
QXL99's page

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Why can't an American admiral have an Irish accent?

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I believe there is room for both mechanics to exist, side by side.

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Personally, I felt that Tennant's farewell was a bit overdone (a touch maudlin and indulgent).

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Perhaps well-adjusted kids from happy families don't gravitate towards the entertainment medium in the same numbers as those who are tortured or have parental issues ;)

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Disney animation + holiday and you didn't expect a musical?

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Honestly, the original BSG is still my favorite of the two as well, cheese and all. Guess I like my SF *not* so grim and gritty--

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Y'know, I never got why people dumped on the last couple of seasons so hard. Yes, the mystical was given greater emphasis, but the Human Condition (TM) is filled with religion/spiritualism/mystical elements. "There are more things, Horatio..." and all that. The original BSG embraced this aspect of humanity, turning the show from space opera towards the myth suggested by its opening credits. To see the reinvisioned show do the same seems fitting to me. Perhaps it would have annoyed some viewers less if that aspect was more prevalent right from the get-go; I think some people felt like "you got space opera in my SF military show".

And as for the ending, I don't see why a 'Luddite' conclusion is so unimaginable, considering that the show was at least in part a cautionary tale about advancing technology. 'Going native' is something many buccaneers have done to avoid detection and capture, for example. Perhaps some fan outrage at the 'Luddite" ending reflects more on *our* addiction/love affair vis-a-vis technology, i.e. we can't imagine any circumstance where it would be discarded/rejected?

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Last night's episode wasn't to my taste; the SF angle was mildly clever, but didn't drive the story enough to overcome my distaste for hostage scenarios. However, I am impressed by the small background touches in panning/establishing shots--FX that don't slap you in the face but do what they're supposed to do.

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That was worth the hype and then some...

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It played (to me) like two damaged warriors drowning their griefs together, away from those who wouldn't understand...

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Except that most viewers won't 'get' those kind of Easter Eggs--not enough, anyway, to assure the necessary viewer-ship for the show to have legs...

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I seriously doubt any FR character has enough 'name value' in the general public to assure nervous investors that a D&D movie will be well attended. Far better to cast a popular actor/actress in a prominent (original) role and make sure the film looks eye-popping.

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Yet Firefly got canceled pretty quick...

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I guess I don't watch movies with a critical eye open--the issue with the sword never occurred to me until it was brought up in this thread...

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Much of this thread seems to be about defending a prerogative to complain about something that isn't even available for sale...

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Adamantine Dragon wrote:

Jaelithe, based on the mythologies of Norse and Roman/Greek gods, the immortal gods routinely dabbled with mortals and rarely, if ever, went to the lengths you describe to make them immortal.

If Thor truly loves her, then he's going to lose her regardless. They can't "spare him the agony of loss" by telling him to drop her, that only makes the agony sooner (and potentially greater since Thor knows she's right there but he can't have her because Daddy said "No") and robs Thor and Jane of the lives they can have together.

But one of the points of adapting a Marvel character to the big screen is to honor the source material (since it made the character movie-worthy, after all). Asgard's discouraging of Thor's relationship with Jane Foster is well established in the comics...

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I am tempted to write something 'passionate' when another poster takes what seems to me to be an extreme position and seems a bit arrogant in promoting it. It makes me want to either promulgate an opposing view for balance, or urge a stance that is more respectful of other views. I've found it is usually better to 'not engage' unless there is a compelling reason to.

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I don't get all the hate--I've been a fan of the X-Men since the Roy Thomas days and have liked all the movies just fine (except for the first Wolverine movie, but that was more of a 'meh' reaction than anything else).

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Every '80s cartoon told ya to conform...

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It never ceases to amaze me, what people will argue about...

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Threeshades wrote:
Hama wrote:

They take Thief, and amazing stealth game and TURN IT INTO THIS?

That stuff sounds exactly like the usual "appeal to a wider/modern audience"-dribble that ruined so many games lately. not only for the audience but also for the publisher.

They take a game that was marketed to fans of stealth games, because, you know, it was a stealth game and make being undetected unimportant, and limit the choices on how to complete a given level. Basically removing everything that makes stealth engaging in the first place.

All this will achieve is that no one will be interested in the game. Non-stealth game audiences will not buy it on the basis that it's supposed to be a stealth game, and stealth game audiences will not buy it on the basis that it fails at being a stealth game.

Really the only thing missing is that they port the franchise into a "realistic" modern military setting...

I'm not sure this is an inevitable outcome. Allowing gamers new to the franchise some non-stealth options does not mean that those fully committed to stealth cannot still play it that way. Seems like this broadens the purchasing audience, potentially.

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Sorry, but it will always be Hal and Barry for this codger...

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*Snicker*--did you intend the double entendre?

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Sebastian wrote:

Skye looks like she's been airbrushed in every scene.

Also, when did ugly sweaters replace glasses as the indicator that the hot chick is also smart?

Velma pioneered ugly sweaters for smart ladies...

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Pan wrote:
QXL99 wrote:
The only new show better than S.H.I.E.L.D. is Sleepy Hollow--IMO, both are appointment TV.
I hope you had a smile on your face when you posted this.

I am 100% sincere. Of course Arrow is even better, but it's not a new show this year.

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I thought it was great! My theory on Coulson? Think back to how Nick Fury avoided getting assassinated in the earliest issues of S.H.I.E.L.D.

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The first two 'reboot' movies were about revenge. Time to explore!

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Sadly, people who like reading pixels are robbing people like me (who love the smell of ink and paper) from physical publications...

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I don't accept that. I can't--SF is the realm of imagination...

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No more time travel!

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Saint Bernard wrote:
The season ending was a huge let down for my wife and I. I think it was rushed into production due to getting a contract for a 2nd season. Now I get to wait until next summer to see how they resolve everything.

I was sooo angry. The series was promoted as being self-contained, with all major character arcs wrapped up by the final episode (they never promised the problem of the dome would be resolved and I wasn't really expecting that, even before a new series was announced).

I won't be returning for the next episodes. I still can't accept Junior's story arc in any version of reality, nor the way that Linda would start an affair with a strange man only a few days after her husband goes missing, then continue the relationship with barely a hiccup, thanks to a timely discovery of important documents! Sheesh! How strange that the dome itself is the least unbelievable aspect of the show...

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Michelle wants us to drink WATER!!!!

This is the first step down a slippery slope. Pretty soon they will take away your coffee, your liquor, your soda! And don't assume that bottled water is safe from attack either--Michelle announced her push with a GLASS of water!

Think of the devastation to our economy--mark my words, this is the start of an all-out assault on Pepsico, Coca-Cola Bottling, along with the coffee and tea industries. It's the opening shot of a new (and worse) Prohibition! Think crime is bad now? Imagine the violence and graft associated with buying contraband RC Cola!

Stop this now! Boycott water!

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What does this have to do with Joss, Star Wars, or trilogies?

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I'm thinking the final 'Big Bad' will have ten rings of power that he salvaged from alien wreckage...

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Finally, unbiased reporting to complement Fox News!

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Uzzy wrote:
QXL99 wrote:
Only if you have the money/time/know-how to constantly update your rig as new games come out. Some of us don't...
The amount of money/time and know-how needed is always overstated. You can run games just fine on a rig that would cost about the same as a next gen console, and there are countless buyers guides out there to help you out. Building guides are also available, and it's a lot easier to put a PC together then it was five or ten years ago.

Over the years I have bought at least a half-dozen PC games that would not run on my system, even when the PC was less than a year old at the time. Sometimes I never did find out why they wouldn't play. I'd rather buy a console game I know will play, since after it's been opened PC software cannot be returned...

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Flawed heroes

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You sure you want to do this?

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And no offense to your dad, but on comics he was wrong ;}

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Honestly, is the whole point of this thread to argue with Scott?

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I think a 'strong' character (male or female) is someone who is willing to make a hard decision and live with the consequences--'emotional courage'. A person who is heroic wants that decision to have the best impact for the most stakeholders, so seeks their input/validation, but is willing to do something that might be unpopular if it is for the greater good (in the hero's opinion). And the hero still grieves any tragic consequences of those decisions.

A weak character just takes the easy way out, follows the path of least resistance, or waffles so much between positions that nothing is accomplished.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

I'd love 7 to go in a direction that completely invalidates every book and comic that has come out since Return of the Jedi, just to watch heads explode...

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I never understood the hate for the man who created the film everyone is convinced could never be improved upon...

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The show will live or die on its characters. I can forgive bad science but not bland or unappealing characters. So far the only stand out is the badass uncle.

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Toadkiller Dog wrote:
I like reading them, but in most cases they don't feel like a natural continuation of the campaign. It's more like an extra season of a TV show that should already have ended.

Well said.

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Exploration and a sense of wonder.

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1. The Original Trek, first season. Great writing, almost uniformly.

2. I only watched part of SGU and didn't warm to any of the characters

3. New Hope--and I couldn't care less who shot first. I really appreciate the updated FX

4. Trek wins easily, although Star Wars is a close runner up.

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Kryzbyn wrote:

KoToR was epic when played darkside.

Legend of Dragoon was neat. I've stolen ideas from it for some of my home TTRPG games.

But the dark side ending was so brief; the light side ending was much more satisfying...

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