RAW from above, it seems since you are effectively wielding a one handed and a light, and you are choosing not to attack with the one handed weapon,
Charlie Bell wrote: IDK, protection from evil, shield of faith, aid, resist energy, bull's strength, and the like are pretty good buffs to use with legion's blessing. They are great buffs to use... at level 3 when you get them. At 9th level you can legions blessing on a 2nd level spell most likely once (maybe twice depending on your wisdom) using your 5th level domain spell slot to power it. Assume you choose one of the +4 stat bonus spells.
Anyone who wanted +4 to that stat definately already has +2 maybe even +4 making the legions blessing extremely nerfed. Perhaps the 5th level domain spell would be better then giving your wizard +2 hit and dmg (because your fighters sure as heck don't get the bonus) The same goes for most shield spells since they give deflection bonuses. (Cancelled by rings of protection) I am not saying there are zero options. What I am saying is that there are spells that do cool "lets group up" effects by buffing weapons and armor that should be included but definitely are not.
Legion’s Blessing (Su):
------------------------------------------------------------------------ At 8th level, a crusader gains the ability to confer beneficial spells quickly to a large group of allies. As a full-round action, the crusader may confer the effects of a single harmless spell with a range of touch to a number of creatures equal to half her cleric level. The spell’s range remains touch, so all intended recipients must be within the crusader’s reach when the spell is cast. Using the legion’s blessing expends the prepared spell, but it also requires the crusader to sacrifice another prepared spell three levels higher, as when spontaneously using a cure or inflict spell. The higher-level spell is not cast but is simply lost, its magical energy used to power the legion’s blessing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ At first glance I thought this ability would give a cleric the ability to buff the party for a big fight,
The restriction of harmless and touch limits you to spells mostly cast on objects.
Can I get some sort of Paizo sanctioned intent ruling that makes this archetype what it is supposed to be? RAW Qualifying Spell List (currently 0 and 1) 0th level:
1st level:
2nd level:
3rd level:
4th level:
5th level:
6th level:
I will edit this post till I have all Paizo cleric spells up to level 6.
When it is possible that combatants are unaware of each other perception rolls are made to determine who sees who.
1)The players fail perception and the orcs are granted stealth until they make any action that would justify a new perception check vs stealth. 2)The orcs can use their surprise round when ever they like.
Most of these posts are correct in that any time they move out of cover or concealment,
technically this wasted their surprise round since the players are aware of the threat. (automatic success on perception check) THUS:
When a new book comes out, no one can get a hold of you because your cell phone doesn't get reception from the bat cave. When you build a character you use a cork board that ends up looking like the FBI is tracking a terrorist cell. You don't ever really NEED to roll for damage do you?
When you use diplomacy, the GM does not pass "GO" and does not collect 200 dollars. When you show up for the first game, you leave a few feats blank because you didn't have time to optimize them yet.
You put non multicast characters and NPC level commoners into the same group. Your characters don't die, they simply retire when you get board with them. You can give someone the page number for most spells and class abilities.
You collect Gods like they are Pokemon. You are reading this post to get some new ideas.
Well Paladin restricts your alignment to LG so if you want to play an actual paladin,
Quotes from the inner sea guide:
So this is good,
Play a paladin from Cheliax who helps only those who will bow down to your ability to help them. (boot kissing etc) Those who ask for help but do not give praise have too much pride, and need to be taught humility! Your word is unbroken. You hold people to their word and bring them to justice upon ANY infringement not to your liking. Likewise, you hold yourself to your own word, and will not break it even under penalty of death. You perspective isn't that Asmodeus is evil, he is just the rightful ruler of this world. And as such you pay him the homage he deserves, for you know one day, all will bow to him and his fair rule will govern all to peace.
I am starting a new level 1 custom campaign. One of my players wants to play a druid,
Because the druid domain choices are very limited,
He offered to give up wild shape, so my question is this:
They get it at level 4 and it gets tougher till level 12. Domains should be more or less balanced anyway, so I suspect limiting druids to a select choice of domains is based on RP rather then power level. If he gives up wild shape, and he can choose any one domain, how much power does he need to supplement level 4-12?
I am pretty sure you can not end a spells duration early
Also if you cant dismiss your own spell, is it possible to cast it at a lower level? The answer is probably no to this as well, but I suspect most would house rule its okay. I know its not something most casters would want to do, but if you created a situation where magical auras would get you detected, and were using magic to speed up your travel, you would want to be able to end it on time with your arrival to the stealth zone. (with out having to waste a dispel magic on your own magic)
When you use mending or make whole, does this bypass the cost of repairing a magic item? The rules seem clear. Option 1. Have applicable craft feat, spend a lot of money and time.
IF the magic item is destroyed Option 1. Cant repair it, throw it away.
But option 1 is so bad it shouldn't even exist, which is making me feel like I am missing something. I mean its almost like natural healing vs cure light wounds but I just don't see the point.
Of all the prereqs;
Everything else can be missing but its harder to do.
Although the spell can not be missing,
This could be a scroll you bought,
If the finish product is a spell completion item, and that spell is not on your spell list, this will require a UMD check for you to use. Hopefully that is clear.
Wizard, craft a lot of scrolls to be paired for weird situations. Spell slot guide:
Buy a staff with a good level 3-4 spell. make it so your spell uses up all 10 charges of the staff and the cost formula will look like this. (800 X caster level (minimum 8) X spell level) / number of charges used per casting lvl 4 spell
lvl 3 spell cl 10 (800X3X10)/10 = 2400 Staves DCs are better then scrolls so if you need the get out of jail free card, a staff is the way to go. If you need to carry a few staves efficient quiver is 1800 i think and allows you to carry 6 staves. (900 if you craft it yourself)
Conversation history:
Runaway Panda wrote:
My favorite game ever I was playing a pretty actively lawful paladin(Canadian mounty style) with my counter weight being a super greasy rogue.
EVERYONE got involved, and characters started to take shape at the low level of 3.
One tip I just thought of, is to talk about your characters OOC to see how he feels about the relationship.
Personally, among mature groups, character conflict is what makes the game still interesting.
The world you live in really determines what level of conflict is reasonable.
I really like how it turned out. Keep me posted on this relationship :D Another option is the greater good thing.
Owly wrote:
Feeblemind cursed item: Robe of Powerlessness
Adamantine Dragon wrote:
What he said. Anti magic field works well, then toss them against a bunch of sundering power attackers with Adamantine weapons :DDon't actually do that. You will probably end a 15 year group with that. Traps could help,
Good luck, I would be honest and tell them if they are gonna take away my tactical fun, then I would like for them to role play deep meaningful characters so I can at least enjoy the interactions.
Sunder that bow string once and a while to give that fighter his time to shine.
I would agree with him. Monks don't fail saves and drow have natural spell resist. Toss in two levels of paladin and you can boost your saves further. Mages that cant kill you are not a threat per-say, but they could still prove to be nearly impossible to kill. Invisible is a level 2 spell, fly level 3, false life, mirror image, arrrg how do i down these buggers!
This class is really over powered at level 1.
Charisma 16 all other stats balanced lightly as needed Arcane pool 4. two handed (anything) = 1d8 +1 hit/dmg 6 weapon points at level 1
day 1 two handed (anything/flavor) = 1d8 18-20 crit day 2 two handed (anything/flavor) = 1d8 +1 hit/dmg 18-20 x3 crit
day 3+ we have 3 points to play with a day to still keep our +1 hit/dmg
at level 7 its better then anything currently possible
and level 8 with improved crit feat(you get a bonus feat at 8)
Yikes... we haven't even spent any money yet! For 8,000 we can enchant it to +2
We still have to add feats like power attack, and our strength modifier making for a real melee monster at low levels. This is all off the top of my head, and I'm pretty sure I could do better then this if I analyzed it. Also, the weapon is pretty indestructible, and even if it does get destroyed, there is no penalty. Flavor wise, so much for being a shard of his soul. Even losing a familiar F's you up, this should outright kill you if not at least cause a negative level for the day. food for thought, If this class was in my group, people would fight for who gets to play it, and each one of us as a GM would say no to the person who won.
Well if you want to win, arcane wizards are the way to go.
But before I get carried away,
you don't need level 5 in barbarian since uncanny dodge isn't going to be needed. (rogues will lose the fight even with +3d6 flank because they cant take your hits and you have hp to take theirs) So I would go with
If you know they will have casters you will want to buff the saves you think are weak. Expect spell DC's as high as 20 :( I would spread out against mages... and don't forget to bring a ranged attack that uses your strength bonus for dmg.(javelin probably good enough) GL! and make sure to post the results of the outcomes of each round in the tournament!!
My reasonable house rule would be to make high DC scrolls costs as much as a one use staff. Feat:
Cost to create:
If we assume this, then the (major)trade off is: Weight and space is more of a burden for staves
Which seems like a decent/fair trade off.
Still seems balanced. I show my work/reasoning below
Using wizard spell levels:
EXAMPLE 1 (lvl 1 spell)
Staff of sleep CL8(minimum)
320/12.5 = 25.6 times the cost
EXAMPLE 2 (lvl 3 spell)
Staff of fireball CL8(minimum)
960/187.5 = 5.12 times the cost
EXAMPLE 3 (lvl 5 spell)
Staff of feeblemind CL9
Since 5th level spells have a caster level above 8, the multiplier difference between scrolls and THESE kinds of staves stays the same at this point.
Not too bad.
Other interesting facts!
You can add spells to the same staff and save space, you even save some money on that new spell, but they draw from the same charges so not so great when we are using 10 charges that will take 10 days to replenish. RAW: An efficient quiver will let you carry 6 additional staffs! This makes it semi reasonable to carry around times of trouble super DC's that have cost that is minimized. Best of all, is it is all very legit. You can almost justify throwing out a consumed staff, but what is better is to just toss it in your quiver, and charge it up when you don't need the spell slot.(max 1 per day) Then, when the staff is full, you can even sell it for the price you spent crafting it!
Spent a few hours on this, feed back is appreciated.
Scrolls, potions, wands, etc do not take up a slot, so effectively they cost half as much as a slotless wondrous item that does the same. RAW:
So wondrous item wins except against craft staff.
Other craft feats allow you to repair magic items of that type.
Examples of wondrous items owning other magic creation feats.
Potion of cure light wounds CL1 craft cost 25gp
+1 Armour enhancement on base material armors craft cost 500gp.
Scroll of magic missile CL1 craft cost 12.5
You get the idea, perhaps this needs fixing, but it is just meant to be governed by your GM. RAW give him a GUIDE to price things out, and most GMs, if allowing the CRB RAW, will just tell you to use the table given on page 550. I can agree that because wondrous items must be items, I can't use that feat to create body runes, and thus runes would use the tattoo rules.
@ Sniggevert Yeah there are a few spots to read on this matter. RAW
This certainly is readable the way the O.P. see's unfortunately what it really means is: 1) The scroll is a spell completion item.
Here are the rules the O.P. can read to affirm this as true. RAW:
Finally the one that excludes all other magic items from this special uber DC group. RAW:
So there is the sad truth. :( I need to find a way to get stronger scrolls too, currently looking into the break down of the cost of EVERY staff in the CRB I'll post my formula findings here. Hopefully that will give us a modifier for such a DC increase. Or perhaps a cost idea for a permanent wondrous magic item that allows you to alter other magic items you use with your own RELEVANT stat.
Think of UMD as justification. If you have a really unwise Sorc using a scroll of healing, this would break the minimum stat to cast rule which is a pretty core concept. If it was a really problem the group agreed upon, the GM just needs to introduce another cost modifier when making scrolls. Something like:
example: minimum +2 2*2=4 4/10=.4 .4+1 = 1.4
Calculator required for some, but I feel those multipliers are pretty fair at balancing power of scrolls.(and other magic items)
If that doesn't work use the spell Polypurpose Panacea(Ultimate Magic) to get what you need.
Well we know it is an extraordinary class ability (Ex)
If you use the argument that your druid shape shifting powers allow your body to instantly change itself to adapt to the poison. lights flickered so going to send as is incase power cuts
Yeah spell tattoos already are x2 cost slotless wondrous items though. I am attempting to use existing rules, but If I changed it from "Tattoos" to "Elemental body runes", VOILA! All I need is wondrous item creation feat, and gold to pay x2 for slotless and I could basically have no limit, and no use restriction. Obviously with this method the GM is more entitled to step in on your magic item creation parade and start laying down guidelines since no specific cases exist, but RAW you can use as many slotless items as you can afford/have time to make. Am I being unreasonable in assuming the x2 cost is enough of a restriction to stop magic item stacking?
You could have gloves of a,b,c,d,e,f,g,run out of letters,zzz and it would be a lot cheaper then making a slotless item for each of these glove qualities. I think I am gonna go with heaggles and use wondrous item feat RAW, as Dust Raven said I am not being overly abusive with paying extra for my scrolls to be cool. Any strong intelligent opinions are welcome to change my mind on this matter.
The cost to CREATE tattoo magic is effectively x2 since it is "slotted"
But tattoo scroll goes out of its way to mention:
I just wanted to be sure this is true before going further.
It's nice to not have to pull out a scroll, but...
Tattoo magic has the following slots
If we compare tattoo magic with a slotless wondrous item;
(A nice GM might rule the "up to two" ring exception was only to prevent 5 per hand, rather then imply it's the only slot you get two of.) I need help breaking this a little so that I can be a normal scroll carrying caster (20+ scrolls), but hopefully use something cool like tattoo's My problem with tattoo magic is it takes a feat to do what wondrous magic item creation can already do... and aside from the condition of using a non spellcraft skill to craft, it's worse or redundant. I am close to opening up a grease storm on my GM and showing up with 50 slotless enema scrolls castable strait from my **** :( Game is Monday for those who can help me quickly :D Thanks for reading,
All jokes of course. But if the paladin isn't high enough level to stand physically between two armies, He probably shouldn't be faced with some of these choices. They would fall onto the shoulders of a higher leveled character. A level 3 character trying to stop a war is pointless because he should be talking to goblins about a missing wizard book :/
"a LG character who is trapped in a room and must kill 1 of 2 innocents in order to leave and save the world" Paladin should diplomacy the two innocents into fighting to the death.
I don't see a problem at all in these scenarios. He needs to brainstorm some of them harder. Maybe he sells his +2 sword(or something of high character wealth) to send an accomplished healer to save his wife. Rather then kill the prince perhaps he uses diplomacy on the prince, convincing him to allow the peasants to revolt against an unguarded castle, and the paladin defends the prince with his life dealing non lethal to hundreds of peasants. Two things need to happen though. You do need to pose similar situations to other players. (The prince one seems more of a group choice)
Also I like paladins that are men of action. If he doesn't get the cooperation he needs from the prince, then he may get the cooperation he needs from the captain of the guards etc. Paladins have no troubles nor fear of being held accountable for their actions, because they know they do what is good and right.
As a skimmed other posts above, they are correct in that the most reliable way to locate an invisible creature is to wait for it to attack you. For that split second you know where it is, and if you are smart and held your action you can strike at it before it moves from its known location.
They are also correct in that ... Stealth:
This means you can still stealth after you attack if you still have a move action left. More then you wanted to know: Other ways to locate Invisibles Perception:
This is clarified for us later. Targeting a creature means you have to know their exact location. We have a few more things to look up:
Invisible(Appendix2: conditions) (CRB Page 567)
Blinded(Appendix2: conditions) (CRB Page 565)
Invisibility(spell) (CRB Page 301-302)
Invisibility(Appendix1: special abilities) (CRB Page 563-564)
Modifiers from the chart I think are a little screwy. But we will use common sense to work through this. To copy it as its written in my CRB Invisible creature is.................Perception (DC modifiers)
It should be fairly obvious that "In combat or speaking" should be a penalty as well as the Moving at half, full or running. Not moving should NOT be a penalty so we have to consider if this is +40 to the DC. I would argue that although it is a HUGE bonus, it makes sense since not moving in this case refers to ANY movement, and not just move actions. Locating an invisible creature happens in two ways an at two levels of success.
The DC is going to vary slightly depending on how well you understand how to build a perception check, but don't worry about this to much. The point to make is, that the DC is +20 for being invisible. If they beat THAT dc by 20, then they also know the creatures exact location.(until it moves) Example:
one might argue that the distance modifier is doubled since it is on both charts, but then you would also double behind a door, and that makes no sense. (Of course you shouldn't really get the +20 invisible bonus behind the door either, but it's just a rule, and we have to allow it to be imperfect) So DC 27 to know it is walking near you. But DC 47 to know its exact location.
Stealth just changes the base DC. You still add 20 for being invisible and still add 20 more to locate.
A good trick for players who "can't play paladins" is to have them write up a long back story. They can talk with the GM about the actual character moments, saved village from X, found lost artifact of Y, etc.
Also you are lucky to have good examples at the table. You could try to openly praise these kinds of actions in the attempt to classically condition your players. :P
I am more or less in this exact situation. Two types of pen and paper dice gaming.
A lot of players cant tell the difference, but most GM's can't stand a tea party. You and I probably agree, that in order for pathfinder to be a GAME, there has to be rules, and the rules have to help determine the outcome of our desires. Such is the curse of being the go to GM. You have a strong opinion of what is fair, and can probably know more rules then your respective rules lawyer. The key point though, is that you can not have the best of both worlds. Either you are the GM and you can keep your opinion on what is fair, or you can be a player and enjoy the first person view of choice and discovery. I, too, struggle with playing in the world of a player. Sometimes I will feel cheated that the creatures AC's(and other stats) are clearly made up on the spot. Or perhaps your perception check fails when your GM sees you rolled a 5, even though you have +'s out the wazoo. These types of things are the traits of an inexperienced/lazy GM and many players just want to play tea party when they run a game... because it is easier. I suspect by your complaint that you are an experience GM who prepares for his players a decent amount in order to challenge them and give them opportunity for glory. Unfortunately, if you want to be a player your choices are limited. Either live in a tea party world and enjoy the story(until they get better at playing the game), or find/build a group with mostly GM's. I am in the process of creating a GM group, and the hope is that the rules will be known well enough to not have many disputes(at least during game time) And that players will be able to create a character with more then just a stat block and an attitude. I suspect I will be the first to GM, but perhaps in a year or so I will be rewarded with getting to play a character in a world he can really grow and achieve true glory, not just some tea party hand outs.(a +5 sword at level 2... really?) Until then, I have to accept that the players are going to try to jump on the back of the dragon at level 3, and that the GM is going to pull punches when he likes a player, because after all all the stats are made up and its all just make believe anyway. No matter what you do, some tolerance will be good for you. Best of luck achieving your goals. ~Juke
All valid, but the character doesn't need to worry about the loss of power by not full attacking. I am not in a group that I have to worry about min maxing. The goal is to make a mobile archer that looks cool jumping across a cavern chasm while flipping in the air and taking a shot at his enemies before landing. Or moving from tree to tree taking a shot between the two points at the optimal angle. Really looking for something that stacks with Vital Strike.