I've been running an in-person game with the new rules since the new PHB came out and have been incorporating the new DMG/Monster stat blocks/MM as they have come available, but would welcome an opportunity to see it from the player side.
Question for you, since this game is using OSE as it's base, are you considering use of any of the add-ons for OSE (such as Old School Essentials Advanced Fantasy)? If so, I would be interested in the Ranger or the Druid.
I have not played Pathfinder 2E as of yet (neither original nor remastered), but would be very interested in learning. I have play a lot of 1E and many other editions and RPGs.
As for the votes:
1E Updated: I would vote Tyrant's Grasp simply because it is the one of the options listed that I have not played in any form to date.
2E: Kingmaker is my leaning, but a lot of that is my lack of knowledge about the other offered options. If I were to put in a write in candidate, it would be Stolen Fate, but that's just because I've always been a sucker for the Harrow.
V:tM leans heavy towards intrigue. I don't think my brain could hold another epic like this.
Although if it were more railroad? I could join with whatever you need. Always the (un)cola... I'll play an atypical member of just about any clan.
I do lean toward Ventrue. But if might be fun to try another clan.
The game in question does have a number different threads to pull at with varying degrees of intrigue, nothing as high powered as this game, but is certainly not a railroad - or at least I don't think it is, Shadow may tell you otherwise ;)
Oh, I still play D&D too (and have since the early 80s).
I play in one 3.5/Pathfinder game here on the boards and am about to start running a new Pathfinder game, first time in a long time (probably a good 3 to 4 years since i did so).
Stopped playing Pathfinder 1e a while back (save for the Kingmaker game I run on these boards) in favor of the simplicity of 5e (reminds me more of the "old days" with the exception of the game being less deadly).
Haven't played Pathfinder 2e yet but would like to give it a try sometime to see how it is if nothing else.
Let's see other games that I have/currently play either here or face to face: The other WoD games, the Chronicles of Darkness games, Fallout (Modiphius 2d20 system), Call of Cthulu, Old School Essentials, Dungeon Crawl Classics, Shadowdark, Cyberpunk RED, Stormbringer, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas and Superspies, RIFTS, Shadowrun, d20 Star Wars, Scion (Hero and Demi-God), and the Trinity Continuum games.
Probably a few others in there that I've missed, but yeah, I'm a geek.
Thanks to the both of you -- I have a lot of time this summer. Only a week and a half until my grad school class starts. I'll get through the rules....I hope and it looks like the both of you have a good handle on them if I get confused.
I have been playing since 1993 and I believe Talomyr for just as long.
There is somewhere around 60 years of Vampire the Masquerade experience between the 2 of us so you're in good hands :-)
I've actually got you by a couple of years. Started playing with the 1st edition softback book in 1991. [Yes feyriel, I'm old ;)]
Heh, looking back, it was actually 1992, I first played a Werewolf in a Vampire Campaign as the ST wanted the Werewolf book, but had no money so I bought it, he borrowed it and I got to play a Red Talon. You indeed, still have me beat though :-) In 1991, I was still playing D&D.
Oh, I still play D&D too (and have since the early 80s).
Grizzled, arrogant, loyal woth a low Con. Thinking an older rogue with a drinking problem (accounting for the low Con) and not doing a damned thing about (accounting for the low Int).
welcome all!! Just waiting to see what kind of characters Obermind has waiting for us!! WHile anything for me would be cool...If I had a choice I think I would take an elf!!
I think in the recruitment thread he was looking for a thief, fighter, and halfling.
Grim is perfectly fine, as DM/GM/Storyteller/Keeper (whatever you want to call the individual running the game) I tend to drift that direction myself.
A touch of humor is not a bad think, but I share your distaste for the overly whimsical/comedy relief characters unless that is the agreed upon tone of the game and everyone is participating in the antics.
I'd be interested, particularly in the thief (pending on the stated confirmation of another potential player). If the thief is not available, I would prioritize the fighter over the halfling.
I have the OSE books, so I'm familiar with the system even if I have yet to actually play it.
I've been playing RPGs since the early 80's and have certainly played The Keep on the Borderlands before, but it's been thirty years give or take, so I'm sure it will all seem fresh again.
As a player, I try to blend into the style of the game presented and am not a fan of PvP scenarios in general, but can deal with it if is meant to drive a plot point and not the focus of the whole game.
If it's RP heavy - I'm happy to do that. Hack-n-slash is fine too, but find that PbP is a poor medium for that sort of game.
Would definitely be interested if this wound up going the Modiphius 2d20 system direction.
I never got the Mophidus edition, unfortunately. I was focused on getting Shadowrun and not Conan at the time.
Bummer, and now it's expensive on eBay since Modiphius stopped printing it with the loss of the license. I was fortunate enough to pick up the whole line super cheap on DriveThruRPG just before the license expired.
If that is the direction everyone wants to go, I suppose I could do that, but it would not be my preference...
Then again, with my penchant for all things blood magic, I could see an Abyss Mystic. (I kid...still would like to continue Lorenzo's bloodline if there is an in-story reason for him to want to embrace.)
That being said, if you were to leave it to me what clan I would choose for you to play, I'd probably pick Lasombra.
What a shock...a guy who calls himself Shadow picks the Lasombra. ;)
LOL, well there's a specific reason why I would choose Lasombra for the next chronicle (I played a female Lasombra, probably my favorite run with a Vampire PC in the scenario) but yes they are probably the Clan that I prefer the most of the 13 though I did play a True Brujah in a game that Ranerius ran on the boards and had a blast with that!
Pretty sure that's the same game I was playing a Kiasyd.
1e and 2e are pretty close to the same thing in terms of play and running the game. 2e was really just a means to get Gygax's name off of the books for TSR.
The only one of those that I haven't played is Hackmaster.
My 2 cp? I would prefer 5e followed by either 1e/2e.
I must admit, a more traditional version of the T1-4 (Village of Hommlet / The Temple of Elemental Evil) is appealing and likely difficult enough without all of the extra hinderances.
Side note: Goodman Games did a conversion/expansion of ToEE as part of their Original Adventures Reincarnated series.
Minor Mental d100[+1 to a stat, A free skill/tool/language Profiency]
Obession with Food - Resultant from time in the Feywild. Food in this realm just never seems to hit the spot the same way and he is constantly looking for something to match the food from the Feywild.
Feymark: Your eyes swirl with iridescent colors.
Feywild Visitor: Pixie
Personality Traits: I live by my own set of weird and wonderful rules.
Ideals: Changeability. Change is good, which is why I live by an ever-changing set of rules.
Bonds: I'm drawn to the Feywild and long to return there, if only for a short while.
Flaws: I'm always changing my mind-well, almost always
Hello! Still interested although I'm going to think on what I'd like to do a bit more. Being an elf isn't a problem, as I was likely going that direction anyway.
Without Ultimate Magic being availble my first thought of "reskinning" that class to make a Bladesinger is out.
Still may look that direction with a Wizard/Warrior-of-some-sort multi-class. EDIT: Could also look at an Arcane Duelist Bard.
About me: I run three pbp games here [Kingmaker - PF1, The Lost City - 5E, and Chicago by Night - V:tM 5th ed] and play in three others at the moment, outside of my weekly face to face game that has been ongoing for many years.
I don't believe I've had the pleasure of being in a game with most of you, save our illustrious DM and AdamWarnock.
The character (A human Steel Hound Investigator) is mostly together and will be completed in next day or two.
I look forward to getting to know those of you whom I haven't met yet, get reacquainted with those of you I do know, and joining the game in the near future.
I'm starting with Auspex 3, but don't really consider myself a specialist - if that influences your choice at all. I don't think I've heard anyone say anything about a more physical type like I'm imagining that mage slayer concept is.
There's nothing in the book that differentiates between a path and a discipline in terms of freebies, but again, I'm not the ST.
Cleric (Philosopher of Celestial Circumstance) 1
About Chkaia Linthel
Chkaia Linthel
Male Tengu Cleric 1
N medium humanoid (tengu)
Init +3, Senses low-light vision; Perception +5
Aura ?
DEFENSES AC 17, flat-footed 14, touch 13 (armor +4, Dex +3)
hp 8 (1d8-1+1 favored)
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +5
OFFENSE Speed 20 ft (encumbered)
Melee temple sword +1 (1d8+1, crit. 19-20/x2) or bite +1 (1d3+1, crit. 20/x2)
Full Attack 2 temple swords -3/-3 (1d8+1, 1d8 crit. 19-20/x2) and bite -4 (1d3, crit. 20/x2)
Special Attacks channel positive energy (1d6, 5/day, DC 14)
Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st)
6/day - touch of glory, hand of the acolyte
Cleric Spells Typically Prepared (CL 1st)
1st - divine favor, identify (D), shield of faith
0 (at will) - detect poison, guidance, purify food and drink D Domain spell; Domains Glory, Magic
STATISTICS Str 12, Con 8, Dex 16, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 14
Base Atk +0, CMB +1 (trip), CMD 14
Feats Two Weapon Fighting
Skills Diplomacy +7, Heal +7, Knowledge (nobility) +5, Perception +5, Sense Motive +4, Stealth +2; Racial Bonuses Perception +2, Stealth +2; Medium Load Skill Check Penalty -3
Traits Adopted (World Traveler), Ease of Faith
Languages Tengu, Tien, Vudrani
Temple Sword (2), Leather Lamellar, Silken Ceremonial Robes with Haramaki, Holy Symbol, backpack, beltpouch, bedroll, flint and steel, two sunrods, ten days trail rations, 50 feet hempen rope, waterskin, 1 gp
FEATS AND SPECIAL ABILITIES Gifted Linguist (Ex) As a Tengu, Chkaia has a +4 racial bonus on Linguistics checks, and learns two languages for each rank in Linguistics instead of a single language.
Hand of the Acolyte (Su) Chkaia can telekinetically strike with a melee weapon at a distance of up to 30 ft. This attack uses Wisdom instead of Dexterity, with damage based on Strength. Chkaia can use this ability 6 times per day.
Natural Weapon (Ex) Chkaia has a natural bite attack that deals 1d3 damage as a secondary attack.
Sneaky (Ex) As a Tengu, Chkaia has a +2 racial bonus on Perception and Stealth.
Swordtrained (Ex) As a Tengu, Chkaia is proficient with swordlike weapons.
Touch of Glory (Sp) With a light of divine radiance, Chkaia can touch an ally to grant a +1 bonus on a single Charisma-based skill check or Charisma ability check. Chkaia can use this ability 6 times per day.
Two Weapon Fighting (Feat) Chkaia can wield two weapons, one in each hand, with reduced penalties, based on their weight and wield. With two temple swords, Chkaia can attack with a -4 penalty.