DM Andy wrote:
AH! Thank you! I completely missed that sidebar.
Prepped this today, and had a few questions: * Part A: All that Remains, last bullet point reads "PCs proficient in Athletics or Investigation..." What skill should be used, since Investigation isn't a skill? * Part B: The Hoard, PCs can harvest materials from each busoborn akata's body for Verdant Wheel's objective. However, there's no mention of this objective to the PCs anywhere in the scenario, so how are they supposed to know that they need to do this? * Part C: Get to the Boat!: It seems that there's absolutely no penalty for lollygagging around during this chase scene. It doesn't matter if they finish it in 3 rounds or 30, they get to the boat no matter what. Should there be some sort of limit to how many rounds it might take them?
Timingila wrote:
That did it. Thank you!!
Andrew White wrote:
Just updated from an early version (not sure which one) to 1.1.2, and I don't see a way of importing the new scenarios. I could very well just be missing something, though. When first installed, it popped up a dialog to install the first two scenarios. Nothing like that appeared after updating this time around.
According to for-Stars-Fate, Treat it as Frightened 1, where the condition doesn't decrease if it's listed as lasting longer than 1 round.
One thing should definitely be clarified. Errata wrote:
Improved Knockdown is on page 151, but Knockdown is the feat that's listed as being changed. This would be a serious upgrade to Knockdown if that's the feat that should indeed be changed, and make Improved Knockdown pretty obsolete.
Could we please, for the love of all that's Holy please get this fixed? It's happened to me 3 times today, either reporting scenarios, looking at my character's sessions, or most egregiously, after 10 minutes writing a long and thoughtful review for a scenario. It's broken, and makes me want to quit Pathfinder all together. If I'm forced to use your website, please don't make me hate my life.
Just downloaded and gave a quick test-run. It'd be nice if it kept track of number of rounds for you. A little counter that increments every time the "Current Combatant" goes back to the top of the list, and resets to 1 when the encounter is reset. I might just start using this instead of the bulky board I always have with me. Nicely done.
When I go to the GM/Event Coordinator tab of My Organized Play, it doesn't show any table credits, and instead shows a "Refresh Points" button, which always happens when I go to that tab. However, now when I click "Refresh Points" instead of seeing number of tables run and AcP, it takes me to an error page that says: You’ve reached this page due to an error on The web team has been notified and are working to fix the issue. (I've done this a half-dozen times so far, and even cleared my cookies/cache, so it's not that.)
For Encounter B, if the Demonaic Spirit drains life 3 times, it under goes Ritual Transformation. Part of that increases its strength from -5 to +0. Does that also increase melee attack's to-hit and/or damage by 5? I missed that the attack was Finesse, so to-hit wouldn't increase, but damage should?
Gary Bush wrote:
This. I came here to talk about this. I stopped tracking at page 14, but every single page (starting at page 3, after the credits/whatnot) had some sort of error on it, except for maybe the page that had the full-page map. I've gotten used to bad editing/proofreading from Paizo. It's been bad since the beginning. It has gotten a lot better in the last few years, but this....oh, man. This was easily the worst edited/proofread scenario in a long time. The story was great, but I kept stumbling over incorrect gender pronouns (for two different people), phrases that don't make sense, commas incorrectly placed (the least of the indiscretions), etc. I'm not sure who this needs to be brought to light to, but someone needs to be aware. Maybe it's just because I work in Quality Assurance that this bugs me, but I'm glad to hear someone else brought it up first.
I'm not sure if this is the best place to post such things, but since both PFS2 and Starfinder have very similar sign-in sheets, and most of my requests apply to both....this forum seemed fitting. In order of importance (to me): 1) Make the player info fields taller. Roughly somewhere between 1/2-1/3 of the page is white space, and my players don't have the best handwriting on their good days. Any sort of extra room for them to scribble in what vaguely resembles writing might make things a little easier for me to read. 2) Add a Player Name field. It's hard enough for me to remember everyone's character's names, and near impossible when I'm reporting for a table I wasn't at. If there's a problem with the filled in info, it'd be a lot easier to track down the person if they had to put their name along with their character name. (Even if this is on the same line has the character name.) 3) Get rid of the -X way to the right of the Org Play number. Most of the time, when people are filling out the sheet, they don't notice that section anyway, since it's so far from where they put their Paizo number. 4) If #2 and #3 are implemented, change the order of the fields. Have Character Name and Level on the top row with Org Play# and Player Name on the bottom row. When reporting, it'll be easy to see the info we need to input (Org Play#) and verify (character name) on the left. Even when doing online play, I still fill out a physical sign-in sheet for each scenario just so that I have a physical copy in case questions/problems arise after reporting. Having a player name on there saves me the trouble of adding the field myself (which I usually use as a contact field if it's online play).
The Fifth Wanderer wrote:
Are you in my lodge? One of our regular tables is a bunch of goblins and one half-elf with darkvision. They routinely cast Darkness during combat and just shut everything down. I see them doing the same tactic playing as Kobolds.
After rereading a few things, I think it works. The wight ability states:
A living humanoid slain by a wight’s claw Strike rises as a wight after 1d4 rounds. This wight spawn is under the command of the wight that killed it. This reads to me that the character did die, and later rose as a wight. (If the ability had said "Instead of dying, a living humanoid rises", then that'd be different.) Since both Raise Dead and Resurrect both only state that the character has died in a certain time frame, so long as the character died within that timeframe, the spell/ritual can be used. (The timeframe for when the undead was slain doesn't come into consideration, only the original death.) Objects also get destroyed, but that doesn't mean that the object itself ceases to exist, only that they're no longer usable as that object. Therefore, the bodies of slain undead should still be around.
If I have an analog melee weapon with both Glamered and Secured on it, and someone else takes the weapon to "inspect" it, what happens? A) Secured means that glamered no longer works, and it reverts back to its original form.
As a standard action, a weapon with the glamered fusion can be commanded to change its appearance to assume the form of another object of similar size. The weapon retains all its properties (including bulk) when disguised but does not radiate magic. Only true seeing or similar magic reveals the true nature of a glamered weapon while it is in disguise. After a glamered weapon is used to make an attack, this fusion is suppressed for 1 minute. Secured: The secured fusion ties the weapon to a single owner. When you use your weapon, it functions normally, but when wielded by any other, it remains inert and useless. Any analog, nonmagical properties of the weapon that do not require ammunition or charges still function, so a club would still be a club, but a pistol becomes merely an improvised weapon. Only the person who places a secured fusion seal on a weapon can remove it from that weapon. Once removed, the fusion seal can be affixed to a new weapon by a new owner. Even if not the owner, a character trained in Mysticism can remove an installed secured fusion or fusion seal using a process similar to transferring a fusion. For a fusion, this costs half as much as purchasing the fusion for the weapon on which it is currently installed; for a seal, this is half the cost of the seal itself. The process takes 8 hours. Afterward, a fusion can be installed on a new weapon and assigned a new owner for the installation cost, and a fusion seal can be used normally.
Tommi Ketonen wrote: Last we heard from Lost Omens World Guide was back in october 30th blog, where it was mentioned that it might get sanctioned "in a few weeks". Is there any chance of seeing this happen before christmas, or should we set our expectations on january? I'm just going to point out that tomorrow, Saturday Dec. 7th is the one year anniversary of the last time Starfinder's Additional Resources was updated. Thursty's response has me optimistic that it'll be (somewhat) soon-ish, but I'm not going to hold my breath.
First World Bard wrote: I don't see why the Level 5 pregens wouldn't be valid. I believe while prepping #1-00 for GenCon, they stated that the level 5 pregens were only for that scenario, and that actual level 5 pregens will be distributed later. (Also, the full complement of pregens aren't available.)
Exploring Ramlock's Tower is.....underwhelming as written. 10 uses of downtime to get a starting level consumable. Another 10 uses of downtime to get a slightly higher amount of gold than one use of downtime. And then another 60 uses of downtime to get....well, if you're doing scenarios you can't get another 60 uses of downtime. Perhaps this was supposed to say "For every day of Downtime you spend on this task, check a box below"?
The link to additional resources on the Pathfinder Society page is....acting oddly. Sometimes it redirects to (which works), and sometimes it redirects to (which takes you back to the main Paizo page). I haven't yet been able to figure out why it does one or the other.
With #1-09: Star-Crossed Voyages coming up as the first non 1-4 tier scenario (not including #1-00), will we be seeing some pregens higher than level 1 coming soon? I know I'm going to have a first-timer playing that weekend, and will need to give him something to play. As a last resort, are the level 5 pregens for 1-00 still valid for this?
Upon further prepping of scenarios, there's a couple of nit-picky things that would greatly help. 1) I prefer to have both levels of an encounter together, rather than all encounters for playing down, then all encounters for playing up. I accidently turned to the wrong section of the appendix, and found the encounter I was looking for, only for it to be the high tier, rather than the low tier. Oops. 2) Please put the handouts at the back just before the sign-in sheet. That way, we can double-sided print everything, and then single-side print the handouts, sign-in sheet, and chronicles.
While I'm all in favor of seeing what would happen if the Blakros Museum suddenly ended up in Cheliax, I'm going to attempt to steer back to business at hand. I just read over #1-04: The Immonwood Bandits, and I REALLY like how the encounters are laid out. Each encounter has an entry that tells you how that particular encounter should scale depending on how many challenge points the table has. Overall, I'm a fan. This'll make running each encounter MUCH easier, rather than having to remember a level bump for the entire scenario. What isn't made clear is if level bumps are still a thing, and would affect non-encounter DCs (knowledge checks, etc.). |