Tarquin-RK's page
341 posts. Organized Play character for Jolly Roger.
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
Damn she didn't have anything I could use. Had a lot of fun in this one Trex, thanks for running :). Thanks for noting that I would talk to the trade prince about the connections ;)
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
Tarquin heals himself a couple of times using a wand and looks over the equipment of the caster.
5 charges: 5d8 + 5 ⇒ (8, 2, 2, 6, 4) + 5 = 27
spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
"We need to hurry! those Riftwardens could come in at any time and we need to be gone by then."
Navi also helps the search for Jodinaj and zips along the corridor looking in rooms if she can fit through the keyhole or other cracks (diminuitive).
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
"Try and duck this one Oriander!"
Tarquin says and throws a bomb at the female wizard.
ranged touch: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 163d6 + 7 ⇒ (5, 2, 6) + 7 = 20
random hit: 1d6 ⇒ 1
Even if it doesn't hit, I guess it would land behind here and blow away some of those mirror images and force her to make a reflex or still get hit right?
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
"Fat chance!" Tarquin says and tosses a bomb at the man with the turqoise shirt.
ranged touch 10 splash on the other unless dc 15 reflex: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 243d6 + 7 ⇒ (6, 2, 5) + 7 = 20
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
Tarquin taps himself with a CLW wand and moves to join the others.1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
"Follow me" Tarquin says as he sniffs the air.
Beast morph gives me scent and flight speed whilst under effects of mutagen. Tarquin will try to track her with his scent if she goes out of sight.
survival + scent: 1d20 + 6 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 6 + 8 = 21
Tarquin moves up the stairs and follows her scent until she get's close enough to pinpoint.
perception + scent: 1d20 + 13 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 13 + 8 = 31
So erm, this is going to be slightly annoying but let me know how you want to work with it. I think noticing the direction is a move action but the pinpoint is free as soon as she is within 5 feet of Tarquin.
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
I could have moved further up due to haste, I thought I had moved enough and that the cloud was the woman. Couldn't I have walked up further and tossed the bomb anyway? Rather have her burned than intimidate ;)
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
Tarquin moves a little closer and tosses a bomb right in the square where the woman is supposed to be.
ranged touch bomb: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 253d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 6, 5) + 6 = 22
miss chance high is hit: 1d10 ⇒ 7
"You might as well surrender woman, you can't hide from us any longer."
intimidate if you allow it: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (18) + 17 = 35
With his tail Tarquin moves the potion he had into his hand (heroism, alchemical allocation should still be active so ^^)
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
I can just throw it from my current square as you can toss those things from a corner of your square. Due to his health I'll toss a couple of bombs to soften them up first :p
-Posted with Wayfinder
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
Tarquin tosses one of his bombs in the direction of the guard with the purple shirt. Burning him and singing his ally.
bomb, dc 16 reflex for second man or 10 dmg: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 213d6 + 7 ⇒ (6, 1, 4) + 7 = 18
"Focus on the daemon and looking for that invisible one. She should be around here somewhere."
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
Tarquin slowly opens his eye, and feeling his injuries, ejects a wand of clw from his wrist sheeth and taps his leg with it.
clw: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
Feeling a little better he stands up and moves around the corner. Looking down at the big hole in his chest he growls and in a low voice says to the others. "I'm afraid I'm out of the fight for a moment. Maybe I can support you from the rear with my concoctions and bombs."

AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
Note that Tarquin's ac is currently 25 with all the buffs going, grappled condition reduces it by two though
Tarquin roars at the multiarmed devil in a gutteral tongue and starts to tear the creature up with his fangs and claws.
bite: 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 9 + 1 = 121d8 + 13 + 1d6 ⇒ (5) + 13 + (4) = 22
hasted bite: 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 9 + 1 = 221d8 + 13 + 1d6 ⇒ (8) + 13 + (2) = 23
claw: 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 9 + 1 = 221d6 + 13 + 1d6 ⇒ (6) + 13 + (2) = 21
claw: 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 9 + 1 = 271d6 + 13 + 1d6 ⇒ (6) + 13 + (5) = 24
Unless it dies due to the arrows, in that case Tarquin will continue on to the hairy one, but will use his tail to get his silver morningstar out of his belt using his tail as a swift (so no arcane strike), assuming it is a devil due to the infernal speaking. He can grab it with both hands as a free action and slam it twice in his full attack, biting once as a secondary attack. Unless you rule that he can't draw a weapon with the tail (it isn't specified), in that case just full on claw and fang fest.
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
Of course! Base is +5 due to 20 str, Mutagen gives +2 due to str increase, power attack gives +4, arcane strike gives another +2. Hmm I thought I had another +2 for sure. I calculated it some time ago to be sure because of the various bonuses. Maybe that was from Heroism but I have not used it this battle yet.. Terribly sorry for the confusion it seems the total should be +13 per attack, not +15. It has been some time since I did all the calculations, But I will change it in my status bar to avoid confusion.

AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
Tarquin has resist fire 5, I guess that will reduce the damage from the fire so he only suffered 3 dmg ;). Second d6's is acid damage to which it is probably resistant?
Tarquin passes the potion back to his tail and attacks the large creature in front of him with all his might while roaring loudly in response. He bites and claws incredibly fast to damage the large ape.
bite: 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 9 + 1 = 301d8 + 15 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + 15 + (6) = 25
confirm bite: 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 9 + 1 = 271d8 + 15 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + 15 + (4) = 21
hasted bite: 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 9 + 1 = 201d8 + 15 + 1d6 ⇒ (6) + 15 + (6) = 27
claws: 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 9 + 1 = 211d6 + 15 + 1d6 ⇒ (3) + 15 + (5) = 23
claws: 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 9 + 1 = 281d6 + 15 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + 15 + (1) = 18
aoo bite previous round: 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 9 + 1 = 201d8 + 15 + 1d6 ⇒ (7) + 15 + (6) = 28
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
"Sure, speed me up."
I can just buy them again since I got them from a chronicle and it was unlimited. Otherwise easy shield pots for 50 a pop in move actions. When I have the cash, poisoners gloves on my familiar that uses it on me ^^.
-Posted with Wayfinder

AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
"Now this looks to be a challenge. Let's see what it can do!"
Tarquin almost charges forward but stops at the last moment as he looks at his allies and realizes they would not be able to keep up with him should he need assistance.
Instead he grins and indicates the creature should come to him with his finger while he steps around the corner and imbibes an extract, shoots a medlance from his wrist and uses it on himself, meanwhile his pointed tail retrieves an iron flask from his bandolier and passes it to his other hand.
Swallow alchemical allocation extract as standard and shield extract through medlance as a move action. Using tail to retrieve potion of heroism and pass it to my free hand so I can imbibe it next round as a move action. Don't think the creature can charge us now right as I am behind the corner and there is a set of stairs in between. AC is now 24.
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
Tarquin swallows one of his extracts and suddenly moves with great speed. He runs up to the intersection and waits there for any further action.
Expeditious retreat potion. Still under the effect of mutagen, so ac is 21 atm
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
Tarquin stands still a moment to study the aura.
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
"A weird trap to be sure. Best be careful for any others. And if everyone could try to be as silent as possible, we might have surprise on our side." Tarquin says and sends Navi up ahead again to scout.
stealth Navi: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (6) + 23 = 29
perception Navi: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27
perception Tarquin +2 in case of traps: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (15) + 13 = 28
taking 10 for stealth which comes up to a 11 I think. Again detect evil on Navi and detect magic on Tarquin.
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
Tarquin uses his wayfinder to see magical auras (detect magic) and keeps an open eye for any traps nearby. Navi does the same and is detecting evil auras at the same time while stealthily flying around.
perception Tarquin: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (6) + 15 = 21
perception Navi: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32
taking 10 on stealth for Navi for 33
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
"Navi can fly around in a moment and find Kargen and Oriandor for us. She knows which direction I am so she drag them back to us. Let's start with scouting the compound." Tarquin agrees.
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
Do we actually know the answer to this?
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
"Pfft they asked for it."
-Posted with Wayfinder
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
I'm fine with leaving my weapons up there for now. Hardly use em anyway :P
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
"Fine." Tarquin says and beats and claws at the guard while trying to pull his punches.
bite: 1d20 + 9 - 4 ⇒ (20) + 9 - 4 = 251d8 + 15 + 1d6 ⇒ (6) + 15 + (2) = 23
bite confirm: 1d20 + 9 - 4 ⇒ (17) + 9 - 4 = 221d8 + 15 + 1d6 ⇒ (7) + 15 + (3) = 25
claw: 1d20 + 9 - 4 ⇒ (1) + 9 - 4 = 61d6 + 15 + 1d6 ⇒ (6) + 15 + (2) = 23
claw: 1d20 + 9 - 4 ⇒ (2) + 9 - 4 = 71d6 + 15 + 1d6 ⇒ (1) + 15 + (6) = 22
-4 for nonlethal attacks
His claws miss, but he manages to give a mighty headbut against the legionaire.
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
"You cut him down, you stabilize him." Tarquin says and moves to join the other fight.
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
Tarquin moves in and calls out to Baal. "Move over boy, I'll take that one!"
Not sure I can get this call out in time for Baal to 5 ft step so I can still attack and avoid a hard corner
Tarquin moves in and bites the poor man that is still there.
bite: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11
Nm missing anyway. Maybe next round if he isn't dead by then :P.
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
With my tail I can draw it as a swift action^^. But you are right of course. Apoligies.
-Posted with Wayfinder
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
Tarquin swallows his mutagen and uses a special contraption to quickly inject another potion.
Using medlance to use shield as a move action and swallowing mutagen as a standard. AC is now 24
After Tarquin swallowed a concoction a change comes over him and he morphs into a creature more demonic than he is. He grows a pair of bat wings and sharp claws while bony ridges form over his body.
"Ah that's better, some excitement. Take him outside, I'll take care of those two."
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
Tarquin has all his pots and alchemical stuff with him as well.
Tarquin crosses his arms and stands there waiting for something to happen.
"Look Maroc, just tell us what you know about Jahani and where we can find her."
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
"Same here mate. It's for your own safety. Can't have some curious kid open the wrong vial and hurt himself. I'll leave my weapons though." Tarquin says and drops his morningstars off.
bombs stay on him.
-Posted with Wayfinder
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
Tarquin tosses the coin at the counter and accepts the towel.
"Bit of a waste of time but meh."
-Posted with Wayfinder
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
Tarquin makes a mental note to talk business with Jahani after everything if done.
At the Sook Tarquin crouches at the space that was recently occupied to study the immediate area.
perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
Tarquin takes his time going through the paperwork, the desk, the basket of cushions, even so far as the ashes in the brazier if something remains that could clue them in. Navi likewise flies around commenting on this and that.
want to take 20 here if possible for a 33. Tarquin prefers to be thorough here.
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
"I want to have a look in her office first. There might be some information or clues there that we could need. Before we start running around in the streets again like a bunch of headless chickens." Tarquin complains and still waits for Akhina to give them permission.
Really playing that low charisma here :P
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
"Mind if we take a look around there then? Might find a clue as to her whereabouts or her link to Maroc."
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
"Yes, glad to see you all see wisdom in following MY suggestion. If only you could come to the same conclusion as me sooner, we wouldn't have wasted precious time." Tarquin sighs and heads to the riftwardens location which he derived from a local just a moment before.
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
"Let's start with meeting up with the majordomo of the Riftwardens' leader Jahani. He is expecting us and he might be able to offer some intelligence concerning our assignment and the city." Tarquin suggests and asks someone nearby for the way there.
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
Crazy and a follower of Asmodeus.. .figures
Tarquin has nothing of the like with or on him and he scoffs at the guards suggestion he might have anything on him.
-Posted with Wayfinder
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
Tarquin accepts the items from Obo. "Thanks, I think we have all the information we need. Let's get crackin' folks."
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
"Any idea what we could come across over there? Are we talking demons that could have stuck it to those riftwardens? Or are there other parties at play here. Also if you could tell us where or how to find Eando...He might have taken a different name. Can you tell us how he looks or looked? Perhaps some hobbies he has if we really need to track him down?" Tarquin asks as he starts shoving a pear in his mouth and sticking another in his pocket.
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
"He he, I think I'm gonna like that place."
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
"What can you tell us of our destination. Do we have to go in disguise or are Pathfinders accepted there?"
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
Slapping himself in the forehead then slowly sliding his clawed hands over his face Tarquin moans "Infernal hells, not another crazy one. I just came from an assignment with someone who believed he was Aroden the dead god. The society really lowered their standards lately."
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
PFS #: 119407-1
Faction: The Exchange
Day Job: craft alchemy: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (19) + 21 = 40
Initiative: +2
Perception: +13(15 traps) / +13 for familiar (Navi)
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
A burly tiefling walks in. He's equipped with a set of bandoliers, stacked with various amounts of vials in many shapes and sizes.
"Greetings everyone. Tarquin's the name, alchemist is the game, he he."
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
Wierd that the storyline continues in a scenario with 1-5 tiers while this is higher...