Alternate Sorceror Spellcasting: V / S Replacements

Homebrew and House Rules

As I am constantly baffled why a folk born with innate spellcasting ability would be constrained by a necessity of an artificial language construct and/or specifically shaped appendage(s), I decided to forever use these rules, roughly ported mostly from PF1's Psychic Spellcasting with a few adjustments, as my personal campaign settings' Sorcerer magick theory.


1. Verbal is replaced with Emotion (concentrate) (not Thought like PF1)
I visualized the most iconic verbal-only spells, the Power Words, as chock full of strong, brutal emotions, rather than cold calculating thoughts. Hence the swap from PF1.
Emotion based spells now cannot be cast when the caster is fascinated or frightened. However, you may cast such spells while raging, if you pass a DC 16 flat check (and do not waste the spell if you fail).

2. Somatic is replaced with Thought (manipulate) (not Emotion like PF1)
Most spells without a verbal component usually tended to be Illusion spells, which would serve better if carefully crafted with logical thoughts, not bare emotions. Once again, hence the swap.
Thought based spells now cannot be cast when the caster is confused or controlled, or raging.

3. Stupefied Sorcerers still "can but hardly" cast spells.


Assuming I keep on using these replacement components for the sake of my personal verisimilitude sensibilities with innate spellcasting, would I have any glaring issues?

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I think the main issue is that Frightened is much much much more common than silence effects, even more so than in 1E. For instance, one bad save and the poor sorcerer is going to get crushed by any given dragon, and intimidate flows so freely as a monster option.

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