EltonJ |

It is 652 DR. Cormanthor, the old kingdom of the Elves, is in decline. It was once the most powerful elven realm in Faerun. However, it is in decline. The elves have gotten used to their army being the most powerful. They have grown complacent.
Little do they know that evil is stirring. An army of Darkness, made up of orcs, goblins, hobgoblins, bugbears, and worse is forming. Led by powerful personages, the army of darkness threatens Cormanthor. Worse still than the human Dalesman settlers, this army hails from the Moonsea.
Back in the Present (1367 DR), Elminster the Sage is learned of this time but so much was lost. He asks for some adventurers to go back in time to the decline of Cormanthor and find a way to stop the Army of Darkness before it causes the fall of Cormanthor and Myth Drannor. He will send you back by a spell he got from Raistlin the Black of Krynn -- Timereaver. (See Dragonlance Adventures page 38 for details).
The primary mission -- Grab some precious artifacts of that time before they are lost. The secondary mission -- stop or slow down the Army of Darkness.
Welcome to the Ancient Ages of Faerun!
In this campaign, you will slow down the decline of Cormanthor and Myth Drannor. All empires fall, unfortunately. But five adventurers are needed to go back in time to stall the fall of Myth Drannor. Just enough to either stop the army of darkness or to grab some artifacts before it is lost.
System Used
Pathfinder 1st Edition. simple enough. Books used include: The Pathfinder Core Rulebook, the Advanced Race Guide, and the Advanced Player's Guide. We will also use the following player companions: Blood of Fiends and Blood of Angels. You will also need the Forgotten Realms campaign set for AD&D 1st edition. We will not use 3rd party materials.
Character Creation Summary
You all get 25 points to buy your characters' stats. You may choose any race from the Core Rules nominally. However, I will consider races outside the Core Rules if the concept is interesting enough. Also, no evil Alignments. Ideally you will all be elves. However that's not possible, so Elminster will have some cloaks ready for you to take on an elven facade.
Character Level
You will create characters of fifth level. You are crack commando adventurers, willing to go back in time to stop an evil menace that threatens elven civilization.
A note about elves
As you know, there are about five subraces of elves in Faerun. Sun elves, Moon elves, Wood elves, Grugach (Wild Elves), and Drow. The Core Rule elf represent the Moon elf subrace. The others (excluding Drow) will have to be built using the ARG. Also, try to use Quenya or Sindarin names for your elves -- the names of the NPCs in Fall of Myth Drannor are confusing at first glance.
Why the Forgotten Realms?
It's one of D&D's best settings. The others being Dragonlance and Eberron. Developed first by Ed Greenwood, and then developed by many others, the Forgotten Realms is a shared world that has potential for many different kinds games. Although Golorion is motley enough as a world setting (I wanted to do a game set in Cheliax), the Forgotten Realms is richer in content and tradition. There has been many computer games set in the Forgotten Realms. And not to mention, many gaming products from the 1990s and 2000s. The world system is also well known to many who game.
About Me
After having some false starts, I currently run three games here as play-by-post. One set in Rifts using Savage Worlds; one set in Eberron, and one set in Legend of the Five Rings. I also run many games online. Rifts, Shadowrun, and Warhammer FRP (which is happening tonight of the time of this writing). I game because it's fun.
I chose the Arcane Age supplement (Fall of Myth Drannor) because you might be able to change history. And there is a chance for heroics.
Ideally, everyone post at least once everyday and once on weekends. I'll try to do the same. :) The campaign is projected to last at least a year of Play-by-Post.
I will select the players on the 10th of November. That should be enough time for you to create interesting backgrounds for your characters.
Thanks for reading, and I'll see you on the flip side.

Talomyr |

Hello! Still interested although I'm going to think on what I'd like to do a bit more. Being an elf isn't a problem, as I was likely going that direction anyway.
Without Ultimate Magic being availble my first thought of "reskinning" that class to make a Bladesinger is out.
Still may look that direction with a Wizard/Warrior-of-some-sort multi-class. EDIT: Could also look at an Arcane Duelist Bard.
About me: I run three pbp games here [Kingmaker - PF1, The Lost City - 5E, and Chicago by Night - V:tM 5th ed] and play in three others at the moment, outside of my weekly face to face game that has been ongoing for many years.

Gerard Nisroc |

Gerard Nisroc wrote:So no high Charisma Half-Orc Unchained Rogue/Paladin (with archetypes)?It can work, as long as you have an interesting backstory.
Backstory is my jam!
I was worried about the books limitation.
Archetypes, Unchained Classes, uRogue's Finesse Training, possibly some feats (Accomplished Sneak Attacker), etc...

EltonJ |

EltonJ wrote:Gerard Nisroc wrote:So no high Charisma Half-Orc Unchained Rogue/Paladin (with archetypes)?It can work, as long as you have an interesting backstory.Backstory is my jam!
I was worried about the books limitation.
Archetypes, Unchained Classes, uRogue's Finesse Training, possibly some feats (Accomplished Sneak Attacker), etc...
I wanted to make sure that people don't go to overboard with their concepts. :)

Gerard Nisroc |

Gerard Nisroc wrote:I wanted to make sure that people don't go to overboard with their concepts. :)EltonJ wrote:Gerard Nisroc wrote:So no high Charisma Half-Orc Unchained Rogue/Paladin (with archetypes)?It can work, as long as you have an interesting backstory.Backstory is my jam!
I was worried about the books limitation.
Archetypes, Unchained Classes, uRogue's Finesse Training, possibly some feats (Accomplished Sneak Attacker), etc...
My aim is typically to create effective, not overpowered. I actually end up being non-optimized (min-max) because of the well-roundedness.
And, although I mix things up it all typically comes together cohesively. But, you'll have to be the judge of that.
I'll get to crackin'!
EDIT: Background Skills, Traits, World is Square/Elephant in the Room, etc...? Max HP Level 1, then half+1 or roll?

EltonJ |

EltonJ wrote:I wanted to make sure that people don't go to overboard with their concepts. :)Just so I'm clear, is this you saying you are comfortable expanding the sources available, provided the backstory is strong enough?
Yes. That's what I'm saying.
My aim is typically to create effective, not overpowered. I actually end up being non-optimized (min-max) because of the well-roundedness.
And, although I mix things up it all typically comes together cohesively. But, you'll have to be the judge of that.
I'll get to crackin'!
EDIT: Background Skills, Traits, World is Square/Elephant in the Room, etc...? Max HP Level 1, then half+1 or roll?
Background skills are a thing, 2 traits. No Elephant in the Room. Max HP level 1, then average for the other four levels.

![]() |

I placed this in the other thread but here is my submission:
Kemian Brightwhisper
Male elf cleric of Corelon Larethian 1
CG Medium humanoid (elf)
Init 4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +5
AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort 2, Ref 2, Will 4; +2 vs. enchantments, +2 trait bonus vs. fear and death effects
Immune sleep
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee longsword +0 (1d8 S/19+)
Ranged shortbow +2 (1d6 P/×3)
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +3)
. . 1st—faerie fire[D], protection from evil, ray of sickening[UM] (DC 13)
. . 0 (at will)—guidance (at will), read magic (at will), stabilize (at will)
. . D Domain spell; Domains Sun (Light[APG] subdomain), Magic
Str 10, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 17, Wis 15, Cha 11
Base Atk +0; CMB 0; CMD 12
Feats Combat Casting
Traits reactionary, reincarnated
Skills Acrobatics -4 (-8 to jump), Craft (weapons) +5, Knowledge (arcana) +7, Knowledge (religion) +7, Perception +5, Spellcraft +7 (+9 to identify magic item properties); Racial Modifiers +2 Perception, +2 Spellcraft to identify magic item properties
Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Elven, Orc
Other Gear studded leather, longsword, shortbow, arrows (20), backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, candle (10), flint and steel, hemp rope (50 ft.), holy text[UE], mess kit[UE], pot, soap, spell component pouch, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, wooden holy symbol
Special Abilities
Blinding Flash (1 rds, 5/day, DC 12) (Su) Creatures within 20' are dazzled. Those with fewer HD than your Cleric level must save or be blinded for 1d4r.
Cleric Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (3/day, DC 10) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect.
Cleric Domain (Light)
Cleric Domain (Magic)
Combat Casting +4 to Concentration checks to cast while on the defensive.
Elven Immunities - Sleep
Elven Magic +2 to spellcraft checks to determine the properties of a magic item.
Hand of the Acolyte (5/day) (Su) As a standard action, melee weapon strikes at foe in 30 ft. Use Wis for att bonus instead of Str.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Kemian Brightwhisper is a young Moon elf who has a great devotion to the Father/Mother of the Elven People, Correlon Laranthian. Since elves do not truly die when they meet their earthly end and are reincarnated, Kemain's time to be reborn took place a century ago. He is the reincarnation of one of Correlon's priest who died a 1000 years ago defending a village of green elves from a group of attacking drow who had come to the surface looking for slaves and sacrifices to the Spider Queen. Being a cleric of their hated foe, he would have been a welcome prize for the Spider Queen. Unfortunately, they struck him with enough force to kill him before he could be sacrificed. His goal in life is to remake elven magical items (swords, magical armor) and to aid the elven people when possible.

EltonJ |

Kemian Brightwhisper is a young Moon elf who has a great devotion to the Father/Mother of the Elven People, Correlon Laranthian. Since elves do not truly die when they meet their earthly end and are reincarnated, Kemain's time to be reborn took place a century ago. He is the reincarnation of one of Correlon's priest who died a 1000 years ago defending a village of green elves from a group of attacking drow who had come to the surface looking for slaves and sacrifices to the Spider Queen. Being a cleric of their hated foe, he would have been a welcome prize for the Spider Queen. Unfortunately, they struck him with enough force to kill him before he could be sacrificed. His goal in life is to remake elven magical items (swords, magical armor) and to aid the elven people when possible.
Sounds great for a character. He's got to be fifth level, remember?

Gerard Nisroc |

How many levels do you intend/expect to play through? Levels 5-9 maybe?
Sometimes I can't fit everything I've imagined the character to be at a particular level, so I'm tying to devise a natural progression for character development or growth.
I think it effects multi-classing a bit more, as one might want to reach a certain milestone in a particular class to really feel "whole." I guess because you split the levels, those lover levels (in each class) seem further way.
How will they evolve to express their potential, sorta thing.

EltonJ |

How many levels do you intend/expect to play through? Levels 5-9 maybe?
Sometimes I can't fit everything I've imagined the character to be at a particular level, so I'm tying to devise a natural progression for character development or growth.
I think it effects multi-classing a bit more, as one might want to reach a certain milestone in a particular class to really feel "whole." I guess because you split the levels, those lover levels (in each class) seem further way.
How will they evolve to express their potential, sorta thing.
Up to level 10.

Gerard Nisroc |

It's just a Google Doc with Public Viewer permissions.
I used the generic they/their... but, curious if there would be a preference or logical argument for male vs female character.
Just thinking that female might be "thinner/narrower" and more easily jive with a Dex/Cha based character. Ability scores would remain the same.

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Kemian Brightwhisper
Male elf cleric of Corelon Larethian 3/evoker 2
CG Medium humanoid (elf)
Init 5; Senses low-light vision; Perception +9
AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 30 (5 HD; 2d6+3d8+3)
Fort 3, Ref 4, Will 8; +2 vs. enchantments, +2 trait bonus vs. fear and death effects
Immune sleep
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee longsword +3 (1d8 S/19+)
Ranged shortbow +6 (1d6 P/×3)
Arcane School Spell-Like Abilities (CL 2nd; concentration +6)
. . 7/day—force missile (1d4+1)
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 3rd; concentration +5)
. . 2nd—cure moderate wounds, heat metal[D] (DC 14), resist energy
. . 1st—celestial healing, faerie fire[D], protection from evil, ray of sickening[UM] (DC 13)
. . 0 (at will)—create water (at will), guidance (at will), read magic (at will), stabilize (at will)
. . D Domain spell; Domains Sun (Light[APG] subdomain), Magic
Evoker Spells Prepared (CL 2nd; concentration +6)
. . 1st—mage armor, magic missile, magic missile, shield
. . 0 (at will)—daze (at will) (DC 14), detect magic (at will), disrupt undead (at will)
. . Opposition Schools Necromancy, Transmutation
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 19, Wis 15, Cha 11
Base Atk +3; CMB 3; CMD 16
Feats Combat Casting, Craft Magic Arms & Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, Scribe Scroll
Traits reactionary, reincarnated
Skills Acrobatics -3 (-7 to jump), Appraise +8, Craft (weapons) +10, Diplomacy +5, Heal +6, Knowledge (arcana) +11, Knowledge (history) +9, Knowledge (religion) +12, Perception +9, Spellcraft +12 (+14 to identify magic item properties); Racial Modifiers +2 Perception, +2 Spellcraft to identify magic item properties
Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Elven, Gnome, Orc
Other Gear studded leather, longsword, shortbow, arrows (20), backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, candle (10), flint and steel, hemp rope (50 ft.), holy text[UE], mess kit[UE], pot, soap, spell component pouch, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, wizard starting spellbook, wooden holy symbol
Special Abilities
Blinding Flash (3 rds, 5/day, DC 13) (Su) Creatures within 20' are dazzled. Those with fewer HD than your Cleric level must save or be blinded for 1d4r.
Cleric Channel Positive Energy 2d6 (3/day, DC 11) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect.
Cleric Domain (Light)
Cleric Domain (Magic)
Combat Casting +4 to Concentration checks to cast while on the defensive.
Elven Immunities - Sleep
Elven Magic +2 to spellcraft checks to determine the properties of a magic item.
Force Missile (1d4+1, 7/day) (Sp) As a standard action, magic missile strikes a foe.
Hand of the Acolyte (5/day) (Su) As a standard action, melee weapon strikes at foe in 30 ft. Use Wis for att bonus instead of Str.
Intense Spells (+1 damage) (Su) Evocation spells deal listed extra damage.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
I figure that since faith and magic are so much a part of elven culture when it comes to worship of Correlon he could work towards becoming a mystic theurge.

LDDragon |

EltonJ |

Calardanion Hadron
An elven bard oracle, who follows Deneir. Scholar and musician, he collects tales of history through songs and poems, and also reads a lot, while keeping in good shape with archery and use of a variety of melee weapons.
I didn't see anything wrong with your sheet. Kudos for making the feats, class features, and traits organized.

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Definitely interested! I have an idea for a moon elf. He came from a family with a long and storied line of forebearers who wielded a moonblade. He trained his whole life to wield that blade, learning to couple swordplay with spellcasting as a Spelldancer and possible Spire Defender. When he came of age, he tried to claim the family heirloom for himself only to be rejected by the blade. He left his family and became an itinerant adventurer. I thought it would be interesting for such a character to go back in time and be confronted by the same moonblade only to be accepted; discovering that he had been initially rejected because he had already been a wielder, perhaps even the first to wield the blade.
This would be a magus, if you're amenable to allowing Ultimate Magic.
Have you considered allowing, or requiring, Regional Feats from the 3rd Ed. Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting and/or the 3.5 Player's Guide to the Forgotten Realms?

LDDragon |

LDDragon wrote:I didn't see anything wrong with your sheet. Kudos for making the feats, class features, and traits organized.Calardanion Hadron
An elven bard oracle, who follows Deneir. Scholar and musician, he collects tales of history through songs and poems, and also reads a lot, while keeping in good shape with archery and use of a variety of melee weapons.
Awesome, thanks!!!
I might keep tweaking things a bit until the deadline, but mostly done.
Also just realized that some things are not from the core rulebook or advanced players guide, like the tetsubo.
Is it okay as it is, or would you prefer that I change things to be within the guidelines? I am fine either way.
Excited for the game!

EltonJ |

Definitely interested! I have an idea for a moon elf. He came from a family with a long and storied line of forebearers who wielded a moonblade. He trained his whole life to wield that blade, learning to couple swordplay with spellcasting as a Spelldancer and possible Spire Defender. When he came of age, he tried to claim the family heirloom for himself only to be rejected by the blade. He left his family and became an itinerant adventurer. I thought it would be interesting for such a character to go back in time and be confronted by the same moonblade only to be accepted; discovering that he had been initially rejected because he had already been a wielder, perhaps even the first to wield the blade.
This would be a magus, if you're amenable to allowing Ultimate Magic.
Have you considered allowing, or requiring, Regional Feats from the 3rd Ed. Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting and/or the 3.5 Player's Guide to the Forgotten Realms?
I'll allow Ultimate Magic if your background is interesting. So far it is. As for Regional Feats -- I won't be picking up either book until later. I have the FRCS in print, so I know about them. But I need to refamiliarize myself with them. And my copy is in storage, so there. :)
EDIT: I got a copy of the FRCS pdf today. So I'll be familiarizing myself with the Regional Feats.

EltonJ |

EltonJ wrote:LDDragon wrote:I didn't see anything wrong with your sheet. Kudos for making the feats, class features, and traits organized.Calardanion Hadron
An elven bard oracle, who follows Deneir. Scholar and musician, he collects tales of history through songs and poems, and also reads a lot, while keeping in good shape with archery and use of a variety of melee weapons.
Awesome, thanks!!!
I might keep tweaking things a bit until the deadline, but mostly done.
Also just realized that some things are not from the core rulebook or advanced players guide, like the tetsubo.
Is it okay as it is, or would you prefer that I change things to be within the guidelines? I am fine either way.
Excited for the game!
I would love to get a copy of the Pathfinder Companion for Martial Arts. I'm a Martial Artist myself, and so I'm interested in how they do Martial Arts.

EltonJ |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

What would you recommend for making a wood elf? I'm thinking standard swap out elven magic for woodcraft, and then for stats +2 DEX, -2 INT and either +2 STR or +2 WIS?
Wood Elves (except for the Grugach) are the most primitive of elves. Just a sec . . .
From the FRCS (yep, I got a pdf copy today):
• +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, –2 Constitution, –2 Intelligence, –2
Charisma. Wood elves are strong but slight, and tend to be less
cerebral and intuitive than other elves.
• Automatic Languages: Elven, Common, home region. Bonus
Languages: Chondathan, Draconic, Gnome, Goblin, Gnoll, Sylvan.
• Favored class: Ranger.

Gerard Nisroc |

I understand Drow aren't core, but would you consider one? Similar backstory... unlikely adoption and training into Paladinhood.
The PC is curious about the moment of hesitation and considers the chance to travel back in time an opportunity to prove their mentor (700+ year old Elf) was not at fault and alleviate them of their feelings of guilt.
I guess at Level 3 instead of Level 5? Paladin 1/Rogue 2?

EltonJ |

I understand Drow aren't core, but would you consider one? Similar backstory... unlikely adoption and training into Paladinhood.
The PC is curious about the moment of hesitation and considers the chance to travel back in time an opportunity to prove their mentor (700+ year old Elf) was not at fault and alleviate them of their feelings of guilt.
I guess at Level 3 instead of Level 5? Paladin 1/Rogue 2?
Yeah, it might work. A drow paladin would be interesting. I assume he follows Eilestraee?

Gerard Nisroc |

Gerard Nisroc wrote:Yeah, it might work. A drow paladin would be interesting. I assume he follows Eilestraee?I understand Drow aren't core, but would you consider one? Similar backstory... unlikely adoption and training into Paladinhood.
The PC is curious about the moment of hesitation and considers the chance to travel back in time an opportunity to prove their mentor (700+ year old Elf) was not at fault and alleviate them of their feelings of guilt.
I guess at Level 3 instead of Level 5? Paladin 1/Rogue 2?
Thank you for considering it! Actually, I had Milil <<< Link in mind, as the patron of the elderly veteran who adopted them. Also, very Charisma heavy.
It's very challenging reworking the concept, as it hinged on the novelty of a charismatic Half-Orc paladin.
The juxtaposition doesn't work as well for a race that is meant to be charismatic. Kinda falls flat.
I'll try to think of something else.

FangDragon |

Well considering this is Myth Drannor I'm thinking of a moon-elf wizard or sorcerer who naturally studied at the Incanistaeum. Of course how they ended up being sent back the best part of a thousand years later by Elminster is hopefully going to make for an interesting backstory.
I don't play full casters very often so for me it'll be a change.
A question for EltonJ, are you intending this as more of an intrigue or a smash the doors in kind of game? I'm guessing intrigue, but wanted to check!

EltonJ |

A question for EltonJ, are you intending this as more of an intrigue or a smash the doors in kind of game? I'm guessing intrigue, but wanted to check!
I'm flexible with the story, I'll do whatever the players want. I do foresee some intrigue, definitely. You don't want the populace to know that time travel is possible. Even if Elminster did get a spell for time traveling from Raistlin.

Castien Telendel |

drayen wrote:Definitely interested! I have an idea for a moon elf. He came from a family with a long and storied line of forebearers who wielded a moonblade. He trained his whole life to wield that blade, learning to couple swordplay with spellcasting as a Spelldancer and possible Spire Defender. When he came of age, he tried to claim the family heirloom for himself only to be rejected by the blade. He left his family and became an itinerant adventurer. I thought it would be interesting for such a character to go back in time and be confronted by the same moonblade only to be accepted; discovering that he had been initially rejected because he had already been a wielder, perhaps even the first to wield the blade.
This would be a magus, if you're amenable to allowing Ultimate Magic.
Have you considered allowing, or requiring, Regional Feats from the 3rd Ed. Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting and/or the 3.5 Player's Guide to the Forgotten Realms?
I'll allow Ultimate Magic if your background is interesting. So far it is. As for Regional Feats -- I won't be picking up either book until later. I have the FRCS in print, so I know about them. But I need to refamiliarize myself with them. And my copy is in storage, so there. :)
EDIT: I got a copy of the FRCS pdf today. So I'll be familiarizing myself with the Regional Feats.
Here is drayen's character submission. I haven't spent all of the starting wealth and I'm sure there are tiny bits and bobs that I've missed, but the two background spoilers should be complete.
An extremely tall and thin elf with porcelain skin framed with long flowing silvery white hair. Sapphire blue eyes flecked with gold set above high cheek bones pierce you with a solemn intensity. A well made suit of indigo drapes his frame while a fine sword hangs from his waist.
Castien Telendel was born in Silverymoon to a family of prominent arcanists in the Year of the Bloodied Sword, 1239 DR. The Telendel, a branch of the venerable House Telen’quest’iir of Evereska, were renowned for their insights into the mysteries of the arcane. The rare birth of the next generation of Telendel during a prophesied year of emblematic war caused a stir amongst the elders of the family. It was decided to adopt a “wait and see” attitude towards the infant, their newest scion, to see how fate would exert it’s presence upon the elf.
Castien grew up a precocious young elf. Constantly reading up on the histories of renowned elven heroes and seeking his own adventure through the halls of his ancestral home, he quickly made a name for himself amongst his relations as a rambunctious thrill seeker. His favorite stories, and thus the central theme in most of his “adventures” with his young cousins, were of Maladrac Telenque, the famous adventuring spellsinger bard. All of the family history books cited the elf hero with his ancestral moonblade, Tahl’larlylth, an elven thornblade which sang in the hands of its illustrious wielder.
So enamored of his ancestor’s tales was he that young Castien forsook wizardry, focusing on his blade work and sneaking off to every inn and tavern in Silverymoon to hear the latest songs from traveling minstrels. His parents were mortified at his behavior. Sneaking off was bad enough but neglecting spellcraft was unconscionable! They became ever more restrictive, forcing him to classes and threatening innkeeps to have him barred from entrance.
In desperation, Castien ran away from home. He was determined to become a wandering minstrel and swordsell. Running from a family of wizards was no mean feat as it turned out. In no time at all, his parents had magically tracked him down and confronted him at a roadside inn. His mother was ready to ensorcel her young recalcitrant son into obedience. His father finally recognized his son’s strength of purpose and will in pursuing his dreams. Soothing his wife’s rage, Castien’s father sat down with his son to discuss matters and approach a peace in his household.
“Elves cling to their traditions, my son.” He said.
“We do not easily let go our desires, especially when prodded to do so by others. Not you, nor your mother.” He continued with a wry grin.
“Hrrmph! He must learn…” Castien’s mother started to say, but bit down on her tongue when his father raised his hand.
“Son, Maladrac Telenque was a famous adventurer. He traveled extensively, achieving great feats which he turned into fantastic tales. His life was blessed and no one can blame you for wanting such a life for yourself. Your mother and I will not stop you from setting out on your own journey…” He paused. “When the time is right.”
Laying a hand upon his son’s shoulder, he explained, “Even Maladrac had to study before he could become a bard. You must come home and resume your studies.”
He held up a hand to forestall any argument as he laid out his compromise, “You do not wish to become some dusty old wizard in a tower and I recognize that. You want to swing a sword and cast flashy spells in a dervish’s dance. What if we, you, your mother and I, could have both? There are disciplines which combine spellcraft with bladework. We will provide you with the finest maestros in Silverymoon to train your arm. In return, you will provide us an excellent mind to be trained in the arcane arts.”
Castrien was dubious that such as his father described existed, but the reproachful look his mother gave his father went a long way to convincing him that there just might be such a thing after all.
Looking to his wife, he raised a finger to make his final point, "You will continue to attend to the priests of the Seldarine in Everdusk Hall. That is not open for debate. Tradition must still be served."
Castien agreed and returned with his parents to Silverymoon.
The years of training were long, but that was not due only to his arcane training. He spent years learning that he had so much to learn to become a proficient swordsell. In fact, he came to realize that the division of his labors helped him to keep both his body and mind alert and growing, making each the stronger for it. As he came to understand this, he delved ever more deeply into his work, striving not to excel, but to absorb everything possible so as not to be caught unawares.
1358 DR. Castien set down the last book in the library. He had earned high praise from each of his maestros. They all reported that there was nothing more than experience which could teach him now.
There are bills posted throughout the city calling for adventurers. Castien has responded to several only to find that they do not fit his own expectations or requirements. It has been weeks of searching, but he is patient. Just this morning he came across a posting that will prove to be the adventure he seeks.
The adventuring company continued their travels. Some months later, word came to them of a treasure hoard. A hoard that was said to include a rare elfwrought sword. The friends shared a smile. This was just what they were always looking for; wealth. Who cares that there is supposedly some vile creature guarding the treasure. They were adventurers dammit! They got paid for practicing homicide.
Deep in the woods, they came upon the entrance to the lair of which they had been told. They entered and began their search. They quickly discovered that the natural cave led far deeper than they had expected and, in a short time, found the walls, floor and ceiling were worked stone. They encountered many monsters as well as some evil cultists profaning what had turned out to be a tomb.
One of the party members had recognized the stonework as dwarven and the treasures found throughout the tomb were amazing, but everyone was stunned to find a sarcophagus holding what appeared to be the skeleton of an elf within in the tomb. Moreover, to find such an exquisite sword in the hands of the corpse, even knowing to expect it, amazed the friends. The long tapering blade came to the hilt decorated with moonstones. The pinions were capped in moonstones and the pommel held by far the largest, clearest moonstone any of them had ever seen. Next to the corpse lay a resplendent lute of a wood so dark as to look black by the light of the torch. There were several other valuable items found in the sarcophagus.
The fighter took up the blade and, inspecting it, noticed that there was some type of inscription on the blade. Holding it closer to the light, he could make out the characters and realized they were Elvish. He called Castien over to read the inscription. Upon reading the blade, the moon elf gasped, his jaw dropping. His friends pressed him to tell what it was on the blade. Castien slowly breathed out a single word, “Tahl’larlylth”
It was the blade of Maladrac Telenque!; constant companion to the famous bard. His forbearer’s moon blade. He told the story of the blade to his companions. He looked wide eyed to each of them. “Please may I keep this blade? I would count it a boon from each of you and forego any other treasure from this tomb.” His friends bade him keep the blade. It was finely wrought but there was no magic upon the blade and could not be worth that much to give up a share in the prize. They agreed and Castien received his family heirloom.
For several nights, Castien thought about all of the stories he had read and heard growing up. He knew that the sword must have magic upon it yet he could not perceive it. He studied the blade and meditated with it in his arms. It was a night of the full moon and he sat deep in reverie listening for anything, something to signify that he had been accepted by the blade. Daylight broke on the deafening silence. He had failed. The moonblade had rejected him. He had only enough resolve to accompany the blade back to Silverymoon and hand it, wordlessly, to his father before turning away.
Castien Telendel
CG Male Moon Elf (Silverymoon) Magus (Bladebound, Spell Dancer) 1
Medium Humanoid (elf)
Init +4; Senses Low-light vision; Perception +2
AC 21, touch 15, flat-footed 16 (DEX +4, armour +6, insight +1)
hp 36 (1d8+4) (+4 INT)
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4; +2 vs. enchantments
Speed 30 ft
Melee mwk rapier +5 1d6+1 18-20/x2 P or
.. alchemical silver dagger +4 1d4 19-20/x2 P or S or
.. cold iron morningstar +4 1d8 x2 B and P or
Ranged alchemical silver dagger +7 1d4 19-20/x2 10' P or S or
.. composite shortbow +7 1d6 x3 70' P
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks Spell Combat, Spellstrike
Magus Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +9
2nd -- [/i]
1st -- [i]
0 -- [/i]
Str 12, Dex 19, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 8
BAB +3 CMB +4 CMD +18
FeatsElven Weapon Proficiencies, Light Armour Proficiency, Martial Weapon Proficiencies, Mind Over Body, Simple Weapon Proficiencies
Skills Acrobatics +12, Appraise +4, Bluff -1, Craft +4, Diplomacy -1, Disguise -1, Escape Artist +4, Fly +4, Heal +0, Intimidate -1, Knowledge (arcana) +12, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +12, Knowledge (planes) +10, Perform (dance) +7, Perception +2, Profession +0, Ride +4, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +12, Survival +0, Swim +0, Use Magic Device +5 Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Common, Dwarven, Elvish, Illuskan, Orcish, Sylvan
SQ [i]elven immunities immune to sleep effects, +2 on saves vs. enchantment spells and effects; Spell Dance; Arcane Movement; Spell Recall
Favored Class (Magus): 5/6 magus arcana
Combat Gear mwk rapier 3 lbs. 0 gp, cold iron morning star 6 lbs. 16 gp, alchemical silver dagger 1 lb. 22 gp, composite shortbow 2 lbs. 75 gp, arrows (20) 1 lb. 1 gp, cold iron arrows (20) 1 lb. 2 gp, alchemical silver arrows (20) 1 lb. 3 gp, Mithral Shirt +2 10 lbs. 4,100 gp Other Gear belt pouch 0.5 lb 1 gp, bell 1 gp candle (10) 1 sp, chalk (10) 1 sp, courtier's outfit 6 lbs. 30 gp., earplugs 3 sp, explorer's outfit 0 lbs. 0 gp., grappling hook 4 lbs. 1 gp, handy haversack 5 lbs. 2,000 gp, jewelry 25 gp., mirror, small steel .5 lb. 10 gp, rope 50' 10 lbs. 1 gp, sack (2) 1 lb. 2 sp, signet ring 5 gp., spell component pouch 1 lb. 5 gp., trail rations 3 lbs. 1.5 gp, traveling spellbook 1 lb. 10 gp, twine, roll 50' 1 sp, waterskin 4 lbs. 1 gp, whetstone 1 lb. 2 cp
(Total spent: 6,335 gp 3 sp 2 cp)
Currency 1 gp 6 sp 8 cp
Weight 30 lbs.
Light Load 43 Medium Load 86 Heavy Load 130
Height 6'6" Weight 170 lbs. Age 128 yrs. Eyes Blue with gold flecks Hair Silvery white

EltonJ |

Okay, Submissions so far:
Castien Telendel--Elven Bladebound magus, Dreyen.
Calardanion Hadron -- Elven bard/oracle, LDdragon.
Kemian Brightwhisper -- elven cleric of Corellon Larethian and evoker, Atae.
People trying to come up with concepts:
Gerard Nisroc
People interested in killing a certain Drow Ranger from Icewind Dale:
So far, so good!

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Gerard Nisroc wrote:Yep, you're right. :)EltonJ wrote:Might be a typo, HP and BAB look like Level 5. Spells too.Castien Telendel wrote:CG Male Moon Elf (Silverymoon) Magus (Bladebound, Spell Dancer) 1Remember, we are starting at level 5.
Yeah, that was a typo. The level 3 and 5 feats are also missing as well as all of the spells. While I'm almost certain to take Weapon Finesse, I'd like to leave my options open until the final party roster is picked (should I make it myself).
I hope the background was good enough to allow Ultimate Magic.

EltonJ |

Yeah, that was a typo. The level 3 and 5 feats are also missing as well as all of the spells. While I'm almost certain to take Weapon Finesse, I'd like to leave my options open until the final party roster is picked (should I make it myself).I hope the background was good enough to allow Ultimate Magic.
It is.