Demon Slayer

Leonardo V'adril's page

9 posts. Alias of rorek55.

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Silver Crusade

"A naturalist can always hear the spirits of nature whispering in his ears, and sometimes those whispers contain helpful advice. As a free action, a naturalist can expend 1 point of generic mental focus before rolling an ability check, saving throw, or skill check to add 1d6 to the result. The naturalist must be conscious and aware to use this ability, and he can use this ability at most once per round."

My question is, while this ability states it can be used on saving throws, do you ever really get the option to do so?

its a free action- so arguably, you can't use it out of your turn. unless I'm missing something.

Most any saving throw effect you would want to use this on keeps you from using it

Silver Crusade

Gonna be playing in an Iron gods AP, and I wanted to try out the spellslinger wizard archetype. I have a build plan up to about level 11 and a general idea past that to 16. Any advice/thoughts are welcome.

Notes- we have power attack/combat expertise, weapon finesse, and deadly aim all for free. Also technologist will be a freebie feat.

Race Android
Str: 11
Dex: 17 (+1 at 4)
Con: 14
Int: 19 (all other ASI)
Wis: 12
Cha: 06

Class- wizard (spellslinger) 5/Fighter 1/Eldritch Knight X

Traits: Magical Knack, Reactionary, ???

1- PBS, Deadly Aim, Precise Shot (fighter)
2- EWP firearms(spellslinger)
3- Spell focus Evocation
5- Quickdraw?
6- Intensify Spell(?) or Quick Study? (wizard feat)
7- Weapon focus, Weapon specialization (EK feat)
9- Empower Spell
11- Selective Spell, Point blank Master (EK feat)
13- Quicken Spell
15- Spell Perfection, ???? (EK feat)

Opposition schools: Divination, Necromancy, Enchantment, Transmutation

at 16, I have, with 0 magic items-
HP: 132

BaB of 13

CL 16
7th level spells

level 17 (final) will be a level in wizard.

I will be using a mixture of illusion/abjuration spells for defense (quickened mirror image/long duration buffs etc) and evocation for offense with a fair helping of just full attacking with gun.

Its my first real attempt at a spellslinger gish, and I wanted to try something other than "magus".

Silver Crusade

Question. Would Ascetic style functionally give a rogue with finesse training (unarmed strike) the ability to wield a monk weapon as though it was both finesseable AND add dex to damage.

If said rogue had 5 levels of monk (or weapon training (monk)), would they be able to apply dex to hit and damage with any Monk weapon?

Here is the wording-

Choose one weapon from the monk fighter weapon group. While using this style and wielding the chosen weapon, you can apply the effects of feats that have Improved Unarmed Strike as a prerequisite, as well as effects that augment an unarmed strike, as if attacks with the weapon were unarmed attacks.

Special: A 5th-level monk or character with the weapon training (monk) class feature can use Ascetic Style with any monk weapon, in addition to the chosen melee weapon.

Silver Crusade

Spells like Burst of Force, Enemy Throw, ETC. Are these spells truly ineffective vs undead/construct enemies?

Silver Crusade

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I'm jumping into an Iron Gods game at level 6 with the psychic class. I know its not the optimal choice per say, But I was told it would be pretty flavorful, and I've been meaning to try out the class anyway.

I know that, for the most part I will be ineffective vs the Robotic sort of enemies. I had the idea that I would focus primary on being a lockdown caster, with a few fun spells here and there. Then fall back to some of the support spells during fights with the robots.

I was also thinking of taking a few levels of the esoteric knight for more defenses, and to make use of some of the cool armor/weapons bound to be in the AP. (this would be making use of the prestigious caster feats)

Honestly, I was largely curious what would be a good school of spell to focus on? (spell focus and the like) both for offensive spells (such as Id Insinuation) and support spells (such as Haste) To focus on as we level up.

Silver Crusade

Hey, I'm trying to come up with a fun way to make a character that uses firearms, mixed with magic and or alchemy/clockwork vibes.

So the setting is a mixture of emerging guns and commonplace guns, With early firearms being, for the most part, a little more available than "exotic" weapons, such as the estoc, bastard sword etc. However, advanced firearms are rare, and only certain "circles" have access to them. Mostly those associated with a specific guild or deity, and only the more important folks therein. Which means, I'll eventually have access to advanced firearms.

Anyway, I've always liked the idea of magitech and steampunk, so I figured this would be a good chance to try and scratch a bit of both and still be a reliable source of ranged damage. For posterity, the party make-up other than me is - two Paladins, a Warpriest, an Inquisitor, and a Monk. The campaign is set in a theocratic nation(following a pantheon), and we will be functioning, at least at first, as a sort of police force for the state. We are also making use of the early feat tax rules, so Weapon finesse/PBS/Deadly Aim are no longer feat concerns.

I've looked over two archetypes for this,
The first was the gun chemist alchemist archetype. The other was Eldritch Archer or Myrmidarch.

The concept I'm largely trying to go for is "infusing their gun with magic", I'm not particularly looking to be a full arcane caster, though the thought did cross my mind as I seem to remember a gun archetype for wizards.

I'm largely just trying to hash out some pros and cons of the two archetypes, and see if anyone here has any ideas I've maybe not considered for this.

We rolled for stats and I got- 16,15,14,14,14,12 Was thinking of going teifling.

Silver Crusade

As the title says, I'm looking to make an inquisitor that just can't be stopped. Or at least, not easily, and how to make it fun and effective to play from 1-17.

At the moment, I'm working with the following- his character sheet I'll list the general stuff for those not wanting to follow/look at the link/sheet. I'm also not sure of a good archetype to look at, if anyone has any ideas.

25pt buy
Level 17 ("end" game for most APs), 1 level of fighter(or Sohei monk), for martial weapons and heavy armor or crane style and better reflex save.

Iron will/Improved Iron will
Great fortitude/Improved Great fortitude
A +1 Defiant Weapon, powered by the Greater Magic Weapon spell. So, I can reroll fort/will 5 times per day.

Mithril Fullplate- Counts as medium armor so functions with Stalwart (a large focus of the build), and functions as +4 due to magic vestment
Heavy Shield- Again, functions a +4 due to magic vestment

Add on a ring of evasion and lightning/improved to ignore all spells on a save, and sitting around +28/22/28(heroism) for fort/ref/will, and 5 rerolls each per day. You'll be hard pressed to really run into any trouble outside of "no save" spells. That said, I'm thinking I can ignore most of the reflex save boosting, and make do with just the ring of evasion.

Now, what about just giving him the beat down? Well,

At level 17,I've got him sitting around 47 AC normally, (51 with judgement) Alternatively, I could take a level of monk (sohei?) to grab Crane Style for -2/+4 AC, which would bump the above to 55, and boost his largest weakness (Touch AC). As far as total AC goes, 55 is good, but I know you can do better, however I'm unsure of how to best increase it further (already having taken dodge/shield focus/armor focus)

Now, what if people just ignore him you may ask? Well, they could, but he is more than a minor nuisance. With only judgement and one short duration buff spell (divine power) one long(heroism) we are looking at- +39/+39/+34/+29 to hit, and about 1d8+26ish damage per swing. If need be, we can give the weapon bane, for 4d6+2 more damage and +2 to hit. Probably don't want to ignore.

Silver Crusade

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Hey all, I'm planning to play a swordlord for an upcoming game. Starting at level 2, going to 18 (theoretically) Another Idea I had was to go bard(archaeologist) (1 level in aldori defender for proficiency and bonus feat)and only go into swordlord for 5 levels before going back to bard. Though I lose a bit of to hit and damage from this, I get spells. Thoughts?

Class- Aldori Defender 5/ Scaled fist monk 1/Paladin 2/Aldori Swordlord 10Human (for skilled)
AD4 (retrain slashing grace)

Stats- 25pt buy

Str: 07
Dex: 17 +1 4/8/12
Con: 12
Int: 14
Wis: 12
Cha: 15 +1 16

Traits: Threatening Defender, Dangerously Curious(for wands of mage armor/shield) Indomitable faith

Feats a
1- Weapon finesse, Weapon focus, slashing grace (retrained to Weapon specialization at fighter 4(level 6))
2- Dodge
3- Crane Style, Dazzling Display
5- Combat Expertise, quickdraw (ASL bonus feat)
6- Improved Disarm
7- Greater Disarm (swap for power attack? Blind fight?) Disarm is more fun, power attack option more useful vs monsters without weapons.
9- Iron Will
11- Shatter Defenses
13- Improved Iron Will (hopefully to pair with defiant weapon eventually)

So, I'm assuming I'll have at least a +3 weapon(+2 and keen), a +4 belt/headband, and +3 ring of deflection/amulet of natural armor and gloves of dueling. Hopefully around level 10-11. As well as a way to have mage armor up and running most of the time. I think this is modest enough to plan around.

At level 13 -
Str: 07
Dex: 24
Con: 12
Int: 14
Wis: 12
Cha: 19

HP:100 ( 12d10+1d8(chained monk)+19)
AC*: 32(36 with shield) (10+4mage armor+7Dex+1dodge+3ring+3NA+4Cha(monk))
FF:24(32 when attacking) Touch: 25(33 when attacking)
*note- AC increases to 40(44 w/shield) when attacking (combat expertise+fighting defensively) and 41/45 when full attacking
Fort: 15
Ref: 12
Will: 12 (hopefully with rerolls)

Attack action
BaB: +12/7/2
To hit: +25/20/15
Damage: 1d8+17 17-20x2

Attack action w/fighting defensive+combat expertise
To hit: +21/16/11
Damage: 1d8+17 17-20x2

Smite is used as a "uh-oh" button for +4 to hit/AC and DR bypass against them evil things.

Silver Crusade

Greetings all, Going to be joining in on an Iron Gods AP soon, coming in at level 8

The premise is a barbarian seeking to free his people from the clutches of the league, in so doing, he has garnered the attention of several divine who have blessed him with powers. (he does not worship a god in particular).

He is very much a man that would rather -not- go about it, but has decided that no one else will truly take up the task. After all, if not him, then who? He also has something to prove, since he is half-orc, and so not pure kellid blood. He is a bit of a dreamer and idealist, especially compared to most Kellid. His optimism a trait he grew and used to help him survive his time in slavery.

His domains are Liberation (obv) and either Travel(fits with personal story), or War/Glory I'm leaning towards Liberation+Travel.

The Build-
Race: half-orc
Classes: Barbarian 2/Cleric 6

Ability scores- (after level boosts)
Str- 18
Dex- 14
Con- 14
Int- 12
Wis- 16
Cha- 10

Magical Knack, Fates Favored (for divine favor and sacred tattoos), Berserker of the Society
Drawback: Mark of Slavery

Feats- We are using Elephant in the room feat tax, so saves me Power attack
1- Step up
3- Dodge (and mobility)
5- Spring Attack
7- Furious Focus (?)- Other options being Vital Strike, Extra rage, Iron will,
The idea behind this build would be to make use of my 50ft move speed to move around the battle field, take less full attacks, find better positions, and stick to the squishy casters. Bonus- the GM was open to possibly combining spring attack + Vital Strike

Rage Power: Moment of Clarity

Spells- All spells with be of Buff or utility variety. Divine Favor a particular favorite.

Silver Crusade

Hey, had this come up in a game.

If you take a move action to move, can you drop a strapped shield, a sword, and draw another weapon all in the same move action.

-Drawing a weapon so that you can use it in combat, or putting it away so that you have a free hand, requires a move action. This action also applies to weapon-like objects carried in easy reach, such as wands. If your weapon or weapon-like object is stored in a pack or otherwise out of easy reach, treat this action as retrieving a stored item.

If you have a base attack bonus of +1 or higher, you may draw a weapon as a free action combined with a regular move. If you have the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, you can draw two light or one-handed weapons in the time it would normally take you to draw one.

Drawing ammunition for use with a ranged weapon (such as arrows, bolts, sling bullets, or shuriken) is a free action.


-Strapping a shield to your arm to gain its shield bonus to your AC, or unstrapping and dropping a shield so you can use your shield hand for another purpose, requires a move action. If you have a base attack bonus of +1 or higher, you can ready or drop a shield as a free action combined with a regular move. Dropping a carried (but not worn) shield is a free action.

Is readying a shield different to "strapping" it on for the AC bonus. The ready action seems to imply that you are indeed strapping it on.

Now, I'm also curious if the above scenario (dropping shield and drawing weapon) as part of the same move would allow you to also draw and ready a shield in the same move. If this is the case, it makes TWF with a sword and shield better. However, the draw/sheathe weapon rules seems to imply this should not be the case.

Silver Crusade

ATM, I have a few different ideas, and was looking for thoughts on effectiveness of the feats.
Stats at the moment are-
Str: 14
Dex: 18
Con: 12
Int: 12
Wis: 10
Cha: 14 (level boosts go here until at least 16)

at the moment, I have-
Free- EitR (power attack, deadly aim, weapon finesse etc)

1- Step up, Arcane Strike (arcane duelist), Lingering Performance
2- Combat Casting
3- Following step
5- Dodge(comes with mobility)
6- Disruptive (AD)
7- Spell song
9- Spring Attack
11- Discordant Voice

Feats I'm not 100% on-
Lingering Performance- Its nice, but by level 5, I shouldn't really be using all my performances regularly. The only time I really went performance heavy was a meastro bard that made liberal use of masterpieces.

Dodge/Spring attack- I enjoyed whirlwind strike builds on my flagbearer bard that made use of Longspears, and dodge/spring attack might increase my survivability, but I feel like in a party based game, it doesn't do all that much. (solo this looks pretty neat).

That said, I'm not sure what would be a good replacement for these. Maybe Improved Initiative/steadfast personality? Combat reflexes and step up and strike?

Silver Crusade

Hey everyone, I'm playing a summoner for the first time in a campaign, I'm taking the Blood summoner archetype (for the planar binding freebies) and will likely be taking 1-3 levels in diabolist PrC. The Idea is a LE devil binder, his eidolon being a pact of sorts.

We used Focus Foible for stats, and I received the following (pre racials)

Str: 15
Dex: 15
Con: 13
Int: 17
Wis: 08
Cha: 18

Since I rolled pretty good-decent physical stats, I figured I'd try to make a melee/reach summoner who battles alongside his eidolon.

I was considering going half-elf for the +1/4 evolution points, and taking the kindred raised alternate racial (+2 cha, +2 another stat) and dropping that into Strength for level 1 stats of-

Str: 17
Dex: 15
Con: 13
Int: 17
Wis: 08
Cha: 20

with +1 going into str at 4th, Int or dex at 8, and the rest into Charisma. (or, the rest into evening out the stats)

For feats, we are using the feat-tax rules, and this was a rough plan I had for the following-

1- Extra evolution or combat reflexes
3- Combat reflexes or extra evolution
5- Resilient eidolon
7- Augment Summoning(prc class), Extra evolution
9- Fiend-skin
11- Maleficium
13- Mask of Virtue
15- Augment Calling

Other thoughts for feats-
Toughness, for more HP
Sacred Summons- standard action summon spell (though with only 6th level casting, this is less enticing)
Evolved Summon monster- give a 1pt evolution to any monsters I summon.

Any other advice/thoughts to help out? At later levels, I may decide to give the fighting duty entirely over to the eidolon and any planar beings I bind.

Do you think the damnation feats are worth the investment? What would you take in their place?

I also want their eidolon to resemble a devil themselves, so obviously I'll be taking the wings+fiendish Apperance evolutions eventually, what would be some other thematic, and strong, evolutions for them to take?

Silver Crusade

As the title, Power attack states "Benefit: You can choose to take a –1 penalty on all melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +2 bonus on all melee damage rolls. This bonus to damage is increased by half (+50%) if you are making an attack with a two-handed weapon, a one handed weapon using two hands, or a primary natural weapon that adds 1-1/2 times your Strength modifier on damage rolls. This bonus to damage is halved (–50%) if you are making an attack with an off-hand weapon or secondary natural weapon.

When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every 4 points thereafter, the penalty increases by –1 and the bonus to damage increases by +2.

You must choose to use this feat before making an attack roll, and its effects last until your next turn. The bonus damage does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hit point damage."

Does performing a coup de grace count as an attack roll even though non are made?

Silver Crusade

Hey all, I'm going to be partaking in a WotW campaign in a week, (session 1), and I was thinking about trying out the Diabolist, but was unsure exactly how would be best to go about it. (the other Idea I had was an anti-paladin, but with a barbarian and a pain taster/anti-paladin I figured I shouldn't overlap too much)

I had a few thoughts on it, and I've had some ideas.

the first, was, of course, wizard. At first level I'd take fighter(or any other martial class), then go into wizard, at 6th level, I'd take a couple levels of eldritch knight, then go into diabolist for at least 6 levels, then likely mix EK and diabolist levels as desired.

the second was to go for an arcanist (school savant) Either conjuration or divination school.
And just go pure arcanist until I could take diabolist levels. This option is technically squishier, but I prefer spontaneous casting to fire and forget, and this one actually stays ahead on a spell level.

the third was a fiendish vessel cleric, This gets divine magic, and all the boons that has, however it forces me to use planar ally instead of planar binding. However, has the added flavor the divine. Though I rather like the idea of Asmodeous going "here is how you do it, now its on you" for the arcanist or wizard character.

The 4th, was to focus and a mixture of summoning and blasting with a sorcerer, Likewise sticking to pure sorcerer levels until diabolist entry. However this one is harder than the other two, as spells known make being a diabolist rather rough.

A few other notes, as far as things go.

wizard+Arcanist will both be taking orator feat (most likely) to save on skill ranks.

Are there any ways to gain stealth/rogueish type skills as class skills? (disguise, acrobatics, etc) for the early period where spells won't be terribly helpful in that regard. (or too limited).

Feel free to make other suggestions I have thought of/listed. Thank you all for your help!

Silver Crusade

I was curious, what is your preferred range for character levels during a game? Say 5-6 levels= a range.

As an example, my favorite area of play is around level 7-13. As I think the PCs feel strong, are fleshed out mechanics wise, but aren't overbearing and all mighty. I dislike levels 1-3 usually.

What about you?

Silver Crusade

Necrotech Master .

As the title.

Silver Crusade

Hey all, I have a character (a gnome) whos background has him interacting with the blight. I'm flavoring his psychic magic as a side effect of his near death experience with said blight. Now I have the choice of going for the sorcerer (psychic) bloodline, or for the actual psychic class (abomination discipline). I was hoping to get yalls thoughts on both which you think fits better thematically, and which would function better mechanically.

For the psychic, I was thinking of taking either the esoteric star seeker archetype, or the wildepath archetype.

Which do you think would better fit the flavor of the "how" he got magic.
Which do you think works better from a "mechanical" stand point.
And do you have any advice for either one? (feats, archetypes, multiclasses, powers, items etc etc)

Silver Crusade

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Hey, I've been looking around at having some fun making use of racial feats as the basis of certain builds, and I think I've found a fun one for half-orcs.

The character that is just too angry to die. Heres the general idea-

20pt buy-

Unbreakable fighter 1/barbarian (invulnerable rager) X
Str: 16
Dex: 14
Con: 18
Int: 08
Wis: 12
Cha: 07

Trait: berserker of the society
FCB: +1 round of rage.

1st- Ferocious Resolve
2nd- Endurance, Die hard,
3rd- Ferocious tenacity
5th- Tenacious Survivor
7th- Deathless Initiate
9th- Raging Vitality
11th- Combat reflexes
13th- Power attack

Rage Powers:
2- Superstitious
4- Renewed Vigor
6- Renewed Life
8- Fueled by Vengeance
10- DR increase (any other ideas for this power?)
12- Come and get me.

At level 13, assuming a +4 belt, you would have a con of 24 base. Which gives 144 hp. You have DR/7 and 50 rounds of rage. While raging, you can fight to -32, without being staggered. If an attack would kill you, you may spend rage rounds, reducing that damage by 11 for each round of rage spent to a minimum of 1. While negative, you gain +2 to hit/damage.

If you DO die, either running out of rage rounds, or getting hit while at -31, you remain around to be healed normally for 7 rounds.

In other words, when the chips are down, you can slap -18 damage on an attack minimum. And can spend an unlimited number of rage rounds to increase that reduction by a further 11 per rage round spent. This ability functions even against spells.

You are literally too angry to die.

Does anyone have any other suggestions for this idea? And while it may not be the most "optimal" build, lets keep suggestions in the same vein of the idea please!

Silver Crusade

So, its a 15 pt buy, but it is gestalt with feat tax so it hurts a little less. I wanted to play a detective constable. The sort determined law enforcer that would do anything to crack a case. Capable of leading, and contending with nosy rumormongers. He would be a front liner.

My idea is-
Investigator (empiricist)/Cavalier (constable)

After that... I'm not sure.

I was thinking something like-
Str: 13
Dex: 14
Con: 12
Int: 14
Wis: 08
Cha: 12
before racial modifiers.

I was also torn between either making use of dual talented, for +2/+2 (Str+Int)
or taking focused study to grab skill focus. I'm leaning towards dual talented.

As for feats... I'm not sure. I was thinking-
Skill focus (lingustics)+ Orator, This would make use of the focused study trait. 3 skills for the price of 1 is nice (save not counting for feinting. Which I'll never be doing anyway.) and would fit fairly well. And it only really costs +2 to a stat

Iron will and great fortitude will likely be picked up. Both would fit the theme as well.

TWF could be an option, if I went for Dual talented. The studied target bonuses coupled with challenge would make TWF quite dangerous, even if used with a shield. And elephant in the room feat tax makes it a lot less feat intensive.

Also, for cavalier Order.. I'm stuck between picking from either Order of the Lion, Order of the Scales, or Order of the monument. All are fairly flavorful, and all have their strengths. I may have missed an interesting one, so feel free to make suggestions here.

Silver Crusade

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Here is a link for the Machinemsith class

Hey, I'm looking to see if anyone would/could give some advice in finding a few good gestalt combinations for the Machinemsith 3pp class. Likely going for the analyzer great work.

and/or If you don't have the time or desire to read through the class, would you suggest a rogue, magus, wizard or fighter gestalt with the warlock Vigilante? Or something else entirely?

Silver Crusade

Note- Please make use of Pathfinders written alignment rules/definitions Located here.

I want to make a distinction here, as with in game characters, we must label them based on actions and intentions, not what they claim their values are. I would say the bats is NG-NN. Let us assume the 80-90/early 2000s portrayal, including the animated series (including the animated justice league).

You may also post thoughts on the newer version of batman (dark knight/arkham games) thought denote which is which.

Your thoughts?

Silver Crusade

SO.. I've been reading over the psychic duels for a campaign... you can sacrifice SLA's to gain MP as though it were a spell. How does this deal with at will SLAs? Can someone with at will gaseous form "expend" a charge to get 3 MP every round?


A vampire is pulled into a psychic duel. They can cast Gaseous form at will as a SLA. Can they "expend" a charge each round to get 3 MP?

Another question outside this one- DO enemies pulled into a psychic duel automatically know what is going on/what to do?

Silver Crusade

Okay, these seem a -little- complex so I just wanted to ask a few questions to make sure I understand properly.

1. Do you have "movement" and "space" in the duel? Or is considered that whatever you do, you can hit your opponent if desired?

2. You can only generate defensive manifestations if you reserve the MP to do so from your turn correct?

3. Thoughtforms are an additional manifestation, they cannot be "you" or used in a similar manner to synthesis summoners.

4. You cannot increase your attributes within the mindscape, so you had an 08 dex in the physical world, you couldn't change this? (while I understand why mechanically this is a thing, I am a little sad at the loss of flavor)

5. No one can just "attack". To attack you must spend MP on manifesting offensive attacks OR on generating a thought-form manifestation and nothing carried over from the physical realm. Your "attack" can be you (as a fighter) attacking something, but it must use the offensive manifestation rules for damage?

5.A Given my assumption to the above is correct, Fighters or other purely physical focused combatants are at a huge disadvantage in a psychic duel. As they have nothing to draw MP from other than their ability scores, which likely won't provide much.

5.B Would allowing fighters to gain 1 MP for free each round per weapon training bonus(or -1+ WT bonus) be too much(to represent their discipline?) In a similar vein, would allowing barbarians to trade 2 for 1 rage rounds-MP be breaking the system too much? After all, the idea is that the duel initiator is putting himself at a huge advantage in the situation.

Silver Crusade

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Another thread in a similar vein as this got me thinking, what -do- I consider too much for a wish spell? I'm fairly lenient as a GM. After all, its level 17(min) and a 9th level spell (and 25k). So I'm usually game for anything not -too- terrible. I've let players wish for templates, had them wish for an additional feat, wish for a powerful magic item (a net gain of about 60k gold) I've never really said no, or really twisted a wish that was actually cast by a player.

So... I'm just curious at what the folk on the boards here consider is "too much" in their personal opinions.

Silver Crusade

Hey all, I'm going to be making a Mesmerist for a way of the wicked game. I've never made a mesmerist before, and I've only recently really sat down and looked over the class. From my foray I've come away from it with a few different ideas.

We rolled stats, and I have-

We are using elephant feat tax (the original, not the newer PDF version)

18, 17, 16, 14, 10, 08

1- Strength based "striker" with a fall back of spells as needed. Making use of vital strike/painful stare for one hit wonders.

2- Dex based fighter, with a higher focus on spells?

3- Pure support/spells/skills. Possibly 1 level of rogue for trapfinding if needed and class skills.

Any help/thoughts are appreciated.

Silver Crusade

Question, does the empower blast metakineses empower only the 1d6+1/2 levels or does it apply to all modifiers of the blast?


level 5 kinectist physical blast, con mod of 4, deadly aim, and elemental overflow of 2

is it-

3d6+3x1.5 + 4(con)+2(DA)+2(EO)



Silver Crusade

As the title says. If a player wanted to take levels of the dragon disciple prestige class with only arcanist levels. Would you let them?

Would them being the archetype that gives a bloodline effect your decision at all?

Is it legal RAW?

Silver Crusade

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The name was just a fun little thing I came up with. Its not someones actual dungeon. Now then.

About 4 weeks from now, a player in my IRL group will be running a danger dungeon "oneshot" ( that likely will end up a two or three off for sessions). That is, a highly unforgiving and deadly dungeon reminiscent to tomb of horrors. Though not quite to that level. Both in his harshness and in its character level.

There are a few special caveats to this-

We rolled stats, I have an 18, 17, 15, 14, 08, 08 before modifiers.
We as players cannot discuss anything about what class we will be playing. That is, if we show up with 5 wizards, we get 5 wizards to run the dungeon with.
We get one, and only one, trait.
We get elephant in the room feat tax (the original, short version, not the overhauled version)
We will start at level 8, and go to level 10 supposedly- this was sort of on the fence. He is considering starting at 9 and just running through it as level 9 the whole time.
He stated that there WILL be social encounters that could make the gungeon easier or more difficult depending.
resting is dangerous, and random encounters while resting will be a common occurrence. (I think he said something about having a safe room or two we could rest in once or twice?) As such "nova" style classes will have it harder, but classes that make use of longer buffs may be better off.
Traps, tons of traps. Some designed to kill, others designed to split the party up for extended periods of time.

Now, this brings me to my predicament. I am having a hard time choosing a class, much less a build. I've got several ideas, and I figured I'd look to the boards for some help. Both in "optimization" and in picking a good class I would enjoy for this.

Concepts I've been toying with other the past week-

1. Black blade magus focusing on buff spells (shield, mirror image, blur, etc) with only a couple spells dedicated to "nova" style for extreme situations.

2. Alchemist/master chemyst focusing on long term self buffing similar to the magus. I considered taking vivisectionist but I'm hesitant on swapping out the utility of bombs entirely. Likely taking Beastmorph and considering the Crypt Breaker as well. I like this one better than magus at the moment because it feels more self sufficient and versatile. Being able to shore up weaknesses in the blind group.

3. Investigator (empiricist) This one I like because it would help alleviate any dungeon concerns thanks to its ridiculous skill check abilities via inspiration and Empiricist's stat swapping. It brings the same great self buffs as the alchemist minus the greater/grand mutagens, and comes with a decent combat buff in study target. It likely won't hit as hard as the alchemist (especially a Vivisectionist) or have the utility of bombs but would at least make sure the group has trapfinding, while still being useful in combat and decent if the party gets split up.

4. Inquisitor. I Feel this one has less self buffing potential compared to the alchemist or investigator, but would be better at both preventing and removing crowd control. Bane is great for nova, though the limited amount of rest we will get makes it less applicable. Likely would go for a ranged build, which would present its own problems in a confined dungeon. Has the added bonus of being a spontaneous caster. So can make use of spells as needed.

5. Necromancer wizard. A wizard focused on nercomancy/transmutation/conjuration. Undead master to have a "pet" skeleton and can either raise defeated foes as allies or take control of any mindless undead we run into. Always has access to spells, which is nice. But high possibility of running out of spells due to limited resting potential.

6. A fighter with a 1 level brawler dip. The "iron caster". AWT would be warrior spirit and armed bravery most likely. With an investment in gloves of dueling.

Silver Crusade

Who has the greater claim to fame? heh.

Note, this is a largely opinion based thread. SO that in mind, please be civil.

I'm just curious, and I like discussing Pathfinder, so I figured I'd ask a few questions about some of my favorite "gish" classes.

Which of the above classes do you prefer/enjoy more and why?

Which do you think is the strongest combat wise of the bunch?
Note- this takes into account versatility, offense(damage), defense, survivablity, party support(keeping crowd control off the party/themselves and or buffing the party) and control (debuffing/crowd controlling enemies)

which do you think is better suited for solo play if it was required? (or which is most self sufficient)

Do you have any particular builds with the above you enjoyed particularly well?

Which one has the best "flavor" to go with their mechanics?

Archetypes are allowed and encouraged to be discussed as well!

Silver Crusade

Hey all, Pretty much as the title says, I'm looking for thoughts on the following homebrew for sneak attack-

You no longer need to be flanking an enemy to gain sneak attack, you merely need to have another ally threatening the enemy while you also threaten.

X is you, Y is ally, O is enemy.

normally, you need to be set up in the following- (or some form thereof)


The proposed homerule would allow you to gain sneak attack in the following-



You both threaten the creature, so you get sneak attack (if applicable)

Silver Crusade

Hey, gonna be playing in a way of the wicked game and I've narrowed it down to two options. The first being a magus, the second a dragon discipline. The latter I've not had a lot of practice with, so I wanted to get peoples thoughts on my plan for them. The end goal is for him to fight, most of the time, as a powerful dragon. Via form of the dragon (8th level spell)

I'll be playing an aasimar, using the human FCB for sorc to get more spells.

monk (scaled fist) 1/anti paladin (2)/sorc 2/Dragon Disciple 9/sorc x in that order

Trait: magical knack

Ability scores: (we rolled focus foible)

Pre race modifiers.
Str: 18 +1 at 8,12,16,20
Dex: 16
Con: 14
Int: 08
Wis: 08
Cha: 17 +1 at 4

Ability scores after racial and class boosts
Str: 24 (+4 from dragon disciple, +2 from aasimar) +1 at 8,12,16,20
Dex: 16
Con: 16 (+2 from DD)
Int: 10 (+2 from DD)
Wis: 08
Cha: 19 (+2 from aasimar)+1 at 4 (20)

Feat Progression- (using feat tax)
(monk)1- Power attack (free), deadly aim(free), Dodge, Dragon Style (monk)
(antipaladin 2)3- Craft Wondrous Items
(sorcerer)5- Dragon Ferocity
(DD 2)7- Cornugon Smash, blind fight (bloodline feat)
(DD 4)9- Hurtful
(DD 5)10- Soulless Gaze
(DD 6)11- Fiendish skin
(DD 8)13- Maleficium (acid, electricity or fire)
(sorc 3)15- Mask of Virtue
(Sorc 5)17- ???
(sorc 7)19- ???

Spell selection would be buff and damage spells
resist energy
mirror image
Form of the dragon
Legendary proportions (swap this out once I get form of the dragon)
etc, etc.

The main issue is a lower than normal BaB for a front line fighter, however The strength bonuses and magic should help with that.

Do you think it will work?

Silver Crusade


Bard 13/swashbuckler (inspired blade) 1 Swashbuckler at level 3
Race: human
Traits: Maestro of the society, X
FCB: +3 Bardic Performance, +1 spell known
Ability scores
Str: 08
Dex: 16
Con: 12
Int: 14
Wis: 12
Cha: 17 +3 (4, 8, 12)

1st- Spell focus (enchantment), extra performance
3rd- weapon finesse, weapon focus, fencing grace
5th- Arcane Strike
7th- Lingering Performance
9th- Bardic Masterpiece, Symphony of the Elysian Heart
11th- Bardic Masterpiece, Legato Piece on the Infernal Bargain
13th- Spell focus conjuration

Comprehend Languages
Hideous Laughter
Swapped for bardic Masterpiece (Triple Time)

Mirror Image
Detect Thoughts

Good Hope
Crushing Despair
Charm Monster
Dispel Magic

Freedom of Movement
Song of Healing
Break Enchantment
Dominate Person
Greater Invisibility OR mass charm person

Phantasmal Web
Ki Shout

Silver Crusade

Greetings all, I'm going to be playing in a way of the wicked game soon and was having trouble nailing down a good build for a primarily fighter PC. The following is what I'm thinking atm, but I'm unsure about its viability-

Level progression-
1st- Brawler (background and helps with the starting situation. Also martial flexibility for Advanced weapon training and item mastery spells)
2nd-6th- fighter (lore warden(PFSFG) and armiger archetypes)
7th- Master of many styles dip, for free style usage, save boost (nice for making use of the item mastery things that work off base for save)
the rest fighter.

My questions are- is the level dip into the monk worth it? and would a level dip into unchained rogue for more class skills and SA be worth it? I also plan on using heavy armor for thematic reasons so will need to take a couple armor proficiency feats due to lore warden.. Is the loss of armor training that big of a hit now after the introduction of advanced armor training?

Silver Crusade

Hey all, I'm going to starting a face to face way of the wicked game this month and I'm having a little trouble settling on a character for it.

1. The DM does not wish us as players to know what the other players are playing. This includes everything from class to backstory. Not even if they are a martial or a caster. This is a tad troublesome for me, as i normally pick the concept I want to play that best fills in the gap of the party.

2. My stats (rolled) are- 18,17,14,14,8,8, to be placed as I wish.

3. I think we are using elephant in the room feat tax rules

I'm looking for good fits to the campaign, and thoughts on how they would hold up form anyone that has had the great joy of playing through the AP.

1st concept-
An anti paladin of asmodeous, with an eventual 2-3 level dip into hellknight.
He is an ex paladin that, after doing his best for the people had those same people turn on him when several other noble houses brought his down. He believes now that only through his rule can true peace be brought about, as many people are too ignorant to govern themselves, or too conniving and self serving. He has no qualms about lying, cheating, stealing etc at this point. After all, the best way to fight monsters is to become one. And deep down somewhere, he continues to justify himself by saying he has become a monster for the good of others.

Aasimar (angel-kin)
two-handed build-
1- Mask of Virtue
3- souless gaze
5- Hurtful
7- Cornugon smash
9- Fiendskin (fire, cold)
11- Malificum
13- command undead

Alternative option to damnation feats are the vampire feats from the AP

If not going vampire
Str: 18
Dex: 14
Con: 14
Int: 08
wis: 08
Cha: 17

If going vampire

Str: 18
Dex: 14
Con: 08
Int: 14
wis: 08
Cha: 17

I only have to survive until level 5 with a con of 6. Not too hard right?

2nd Concept-
Alchemist into master chemyst, a commoner scientist who believes science is the future of the world, and should have no limitations to its pursuit. He is focused primary on bettering the human physique, driven both by his love of the art alchemy and a twisted desire to help people. Whether or not they think having an extra arm or tentacle is helpful doesn't matter. They are not enlightened. I plan to have him form into a bit of a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde sort as he will be going into Master Chemyst PrC. Unlike the anti-paladin he would not be a talkative sort, more at home in his lab and experiments than in a war room or royal council. He killed a man in a bloodrage upon his first testing of his mutagen, which he has made the corrections to.

Beastmorph, reanimator, mind chemist.
1- Bitten
3- Dying
5- The risen
7- The Initiated
9- True vampirism.

Ability scores:
Str: 17
Dex: 14
Con: 14
Int: 18
wis: 08
Cha: 08

Necromancer wizard-
A pretty boy noble who sought necromancer for a longer life. He had been close as well, but was caught, and the book that held the answers burned. He believes that undeath is a tool one should make ample use of. After all, imagine if the heros of yesteryear were still around to defend the world today? What discoveries might some of the most brilliant minds in the world make, given life times upon life times to research? So what if some had to die for it? They should be proud to be useful in their lives. He seeks to amass powerful artifacts and discover a way of immortality that isn't lichdom. After all, one can hardly enjoy the finer and more... promiscuous things in life as a skeleton.

Elf wizard, necromancy school Thassolonian specialist archetype.

1. scribe scroll, spell focus Conjuration, spell focus Necromancy
3- Craft Wondrous items
5- spell specialization
7- Forge Ring
9- spell penetration
11- Craft Staff
13- greater spell penetration
15- ???
17- ???

Ability scores:
Str: 14
Dex: 14
Con: 17
Int: 18
wis: 08
Cha: 08

Personality I'm undecided on, I just know I haven't had the chance to play one, and they look pretty fun and well rounded, so should always be able to find a spot in the group. Probably less focus on raw damage, and more on general usefulness and being semi tanky.

1- Toughness
3- Shield focus
5+ Damnation feats most likely.

1- Necromancy, Transmutation
3- Abjuration
6- Trappings of the warrior
10- Divination or Conjuration
14- Divination or Conjuration (whichever was not taken at 10)
18- ???

Str: 17
Dex: 14
Con: 14
Int: 18
Wis: 08
Cha: 08.

Silver Crusade

Hey all, looking for opinions and the like on the following concept-

A barbarian (titan mauler) that Two weapon fights with two-handed weapons. The following is a rough outline for the build- levels 1-5 you would be using a two-handed weapon as per normal

Comes online at level 6-7, hits peak 12-15
race- half orc

ability scores: (assume 25pt)
Str: 17+2+1(at 4) 20
Dex: 16
Con: 14
Int: 08
Wis: 13
Cha: 7

1- Power attack (?) or weapon focus
3- Two weapon fighting
5- Double slice
7- Improved TWF

Rage powers:
Reckless abandon
Lesser beast totem
beast totem

Wield butchering axes

assuming a belt of strength, and +1 weapons each

To hit while raging-
7+8+1 for a +16

a full attack would look like-


at 3d6+15 each.

eventually, they would use large impact butchering axes for 6d6 a hit (without penalty)

the to hit is lowish, and I was wondering (outside of weapon focus at level 9) on ways to increase it further?

Silver Crusade

Unconquerable resolve

"Whenever you spend a daily use of the resolve class feature, you gain 1 temporary hit point per Hit Die you have. These temporary hit points are lost first when you take damage, disappear after 1 minute, and are replenished each time you use the resolve class feature. Temporary hit points gained in this way persist for 24 hours and then, if you haven’t lost them, they disappear."...

Which is it? Do the temp HP disappear after 1 minute, or 24 hours?

Does it stack? So, would each use of resolve grant an additional X temp HP?

Silver Crusade

Pretty much the title. Which PF1 class do you think would work best as an all X party.

game goes level 1-20.

Personally, my vote would go to either alchemist, cleric, or wizard. I mean, wizard is the most powerful class in the game right? SO a party of 5 of them should be terrifying no?

Silver Crusade

I only have the basics at the moment, Seeking ideas and advice on potentially good archetypes for wizard or cleric.

Why cleric first-
More hp, armor, healing, all nice things for surviving the early levels.

con- no potential of RP for the wizard finding true faith?

Ability score, 25pt buy-

Human (dual talented trait)
Str: 08
Dex: 14
Con: 14
Int: 17(+2)(+5 ability improvement over 20 levels)
Wis: 18(+2)
Cha: 10

Magical Knack

levels 1-3
Cleric of Nethys


Wizard 4-6

Arcane school:


7-16 Mystic Theurge

17-20 Wizard.

1- Spell focus (evocation or Conjuration)
3- Craft Wondrous Items
4- scribe scroll
5- Spell specialization
7- Empower spell?
9- Spell Penetration
11- Greater spell specialization
13- Heighten spell?

alternatively, I could grab spell focus and greater spell focus for a few schools.

Silver Crusade

Hey all, debating between picking up the aether element at level 7, or sticking with fire. The character will be level 12.

Pros of taking aether-
defense talent- Having a regenerating shield of temp HP is great, and a good defensive talent to throw burn into at the start of the day. (I plan to start with 5 burn, just to get the best bonuses from elemental overflow, and easier book keeping) So, I get a nice 36 temp hp to help mitigate the 60 nonlethal I will be starting with.

Utility- Being able to pick up kinetic healer, telekinetic haul, and (soon) at will invisibility are nice little boons.

Physical blast- I get a physical blast I can use when I encounter fire immune enemies.

Cons of taking aether-

I put off blue flame composite blast, however this is less of an issue, since starting at 12 I will be able to just slap maximize on my normal blasts with a move action.

I lose a free wild talent or infusion

without aether's defense talent, I will be deadly to most natural attacking enemies with 24 fire damage returned per natural attack/unarmed strike hit.

I lose an effective 36 regenerating hp.

Silver Crusade

Arcane Bolt (Sp): Starting at 1st level, you can unleash a ray of magic force as a standard action, targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. This ray deals 1d4 points of damage + 1 for every two sorcerer levels you possess. This damage is treated as a spell of a level equal to half your sorcerer level, and is a force effect. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your (see FAQ/Errata) Charisma modifier.

This bloodline power replaces arcane bond.

My questions are-

1. Does this count as "a spell of the highest level you can cast"

2. If it is treated as a spell, could you potentially apply metamagic to it?

3. If you are wearing a Robe of arcane heritage this would theoretically cause arcane bolt to be treated as a spell of your sorcerer level+4/2. Which, at level 10 would mean arcane bolt's effective spell level is 7th, not 5th. (10+4=14/2). If question 1 is a yes, this would mean you can cast a "spell" of 7th level, which means you can select 5th level spells with the human favored class bonus, and expanded arcana could apply two spells known to 5th or 6th level spells?

4. If non of the above, what is the point of the bolded sentence?

Silver Crusade

Okay, so here is the text-

Metamagic Adept (Ex): At 3rd level, you can apply any one metamagic feat you know to a spell you are about to cast without increasing the casting time. You must still expend a higher-level spell slot to cast this spell. You can use this ability once per day at 3rd level and one additional time per day for every four sorcerer levels you possess beyond 3rd, up to five times per day at 19th level. At 20th level, this ability is replaced by arcane apotheosis.

Note the bold text.

My question, if someone takes all three greater eldritch heritage feats, do they gain Arcane Apotheosis, as metamagic adept is replaced by it at level 20?

(note, a robe of Arcane Heritage would arguably allow this to be gained at level 16)

Silver Crusade

Unrogue 4/paladin 8

Ability scores
Str: 08
Dex: 18 (+2) (+1 at 12 and 16)
Con: 13 (-2)(+1 at 4)
Int: 12
Wis: 10
Cha: 15 (+2) (+1 at 8)

1- Fey foundling, weapon finesse
3- dodge
4- Piranha strike
5- shield focus
7- greater mercy
9- ????
11- ????

trying to decide out of-
Magical knack
Blade of Mercy
Envoy of healing

The premise-
Uses a scimitar or rapier
Wears celestial armor (mithril breastplate can be used instead)
makes use of a shield

any good archtypes for either side? I'm kind of wanting to avoid grey paladin as well.

Silver Crusade

Using the FCB to get 1 additional spell per level. Looking for thoughts on the spell selection and any ideas to help further improve it-

Arcane bloodline, Tattooed sorcerer archetype (evocation)

1st- 8 spells known
Mage Armor
Magic Missile
Unseen Servant
Infernal Healing?
Comprehend Languages

2nd level- 7 known
See Invisibility
Glitter dust
Rope Trick
Mirror Image
Minor Image
Scorching Ray

3rd level- 5 known
Dispel Magic

4th- 4 known
Black Tentacles
Dimension door
Greater Invisibility

5th- 2 known (thanks to arcane bloodlines 9th level power)
Wall of force

Silver Crusade

Greetings! I had an idea, an Idea that I could not and cannot do alone. It is a challenge, a test, a tournament. A tower of a godly competition!

The premise-
This would be a solo adventure, that is, each player would be embarking on the adventure solo. One GM would, ideally, run ~4 players each. Each player will be run through the exact same dungeon as the others. Only one of each class will be accepted (unless this turns into a huge huge thing). The "lore" is that each player has been selected to participate in a tournament of the gods. Where each god(player choice) selects several champions from the mortal plane(s). With the victor granted the honor of becoming their deities right hand. (which comes with immortality)

The players would start at level 1, and ideally make their way to level 20. (If they survive) With action economy against them, they would eventually take on a role similar to a big bad in normal games, that is, out action economied, yet fairly stronger than the "PCs" independently. As such, many encounters would consist of lower level/CR enemies. Example- level 5 would fight, largely, CR 2-4 enemies.

There would be a total of 40 floors to the tower, each floor consisting of a "dungeon" which the player must make their way through. These dungeons will vary, some will be filled with enemies, others, with traps and skill challenges, most with all three. Treasure will always be there as well. Every two floors would roughly represent a level up. Save perhaps level 1, and level 19. The alternative is to have each floor represent 1 level, thus making each floor more challenging and longer.

I have neither the time nor technical acumen for map making to do this alone. Nor the abilities to GM such a thing in PbP. However, I know many excellent GMs prowl these boards, and so I beseech the for aid.

Also, Not all 40 levels are planned out yet, indeed, very few of the dungeons are fully planned out, I have plans to hash out most of them, but if some of the GMs wished to make their own floors, I would give out "levels" and make sure the information was provided to other GMs.

This was an Idea I had, as I have often wondered how classes would perform when solo. Before I dedicate the full time and attention such an endeavor needs, I would like to know if there is

1. Interest in player bases
2. Interest in GMs.

Note, interest is not a commitment, as much needs to be further hashed out before any games are created. This is just seeing if I can find the players and GMs needed to do this.

Another aspect would be keeping track of data, namely how well classes perform, amount of time needed (days/hours) to clear each floor, number of times killed etc.

Players would be allowed, between each floor, to purchase or sell items and gear, and dedicate time to crafting (A limiter will be set, but I am unsure of what type) however no magic of any sort will allow a player to exit a floor once it is started.

These were the rules I was thinking of allowing-
25pt buy
max starting wealth for each class
max HP every odd level, then half HD+1 every even level
2 traits
all other things by the book.

Have I caught anyone's interest?

Silver Crusade

Hey all, I've recently had an idea over this "epidemic" that keeps a lot of people from meeting. To have a semi competitive tower of tournaments held in 1 on 1 sessions.

As I've never run solo adventures before, what do you guys think would be good class suggestions for me to give the players?

The way I see it working is, that each floor has a "dungeon" of some variant. I'm envisioning 40 floors, 2 floors per level. Mid to late levels will have the PCs playing a roll as s Big bad, mechanically speaking. With action economy against them, but level/HD/power in their favor. So a level 5 character would likely encounter mostly level 2-3 enemies. With a big boss of equivalent level every few levels or so.

I plan to run them each through the same dungeon, with no changes. Unless a character dies. Then they have to start from scratch at level 1.

So, again, what do you think some good solo adventuring classes to suggest would be?

Silver Crusade

So, me and players were talking over discord a bit discussing how odd it is that even in a gritty dark world the worst that can happen to a PC battling dragons, giants and griffons is they die. Even if the PCs are heroic level individuals. Which got me thinking about an injury system of sorts. The following is something I came up with but its pretty rough around the edges. I'm hoping to implement it in a way that actually gives something back to the PCs as well. The pay back is, they are more resistant to death.

The idea is- when a character would normally die, they would instead make a roll on the injury table. Please note, raise dead/reincarnate are NOT useable spells in the game. Only the high tier resurrection spells can be used.
What this does-
It gives an opportunity the PC to survive, as written atm, its a fairly high chance of survival, unless they took a large hit and were low already. It might also be bias towards melee oriented characters due to the nature they are often in the most danger. Which is why I added the clause regarding 50% of your max HP.

So, here we go.

When a character would be killed, roll on the following chart. Add your con modifier to the result, then subtract the total by which your negative HP exceeded your Constitution score then consult the chart.

Alternatively, if you ever take greater than 50% of your maximum HP from one attack, roll on this chart as well. Add your con mod to the result of the roll before consulting the chart. If the resulting damage would cause you to roll on the chart due to "death" make only one roll.

roll a d20.
1-2: Death
3 Pierced lung, you immediately begin suffocating, this functions as if under the Suffocation spell. This injury can only be repaired by a successful heal check at a DC of (?10+damage taken from triggering attack?) or through application of regenerative magic. (affects that heal only hit points or ability score damage are not enough). Successful Heal checks equal to DC 20 resets the target to unconscious and at 0. (though does not cure it)
4-5: Left Arm is severed.
6-7: Right Arm is severed
8-9: Chest Wound
10-11: Left Leg is severed (knee down)
12-13: Right leg is severed (knee down)
14-15: Left Hand is severed
16-17: Right Hand is severed
18-19: Mental injury (example: a new Phobia, if “killed” by a giant spider, the character must succeed a (hard) will save or be terrified. (new saving throw at end of every round?)
20+: Terrible Wound- reduce maximum HP by 1 per HD. Constitution counts as 1 lower for determining when a character dies for each terrible wound a character has. Subtract X from any future Major Injury rolls where X is the number of Terrible Wounds a character has. Terrible Wounds may be healed via Heal or regenerate, regenerate heals all terrible wounds, the heal spell removes only 1 per cast.

Silver Crusade

Today is it. The final trial on your path to becoming official members of the Order of Dawn's Light. Over a year you have spent in training. Learning both the History, traditions, and goals of the Order. You have undergone training for both solo and team tactics, general aptitude drills with most weaponry and tutelage for any magical abilities you demonstrated as well as having your physical fitness honed through countless drills and exercises. You have learned of the goodly gods and their teachings, you have been taught basic survival skills... You have watched as nearly a third of those who joined alongside you quit. After you overcome this next test, you will for all purposes be members of the Order.

Today, you, along with the nearly 3 score of others are lead along by Aria Silvia through the Order's Temple HQ, you pass through its grand halls into the lower levels and tunnels branching out from its base as roots from a tree. Even after a year you cannot help but marvel at the beauty, craftsmanship, and opulence of the temple's architecture. Hall of carved stone and silver inlaid with gold trimming depicting a plethora of pictures, tokens, symbols and much more. Grand tapestries unfurl along nearly every wall, telling the tell of great heros, battles, and depicting the Order's valiant history. Golden Braziers with ever-burning oil cast a golden glow across all that enters their vicinity and create a cascade of flickering shadows along the tapestries along the edges of their illumination, causing the images therein to seemingly dance and move. Finally, the grand halls pass from view, and you find yourself in an incredibly large hand-hewn cavern, with fiery sconces lining the rock wall. Looking ahead, you see only the dark shadows of a tunnel leading further, and deeper, into the complex and confounding tunnels.

Here, Aria gives you the command to await orders before walking back the way you came. You are left waiting within an antechamber in the underplex of the Orders Fortress Temple with only those alongside you, the flickering shadows of the burning sconces.

After nearly 10 minutes of waiting, Drillmaster Ivan emerges.

Silver Crusade

Those chosen dot in, I'll do one final check over of the crunch of characters. I also have a few questions to ask.

1. Would you rather have theater of the mind, or maps in Roll20?

2. Would you rather have death follow normal rules of con score+1, or would you rather die at con 1.5+1 Example- con of 10, at -11 you are dead, or at -16 you are dead. Note this will apply to NPCs and enemies as well. (including ones with ferocity)

3. A minor change, when you roll HP for Even levels- a d6 HD can roll no lower than a 2, a d8 can roll no lower than a 3, a d10 can roll no lower than a 4, and a d12 can roll no lower than 5. (or, the minimum HP you can roll is half your HD -2)

4. If you all would, I would appreciate it if you created a mythweaver sheet for your characters Crunch. I am used to using it, and it would make things easier on me.

Full Name

Enoch the Wanderer




Bard ( Chronicler of Worlds ) 11 AC 25, touch 16, flat-footed 21 hp 72/80/91 Fort +9 Ref +13, Will +14


M Initiative+1 Perception+17 Conditions -2 Con damage












Common, Abyssal, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Ignan, Infernal, Terran, Modron, Rebus, Archon Bariaur Bladeling Draconic Drow Dwarven Eladrin Elven Asuras Baatezu Baku Dao Djinni Efreeti Formian Gehrelet Goblin Githyanki Githzera Yugoloth

Strength 20
Dexterity 12
Constitution 12
Intelligence 22
Wisdom 12
Charisma 8

About Enoch the Wanderer

Back Story:
under construction...

Enoch the Wanderer has been sent away from not Axis because he has shown tendencies for....humor! Scandalous, he knows. He has been sent to Sigil to catalog.... everyone and everything thing.
He is not to report back to not Axis until mission parameters have been fully met....


Enoch the Wanderer
LN Male Aphrorite Bard (Chronicler of Worlds) 11 Humanoid(Native Outsider:) Init +1; Darkvision; Perception +15
AC 25, touch 16, flat-footed 21 (+6 armor, +2 shield, +2 deflection, +1 Dex, +1 natural, +3 dodge*, +0 size)
hp 91 (11d8+33)
Fort +7 Ref +11, Will +12

electricity resistance 5
+2 bonus on saves versus poison and mind-affecting effects.
+4 bonus on saving throws against spells and effects that vary based on their target’s alignment.

Speed 30 ft.
*Melee +2 Scorpion whip +22 1d4+15 (Combat Expertise, Moonlight Stalker, Arcane Strike, Inspired, weapon focus, whip Mastery, Heroism) Traits Critical x2; Range —; Type S; Special disarm, nonlethal, reach (15'), trip

Special Attacks

......... .....
Crystalline Dust (Su): Rounds 11/11
Planar Envoy
Spell-Like Ability: Protection from Chaos 1/1
Aphorite Resistances (Ex)
Wanderer’s Insight:
Planar Lore (Ex): knowledge (planes) Take 20 6/6
Amoral Scholar (Ex):
A chronicler of worlds rejects cosmic morality. At 2nd level, she does not take penalties imposed by planar alignment traits, and she gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against spells and effects that vary based on their target’s alignment.
Scrivener’s Versatility (Ex) (Diplomacy, Bluff, Intimidation)
Bardic knowledge
Bardic Performance (see below) Rounds 30/30
inspire courage +3
Inspire competence +4
Dirge of doom
Quintessence Infusion (Su)

lore master 2/2

Automatic bonus progression
3rd Resistance +1
4th Armor attunement +1, weapon attunement +1
5th Deflection +1
6th Mental prowess +2
7th Physical prowess +2
8th Armor attunement +1/+1, resistance +2, toughening +1, weapon attunement +1/+1
9th Armor attunement +2, weapon attunement +2
10th Deflection +2, resistance +3
11th Mental prowess +4

Str 18/20, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 18/22, Wis 12 Cha 08
Base Atk +8; CMB +12; CMD 26
Feats: *Combat Expertise, Toughness, Weapon Focus (whip), Whip Mastery , Arcane Strike, Blind-Fighting, Moonlight Stalker
Class Skills
The Bard's class skills are Acrobatics (Dex)+15(11), Appraise (Int)+20(11bg), Bluff (Cha) (uses Linguistics), Climb (Str)+10(2), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha) (uses Linguistics), Disguise (Cha)+4(2), Escape Artist (Dex)+15(11), Intimidate (Cha) (uses Linguistics), Knowledge (arcana, dungeon, local, nature, planes, religion ) (Int)+18(4 each), Linguistics (Int)+20(11bg), Perception (Wis)+15(11), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis)+15(11), Sleight of Hand (Dex)+15(11), Spellcraft (Int)+20(11), Stealth (Dex)+15(11), and Use Magic Device (Cha)+14(11). Knowledge (Int) (Engineering, Geography, History, Nobility)+18(4 each)

Skill Points at each Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Favored class bonus: +1 hp x11
Traits: Threatening Defender , Focused Mind
drawback: ?
Languages Common, Abyssal, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Ignan, Infernal, Terran, Modron, Rebus, Archon Bariaur Bladeling Draconic Drow Dwarven Eladrin Elven Asuras Baatezu Baku Dao Djinni Efreeti Formian Gehrelet Goblin Githyanki Githzera Yugoloth Lower Planar Trade

Other Gear
pathfinder's kit (22 lbs)
(+2) Mithral Chain Shirt (1,100gp)
(+1) Shield Cloak (500gp)
(+2)Scorpion whip
(+1) cold-iron Longsword
daggers x6
ring of featherfalling (2200gp)
Handy Haversack (2000gp)
Wayfinder (500gp)
Pink and Green Sphere (Cracked) Ioun Stone Ioun Stone (UMD; Will): slotted (200gp)
Wrist sheath (spring loaded)wand of Obscuring Mist
Wrist sheath (spring loaded) Wand of Expeditious Retreat
Necklace of Adaptation (9000gp)
Ring of Sustenance (2,500gp)
Rod of Extend, lesser 6/0 (6000gp) x2
Chronicler Kit (80gp) x2
Planes Travelers Kit (350gp)
Tight fit belt 10/10 (4000gp)

Cultural Adaptation materials: a document written in the language of the culture to be emulated (Sigil, Ysgard, )

Carrying Capacity:
Light Medium Heavy
133 lbs. 134-266 lbs. 267-400 lbs.

Current: ? lbs
Tracked Resources
Platinum pieces 30/30
Gold pieces 30/30
Silver pieces 30/30
Copper pieces 30/30
Wand of Cure Light wounds 50/50
Wand of Comprehend Languages 25/25
Wand of Endure Elements 25/25
Wand of Expeditious Retreat 25/25
Wand of Grease 25/25
Wand of Magic Weapon 25/25
Wand of Silent Image 25/25
Wand of Obscuring Mist 25/25
Wand of Burning Hands 25/25
Wand of Waterproof 25/25
Wand of Unseen Servant 25/25
Wand of Technomancy 25/25
Wand of Coin Shot 25/25


Wealth sp 41,000 gp / spent 34,013 gp


Caster Level 11 Concentration +19

1. Detect Magic
2. Message
3. Open/Close
4. Prestidigitation
5. Read Magic
6. Spark

1st level 7/4
1. Cultural Adaptation (Active Planar Walkers Guild, Infinite Staircase)
2. Feathers Step (Active)
3. Disguise Self
4. Heightened Awareness (Active)
5. Cord of Shards
6. Saving Finale

2nd level 6/4
1. Heroism (Active)
2. Blur
3. Investigative Mind (Active)
4. Locate Portal
5. Mirror Image

3rd level 5/5
1. Tiny Hut
2. Thundering Drums
3. Cure Serious Wounds
4. Slow

4th level 3/2
1. Dimension Door
2. Freedom of Movement (Active)
3. Dance of Hundred Cuts

Racial Traits:

Aphorite Racial Traits
+2 Strength, +2 Intelligence, –2 Dexterity: Aphorites are strong and intelligent, but move and react somewhat stiffly.

Native Outsider: Aphorites are outsiders with the native subtype.
Medium: Aphorites are Medium creatures and have no bonuses of penalties due to their size.

Normal Speed: Aphorites have a base speed of 30 feet.

Darkvision: Aphorites can see in the dark up to 60 feet.

Skilled: Aphorites gain a +2 racial bonus on checks with a single Craft skill of their choice.

Planar Envoy
Source Plane-Hopper's Handbook pg. 14
Reflecting their original role as translators and intermediaries, some aphorites are especially skilled at communication. Aphorites with this racial trait begin play speaking Common and either Abyssal, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Ignan, Infernal, or Terran. Aphorites with this racial trait and a high Intelligence score can choose any languages at character creation (except for secret languages, such as Druidic). They learn two languages rather than one each time they gain a rank in Linguistics. This racial trait modifies languages and replaces skilled

Spell-Like Ability: Aphorites can use protection from chaos once per day as a spell-like ability (caster level equal to the aphorite’s class level).

Aphorite Resistances (Ex): Aphorites have electricity resistance 5 and a +2 bonus on saves versus poison and mind-affecting effects.

Crystalline Dust (Su): An aphorite can manifest a haze of crystalline dust that forms into indistinct runes and glyphs surrounding its body. This effect grants the aphorite a 20% miss chance against melee and ranged attacks. Activating this dust is a move action, but it can be maintained each round as a free action. The effect cannot be disrupted, but it ends immediately if the aphorite is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented from taking a free action to maintain it each round. An aphorite can use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to its Hit Dice, but the rounds do not need to be consecutive.

Languages: Aphorites speak Common and either Celestial or Infernal. An aphorite with a high Intelligence score can choose from the following as bonus languages: Abyssal, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Ignan, Infernal, or Terran.

Bardic Performance:

Quintessence Infusion (Su):
This performance infuses allies with planar quintessence. At 9th level, while on a plane other than the Material Plane, the chronicler of worlds can use this performance to target an ally within 30 feet. For every 3 bard levels she has beyond 9th, she can affect one additional creature. Affected allies gain the plane’s basic infusion effect (see Planar Infusions). If the chronicler of worlds is 13th level or higher, affected creatures also gain the plane’s improved infusion. If she is 16th level or higher, affected creatures also gain the plane’s greater infusion. The first time each day a creature benefits from quintessence infusion, the plane infused is set for the day and additional infusions can grant only that plane’s infusions. Infusions that have limited uses per day remain limited in that way, regardless of how many times quintessence infusion is gained. Quintessence infusion relies on audible and visual components.

Countersong (Su): At 1st level, a bard learns to counter magic effects that depend on sound (but not spells that have verbal components). Each round of the countersong he makes a Perform (keyboard, percussion, wind, string, or sing) skill check. Any creature within 30 feet of the bard (including the bard himself) that is affected by a sonic or language-dependent magical attack may use the bard's Perform check result in place of its saving throw if, after the saving throw is rolled, the Perform check result proves to be higher. If a creature within range of the countersong is already under the effect of a noninstantaneous sonic or language-dependent magical attack, it gains another saving throw against the effect each round it hears the countersong, but it must use the bard's Perform skill check result for the save. Countersong does not work on effects that don't allow saves. Countersong relies on audible components.

Distraction (Su): At 1st level, a bard can use his performance to counter magic effects that depend on sight. Each round of the distraction, he makes a Perform (act, comedy, dance, or oratory) skill check. Any creature within 30 feet of the bard (including the bard himself) that is affected by an illusion (pattern) or illusion (figment) magical attack may use the bard's Perform check result in place of its saving throw if, after the saving throw is rolled, the Perform skill check proves to be higher. If a creature within range of the distraction is already under the effect of a noninstantaneous illusion (pattern) or illusion (figment) magical attack, it gains another saving throw against the effect each round it sees the distraction, but it must use the bard's Perform skill check result for the save. Distraction does not work on effects that don't allow saves. Distraction relies on visual components.

Fascinate (Su): At 1st level, a bard can use his performance to cause one or more creatures to become fascinated with him. Each creature to be fascinated must be within 90 feet, able to see and hear the bard, and capable of paying attention to him. The bard must also be able to see the creatures affected. The distraction of a nearby combat or other dangers prevents this ability from working. For every three levels the bard has attained beyond 1st, he can target one additional creature with this ability.

Each creature within range receives a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the bard's level + the bard's Cha modifier) to negate the effect. If a creature's saving throw succeeds, the bard cannot attempt to fascinate that creature again for 24 hours. If its saving throw fails, the creature sits quietly and observes the performance for as long as the bard continues to maintain it. While fascinated, a target takes a –4 penalty on all skill checks made as reactions, such as Perception checks. Any potential threat to the target allows the target to make a new saving throw against the effect. Any obvious threat, such as someone drawing a weapon, casting a spell, or aiming a weapon at the target, automatically breaks the effect.

Fascinate is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting ability. Fascinate relies on audible and visual components in order to function.

Inspire Courage (Su): A 1st-level bard can use his performance to inspire courage in his allies (including himself), bolstering them against fear and improving their combat abilities. To be affected, an ally must be able to perceive the bard's performance. An affected ally receives a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls. At 5th level, and every six bard levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +1, to a maximum of +4 at 17th level. Inspire courage is a mind-affecting ability. Inspire courage can use audible or visual components. The bard must choose which component to use when starting his performance.

Inspire Competence (Su): A bard of 3rd level or higher can use his performance to help an ally succeed at a task. That ally must be within 30 feet and be able to hear the bard. The ally gets a +2 competence bonus on skill checks with a particular skill as long as she continues to hear the bard's performance. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels the bard has attained beyond 3rd (+3 at 7th, +4 at 11th, +5 at 15th, and +6 at 19th). Certain uses of this ability are infeasible, such as Stealth, and may be disallowed at the GM's discretion. A bard can't inspire competence in himself. Inspire competence relies on audible components.

Suggestion (Sp): A bard of 6th level or higher can use his performance to make a suggestion (as per the spell) to a creature he has already fascinated (see above). Using this ability does not disrupt the fascinate effect, but it does require a standard action to activate (in addition to the free action to continue the fascinate effect). A bard can use this ability more than once against an individual creature during an individual performance.

Making a suggestion does not count against a bard's daily use of bardic performance. A Will saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 the bard's level + the bard's Cha modifier) negates the effect. This ability affects only a single creature. Suggestion is an enchantment (compulsion), mind affecting, language-dependent ability and relies on audible components.

Dirge of Doom (Su): A bard of 8th level or higher can use his performance to foster a sense of growing dread in his enemies, causing them to become shaken. To be affected, an enemy must be within 30 feet and able to see and hear the bard's performance. The effect persists for as long as the enemy is within 30 feet and the bard continues his performance. This performance cannot cause a creature to become frightened or panicked, even if the targets are already shaken from another effect. Dirge of doom is a mind-affecting fear effect, and it relies on audible and visual components.

• 0f= 0RDER •:

I. The Fraternity of Order is one of the fifteen sanctioned
factions of Sigil.
A. The faction is based on the foundations of law.
1. Law governs everything.
2. All laws have loopholes.
a. Loopholes can be discovered.
b. Loopholes can be exploited.
3. The loopholes in the laws of the multiverse are
the secrets to power.
B. The faction runs the court system of Sigil.
1. Faction members are often called Guvners.
2. Faction headquarters is in the City Court itself.
3. Faction members judge the cases of criminals
apprehended by the Harmonium, the faction's
allies in law.
a. Faction members interpret the laws.
4. Faction members may also prosecute, provide
defense, and transcribe the trials.
II. The Fraternity of Order is the oldest and greatest of the
A. The faction was the first to create a charter.
B. The faction is the most organized, orderly, and law-
conscious of them all.
C. The faction is appealing to prospective members.
1. Only the most intelligent and capable candi-
dates can pass the tests of general knowledge
and legal matters required for membership.
2. Namers are allowed to serve as Aides in the
legal process and work for faction Administra-
3. All faction members learn so much about the
multiverse that the understanding of languages
and lore becomes second nature.
4. Experienced faction members learn to exploit
the loopholes of the multiverse.

Fraternity of Order: 1/day cast comprehend languages as a spell-like ability with caster level equal to the character’s level. The Guvner cannot knowingly break any laws, if they do they lose access to any Fraternity of Order traits, feats, or abilities until an atonement spell is cast on them.