Pathfinder society poisons?

Pathfinder Society

Is this all Pathfinder society legal poisons?

*Giant wasp poison 
*Large scorpion venom 
*Medium spider venom 
*Shadow essence 
*Small centipede poison 

If this is my second question would be can I somehow combine them to Nova in one deadly attack? Giant wasp+Shadow essence

Take a lot of gold but worth it

I don't know which poisons are legal for PFS but I do know that a target can only be affected by one poison at time.

Here is what I mean. You can inject someone with wasp poison with 1 attack and scorpion poison with a 2nd attack and so on, but you can't inject them with multiple poison all at the exact same time.


An item can only be coated in one dose of injury or contact poison. If you apply a second one, the first one is removed. No walking around with the super poisoned drippy glove.


Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer

Paizo Publishing


Thank u wraithstrike

Wish i knew what was PFSL

So say a double weapon would allow me to

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What PFS allows should be in the handbook which can be downloaded. I figure either all poisons are legal or they are not legal.
Here is the link. click me

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