Tiefling Transmuter 1, Hits 8, Init +4, Perception +1, AC 20, F +1, R +4, W +6
![]() Perrah flicks through the items but does not take anything. "I do not understand or need most of this. It is more for the healers themselves. I mean what use is smelling salts or syrup against a poltergeist?" She moves over to the half-orc and waits by the doors. "My magical armour will not last forever so please hurry." ![]()
Tiefling Transmuter 1, Hits 8, Init +4, Perception +1, AC 20, F +1, R +4, W +6
![]() I took part in the first with a now infamous "magical coin" item. It does seem a worthy test and in all honesty I think that successful item/monster/archetype/etc design requires the kind of creativity, time and effort that I do not possess. Yet. But for those that do make the grade I say kudos to them (and you) for all that hard work! Cheers ![]()
Tiefling Transmuter 1, Hits 8, Init +4, Perception +1, AC 20, F +1, R +4, W +6
![]() Knowledge(religion) 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12 [b]"It is a poltergeist. It can be killed but it will return in several days. It is known to stay invisible unless trying to make people afraid." Finishing her summation, Perrah points at the last spot too and fires a ray of grey light at the creature. disrupt undead attack roll 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23, damage 1d6 ⇒ 4, miss chance 1d100 ⇒ 65 - MISS! ![]()
Tiefling Transmuter 1, Hits 8, Init +4, Perception +1, AC 20, F +1, R +4, W +6
![]() Perrah murmurs to the fellow tiefling, Alexei, "I never think about dying. Not like them. Having a devil for a father means contemplating such a thing never happens. My weak body is already broken so burn it next to Vharg. I doubt that I will be alive if he has fallen." Perrah helps to clean the ashes off Ilya. "That was brave, climbing in there." ![]()
Tiefling Transmuter 1, Hits 8, Init +4, Perception +1, AC 20, F +1, R +4, W +6
![]() "Take a look inside it. Maybe someone burnt something inside it that didn't agree with it. Guards or other prisoners perhaps." Perrah flinches a little under the touch of Mortimer, unused to human contact. But her cool skin feels tougher thanks to the magical armour and natural pit fibres. "Would cleaning it out help?" ![]()
Tiefling Transmuter 1, Hits 8, Init +4, Perception +1, AC 20, F +1, R +4, W +6
![]() Perrah Snowenglen wrote:
Randu said he took "some" of the potions so I think it is safe to assume that means 1 each of CMW, lesser restoration and remove disease. That leaves one spare potion of Cure moderate wounds. Take that Alexei. Randu can you update your sheet to reflect that? Perrah's actions next round (DMJ only)
Spoiler: Perrah will cast mage armour and pull out a potion of light moderate wounds moving forwards five feet. ![]()
Tiefling Transmuter 1, Hits 8, Init +4, Perception +1, AC 20, F +1, R +4, W +6
![]() Perrah examines the fragments of skull for signs of incantation. Then shrugs and moves onto the hole. "Guard your eyes, Vharg." Then she sends the dancing lights down into the distance to illuminate the area below for everyone. "As for the axe there is nothing inherently dark magic. Its the Lopper that was wrong. There are spirits here so you may get a chance to lay him finally to rest. After all he may have been the one that ended the Professor's life? unlikely in view of his lack of decapitation though." "I agree, I am sure we should clear this floor before going underground. But a quick look below for Randu who has sharp eyes could be useful too." ![]()
Tiefling Transmuter 1, Hits 8, Init +4, Perception +1, AC 20, F +1, R +4, W +6
![]() "Mortimer, is there a way to test the area for cold or hot spots before we enter them? I mean you have been hurt and we need to keep these dangers to a minimum." Perrah looks a bit shocked at the cold wounds, a sure sign of her physical weakness. "Ilya - can we ask some more questions?" ![]()
Tiefling Transmuter 1, Hits 8, Init +4, Perception +1, AC 20, F +1, R +4, W +6
![]() Perrah stares and frowns at the page for a moment then shrugs it off, "it couldn't, could it?" She smiles up at Mortimer and looks down at her stick thin arm held by the inquisitor. "I didn't know you cared? Vharg it is just a slightly sharper axe, no extra magic that I could find. How about trying to disrupt the negative energy? That may work from a distance of a few feet." ![]()
Tiefling Transmuter 1, Hits 8, Init +4, Perception +1, AC 20, F +1, R +4, W +6
![]() Perrah hands over the wand to Ilya and shrugs off the chance of great magic. "Yours I believe." Then she examines the axe carefully, trying to discern its truth. "I am not sure, Vharg." Detect magic plus Spellcraft roll 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25 on the axe. Then she grabs for the spellbook and quickly leafs through the hopefully arcane pages. "I would like to know the provenance of this. Maybe the spells themselves would be a clue?" ![]()
Tiefling Transmuter 1, Hits 8, Init +4, Perception +1, AC 20, F +1, R +4, W +6
![]() Perrah attempts to test the wand for its powers. Knowledge (arcana) 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23, Spellcraft 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22 coupled with detect magic She steps back a little while the magical investigations takes time. ![]()
Tiefling Transmuter 1, Hits 8, Init +4, Perception +1, AC 20, F +1, R +4, W +6
![]() Perrah re-casts detect magic at the altar area and then moves over to check out the small side door. She does not touch it but looks around first. Perception check 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9 "It looks fine. There maybe magical protections though." ![]()
Tiefling Transmuter 1, Hits 8, Init +4, Perception +1, AC 20, F +1, R +4, W +6
![]() Treasure list (can you spoiler what you have taken so we can keep it out the fun)
In the safe you find:
Perrah trails along behind the warriors directing her lights ahead of everyone. ![]()
Tiefling Transmuter 1, Hits 8, Init +4, Perception +1, AC 20, F +1, R +4, W +6
![]() Perrah picks up a healing potion and one to restore abilities. "I doubt i will be hurt as much as others but I can administer to the fallen with these." Took cure moderate wounds and lesser restoration potions. "Why a hero? He could have just been foolish. surely this place was his responsibility. Unless someone undermined him in some way, perhaps trying to free the prisoners. But who would do that?" ![]()
Tiefling Transmuter 1, Hits 8, Init +4, Perception +1, AC 20, F +1, R +4, W +6
![]() "Let me see!" Perrah dives in and begins to investigate the paperwork with fingers and tail. She hums happily to herself a little ditty, that sounds much like the first verbals of an offensive fire spell. She does stop briefly to touch the shattered hinges and wood splinters, "lockpicks are soo common but so clean! Ha ha ha." she chuckles. Perrah arranges the papers into four piles, discarding anything pointless or badly damaged first. Then she taps the first pile into neatness and begins to assess the numbers and details. "This is about the prisoners. This is food and the officers. This is the infirmary information and the last pile, the smallest, makes mention of names we know. Names like Hawkran the warden." Her long fingers flick up and down as she enumerates the list. ![]()
Tiefling Transmuter 1, Hits 8, Init +4, Perception +1, AC 20, F +1, R +4, W +6
![]() Perrah pushes the rest of items into piles, keeping everyone's comments in mind. There is still some left in the middle which she points at and adds, "Alexei and Vharg maybe there is something else here that you desire? otherwise I shall keep them safe." For the party to peruse so that someone can grab a few extra bits and pieces. I am fine with that Vharg. Check and make sure I haven't misread what people are taking too please.
Haunt Siphons (x4) - Ilya (1), Perrah (1), Randu (1), Alexei (2) Spirit Planchette (Brass) - Ilya 4 sunrods - Mortimer (1), Perrah (1), two spare 6 flasks of holy water - Mortimer (1), Vharg (2), Perrah (2), one spare 12 bolts, silver - Mortimer (3), Perrah (4), five spare 10 bolts, +1 - Mortimer (3), Randu (2), Perrah (3), two spare 5 bolts, +1 ghost touch - Mortimer (2), Perrah (2), one spare 2 bolts, +1 undead bane - Mortimer (1), Perrah (1) potion of cure light wounds (x5) - Mortimer (1), Randu (1), Vharg (2), Perrah (1) potion of lesser restoration (x2) - Perrah (1), one spare scroll of detect undead - Alexei scroll of hide from undead (x2) - Ilya (2) scroll of protection from evil - Ilya Edited: thanks Randu - maybe you want a bit more?
Tiefling Transmuter 1, Hits 8, Init +4, Perception +1, AC 20, F +1, R +4, W +6
![]() Knowledge (religion) 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24 "The strength of an haunt is predicated on the amount of suffering and despair caused at the time of death or deaths. A haunted structure (like the prison) could have numerous haunts spread around in various rooms. One death can create more than one haunt and more than one death can create one powerful haunt. The siphon counteracts the power of an haunt using positive or healing energy." Perrah fingers the three remaining haunt siphons and picks one up. "Detecting undeath is not something that concerns me. Keep the spell Alexei would be my response. I could use some of the magical bolts to complement my fire magic. Not sure about the other items but mayhap sunrod and sunlight would prove useful? The same with the flasks of blessed water." ![]()
Tiefling Transmuter 1, Hits 8, Init +4, Perception +1, AC 20, F +1, R +4, W +6
![]() Linguistics 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24, Spellcraft 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17, Apologies for the delayed response, hectic week with a job interview which will impact the whole family on Thursday if successful. Perrah snatches the book out of the hands of the ridiculous halfling and begins to scan the first few pages using her fingers and tail to point out key words and phrases. "I will be up many hours at this. It is coded and I do not think it is an easy one to crack. Let me try and then I will show you my notes. Anyone who has studied such cyphers would be of help, the code is intricate indeed." That is a tough DC to beat. I'll wait to see what help can be given before rolling. Haven't read the spellcraft spoiler yet. About Veltheron ShadowformBackground:
Veltheron Shadowform grew up in the city slums. Her parents were poor and treated with disdain, and Veltheron learned to get by by stealing the things needed. Her thefts started small, from food-wares in the markets to worthless trinkets purloined straight off a belt. As she grew older, her crimes did as well. It was inevitable that she would be caught. With each passing prison sentence, she reflected on her actions and decided she would lead a life as a valued member of society. But the thrill of crime was too much. Finally, when attempting to steal an priceless amulet from a noble's royal bedchamber, she was caught. It was obvious he was prepared because they cut her escape rope and guards filled the room before she realized. The last sentence was a long one, and being an elf, it would be worse then death. Salvation came in the form of an emissary. A recruiter for the Shining Blade who had heard of criminal past and sly finesse and came to her with a proposition - freedom and reward in return for absolute loyalty. Veltheron had never been a killer before, but the thought certainly crossed her mind in the past. It was an easy step to take going from a thief to assassin, and from then on she answered only to The Shining Blade. After-all, if doing the things she loved wasn't enough to excite her, getting paid for it was. And she knew very well not to bite the hand that feeds.
Veltheron Shadowform
Female Elf Rogue 2 LN Medium Humanoid (elf) Init +6; Senses low-light vision; Perception +10 ----------------
Feats Two-weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse
Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
SQ elven magic, rogue talents (combat trick), trapfinding +1