Shizzle69 |

So I wanted to see if anyone would be interested in playing a game set in a world where the entire population is good. All of them. Yup even the dragons. There is one religion that has convinced everyone to be at peace, and they have lived this way for almost 2000 years.
You will be some of the most evil people from across the planes. Not in your face offensive, but behind the scenes scheming masterminds of evilness. So much so that you will attract the attention of the one person here who is not evil. Someone who will bring you back from death, yes your dead, most likely in hell you evil bastard, so that your can bring evil back to this "World of Peace."
I can answer any questions you might have. As far as rules for character creation go, you will be Gestalt. One class will be the evil that you once were. The other will be a body into which your lost soul will be placed. The race will be randomly determined by a 1d100 roll. I have a list and can tell you whats up. Stats will be 30 Point buy or 18,16,14,12,10,10, no you cannot dump a stat 8 will be the lowest after racial mods. 2 traits, I'm not quite sure on the level I'm thinking 3, 5 or 7. You must be evil!

Cuàn |

Sounds delightful.
I'm curious about the list though, is it the same one used for Reincarnate? If so, will it be treated like a reincarnate in that you only take the physical characteristics of the new race but the mental ones of whatever you were before?
EDIT: Character would be either Lawful or Neutral Evil

Shizzle69 |

Your old race is of no consequence as far as mechanics go. You may by a strange twist of fate have the same race but for mechanical purposes you will just use the standards for the race you roll. You are more than welcome to roll before you choose your classes as well so that they can fit your body better. So if for instance I rolled a 57, I would be a gnome and use all of the racial stats for gnome. The fact that in my past life I was a human does nothing for my mechanics, just my story.
Edit:Healing would be best left to the cure spells. I would recommend against playing a cleric as the aura could cause trouble if anybody bothers to look for it. It's not against the rules but you will have to take precautions unless your super sneaky dude or something.
Your characters will have accepted this fate and the body, you are not forced into doing this, you want to.

Shizzle69 |

What about things like racial archetypes? Could you have one class (your old life) using a racial archetype for your old race?
EDIT: For instance, I'd love to have been a Ratfolk Alchemist in the past using Plaguebringer.
That can work. Any abilities that work off of racial traits will not work because you will no longer have the trait but you qualified for the class before you died so you can have it now.

joriandrake |
hehe, this could be fun, especially if the godling books are allowed. I can see a clever or eldritch godling class char having lots of fun with a background of a fallen evil god wanting Evil back
Honestly, because even normally evil people wouldn't want truly to bring evil back otherwise, as they would rather use the chance to trick everyone into helping its goals to power and riches. A formerly evil outsider would however hate all the happy bunny wabbits and flower tossing virgin priests in a world without pain/suffering/treachery/war.

GM Spugly Fuglet |

yes===# in
Lets have more fun
Sex 1 male 2 female
Original sex 1d2 ⇒ 1
New body sex 1d2 ⇒ 2
New body sex 1d100 ⇒ 19 elf so Oterisk says GM is that true.
Old race, as to be Drow - just think of it not only in an elf body but also in a female elf body of the neurosises.
would like to be an evil summiner synthesis a big black spider o man love this idea. In this way he/she can shift into evil mode by calling the dark spider.
Sweet elf maid, Evil dark spider demon.
Why, because he/she can that why CE dos not need a way it just needs a when who where and how
maniacal laugh, maniacal laugh, maniacal laugh.

joriandrake |

Oterisk |

Actually, new idea. Previous race and class- Elf fighter/Duelist Vampire (nosferatu actually). New class is Monk. A 30 point buy would be great for this build. He is the tragic style of villain, who would rather be good but is drawn to evil, when he became a vampire he gave up all hope of being good and for a long time masqueraded as living and good while secretly living off of the dregs of society. Now he is reincarnated and the situation makes him morose and irritable. He will probably go Undead again if allowed or if he finds a way. Would absolutely exchange two character levels for the Nosferatu Template.
Since you aren't sure of the level yet, I only built him to 3
LE- Gestalt Elf Fighter (Lore Warden)/Monk (Master of Many Styles) 3
Traits: Reactionary, Killer
1. Dodge
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
Crane Style
Crane Wing
2. Weapon Finesse
Crane Riposte
Combat Expertise
3. Combat Reflexes

Cuàn |

I'm not sure on the second class yet (will accept the second roll you talked about when the game would get off the ground. Half-Elves are nice, but can be a bit bland) but I'll grab a Plaguebringer Alchemist as the "old" half.
The basic idea is that before his death my character served one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, pestilence in his case. Now that they are all gone, either killed or in hiding, he wants to now become the one rider and bringer of the apocalypse. Tying him in with plague, famine and death is no problem, just looking for a nice tie to war.

GM Spugly Fuglet |

Shizzle69 |

@Jman: Yes you should roll the base race This list is new so I hadn't thought of that. Only like 4% templates so it hasn't come up yet.
Edit:I found more notes on the back of the list. Including how to build the troll.(yes I am race dropping) All templates are meant to be human according to me of 2 years ago.
@Spugly Fuglet:Do not worry about mind flayer you will have none of their abilities. Your personality will be that of a mindflayer but you body will be an elf. No more mind blast, or dominate person. It will be difficult for you to adapt. The way it works is that you were given a choice so you knew that you were entering a different body, in your case a "lesser" body, to accomplish your goals.

![]() |

I'm definitely gonna compete for a slot in this. Love me some evil games.
1d100 ⇒ 83
Edit: Gestalt just means that every level you get to take two classes instead of one right? So a level 1 character could have all the benefits of both a fighter and barbarian level (or whatever two classes) correct?