Jader7777 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

As for my least-favorites- no, they don't "stop the game from being a mathematical problem," they do the exact opposite, because they clearly come from a mind more interested in mechanics than in narrative. The Rust Monster exists because, for some absurd reason, gear loss is scarier than death. The Gas Spore exists because "hurr hurr, beholders are scary, let's mess with people." And so on.
Why they sure do! There is 0 reasons to play D&D if the player knows everything the GM knows, the GM needs to have things that surprise and circumvent the player and their expectations to master and manipulate the system. Monsters as you've described do that- they always present unknown potentials... is that a beholder? An illusion? A gas spore? A really good disguise check? Your aunty? What I the player knows fully determines my best course of action- does the wizard blow all his best spells in the surprise round because ain't no body got time for a beholder- or do you just poke it with a stick to see if it vanishes or hisses some gas at you?
Variety is the alchemists fire of life!

The Gold Sovereign |

My personal wishes for B7 would be
- 3 Asura Ranas
- 3 Kyton Demagogues
- 3 Primal Inevitables
- 3 Protean Lords
- 3Kami Lords
- 3 Oni Daimyos
- Playble medium fey race with fairy like appearance.
- Creature group based on the zodiac signs
- Template to redeem a creature (Need it for "on the fly" creatures)

Guy St-Amant |
My personal wishes for B7 would be
- Playble medium fey race with fairy like appearance.
- Creature group based on the zodiac signs.
I would be for a medium size fairy-like fey 0HD race and zodiac themed creatures.
+1 the fey 0HD thing.
... Which Zodiac set?
* Aries - The Ram.
* Taurus - The Bull.
* Gemini - The Twins.
* Cancer - The Crab.
* Leo - The Lion.
* Virgo - The Maiden.
* Libra - The Scales.
* Scorpio - The Scorpion.
* Sagittarius - The (Centaur) Archer.
* Capricorn - "Goat-horned" (The Sea-Goat).
* Aquarius - The Water-Bearer.
* Pisces - The Fish.
* Aries - The Ram.
* Taurus - The Bull.
* Gemini - The Twins.
* Cancer - The Crab.
* Leo - The Lion.
* Virgo - The Maiden.
* Libra - The Scales.
* Scorpio - The Scorpion.
* Sagittarius - The (Centaur) Archer.
* Capricorn - "Goat-horned" (The Sea-Goat).
* Aquarius - The Water-Bearer.
* Pisces - The Fish.
* Ophiuchus - The Serpent-Bearer / The Snake Charmer.
AKA Chinese
* Rat.
* OX.
* Tiger.
* Rabbit.
* Dragon.
* Snake.
* Horse.
* Goat.
* Monkey.
* Rooster.
* Dog.
* Pig.

Cole Deschain |

[T]he GM needs to have things that surprise and circumvent the player and their expectations to master and manipulate the system
Turning the equation into algebra by injecting unknown variables is still using math.
So you agree that, in fact, these things are precisely a way to make the game a mathematical problem. Good.
Now understand that my own take is that variety can be achieved without ridiculous entities that exist purely to spam a normally-isolated game-effect.

Jader7777 |

Now understand that my own take is that variety can be achieved without ridiculous entities that exist purely to spam a normally-isolated game-effect.
Okay, you don't like them.
But I do! I hope there's a whole fat AP where doors are mimics and when you get through them lurkers are above them and trappers on the floor and those weird things that are humanoids covered in bandages that shamble towards you but are actually some sort of weird outsider and not the thing that you cast Turn Undead on whenever you see it. Also piles of gold that are actually those plane of law robots that become swarms when disturbed.

Brinebeast |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

It's a bit early to put this up since Bestiary 6 is not out yet but I like to keep tabs on the monsters that have not yet made the jump from 3.5 to PRPG. The list includes monsters from the Monster Manual that are not restricted by IP and those from Pathfinder 3.5 products. I would like to see these all get updated. Slowly the list has been shrinking and maybe after B6 and hopefully B7 I'll be able to take some more off the list.
3.5 Monster Manual
Abyssal Greater Basilisk
Ethereal Filcher
Ethereal Marauder
3.5 Pathfinder
Azi, Sruvara – Dragon CR 15
Azi, Gandareva – Dragon CR 16
Azi, Zahhak – Dragon CR 19
Dhabba – Animal CR 1
Sand Eel – Animal CR 5
Cutlass Spider – Construct CR 6
Granule Construct Swarm – Construct (swarm) CR 6
Guardian, Wings of Protection – Construct CR 8
Guardian, Tongue of Rebuke – Construct CR 9
Roseblood Sprite – Fey CR 3
Frosty Chiseler – Fey CR 4
Miengu – Fey CR 11
Cinder Wolf – Magical Beast CR 2
Darklands Sentinel – Magical Beast CR 2
Hoary Muntjac – Magical Beast CR 3
Ercinee – Magical Beast CR 4
Buraq – Magical Beast CR 5
Sandwalker – Magical Beast CR 11
Hadhayosh – Magical Beast CR 18
Xotani, The Fire Bleeder – Magical Beast CR 20
Black Echelon Operative – Undead CR 1/3
Edimmu – Undead CR 3
Gutdragging Lurcher – Undead CR 3
Smoke Haunt – Undead CR 4
Blast Shadow – Undead CR 5
Croaker – Undead CR 5
Forge Spurned – Undead CR 5
Fell Flotsam – Undead CR 6
Bonestorm – Undead (swarm) CR 8
Shadowy Lurker – Undead CR 8
Bloodless Vessel – Undead CR 12
Nightmare Bats – Outsider CR 3
Crepitus – Outsider CR 5
Asakku – Outsider CR 7
Chatterer Swarm – Outsider CR 8
Peacock Spawn – Outsider CR 8
Arcanaton – Outsider CR 9
Ghalshoatan – Outsider CR 9
Torthune – Outsider CR 12
Black Jinni – Outsider CR 12
Son (Child) of Perdition – Outsider CR 13
Child of Malignant Symmetry – Outsider CR 13
Snowdrifter – Aberration CR 4
Emkrah – Aberration CR 9
Argorth – Aberration CR 11
Get of Iblis – Aberration CR 13
Azlanti Chariot Beetle – Vermin CR 5
Spider, Crag – Vermin CR 8
Wooden Protector – Plant CR 3
Gnoll, Unchosen – Humanoid (Gnoll) CR 4
Guiltgorger Giant – Humanoid (Giant) CR 8
Black Blooded (Template)
Necropyre (Template)
Smoldering Host of the Risen (Template)
Sea-Sworn (Template)
Wyrmskull (Template)
Some personal notes:
Arrowhawk, Digester, Phasm, and Ravid I think are great monsters and would like to see them get an update.
Grimlock I would like to see become a 0 hit die race that is the result of a Morlock and a Human making offspring.
From the Pathfinder stuff I am a big fan of Dragons, Fey, and Plant creatures and all the ones on this list are pretty awesome.
I am always up for more Animals and Vermin and I like how the ones on this list are unique and unexpected.
Of the constructs I want the Cutlass Spider and Granule Swarm updated the most as they are both pretty scary.
For the Outsiders and the Undead the more variety the better. A few minor changes for some of the Outsiders would make them crazy awesome:
Ghalshoatan = Div
Torthune = Aeon
Crepitus = Asura
Son (Child) of Perdition = Daemon
I like all the Aberrations but the Snowdrifter is particularly fun.
And for the Templates, I love templates and I consider them all vital!

Brinebeast |

Grimlock is not one of the monsters restricted as IP. The folks at Paizo Went with Morlock instead and have a slightly different vision for that monster. Also, they can use Morlock in their novels whereas I believe Grimlock is restricted to just RPG products.
However, the Grimlock from the old Monster Manual would make a great 0 hit die race :-)

Grimor |
.... Gnoll and Flind are already in the Bestiaries (the first one I'm pretty sure)...
I shuldnt pott a , betvin Gnoll and Flind as it is in Monster Manual 3, i forgot that it culd be taken for 2 monsters.
I Ment the distant Relativ to Gnoll the Gnoll Flind ho exist in DaD´s Monster Manual 3 page 62.

Aurelio 90 |

A 7th Bestiary? Really? I still wait my pre-ordered Bestiary 6 from Germany (and I living in Italy!)
* New tipe of true dragon, "terror dragon" (evil dragons that embody the mortals' fears, i.e. death, madness, disease, abandonment and similar concepts)
* A new type of celestial (or an unique mythic-or-not monster), the "grigori": "primordial angels" with the body made up of words and sacred symbols, and they/he use words of power (from Ultimate Magic) instead normal spellcastings
* Orcus!

Goth Guru |

A 7th Bestiary? Really? I still wait my pre-ordered Bestiary 6 from Germany (and I living in Italy!)
* New tipe of true dragon, "terror dragon" (evil dragons that embody the mortals' fears, i.e. death, madness, disease, abandonment and similar concepts)
* A new type of celestial (or an unique mythic-or-not monster), the "grigori": "primordial angels" with the body made up of words and sacred symbols, and they/he use words of power (from Ultimate Magic) instead normal spellcastings
* Orcus!
Not by that name. You can animate Aroden's corpse and make him the god of corporeal undead though. :)

The Evil Queen |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I wanted to wait till Bestiary 6 is out before wishing for 7, but since many people already wish and I know that most creatures from the first two wishing pages make most chance to appear in the books I have to post them already.
I wanted to make a top 10 most wanted creatures of myself, but I couldn’t choose between many so it became a top 20. They are put on ABC, not on which I want most.
1: Agrippa (Construct) – Or any other monster based on a animated monstrous Grimoire that can summon monsters it swallowed/absorbed into its monstrous unnatural pages.
2: Asag (Div or Demon) – Or another demon/stone demon that spawns smaller versions of itself out of its rocky back, much like the Pod Demon from D&D.
3: Batibat (Fey) – Or another evil Dryad, but Batibat is perfect, they could be dryads that lost their trees and this tragedy turned them into ugly, fat and evil killers.
4: Bauk (Fey) – Or another bogeyman-type creature that can teleport though shadows.
5: Binaye-Ahani (Demon or Aberration) – Or any other twin-based monsters that don’t look like normal humans.
6: Bonguru (Magical Beast) – Or another creature which body functions as a living hive for other smaller creatures to inhabit. Bonguru itself is from Solomon Island mythology, they are large boar-like creatures which bodies are infested with hornets which dig through their flesh and which use their fleshy body as living hive, on its back grow all types of parasitic fungus that also use the body for food and soil, making the Bonguru a very hostile and aggressive creature as it is in constant pain.
7: Eintykara (Vermin) – Or another creature that is a swarm of flying insects that can take the form of humanoid, demon or other monsters (but still as swarm) this swarm become more intelligent the more insects join in.
8: Empusa (Demon) – Most famous greek monster still missing, hopefully it turns into some cool half mantis half woman thing. They hate men and attack them first, they only attack women if they attack the Empusa first.
9: Fear Liath (Monstrous Humanoid) – A cool psychic mountain-living sasquatch that can summon psychic fog around it and assault the minds of its victims with images and fear.
10: Ichneumon (Magical Beast) – Small creatures with high CR ratings, pure dragon killers, ALL dragons should fear them.
11: Jubokko (Plant) – My favorite mythological creature still missing, a vampiric tree that grows on the edge of battlefields and which drains blood from its victims, its leaves are bloody red.
12: Mahaha (Demon or Daemon) – Ice Daemons or Demons with mad laughter and long nails with which they tickle their prey to death, they are insane and evil.
13: Mambabarang (Monstrous Humanoid / Hag) – An evil insect-eyed hag with insect features. They are the Queens of all insects and they control most insects/vermin with ease. Riding around on giant beetles and summoning swarms of stinging wasps or flesh eating scarabs.
14: Marabbecca (Aberration) – Horrifying monsters living in Water Wells.
15: Raktavija (Demon or Rakshasa) – Or any other creature that uses its own blood as weapon, they can harden their blood into a red obsidian like material and they drain blood from other creatures to regain their lost blood. They can even summon duplicates of themselves with their own blood.
16: Shellycoat (Fey) – Coastal/River bogeymen which steal voices of their victims and lock them in their many shells, they use shells for everything, weapons, clothes, jewels, shields and even houses.
17: Sianach (Magical Beast) – Giant evil stag monsters which antlers are covered with magical runes and skulls, they are the steeds for many hags. If they kill a creature the spirit of the creature is absorbed and they are seen flying as will-o-wisp like creatures through the enormous antlers of the Sianach.
18: Stray Sod (Plant) – Strange plant creatures with magical grass on their backs. They burry their body into the soil and leave their magical grass exposed and hope creatures step on it, this will have various effects, like losing your mind, becoming a beacon for demons or undead, losing your way of direction or becoming very hungry.
19: Yara-Ma-Yha-Who (Aberration or Fey) – Nothing to add, just search it up on google if you still haven’t seen it. Cool Australian mythological bogeyman.
20: Ziphius (Magical Beast) – Or another fish/whale based creature with a very large and sharp dorsal fin it uses to slash through creatures and boats.

Brinebeast |

I would like to see an Immortal template. Think Wolverine, Deadpool, and similar characters where a creature can take massive amounts of damage and be little more than a bloody stain and regenerate back to life. Regenerating might take a few days or a few weeks but ultimately they return to life. I would like rules as well for how to kill an Immortal but it should not be easy. Wish and Miracle come to mind as possibilities but how do non-high level spell casters defeat an Immortal?

![]() |

I would like to see an Immortal template. Think Wolverine, Deadpool, and similar characters where a creature can take massive amounts of damage and be little more than a bloody stain and regenerate back to life. Regenerating might take a few days or a few weeks but ultimately they return to life. I would like rules as well for how to kill an Immortal but it should not be easy. Wish and Miracle come to mind as possibilities but how do non-high level spell casters defeat an Immortal?
The Implacable Stalker is kinda like this, but more from a slasher/horror movie monster perspective.

Dragon78 |

An immortal template would be interesting if they are immune aging(magical and mundane), energy drain, undeath, disease, ability damage/drain, etc. and some abilities that make them hard to kill but it doesn't have to be regeneration. A template like this would be an alternative to undead templates.

Dragon78 |

A positive energy plane based golden colored plant that when any positive energy based spell/effect is used within 30' it absorbs and is the only one to gain the benefits.
A positive energy ooze that feeds on undead and negative energy creatures.
A positive energy child like being that uses living creatures as a host granting them fast healing and immunity to energy drain and when it grows up grants it's host a powerful benefit like regeneration, raise dead, breath of life, etc. before departing back to the positive energy plane to continue it's life cycle.
A positive energy version of the celestial/fiendish template.
A "life touched" template that grants +6con/cha, fast healing 5(10 at 11HD), immunity to ability damage/drain, energy drain, death effects, elec./fire/negative energy resistance, and channel.

Boomerang Nebula |

I would like to see some fey creatures designed to challenge casters specifically. For example a creature with a strong aura of wild chaos magic that forces concentration checks on every spell cast within 90 feet of the creature. The effect is like a magical vortex where the centre is relatively calm but the further out the more violent and chaotic the effects. The concentration check DC would therefore be equal to the distance between the caster and creature in feet up to 90 at maximum distance. At the centre of the vortex where the creature is located the concentration DC is zero. So it can cast its own spells without impediment unless one of its own kin is nearby.