Sorika Zan |

The monk would have been in the bar, looking for potential adventuring partners, but obviously didn't want to mingle, or seem to fit in very well.
As soon as a conversation would start up about a group, though, he would move towards the conversation. People aren't normally that focused in a bar . . ..

Boram the Burglar |
You guys have weak, old mounts, currently. Ones that need to be put out to pasture, BUT can suffice to let you travel just a bit faster than character walking speed, and for a longer time, carrying more stuff.
YaY Boram has a pony we shall name him Bill... yeah, I don't get out much these days

Melenthe Elberion |

PD, I know you wanted to keep things simple but I just came across the Myrmidarch archetype for the magus.
It would let me do arcane-archer type things from level 4, rather than having to wait until level 8.
It would also make me a bit more of a magic user for the first 8 levels, rather than being a Wizard 1 / Fighter 7. Which I didn't really think about until you described Melenthe as the party's 'magic-user' (which led me to go have a look at the base magus, to see if that would work).
Let me know what you think? They'll play basically the same at level 1 anyway.

Plastic Dragon |

* record scratch *
Looking it over, sure, I think I can live with that.
So, anyone else have requests for changes they'd like me to consider? Now's the time. So long as they aren't things that change the intrinsic nature of the characters, I'll think about it.

Boram the Burglar |
Sure, I'll ask, all you can do is say no right :)
Weapon finesse is not only a feat, but it is also the rogue talent 'Finesse rogue.' Because we are using parts of the elephant in the room feat tax system it removes that potential rogue talent. Can we replace it with the unchained rogue class feat "finesse training" allowing the rogue to use dex for damage instead of strength. The rogue would need to select it for each type of weapon that they chose to use.

Melenthe Elberion |

* record scratch *
Looking it over, sure, I think I can live with that.So, anyone else have requests for changes they'd like me to consider? Now's the time. So long as they aren't things that change the intrinsic nature of the characters, I'll think about it.
Thank you PD, that's great!
I will tweak my portfolio now.

Melenthe Elberion |

Okay, so, don't hate me but I realised I got excited and misunderstood Myrmidarch.
Myrmidarch doesn't really work for archery because she would still need a free hand for spell combat. So, casting spells through the bow is still out.
However, there is a different archetype that does not give as many cool fighter things (Myrmidarch gave weapon training, for instance, this one does not) but does let her concentrate on bow-casting: eldritch archer.
As someone put it on the boards: myrmidarch is for switch-hitters; eldritch archer is for pure archers. I want Melenthe to be a pure archer because I am planning to go into Arcane Archer. That's the whole plan.
So... I've applied eldritch archer to her instead.
It's still basically the same as the wizard/fighter at level 1 but I will be able to do magic arrows stuff from level 2 (although, about once a day at that point, adding either snowball or ray of enfeeblement to an arrow will still be pretty cool)
Her bow is like a wizard's bonded object (so she has to be holding it to cast spells) but it does not interfere with somatic components. She also cannot use melee spellstrike: ranged only.

Plastic Dragon |

* rumble of angry thunder from on high *
Again, LOL.
That's ok. I get it, and it is closer to what you were looking for. To be honest, though, I gave it a closer look than what I originally did the myrmidarch, mostly to ensure you're NOT that type of player. ;)
And I think it, like your motivations, are fine. :D Works for me.
In case I've confused anyone on my willingness to finagle with the classes and archetypes now, when I wouldn't during character selection, it's mostly due to the fact that these chars and you players were chosen because I liked your submissions and thought processes, and for some of you, I've been rping with you in other games and trust ya.
So, now is the time for any changes you want to request, since the floodgates are open (at least a little bit). I will even consider total character changes (race/class/etc), but only so far as you are still able to fill out a role in the party that keeps the group more or less balanced. This game will require it, methinks.
~ PD

Sorika Zan |

Unrequested opinion time:
Magus (Eldritch Archer) is superior to Arcane Archer. If you have that archetype, the old 3.0 prestige class ends up downgrading your capabilities over the 10 levels.
So, here's where I'm supposed to ask about using the Unchained Monk instead, right? <evil grin> Not actually important to me, but seems expected at this point.

Plastic Dragon |

So, here's where I'm supposed to ask about using the Unchained Monk instead, right? <evil grin> Not actually important to me, but seems expected at this point.
Only if this is where I'm supposed to say no. lol
I'll be honest, I've never even looked at the unchained monk. If you honestly want it, convince me. :D
Sorika Zan |

1) I was serious when I said not a big deal to me, truly.
2) The difference boils down to the Unchained Monk being a better front-line combatant and more customizeable.
Long version of 2) Little more versatility with the special abilities (you get Ki abilities every 2 levels and can pick from a list with minimum levels for stuff) instead of the hard ability list as you level. Some Ki abilities work when you have any Ki available, others cost Ki to activate. Full BAB, but Will is a secondary save. D10 Hit Die. Flurry isn't based on 2-Weapon Fighting, but is a Ki ability that costs Ki to use. When you spend the Ki, you get bonus attack(s) at your highest attack bonus. Yes, the number of bonus attacks increase as you level (but the cost does not), just like they do with the 2-Weapon Fighting version of Flurry of Blows.
Some people have a hard preference for one or the other. I see that both have advantages and disadvantages. In a smaller group, the Unchained Monk is probably a superior choice mechanically, but, Monk itself is rarely a mechanically superior choice in the first place!

Melenthe Elberion |

Unrequested opinion time:
Magus (Eldritch Archer) is superior to Arcane Archer. If you have that archetype, the old 3.0 prestige class ends up downgrading your capabilities over the 10 levels.
Sure, but I want to play an arcane archer, so I will.
The only thing that would change that would be if I felt that I was not contributing to the group sufficiently.

Plastic Dragon |

1. Still not posting til the weekend, but I am working on things behind the scenes.
2. One of which is, the 6th member of the party has finally responded to my invite that I sent when I sent out all of yours. After much thought I decided six players might help to avert possible TPK situations. I m by no means a killer DM but this IS a Gary Gygax game after all, and it has some fairly tough encounters as it progresses.
He has yet to submit his final character, and so we'll add him in much like we would an NPC or a new player to a tabletop game when he's ready.

Plastic Dragon |

S'ok. Bear with me.
Still learning Google Slides so I can display pics and eventually maps and whatnot. So I'll need email addy's from you guys so I can share it with ya. I think. lol
Or is Rolld20 better?
I'm used to tabletop. I've run a pbp game for friends, but that was on discord where you could easily share and post everything.

GM Elberion |

This is Melenthe's player's GM alias.
You don't need email.
Just set it to share with anyone who has the link.
Nobody but us is going to have the link anyway.
If you want to see how I do it, I have three examples just under my name.

GM Elberion |

I also use token tool when I have the time.
It mainly helps because I can use the one art I want but give each monster a different border. So, when there are five zombies, each one can be clearly differentiated.
Also, where I have PC rolls pre-formatted, I get the players to fill in those details for their characters.
I got all my stuff from being in other people's games and from some very helpful links on the Pathfinder Society pages.

Horek Strongoak |

Thank you for the invite GM! Horek Strongoak, a half-orc ranger is here to hopefully help the party stave off a TPK! No guarantees...
I've got a background in mind, but too tired to write up at the moment. Will work on that in the next day or two. Don't want to make any assumptions as to where Horek is currently, so will wait for you to place me in the story. Looking forward to the adventure!
Also, I agree that Google Slides is nice for this sort of a game. I often use Roll20 to create my maps, then use Google Slides so players can slide their tokens around.

Sorika Zan |

Google says a Gill is 1/4 pint, so, 4 oz.
American shots are 1.5 oz. British shots are smaller.
So, more than a double.