So I hid all my inactive campaigns. Now one of them has come back to life, but it won't appear in my active campaigns page. I tried with a different device as well, thinking that maybe it's my dinosaur of a computer, but no, they are just gone.
Some help with this would be appreciated. Thanks in advance, Paizo staff. :)
We're looking to fill two positions. The skill, and martial positions are the available ones.
Original recruitment post is below. Some changes: Starting at 2nd level. 1000 gp starting wealth.
"Be it so known that the bearer of this charter has been charged
by the Swordlords of Restov, acting upon the greater good and
authority vested within them by the office of the Regent of the
Dragonscale Throne, is so granted the right of exploration and travel within the wilderness region known as the Greenbelt. Exploration should be limited to an area no further than thirty-six miles east and west and sixty miles south of Oleg’s Trading Post. The bearer of this charter should also strive against banditry and other unlawful behavior to be encountered.
The punishment for unrepentant banditry remains, as always, execution by sword or rope.
So witnessed on this 24th day of Calistril, under watchful eye of the Lordship of Restov and authority granted by Lord Noleski Surtova, current Regent of The Dragonscale Throne."
Anyone up for playing the Kingmaker AP?
I'm looking for five(5) players who can commit to one post a day for long enough to finish the AP. More posts is fine, but since I'm only on in the evenings after work, and weekends, the daily rate is the maximum speed we could expect. On the other hand, with a posting rate of less than daily, we will literally never finish, and I would very much like to finish this one.
Many of the PbP games I've been in seem to die out a bit on the weekends. I'd like to avoid this, so players who are able to find the time for weekend posting will be prefered. Naturally, I wouldn't expect everyone to always be able to post, and I get away from the internet sometimes as well. Advance notice in these occasions is always appreciated.
Character generation.
Abilities. Use the following array: 15, 14, 14, 14, 12, 12. I call this the action hero array, the dual talent alternate racial trait works quite well with it.
Traits: 3 traits, one must be a Kingmaker champaign trait. No drawbacks.
The characters will start at first level and with average wealth for their class.
Races: This is a tough one, I don't want to limit this too much. I had a great time playing a suli. Monster races are out of course. No goblins, no kobolds, no strix, no full-blood orcs, etc. Your kingdom will be mostly populated by humans, so races that can pass as human are best, but races that are allies to humans should be fine.
Alignment: I place minimal emphasis on alignment. However, I'm not at all interested in running an evil campaign, so no evil alignments. Your character should be a good team player, regardless of alignment.
We will be using the Kingdom system from Ultimate Champaign.
The Downtime systems from UC will be in play as desired. Except earning XP.
We will be using Hero Points from the APG.
We will not be using Pathfinder Unchained.
Completed submissions will need an alias with a completed stat-block. Not in spoilers please. You will need a brief background story, and a short character description. Don't forget height and weight. A paragraph about your char's personality is optional.
Those familiar with the Campaign rules will know that there are actually 10 vital rulership positions. I expect each character to fill two of these roles each. That means a minimum of 14 days each month need to be spent ruling. 7 days for each role. If the characters want to recruit NPCs for some of the kingdom roles that is perfectly acceptable to me. Either option, or a mix of both is fine. The leadership feat will be available.
As the evening at the Champion pup house winds down, all eyes turn to Edran Hull. When will he make his announcement?
At last he steps forward. "Ahem. Ah. Thank you all for coming."
He pauses then continues on in a louder voice. "As you all know, there are five charters. As you can see, there are more than five of you here."
"Each of you has been assigned a room, and each of you will be given a key that is tagged with your room number. If you are one of the few who has been selected, you will find your charter on the pillow of your bed."
The Constable brings out a small wooden box. With quick efficiency he calls out names and hands each person a key.
Key in hand, you hurry to your door, marked with a number that matches the key you hold. Inside you find the room not empty, as expected. Instead there is a man sitting in the corner chair. In his hand he holds a scroll tied with a blue ribbon. 'Don't be alarmed." He says. "This is your charter. We just would like to shroud your identities and leaving in some secrecy.
He hands you the charter, then opens a hidden panel in the wall. A narrow dark stair leads down into the darkness.
"There's a carriage in the alley. It will take you to Nivakta's Crossing. From there you are on your own. Good luck."
It was a different man in each room.
The coach ride to Nivakta's Crossing is bumpy and unpleasant. The night is chill, the coach, squeaky, and its wheels rumble. Still, sleep is possible. Enough for you to march on to Fort Serenko, without a stopover in Nivakta's Crossing.
At Fort Serenko you are able to get some much needed rest, the fort does have a road house for the comfort of travelers.
The next days march is into the Stolen Lands. This part is pleasant enough. The landscape is meadow land, and rolling gentle hills with a rich sprinkling of hardwood and pine groves. The hardwoods are skeletal and bare. The buds of spring are still a ways off. Stubborn snowbanks still linger in the shadiest places. The grass is flattened and soggy.
Late into the afternoon A hill fort looms into sight. It could only be Oleg's Trading Post. The outpost stands at the top of a broad, but low, grassy hill, giving it a commanding view of the surrounding countryside. It is surrounded by a wall of sturdy, close set vertical logs, a palisade.
Roughly rectangular, the fort has four shake shingle roofed watch towers at its corners. The gabled roofs of three buildings can be seen within. The double front gates are open, though one seems damaged, probably unable to close.
With evening fast approaching you hurry toward the fort...
The fort is still about a half hours walk away, so you can discuss a plan of action before the encounter with the people in the Outpost.
I'll be back about this time tomorrow to move the game forward as needed.
The Champion public house is in one of the better quarters of Restov. It's sign-board is painted with a wreathed horsehead and it is known for it's excellent food.
Tonight it has been reserved for those who would brave the Stolen Lands in an effort to explore, and tame the region.
The Lord Mayor's Chief Constable, Edran Hull is in attendance to select five of the many applicants. He is a middle aged balding man of medium height, 5' 10" and sturdy build. He sports an impressive handlebar mustache, and there is a twinkle of mirth in his hazel eyes. He is resplendent in his dress uniform of green and gold with a breastplate polished to a mirror sheen.
Behind the bar a young man pours the drinks. He has brown hair and dark eyes, and seems to be more interested in the prettiest of the three bar maids than anything else.
The bar maids are led by a middle aged woman with gray in her hair, the other two are much younger, in their late teens or early twenties.
Outside the night is cold and windy, with flurries of sleet, though the waning sliver of the moon makes an occasional appearance through the rapidly moving clouds.
A long table is laden with food. The center piece being a whole pig, complete with apple in it's mouth. As well, there is a haunch of roast beef, and a pyramid of half chickens. There are large bowls of mashed potatos, green beans and carrots.
"Be it so known that the bearer of this charter has been charged
by the Swordlords of Restov, acting upon the greater good and
authority vested within them by the office of the Regent of the
Dragonscale Throne, is so granted the right of exploration and travel within the wilderness region known as the Greenbelt. Exploration should be limited to an area no further than thirty-six miles east and west and sixty miles south of Oleg’s Trading Post. The bearer of this charter should also strive against banditry and other unlawful behavior to be encountered.
The punishment for unrepentant banditry remains, as always, execution by sword or rope.
So witnessed on this 24th day of Calistril, under watchful eye of the Lordship of Restov and authority granted by Lord Noleski Surtova, current Regent of The Dragonscale Throne."
Anyone up for playing the Kingmaker AP?
I'm looking for five(5) players who can commit to one post a day for long enough to finish the AP. More posts is fine, but since I'm only on in the evenings after work, and weekends, the daily rate is the maximum speed we could expect. On the other hand, with a posting rate of less than daily, we will literally never finish, and I would very much like to finish this one.
Many of the PbP games I've been in seem to die out a bit on the weekends. I'd like to avoid this, so players who are able to find the time for weekend posting will be prefered. Naturally, I wouldn't expect everyone to always be able to post, and I get away from the internet sometimes as well. Advance notice in these occasions is always appreciated.
Character generation.
Abilities. Use the following array: 15, 14, 14, 14, 12, 12. I call this the action hero array, the dual talent alternate racial trait works quite well with it.
Traits: 3 traits, one must be a Kingmaker champaign trait. No drawbacks.
The characters will start at first level and with average wealth for their class.
Races: This is a tough one, I don't want to limit this too much. I had a great time playing a suli. Monster races are out of course. No goblins, no kobolds, no strix, no full-blood orcs, etc. Your kingdom will be mostly populated by humans, so races that can pass as human are best, but races that are allies to humans should be fine.
Alignment: I place minimal emphasis on alignment. However, I'm not at all interested in running an evil campaign, so no evil alignments. Your character should be a good team player, regardless of alignment.
We will be using the Kingdom system from Ultimate Champaign.
The Downtime systems from UC will be in play as desired. Except earning XP.
We will be using Hero Points from the APG.
We will not be using Pathfinder Unchained.
Completed submissions will need an alias with a completed stat-block. Not in spoilers please. You will need a brief background story, and a short character description. Don't forget height and weight. A paragraph about your char's personality is optional.
Those familiar with the Campaign rules will know that there are actually 10 vital rulership positions. I expect each character to fill two of these roles each. That means a minimum of 14 days each month need to be spent ruling. 7 days for each role. If the characters want to recruit NPCs for some of the kingdom roles that is perfectly acceptable to me. Either option, or a mix of both is fine. The leadership feat will be available.
A bitter wind moans along the darkly shadowed streets of Tarheel Promenade. It carries flakes of snow from the leaden sky, that can only be seen here and there through gaps in the overhanging, densely packed buildings. The air is bitter and cold, causing puffs of steam when you breath.
Kaer-Maga lies unusually quiet this evening, the city is recovering from its New Years festivities. The cold keeps those who don't have urgent business inside as well. Still, Catgut Ally is busy enough. Porters pass by bearing loads, while a vendor offers grilled sausage from an alcove stall. A pile of rags in a corner shows signs of movement, no doubt it shelters beggars, huddled together for warmth.
The wind swings a sign over the sturdy, brass bound portal in front of you. The sign depicts a dancing troll playing a violin, and is captioned: The Troll and Fiddle. The place is an inn, recommended for its secure, inexpensive rooms, and decent food. The inn is situated on Kaer-Magas second level, convenient to travelers, but above the poorest bottom district. The place apparently does have a stable on the lower level, as a faded sign and arrow point down a narrow, winding staircase several feet from the door of the inn. Another staircase, this one going upwards, sits opposite the inn. The higher up one climbs in Kaer-Maga, the better, and more expensive the shops and lodgings become.
The door to the Troll and Fiddle swings open and a man, dressed in laborer's clothes hurries out. The interior of the inn is well lit, warm and unusually quite.
Enter, and let the game begin.
Troll and Fiddle: Interior:
A roaring fire fills the fireplace, where a simmering and savory kettle sits, back from the greatest heat. From what must be the kitchen come the sounds of someone using a cutting board and a whistled tune. From the door behind the bar comes the sound of angry cursing. Of staff there is none in sight.
There is but one customer, a dark haired, youngish fellow, handsome is a vaguely sinister way. He looks up from the thick tome he is reading and yells. "Master Bulthar! You have guests." Then takes a sip from his tea cup.
Shortly after, a portly, balding man in an apron appears from the door where had come the cursing, earlier. "Jestwin Bulthar, at your service!" Then he frowns. "I'm sorry, but we can't offer you any liquor today, my stock has been destroyed." The inn-keeper regards you with an appraising eye. "You look like you might be able to help though... I can pay, if you're interested."
This is an interest checking thread, but would turn into the recruitment thread if there is sufficient interest.
I played in a guild-building thread awhile back that was kind of fun. It was missing something though. Namely the adventure part, and the role-playing aspect.
What I'm proposing is for the players to use the Ultimate Campaign down-time rules to build an organization.
I would also provide a dungeon maze for the characters to explore and thus level up.
Third, the thing would be set in Kaer Maga, the City of Strangers, so there would be plenty of opportunity to role-play as the characters develop contacts (friendly and otherwise).
The over-arching idea is to build your personal power and the power of your organization into something that can affect the top level politics of the city. It would be a co-operative game, though. The dungeon adventuring part would be built for a group (4-5) of players, so at least for that, cooperation would be vital.
I'm not into running an evil campaign, so alignments would have to be good or neutral.
Outside the well appointed sitting room at 270 Darkwood Ct, the air has a light chill. A scattering of fluffy clouds drift across the otherwise blue sky, driven by a light breeze from out of the Northwest. It is about 10:00 in the morning.
The receptionist had brought a carafe full of hot coffee, and a tray of cookies, for refreshment.
Finally, after the last person arrives to apply for the job at Orb Solutions, A well dressed Garundi man, on the young side of middle aged, enters the room. He wears a rapier with an emerald set in it's pommel.
"Hello, welcome. My name is Balinvali Orb, of Absalom. The man smiles, pleasantly. "Orb solutions is a start-up. I already have a client, but I need agents. That's where you come in."
"My client's uncle lived, or lives in a manor East of Sandpoint, along the coast. The local talent won't go near the place, they say it's haunted."
"I need you to go, investigate the place, and find out what happened to the uncle. I don't expect you to deal with an actual ghost, of course. We'll have to get help from the Church of Pharasma for that."
K, local DC 6:
It takes 2 days to walk from Magnimar to Sandpoint up the lost Coast Road.
Knowledge checks of 10 or less can be made untrained.
Balinvali pauses, looking to each of you for questions or comments.
As you wander the streets of Magnimar, a flyer catches your eye. Perhaps it is posted on a wall. Perhaps a grubby urchin hands it to you. However you find it, it seems a godsend.
Are you an individual of skill and power? Orb Solutions needs you.
Orb solutions: We make your problems go away. Discreetly.
Interested parties apply at 270 Darkwood Court, in Ordellia District. Now hiring. Good benefits.
Recruiting 5 players for a little homebrew adventure. Loosely based on the old AD&D module, the Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh.
Character requirements:
1st level.
25 point buy. Try to keep all your scores above 10. :)
Average starting gold.
Core and featured races.
2 traits.
No evil.
I will be using Hero lab so I ask you to restrict yourselves to the following materials:
Core Rule Book.
Advanced Class Guide.
Advanced Player's guide.
Advanced Race Guide.
Ultimate Campaign.
Ultimate Combat.
Ultimate Magic.
Adventurer's Armory.
Andoran, Spirit of Liberty.
Cheliax, Empire of Devils.
Orcs of Golarion
AP traits are allowed if they fit. Traits that mention persons specific to an AP, probably don't fit...
270 Darkwood Ct proves to be well maintained office suite in a prosperous cul de sac. Inside, an attractive young Chellish woman shows you to a well appointed sitting room. "Please wait here. Mister Orb will be down shortly."
I want a well rounded party, and to make it easy on me, I will be taking completed characters on a first come, first served basis. People turn in some great concepts, which makes it hard to choose. Anyway, I'm looking for a healer type, a martial type, a skilled type, an arcane type, and one other.
As people post their completed characters in the recruitment thread, I'll post the position filled, so everyone else can know which spots are still open. I hope that's fair.
Almost forgot. Actually totally forgot. An one post per day rate is needed. A game can move forward at that rate. Less than that seems to kill the thread. Of course, no one can always post everyday. Advance notice helps.