Falling Souls

Game Master Me'mori

A chance encounter in a ruin leaves a pair of brothers with a decision to make and a problem to overcome. As the clock is ticking, what will they find in their searches? What are they leaving in their wake?

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MAPS • SF Map •

Over the past days, you have seen the trees of the forest of spirits begin to dwindle as you traveled south, their familiar shapes thinning and spreading out the closer that you come to the Osogen Grasslands. Low bushes and grasses are filling the space as the ground begins to level out, allowing you to catch glimpses of what has been described as an "ocean of grass". Already, you are beginning to see plants and creatures that do not venture so far into the forest of your home, more evidence of the shifting of the ecosystem to suit the terrain. The sun breaks through wider openings in the canopy of the forest, illuminating small shrines placed in dedication here and there, placed by travelers for a number of reasons.

Their caution for the Forest of Spirits is justified, you are aware— but growing up within its borders has instilled a measure of respect and awareness that has replaced that level of fearful concern that travelers often display. As such, your travel is fraught with far less hindrance than others have experienced. There is, as always a faint sense of being watched, but you know that to be the smaller kami that inhabit this forest, often little more than idle curiosity for travelers drawing their attention.

In this day of your travel, morning has come, soon to give way to midday. Your destination has been little more than "away", and every day that passes marks an ever-increasing distance between you and your birthplace. A success of intent, most certainly.

M Corrupted Kitsune Shifter (Apex Shifter) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC: 18 T: 14 Fl: 14 | CMB: +5 CMD: 19 | F +7 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 | Perc: +9 Scent | Spell Points 6/6 | Current Effects: Human Form

Kichiro looks to his brother, trying to ignore the corner of his mind that was thinking about how good Satoshi's liver smelled. (How could he even smell a liver? Sometimes it seemed like this whatever-it-was messed with his head in more ways than one...)

"What do you think we should do now? We'd been talking about going to a village, but... is it even safe for me to be in one? I mean, I haven't tried to... eat you," he shudders even at the thought, "but... what if...?"

Kitsune Technician 3 HP 21/21 AC 19 Fort +3 Ref +7 Will +5 Gadgets 5/5 Perception + 8 Focus? Yes

Satoshi scratched his head a bit, thinking.

"Well, we can hardly keep going with just what we can carry on our backs forever. It's... probably best if we don't stay long but if nothing else we're going to need a map, and probably a mule or something to carry supplies of food and water."

Satoshi looked back at Kichiro and gave him the best approximation of a reassuring smile he could manage in the circumstances.

"I'll be there if you need help. Probably best to eat a big meal before we go in anywhere, but I'd prefer we stay together than try to split up."

M Corrupted Kitsune Shifter (Apex Shifter) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC: 18 T: 14 Fl: 14 | CMB: +5 CMD: 19 | F +7 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 | Perc: +9 Scent | Spell Points 6/6 | Current Effects: Human Form

Kichiro takes a deep, shuddering breath, then slowly lets it out. "Right. Right. Supplies, maps, mules... a big meal. Sounds like a plan. We can do it. So, let's get moving."

I'm assuming we're both in human form right now.

Kitsune Technician 3 HP 21/21 AC 19 Fort +3 Ref +7 Will +5 Gadgets 5/5 Perception + 8 Focus? Yes

"Right. If we keep following this road, we're bound to run into some kind of town or village eventually."

I would assume so. Easier to avoid drawing attention that way.

M Corrupted Kitsune Shifter (Apex Shifter) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC: 18 T: 14 Fl: 14 | CMB: +5 CMD: 19 | F +7 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 | Perc: +9 Scent | Spell Points 6/6 | Current Effects: Human Form

Knowledge (Geography): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

Kichiro thinks of what he remembers from guests passing through. "I think there is one not too far..."

Kitsune Technician 3 HP 21/21 AC 19 Fort +3 Ref +7 Will +5 Gadgets 5/5 Perception + 8 Focus? Yes

"Well, then let's keep going. Though... I guess once we have a map, we'll have to decide where we actually want to go. I mean, a big city might have books or wizards we could consult about fixing your problem, but we probably couldn't afford the fees for that right now..."

MAPS • SF Map •

Conversation continues as the two of you set out again, the ground continuing to further change to the Grasslands as your destination is the nearby town. Most of the superstitious folk would call this the edge of the Grasslands, or the border to the Realm of Spirits. Scents begin to change, as the air no longer brings the damp earth and cool air of the shady loam of the forest, but instead the breeze across miles of grass, green and warm with the promise of bloom. The small town is affectionately known as the "Green Sea's Edge", or "Ocean's Edge". The locals simply call it "Miumi".

Once the last waystation before the forest, its development came as travelers looking to make peace with the spirits or those that have gone before dared venture closer to the forest. Guides lingered, and with them came goods and services, mostly geared towards the travelers that continued onwards. Technically part of Sakakabe province in name only, control has more or less ceded to the barbarian peoples of the Grasslands. While the number of people is relatively small but consistent, it is at heart still a waystation town with a couple of specialties not easily found in more populated areas.

The travel of a day's foot travel from the edge of the forest would see arrival in Miumi by nightfall. Those of keener senses would smell the incense on the wind, and perhaps hear the tone of the bell before the town was seen. The first thing that the travelers would see would be the series of torii that marked the entrance to the town from the side of the forest. Large and solid, they are maintained by the town, and little touches are evident in their make, such as the random appearance of butterflies, or stringed coins carefully carved into the top of their arches. Lit lanterns hang from their edges, their welcoming light marking the arrival to the town.

M Corrupted Kitsune Shifter (Apex Shifter) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC: 18 T: 14 Fl: 14 | CMB: +5 CMD: 19 | F +7 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 | Perc: +9 Scent | Spell Points 6/6 | Current Effects: Human Form

Kichiro rememebers hearing travelers talking of Miumi, though he'd never been so far himself. He wonders briefly, for just a moment, if his curiosity could have been directed towards traveling to places like this, instead of the ruins that had likely doomed him.

But it was too late for such thoughts now.

As the distant lanterns grow visible, Kichiro stops and pulls out his bag of food. He'd raided the pantry before they'd left, so he had plenty to eat, and eat plenty is just what he does. In fact he gorges himself until he feels he can't eat another bite, hoping that the uncomfortable fullness will help counteract his supernatural Hunger.

"Ready as I'll ever be," he tells his brother.

Kitsune Technician 3 HP 21/21 AC 19 Fort +3 Ref +7 Will +5 Gadgets 5/5 Perception + 8 Focus? Yes

Satoshi put a comforting hand on Kishiro's shoulder.

"Then let's get going. We'll try to make this as fast as we can."

And with that he headed toward the town. Hopefully they could find-and afford-all the things they were looking for.

MAPS • SF Map •

As the two of you pass the guard at the entrance who looks at you but gives a nod as you pass, the city seems to be arranged around little more than a main street with a little expansion around a central point. The street is illuminated by the lanterns that have been hung from the corners of buildings, many of them the decorative paper lanterns as opposed to the more expensive metal-and-glass that you have seen. Smells of food being cooked are in the air— if distant– overshadowed a bit by the smell of the stabling for larger animals that lie just inside the borders of the town. Judging from the signs that you can see hanging from the buildings, most of them seem to be the houses of tradesmen, catering towards the needs of travelers.

The trade road stretches on for what looks like it might be the walk of a few minutes, and one of the couple buildings that stand out have the glass-and-metal lanterns as their light sources, as well as it being a larger building. The sign is a fairly well-painted and carved familiar symbol of a leg of meat and a mug, signifying that this place dealt in food and drink. It is not a stretch to expect them to have a common room, at the very least.

M Corrupted Kitsune Shifter (Apex Shifter) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC: 18 T: 14 Fl: 14 | CMB: +5 CMD: 19 | F +7 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 | Perc: +9 Scent | Spell Points 6/6 | Current Effects: Human Form

"I don't think there will be maps for sale here, but we could probably get directions," Kichiro states. He tries to focus on the smells of cooking food, not the scent of that man's liver, or that woman's lungs...

He shakes his head slightly, trying to snap himself out of that line of thought. "Smells like we can at least stock up on food, though."

Kitsune Technician 3 HP 21/21 AC 19 Fort +3 Ref +7 Will +5 Gadgets 5/5 Perception + 8 Focus? Yes

Satoshi rubbed his chin.

"Yeah, doesn't seem like a large enough place for a cartographer. But we could try asking around about the local surroundings, and stocking up on travel supplies shouldn't be a problem. We could probably also get a donkey or a mule here. It'll be easier to travel long distances with a pack animal to carry the supplies. That tavern is probably the best place to start asking around."

Satoshi hoped that Kichiro could help with asking around at least. he'd never been the best at dealing with people.

M Corrupted Kitsune Shifter (Apex Shifter) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC: 18 T: 14 Fl: 14 | CMB: +5 CMD: 19 | F +7 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 | Perc: +9 Scent | Spell Points 6/6 | Current Effects: Human Form

Kichiro knew that Satoshi would rather he handled the talking. It was about the only thing he'd always been better at than his brother. Right now, he didn't really trust himself to do it, but...

With a deep breath to steady himself, Kichiro walked into the inn. He took a quick look around--it seemed like a similar kind of crowd to their family's inn, mostly human with a sprinkling of others--before going to the counter to speak with the innkeeper.

After the usual polite greetings, he said, "We're looking for a room for the night and some advice. We're running a bit lower on supplies than we thought we would be. Where here should we go to restock?"

MAPS • SF Map •

The name of the inn is written on a nameplate that is mounted just over the door, a fashionable iron and gold creation on which the words "Candlelight's Warmth" is written in an elegant script. Upon entering, the layout is similar to the Teahouse your family runs, if on a slightly expanded scale. It is warm, much different from the chill that was settling over the evening, and the smell of incense tickles your nose, but it is light. The chairs and benches are a polished and lacquered wood, tan against the warm reds and oranges of the decor. You recognize the smell of the flowers used in the creation of the incense to be the flowers that are said to grow on the border. Stronger than the smell of incense, is the food.

Also quickly noticeable are the charms and prayers that are hung, standard charms for fortune and warding, the prayers offerings to Abadar, Desna, Kofusachi, and Pharasma. There are a patrons in residence, enough that in your teahouse it would be considered "full", but in here, they amount to was might be just this side of "the usual". Many have the comfortable garb of residents and the worn cloth of tradesmen, some accents displaying slightly more prosperity than what may be the norm in pins and jewelry— none of it ostentatious. They are in the process of eating or enjoying an evening drink, some conversations being held over grilled strips of meat and tea.

The smell is an uncertain thing for Kichiro, since under the incense is the scent of sweat, meat, food. His full stomach is giving mixed messages, as the hunger is saying that there is delicious food around him, but his stomach is signaling refusal. It is almost a nauseating thing, being able to smell the food being cooked in the kitchen and the living Food seated there, and there, and there...

The innkeep was an older man who came up to greet them just as they started to look around for a seat at one of the tables. A greeting was warmly given, stating his name as "Tiyun" and giving them a quick run-down of what they had on offer, which was simple, but hearty fare.

"Supplies? That's usually handled by Ton and his sons at the other end of the road." He looks over the two of you. "If y'heading into the forest, stopping by the shrine'd be a good idea, too."

M Corrupted Kitsune Shifter (Apex Shifter) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC: 18 T: 14 Fl: 14 | CMB: +5 CMD: 19 | F +7 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 | Perc: +9 Scent | Spell Points 6/6 | Current Effects: Human Form

Kichiro embraced the vague sense of nausea, perfering that to the hunger. Until he thought of how vomiting would fairly quickly empty out his stomach...

He realized his focus was drifting and gave Tiyun an apolgetic half bow. "Thank you, we'll probably see them in the morning. How much is a room for the night?"

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Tiyun eyed the both of you for a moment. "Rooms're two silver for each of you, four copper if y'want t'eat now and in the morning."

He briefly looked over the common room with a practiced eye, getting the attention of one of the younger individuals that were wearing his colors and giving a gesture towards one of the tables. The person, likely an employee judging by the colors, looked embarrassed and hastened over to the table, seemingly taking an order.

Kitsune Technician 3 HP 21/21 AC 19 Fort +3 Ref +7 Will +5 Gadgets 5/5 Perception + 8 Focus? Yes

Satoshi watched the room nervously, but tried his best not to look suspicious. New places were all well and good, but he didn't know[I] any of these people. He should probably say [I]something though...


M Corrupted Kitsune Shifter (Apex Shifter) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC: 18 T: 14 Fl: 14 | CMB: +5 CMD: 19 | F +7 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 | Perc: +9 Scent | Spell Points 6/6 | Current Effects: Human Form

"Yes, our thanks," Kichiro says, paying for both.

He was about the opposite of hungry, but sitting in the common room would be a good opportunity to listen for news. Maybe he could get some food that he could pack or something. Satoshi, at least, was probably hungry.

Wishing Tiyun a good evening with a polite bow, Kichiro walked into the common room, looking around for a good table (and giving the young employee a chance to direct them to one, if that was the way they did business here). As he did he listened for any interesting bits of conversation.

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Kichiro and Satoshi step further into the inn, both looking uncertain that is easily read as "new". No more than a few steps in and another individual comes out from what would be the back of the inn, a male wearing the same colors as the one that was indicated to one of the other patrons' tables. Unlike the cool and impassive expression worn by female, it appeared like he had not quite mastered "impassive", the look on his face reading as "stony". Given the shared features, this could be a family establishment, potentially.

The brothers are intercepted and guided to a table smoothly, an inquiry being made whether or not food was wanted, and water or tea— or something stronger– was desired before he drifted off to fulfill the request.

From what Kichiro can overhear, there seemed to be an attendant fretting over something lost or escaped, a couple of merchants that were pleased at the prices their goods brought in trade, surprised at the anticipated demand, and some off-duty guards that were drinking to the ongoing calm.

M Corrupted Kitsune Shifter (Apex Shifter) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC: 18 T: 14 Fl: 14 | CMB: +5 CMD: 19 | F +7 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 | Perc: +9 Scent | Spell Points 6/6 | Current Effects: Human Form

Kichiro orders only tea 'for now', hoping it was enough to avoid any insult to the establishment. He wasn't hearing anything particularly interesting just now--he kind of wishes he were in his true form at the moment, with his more mobile, sensitive ears...

A curious expression crosses his face as he feels his ears changing. He reaches up and confirmed that, yes indeed, he did now have his foxlike ears on his human form's head. Ducking down he wills them back... and sure enough, they changed again.

Looking embarrassed--after all, what kitsune had so little control over their shapeshifting as to make such a mistake--he whispers to his brother, "Did anyone else see?"

Kitsune Technician 3 HP 21/21 AC 19 Fort +3 Ref +7 Will +5 Gadgets 5/5 Perception + 8 Focus? Yes

Satoshi was a bit worried when Kichiro… part-shifted?... all of the sudden. Was he losing control over that too?

He glanced around the inn, trying to see if anyone looked like they'd seen or been alarmed by that.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

MAPS • SF Map •

As Satoshi looks around the inn, it is more the sound of the slowing of conversation than the looks— of which there are a couple, as well. It does seem to be that the sudden appearance and disappearance of features did garner some attention. There seems to be no immediate fear, and certainly no yelling or fleeing, which may be to the credit of those in Miumi living this close to the Forest. It is not unreasonable to say that sometimes, visitors from the forest have not been entirely human.

One of the merchants. a man dressed in what could be traveling clothes, if just of a higher quality spotted the sudden appearance, but does not seem to be alarmed. He gave nod to Satoshi as he met his eyes calmly, lifting his cup of tea in recognition.

Another that is wearing a knowing look as Satoshi looks around the inn is Tiyun. A wry smile is on his face as he looks unconcerned and lights his pipe with a stub of wood that was near the candle on his table, blowing a puff of smoke and shaking the flame off of the stick.

The anxious attendant— a dwarf seems to have forgotten his anxiety momentarily, staring with an open jaw for a couple of seconds before he shook his head and tried to seem like he was not just staring.

What is noticeable is one of the workers, coming out from the back with an order, looking over the room as they made their way to the table that had ordered food and drink. While they did not say anything directly, Satoshi does see them look in Tiyun's direction, and very briefly gain a look of surprise before they set the order on the table and hastened back into the kitchen.

Dice things:

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
1d20 ⇒ 20
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
1d20 - 2 ⇒ (15) - 2 = 13
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

M Corrupted Kitsune Shifter (Apex Shifter) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC: 18 T: 14 Fl: 14 | CMB: +5 CMD: 19 | F +7 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 | Perc: +9 Scent | Spell Points 6/6 | Current Effects: Human Form

Kichiro lets out a slow breath. Okay, so... he'd just changed his ears without really trying. Normally, in spite of the legends, Kitsune could only change their full bodies. It was an either-or thing, no mixing. So... what had just happened? Was he losing control because of this... thing that had changed with him? Or was it something more?

Whatever the case, he'd probably blown their chance of getting much information here. He'd just sit here and sip his tea while Satoshi finished his meal, and then they could go to their room.

"Before you ask, no, I don't know how that happened," he whispers to Satoshi.

Kitsune Technician 3 HP 21/21 AC 19 Fort +3 Ref +7 Will +5 Gadgets 5/5 Perception + 8 Focus? Yes

"Well, I... think a lot of people noticed. They don't seem all that bothered at least, though. I guess they've seen kitsune before, probably." Satoshi whispered back.

M Corrupted Kitsune Shifter (Apex Shifter) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC: 18 T: 14 Fl: 14 | CMB: +5 CMD: 19 | F +7 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 | Perc: +9 Scent | Spell Points 6/6 | Current Effects: Human Form

Kichiro nods and sits back. In more normal tones he says, "We'll have to look tomorrow and see, but I wouldn't be surprised if there aren't pack animals for sale anywhere here."

MAPS • SF Map •

As the two of you sit and consider, some small snacks of meat, skewered and grilled, along with clean water are brought. The conversations inside the inn pick back up, a bit slow, but they do resume. There does seem to be a slight tension in the air, most likely from those that did see something and are pretending not to. Either way, a small amount of time passes, about enough for one or both of you to nibble on the food that was brought as part of the room rental.

As far as either of you can tell without going into a complex analysis of the food— which would require equipment, and would be a blatant slight on the host, if not the town– it is freshly cooked fowl of some sort. Most likely it is one of the ground-nesting birds of the grasslands, since a few are starting to become more active as the season waxes. Simply seasoned and skillfully grilled, it is quite good. The water is quite good as well, light and herbally infused without being too complex, it suits the meal.

What draws your attention away from your thoughts and your food is a new arrival, a trio of individuals, two of them dressed like the guards you saw coming into town and patrolling, the third being a mature woman dressed in the garb of a shrine caretaker. If anything, she seemed a bit irritable and tired.

The conversation from the group of three guards that had been enjoying their evening, getting louder as the night passed, but not obnoxiously so, began to dwindle away.

Kitsune Technician 3 HP 21/21 AC 19 Fort +3 Ref +7 Will +5 Gadgets 5/5 Perception + 8 Focus? Yes

"Well, we'll make do. I've been thinking of some things I could do to make my pack distribute weight a bit better..."

Satoshi looked over at the new arrivals. Something felt a bit different about them.

"...It kind of feels like there might be something going on here, though."

M Corrupted Kitsune Shifter (Apex Shifter) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC: 18 T: 14 Fl: 14 | CMB: +5 CMD: 19 | F +7 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 | Perc: +9 Scent | Spell Points 6/6 | Current Effects: Human Form

Kichiro nods quietly. He watches and listens this new group, while doing his best to seem not to.

"I'm sure we'll make do somehow," he says aloud.

MAPS • SF Map •

The two of you keep an eye on the new arrivals, and watch as they scan across the common room until they see the two of you at your table. The shrine caretaker approaches first, followed by the two guards until they arrive near your table, stopping at a respectful distance away, just out of reach.

The guards are uniformly attired, carrying a shortspear in one hand, and a dagger at their waist. The armor they wear bears no personal touches, but seems competently made at a glance. There is a small symbol of an encircled wave stamped on the shoulder into the leather, a faded green on one, a little brighter on the other guard. They are tense, but not hostile.

The caretaker is dressed gray and red robes displaying the symbol of no particular deity, but she carries herself with a calm competence. There are wide streaks of grey in her hair that is pulled back and wrapped, and her hands are folded in her sleeves. Her expression is composed, and her eyes are clear and focused, her attention on the both of you.

"Greetings, travelers. My name is Chieko, and you have my apologies for interrupting your evening."

M Corrupted Kitsune Shifter (Apex Shifter) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC: 18 T: 14 Fl: 14 | CMB: +5 CMD: 19 | F +7 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 | Perc: +9 Scent | Spell Points 6/6 | Current Effects: Human Form

It is just occurring to Kichiro that a religious figure might have reasons to be looking for him when the shrine caretaker approached them. He tries to keep the trepedation from his face and voice as he rises to give a respectful bow.

"I am Mori Kichiro. There is no need to apologize. What is it you wish to speak to us about?"

Kitsune Technician 3 HP 21/21 AC 19 Fort +3 Ref +7 Will +5 Gadgets 5/5 Perception + 8 Focus? Yes

Satoshi... wasn't as good at keeping his nervousness from showing. This person looked important, and that probably meant something complicated and difficult was liable to happen soon.

"I'm Mori Satoshi."

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There was a thoughtful look on the caretakers face, and she looked at the two of you a little closer. As her eyes passed over each of you, gathering details to make sense of what she was seeing, more conviction came over her manner. The two guards behind her shifted a bit, nervous.

"You are not in mourning like those that intend to go into the forest. Have you come from the forest?" she questioned.

Almost everyone's attention was given to what was going on, but after that question, you could feel all of the attention shift towards this exchange that was going on.

M Corrupted Kitsune Shifter (Apex Shifter) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC: 18 T: 14 Fl: 14 | CMB: +5 CMD: 19 | F +7 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 | Perc: +9 Scent | Spell Points 6/6 | Current Effects: Human Form

Kichiro nods. "Yes, gratefully we were able to pass through the forest safely. Is something amiss, honorable one?" He asks, hoping she did not somehow know of what had happened with him, could not sense the taint on him... or if she did, that she would be sympathetic.

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There was a bit of a smile on her face as she received Kichiro's question. Wise and motherly, it is understanding, but still confident. She still has not moved within easy reach, and the guards remained alert. The common room is quiet, though you do hear small shifting from the table of the guards.

"All occurrences that are not mourners are often examined, especially when curious things are observed. Tell me, do you have a moment to have a cup of tea with an old woman?"

M Corrupted Kitsune Shifter (Apex Shifter) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC: 18 T: 14 Fl: 14 | CMB: +5 CMD: 19 | F +7 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 | Perc: +9 Scent | Spell Points 6/6 | Current Effects: Human Form

"Yes, certainly," Kichiro said, even though he was growing increasingly nervous about the whole thing. What if she could tell something was wrong with him.

For that matter, he didn't particularly like the whole common room overhearing. "Do you wish to do so at this table, or elsewhere?" he asked, hoping Chieko would answer elsewhere... until he realized that elsewhere might not be any better.

Kitsune Technician 3 HP 21/21 AC 19 Fort +3 Ref +7 Will +5 Gadgets 5/5 Perception + 8 Focus? Yes

"I... didn't think people getting through the forest were that rare, I mean there were enough that... Um.. nevermind"

Satoshi mumbled half to himself, trying not to be rude but realizing that he'd actually been speaking aloud midway through.

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There was a handwave at their concerns. It is well hidden, but the two of you gt the sense that this is more of a formality than anything else. The confidence she is displaying has not changed, and it has taken on a familiar feel. She has definitely relaxed more than when she first arrived.

"This table is fine. It is only a cup of tea, and a bit of conversation, and that is all. However, if you would excuse an old woman her ceremony..."

She gestures, and an exquisite pot of boiling water and cups are carefully brought out, what looks to once have been porcelain, the pot and cups a masterwork of shape and design, even before they were broken and repaired with silver. The art on the cups looks hand-painted where it can be seen, threads and lines of silver chasing through the pieces, hair-thin in places, even growing to replace small parts without harming the overall impression of the set. Clouds, dragons, and a landscape of some years back are finely etched in blue-green ink, while the rims and bottoms of the cups are lined in gold.

As it arrives and is set on the table, you can smell the sharp green of herbs, a touch of flowers, and an earthy hint of something.

The attention and tension seems to spike at the sight of the tea as far as Satoshi can tell. It may also have been as Chieko merely deftly pulled up a sitting bench from a nearby table and took a seat at the end.

M Corrupted Kitsune Shifter (Apex Shifter) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC: 18 T: 14 Fl: 14 | CMB: +5 CMD: 19 | F +7 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 | Perc: +9 Scent | Spell Points 6/6 | Current Effects: Human Form

Kichiro notes the well-used tea set. The kintsugi set him to thinking for a bit--had he been broken and put back together? But rather than silver or gold he felt like his cracks had been filled with black tar...

Rousing himself from his thoughts he refocuses on Chieko. "My apologies for our ignorance of your ways. This is our first time out of the forest."

...which is probably why I'm naively giving away information, he thinks to himself just moments after the words leave his mouth.

"We're from one of the villages along the Spirit Road," he adds when he further realizes just what some people might think if he left it there.

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The tea was poured, steam rising from the small cups as they were set before the three of you at the table, the smell opening into what could have been a glade in bloom after a spring rain. The green of herbs became grass, the touch of flowers was even stronger, and the earthy hint became that of roots in rich soil.

The taste leaves a bit to be desired, however. While it smelled better than it tasted, it is not entirely unpalatable. Just... not good tea.

M Corrupted Kitsune Shifter (Apex Shifter) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC: 18 T: 14 Fl: 14 | CMB: +5 CMD: 19 | F +7 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 | Perc: +9 Scent | Spell Points 6/6 | Current Effects: Human Form

Kichiro sips politely at the tea, doing his best to avoid making a face.

"Thank you," Kichiro says when he finishes. "It is clear to me that there is a lot of history behind this. May I ask for the reason for this ceremony?"

Kitsune Technician 3 HP 21/21 AC 19 Fort +3 Ref +7 Will +5 Gadgets 5/5 Perception + 8 Focus? Yes

Satoshi sipped the tea, narrowly avoided grimacing, and noted to himself that having been raised in a village known mostly for its teahouse might have distorted his standards a little. He then settled into mostly just sniffing at the tea, without actually drinking it, while letting Kichiro do the talking because if he said anything he'd probably end up insulting the tea, and that would be impolite.

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The both of you could feel the tension drain away in the room as conversations resumed and people stopped looking so careful. Even the guards that came with her lost some of their tension, their hold on their weapons loosening from 'at the ready'. Tiyun tapped his pipe out as he turned a page in the book he was reading, and the common room felt normal again.

Chieko smiled, more "matron" than "caretaker" now, her sip of tea taken and set down. "To ascertain that you are who you say you are, of course! Certainly it is not to sit and drink poor tea with total strangers. There are many things out in the forest, as I'm sure you would know, and sometimes they escape those confines. Some we can turn back, others we can bargain with as needed, but one displaying partial changes—" she said, taking a sip of tea while looking directly at Kichiro, "speaks of inexperience and is often a young wanderer, more lost than anything else."

Satoshi held her attention next. "Regular travelers are known. Returning mourners are known. You two are new, profess to be siblings, coming from the forest, and do not react to the cups or the tea, besides learned courtesy."

Tilting her head, she glanced between them. "I'm glad you grew up healthy. Are your parents doing well?

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

M Corrupted Kitsune Shifter (Apex Shifter) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC: 18 T: 14 Fl: 14 | CMB: +5 CMD: 19 | F +7 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 | Perc: +9 Scent | Spell Points 6/6 | Current Effects: Human Form

Kichiro blinked, taken aback by the sudden change of subject. He'd been following what she meant about having to be careful "They were well when we left. The tea house is keeping them busy like usual. Ah, have you been to Morinoya and met them? Er, if it's not impolite to ask."

He was a little embarrased by how little he knew of courtesy outside of Morinoya. He'd thought he'd picked up a lot talking with the guests, but now that he was finally out in the wider world he felt so small and lost.

It didn't help that he was harboring a secret he'd never in his worst nightmares dreamed he would.

Kitsune Technician 3 HP 21/21 AC 19 Fort +3 Ref +7 Will +5 Gadgets 5/5 Perception + 8 Focus? Yes

Satoshi was more intrigued by the implications that had they been certain manner of supernatural creatures, they would have reacted differently too the tea. His sniffs took on a more careful bent, and he examined the tea and the cups, wondering if he could tell what kind of herbs had gone into it and what properties they might have. Though his knowledge of herbology and such was still a bit at the apprentice level yet...

"Hmmm? Does that mean there's something special in the tea? Or about the teacups? I wonder what it might be..."

Craft(Alchemy): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
Appraise: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
not sure which is more applicable.. though both those rolls were a bit low.

His head snapped back up, realizing he might be being rude.

"Err, I mean, yes, our family is still doing well, though the two of us are setting out on a journey."

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The guards were waved off with a nod of thanks, and Kichiro's imposition was waved off with a wider smile and a fond look. "Indeed, I have met them. I met the two of you as well, though you certainly did not look like this at the time. Not that one would expect you to, since you both were..." Thinking, she considered what the closest estimate would be. "...Six or eight, perhaps? I was in training as a caretaker at the time."

As the two guards headed back outside, she turned to Satoshi, her smile amused. "Both of your thoughts are correct. I see your inquisitive streak has not disappeared, and I'm glad your family is well. What is your destination?"

M Corrupted Kitsune Shifter (Apex Shifter) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC: 18 T: 14 Fl: 14 | CMB: +5 CMD: 19 | F +7 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 | Perc: +9 Scent | Spell Points 6/6 | Current Effects: Human Form

Kichiro tries to think back, but so many guests passed through the tea house. He had no clue which of them might have been a younger Chieko.

Kichiro opens his mouth to speak... and then a thought occurrs to him. Could they trust this person? They were going to have to get help with his... issue eventually, and she *was* a priestess... but no, they were too close, when the more vengeful kami followed ignorance would be the only defense. He hopes it would be a defense, hopes they had not doomed their home...

He realizes his mouth has been hanging open awkwardly this whole time. "Well... this is more a journey of discovery. You know, we're old enough to be on our own now, but we've never really left the village before. So we're getting out, seeing the world, thinking about whether or not we want to settle down and keep the family business or if something else is our calling, that sort of thing."

Bluff: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15

Kitsune Technician 3 HP 21/21 AC 19 Fort +3 Ref +7 Will +5 Gadgets 5/5 Perception + 8 Focus? Yes

Satoshi could tell that Kichiro would rather not talk about certain things right away... and was also still distracted by the tea set.

"Hmm, those are some nice repairs. Probably more valuable than the cups, though if they have special properties..."

He dragged his attention back to the conversation.

"Err, I still have a lot to learn. Trips are good for that, right?"

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The nod that she gave carried a depth of understanding just how true Satoshi's statement was, as she let out a weighty sigh. There was a look of nostalgia in her eyes for a second as she said, "-that and more. You can learn a lot about yourself on a journey."

Smiling softly, she shook her head, bringing her attention back. "It is getting late, however. I am glad that fortune has let our paths cross." She stood, a bit of age in the action and her voice. "You can find me at the shrine if you need, but it is a pleasure to see you again."

A bit of a courtesy bow, and she headed out, probably heading back to her home and to bed.

M Corrupted Kitsune Shifter (Apex Shifter) 3 | HP 27/27 | AC: 18 T: 14 Fl: 14 | CMB: +5 CMD: 19 | F +7 R +7 W +3 | Init +4 | Perc: +9 Scent | Spell Points 6/6 | Current Effects: Human Form

Kichiro bows back as Chieko leaves. "Be well," he says.

Then he turns to his brother. "I think I'm about ready to go to bed myself. How about you?"

He hopes his brother understands that he's wanting to talk in private, but figures Satoshi will come up sooner or later even if not.

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