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![]() Greatwall, a medieval stronghold forty miles from the border to the north. Then a stones throw across the river into the Lands of Iuz. High summer in the baking hot month of Reaping and everyone is finding the air thin and noon stifling. Out in the fields the serfs either work on their own strips of corn and wheat or do their lord's business. But some of the rusty tools, old carts and rickety donkeys show that the War only ended last autumn. It is way passed time for them to be replaced but with what? From where? I shall post initial entry posts for each character tomorrow. ![]()
![]() From the ashes of the Greyhawk Wars, Iuz the Evil has gathered many new lands into his foul clutches. Avaricious eyes now covet the noble kingdom of Furyondy to the south. Iuz plots with diverse and devious plans as he preys from his throne in Dorakaa, the City of Skulls. Invasion is inevitable unless someone can thwart those well laid plans with guile and strength. * * * This is a recruitment thread for a fifth edition DnD game set in the World of Greyhawk along the border between Furyondy and Iuz. I am looking for 5 first level characters to adventure under the constant threat of renewed war with the forces of evil. My Expectations
Anyone applying should read and re-read this post, so that they do not make the mistake of asking unnecessary questions, something which is a bad recruitment technique in my eyes. Also I’ll help where I can to ensure characters fit with the area and atmosphere of the lands under threat. There is some information and links in the Campaign Info to help with this. Good characters should be based on a strong background with the opportunity to contribute in many ways. My most favourite characters also show they can develop and grow with their adventures. The game is using Fifth edition and not Pathfinder for lots of reasons. Mostly it is because I want to keep maps to a minimum and exploit the “theatre of the mind” approach instead. Previous pbps I’ve run have shown me that I do not have the skills or time to employ maps but the reduced number of rules means I’ll find it easier to give you folks the benefit of the doubt during descriptive combat instead. A point about anyone with a strong knowledge of the Flanaess. Although I am an experienced DM (and previously a writer for Living Greyhawk in the UK/Onnwal region) with a love of the Flanaess, I am sure there are others with far greater knowledge so look on Greyhawk canon as something I support rather than follow religiously. One thing I wish to stress is that play by post games require effort. Real life issues can be serious and we all get that, but nine times out of ten it’s a matter of habit and courtesy to keep posting or let the DM know why not. People should not apply if they are used to not posting on a daily basis. Many of the games I am in are slow because no matter what promises people have made they have not stuck to them. I expect every player to post daily during the week, I hope for more but that is the minimum. Five minutes or more every day doesn’t seem like such a large commitment but the energy and tempo of the game depends on exactly that. If anyone fails to post daily, without letting me know in advance then I will begin to doubt their commitment. Do it again and I’ll start thinking about replacing them so that the game does not suffer in the long run. I promise to put as much in - if not more since this is a joint responsibility. So along with the five players, a small number of reserves are going to be chosen who will definitely be called upon in the event of a player dropping out. Lastly my aim is for the game to last until August 2015 and then there will be a chance to finish or not depending on how well things are going. * * * Character Creation
* * * Selection Of the Heroes
![]() Hi Website Gurus I have had this account for several years and it is just fine. However since christmas and the purchase of a new android tablet I have somehow created a second account off the same email address. They both belong to Andy or Andrew Glenn and they both are French Wolf but the tablet doesn't connect to my main account. Is it possible to marry the two together? So that the tablet can access my avatars for pbps and downloads etc.. Cheers ![]()
![]() Sorry to the DMs of the games I am in for not posting in the last few days. My laptop has gone kaput and is in serious need of TLC. I am writing this in a library surrounded by school kids so being brief it could be several days or more before I manage to get the darn thing fixed. Apologies again Cheers ![]()
![]() Frostbite is a Viking style Pathfinder game at second level that started just over a year ago. There are seven handpicked and reliable players, but the eighth character is the one that has unfortunately fallen by the wayside. Saorise is an icy noble born sorceress and playing her is hard because she ruffles feathers and has a serious attitude problem without spoiling the game for the rest. The blonde Saorise is tied to another character, the brusque inquisitor, as a pair of mage-hunters. So rather than lose the inquisitor too, I am looking for someone to take over the sorceress. This is not a fast game but it is built to last. I'd advise anyone interested to read the initial discussion thread which details the land and culture in some depth and also have a look through the game thread. My criteria for anyone applying is that be mature enough to handle the role without spoiling the party and have a proven history on their profile of playing arcane casters. Preference will be given to people, I or my players, have gamed with before and trust to fit in well. Gamers with no history that I can't research on these boards need not apply, I am not looking for a newbie. Any other questions feel free to ask. I know I am asking a lot, and may come up empty but hopefully someone out there fits the bill. Cheers ![]()
![]() As a player in a Kingmaker campaign and the group's usual DM I have handed the reins over to a newbie. He has done a fine job up to now and we are all enjoying ourselves. Last Saturday's session hit a snag. A small one which the DM wasn't sure how to handle and without reading the adventure I struggled to advise him. Hence this post however when responding please bear in mind that w e have only done the top third of the map and I'd prefer general suggestions to specifics. We have had a whole series of random encounters by day and night with wild animals and now a fey, where the Avenging Druid and Oracle of Gozreh have tried to roleplay and not reach for weapons straight away. After a night encounter with a wild cat (which we spent ages convincing the others not to harm until we could try to feed it rations or find some other way to avoid a fight) the game turned into a discussion of xp. The rogue-assassin player was particularly vocal about letting xp "get away". Our DM would only give xp for kills, which he quoted from the scenario book. The majority of the party wanted the xp and so they would not let any predator escape again. I said that some adventures have encounters where you get some or all of the xp for avoiding encounters but that may not apply to Kingmaker. I'm a little concerned that we may be headed towards a killing spree. Isn't Kingmaker designed for druids and clerics of erastil too? How do good parties rationalise slotting every creature or is this a necessary evil to be able to reach third level in time for the harder encounters? Help please. I hope I have explained the issue well enough, if not feel free to ask for more info. This may seem trivial but to us it matters. Cheers P.S. As the druid player said, if we kill every wolf/cat/dragon etc then we will be overrun by rabbits and the like in short order. ![]()
![]() Mark/Jorgen Spoiler: I'm keeping this in spoilers because this doesn't really concern the other players. The thing is that you know Flash better than me and you guys play together. From where I am sat Flash's posting has dropped significantly, especially now that work has made it harder for him. Part of the blame lies with the stop-start nature of my game, my fault, however while everyone else has picked things up Flash hasn't. For me as the DM I try to plan stuff for everyone but I am struggling to present stuff when the posting back is so infrequent. NPCing is only a short term solution for me. What do you think? ![]()
![]() Hi everyone I have decided to offer a quick DOG at PaizoconUK next Saturday. To save me some time prepping I wonder if anyone has a first level paladin alias that I could borrow. The more knightly and honourable the better. If you have please post it under here and I'll copy him (or her) for the players to use. Cheers FW EDIT: Pathfinder Paladins please - Members of the Pathfinder Society or otherwise. ![]()
![]() In October I am planning a three day con at my home. It is the fifth of its kind. My wife goes away, my friends take time off work and some come for a day or two, and others stay over for all three. Gradually I have managed to convince one or two of them that they should help GM. All in all its a cheap, fun time that we all look forward to. So we have three GM's, one for each day (or seven hour slot), with a request from the most inexperienced for the adventure they run to be no higher than fifth or sixth. The problem is that because the roster of players may change, I'd like the parties to start out fresh each morning rather than follow a single linear plot over the three days. Anyone got a clever idea of of a theme or series of adventures that we can do? I hope that the community can help, because I don't want to get into a rut with these Homecons. Whatever suggestions I get I'll take to the other two GMs and see what gets the creative juices flowing. Cheers ![]()
![]() I'm building an ape animal companion for a first level druid. And I'm not sure what one phrase means on page 53 under animal choices. The phrase is "All animal attacks are made using the creature's full base attack bonus unless otherwise noted." That seems to be contradicted by the ape getting Multi-attack when the druid hits 9th level. Unless it is already suffering a -5 penalty to its secondary attacks? Any ideas folks? Cheers ![]()
![]() Frostbite Part One – The Marked Albatross A cold clear sky brightens the morning, although those one or two dark clouds waiting to the north over the Glacial Sea look menacing. Maybe the first day of autumn is a bad day to travel by sea on a cursed ship but the skein of your future is woven already. Good luck. The docks of Urgen is where the Albatross sails from today. Word has been passed about the town over the last three weeks while Drago Longaxe readied to embark north to Ackrieg. Word of the ten gold he offers to any crew member willing to go with him was met with muttered shakes of heads and faces turned away – ten gold marks is not enough for these suspicious seamen. But the story has spread thanks to mention of the ten golds, so that the docks are now busy with many folks waiting to see who will temp fate and sail away on the Marked Albatross. Local fisherman have decided to tend their nets this day, after all when the ship leaves, their catches should improve as the curse is lifted. It has been almost a year since the Albatross came and not one decent haul can be remembered in that time. So they will be glad to see it go. There are wives stood in clusters near their men folk, laughing and joking, so that the odd snatch of a sharp fishwife can be heard on the breeze. Some of these comments are pointed at the grey bearded, six foot tall man waiting beside the stone and plank quay, leaning against the post. Although he pays no attention.
Already two or three blond haired rowers have taken up position in the small drakkar, waiting for company at the oars. One is gently slapping the blade in the cold water. Another clutches his furs more tightly. Drago Longaxe taps his feet impatiently and stirs. “Is there no one else willing to take ship under me. Ten gold marks!” he waves at the crowd who go silent again. “Afraid of an old wives tale, cowering like a child on a winter’s night. Are you all cowards?” ![]()
![]() Kriegland
The Chiefs
![]() ”Windswept seas where men cling to frozen drakkars as they trade or raid, the chink of hammers at the soulless dwarven forges, the ice choked forests of pine that hide snow elf and gnome from the mountain freezes. Forget the farms, the livestock and the hot mead on your lips, remember that the chill spell-curser of winter is coming and all will die” Ode to the Fallen King Leifa “The Marked Albatross” is a first level Pathfinder adventure coming and I am looking for a novice party to take it on. There will be Viking ships, there will be a taboo against dweomercrafters and their arcane magicks, and there will be ice dragons for those that stay the course.
Beyond that I intend to read Kingmaker carefully so there may be an element or two of that in this game, also I hope to include some Ravenloft (a setting that ranks second only to my love of Arabian adventures) and finally the adventure will take advantage of my play-by-post experience gained over the last three years on these boards. The Commitment
As you can probably tell, I have been involved with some bad apples, players in the past, who have tainted my enjoyment. So priority to play in this game will be along these lines;
I’ll give it a few days so that anyone interested gets a chance to throw their hats in the ring and then I’ll choose about five or six suitable gamers and an alternate or three. Also between now and then on the Discussion Thread, I’ll start providing a more detailed Players Guide to help everyone. ![]()
![]() Can a knight charge 90 feet with his lance at the ready, hit a rider and get his warhorse to have a kick out too? What about if the target is another rider? I am having a hard time visualising how and if this is possible, even if it is in the rules. I suppose a knight's charge would trample over infantry after his lance strikes. What do you rules maestro's think? Cheers ![]()
![]() Illinburgh
But Illinburgh is a clean town, its people seem happy enough pointing out the large fort perched above, the home of the Marquis Burnd. Everyone is dressed in woollens, woollen skirts in multi-coloured patterns cover the men and women. Most men carry a small dagger in a sock and a club or short sword at the waistbelt. Every now and then the odd warrior or guard wears a full length sword down his back. It takes a good hour to walk up from the docks to the ‘Burgh as the locals name their Lord’s home. Tight twisting alleys split off from the main streets, as the workaday dock quarter gives way to crafters and professional workers, those of wealth living highest on the hill. The Burgh has a large stone bridge with an outer and inner gatehouse, but in these enlightened times both stand open with a pair of breast-plated men-at-arms dressed in black and gold quarters. They wear floppy hats much like berets, only woollen grey. These are the Burghers, the Marquis’ household bodyguard. Entry into the small castle came easy. Everyone was expected. Everyone gets a room with a view of the port and sea beyond. The tough granite walls have stood the test of time and each window has its thick bars of iron to prevent any accidents. After all, the town is a fair way down. Looking down, there are half dozen ships in port, travellers from the mainland and beyond. They bob about at anchor as the people mill about the docks and quay, a regular hive of activity. Further away the odd marketplace and street stalls have folk like ants all over them. It is Dougal who looks after everyone. Those that arrive first must wait a few days in the lap of luxury before they can see the Marquis. Then everyone can see him together. Dougal is the best part of seven foot tall, and carries a massive double edged broadsword at all times. He seems to know much but rarely gives anything away; the face is hidden by hair. Those black eyebrows and fierce black beard are a little unkempt but the ink stained fingers show he is more than just a warrior. All the servants move swiftly at his whispered commands. Finally Dougal sends word to everyone that the Marquis will see them. Each person is given time to gather themselves and asked to leave their weapons and armour behind. This does not seem to include a dagger, a “skeinde”, everyone seems to have a sharp pointed dagger. Even the children in the streets seem to play with those. Then the group are taken in pairs or individually down to the lower floor of the castle – the part that overlooks the town directly but is below the courtyard level. In an antechamber, everyone gathers. Before them stands a large pair of darkwood doors, at least ten foot high. There is a pair of Burghers flanking the doors and then beside them are two busts of bearded men in white marble. These stand in the corners. The floor has a woollen rug of black and gold tartan, the colours of the Burnd family that covers many of the castle walls. Looking around the group consists of a sturdy dwarf, a pair of young men, a much larger man and a gnome. Over to you, everyone has a little while before Dougal calls you in to meet the Marquis. Please at least give an explanation of how your character looks to the rest, even if not speaking up. ![]()
![]() Here is where we can discuss everything about the game, starting with making your PCs. Make any necessary introductions as well please. I'll start, I have played in Mothman's game for a year or so and Wrath for a few months so we know each other a bit. I live in the UK and have gamed on and off since the age of 14. Currently I am running one game in RL called the Temple of Elemental Evil and Kram has just lost his second PC in that (due to the ineptitude of his party). Mondays is my busy day at the moment so I tend to post more often on other days. However with this game I am pretty excited already so it may be a while before I calm down. In answer to your question, you will make your PCs (with a little input from me to help fit background). You can discuss the rules, feats and other stuff generally but the less you know about most of the PCs the better. This is because I'd like the first meeting to have maximum impact and you guys do not generally know each other PC until then. More about that later. To add to the secrecy I'd like everyone to spoiler your character sheets (just like Bedu the Barber) on my alias. Robert/Elora/Kram that means clicking onto my profile name above, clicking into the right alias, opening all the spoilers and then copying the whole thing across onto an alias you create for your PC under your account. It sounds complicated but with everyone's help I am sure we can pick this up quickly. Cheers ![]()
![]() “Thank you sincerely for coming to my various requests,” introduced the crippled Marquis Burnd Party Info I am looking to run a second pbp using the new Pathfinder rules. My Legacy of Fire AP is running smoothly and you should take a look at it to see if it fits with your idea of a decent DM before applying. This one will be a homebrew adventure set in the same world as the Splintered Isles was last year. As for character generation it will be 22 point buy PCs, no evil guys (or gals), and max initial wealth. Probably. That like everything is slightly dependent on what the new rules have in them. Every PC can have any single trait taken from any of the paizo books or tailored to suit themselves subject to my approval. Recently, there have been several posts from people wanting to get into a game for the first time. For them and anyone else still interested the single most important quality I am looking for from a player is reliability. That kind of enthusiasm that keeps them posting regularly and thoughtfulness where they let the other players know if real life is going to get in the way for a while. Party Makeup 1) A mentor-come-squire who has acted as an advisor and/or bodyguard to a younger man.
The Lochillins
The Mainland
To the north the dwarven craftsmen dwell in secret, rarely coming out even from their greatest citadel, the Waldimmor. Named dverge after the grey dwarves, most command some form of magic and their crystals are much sought after by all arcane spellcasters, especially the high elves. But the supplies by the dverge clans have recently dropped to a trickle. The halflings are hobbits, they live in lovely pastures, tending their flocks and gardens happy with their own doings and rarely leaving to trouble the world of men. The gnomes are the opposite; they have few settlements, preferring the open road and a gypsylike existence. Tinkers, gamblers, storytellers and brewers; they receive a mixed reception wherever they go. Despite the fact that both the gnomes and the hobbits have tried to stay out of the war, a few of each have been seen alongside the wood elves. The Gods The Regal Church is the faith of the nobility and has many churches across the lands. They also provide monasteries for learning and hospitals for healing, although those of higher station receive their benefits first. The Hospitalers of the Dove are wandering healers and do-gooders often looking for magic and knowledge in their travels. Krakis is the god of wild nature and storms, the sea and lakes. It is an uncaring faith that sailors and other travellers dare not pray to for fear of the consequences. Shamus the Leprechaun is the fey prince of freedom from all shackles, luck and love and all manner of frivolity. His symbol is the four leafed clover. The druids do not necessarily believe in a god but instead look to Mother Nature in all her glory and passion. The Next Step
You have until Friday night. I’ll pick the five best for those on offer. Any questions just ask, I’ll answer them as soon as I can. Cheers ![]()
![]() I recently ran my first homeplay game at our club. We play a wide variety of games each week (Warmachine, Mordheim, French-Indian War and Alexander vs Indians in 6mm last week) so I ended up with two keen Pathfinder players with their own PCs and 4 people using generics. My question is how can I get more people using numbered PC's instead of generics without them going on these messageboards? They have no real interest yet. In time I reckon a few more will sign up too, but one for instance, doesn't even go online... Frankly I'm not sure if its possible, but I can see that way in the future I won't be able to include the "outsiders" because the first level generics would mess up the APLs. But then we are only going to play once a month at most. I've like to move away from the generics. Thoughts? On a side issue why does the chronicle for Silent Tide have Gold Spent and Items Bought boxes when the latter includes Conditions Cleared? Cheers ![]()
![]() Just to set the scene... My friends and I are part of a club that organised a small wargaming convention in the UK over the weekend. It took place at a local university. We are all thirty to forty years old and everyone enjoys running different games. There were plenty of gamers fighting all manner of historical, future and fantasy games including two Warhammer tournaments (fantasy and 40K). Anyway it was five in the afternoon and we were all starting to pack away tables, chairs and help the traders when two "youngsters" students wandered past going to the uni bar. One twenty year old said to his spotty friend, "Hey look Games Workshop, I used to play that when I was a kid!" We all looked at each other and burst out laughing. ![]()
![]() I have volunteered to DM at PaizoconUK and was asked which ones I'd like to run. I have no idea. And I'd like to download them in April at 35% off. Can anyone recommend what they think are the most enjoyable to play (for the players and DM)? Maybe a top three would help since I'm running three slots. Many thanks ![]()
![]() The crunch of everyone's footsteps as they crest yet another slope in this unforgiving scrubland sounds again and again. Only occasionally does anyone start a conversation and even then the sapping dry air takes the strength out of chatter. Now and then there is the call of the odd bustard, searching for carrion. Above one circles over the small caravan hopefully. Before heading back to the Brazen Peaks. Ahead in the haze the dominating Pale Mountain is centre stage of the range. Now there is Garavel and a motley sextet of warriors, priests and other adventurers heading north. The no-nonsense Garavel, has drawn everyone else on to the mission and made it clear that time is passing, his mistress Almah is waiting and he reckons to be with her by noon tomorrow. He keeps his pure white keffiyeh drawn tight to stop the scirocco wind driving sand into his face, as he rides his camel at the front. His jewelled scabbard for the curved scimitar within easy reach. From time to time, usually when he orders a stop, the man opens up a little more. There was a seventh, a slave called Topir but he was left in the desert yesterday without food or water, when Garavel caught him thieving. He had been warned so the swordsman said. Garavel even pointed out the bustards circling behind the trail this morning, showing that his will be done and Topir is no more. Now is the chance for introductions, maybe gather a snippet of information or two, and discuss your chances with the dangers ahead. ![]()
![]() In the exotic nation of Katapesh, a land of fortune and wonders, heroes are those with the courage to command their destinies. Such wisdom leads a daring band to the abandoned village of Kelmarane with the hopes of re-establishing a once prosperous community.
Here is the discussion thread for Howl of the Carrion King. This is the place to discuss the game, characters, real life issues and post warnings for when you may not be free to join in for a holiday or whatever. Firstly the Discussion thread will allow us all to get to know each other better. Feel free to introduce yourselves, since a couple of the guys may need everyone’s help in getting up to speed with the way pbps play out. I should point out that I already know a few of you from other games but certainly not everyone. The six players at the minute are scranford, therealthom, Rimrock, Greyworker, Michael fox 630 and Brett1815.
Character Generation
House Rules
Initiative I will probably roll myself or get the next player to roll for each guy. This is just to speed up play. DM’s decision is final. Keep any rules discussion off the game thread and here in the discussion thread please. Game Etiquette
But let me know if you are going to be away for a while. The worse thing that can happen is if someone just stops posting. If we have a fight or important piece of roleplay waiting for one player, then the delay can spoil things, so I may need to NPC that person just to keep things flowing. Although I shall use the scenario I may change things from time to time. If you are running or just reading the Adventure Path outside of the game then that’s fine by me. Let me know if that is the case though too. Also try to make sure you keep the player and character knowledge separate for the game. Feel free to roll your own dice, use an online roller or what you prefer. I won’t require dice rolls to be proved, or need invisible castle links. Out of character text should be written using the bracketed ooc] and [/ooc] to make it easy to separate. Similarly bold bracketed b] and [/b] text can be used for speech or just to highlight an important point. There are others but these are the main ones used and I am sure people will get the hang of this. I am handicapped by a hatred of technology where e-maps are concerned, but I’m trying to overcome this with Photoshop and who knows how long that may take me. Until then maps will be either in the form of battle grids for people to construct at home, or my own pen and paper efforts which are passable at best. If we are using a battlegrid then please remember to post your position whenever you move. The Party
Cheers ![]()
![]() I just received my copy of Legacy of Fire Part One, its great and I'd like to run it on the boards. If anyone is interested please post here over the next couple of days. The game will be 4-6 players maximum, Pathfinder Beta and 20 point buy system or dice roll for stats. I believe in the honour system as well, especially Invisible Castle hates my characters. Rimrock and Tio let me know if you are still keen, and just so everyone knows, like Malvoisin I intend to roll randomly for players if there is a lot of people up for this. Probably Sunday evening at the latest the way the others have filled up in the last couple of weeks. Cheers ![]()
![]() Is the companion book going out at the same time as the first volume of Legacy. The companion says April when I started a separate order and the first volume says March. I stopped the companion order because I'd rather not delay "Howl of the Carrion King." Would it be quicker just to order the companion as a pdf? Cheers ![]()
![]() That's what he said. Now I live in Britain, I've gamed a good deal over the years but no one has ever said anything that brazen. I was stood in a Games Workshop and we were just chatting away about various games and anecdotes and then he said it. About himself. Now no one has ever said that to me. British Reserve maybe but even at the Cons where DM's were rated by the RPGA once upon a time, no one ever thought that highly of themself. Is that unusual? are there others out there who think the same? Cheers P.S. one of the best British DMs I have ever had the pleasure of playing with is Rob Silk (the Most Excellent DM mentioned on the Genconuk Paizoblog). A real gent. ![]()
![]() Bethsemane Although the village is a dozen or so miles from the edge of the Gnarley Forest, its fields and boundaries make it seem far more open. There are many copses of trees dotted about the place, left often to show where one farm ends and one begins. The Shelleton track heads west and has several small holdings along its way. A bridge marks the edge of Tricaster and just this side there is a narrow dirt rail that meanders with the brook to the north; until it reaches a clearing with three large clean rocks. Beyond that is a well tended garden of herbs and small vegetables in front of a long lodge. The front door even has a wooden knocker in the shape of a hoof. Everywhere is quiet this early in the morning; however the lodge chimney has smoke wafting upwards. A hen house is to the left of the lodge, and a small stable to the right. ![]()
![]() Below is an outline of how things will take place. Character Generation Introduction
Usually for a tabletop campaign, it would take three to four evenings play to get a completed zero level character. It is going to take much longer in a pbp, however everyone will be interacting and adventuring well before they are completed. Probably by August at the latest. Below are the three steps that follow. The first two may only take a week or two to resolve, after those things become a little more freeform. This is where people can disappear off in their own directions, forgetting one day they will need reasons to adventure together. Step 1
Step 2
Everyone needs to remember as well that the settings and the situations are as much yours as mine. I’d like to see all of you investing in the setting (and given everyone playing I reckon that shouldn't be a problem). Then when things happen, you will really care. The nature of this one is that your party may travel a bit but a good deal of the stuff will centre closer to home. Step 3
That may sound a bit harsh, but unless you are rolling 1’s or 2’s, we can work something out. Also remember that 3.5 DnD makes multi-classing easy. Once you reach first level the game will be just like any other you have played in. I shall do my best to get things going quickly but this week is a busy one. Cheers ![]()
![]() Since I started playing as part of this community, this is the game that I've wanted to run. The Splintered Isles seems to be going well, largely due to the quality of players I have. Now I’d like to start something in my favourite setting. This adventure will be set in Greyhawk. Where? I’m not entirely sure yet and I’ll probably want to know what my players prefer too. The most likely areas are; 1) In the Gnarley Forest near the Temple of Elemental Evil; partly because I am running a tabletop campaign of the original TOEE at the moment. This will use “From the Ashes” as a start point if you care about the when.
Be aware that if you are a Greyhawk purist, then you may take issue with the detail of Greyhawk canon. I have 95% of the books and modules but I don’t let that sort of thing get in the way of the story. My other pbp game involves lots of sailing, islands and has a Sinbad feel (or at least that is what I am shooting for). This one will not. The PCs will be in a medieval/fantasy region, probably not travel so far, will need to invest in their local area and defend it against the bad guys – although this may change. For instance, I love Ravenloft so maybe the Land of Mists will figure at some point in the future. Rules
Character Generation
As a standard, no psionics and no evil or chaotic neutral characters. Forget variant races, traits and flaws. Otherwise the www.d20srd.org document covers everything. Players
Secondly players need to be regular posters. Daily posting is a must during the week; I am not so fussed about at the weekend. Or let us know if RL will intrude for a few days. If a player is missing for 24 hours when we need a post then I may NPC him to move the story along. Since I will put a good deal of effort into this, I feel justified in the players not going AWOL or repeatedly letting the side down. Enthusiastic players please. Now
1) A concept of race and class or variant of a class. Humans dominate most of Greyhawk but you could all come from a dwarven mine or elven tree camp.
This is not first come, first served; I shall hopefully have enough interest to pick and choose the best players and concepts to make a great group together. ![]()
![]() On Wednesday night, my friends and I continued a combat that been running for 3 hours on a previous Saturday. The week before, they had decided to take on a gnoll druid vampire who’d upset them enough. They were ill-prepared, partly because of the players, only one or two knew much about the way the game worked. Partly because they hadn’t listened to my hints and advice or read their spells well enough. It would eventually be a learning experience. The first few rounds saw the vampire’s wolves arrive. I let one of the players roll the 3d6 and he got a 16, one of many dice rolls that didn’t go their way. Next the sorcerer in the party fireballed the vampire, and in his haste managed to burn most of the party as well. It wasn’t the first time. sigh I mentally revised my plans deciding to capture the party. Otherwise a TPK was on the cards. Luckily we had to stop playing so I had plenty of time to prepare the vampire round by round. Last Wednesday was a good session for the DM, but the players fluffed their dice repeatedly. Spiked Growth, Call Lightning, Flaming Sphere and then Entangle proved great at whittling the hit points down. Finally there was one guy left. The rest of the players wondered how he would save them. To be fair he was and is their most experienced player, so may have had something up his sleeve. But before he could act, one of the last gnoll minions shot him with a longbow. I couldn’t believe it because I needed a 20 to hit and had been trying all night. Rolled a D8 and his face told me he was now very low on hit points. The Moment
Luckily I only took him to -7 or so. The party were captured. But none of them will forget what Mark did. I’ve never seen anyone be too honest before, but that time he was. In the words of another player, “he (me) doesn’t need your help!” If you have any of your own, I'd love to hear them. ![]()
![]() The Shrine at Redgore Hill
Four years ago, the knights and their vassals destroyed a sizeable goblin horde in a trap. The gleeful goblins attacked a small shield wall of armoured volunteers who held until the cavalry rode in behind and cut down the evil monsters. Stories talk of the nearby river running red for weeks. The faith of Gorum enshrined the battleground before all remnants of the famous victory faded away. The barn entrance has two suits of plate armour, wreathed in silver light. Inside the walls are covered in large heroic paintings and the broken and rusted weapons of the horde. A central aisle is flanked by knightly statues and the captains of the various companies. At the far end are two ragged goblin banners with several dirty human skulls. Between them is an iron wrought brazier, always burning a pile of horde bones. Telfors
The party has been requested to gather at the shrine for final orders before they head into the wilderness to take back the Griffin Sire Castle. As and when the party members arrive they can stay in the tents provided and eat in the mess at the rear (so long as they help out). ![]()
![]() SargonX, Ragadolf, Torillan and Pat 'O the Ninth Power. Once the Gazettee for Golarion arrives, I'll place you in a suitable medieval setting. For now, keep the background sparse. Four races, four classes and one person with title to a castle in the wilds. The rest are his family, or more likely retainers and staff. Let's concentrate on the characters for now. Cheers ![]()
![]() I'd like to run a pathfinder playtest game using the new rules. But I'd like to know if anyone else would like to have a go with me. All I need are four players to fill the roles of cleric, wizard, rogue and fighter. Four keen players who will post regularly. The plot and character backgrounds should be simple and fairly straightforward so that we can concentrate on the playtest. Character Generation rules (using the Pathfinder Alpha Test rules;
The initial plot will be that one of the PC's has been given the title to an old ruined castle in the wilds. The rest of the party are either related or family retainers or the like sent to help him reclaim the fort and surrounding lands. Let me know if you are interested. Cheers ![]()
![]() Spoiler for Fudrick
Today you and Yrar arrived in Musaal. Most of the villages were busy working on the beach. The word is that Zartari is digging away at the volcano on the island of Shelitan, with the help of several villagers.
You remember Zartari as an inquisitive and talkative cousin. In particular how happy he was when the Badasah accepted him into their ranks. How many times during your childhood had Zartari said he wished to join the explorers? Since then the gnome has always been travelling, his letters showing up from time to time whenever he remembered you. This morning Fate smiles on you, the island is due to be replenished with supplies this very day by Old Hazir of Musaal. You soon find yourself with a small boat and work, when the grouchy sailor offers you and Yrar the chance to take his place at no cost. Hazir mentions that the boat will be crowded as Zartari has other guests coming. Spoiler for Roman
Your search for your father continues. A gnome called Zartari bin Bodim, an explorer from Bidikah has been mentioned as a possible source of information. The last few days you have followed the coast around to a village to find Zartari. The gnome is digging on the nearby island of Shelitan and a small supply boat is headed there today.
Tired from prolonged swimming you decide to take advantage of the boat. The owner, Old Hazir, did warn you that it would be crowded with three other visitors for Zartari. Note that Roman starts the adventure as fatigued but that will pass by the time he reaches the island of Shelitan. Spoiler for Shulim
It has been several days travel through the Vinggor jungle to Musaal, mostly with a trading caravan. You can see why your mentor, Davorash, did not want this hot and sweaty journey. The last day alone in the dark tangled trees was a nightmare, especially with your armour beginning to stink with sweat. The rumours of dwarven treasure had better be true.
Yesterday evening arriving in Musaal came as a welcome relief. A generous family looked after you last night. They only asked that you take kind words to their first son, Fundit, who is working on Shelitan with the explorer Zartari. This morning Fate smiled on you, the island is due to be replenished with supplies this very day by Old Hazir. You soon find yourself with a small boat and work, when the grouchy sailor offers you the chance to take his place at no cost. Hazir mentions that the boat will be crowded as Zartari has other guests coming. Spoiler for Yrar
Spoiler: This morning you and Fudrick arrived in Musaal. Most of the villages were busy working on the beach. Fudrick’s cousin is digging away at the volcano on the nearby island of Shelitan. He has several villagers helping him.
Then Fate smiles on you, the island is due to be replenished with supplies this very day by Old Hazir. You soon find yourself with a small boat and work, when the grouchy sailor offers you both the chance to take his place for no cost. Hazir mentions that the boat will be crowded as Zartari has other guests coming. ![]()
![]() The Splintered Isles
Grand Jurghan was known as the Light of the Crown, a considerable island centred perfectly for trade in the Argos Ocean. The inhabitants were deeply pious, sun worshippers of Hettama, but their faith blinded them to all others. Tellora, her sister Goddess of the Moon, ruined the kingdom in a fit of jealousy.
Eventually calm returned and a shattered island chain remained, with many sweeping bays shaped by submerged craters. Fortunately the largest southern island had not been completely devastated. The dwarven clans of the volcano Vanneal had avoided the worst of the harm and they provided shelter for those few survivors. Rebuilding took decades. In time word reached the outside world and the expanding sea trade slowly brought with it settlers and explorers. The settlers spread from the southern isles, and they found fertile soil and plentiful seas. The colony of Cindra stood at the centre of the growth. It gradually spread along the coast of the Moon bay becoming a major sea port.
Then the Norgard sea raiders arrived in their drakkar. Mainly human and orcs, these unforgiving slavers and traders were no longer welcome in their own land. They came and liked what they saw. The Cailim’s navy could only stretch so far. The northern isles were left bereft of that protection and they felt the full force of the savage warriors. In turn the Cailim chartered a dozen hired privateers-captains of all stripes to root out these raiders. In the maze of islands and coves, the cut-throat fighting and lack of morality led to a bitter and protracted war. As time passed with no resolution, the north islanders blamed the Cailim for his lack of support and so several island towns became safe havens for the pirates. Eventually the aged Cailim lost patience with his failing privateers; he tore up their charters and left the problems of the north to his naval advisors and their marines. Privateers either joined the Cailim’s navy or went north to join the pirates. And so while the Cailim calls all the Splintered Isles his kingdom, north of the Great Bay, the truth is very different. ![]()
![]() OK, now to find out if anyone is interested? The background information is all done, character generation sorted, all I need now are some more players! I'm looking for three more willing victims, and can't wait to have a crack at DM'ing some of you. Anyone is welcome to join. If it looks like there's enough interest I may be persuaded to add another spot. One thing just to show that you are keen, please could you include what sorts of PC's you'd imagine playing in the Splintered isles. Cheers ![]()
![]() My account shows that my subs for Dungeon and Dragon have expired. I have only received up to and including the July issues of both. However I have not received issues Dragon 358/359 or Dungeon 149/150. When I originally discussed the transition I was told my subs would cover the last issues of both. Could someone take a look and let me know what the situation is? Cheers ![]()
![]() Can anyone pass on some advice regarding decent software to create maps and possibly handouts. My freehand work isn't that great (especially now that I've starting writing for Living Greyhawk). This year I tried Campaign Cartographer 2.0 and found it the source of immense frustration and many fruitless hours namecalling. Then it upped and became 3rd edition. Something a bit simpler would suit me. Oh and cost is something I try to ignore but can not. Over to you