
Syllyn's page

1,050 posts. Organized Play character for miteke.


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Dark Archive

Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

"Everyone, use a blunt or piercing weapon as they are slightly resistant to slashing."

Dark Archive

Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage
phaeton_nz wrote:
They are Unfettered Phantoms

The question Syllyn wants to know the answer to is what are their resistances.

Dark Archive

Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage
phaeton_nz wrote:
Knowledge Religion is not helping here - you want Knowledge Planes

In that case Syllyn got a 20.

Dark Archive

Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

knowledge (whatever): 1d20 ⇒ 17 plus relevant bonus. +3 if religion. Syllyn launches into a performance and moves forward to form a line with the others.

Raging Song:
Raging Song (Su): When the skald begins a raging song and then on each ally's turn, if the ally can hear the raging song, that ally must decide whether to accept or refuse its effects. This is not an action. Unconscious allies automatically accept the song. If accepted, the raging song's effects on that ally last for that ally's turn or until the song ends, whichever comes first.
Inspired Rage Effects:
Inspired Rage (Su) Affected allies gain a +2 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution and a +2 morale bonus on Will saving throws, but also take a –1 penalty to AC. While under the effects of inspired rage, allies other than the skald cannot use any Charisma, Dexterity, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration.
Spirit Totem(Su):
If you accept the rage you are surrounded by spirit wisps that harass your foes. These spirits make one slam attack each round against a living foe that is adjacent to you. The attack is +7/1d4+3 and does negative energy damage.

While raging, the spirits that surround you make it difficult for your enemies to see you. The spirits grant a 20% miss chance against ranged attacks and melee attacks made by creatures that are not adjacent to you (typically due to reach).

Dark Archive

Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

Syllyn has his sword up ready to defend, but finds he is not the target. And fortunately another one does not come.

"We good now, Shining?"

Dark Archive

Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

Almost as if reading Ting's mind, Syllyn suggests "Maybe we should just let him go and follow at a distance until he comes to his senses?"

Though I'm not sure if that is much of an improvement.

Dark Archive

Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

With a sigh Syllyn moves next to the metal headed ally and takes up a defensive position again.

"I'm a little worried he will dash off."

Dark Archive

Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

Thanks. I hadn't realized I failed to move Syllyn's token.

Dark Archive

Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

Syllyn moves up to the shining knight and goes on defensive, giving him another target if he goes bonkers again.

AC 29 on total defense.

"You should back away, Baldrum, in case he attacks again. I'm all armored up and should be very hard to hit."

Dark Archive

Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage
phaeton_nz wrote:
It dimension doored that provoked the AOO - that was it's turn

After that Syllyn moved and started a performance. So now that he has rolled his AoO, Syllyn is done.

Dark Archive

Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage
phaeton_nz wrote:
Everyone is up except Kane and Baldrun at the moment

I posted here and I haven't seen an action from the nightmare since them, so are you sure I am up? If so, what did it do in its turn? Maybe you meant the AoO? If so...

  • - AoO Scimitar to hit (before rage), heroism: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 7 + 2 = 20
  • - Magic slashing damage, adamantine: 1d6 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15

  • Dark Archive

    Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

    Use your reroll, maybe, if you have one? With your lucky number being 6 you have a 65% chance at success :) Not great odds, but decent.

    Dark Archive

    Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

    Remember that if you accept the rage you will get a free +7/1d4+3 (corrected from spoiler) attack on one foe if you are next to it on your turn. The ability does not say when so I expect it could be at the start or end of your turn. Not much of an attack, but it is something. Most people forget to roll it.

    Dark Archive

    Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

    I've always seen it used as stopping spell casting.

    Dark Archive

    Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

    With annoyance, Syllyn reverses course and begins a performance.

    Raging Song:
    Raging Song (Su): When the skald begins a raging song and then on each ally's turn, if the ally can hear the raging song, that ally must decide whether to accept or refuse its effects. This is not an action. Unconscious allies automatically accept the song. If accepted, the raging song's effects on that ally last for that ally's turn or until the song ends, whichever comes first.
    Inspired Rage Effects:
    Inspired Rage (Su) Affected allies gain a +2 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution and a +2 morale bonus on Will saving throws, but also take a –1 penalty to AC. While under the effects of inspired rage, allies other than the skald cannot use any Charisma, Dexterity, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration.
    Spirit Totem(Su):
    If you accept the rage you are surrounded by spirit wisps that harass your foes. These spirits make one slam attack each round against a living foe that is adjacent to you. The attack is +6/1d4+3 and does negative energy damage.

    While raging, the spirits that surround you make it difficult for your enemies to see you. The spirits grant a 20% miss chance against ranged attacks and melee attacks made by creatures that are not adjacent to you (typically due to reach).

    Dark Archive

    Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

    Did it cast defensively, or do we get an AoO?

    Dark Archive

    Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

    In spite of the peril, Syllyn sports what substitutes for a smile on a Lizards face as the others make their amusing comments.

    Dark Archive

    Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

    knowledge(planes): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 - Syllyn is not 100% sure it is undead, though it looks undead to him. Can Therin tell whether it is affected by negative energy? That will influence Syllyn's choice of actions.

    Dark Archive

    Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

    Remember that if you cannot hit with a weapon, you could use positive energy from a wand if you can activate it, or perhaps throw a cure potion at it. Spreading the negative levels around may make the difference between survival and death.

    Dark Archive

    Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

    Syllyn moves forward, slowed by his armor and just makes it there. He is not raging, as his spirit totem is not much good against undead.

    Dark Archive

    Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

    I did. I guess I should add the temp HP to my tag line.

    Dark Archive

    Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

    "Anyone have a spell to protect against energy drain? We sure could use one!"

    Dark Archive

    Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

    Tuke Aran could go, but I think the GM meant Kane and he went.

    Baldrin was delaying until he had the spellcraft results and they came it so he could go.

    Therin was delaying until the others went.

    So we are waiting on Baldrum and Therin.

    Dark Archive

    Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage
    Kane Hue wrote:

    Since there is no spoiler, it is because I assume he shares it with the party.

    Oh great incorporeal, I'm not prepared for this, what about the rest of you.
    I might be far far back in this fight.

    Baldrum could help you since he has a bonded item that will allow him to cast any cleric spell. Therin Baldaros too as he has magic weapon AND aligned weapon memorized AND the allying enhancement on his weapon.

    "My weapon is magical and should be able to do some harm to it."

    Dark Archive

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

    Grapple check, huh? He do this with all the fair maidens in distress, or just the nasty ones?

    Dark Archive

    Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

    "Yea, me too. Screams trap at me."

    Dark Archive

    Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

    Syllyn is right behind the well meaning brute.

    Dark Archive

    Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

    Actually, rereading the OP, I'm not sure Syllyn heard it or not either. I read the 'Speaking of the shiny man and the lizard...' but blew over the 'the Shining Knight hears the following'.

    Dark Archive

    Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

    He'll know soon enough. Does the Big Guy react?

    Dark Archive

    Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

    "Oh crap!" Syllyn mutters as he waits for the inevitable charge of the Shining Knight as he wonders what the man's real name is. Sighing with resignation he quickly casts a Moment of Greatness spell before the big guy charges off.

    Dark Archive

    Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage
    Alexis "The Odd" Trismegistis wrote:
    Syllyn wrote:
    Gotta love this group. A bunch of head-strong fighter types and a troublemaking skald. Let's see if we can split the party into three groups, each exploring a different room, shall we?
    ...And I'm...?

    The black sheep of the group.

    Dark Archive

    Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

    Gotta love this group. A bunch of head-strong fighter types and a troublemaking skald. Let's see if we can split the party into three groups, each exploring a different room, shall we?

    Dark Archive

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

    So, leave the dude stuck in his room while we explore more? I like it. Probably a trap anyway :).

    Dark Archive

    Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

    Syllyn is right behind him looking down the corridors around the corners.

    Dark Archive

    Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage
    Ting Tang wrote:
    Syllyn wrote:

    That settles it! Let's skip the lich, imaginary or not.

    "I think I heard someone down that corridor! It could be a maiden in distress."


    Bluff cause he's Lying: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

    Chances are most of you can tell he is manipulating the Shining Knight.

    Dark Archive

    Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

    Syllyn gapes at the apparently moronic knight. One should hope it is NOT a lich. A lich would be bad, really bad, and spell the death of them all.

    That settles it! Let's skip the lich, imaginary or not.

    "I think I heard someone down that corridor! It could be a maiden in distress."

    Dark Archive

    Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

    "Not a chance. I do have a scroll of identify that might help figure out the enchantment, but I'm not sure. How about you, Alexis, you know anything else about the enchantments on this door?"

    Dark Archive

    Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

    What does Syllyn see down corridor 6?

    Dark Archive

    Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

    Syllyn moves into the room and looks down corridor 6.

    "Rather peaceful place now that all the traps have been spring, no? No howling banshees, no screaming damsels, no roaring dragons, quite nice," he says with a smile, half provoking the Shining Knight, but also quite serious.

    Dark Archive

    Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

    And Syllyn keeps up with the front-runners, Ting and Shining. Seems like they are the'most likely to get in trouble'.

    Dark Archive

    Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

    "Interesting idea, though I'm not sure non-magical writing would have survived the passage of time. Still, worth looking for and I do know the mending spell."

    perception, heroism, h aware: 1d20 + 7 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 7 + 2 + 2 = 29

    Dark Archive

    Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

    [b]"Anyone want to check for magic?"[/ooc]

    Dark Archive

    Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

    The only advantage when a 20 is rolled is to add it to a skill roll that is normally out of your reach. 20 is not a lucky number.

    Dark Archive

    Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

    Particularly nice to reroll a 1 if that is your lucky number.

    Dark Archive

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

    And Syllyn drums a companionable rhythm to The Shining Knight's tune on his shield and they not so stealthily continue their exploration.

    Dark Archive

    Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

    No problem casting any spell for you. You may assume it is done. Unfortunately mage armor is not on the Skald list. But I guess he could use UMD and he is your best shot for success!

    Assuming guidance is cast by Therin on Syllyn to use the wand, he casts Mage Armor on the needy monk...
    UMD, guidance: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 7 + 1 = 18
    UMD, guidance: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 7 + 1 = 19
    UMD, guidance: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 7 + 1 = 23

    It takes a bit, but it finally goes off!

    lucky number: 1d20 ⇒ 9

    Syllyn will cast the following on himself with the aid of a rod of extend, wand of heightened Awareness, spell kenning, and some alchemical spell components.

  • Heroism (140 minutes)
  • Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes)
  • Heightened Awareness (10 minutes)

  • Dark Archive

    Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

    Syllyn follows along but keeps his distance from the trap springer, at least until they are out of the room.

    Dark Archive

    Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

    Syllyn gladly lets the not-so-bright knight take the lead, trailing by a little more than 30'. From experience he knows that the range of a trap is likely to end there. For now, though, he will lurk near the end of the stairs.

    Dark Archive

    Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

    Considering it a warning, Syllyn searches for traps, taking it slow.

    perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

    Dark Archive

    Male Nagaji L/N Skald/6 | HP: 51/51 (-6 ~raging) | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 25/11/24 22/11/21 (20% miss if not adjacnt) (unc dodge) | CMD: 20 | F/R/W: +10/6/10 +8/4/8 | Init: +1 | (stats assume raging) | Speed 20 ft | Low-light Vision | Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +12, Kn Arcana +8, Kn Hist/ Local/ Nature/ Nobility +7, Kn Other: +3, Perc: +7, Perform (Percussion) +12 | Active Conditions: Heroism (140 minutes), Barkskin (+3, 140 minutes), Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Lucky Number(9), bless, virtue (1 temp HP), Inspired Rage

    Syllyn is not interested in most of the stuff, but he does take a holy water (he already has a soul stimulant).

    "Looks like someone is fond of clerics!"

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