +16, UMD +14
(257 posts)
Count Lucinean Galdana
Scarab Sages Castiel Graveclaw

AC 20(22)/19 (T 11/12, FF 19/17). HP 27/19, Fort +6/5, Ref +3/6, Will +7/4. Init +1, CMB 6/CMD 17, Speed 20ft/40ft
Mwk ci Scimitar +7 (1d6+4) 18-20/x2, Mwk ci Falcion +7 (2d4+6) 18-20/x2, Sling +3 (1d4+4) 20/x2, Allosaurus Bite +5 1d6+6 20x2, 2 Claws +5 1d4+6 20x2
Climb +8, Handle Animal +9, Knowledge (nature) +8, Knowledge (geo) +5, Perception +9, Spellcraft +6, Survival +11, Swim +4
(201 posts)
Liberty's Edge Delphine Tarrasquel

AC 19/23 (T 15, FF 14). HP 45/52, Fort +9/8, Ref +12/8, Will +8/4. Init +7, CMD/CMD 7/15, Speed 30ft/40ft
Fauchard +1 +8 1d10+5 18-20/x2, spiked gauntlet +7 1d4+3, sling +2 1d4+3 || AC Bite +11 1d8+6, 2 claws +10 1d6+6
Bluff +11, Diplomacy +14, Disguise +11, Fly +3, Handle Animal +15, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (all) +6, Knowledge Nobility +8, Perception +10, Spellcraft +8, Stealth +7, Use Magic Device +18
(250 posts)
The Jester
Sovereign Court Darius Skullcrusher

Half-orc Skald [2] Bloodrager [1] | HP 28 | AC 19 T 12 FF 17 | F +9 R +5 W +5 | CMB +5 CMD 17 | Init +3 Perc +4 | Move 30 ft
+1 Silversheen Nodachi +6 (1d10+5) 18-20/x2, CI Lucerne Hammer +5 (1d12+4) 20x3, Mwk Comp Longbow +5 (1d8+3), Scorp Whip 1d4+3
Acrobatics +4, Bluff +16, Diplo +9, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (dung, hist, nobility) +7, Knowledge (local) +9, Knowledge (other) +3, Perception +4, Perform (oratory) +9, Spellcraft +6, Sense motive +9, Use Magic Device +11
(330 posts)
Dark Archive Asuna Kaneda

Sorcerer 8 | AC 17/30 (T 13/11, FF 15/28). HP 42/52, Fort +5/10, Ref +6/10, Will +6/6. Init +12, CMB 0/11, CMD 13/23, Speed 30ft/30ft
Confusion (dc25)Suggestion (dc25) Hideous laughter (dc 24), Charm (dc 23), Snowball (5d6 cold) ranged touch +5, dc 20 or stagger, L Crossbow +5 1d8 | Ankylosaurus tail +12 2d6+15 dc21 fort or daze 1 rnd (1d4 stun on crit)
Bluff +22, Diplomacy +15, Handle Animal +12, Intimidate +14, Knowledge (arcana) +7, Knowledge (nature) +7, Linguistics +3, Perception -1/+15(+18 scent), Spellcraft +10, Use Magic Device +17
(300 posts)
Callous Rake
Liberty's Edge Captain Havok

AC 18 (T 12, FF 16). HP 12, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +1 Init +2, CMB 5/CMD 18, Speed 30ft
Unarmed Strike +5 (1d6+4) 20/x2, Heavy Spiked Shield +5 (1d6+4) 20/x2, Javelin +3 (1d6+4) 20/x2
Acrobatics +2, Intimidate +3, Knowledge (engineering) +4, Perception +5, Swim +4
(75 posts)
Krun Thuul
Grand Lodge Rengar Bloodfist

Half-Orc Barbarian 2 | HP 25 | AC 18 T 12 FF 16 | F +7 R +4 W +3 | CMB +6 CMD 18 | Init +2 Perc +6 | Move 30 ft
Mwk Silversheen Nodachi +7 (1d10+6) 18-20/x2, Bite +6 (1d4+4), Mwk Longbow +5 (1d8+4)
Acrobatics +3, Climb +8, Intimidate +5, Perception +6, Ride +5, Survival +5, Swim +5
(126 posts)

Sovereign Court Irelia d'Arrange
(0 posts)


Mistress Kayltanya
Angelica Isley

AC 20 (T 11, FF 19). HP 28, Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +8. Init +1, CMD/CMD 7/18, Speed 20ft
Mwk Nodachi +7 (1d10+9) 18-20/x2 [PA], Touch of corruption 1d6 neg energy 9x (also command fort dc 17)
Bluff +11, Diplomacy +10, Disguise +10, Intimidate +16, Knowledge (nobility) +5, Knowledge (religion) +6, Perception +3, Sense Motive +5, Stealth +6
(103 posts)

(0 posts)
Bogsy Ballbuster

AC 18 (T 14, FF 14). HP 11/11, Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +0. Init +4, CMB/CMD -1/13, Speed 30ft.
Acrobatics +7, Appraise +6, Climb +3, Disable Device +7, Escape Artist +7, Knowledge (local) +6, Perception +4, Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +17
(11 posts)
Breunor Brewmaster
(3 posts)
Winter-Touched Sprite
Calah Riptide

AC 22/28 (T 12, FF 20). HP 57/33, Fort +8/9, Ref +5/9, Will +11/3 (+4 sp/su abilities aquatic or water types and spells). Init +4, CMB 4/CMD 16, Speed 20ft/Swim 30ft
Mwk Scimtar +5, 1d6 18-20/x2, Quarterstaff +4, 1d6 20/x2, Sling +6 1d4 20/x2, Hydraulic Maneuver +11 bull rush/disarm/dirty trick(blind or dazzle)/trip | AC +9 1d6+7, 2x 1d4+7
Diplomacy +11, Fly +4, Handle Animal +11, Knowledge (geography) +7, Knowledge (nature) +9, Perception +14, Profession (cook) +9, Profession (sailor) +14, Sense Motive +13, Survival +13, Swim +16
(419 posts)
Chuffy Lickwound
Chuffy Licklots

Male Goblin AC 19 (T 15, FF 14). HP 11/11, Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +0. Init +4, CMB/CMD -1/13, Speed 30ft.
Acrobatics +7, Appraise +6, Climb +3, Disable Device +7, Escape Artist +7, Knowledge (local) +6, Perception +4, Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +15
(119 posts)
Callous Rake

AC 17 (T 12, FF 15). HP 32, Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +3. Init +2, CMB 7/CMD 19, Speed 30ft
Acrobatics +7, Bluff +5, Disable Device +11, Disguise +5, Intimidate +7(9), Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5, Knowledge (local) +5, Perception +7(10), Sense Motive +6, Sleight of Hand +6, Stealth +11
(33 posts)
Magma Dragon
Dark Archive Graxus

AC 27 (T 13, FF 24). HP 30, Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +1(+2 vs charm & compulsion). Init +5, CMB 8/CMD 21, Speed 40ft/Flight 40ft
Bite +8 1d6+4 20x2, +1 Silversheen Nodachi +7 1d10+13 18-20x2
Acrobatics +8, Diplomacy +5, Fly +14, Intimidate +6, Perception +14
(193 posts)
The Jester
Sovereign Court Harlequin the Jester

Half-orc Skald [6] Bloodrager [1] | HP 53 | AC 21 T 14 FF 21 | F +12 R +6 W +6 | CMB +10 CMD 24 | Init +10 Perc +8 | Move 20 ft
+11 Adamantine Furious Nodachi +1 (1d10+8 18-20/x2), +8 adaptive mwk darkwood comp bow (1d8+3 20/x3), cold iron lucerne hammer, spiked gauntlet, scorpion whip
Acrobatics +4, Bluff +7, Intimidate +15, Know (Arc+relig) +5, Know Local +11, Know (others) +9, Perception +8, Perform (sing) +14, Perform (wind instruments) +11, Spellcraft +6, Use Magic Device +17
(27 posts)
Queen Abrogail II
Irelia Surtova

Arcanist AC 12 (11FF, 11T) || HP 7, F +1, R +1, W +1, init +3 || CMB-2 CMD-9, Speed 30
Burning hands (dc 17 for half) 2d4 (If enhanced by arcane reservoir 4d4), Light crossbow +1 1d8
Knowledge (arcana) +9, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +9, Knowledge (history) +9, Knowledge (local) +9, Knowledge (religion) +9, Knowledge (planes) +9, Linguistics +9, Spellcraft +9
(65 posts)
Jaime Lionheart
(5 posts)
Pirate Queen
Jolly Roger's Alias

Arcanist 4 | AC 17 (T 13, FF 15). HP 27, Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +5. Init +2, CMB 0 CMD 12, Speed 30ft
Create Pit (dc16 or 2d6 dmg), Burning hands, Ear-piercing scream, Color Spray (dc15), Staff of Minor Arcana (10 charges) 4 magic missles 2 crg/8 min shield 1 crg, Prescience 6, Arcane Reservoir 5
Appraise +8, Knowledge (arcana) +11, Knowledge (all others) +8, Linguistics +9, Perception +1, Spellcraft +11, Use Magic Device +10
(73 posts)
Navi Titania

AC 24 (T 17, FF 17). HP 19, Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +2. Init +2, CMB 3/CMD 9, Speed 15ft/ Fly60ft (perfect)
Melee shortsword +3 (1d2-4/19-20), Ranged shortbow +10 (1d2-4) At will Detect evil, detect good, daze (DC 10) 1/day—color spray (DC 11)
Bluff +8, Craft Alch + 7, Diplomacy +8, Disable device +8, Escape Artist +11, Fly +17, Knowledge Local +7 Perception +12, Sense Motive +4, Sleight of hand +7, Stealth +23
(41 posts)
(85 posts)
Winter-Touched Sprite
Rachel Riptide

AC 22 (T 12, FF 20). HP 42, Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +10 (+4 sp/su abilities aquatic or water types and spells). Init +4, CMB 3/CMD 15, Speed 20ft/Swim 30ft
Mwk Scimtar +4, 1d6 18-20/x2, Quarterstaff +3, 1d6 20/x2, Sling +5 1d4 20/x2, Hydraulic Maneuver +9 bull rush/disarm/dirty trick(blind or dazzle)/trip
Diplomacy +10, Handle Animal +11, Knowledge (geography) +7, Knowledge (nature) +9, Perception +13, Profession (cook) +9, Profession (sailor) +13, Sense Motive +12, Survival +12
(139 posts)
Scarab Sages Reiko Swiftshadow

AC 17 (T 15, FF 12). HP 23, Fort +1, Ref +8, Will +2. Init +4, CMB/CMD 3/18, Speed 30f
+1 Wakazashi +8 (1d6+1/18-20, or mwk Kusarigama +4 (1d3/1d6), or shuriken +7 (1d2). Sneak attack +2d6
Acrobatics +11, Bluff +11, Climb +7, Disguise +11, Escape Artist +11, Knowledge (religion) +5, Perception +8, Sense Motive +8 (+13 to intercept secret messages), Sleight of Hand +11, Stealth +11, Use Magic Device +9
(70 posts)
Rizzen Tal'Ashar
(68 posts)
Arcadian Tribesman
Standing Bear

Shaman 3 || AC 17, FF 16, T 11 || HP 27 Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +6 || CMB +6 CMD +17 Movement 20
Mwk silver Earthbreaker +7 (2d6+6) 20x3, bola's +3 1d4+4 (10 ft range), Sling +3 1d4+4
Diplomacy +3, Knowledge (history) +4, Linguistics +5, Perception +9, Survival +8, Use Magic Device +4
(76 posts)
Jakaw Razorbeak
Sczarni Taicho-RK
(4 posts)
Sovereign Court Talathel "Tal" Darkariel

Male Void-Wizard 5 | AC 14(17 mage armor) T 13 FF 11 | HP 32/32 | F +2 R +4 W +4 | Init +9 | Perc +7/+12
Bluff +11, Diplomacy +14, Knowledge (arcana) +11, Knowledge (dung, planes) +10, Know (history, local, nobility, religion) +9, Linguistics +12, Perception +7, Spellcraft +13/15
(772 posts)
Wu Kong
(7 posts)
Mistress Kayltanya
Xerice Lockhart

AC 17 (T 10, FF 17). HP 39, Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +8. Init +0, CMB/CMD 6/16, Speed 20f
Mwk Scorpion Whip +6 (1d4+2) 20/x2 (disarm, trip+2, 15ft reach), Light Crossbow +2 1d8, Channel negative energy 3d6 dc 19 will
Bluff +10, Diplomacy +12, Knowledge (religion) +6, Sense Motive+7. Perception +3
(358 posts)
Yui Hirasawa

Witch 1 || AC 16/19 (T 14, FF 12). HP 8, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +1. Init +3, CMD/CMD -2/11, Speed 20 ft
Evil eye (dc 14), light crossbow +4 1d6 19-20x2
Diplomacy +7, Knowledge (arcana) +7, Knowledge (history) +7, Perception +3/+8, Spellcraft +7, Stealth +14/+19
(182 posts)