combine extracts combinations.


I'm in the process of building a high level alchemist. I was wondering if people had any good ideas for the combine extracts discovery. I am not as inspired by the alchemist formulae list as I thought I would be. If you have used this discovery to great results input would be greatly appreciated.

Also, If anyone has used the bottled ooze discovery, suggestions for them would also be appreciated. This character is a chef and I plan on flavoring the oozes to fit a final fantasy flan style. I am also open to suggestions such as "these two discoveries stink pick X instead." Keep in mind that I will most likely be picking vivisectionist so bomb discoveries are out, unless you'd like to convince me to not take that archetype.

Basically any help is welcome and useful as I will eat it right up.

Combine extracts discovery becomes realy good as soon as you can mix 4th level extracts. Anything with greater inivs rocks. Elemental Touch/ Invisibility, Greater for example is a killer combo for most vivisectionists.

Before you reach 4th level extracts anything + shield is good. At this point you have at least 5 1th level slots so buring some of this does not hurt so much and having an exta shield spell up will you "cast" someting like displacement makes you realy hard to hit.

If you have the infuse discovery any melee type with out a shield will love you for a shield/x extract. ;-)

But infact combine extract realy starts to rock after 10 level (4th level slots)


I don't have any advice, but I'm bumping thread because it has alchemist in it. My next character will probably be an alchemist 1/2 orc. I like the alternate racial ability of +1/2 bomb damage. I'll probably have to get extra bombs. One thing I was thinking of doing was making him middle aged or old. This would give +2 to mental stats and -3 to physical, but when I get 2nd level extracts, I could buy a potion of age resistance and use the alchemist's 2nd level infusion imbue potion to just use it every day. I guess that might be some advice if you're starting at a high level.

The Exchange

If you're going vivisectionist, a good combo to mix is Enlarge person and Expedittious retreat, which make a fun buff combo to start off an encounter. Another good one could be Barkskin and Shield for a quick megabuff to AC. Haste and Heroism is an excellent combo as well.

Silver Crusade


Can delayed consumption be used with a combined extract?

Sure can.

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