Rohkar Cindren

Jutmon Symber's page

171 posts. Alias of Waterhammer.


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Ran out of life.

Counts of fingers... Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday!

I need to drag my trash can to the curb tomorrow morning.

Alright, my Wild Stalker ranger is set. He is mainly an archer, but can handle melee as well.

I usually can post once in a 24 hour period, but always late, because of my Western time zone. GMT -7 I do my PbP after work, in the evenings.

OK, worked over the background, personality and appearance. Those are ready. Once I know what I should have for traits and hitpoints I can paste the updated stat-block. Then it will be complete.

I would like to submit this alias for play. I need to make some changes. It was originally for another game. Staying with ranger, but the background needs to be re-worked as well as other changes. Add a level for instance. Different point buy, etc. etc.

Bustin' the rhymes. Whatever it takes to pass the time.

As a player with a martial submission, I'm going to strongly disagree with the sentiment that an all divine party would be cool.


Jutmon supports the ranged people when that is needed. When it goes to melee he steps up and holds the line. He is capable as a scout so the party scout won't have to go it alone. Plus he is a decent tracker.

The game design wants everyone to specialize, but it's never really wise to put one's eggs all in one basket. That is where Jutmon steps in.

Personality is always a description I have trouble with. I'll put something up tonight.

He's a wild Stalker so probably melee. At first level his dex is higher, though, so decent with a bow.

Also, no apologies needed. When I posted, the character was still a second level wizard. He's been slowly morphing into a ranger.

Nice of you to put up a list like that, Cydrius, but Jutmon is a ranger, not a wizard. I ran the alias in a Kingmaker campaign, where he was a wizard. For this one, though, he will be a Ranger. Campaign trait is Chance Savior. I'm still working on it.

Hi. I'm posting to express interest in this game. If selected, I will be using this alias. He's going to turn into a ranger though. It's a character I ran in Kingmaker for awhile, till real life ate our GM. I don't have the player's guide downloaded, so I'll have to do that and read it. Then Jutmon will endure his transformation into a ranger. Hope I can get it done before the deadline. Ranger is one of my favorite classes and I never seem to play one.

Edit: I post on Arizona time. That's Mountain Standard, but we don't do the Daylight Savings thing.

Male Human,

Jutmon is last in initiative order I was waiting on the others.

Male Human,

Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12

Male Human,

"That other one is still around here somewhere." Jutmon looks around the chamber, trying to spot the little rotter, as well as any others that may be lurking about.

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21

Male Human,

"adurentibus aqua!" Jutmon sends a pale green spark darting at a mite. If they like pain so much, maybe this will be to it's liking.

Acid Splash (ranged touch attack)
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 51d3 ⇒ 1

Odds are that's a miss, so of course, ignore the Damage roll provided.

Male Human,

Doesn't matter who, nobody deserves that kind of torture. Jutmon speaks the words; coupled with the hand signs that unleash the force bolts he uses so often.
"Potentia vi, inerrabili fulmen percusserit vera, purpura."

Init:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10

Magic Missile:1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Male Human,

Jutmon figures that Roga and Nareth will likely be noticed, but the same heavy armor that makes them noisy, also protects them well. The Wizard has no such protection, so he tries to stay in shadow, and move as quietly as he can.

Stealth:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

Male Human,

Jutmon heads in to where Inuki, Nareth, and Roga are.

Male Human,

Hsst! Guys what's the plan?" Whispers Jutmon. The group is split up and he's not sure which way to go. The earthy cavern around him is eerily lit by his own spell. Dancing Lights.

Male Human,

Jutmon Symber Initiative:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19

Recap: Jutmon has cast Dancing Lights and started down the rope. Climb:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21

Male Human,

Don't forget to hydrate yourself. Good luck w/new job. My posting may also be a bit spotty. Having connectivity issues, and can't meet with the cable guy till next Saturday. After resetting my modem many times today, it's working, but it probably won't last.

Male Human,

Jutmon lowers himself down the rope as quickly as he can, and hurries after Nareth and Roga.

Male Human,

We encountered a mite before. Inuki rolled a 21 on the knowledge roll for that. It's on page 5 of our thread.

Roga's horse stomped it's head. Anyway maybe he remembers that incident?

I probably wouldn't mention it, but it happened a long time ago, in real time. All PbP games move so slow.

Male Human,

Jutmon casts dancing lights for his own benefit, and slides down the rope to join the others in the hole. His familiar, Sevrina the hawk, perches on a branch of the hollow tree.

Male Human,

"I can leave Sevrina to look over the prisoners. Few would pay attention to a hawk perched in a tree."
Jutmon scratches at the back of his head, in absent thought.
"She's not an underground bird, obviously. So I'll only miss her company, and she can give me a mental warning, of sorts. Nothing too detailed, but a feeling of distress, if something bad is happening."

Jutmon figures that if the bandits escape, they will just grab some of the loot and leave. He is actually more worried about something fierce coming along, and chewing the prisoner's faces off, while they are tied up, helpless.

Male Human,

Jutmon shrugs. "It's all right, and good to take these bandits in for a proper trial. If we preside over it, they may actually get a fair one."

Jutmon spins his staff between his fingers, then strikes the snow.

"What bothers me, is the time frame. Taking prisoners back to Oleg's takes time. Making sure they receive proper justice, will take even more time. I'm not sure we have so very much time."

"That bandit woman that ran off; said some things that worry me."
Jutmon pauses.
"Well, I didn't hear it. These ones we caught, said she did. Something about times and places. I'm just not sure, that letting her be, at the place she wants, at the time she likes, is a very good idea."

If we go back to Oleg's now, she will be."

Male Human,

Jutmon frowns. "We'll get back to you, he tells the bandit."
Remember we are giving them each a separate interview.

Jutmon leans over to whisper in Nareth's ear."This is their trial. Oleg does not have the authority; I don't think Krestle cares."

"We need to deliberate. In private." Jutmon states aloud.

Male Human,

Jutmon also asks each one personal questions about their history.
What made them choose a life of banditry?

Do they have any other skills?

How did it feel when they made their first kill?

If they could do their life over, what would they change?

Jutmon's Sense motive is only +1, but he is trying to judge each one's character. Trying to come up with a more satisfactory way of dealing with these bandits.

Male Human,

Jutmon follows Hammas back to where Roga, Sergei, and Nareth are waiting with the captured bandits.

He nods at Nareth's comment. "Good. It's better to interrogate them each separately."

Male Human,

OK, well I thought Jutmon had caught up with Hammas by now. I thought we could leave the bandits tied up for awhile, but there are many reasons not to, I suppose.

Male Human,

Jutmon has +7 on ranks in Knowledge: Arcana, Geography, and Nature. If any of these apply?

"Not sure, Hammas. Jutmon leans on his old grey quarterstaff.

"I'm trying to remember. From what that Atomie told us, it could be tied to the hair she wanted us to get."

Male Human,

Well, I hope you get that bug kicked, Akinra, being sick, is not such a fun pastime.

Male Human,

Jutmon has a silk rope.

Once the bandits are secure he casts Dancing Lights and tries to follow Inuki and Hammas through the thicket.

My characters almost always take the advice of Sam Gamgee, and pack a rope.

Male Human,

Jutmon debates whether he should follow, then decides it would be better to help Roga get the rest of the bandits secured. It would not do for one of them to slip away in the dark.

"Make big tracks." He calls out to Inuki, as the fox heads into the undergrowth.

Male Human,

"Leave 'em here all tied up for now. We can come back in a bit to decide what to do with them.

Even though his ears are still ringing, Jutmon tries to evoke some light. Dancing Lights.

"I think Hammas went after the leader. We should follow her now, if we can."

Male Human,

Jutmon lets his staff fly from his hand. It flips end over end, between the trees, on course toward the bandit.

Hand of the Apprentice: +4; 1d6b damage. Range 30' 6/day.

He casts Shield in the next round.

Male Human,

Thanks Inuki.

"We have reason to believe these are the ones who stole Svetlana's wedding band. If that's who they are, they kill and rob. They are the bandits we are commissioned to destroy."

Jutmon checks over his gear, making sure it is battle ready. "The atomie told us we would find them here. The one we let go told us, they were bandits. It's not the strongest chain of evidence."

Jutmon looks doubtful. "Maybe if Roga shouts out that he a Knight, and demands surrender, while he is riding on his charge, it would give them a chance to parley. At least, it would give the signal that the attack is on."
Jutmon shakes his head."Not as efficient as cutting them down in surprise, but it might help prevent a terrible mistake."

"It's probably better to live to regret, a horrible mistake, than to die, because you gave a foe too much advantage."

Male Human,

"Sounds ok to me." Jutmon agrees with Hammas' plan.

Then he adds. "That one we let go... He called them bandits, for what it's worth."

The wizard frowns. "There is some other circumstantial evidence to suggest that these are the bandits we seek."

"If we parley with them first, it may cost us the fight. If we don't, we may be attacking innocents. I think they are the ones, though."

With his arrow wound still aching a bit, Jutmon really doesn't feel like fighting fair, though his conscience tells him he should.

Male Human,

With no armor, Jutmon is fairly quiet. "Maybe I should tag along with you Hammas. I'm sneakier than you might think."

Stealth +4

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Male Human,

"We should get some white cloaks to wear out in the snow. I bet it would make sneaking around in this weather much easier. Next time we're at Oleg's I mean."

Yeah, sorry Hammas, I somehow overlooked your post. My bad. :(

Male Human,

"Seems like they would take prisoners. They could ransom them back to their families."
Jutmon frowns. "Are we sure we need such a complicated plan? Bluffing our way into camp just gets us surrounded."

"What if we just charge in with a thunder of hooves?"

Jutmon likes this plan because it would allow him to cast his shield spell beforehand. The wound in his shoulder; still seeping blood, is a reminder that he is exceptionally vulnerable without it.

"You can move through the forest, quite as an owl, can't you Hammas? And Inuki is fair at it. Maybe the both of you can get into a favorable place to loose arrows at them, then sound the charge with your conch."

The wizard shrugs.
"Depends on terrain of course." Perhaps the bandit lair perches on a naked hilltop.

Male Human,

Calistria's holy greased thighs, or Calistria's wholly greased thighs; I wonder. Jutmon keeps this completely unhelpful thought to himself.

"Not sure why you think it's safer to ride with us. We have a knack for finding trolls. Usually they eat our horses, but you are slower than a horse. And probably more delectable to a troll's palate as well."

Jutmon's tone is not very pleasant. The arrow wound in his shoulder is very painful, and he is finding out: Pain makes him angry.

Male Human,

"First I think we should tie him up. Then we ask some questions. We'll have to decide what to do with him based on the answers."

Jutmon is not suggesting torture. He is morally, and ethically, opposed to such techniques.

"As knights, we do have the legal authority to judge him, if necessary. A panel of six; judge and jury combined."

Male Human,
Nareth wrote:
I'm not keeping track closely enough, but I'm pretty sure Jutmon took a pretty hard hit. How are you on HP?

Jutmon is at 4/12 Hitpoints at the moment. Nasty arrow wound.

Male Human,

Jutmon climbs back up on his horse.

Using double move to either move to his horse and mount, or mount horse and advance toward Inuki's position.

Male Human,

Looks like you already have one on the map, Akinra, so a copy of that would be fine. Whatever is easiest for you is good for me. :)

Male Human,

Moved my token on the map (approximately) Jutmon is dismounted so the size is wrong and there should be a horse there now.

Male Human,

"Potentia vi, orbis protectionis protege me iam nunc" Jutmon says the words of his spell, in a clear, firm voice; causing a shimmering transparent disk to spring into being. A magical shield to protect him from further harm. He then advances on the enemy.

Casts shield, moves full movement toward bandits. Nareth's sanctuary should still be in effect as well.

Male Human,

Dismount, cast magic missile.

At least I can hurt one them a little before I die.

Map is up![/]

Male Human,

The range for Jutmon's magic missile is 120'.

That's actually why I memorized it twice. It's really Jutmon's only spell with a decent range.

Tiefling __ has not created a profile.