Monster with tentacles

Shizzle69's page

Organized Play Member. 349 posts (948 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 11 aliases.

So i heard this song a while back about a crazy mom and pop duo that live up on a mountain. The song is pretty jammin but what i can never seem to shake is how much it gets me thinking about playing game!! The two characters in the song aren't described completely but I'm feeling a bit inspired and I think i want to make them into pathfinder people. I looked at most of Trevor Hall's other music to see any other references to this mother. This is what I found so far.

Om Shakti Om:

My Mama rides a lion
My Dad wears ashes and snakes
My Mama is a warrior
She kills demons in Her play
My Daddy has the power
And He likes Her this way
I call them day and night
I never leave their sight
Singing Om Shakti Om Shakti Om

My Mama lets Her hair hang loose
My Dad likes to sit still
Watching Mama scream and dance gives Him such a thrill
My Mama drinks from a skull cup
You got any demons
She'll sip them up
They live up on the mountain
They're the Eternal Fountain
Om Shakti Om Shakti Om
My Mama and my Dad
They are mad
They are mad
Singin Om Shakti Om Shakti Om

My Beating Heart:

She who rides the lion
Rides my beating heart
Darker than my darkness
And brighter than my spark
Takes all of my troubles
Throws them in Her flames
All my pain and pleasure
Everything's the same

My Mama is a great dark cloud
Coming coming to rain down

She who is my Mama
Also is the queen
Swallows up my nightmares
And wakes me from this dream
Cuts me from this bondage
With her great big sword
She's my brother
She's my sister
My father and my lord

My Mama is a great dark cloud
Coming coming to rain down
My Mama Mama dance around
Shaking all the mountain's ground
My Mama is a great dark cloud
Coming coming to rain down

other lyrics that are relevant:

So many gods but no love for the people
My mama told me that we're all made equal
What are we fighting for?
Why are we still at war?
Where's the love? Where's the love?
So many prayers but where's the prayer for peace?
My papa told me that we all must serve and feed?
What are we fighting for?
Why are we still at war?
Where's the love? Where's the love?

[Verse 1]
Well mamma I can hear
Your calling through the storm
I can hear you sing even though my heart is torn
Well I know that I have done you wrong ah yeah
I've been away for way too long ay yeah
Well mama I return, return to your arms
Your grace upon my head I know I shall survive yeah (I shall survive)
Cast away all fear I look into your eyes
Cleanse my heart and cleanse my hands ay yeah
Help me be a good good man ay yeah
Forever I am yours forever you are mine

So I say return you to the heart return you here again
I leave it all to you my eternal friend
Without you I shall break
But with you I shall bend
As it is a burn it shall be below
Symbol of the heart and forgiving of the soul
I'm coming back to you I'm coming on my on
I'm coming all alone

[Verse 2]
Ambay ambay ambay ambay
Mama can it be that your a golden god (a golden god)
Cultivate and see it's in your own front yard
I no I've been running away ay yeah
But now I'm here to stay ay yeah
Place me in your fire

So what I've got so far is as follows for mom and pop


Rides a Lion, that should be easy
She's a warrior so im thinking some form of barbarian, however she is also referred to as a storm so perhaps a rage prophet with storm domain? I don't know if there is anything good for curses that the song calls out.
She drinks demons from a skull cup. This is obviously referencing liquor but i choose to see it is some strange form of a current magical item. The one that lets you trap outsiders, iron flask or something. This one lets you drink them for good times. She is also said to fight demons so this makes sense i think.
Shes got a big sword, that should be easy too.
She likes to scream and dance. all of these point moreso at barbarian. If possible it would be sweet to incorporate the dancing into the fighting.

So right now I'm thinking some form of Rage Prophet, she needs ranks in dance, and climb because she lives on a mountain.


He wears ashes and snakes. This points to druid or witch like whoa.
He talks about feeding the world in one song so this points again to druid with plant domain perhaps. Ranks in profession farmer.
He's got the "power" i view this as hes a spellcaster so all pointing to druid right now.
He likes to sit still, not sure how to incorporate this but there must be something mechanical we can do with this.

I'm leaning heavy on druid as this also solves the Lion mount for Mama.

So there is definitely more in the songs that is inspiring. Sorry for the fairly disorganized ideas. If you see anything in the songs that should be included and I missed please speak up. If you have any mechanical advice or suggestions please don't hesitate to reply. If you really like Trevor Hall come on in and say so. Give me some help if you wish. I'll make sure to post them here when I get a bit further inot development. THANKS!!

These guys just came out with dice rings as well as a new design for life counter. Now you can roll your r20 and keep track of your hitpoints. I'm thinking the world needs to know about these things.

Here they are

First off, I'd like to apologize for not knowing the proper procedure for bringing cool things to peoples attention. If this is in the wrong place, please do what is neccissary.

Now I was stumbling around Kickstarter and found a great little map set custom built. I thought it looked pretty well done, especially the caves one. Check it out for yourselves I'm going to back it, and hopefully some of you will find it interesting as well and join me.

Here It Is

So I came up with this dungeon a while back. It was created by a gnome illusionist, and I will be running a group through it eventually, some of the ideas came from the boards here. I just wanted to repost it in this form and ask for any improvements or additions that you think might add to the fun!

Sorry if it isn't formatted to your liking. I just copy pasted from notepad so things might have gotten messed up.

The other thread for reference. Link

Cheat Sheet:

Trickster Dungeon

1:Greased Sprial Hallway Down into matress let them pick up serious speed.
2:Animated Door with fake trap tile in front: HP:70 Hard:20 AC:24 +10(2d6+14)
3:Treadmill Hallway 3 levers(1 faster, 1 slower, 1 stop) Also obstacles
Gel Cube x2, Magma Ooze, Slime Mold, Boxes, Coffin
4:Poltergeist room tar and feather, rotten fruits and veggies,origami animals,pillows
5:Mite charging Admission for the Black Tentacles Chair ride.
6:Wall of gears, levers, swords, scythes,ect pool of blood at base.+20 Pie in face
7:Slightly Open door with nasty bucket to fall on victim. +10 touch
8:Gelatinous Golem Room w/2 illusioury golems (all gummy Bears)
9:Fake Door(does not open)
10:Room with lever and 10 sec countdown Lever just resets countdown, get out by letting countdown get to 0.
11:Animate Objects Room
12:Cage trap Room
13:Fake Pit 40 ft long. animated Brick: HP:10 Hard:8 +3(1d4+3)
14:Quickling With Steal in room with places for it to chill after spring attack stealing
15:Door That casts mount every time you try to walk trough it
16:Room with many chains hanging from celing(materials) do different things.
17:Stairs up that if they don't walk up backwards warp them to the base
18:The double Death pit
19:Boss Fae Gnome Illusionist

Pixie w/levels following them around
Pugwampi Sorc Riding Faerie Dragon Same as Pixie
Random Sounds or Clues that Mean Nothing.
Chalk arrows that change.
Standard Monsters With Random Abilities

Animated Object Room:

35 x 15 room

Candelabra: HP:10 Hard:5 AC:13 +3(1d4+1+1d6 burn)

Crystal Ball: HP:10 Hard:8 AC:14 +3(1d4+2)

2x Sword on wall: HP:30,30 Hard 10 AC:17 +7(1d8+5)

Desk:Mov:20 HP:70 Hard:5 AC:18 +10x2(3d6+10) Trample DC 22 (3d6+15) or attk opp at -4

Chair: HP:30 Hard:5 AC:15 +5x2(1d8+4)

Rug: HP:70 AC:18 reach 10ft +10x2(1d6+10) Grab +14 Constrict(1d6+10)

Metal renforced Bookshelf: HP:70 Hard:10 AC:20 +10(3d6+12)

6x books:Fly:30 HP:10,10,10,10,10,10 AC:13 +3(1d4) or ranged

Bust Stand: HP:50 Hard:8 AC:16 +6(1d12+5)

Haunted Bust:Fly 30 HP:30 Hard:5 AC:15 +5x2(1d6+6)

Door Knob out: HP:10 Hard:5 AC:13 reach 10ft +3(1d4)

Cage Trap Room:

60 x 50 room each 5x5 triggers a roll d10 and d12 to determine which square gets cage, or removes cage. Monsters all from d20pfsrd


L:lever 15 ft up
0:the Splatter Man's Body (animated as skeleton) Splater man in here too
1:Vreeg (necromancer controls all undead)
2:Merlokrep, the kobold king (+6 on total defense)
3:Goblin King
4:Deadwatcher Orc
5:Acrietia (+6 total def)
6:Rukus Graul
7:Gurtis Vortch
8:Hymmir Urath (+6 total def)

x Animated Cage: HP:50 AC:15 +6x2(1d8+6) Grab +10

Chain Room:

Adamantine:Str check 30. Every fail it insults you(pansy,my grandmother could... ect.)

Bone:Drops tons of bones that Danse Macabre(find skeleton dance video)

Bronze:Bag of Copper (10g) once emptied turns inside out into tan bag of tricks

Darkwood: Trees Sprout throughout the room Reflex 20 or take 6d6+10(5 feather tokens)

Dragonhide:One link for each type of dragon. Summons Faeire Dragon/Pugwampi(play trix)

Gold: Bag of gold (1000g)

Platinum:Platinum Dragon materializes. (young Gold No breath weapon no weakness)

Cold Iron:A campfire with bacon and beans and biscuits in cast iron pans appears YUM!

Mithril:Mirror Copies of the Party. 1/2 HP

Nexavaran Steel: Gravity Temp Reverses Take 2d6x2 Ref avoids, Stunned Fort avoids, Dazed Will avoids, all DC 15

Obsidian: Obsidian Flow is cast forming into Obsidian Minotaur

Serpentstone:Smokes Slightly with a faint glow. Pull for snake swarm.

Silver: Bag of silver drops(100g)

Stone: Stone Call in room (2d6 and difficult terrain)

Deep Crystal:2x Crystal Oozes form next to the door. Not obvious.

Ice:Entire Floor in covered in ice dc 18 reflex for remainder/until obsidian trigger.

Iron: Iron Maiden golem Materializes

Steel:animated HP:30 Hard:10 AC:17 +7(2d4+6)

Weird Black:like the color from space. Party room streamers/baloons/confetti

Gnome Illusionist:

Gnome Illusionist 12 Sorc(arcane)1
Traits:Trickster-+1 caster level for duration,range,area of illusion


BAB: 6+1(size)
AC: 10+1(dex)+1(size)
Ini: +1

+2 vs illusion
Fort:7 4+3
Refl:5 4+1
Will:13 10+3

Appraise:12 1+8+3
Bluff:21 13+5+3
Craft(trap):18 5+8+3+2(racial)
Diplomacy:18 13+5
Disable Device:9 7+1+1(racial)
Disguise:18 13+5 +10(hat)
Escape Artist:24 13+1+3+1(trait)+6(feat)
Fly:10 6+1+3
Know(all):14 8+2+1+3
Linguistics:18 7+8+3
Perception:18 13+3+2(racial) +4(familiar)
Profession:8 3+3+2
Sense Motive:16 13+3 +4(familiar)
Spellcraft:24 13+8+3
Stealth:18 13+1+3+1(trait)
UMD:21 13+5+3

Wiz:scribe Scroll
Sorc:Eschew Materials
1:Groundling(speak with burroing animals at will)
3:Effortless Trickery(concentrate on illusion as swift)
5:Spell Focus Illusion
Wiz:Threatening Illusion(metamagic +1 1 5ft square of illusion threatens)
7:Improved Familiar
9:Breadth of Experience(+2 know/prof make untrained)
Wiz:Disruptive Spell(metamagic+1 must make concentration=save dc + spell level)
11:Greater Spell Focus Illusion
13:Skill Focus(escape artist)

Master Tinker:proficient with anything self crafted
Gnome Magic:+1 to illusion DC, 1/day dancing light,ghost sound,presti,speak w animals
School:Illusion, Forbbiden:Necromancy, Enchantment
Extend Illusions:concentation illusions last 6 extra rounds after ceasing
Blinding Ray:standard 30ft ranged touch blind for 1 rnd 9/day
Invisibility Field:swift Greater Invisible 12 rnds/day
Arcane Bloodline arcana: when apply metamagic that ups level by 1+ up dc +1

Headband of Int+4 (UMD,Spellcraft)
Hat of Disguise +10 disguise
Varisian Tatoo(illusion):+1 caster level 3/day ghost sound

Sorc Spells: CL:1 Concentration +6

0th:Haunted Fey Aspect, Open/Close, Detect Magic, Acid Splash
1st:5/day Mage Armor, Reduce Person

Wiz Spells: CL:12 (14 illusion) Concentration +20

0th: Ghost Sound DC(21), Drench, Mage Hand, Mending
1st: Silent Image x2, Ventriloquism, Color Spray x2, Vanish x2 DC(22)
2nd: Haunting Mists, Threaten Silent Image x2 DC(23), Mirror Image,
Invisibility, Eagles Splendor, See Invisible
3rd: Major Image x2, Disruptive Haunting Mists, Vision of Hell
Loathsome Veil, Invisibility Sphere, DC(24) Mad Monkeys CMB:20 D:30
4th:Threatening Loathsome Veil, Rainbow Pattern, Wandering Star Motes DC(25)
Emergency Force Sphere, Black Tentacles, Ghost Wolf x2 DC(22)
5th:Persistant Image x2, Seeming x2 DC(26), Baleful Polymorph DC(23)
6th: Mislead x2 DC(27), Summon Monster VI, Ice Crystal Teleport DC(24)

Could Have Cast: Permanent Image, Programmed Image DC(27), Halucinatory TerainDC(25)

Planar Bound:Succubus, 2x Lantern Archon

Contingency:Dimension Door to safe room when HP = Negative

Senses blindsense 30 ft, darkvision 30 ft, detect law; Perception +18
AC 22 hp 34 fast healing 2 Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +9 SR:18
amorphous, freedom of movement; Immune acid; Resist electricity 10, sonic 10

fly 50 ft. (perfect)
Melee bite +12 (1), tail slap +12 (1 plus confusion DC 19 1 rnd)

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th; concentration +7)
At will—dancing lights, ghost sound (DC 12), prestidigitation
3/day—blur (self only), obscuring mist
1/week—commune (CL 12th, 6 questions)

Str 7, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 17(+4 enhance)
Skills Acrobatics +9 (+5 jump), Bluff +18, Escape Artist +17, Fly +22,
Knowledge (arcana) +9, Perception +18, Stealth +25
SQ change shape (2 forms, both of which must be Tiny animals; beast shape II)

Pixie Ranger:

Pixie Ranger(skirmisher) 5

AC 22 hp 70 DR 10/cold iron; SR 20
Fort +6, Ref +13, Will +8

Speed 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (good)
Ranged longbow +14 (1d6/×3) +1(att/dmg in 30ft)

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th)
Constant—detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect law
1/day—dancing lights, detect thoughts (DC 16), dispel magic, entangle (DC 15),
lesser confusion (DC 15), permanent image DC 20, shield

Str 7, Dex 21, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 18
Feats Dodge, PB shot, Weapon Focus,
Skills Acrobatics +17, Bluff +16, Escape Artist +17, Fly +23, Knowledge (nature) +15,
Perception +15, Sense Motive +15, Stealth +21, Use Magic Device +16

Favored Enemy:Human +4, Xeph +2 (bluff,Know,Perc,Sense,Survival,Attack,Damage)
Favored Terrain: Underground +2 (init, Perc, Stealth, survival, leave no trail)

Ranger Tricks:5/day move twice speed on move action no stealth penalty

Invisibility (Su) A pixie remains invisible even when it attacks. This ability
is constant, but the pixie can suppress or resume it as a free action.

Special Arrows (Su) free action 18/day

Charm: The target must succeed on a DC 16 Will charm monster spell for 10 minutes.

Memory Loss: The target must succeed on a DC 16 Will save or be affected by a modify
memory spell (this effect can only eliminate the previous 5 minutes of memory)

Sleep: The target must succeed on a DC 16 Will save or fall asleep for 5 minutes.

SPOT: HP:38 AC:16 Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.; Attack bite +7 (1d6+1);
Ability Scores Str 13, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 7; F:4 R:4 W:1
Skills: +17 Stealth +10 when still, LLV, Feats:SF(stealth), Stealthy, Weapon FInesse

Pugwampi sorcerer riding faire dragon:

Pugwampi Sorcerer 7
Init +5; Senses darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision; Perception +6

AC 15 hp 50 DR 2/cold iron; SR 14
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +10

Melee touch +7

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 7st; concentration +8)
At will—prestidigitation, speak with animals
1/day—shatter (DC 11)
4/day-Laughing Touch
7rnd/day-Improved Invisibility

Str 3, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 13
Feats Improved Initiative, ToughnessB, Weapon FinesseB, Dodge
Skills Disable Device +10, Perception +14 (+10 listening), Ride +11, Stealth +26;

A pugwampi radiates an aura of unluck to a radius of 20 feet. Any character who
gains any sort of luck bonus (such as that granted by a luckstone or divine favor)
is immune to the pugwampi unluck aura.

0th: Detect Magic,Resistance,Drench,Breeze,Ghost Sound,Scoop,Open/Close

1st:7/day Entangle, Grease DC12, Mage Armor, Mount, Silent Image, Snapdragon Fireworks

2nd:6/day Hideous Laughter DC 15, Glitterdust DC 13, Invisibility, Arcane Lock

3rd:4/day Deep Slumber DC 16, Explosive Runes, Mad Monkeys CMB:+9

Quickling Stealer:

Quickling Lore Warden 5

Init +7; Senses low-light vision; Perception +14

AC 20 hp 80 DR 5/cold iron
Fort +7, Ref +12, Will +7

Speed 120 ft.
Melee Fists +15 1+1d6 SA or steal/disarm CMB:+21 CMD:26

Str 8, Dex 24, Con 14, Int 15, Wis 15, Cha 14
Feats Dodge, MobilityB, Spring AttackB, Weapon Finesse, Combat Expertise, Imp Steal
Greater Steal, Imp Disarm, Greater Disarm, Weap Focus, Imp Unarmed Strike
Skills Acrobatics +19 (+55 jump), Bluff +14, Craft (traps) +11, Escape Artist +22,
Perception +14, Spellcraft +8, Stealth +23, Survival +4, Use Magic Device +9

CMB:+7(bab)+7(dex)+4(feats)+2(lore ward)+1(WF)+1(Weap Training)-1(size)

A quickling is invisible when motionless. It loses this invisibility and remains
visible for 1 round in any round in which it takes an action other than a free action.

Supernatural Speed (Su)
A quickling moves with incredible speed.the quickling’s shape blurs and shimmers with
speed, granting it concealment (20% miss chance). In addition, this ability grants
the quickling evasion and uncanny dodge (as the rogue abilities of the same names).

Slow Susceptibility (Ex)
A quickling that succumbs to a slow effect loses its supernatural speed ability and
is sickened as long as the effect persists. This sickened condition persists for 1
round after the slow effect ends.

You feel air rush into your lungs. Breathing, that's something you haven't had to do for a while. It burns like life often does. Black is all you see as you remember that you used to own eyes. You open them and see a room. The walls are covered in trinkets and tapestries, Arcane symbols can be seen on the ceiling if front of you. You try to move, to stretch your aching muscles. You find that you can't, your arms are restrained , your legs as well. You look to your sides and find that there are 4 others in a similar predicament as you. All of them are unconscious, straining against their bonds as if stuck in a bad dream. You crook your head forward and at the end of your toes you see a beautiful woman sitting behind a desk writing. She has blood red hair strewn about her body wildly. Dressed in a barely there white gown she looks up and smiles at you. You catch a glimpse of white feathered wings attached to her back. She keeps smiling, a smile you know well, an evil grin....

Welcome, I'll be right with you all

She goes back to writing.

So basically whoever posts first is the first to wake, until everyone is awake.

You feel air rush into your lungs. Breathing, that's something you haven't had to do for a while. It burns like life often does. Black is all you see as you remember that you used to own eyes. You open them and see a room. The walls are covered in trinkets and tapestries, Arcane symbols can be seen on the ceiling if front of you. You try to move, to stretch your aching muscles. You find that you can't, your arms are restrained , your legs as well. You look to your sides and find that there are 4 others in a similar predicament as you. All of them are unconscious, straining against their bonds as if stuck in a bad dream. You crook your head forward and at the end of your toes you see a beautiful woman sitting behind a desk writing. She has blood red hair strewn about her body wildly. Dressed in a barely there white gown she looks up and smiles at you. You catch a glimpse of white feathered wings attached to her back. She keeps smiling, a smile you know well, an evil grin....

Welcome, I'll be right with you all

She goes back to writing.

So basically whoever posts first is the first to wake, until everyone is awake.

Please Post Once Either With your Alias, or with a link to your alias. Keep discussion in the recruitment thread for now, Thank you.

Ok so this is the official recruitment thread for my campaign set in the "World of Peace". This is a homebrew setting. The geography of the world is much the same as North America. I have a map but need to get myself in the know about Google docs and it will be posted in campaign info. This is the info I posted in my interest thread as well as a link HERE


So I wanted to see if anyone would be interested in playing a game set in a world where the entire population is good. All of them. Yup even the dragons. There is one religion that has convinced everyone to be at peace, and they have lived this way for almost 2000 years.

You will be some of the most evil people from across the planes. Not in your face offensive, but behind the scenes scheming masterminds of evilness. So much so that you will attract the attention of the one person here who is not evil. Someone who will bring you back from death, yes your dead, most likely in hell you evil bastard, so that your can bring evil back to this "World of Peace."

I can answer any questions you might have. As far as rules for character creation go, you will be Gestalt. One class will be the evil that you once were. The other will be a body into which your lost soul will be placed. The race will be randomly determined by a 1d100 roll. I have a list and can tell you whats up. Stats will be 30 Point buy or 18,16,14,12,10,10, no you cannot dump a stat 8 will be the lowest after racial mods. 2 traits, The level is 5.

The book of Vile Darkness and it's counterpart the Book of Exalted Cheese will be allowed for this game.

Your characters will know into what type of world they will be going and have had communications through the astral plane with your patron in this world. This being will be the one bringing you back from the dead.

There are some things you should know about my playstyle and this setting if you would like to join this game.


1.I am very laidback when running this setting. The world is at peace so there is not much in the way of strife and such to grab your attention. In a small way you are really the ones running the game and I am just telling you how the world reacts. With this in mind, I suggest making characters who have strong goals and perhaps even ways they would like to accomplish them. This helps me as I don't have to motivate you to some end goal. Honestly I have no end goal for you, except bringing evil back. How that happens is going to be where all the fun lies.

2.Being evil can lead to interparty conflict quite often. Please try your best as PEOPLE to not let this get out of hand. I understand that your CHARACTER might be the biggest douche in the known multiverse, but please try to keep other PEOPLE's fun in mind when thinking about creating that douche CHARACHTER. With that said make what will allow YOU to have fun, just don't be surprised if your sick twisted fun has repercussions from your more sociable friends.

3.If you die, either from your friends as previously mentioned, or perhaps some other more horrible fate, DON'T PANIC. You will still be a part of the game and we can work out how if it happens to any of you.

4.This world is at peace and has been for a long time. It did not happen that way naturally however. It was made that way by a religious order and through the grace of the one and only god. This means that there are people helping the world to stay peaceful. Your characters and much of the multiverse know that this world is "dangerous" for evil. Not normal dangerous like a back alley, there are much worse things than death for one as evil as yourselves. For instance, becoming good... With that in mind, make sure you have ways of being subversive, or at least a good way to hide after being overtly EVIL right in the middle of town.

5.I like to say YES. If I say NO it's probably for a good reason. If you think it's a bad reason, tell me. Maybe I'll say YES instead. However, if I keep saying NO please respect that. Thank You.

6.I would like everyone to post at least once a day. This makes things run smoothly. If you want to post more by all means do. Roleplay is highly encouraged and I suggest all of you have a decent skill-set to help with it as well. Diplomacy is not required if you can simply talk well. A nice guy is well liked without diplomacy, but adding diplomacy demands that people like him.

7.Psionics will play a role in this game. I like them a lot and will be using them for NPC's and other things. This means that Know(psionics) and Autohypnosis are both skills that you can take.

Well I think that's it. Hopefully I didn't miss anything important about me or the world. To help newcomers and also myself here is the current list of people who have rolled and not dropped out.


Finished Alias
Berenzen 98 - Gripili / 68 - Teifling AKA Kasidra Synthesist/Monk
Jman72 26 - Half-Dragon AKA:Nicolae Vintila Antipaladin/Bard
pavaan 44 - Half-Elf AKA:Tronath Colastar Alchemist/Barbarian
Spugly Fuglet 19 - Elf / 35 - Halfling AKA:Ulitharid Alhoon Psion/Wizard
Jelani 83 - Catfolk AKA:Merran Spy/Sorcerer

Rolled Once
Black Thom 45 - Half Elf
jtfoto 46 - Half-Elf
WolfMan1911 92 - Vanara
Stiehl9s 10 - Half-Orc
Azten 87 - Orc
TCG 4 - Blue

Rolled Twice
Joriandrake 13 - Half-Orc / 62 - Dwarf
Cuan - 45 - Half-Elf / 77 - Maenad
Aroach1188 87 - Orc / 9 - Half-Orc
GM Kyle 80 - Maenad / 75 - Tengu
Sigz 99 - Gripili / 2 - Blue

I am going to extend the rolling policy to 2 rolls a piece plus 1 roll from me. That means all who have rolled twice are welcome to roll once again themselves, and all those who have rolled once can roll once more themselves and have me roll if they are still not feeling it.

Thanks for wanting to play, and lets all have a good time.

So I wanted to see if anyone would be interested in playing a game set in a world where the entire population is good. All of them. Yup even the dragons. There is one religion that has convinced everyone to be at peace, and they have lived this way for almost 2000 years.

You will be some of the most evil people from across the planes. Not in your face offensive, but behind the scenes scheming masterminds of evilness. So much so that you will attract the attention of the one person here who is not evil. Someone who will bring you back from death, yes your dead, most likely in hell you evil bastard, so that your can bring evil back to this "World of Peace."

I can answer any questions you might have. As far as rules for character creation go, you will be Gestalt. One class will be the evil that you once were. The other will be a body into which your lost soul will be placed. The race will be randomly determined by a 1d100 roll. I have a list and can tell you whats up. Stats will be 30 Point buy or 18,16,14,12,10,10, no you cannot dump a stat 8 will be the lowest after racial mods. 2 traits, I'm not quite sure on the level I'm thinking 3, 5 or 7. You must be evil!

So the Falconer has this to say about the companion.

Feathered Companion:

At 1st level, a falconer earns the trust and companionship of a bird of prey. The bird can be of any type of large hunting or scavenging bird (even a vulture). This ability functions like the druid animal companion ability (which is part of the nature bond class feature), but the falconer must take the bird animal companion, and that companion has only half the normal hit points. The falconer cannot teach the bird of prey the work trick, but can teach it either the roam or distract trick for free. Whichever trick the falconer does not pick then can be picked as a trick later.

Bolding is mine. I am trying to figure out wat is meant by (even a vulture). Does this mean I can take the giant vulture companion as well? That seems to be false because of the second bold statement about taking the 'Bird" animal companion. However bird animal companion only lists (Eagle/Hawk/Owl). What is your interpretation felow board goers? Can I take the giant vulture or was the part about the vulture just a flavor tidbit that's confusing.

So I have this room with lots of chains hanging from the ceiling. When you pull one something triggers that usually has to do with the material that the chain was made of. So far I have this


Chain Room
Pull a chain and it comes out triggering?

Bone:Drops tons of bones that Danse Macabre(find skeleton dance video)
Darkwood: Trees Sprout throughout the room Reflex 20 or take 6d6+10(5 feather tokens)
Dragonhide:One link for each type of dragon.
Gold: Bag of gold (1000g)
Platinum:Bag of Platinum (10000g)
Cold Iron:
Nexavaran Steel:Blueish Tint
Obsidian: Obsidian Flow is cast forming into Obsidian Minotaur
Serpentstone:Smokes Slightly with a faint glow. Pull for snake swarm.
Silver: Bag of silver drops(100g)
Stone: Stone Call in room (2d6 and difficult terrain)
Deep Crystal:
Ice:Entire Floor in covered in ice dc 18 reflex for remainder/until obsidian trigger.
Iron: HP:30 Hard:10 AC:17 +7(1d6+6)

The exit door has a sort of circuit that can only be opened by connecting the pulled chains to two nodes that correspond. The iron chain is animated. Any help in coming up with fun/dangerous ideas for the other materials is welcome.

Check to see the inspiration if you don't know it already.

So I've been trying to build her. So far I have a tiefling half-celestial Master Summoner who takes the flight evolution with aspect to give her the second pair of wings. At level 10 when she gets aspect she has summon monster V which has some nice angel and demon summons. Unfortunatly there are NO dragon summons so I made her Eidolon the dragon. Any help and inspiration is very welcome. Here is what I have so far. Sorry if my formatting doesn't make sense. I added some other cr5-6 monsters to her SLA list to help with the flavor.


Kaalia of the Vast Half-Celestial Div-Spawn Tiefling Master Summoner 10
Traits:Extremely Fasionable:+1 trait on bluff+Intimidate one is class skill
Convincing Liar:+1 Trait on intimidate and its class skill

HP:98 acid,cold,elec resist 10,fire resit 5 DR 5/magic SR 22
BAB: 7 +10/+5 Luck Blade(1d6+1) or +12 Ranged Touch
AC:23 10+2(nat)+5(dex)+6(armor) +4(sheild)+4(barkskin)
Move: 100 fly
Ini: 9

Fort:9 3+4+1+1(luck)
Refl:10 3+5+1+1(luck)
Will:13 7+4+1+1(luck)

Bluff:22 8+10+3+1(trait)
Craft(tatoo):12 3+1+3+5(item)
Fly:15 5+7+3
Intimidate:19 8+7+3+1(trait)
Linguistics:11 3+3+3+2(racial)
Perception:10 4+6
Spellcraft:13 3+7+3
Survival:5 4+1
UMD:19 8+8+3

1:Improved Initiative
Summoner:Augment Summoning(+4 Str/Con)

Oros, the avenger
Attack: +9 Reach Bite(1d6+6) +8 x2claws(1d4+4) CMD:17
Move 40, AC:19, HP:40, S:18, D:16, C:14, I:7, W:10, C:11; F:6 R:7 W:3;
Skills:Perc +7, climb +11, Intim +15, Stealth +10, Feats:WF Bite,Dazzling Display
Attack: +12 Reach Bite(1d8+12) +11 x2claws(1d6+8) CMD:18 Intim:+19
Move 40 fly, AC:20, HP:48, S:26, D:14, C:18, I:7, W:10, C:11; F:8 R:6 W:3;

Abilities:Darkvision 60, Immune Disease
Smite Evil: swift 1/day +8 to atk, +10 dmg, +8 to AC vs target
Maker's Call:may call eidolon to side or switch places 2/day
Summon Mastery: 13/day Summon Monster V
(Babau,Beard Devil,Bralani Azata,Chain Devil,Brimorack,Wyrmling red,Bralani Azata
wyrmling silver,Incubus,Cerberi,Barghest,Bralani Azata,imperial sky wyrmling)

Magical Tatoo:See Invisibility
+1 Old Skool Mithril Breastplate
Amulet of the Planes
Bracers:+5 craft Tatoo and use snatch arrows 2/day
Staff of Healing: 1 charge: CSW, Less Restore, 2:Remove blind/deaf 3:Remove Disease
Luck Blade(0 charges):+2 Short Sword 1/day reroll one roll

0th:6 known
Detect Magic
Arcane Mark
Mage Hand

Unfetter 1 cast
Feather Fall
Ray of Sickening

Wind Wall
Summon Swarm
Summon Eidolon

Wall of Fire
Obsidian Flow
Spiked Pit
Rejuvenate Eidolon

Hostile Juxtaposition
Evolution Surge, Greater(Large/Fly for dragon)

What are some good feats for Master Summoners at level 10?

I am planning to stay far away from combat using some aspect wings so combat feats are not necessary. I had though about going into greater feint to debuff for my summons but I would love some other ideas. Or perhaps a link to where this has been discussed already. (I stink at searching)

Sorry I stink at searching and couldn't find an answer to this though I found lots of flank posts.

Can I use feint if I am not threatening or adjacent to my target. For instance if I was planning to charge next round, or if I was using Greater Feint at range as a debuff for my party.

Second: with improved Feint can I debuff two separate enemies using 2 move action. Thank You!

So I am messing around with a raging drunk barbarian and I'm wondering if I can still do anything useful if I happen to become nauseated at an inopportune time. I know it says you are pretty useless, but I feel there has to be something besides moving.

As a second followup If I were not nauseated but just limited to a single move per round, what are some useful things that require only a move action. Thanks.

I would love some help with finding ways to give myself the following conditions.



So far I've got Barbarian with Roused Anger and the drunken brute archetype. That gives me easy access to fatigued, exhausted, and nauseated. Any help finding other methods would be much appreciated.

So I'm experimenting with Gestalt characters and am very impressed with the interactions between Magus(blackblade/kensai) and Monk(maneuver Master). I have chosen the whip as the kensai and blackblade weapon and plan to use it to maneuver the crap out of some people. I would love some of you guys to check out my feats and see if you dig them.


1:Kensai:Weapon Focus(whip)
1:Monk:Improved Dirty Trick(blind,deaf,entangled,shaken,sickened)
1:Combat Reflexes
2:Monk:Improved Trip
3:Whip Mastery(no AoO for whip)
5:Combat Expertise
5:Magus:Improved Disarm
6:Monk:Greater Dirty Trick(lasts 1d4 rnd standard act to remove)
7:Improved Whip Mastery(threaten 10 ft, can grab objects, us as grapp hook)
10:Monk:Improved Grapple
11:Magus:Spring Attack
13:Greater Trip(provoke when tripped)

His basic strategy is to annoy people with dual maneuver spring attacks (thanks to Sweeping Maneuver) until cornered then the flurry/spell combat shenannigans make them pray he was still just spring attacking.

I also had three questions if you don't mind.

1:Can I flurry and Spell-Combat (seems yes as flurry is "as part of a full-attack action")

2:when making 2 extra maneuvers do all maneuvers take -5(-2 and -3 from adding the second) or does only the second maneuver take the additional -3? This could get stupid at level 15 if i can't realistically use flurry because of the -12(-2 first, -3 second, -7 last) to ALL maneuvers.

3:can I do dirty trick maneuvers with the whip? semi-adult spoiler

like ball taps for sickened ect


So I want to play this monk. This is the basic build.


Wuse Gee (Pronounced like Bruce Lee not Wussy Guy)

Drunken Master/Master of Many Styles/Qunqgong monk

Slow Fall -> Barkskin
High Jump -> Scorching Ray
Wholness body -> Hydraulic Torrent
abundant step
Quivering palm
Timeless body -> Diamond Soul

Order Of Attributes, Assume (18,16,16,14,14,10)

1:Combat Reflexes
1(style):Snake Style
2(style):Snake Fang
3:Catch off Guard
5:Panther Style
6(style):Monkey Style
7:Panther Claw
9:Panther Parry
10(style):Crane Style
11:Crane Wing
13:Crane Riposte
14(style):Elemental Fist
15:Improvised Weapon Mastery
18(style)Mantis Style

The concept and personality traits are in my head, but I realized today I have no clue what race this guy is. It's never even crossed my mind. He was always just a style test, an imitation of Brad Wong, and a tribute to Bruce Lee. Human is obvious though I like the idea of almost everything else. He is not meant to be super he is meant to be a drunk so the way I see it there is no optimal choice on race. Please let me know if you have a race you like for this guy. Any suggestions are welcome as well as questions.

What can I throw at them combat wise. The animals are wild still but the entirety of humanoids are good or extremely good. Evil outsiders avoid the plane entirely because they are sure to be caught and bound almost immediately. I have some good RP challenges for these characters to play out, but I would welcome suggestions for good combat encounters or challenges for the evil party to overcome in this sickeningly good world.

I'm in the process of building a high level alchemist. I was wondering if people had any good ideas for the combine extracts discovery. I am not as inspired by the alchemist formulae list as I thought I would be. If you have used this discovery to great results input would be greatly appreciated.

Also, If anyone has used the bottled ooze discovery, suggestions for them would also be appreciated. This character is a chef and I plan on flavoring the oozes to fit a final fantasy flan style. I am also open to suggestions such as "these two discoveries stink pick X instead." Keep in mind that I will most likely be picking vivisectionist so bomb discoveries are out, unless you'd like to convince me to not take that archetype.

Basically any help is welcome and useful as I will eat it right up.

I have been asked to play in an epic level campaign. We have been informed that role-play will be a main focus. I have decided after being told anything pathfinder was fair game that I would like to play a catfolk. I do not have a bestiary 3 yet however I know that I would like the character to be an amazing chef. He will, if forced to, use his cast iron pan as a weapon(meaning improvised weapon feats).

I was wondering if you guys had any Ideas for his mechanical side. I could make him a level 20 commoner, but that just wouldn't be as fun. I would appreciate any combat/social mechanical benefits that anyone knows of and would also be relevant to his obsession over food.

The character will hail from the area of the world described to me as being most like Thailand. In fact it was upon hearing this that I decided he was to be a chef. He is going to be allowed great stats so assume I have 16 in everything important perhaps more. I will be pushing to make him known world wide for his food. Because of this he travels constantly and if quite adept at doing it.

As far as my ideas so far I have toyed with making him a monk of the empty hand 6 to get improvised weapon mastery and then the rest ranger. have also though of a split between the guide ranger archetype and Horizon walker. Also straight guide perhaps. I also contemplated different forms of bard and Barbarian.

Please, if you read this and have any ideas, or you know of a kitschy/cliche/tropic chef character do not be afraid to post you reflections so that I might be better inspired. Thanks!

I have played under dms that did not use grids, used dry erase flip mats, custom made flips, and others. Most recently my group has been playing on large lego boards. We've drawn lines every 3 dots and the spacing works perfectly. It is also very fun to put together a lego mini of a character. What sort of different ways do you represent the battle scene?

I'm making a high level druid to watch over a forest in one of my games. He has full progression in the nature warden prestige class and I have given him 2 Animal companions because they will rarely be together at the same time. I currently have him outfitted with the following

+4 Ironwood Full Plate wild,fortification mod
+5 Ironwood Heavy Sheild wild,arrow deflection
+2 Ironwood Luckblade 0 wishes. 1 reroll/day +1 luck on saves
Amulet of Might Fists Holy
Bag of Tricks (tan)
Cloak Resistence +5
Ring of Deflection +3

The two companions each have a +1 amulet of mighty fists. the Megalocerous has horseshoes of speed. My main problem now is that I have all this money left to spend. 316,815 gold to be exact. I would not like to pump his AC any further as I don't think it will matter, and I don't want to make my players unhappy if it does matter. Please help me with suggestions for gear, including things that can help him protect the forest. Thank You.

I have been working on some characters for my game world. My current mission is creating a being that embodies Kindness. I roll for my races on a custom reincarnation chart(mostly for inspiration) and I rolled Human. I decided, as GM, to roll again and rolled Gnome. I then thought to myself, why not combine the two.

So mechanically I am thinking about giving the gnome leadership and then having him mount the human. I'm entertaining the idea of running them similar to the synthesist summoner. I am planning on making the gnome a bard of some sort(suggestions on KIND archetypes are welcome). The Human will be straight fighter, most likely using his fists or improvised weapons.

I am pretty confident I can make the gnome properly, but my expertise with fighters is limited to the standard 3.5 2 level dip. For story reasons he needs to be really dumb. Also retarded BIG.

So my question to the people of the boards, if you would be so kind. Help me make the Biggest, Stupidest, most Figherest character I can. His level will most likely be 17 as these two will be a final boss for an evil game I am running. Also I have access to everything if necessary, though if Pathfinder can do it I would prefer that. Thank You.

So I am making a demon slayer/tracker/collector. I am wondering which spells or methods are best for bypassing SR. I have already taken both spell penetration feats. I would like some ideas as far as spells that do not allow SR(saves are fine my DC's should be good). If possible being able to capture the outsiders would be best. I will have 9th level sorcerer spell eventually, so all levels are fair game. Thanks for the help.

So I am running an evil game. The main villains of this campaign are going to be a group of rulers each corresponding to one of the seven virtues. I have figured out what I would like most of them to be in game terms. I have however run into an idea block concerning Temperance(the opposite of Gluttony) and Kindness (the opposite of envy).

What I would like is some suggestions on classes and feats, skills, ect. that could be mashed together to give life to these concepts. To give you an idea, I had thought to make Temperance an organic farmer. I then thought, who makes a good farmer gamewise. I have temperance written down as "farmer/alchemist?" in my notebook. This is where I am at currently. I had though some form of bard for kindness, but that doesn't really fit unless there is some archetype I am missing.

Any help or suggestions are very much welcome. I have already decided what I like for the other virtues, (Chastity, Charity, Diligence, Peace, Humility) but suggestions for those are also welcome. Thank You.

Can the application of temporary hitpoints bring someone back to consciousness if they are at negative hitpoints.

For instance Greg the fighter gets hits and goes to -3 hitpoints. He is disabled and dying. On Gary the Experts turn he gives Greg 5 temporary hitpoints (somehow). Does Greg bocome conscious and ready to fight, or is he still technically disabled, but with less chance of dying from another blow?

The title pretty much says it all. My DM has given us a the resources of an elven city to prepare for any problems.

So far we have been hit with 4x devourers, a demon with zombie minions, a giant mob of bodies I don't know what it was called it had like 900 hp, also 2 of the party were infected by life blind disease from book of vile darkness. we were then caught in a massive illusion and drained by some sort of manta ray type monster. I don't know how much of this stuff was homebrew. That's why i need to be very prepared.

My character is a vow of poverty monk from Book of exalted deeds. He doesn't want any items. However, he has great spellcraft and knowledge ranks as well as the ki mystic ability to aid his research. He does not want his friends caught unprepared so is devoting his time to making sure they have everything they need. I don't know what kind of money were playing with, but assume 10k-100k maybe more.

Thank You

I am running an evil campaign. I would like to introduce a little comedy outlet through my GMNPC. All of the characters rolled on my custom reincarnation chart because of the way they are being brought into my world. I rolled as well and ended up with a tengu. My current thought is a dual cursed oracle (deaf/clouded vision) with the vision progressing mixed with a gunslinger. I understand that this is not optimal. I DO NOT want to steal the spotlight (unless its time for a comedic fumble/remark). Please help me with some mechanics if you wish. Any feats/archetypes/ect. that will allow him to aid the group would be wonderful. Also a name would be nice. I'm building draft 1 right now and will post it ASAP.

I'm interested in traveling the planes. The game I am in is set in a godless world, and I would like to go see where the gods are sleeping. The lowest level method I can see is the Astral Caravan Power from Dreamscarred Press. Psionics is allowed so this seems like a good choice. I was wondering if you folks knew of any better methods. I'm up for safer solutions, or easier ways. I am aware of astral projection, but 9th level spells are very rare in this world. Thanks in advance.

So I have been thinking about this new character I would like to play. I don't have a story for him yet just more of a game theory. I am looking for some advice on his viability, as well as suggestions on certain choices I will have to make. As of now I would like this charachter to be a 4 Summoner/2 Martial Class/8-10 Dragon Disciple/2-4 Eldritch Knight. My dm usually lets us roll for good stats so that shouldnt be a problem. My ranking of importance for stats is STR,CHA,CON,DEX,WIS,INT.

My Eidolon is going to be a wand wielding monstosity. I plan on making it a small biped and spending my 7 evolution points on Skilled(umd), Skilled(perception),Flight(4 pts for 70ft), and Unnatural aura to protect from wandering animals. His two feats will be Skill focus(umd) and Magical Aptitude. Max ranks in perception, UMD, Spellcraft, and fly. This will give him a +16 to UMD i believe. Im going to buy him lots of wand to use on me and my party. I was however concerned whether the wands went with him or not if he was banished/killed/I sleep/ect.

I am also not certain which martial class to take. Barbarian gives me increased mobility and rage which will be a nice buff that stacks. I would also have access to a rage power. I have never made a barbarian so I am not sure which power is best for a dip like this but perhaps you folks could enlighten me. My other choice is Fighter of course. 2 feats is always good, and I'm sure there is a good replacement for bravery amongst the archetypes. My favorite choice is probably the Ranger. He gets better saves, a favored enemy, and only 1 less feat than the fighter. Suggestions or additions to this list are welcome.

Finally I am unsure if I should stick with DD for the whole 10 levels. I am not too concerned with loosing spellcasting, but the BAB hit is unfortunate. I am planning on being up in my opponents face with my silly eidolon doing most of the casting behind me. The wings however are quite nice as is the better form of the dragon.

I have not decided on a fighting style, but 2h weapons seem like a logical choice as my eidolon will provide me with a sheild bonus most of the time. Perhaps a 2h reach weapon(Lucerine Hammer)? I'm almost certain I'm going to pump my intimidate to the sky. I would also be interested in suggestions for wands My current list is as follows


Summon Eidolon(for me since the little guy is squishy)
Enlarge Person
Silent Image
Mage Armor
Obscuring Mist
Destect Secret Doors
Comprehend Languages
Lesser Restoration(paladin)
Bless Weapon
Lead Blades
Protection from x(all 4)

Many of the Wands would be partial charged so that I could save some money as the current list runs about 20k. Thanks guys for every suggestion and reply. I am interested to hear what you will say.

I have created an encounter for my players that is meant to be very hard to kill. He is a druid shapeshifted into a snorlax looking creature (technically a huge water elemental for the bonus to Con). I have taken toughness, endurance, and diehard so far. What other feats provide good protection if you know you are going to be hit (ac 13). Thank You for your help. I just finished making 4 other baddies and my brain is fried.

So I have drawn up what I think is a good progression for my new Drunken Master of Many Styles. His name is Wuse Gee and is always getting into drunken brawls because of various mispronunciations of his name. Some call him a wuss, some call him gay, some call him both which is generally a very bad idea. For practicality I will Most likely Quinggone him as well. I would appreciate any suggestions for the empty feat holes, as well as replacement abilities for the following monk class features. I quite like Quivering Palm and Abundant step, but if there are vastly superior options that you know about, please enlighten me.

Slow Fall
High Jump
Wholness body
abundant step
Quivering palm
Timeless body

I was considering the dimensional agility line of feats as I have open feats from 13 on which is right when I qualify. Do you guys think this is a good path?

1:Combat Reflexes
1(style):Monkey Style
2(style):Monkey Shine
3:Mantis Style
5:Dragon Style
6(style):Dragon Ferocity
7:Panther Style
10(style):Panther Claw
11:Panther Parry
14(style):Elemental Fist
18(style)Boar Style

Thank You for your consideration, and I hope you enjoy my character as much as I soon will.

I am designing the rulers of my new home brew campaign world. There are 3 of them and they are all using the book of exalted deeds. I have of course opened the book of vile darkness to my players. What I need is help making the three characters prepared for anything, and able to attack any weakness. I had planned on making one a monk/apostle of peace/?, one a sorcerer/evangelist and the other a barbarian. I am flexible on everything but the apostle of peace and evangelist levels. Please If you guys could, help me cover all the bases as far as defensive necessities and good offensive choices for attacking weaknesses of all sorts. Most 3.5 source material is allowed but If possible pathfinder is preferable. Also, I have no clue what my players are even playing yet so nothing can be custom tailored just to beat them. Thank you guys.

I am attempting to build a front line fighter that focuses on tripping with a whip and range and bull rushing opponents if they get to close to whomever he is guarding. I am planning on using the Half-Giant race from psionics by Dreamscared Press. I will start with Soul Knife as well as eventually(level 6/7) becoming a pyrokinetisist. My main problem is that I have never played a shielded fighter before. I know shield bash is super nasty and is the basis for my close range control. However where I go feat wise after that is up in the air.

A secondary Question involves the interaction between greater cleave and trip combat maneuvers. I remember reading about but never saw a true answer. I would be so happy if a successful trip triggered greater cleave as I could do some serious controlling if I can trip all within 20 ft of me(Whip has more reach because it is technically a large weapon from half-giant powerful build).

My feats so far look like this

1:Power Attack (Soulknife bonus)
3:Improved Shield Bash
5:Greater Cleave
7:Two-Weapon Fighting
7:Shield Slam (maybe fighter level for bonus feat)

After this i need some help I think.

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Can I, with greater grapple, start a grapple as a standard action and then maintain it as a move? Also does failing to maintain stop the grapple? this seems dumb since it gives the grappler two chances to fail, once on his opponents roll and once on his.

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

`If I have an amulet of mighty fists ghost touch, can I grapple/disarm/ect. a ghost. Now i know most ghosts deal damage when you touch them but I'm really just curious if it's possible with RAW. This could practically come up with someone using magic to go ethereal.

So i've been contemplating making a character that can use most of the combat maneuvers. I'm planning on starting him with 4 levels of monk to get a ki pool and some other nice goodies. Also I figure if i'm taking the -1 to BA i might as well get the other nice stuff the class offers. This also does not effect my # of feats as the monk gets 2 in the first 4 levels which is the same I would get for any 4 fighter levels (except 1 and 2 which i will be taking anyways) After this it's all out fighter with weapon training in polearms, and then monk weapons.
I plan on weilding a ranseur or gurasame depending on what I'm fighting (and what maneuver is most effective), as well as using a monks robe and unarmed strike for 5' attacks.
I would like some advice on what maneuvers to take to greater status, which ones I should simply avoid, and what can be effective at only improved. Right now I'm looking at skipping reposition, and dirty trick. I'm also going to skip greater sunder as I don't want to piss off the party by destroying all the loot. Everything else is fair game. Steal Looks pretty sweet though again the greater version seems bad since the opponent will likely see his item in my hand anyways. Also trip and disarm are high priority and I'm pretty sure I will use the greater version of both. This is because they both are usable with flurry of blows and have useful greater abilities (AoO and weapon knocked 15ft away) Any help is welcome even if it is telling me this build is stupid and I need to do something else.
Race is also up in the air.

So I just built a summoner at level 15 with an edolon that is a hoverbike with the trapped soul of Squee goblin nabob the unkillable goblin from old school magic the gathering. Stats are:
ME with magic items : Str:8 Dex:27 Con:18 Int:12 Wis:8 Cha:20
Edolon with ioun stone : Str:18 Dex:28 Con:14 Int:7 Wis:10 Cha:11.

So i bought 3 heavy crossbows for us to weild. two in his 4 arms with multiweapon attack, and one mounted on his head (basically carried by me). We both have the crossbow mastery line. So I think that I get ridiculous amounts of shots. When i move less than his 60 fly speed I get 4 with my +2 holy at 19/19/14/9 then the eidolon gets 1 with each at 20 for +1 seeking shocking and 21 for +2 flaming. Assuming we don't move he can rapid shot taking -2 and getting 18/19 plus after this he gets 3 shots at 0/-5/-10 using any combination of the two crossbows. Thats 9 shots per round. Is that too much??? I hope my DM doesn't think so.

Truth by told, I'm not sure i'm doing the math right so let me know what you guys think.

So i'm designing a goblin summoner and I'm kinda feeling left out only getting to choose hp or sp. I had the same problem when I made a tengu charachter. Do any of you GM's ever give monster races special favored class bonuses like the ones in the APG?

I've always loved the idea of counterspelling and the feat improved counterspell seemed to me to make it possible to be an effective one. The problem I ran into was that I would sometimes nerf myself by taking too many spells from different schools and not just taking the good spells. Luckily the APG gave me an alternate favored class bonus from human giving me one extra spell known each level.
My issue now is picking a bloodline, and making sure I have the best spells from each school, and avoid school spells if there is nothing worth countering in the spell level one below it. So far i'm digging the abberant (for the reach on ranged touch) fey(for the compulsion bonus so I can mess with fighters and mages) or arcane(though this is kind of iffy). any suggestions would be awesome . Also don't be afraid to tell me counterspelling is worthless. I haven't played D&D much (just thought of a bunch of characters) so I don't know how effective it will be. I figure worst case scenario I've got a versatile sorcerer who can just cast his vast array of spells instead of using them to counter.

PS: can you counter spell-like abilities?

So anyone who has played magic may know of a card called the Steamflogger Boss. It uses a mechanic that is useless and has been confirmed as a joke by wizards. I want to play him in Pathfinder. There is only one real problem, and that is that goblins get a minus to charisma. Luckily the only thing really effected by a low charisma is bonus spells and times per day on my special summon monster. Both of these things I am willing to sacrifice for fluff.
For an idea of what the eidolon looks like take a peak at Gatherer for Steamflogger Boss. The actual card shows a biped mount but pathfinder does not allow this so quadruped it is.
My characters basic story is that he was a Goblin Welder (also magic card) and while tinkering with an old children toy(action figure in form of eidolon) he unlocked the eidolon from it's imprisonment and was granted summoners powers and spells as a result.
My character is a wise ass trickster (he's a goblin remember) so traits that help him do that are nice. I was also wondering how legit it would be to exchange the simple weapon proficiency for a single exotic weapon proficiency. I really want it to be able to use a whip. If fact when hes at his best I want him making a trip with bite, two grapples with pincers and a trip with a whip. I was also wondering if augment summoning works on the eidolon, the wording is a bit funky since he is treated a a summoner monster but a summon spell was not necessarily cast.
What I'd like from everyone is thoughts on the concept, and some ideas for feats or traits that can improve my character. I'm not sure what level he will be so suggestions for all levels are welcome.