One part of a 2 headed troll

Munkir's page

187 posts. Alias of Dark Munkir.

What Type of Damage does the Immolation Bomb do?

Link to Immolation bomb

I need some ideas for a goblin festival. The Pc will get rewarded for competing in each event depending on how well they do.

So I have a few contest ideas already and throw them out to get things started.

Frog eating contest-- this contest is not about who can eat the most, its more about keeping the 3 you eat down. You basically have to eat the colored frogs in the correct order

Ride Bewy-- it's a rodeo style contest where the PC rides a giant frog.

Thank you for your time I will update later with more. Feel free to make your own rewards for your own contests anything from items, Animals, or feats/traits.

What is your favorite under appreciated nonmagical weapon and why?

I personally love the Meteor Hammer so many positives for this weapon and the versatility is not lacking.

Meteor Hammer

I would love to see some eccentric artwork of this weapon.

Meteor hammer
10 gp
1d8(S) 1d10(M) 19–20/×2
10 lbs. B

So I was browsing around and was wondering why this was blank

About Pathfinder Society


These Humans are more fiction than fact though they all share similar Traits .They are said to be born on a Harvest moon. There have only been 2 known appearances in the last 700 years.

The Kadzuki have Red Hair and Red eyes. They stand taller then most and have thick tanned skin. They prefer to sleep outside where they can see the moon and the stars. They enjoy combat and regularly train. There sense of Honor bounds them as they find it very difficult to lie but because of this they can easily desire a persons true intentions.

+2 Strength +2 Wisdom -2 Intelligence :Kadzuki are strong and willful but they care little for anything other then combat

Low Light: Kadzuki can see in Low light up to 60 feet.

SpellLike Ability: Anticipate Peril1/day (caster level equals the Kadzuki's total HitDice Max 5).

I was thinking of changing Anticipate Peril to max 3

Thick Skin: +1 AC Natural Armor.

Honor: A Kadzuki recives a -5 on all Bluff Checks but Gains a +2 on all Sense Motive Checks

Languages: Kadzuki begin play speaking Common. Kadzuki with high Intelligence scores can choose any bonus languages.[spoiler=Note]

So what do you guys think please rate.

I'm building a barbarian/monk that is based on rend.

Is this a good idea?

Also any advice would be grate.

Additional questions--
What's the best race? I was thinking The monkey race but I hope to find something with Str and Wis.

What should I start with and move to.

I normaly don't ask others to help me build I do research but I never touched a monk and I normaly have more time to build.

It's for kingmaker adventure path.

Thank you for reading this.

How does this work is it possible?

Got a ogrekin in the works trying to put it together I want him to be a ranger or something similar. Gunslinger crossed my mind but that's a bit to evil.

Anyways my question is oversized limb + Gravity Bow on a heavy crossbow or a double crossbow. What dies am I looking at?

Also any advice will be wonderful.

Can I take Extra Rogue Talent(feat) to Gain another Ninja Trick?

I would think not but i see people with Ninjas with this feat and it has cause my confusion.

Are Ghouls mindless?

Top Ten Table Top RPG

I think number 2 and 1 should switch

On a side note 5thed is coming out?

*edit link didn't post

I hope someone has already did something like this.

I'm trying to maximize my bluff so I can feint higher CR creatures.

So I have 14 to Feint

+3 Cha

Free Hand Fighter archetype +1

Trait- keeper of the Veil, Fast Talker +2

4 ranks in it

+3 class skill

Ion stone Pink and Green Cracked

I plan on taking Deceitful, pumping Cha anyway i can and more lvls in FHF to get additional boosts, and an Ion stone Mulberry Pentacle, Pink and Green Sphere and Pink and green cracked. Do the same ion stones stack?

Am I missing anything.

Thank you for taking the time to read this

So it's pretty simple can the spell Gravity Bow be perminate to increase crossbow damage and if so how much will this cost me

If not then how can I increase the damage of a crossbow

I have 2 lvls in fighter Free Hand Archetype

I am taking a lvl in ninja now im looking at

Freehand Archetype

I highly doubt it but i have been wrong before

I am now lvl 3 do i get Elusive?

I would think that this feat is obtained only when i am 3rd lvl fighter but no harm in asking right

Anyone want to share specs for fun useful items be it for flavor, utility, or any other reason your welcome to share ideas here.

Flashlight- not my invention but I have been told some put a light source in a metal tube make a handy dandy flashlight.

Flavor Fuse/ Trick Roap/ Cloths- cover just about any fabric in flash powder and have fun with your quick start flammable whatever I personally like covering cloth gloves in flash powder and punching ppl

I'm currently working on something a way to mix flash powder alchemist fire and anything else together and use a lunching crossbow. I plan to keep the chemicals seperated using casting plaster to make different compartments In a container.

It says That you throw a Fuse Grenade as if it were a splash weapon and in core it says that a splash weapon brakes on impact.

So what I'm asking is if I throw this at someone does it set it off or do I still have to wait 1d3 rounds till it goes off?

If this is this is the case I am going to have to invest in more tanglefoot bags make me some Sticky Grenades.

I really don't like it mostly because it requires 13 intelligence and over all I don't believe that anyone enjoys taking downgrade on attack rolls or maybe that's just me...other then getting it to open up new feat options I personally will not spend what few feats I have on this unless it supports your build.

Now I'm not 100% on this I'm kinda new to table top RPGs and I have made this mistake before so really this post is 50% me vocalizing and 50% wanting to be proven wrong so if u have anything to say in response feel free to post

Can I use this?

You claim a tangential but legitimate connection to one of Brevoy’s noble families. If you aren’t human, you were likely adopted by one of Brevoy’s nobles or were instead a favored servant or even a childhood friend of a noble scion. Whatever the cause, you’ve had a comfortable life, but one far from the dignity and decadence your distant cousins know. Although you are associated with an esteemed name, your immediate family is hardly well to do, and you’ ve found your name to be more of a burden to you than a boon in many social situations. You’ve recently decided to test yourself, to see if you can face the world without the aegis of a name you have little real claim or care for. An expedition into the storied Stolen Lands seems like just the test to see if you really are worth the title “noble.” Your family is well known for their political agility and scheming natures. Your family motto is “Ours is the Right.”
You deal +2 damage when attacking a flat-footed opponent while wielding a light or one- handed weapon.
Noble Born (Surtova)

If I can use this trait what is this history of Brevoy’s noble families?

The Grandfather wrote:

I will soon start a new character for Pathfinde Society Play. I know it is going to be a dhampir, but otherwise don't have a clue what to make. I am jugling around with bard, orale, paladin, sorcerer, mysterious stranger but really have no clue, and very little inspiration.

I would like to hear what people out ther think would make an awesome dhampir PC (within PFS rules). All help and advice yopeople can provide will be very nutch appreciated.

So I don't know what's PFSL I was under the impression only CR Races where PFSL I might need to download something or buy another book anyone got a link

Just for now Can someone give me a list of available PFSL Races besides what is in the Core Rulebook

I'm thinking of developing a Amerindian class and I would love it if anyone wants to lend me a hand.

I know it's going to some archetypes such as Savage, Chief, Marksman, Squaw, and anymore I can think of.

I read in Core about a monk's flurry of blows and I see it does not say he loses this ability while wearing armor? Is it found somewhere else or can a monk wear armor and keep on flurrying?

Do monks get penaltys for wearing armor that are not stated in core?

I ask a lot of useless personal Questions sorry and thank you

Can u give a monk something to take up the glove slot and enchant it to increase damage output or add effects also Anyway a unarmed strike can be poisoned?

Is this all Pathfinder society legal poisons?

*Giant wasp poison 
*Large scorpion venom 
*Medium spider venom 
*Shadow essence 
*Small centipede poison 

If this is my second question would be can I somehow combine them to Nova in one deadly attack? Giant wasp+Shadow essence

Take a lot of gold but worth it

Shelar Ahmeda- lvl 1 fighter (free hand type)

Str- 7
Dex- 20
Con- 11
Int- 10
Wis- 10
Cha- 15

2 highest skills- bluff, intimidate

Feats- weapon finesse, weapon focus (scimitar)

Rp- high class Qadira Noble but but instead of being one of the many court monkeys as most of her siblings are she has trained to fight she wishes to protect her country and bring honor and glory to her family name by any means.

Traits- keeper of the veil, keleshite princess

How I will play her when everything comes together

A rouges best friend I will move around the field and using my high dex (+mobility) to avoid being hit I will us dazzling display along with improved feint to debuff enemys I will use my Keen Scimitar to go for critical hits After attacks pull up a QuickDraw shield and drop it away before attacks.

Any suggestions?

I have thought of many multiclass options like dip into ninja for sneak and poison or monk to flurry and ki. I might just stay the course and be a pure fighter

A friend of myn wants to take this multiclass dip.

I get how int will work with him but he says just wait and see like there is something I'm missing so I'm going to ask here on message board what's this build and what's so grate about it

Like I said it seems like it would work on paper but why not take that next step as a wizard and power your spells. Don't get me wrong I love the idea of a spell/bomb flinging robed guy and Mage hand/unseen servent/summon monater to kamikazy a enemy idk the possibilities that's why I'm asking here

Any way I can use intelligence instead of charisma for a summoner a archetype or feat something?

I looked up and down at the summoner and haven't found anything but I may be wrong. I hope I'm wrong

Ok to forgo the details because I would rather not get into it.

How exactly would a huge fight go down PC would control a army of 20-40 npcs they can only give orders they don't roll for them and the npcs can act on there own.

I would rather not roll for them myself because this would leave the player with one turn every hour.

I thought of a moral system where the pcs troops do well in combat depending on how well the pc does and to top it off Have it kinda like an army vs army rather then a individual vs individual.

A group of 6 normal solders add up there max HP, AC, TH, and DAM then use them to do army combat

I'm looking for any input

As far as I know there may already be a system in place for this.

What does Monk Weapon Adept give you the way its worded it sounds like i can select a weapon and treat it as a monk weapon.

I want my monk to be using a scimatar but i aslo want him to flurry of blows with it

If i power attack with a 2 handed weapon that is Double how does that work?

Do i get the bonus because its 2 handed or not?

I asked my group and they say no not if im attacking twice. Im asking for verification and to satisfy my curiosity. Though i do have faith in what my Group has said.

Im using a Double Orc Axe.

What spells can be cast on items?

For example Light can be cast on a sword. Is there anyother spells you can think of that work like this?

Can you cast light on Bullets and then shoot them?

It would not do anything but at least it would look cool

Idk if anyone has taken a liking to this Goddess like i have but i cant help but want to learn more about her. So does anyone know where i can find out more about her?

Also does she exist in Pathfinder?

I was playing around with the idea of buying a Diminutive slave and Putting him in my Handy Haversack.

I call it a Rouge in a Bag give him a tiny poison crossbow or blowgun and see what happens.

The idea is a little far out there and i would think most ppl will respond negativly to it but ether way i was wondering how this would all go down?

Is there Combat Slaves, and if so what type of critter be best?

I heard something about owning slaves befor and idk if it was true but it was said that GM's controled the NPC slave

Anyways tell me your thoughts on this and one last thing is it possible for Society play?

I have a Barbarian 4lvl my idea was to make him do as much damage as i could get him to do for his lvl and i am Satisfied with what he is dealing i could up his power more but i would rather find something more useful to put my effort into i was planing on diping 2 or 3 lvls into a druid for the spells and not for the Wildshape stuff i just want to be able to heal and cast if thats even possible?

I would like to stick with druid but if anyone has any other ideas im open to suggestions though keep in mind i would like to be able to roplay it off the way i have set it up

He is an insane half-orc Barbarian useing the Half-orc Axe (double weapon) he has the lesser fiend totem rage power and the lesser Elemental rage power (Fire is his Element)

The Axe has a spirt in it (or so he thinks) named boe and he so far has skills that are granted by Boe i have not picked a class for the spirt. (this is where the multiclassing comes into play) many of my friends say to stick with a simple Barbarian and let the party do the healing and checks but i cant seem to stop wishing i could offer a little more not only in game but role playing wise as well.

So far i have planed on taking Druid class with Fire Domain then 2nd lvl invest into heal stuff buy a wand of cure light wounds and etc.

after awhile if im not Satisfied with it i can put 1 lvl in cliric or wizerd