French Wolf's Homebrew Adventure

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The Exchange

“Thank you sincerely for coming to my various requests,” introduced the crippled Marquis Burnd

Party Info

I am looking to run a second pbp using the new Pathfinder rules. My Legacy of Fire AP is running smoothly and you should take a look at it to see if it fits with your idea of a decent DM before applying. This one will be a homebrew adventure set in the same world as the Splintered Isles was last year.

As for character generation it will be 22 point buy PCs, no evil guys (or gals), and max initial wealth. Probably. That like everything is slightly dependent on what the new rules have in them. Every PC can have any single trait taken from any of the paizo books or tailored to suit themselves subject to my approval.

Recently, there have been several posts from people wanting to get into a game for the first time. For them and anyone else still interested the single most important quality I am looking for from a player is reliability. That kind of enthusiasm that keeps them posting regularly and thoughtfulness where they let the other players know if real life is going to get in the way for a while.

Party Makeup

1) A mentor-come-squire who has acted as an advisor and/or bodyguard to a younger man.
2) The young man with at least a drop or two of noble blood in his heart and maybe the qualities of a leader.
3) A face to deal with both prince and pauper
4) An arcane caster trained by a half-elf
5) A dwarf

The Lochillins
The Marquis is responsible for several islands to the north-east of the mainland. The adventure will start around one of these islands, Lochaude. It is less than two hundred square miles, pine forested, with many rivers and lakes. The humans there have several fishing and hunting villages and a small port.

The Mainland
This is a highly feudal land. The majority of the population are human but there are settlements for all the other races. Note that half-orcs are generally treated badly, being the result of one of the orcish night raids from below.
The country is torn by an elven war that the humans have been drawn into. The high elves wizards can usually be found only in isolated towers while their more natural and sorcerous woodland cousins, inhabit the great forests of the south. They fell out over the loss of an artefact, and war erupted. The peasants led by the druids and rangers sided with the wood elves. The nobility owed its very status to the magic of the high elves and so readily sent knights and soldiers to aid them. Gradually all the nobility have been drawn into this war and so most people and races have been forced to take a side.

To the north the dwarven craftsmen dwell in secret, rarely coming out even from their greatest citadel, the Waldimmor. Named dverge after the grey dwarves, most command some form of magic and their crystals are much sought after by all arcane spellcasters, especially the high elves. But the supplies by the dverge clans have recently dropped to a trickle.

The halflings are hobbits, they live in lovely pastures, tending their flocks and gardens happy with their own doings and rarely leaving to trouble the world of men. The gnomes are the opposite; they have few settlements, preferring the open road and a gypsylike existence. Tinkers, gamblers, storytellers and brewers; they receive a mixed reception wherever they go. Despite the fact that both the gnomes and the hobbits have tried to stay out of the war, a few of each have been seen alongside the wood elves.

The Gods

The Regal Church is the faith of the nobility and has many churches across the lands. They also provide monasteries for learning and hospitals for healing, although those of higher station receive their benefits first.

The Hospitalers of the Dove are wandering healers and do-gooders often looking for magic and knowledge in their travels.

Krakis is the god of wild nature and storms, the sea and lakes. It is an uncaring faith that sailors and other travellers dare not pray to for fear of the consequences.

Shamus the Leprechaun is the fey prince of freedom from all shackles, luck and love and all manner of frivolity. His symbol is the four leafed clover.

The druids do not necessarily believe in a god but instead look to Mother Nature in all her glory and passion.

The Next Step
Come up with a concept for one of the PCs. I will be providing more information on the various classes tomorrow, but I’m looking for great ideas that fit into the land above. Feel free to tell me more about your gaming experience, limited or otherwise, number of pbps you play and the sorts of roleplay adventures you enjoy most.

You have until Friday night. I’ll pick the five best for those on offer.

Any questions just ask, I’ll answer them as soon as I can.


Liberty's Edge

I'm interested FW.

As you know, I've been pretty busy lately; hopefully that's in some ways coming to an end, but until it does I may struggle a little with regular posting; if that, or the fact that you are looking for players new to pbp counts me out, that's cool.

I really enjoyed your Greyhawk game, and would enjoy playing another game you DM (though I'm not familiar with your Splintered Isles campaign so much).

EDIT: Ah, just read "The Next Step" ; well, that's the test. I'll see if I can come up with something worthy, and get it down on (figurative) paper before Friday.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

I'm actually interested. Normally I try to shy away from homebrew campaigns on forums since there's not a spot for me to go and collect info on the setting. I'm intrigued by the preset party makeup and am wondering if you've ever looked at some of the stuff from Green Ronin namely the Noble's and Cavalier's Handbooks. Not saying you should throw tons of 3rd party stuff out there just curiosity, their rules on nobles and such are awesome the class was ok but the supplemental about Noble Houses and such were amazingly well done. I haven't played a dwarf in over 6 years so I'll try and work something up around that concept, any additional dwarf related info for your world would be welcome :).

The Exchange

Mothman wrote:

I'm interested FW.

As you know, I've been pretty busy lately; hopefully that's in some ways coming to an end, but until it does I may struggle a little with regular posting; if that, or the fact that you are looking for players new to pbp counts me out, that's cool.

I really enjoyed your Greyhawk game, and would enjoy playing another game you DM (though I'm not familiar with your Splintered Isles campaign so much).

EDIT: Ah, just read "The Next Step" ; well, that's the test. I'll see if I can come up with something worthy, and get it down on (figurative) paper before Friday.

Mothman, you are Mr Reliable as far as I am concerned. Consider that a big plus in your favour and don't worry about the spotty posting at the moment, it will take a while for us to build characters with a new set of rules and by then your life should hopefully have calmed down.

Just give me a cool PC idea please...


The Exchange

Robert Jordan wrote:
I'm actually interested. Normally I try to shy away from homebrew campaigns on forums since there's not a spot for me to go and collect info on the setting. I'm intrigued by the preset party makeup and am wondering if you've ever looked at some of the stuff from Green Ronin namely the Noble's and Cavalier's Handbooks. Not saying you should throw tons of 3rd party stuff out there just curiosity, their rules on nobles and such are awesome the class was ok but the supplemental about Noble Houses and such were amazingly well done. I haven't played a dwarf in over 6 years so I'll try and work something up around that concept, any additional dwarf related info for your world would be welcome :).

I haven't read the books you mention but they sound good. May have to raid the piggy bank.. However I have always let players help me flesh out new areas of my world and this will be the same. I often stand on their shoulders where ideas are concerned.

As for the dverge they are taken directly out of the old green 2E Vikings Handbook. If you don't have that, I'll post more info when I get a chance, probably tomorrow.


Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I've got an idea for a character fulfilling the first spot in your list of possibles.

A half-orc (or maybe human, haven't decided yet) serf recruited as a bodyguard because of his great strength and passive nature. But when he is roused to action, his battle fury is unmatched. While he is obedient and compliant to his master's wishes, the injustice he has suffered at the hands of the nobility (and maybe his fellow serfs, if he's a half-orc) has given him a deep-seated hatred and distrust of nobility and a desire for revolution. The only thing holding him back from outright revolt is the kindness shown to him by his current "master."

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

A few more questions. A) Can you come up with concepts for the different spots or are we limited to one concept for our application to this game and B) Can people come up with joint concepts? For example 2 people making the 1st and 2nd concepts in tandem to create a more solid backstory and fleshed out concept.

The Exchange

French Wolf, I'd like to try one of your games at some stage. Gotta go to work right now but I'll develop a character concept tonight. Looking at maybe a gnomish bard for the face of the party. That might turn to human though depending how my ideas float around today at work.


The Exchange

Robert Jordan wrote:
A few more questions. A) Can you come up with concepts for the different spots or are we limited to one concept for our application to this game and B) Can people come up with joint concepts? For example 2 people making the 1st and 2nd concepts in tandem to create a more solid backstory and fleshed out concept.

I have no problem with A or B. In fact B could fit together quite well.

The Exchange

Wrath wrote:

French Wolf, I'd like to try one of your games at some stage. Gotta go to work right now but I'll develop a character concept tonight. Looking at maybe a gnomish bard for the face of the party. That might turn to human though depending how my ideas float around today at work.


Go for it Wrath. I'm sure it will be good.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Do I have spot 1? I've already got the rulebook (came in the mail) and I can roll up a character pretty quickly. I think I may fiddle a bit with the concept, it's a little similar to one I've already played.

The Exchange

thefishcometh wrote:
Do I have spot 1? I've already got the rulebook (came in the mail) and I can roll up a character pretty quickly. I think I may fiddle a bit with the concept, it's a little similar to one I've already played.

Not yet, thefishcometh. However if no one else applies I have four players and you are one. A small crumb of comfort. Feel free to finetune it between now and Friday, if you want.

The Next Step
Come up with a concept for one of the PCs. I will be providing more information on the various classes tomorrow, but I’m looking for great ideas that fit into the land above. Feel free to tell me more about your gaming experience, limited or otherwise, number of pbps you play and the sorts of roleplay adventures you enjoy most.

You have until Friday night. I’ll pick the five best for those on offer.


"I like to drink, sing, and .... SMASH!"

Good luck with the game FW.

Utak, buddy! Nice to see you're still lurking once in a while.

Hey everyone. Just had to drop in and say hi! when I saw Utak's post. I played in FW's first Splintered Isles PbP and it was really good. If I wasn't maxed out on games right now, I'd definitely be fighting for a spot. (Must resist temptation til friday. Must resist ... )

Best o' luck with the game!

I am very interested!!

It has been a really long time since I have done anything even akin to play by post. I get very excited about things that help to hone my writing skills as well as let me play in my favorite genre!!

I'm the kind of person who will check a forum a few times a day to see if there are replies because I love to see the story move forward and find out what happens next. I'm already pondering a character concept :)

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

So, I'm thinking of making a serf/squire who was levied into service. Anybody want to be my knight, or the charge I'm supposed to protect? I'm not going to be a perfectly obedient servant (My plan is to have heavy sympathies to peasants and peasants' rights), but I will protect you with my life.

Liberty's Edge

I'm thinking of either slot 2 or 4 ...

If 4 I'll go for a wizard, probably either human or half-elven. If 2 ... hmmm, perhaps a paladin? Or take a level of aristocrat to start.

EDIT: Or maybe a cleric of the Regal Church.

Anyway, I'm rambling, and hogging two slots - please don't let that stop anyone else from developing concepts for one or both of these slots.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Mothman have no fear I'm a glutton for Character Generating, I have an addicition and I need help, I make characters for fun that since I'm one of 2 DMs in my gaming group I rarely get to play. I've already cooked up concepts for 1,2,3, and 5. Just fleshing them out so they look prettier when I post :).

Quick question:

How long has the war been raging between these forces? The timeline does sort of determine some ideas of mine so that info would be much appreciated.

The Exchange

Yrar-Kynlas wrote:

"I like to drink, sing, and .... SMASH!"

Good luck with the game FW.

Thanks Utak. I appreciate that. How you doing? we haven't had words for a while..


The Exchange

therealthom wrote:

Utak, buddy! Nice to see you're still lurking once in a while.

Hey everyone. Just had to drop in and say hi! when I saw Utak's post. I played in FW's first Splintered Isles PbP and it was really good. If I wasn't maxed out on games right now, I'd definitely be fighting for a spot. (Must resist temptation til friday. Must resist ... )

Best o' luck with the game!

Keep that up and I'll have to drop you a few xp. How many games you in?


The Exchange

EloraRose wrote:

Quick question:

How long has the war been raging between these forces? The timeline does sort of determine some ideas of mine so that info would be much appreciated.

Ten years, mostly in the Southern Woods. Although the woodelven and their allies do occasionally raid to the north.


Liberty's Edge

French Wolf, are there any general alignment trends between the two sides of the elven conflict? Or in the churches?

Would a Neutral Good or Lawful Good character be more likely to see one side of the conflict as 'just'? Would said character fit into the Regal Church? Or be seen as an outsider or idealist in that organisation?

The Exchange

Lazarus Quint was a rogue, a wanderer, a free spirit. He couldn't settle for more than a few weeks in one place before the urge to travel and experience the world at large had him packing and leaving. That and his love of women. He loved them, he couldn't help it. It didn't matter that he was a gnome, if he met a beautiful woman he would flirt shamelessly with them and for some reason it tended to upset the men wherever he stayed. So he roamed.

His recent travels through the mainland and its politics and war have left the little gnome feeling somewhat empty however. He'd always gathered stories on his travels, collecting them like others would coins or flowers. He nurtured each story, mulling over its place in the world he travelled, before he carefully recorded it or worked it into a tale of his own. Ten years of war had started turnig many of those stories to tragedy and bittersweet endings and the Bard's heart had grown heavy. He had travelled to this place of forests and rough seas in search of somthing new. A spark of the humanity he had seen pass from those he knew on the mainland. Here, on the edge of the world, where nature ran wild and reminded him of times more wonderful he looked for something to give him faith in the world again.

And the women here were beautiful too.

- Hope that's close to what you're after French Wolf.

By the way, if someone with no PbP comes along with a good concept, feel free to give them preference. I have a number of PbP's going at the moment and would rather someone new have the experience of a great game than me hog them all.


The Exchange

Mothman wrote:

French Wolf, are there any general alignment trends between the two sides of the elven conflict? Or in the churches?

Would a Neutral Good or Lawful Good character be more likely to see one side of the conflict as 'just'? Would said character fit into the Regal Church? Or be seen as an outsider or idealist in that organisation?

The elves themselves do tend to be quite individualistic, with the high elves being single wizards often assigned several nobles and their soldiers while the wood elves are skirmishers by nature, independent and fiery.

The nobility can be a little arrogant and uncaring where their peasants are concerned but that is more of an individual trait. It has been made more noticeable after the destruction of several "good" knights who were in the vanguard of a column of troops and militia. The Hospitalers of the Dove is a bit like the Swiss, although most of their work is alongside the noble forces rather than deeper in the woods. They are the clearest force for good.

Fencing and concentration camps are being mentioned as the next step to defeat the wood elves, also possibly using a scorched earth policy.

Against that the wood elves and their allies, the human woodsmen, rangers and druids can be equally savage. Wolves and bears do not leave many prisoners or wounded behind. Their tactics are desperate but also very successful at keeping the nobility off-guard.

Being lawful and following a code of honour or the tenets of the Regal Church is the priority. Goodness is tied into that but the feudal system concentrates mainly on following the ranking noble above. A good person may stand out only if they disobey a code or tenet directly.

The Exchange

Wrath wrote:

Lazarus Quint was a rogue, a wanderer, a free spirit. He couldn't settle for more than a few weeks in one place before the urge to travel a......

........of times more wonderful he looked for something to give him faith in the world again.

And the women here were beautiful too.

- Hope that's close to what you're after French Wolf.

By the way, if someone with no PbP comes along with a good concept, feel free to give them preference. I have a number of PbP's going at the moment and would rather someone new have the experience of a great game than me hog them all.


Wrath that is on the money.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

First Idea Post for slot number 5

Glanvar (forgotten outcast)

A Dwarven Monk who has been shunned by his forbears and clan due to his rejection of the natural predilection towards Armor and Weapons. He's a masterful smith and his magic manifests in his ability to craft magical
weapons and armor despite his refusal to use them. His refusal doesn't stem from a distaste of such items nor does he look down upon those who use them on the contrary he looks with pride upon those who use the armaments that he crafts. Glanvar's lack of armor and weapons is due to having risen above the need for such accessories, being a walking
weapon himself makes arms and armor less than necessary. Having left the clan of his own accord to spare his family the awkwardness of his presence in the area, he has traveled to the islands so as not to be forced into the war thanks to his unique gift for craftsmanship.

As a side note I now have the green Viking's Campaign Guide from 2nd edition and was wondering do your Dverge have crow feet?

The Exchange

The Dverge

Stunted men with wild beards. These are rarely encountered out on the road, though occasionally a traveller comes across one when he is lost in the mountains.
In addition to their considerable magical ability they are the finest craftsmen for making magical devices - fine weapons, clothes that make the wearer invisible, and statuettes that come to life are favourites.

It is believed that they are afraid of sunlight and that they actually live in another realm inside the mountains, having the power to cross from this world to the other. The other could be a dark realm, a fey realm, or a place of fire and metal depending on who tells the tale.

They are a fiercely clannish people who traded crystals and gems, ores and items of magic for the staples and equipment needed to survive underground. This trade had gone on for centuries (with the high elves and then the nobles) but the demands are not being met so much these days. The dwarves to not provide so much and the high elves do not ask.

There are rumours of several citadels in the northern mountains and stories abound of the dverge-under-the-hills but not many know much of truth. One story speaks of the changeling, the dwarves take a female baby and replace it with a nasty imp, the baby is never seen again.

The Exchange

Robert Jordan wrote:

First Idea Post for slot number 5

Glanvar (forgotten outcast)

A Dwarven Monk who has been shunned by his forbears and clan due to his rejection of the natural predilection towards Armor and Weapons. He's a masterful smith and his magic manifests in his ability to craft magical
weapons and armor despite his refusal to use them. His refusal doesn't stem from a distaste of such items nor does he look down upon those who use them on the contrary he looks with pride upon those who use the armaments that he crafts. Glanvar's lack of armor and weapons is due to having risen above the need for such accessories, being a walking
weapon himself makes arms and armor less than necessary. Having left the clan of his own accord to spare his family the awkwardness of his presence in the area, he has traveled to the islands so as not to be forced into the war thanks to his unique gift for craftsmanship.

As a side note I now have the green Viking's Campaign Guide from 2nd edition and was wondering do your Dverge have crow feet?

I was tempted by that. Let's say that some do and some don't and I'll leave it up the player of the dwarf to choose.

To reflect the nature of the dverge, the party will all start at second level. A dverge must take a level of spellcaster, either cleric or wizard. The dwarven divine magic is driven not by a god or faith but is inherent. They choose from the most applicable domains, not plant and travel, for instance.

You may wish to rejig Glanvar a little...


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

I will rework him a little bit I was actually gonna see if it was possible to use the Monk as is without the spellcaster class as some of what monks can do is on the border of magic. IE ki points, moving faster than everyone, an innate protection from harm reflected by AC bonus, and at higher levels things like Ethereal and Dimension Door. I was going to grab the Master Craftsman feat and have ranks in Craft Weaponsmithing and Armorsmithing and potentially Profession Jewler. I realize that'll definately eat into my feats as I'd have to take the Master Craftsman feat multiple times to qualify for each of those type things ( wish they'd made it so you chose two not one). It felt more flavorful to have a non magic user making magic items. I can rework it to have a caster level if you want to see that though.

The Exchange

I'll mull that over. The dverge are talked of as having considerable magical ability but perhaps G is the odd man out. Hmmm.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Thought about it and it'll work better your way... how do you feel about Rune Magic?

The Exchange

It would be a great addition to the game, especially if it were the preserve of the dwarves.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Second idea post for slot number 3 the Face

Beauregard Rook

Becoming a camp follower at the age of 9 taught Beauregard two valuable lessons. First don't go by the name Beauregard,
Second people don't bother those who have the right friends. Known simply as Rook by his friends he grew up amongst the soldiers of the nobility. He learned early on that the larger and tougher kids don't pick on you if you happen to be friends with the soldiers and knights. Earning his keep as a runner for those in command while the army was camped, he learned that a fast hand and a faster foot was a recipe for victory. Stealing apples from the command tent or pocketing a coin or two from a game of bones was all he needed to keep himself in relative comfort amongst the other followers or as comfortable as any urchin can be. His life of relative comfort was shattered when the small army whose camp he was a part of was decimated in a larger battle. Rather than be captured and killed Rook did what he did best, made friends. Thinking quick and talking faster he spun a story of how he'd been forced into service with the northern army and that he was really from a village near the border with the southern forest. In order to sell the story he informed the rural forces of another force of northern soldiers, their location and marching orders. After the truth of his information had been confirmed he was allowed to join the southern forces as a scout for his keen ears, sharp eyes, and fast feet. During a scouting mission in the recent past Rook saw his chance to escape his situation before his stories caught up with him, knocking his fellow scout unconcious Rook ran for the shore and from there to the isles.

The Exchange

This information may help fire the creative juices.

Below are some guidelines for the various classes in the lands. But feel free to tinker with them as Robert has.

The notable bardic colleges have their own heraldry and identifying rings. They often serve as messengers, diplomats and spies as well as storytellers and performers. Others have the common touch, trained by druids and rangers , a legacy of the gypsy wood elves love of song and dance. Gnomes, dwarves and halflings also have the odd chanter.

The land is not that primitive, the more bestial half-orcs provide some of these berserkers, it’s in the blood. Same with the most savage of the wood elves. Not so much the other races.
Faiths of the main faiths exist in various forms depending on their god. Also there are the Unfettered Ones, clerics of 2 domains with no recognisable god. They are often mistaken for hermits or druids even though each has found his own holy symbol.

A powerful circle operates in the land. They are regarded poorly outside the Great Forest, holding secret meetings in the wilds. Like necromancers they have become symbols of forbidden power, mainly due to the efforts of the Regal Church. Halflings in particular have an affinity for nature and so this fits with them easily.

Soldiers and woodland scouts most of these work for the wood elves. One or two of the more nobly blooded have sided with the high elves and they have trained a cadre of their own.

Trained soldiers and mercenary bands from further a field support the Regals. Templars and protectors of each faith can be found, knights and squires in training too. One band of knights seeks nothing less than the total extinction of all druids. For each soldier on one side there is a woodsman, archer or axe man ready to stand tall. “Simple peasants, simple weapons” is a noble phrase.

Although monks do not easily fit into a feudal land, the monasteries have to be protected, as do their travellers. The original human monk was born from studying the Tai-getherin, the wood elf unarmed fighters of unparalleled dexterity. At that happier time, they readily passed on the knowledge and teachings needed to become a monk.

Mostly these are the homegrown weary traveller or servant of the Dove. No saintly paladin order exists since the infamous battle of the Bloody Marshes when a band of Dove Knights defected to the wood elven side, only to be destroyed. The true paladin is a calling found across all the races.

Robin hood peasants are prevalent in the south. Gnomes and half-orcs have learnt a bit about sticky fingers and thuggery over the years. The elves do not have a great tradition with locks. Dwarves as master craftsmen have no such problem, especially with their own locks and traps.

Some of the bloodlines persist. Not so much abyssal or infernal but more so fey and draconic. The Great Forest is meant to have several dragons after all. These are a potent force against the nobility, killing whole swathes of peasantry in battle. Recently everywhere else those humans who have shown such talent are taken in and in the most belligerent cases sent to the mines. The other races tend to ignore such ability but will take in a travelling human rather than see him punished for his raw spells.

High Elven wizards are paragons, archmages usually, they do teach the more complex magicks in the best of the noble wizard colleges. One or two of the brighter prospects are often taken into their towers for further training. Humans and half-elves readily get these opportunities. The general public do not usually get to carry the Staff of a wizard or the Crystal Ring of a college unless they have been plucked out of obscurity. Halflings have a knack of producing fine conjurers and dwarves seem to be bathed in arcane magic at birth. Naturally the wood elves target anyone carrying a wizards staff or a crystal ring first.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Here's my entry for number 1, a human fighter:


Born a serf on the lands of Lord Baudouin de Soisi, Anseau spent the better part of his life tending the sheep on Baudouin's vast holdings. When he was 18, war broke out between the Elves, and Baudouin threw his holdings on the side of the High Elves. Anseau was levied into the army and thrust into combat as a peasant soldier, armed only with a halberd from his lord's weapon stores. For ten years he fought, marched, and waited, developing a great ambivalence to the conflict and an even greater contempt for the nobility. A month ago, the veteran was assigned to a noble as a squire for his "good service." Sent off to the islands in the North, Anseau was glad to be away from the front lines, but somewhat annoyed at being assigned to such a green charge.

Anseau is a scruffy-looking man of 28, with a thick, short brown beard and cropped hair matted with blood, dirt, and sweat. If not for his unkempt appearance, he would be somewhat handsome. Anseau wears a tattered tabard with the Axebeak emblem of Lord Baudouin de Soisi over a fine, but dirty, breastplate looted from a fallen knight and a standard peasant's tunic. He keeps his halberd perpetually at his side. Anseau is not the most obedient of serfs, and disobeys any orders he finds insulting to his abilities. He will protect his charge with his life, however, and will kill anyone who threatens him or the knight under his care. His abilities as a warrior are the only thing that has kept him from being hanged for disobedience.

The Exchange

thefishcometh wrote:

Here's my entry for number 1, a human fighter:


Born a serf on the lands of Lord Baudouin de Soisi, Anseau spent the better part of his life tending the sheep on Baudouin's vast holdings. When he was 18, ........
.....isobeys any orders he finds insulting to his abilities. He will protect his charge with his life, however, and will kill anyone who threatens him or the knight under his care. His abilities as a warrior are the only thing that has kept him from being hanged for disobedience.

Good stuff tfc. I wouldn't want to mess with this guy just reading it.

Thanks for your efforts.


While this is my first time ever doing a pbp game, I am highly interested in it though I see I'm the sixth person to show interest. I would like to come up with some ideas for the caster(4) or possibly making a dwarf cleric(5) to give the party some sorta of healer. I am curious to see were you want to party to go however, looking over the options (the bit about having a drop or two of noble blood) makes me think we might be joining the elven side, but that's just speculation. It only concerns me as there are only two arcane caster types and even flushing a reason out with back story the classes would seem to lean to their respective sides.

The Exchange

Colin, the Isles are away from the civil war far to the south. This makes it possible for the party to come from a variety of backgrounds and the key is finding ways to work together.

Six, seven or more people can go for this. Don't worry about that, just try for a cool character concept that you want to play.

Feel free to ask any questions about whatever PC you have in mind. As for party balance don't worry, I haven't managed to kill a PC as a pbp DM. No wait, I haven't managed to kill more than one PC.

Hope that helps.


Armand de Seul/ Lady Alinuyn Chevalier

The war is the last thing anyone wanted. And now it is the only tool Sir Armand de Seul has to achieve his goals. Only in war do great heroes rise from obscurity. Only in glory can a youth inspire talented, worthy soldiers to his banner. Only out of the fires of war can peace be forged.

Armand knows he is not like his fellow knights. He is not strong, nor hardy. He will never wield a great two-handed axe and overpower his foes. Speed is his ally. His muscles are lean and nimble. He excels at one-on-one combat. “Tricky” is what they called him. He complies strictly with the knight’s code, especially when a lady’s honor is involved. This gets him into terrible trouble as he is otherwise shy around women and gets flustered easily when they flirt. Thankfully he has Vincent, his squire and greatest ally with him. Though Vincent is no longer as young as he once was, he is an invaluable friend, and a voice of pure reason when Armand’s ideals may otherwise get him into trouble.

Alinuyn Chevalier. Alinuyn means “she who brings hope in shadows”. The burden of her name struck her at night, when she dropped the façade of her existence and allowed herself a few quiet moments. Only Vincent knew her and her troubled past. The lone surviving heir to a beautiful, torn province. Failed neutrality led to increased violence from the outside. Both sides of the war wanted compliance from the territory.

After five years of none aggression the tenuous neutrality finally failed. In the night, the southern army invaded their lands. She had barely just turned 13.

They heard the commotion from the nursery long before the forces broke through the gate. Giliat and Rebekah, her older brother and sister, went to bolster the lines and help protect the manor. “Protect Chase.” Giliat had said as he unsheathed his sword. “We’ll be back.”

Vincent barreled in soon after. He tried to smile reassuringly as he grabbed both their hands and led them down the servants’ quarters to the stables. His nephew had prepared for them , and without a second glance the three of them raced out into the shadows. As they approached the gate Alinuyn heard a small peep beside her, and watched in horror as her little brother slummed forward in his saddle, arrow protruding from his back. She turned back for him, but Vincent grabbed her reins and they charged forward, away from the burning building, and the last of her family.

Her goals are simple, their execution complicated. She wants nothing more than to see this war come to an end, and to be reinstated into the lands that are rightfully hers. Now 18, she is of age to reclaim her lands. To do this, she has affected the guise of a young, obscure noble boy, Sir Armand de Seul aiming for glory and fame. She must bring capable, talented people to her cause, so that she can reclaim her home and put things back to rights.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Her loyal Mentor and Bodyguard

Vincent Peredur

Born to a large farming family he had much bigger dreams than yoking an ox and farming a field for his life. When the war broke out between the Elves he asked his older brother and father for permission to join the forces of Lord Chevalier. At the age of 25 he was older than most who sought to join up and serve his Lord, but the kindness to his vassals was enough to inspire Vincent’s loyalty and fire his desire to become a knight. After his brief training Vincent was assigned to a small fort near the edge of his Lord's lands. During a battle at the fort, Vincent, held a small choke point by himself for 2 minutes while his comrades rushed to reinforce his position. After his amazing accomplishment Vincent was rewarded with his shield and a position as personal guard for the children of Lord Chevalier. With his elevated position he was able to obtain a position in the stables for his oldest brother's youngest son.

Watching over the children as they grew for 5 years and lacking a wife and family of his own Vincent regarded the children as his kin. Vincent hoped that the war would soon end as Chevalier’s position of neutrality was about to become untenable, a terrible tragedy occurred, the army of a rival noble rushed into the city and assaulted the home of his Lord. The southern forces in the area seeing a prime target of infighting moved in to assault both sides and potentially wipe out two noble forces. Moving swiftly Vincent rushed his charges, the two youngest children, off to the stables. His nephew assisted in readying 4 horses to make an escape. As the 4 rushed from the burning city an arrow arched from the dark piercing the youngest child in the back, his small body slid from his mount. Vincent had to restrain his final charge from rushing back for her fallen brother. Vincent knew his duty was to his charge. His nephew he sent back to the farm to inform them of what had happened and rode off towards the coast with Lady Alinuyn Chevalier hoping to disappear in case any of the enemy had followed them.

Now 35 years old Vincent guards the young noble woman as she masquerades as a young male knight named Sir Armand de Seul. Traveling from the mainland Vincent serves as bodyguard and strong arm for his lady as she gathers followers in the hopes that she can one day return to her ancestral lands, reclaiming them and bringing her fallen house back into the light. Vincent has never told her of the betrayal by her noble cousins and their seizure of her family’s lands, Alinuyn believes that after the assault her noble relatives had driven off the southern forces and took over the land to protect the common folk. Vincent believes that if she were to be told that the one who struck the first blow of that fateful night was the family she was supposed to rely upon her fiery spirit would drive her to rash actions.

Sorry about the wall of text, we've been working out this character set for two days now. I know more if you want more, but I figured that would be enough!!

Lumiar Kazara is a young high elven wizard. His father was an extremely powerful wizard who went out to fight the war, but then disappeared four years in. A friend of his father has been taking care of him and training him in hopes that he would show the same promise as his father. (Figured that half-elf is an npc of yours so didn’t do too much with him ^^). After learning of his father’s disappearance he left his teacher to go out and explore the world in hopes of finding out what happen to him. Lumiar has decided not to join in either faction of the war (though if anything he leans toward the wizards) in hopes that it will give him the freedom to search for his father by his own means. While he is passionate about finding his lost father it does not completely consume his life. Being a bit more sheltered than your typical elf, Lumair is exploring to also obtain more information about the world in general and will gladly take things at a decent pace with the thought that out of everyone he knows his father can definitely handle himself.

I'm considering playing in this game. My idea is that my character is a dwarf exiled for some reason or another. He has rejected the culture of his people and set off to seek his fortune in the lands beyond. Nonetheless he's a generally decent fellow and would go to the aid of somebody in trouble, especially if that person is being oppressed by law. I'm not sure what class I want him to be yet, most likely rogue.

The Exchange

lordzack wrote:
I'm considering playing in this game. My idea is that my character is a dwarf exiled for some reason or another. He has rejected the culture of his people and set off to seek his fortune in the lands beyond. Nonetheless he's a generally decent fellow and would go to the aid of somebody in trouble, especially if that person is being oppressed by law. I'm not sure what class I want him to be yet, most likely rogue.

Lordzack, it would be good if you could fill in a few of the blanks. Help me see how he fits in the world.

Elorarose/Robert could you give me an idea of classes? Its good stuff, shows a lot of work.


Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Here's another idea I have, if you have no problem with me submitting two entries. This one is for number 3, the "face." He's a druid native to the island of Lochaude, and I think I like this one a bit more than my previous entry.

Llwydeu of the Crimson Feather
Llwydeu was destined to spend his life in service to the spirits of the wild. He entered the world under the auspices of a full moon, his birth illuminated by the light of its lucky beams. As was the custom of the clannish Lochillindae, he was taken by the druids to be raised in the seclusion of the otherworldly forests. The insightful and curious child took to the druids teachings well, showing a deep fascination with the wild and an aptitude with its magic.

The druids of the Lochillindae study for a great many years before they are allowed to tend their own patch of forest, and Llwydeu was no different. On the cusp of his 20th birthday, the day when a druid is traditionally granted his title and grove, Llwydeu and his teacher, Drysi of the Cloud-Trees, were examining the woods that would be his responsibility, when the pair were set upon by a flock of axebeaks on the hunt. The alpha female struck Drysi in the neck, a spurt of blood streaking her blue-green feathers. Llwydeu let out a thunderous roar and slashed at her with his falx, gouging out her eye as she stooped to tear out his teacher's larynx with her cleaver-beak. Squaking in protest and pain, the alpha and her flock stood in shock at the boldness of the human before them, growling like a rabid beast.

"Leave, and harm no human again," Llwydeu uttered in the primal tongue of the woods. The wounded alpha and her hungry flock slowly backed away, impressed at the druid's audacity and lack of fear. Llwydeu managed to carry Drysi back to the village of the druids, but she did not survive the night. Before her passing, Drysi gave Llwydeu his title, "of the Crimson Feather" in honor of his ability to defeat and make peace with the predatory birds.

Six years passed, and Llwydeu stood true to his title. Llwydeu made peace with the axebeaks, and all the other birds native to the isle, crafting a grove fluttering with bright feathers and beaks. The one-eyed alpha female, called Argoel by Llwydeu, became one of his closest companions. He even adopted one of her daughters, straight from the egg, naming her Erial. Llwydeu became well-respected among the people of his isle and became one of the youngest to serve on the druid's council, relieving him of his responsibilities to his grove. He now became a wandering druid, seeing to the needs of the entire isle and no longer tied to his grove. Llwydeu took to his new responsibilities well, fluttering from one settlement to another, helping all he could.

Llwydeu is a man of average height, with a well-groomed beard, strewn with feathers and beads and dyed in streaks of blue. His pale skin is painted with the cerulean tattoos of Lochillindae druids, patterns of lines and feathers winding around his entire body. His clothing is minimal, just a leather cap and kilt, and a jerkin when he needs it, in order to reveal his intricately painted flesh. His kilt is sewn with designs of great flightless birds of green and blue, the feathers of axebeaks worked into the cloth. He carries with him a falx, a large, wickedly curved sword derived from the farmer's scythe. Llwydeu is a kind man, highly protective of the land and people under his care. While he preaches neutrality in matters of life and death, and has so far refused to take a side in the great war to the south (despite the druids favorites), Llwydeu has a charitable streak, and has a great hatred of evil.

If you come to find you enjoy the Noble from the Green Ronan book I was going to take my first level in that and then Fighter! I haven't played a Fighter in a while. She may or may not prestige class into Duelist, but we have time before that happens :)

I believe initially Robert was going to take Vincent Fighter, (I also think someone is coming out with a new knight class soon and he wanted to peek at that as well) But last we talked about it we both saw that no one had really put up a healer so he was looking at a Paladin. Which should be very interesting :)

The Exchange

EloraRose wrote:

If you come to find you enjoy the Noble from the Green Ronan book I was going to take my first level in that and then Fighter! ....

..... about it we both saw that no one had really put up a healer so he was looking at a Paladin. Which should be very interesting :)

While I don't mind changing things slightly like substituting rune magic for arcane or divine, I would prefer to try Pathfinder rules with Pathfinder characters. Plus I doubt I'll be familiar with the Noble class for a while with a 576 page Pdf to wade through soon.

If you can post the main thrust of the Noble class that may help.

I'd love to see someone play a paladin because the PF paladin is meant to be a big improvement with its mercy and smiting abilities, whatever they maybe.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

I settled on making Vincent a Human Paladin, this allowed him with Lay on Hands to hold that position for such a long time. He's middle aged so -1 to all physical stats and +1 to all int, wis, cha. I never see people playing older characters so I thought it would open up some RP options and make a more realistic relationship between the mentor type and young knight type characters. In addition to the age factor I plan on enforcing the Knight's Code on him from the PHBII. Which means he can't receive the benefit of flanking (though he'll still grant it), can't strike a helpless opponent, and will not attack a flat footed opponent. I realize that there's no benefit for acting that way besides my personal enjoyment.

As for info on Green Ronin's Noble. The Noble is similar to the bard in that it's more of a support class than anything else. The feature that is really interesting is they get the feat (from that book) Noble House which means they are the head of or part of a Noble House. Basically every cohort, follower, hireling, etc. that you bring under your sway becomes a member of your Noble House. The major feature of the Noble House schtick is the treasury and roleplay. While it can allow for large sums of money the money is used to pay aforementioned members and take care of stuff like walls, large soirées, and the like. The money from the treasury is really there to provide the noble the means to live like a noble with all the accoutrements thereof. In point they have a paragraph in there basically telling the DM that the player should not be able to access the treasury to buy whatever they like for the party like never ending supply of scrolls and such.

The Noble House rules add a lot of flavor and RP opportunities, but only if you go for the political and intrigue parts. Though in the case of Alinuyn it can add from the point of building up her house and garnering support. I can easily get you all the pertinent info on the Noble House stuff if you like it was just an idea we thought might help bring even more depth to our concept. The best part about the Noble House thing is that it's effects mechanically are pretty minor.

For the icing on the cake it would actually work best if Alinuyn were to just skip the Noble class altogether since it's a feat she could just take that (which is why she was looking at noble to start) it just means her house will grow more slowly, which is what should be happening anyways.

I skimmed through Elora's previous posts but didn't see the specifics of Ali so I'll toss 'em here. Alinuyn is a 1/2 Elf Fighter about the age of 18.

Maybe he refused to accept an arranged marriage or something? I dunno, it might help if I knew a bit more about the dwarves' society. The information you've provided seems a little sparse.

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