
Jeremy Mcgillan's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 3,039 posts (4,171 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 23 aliases.

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Saw some thread explosions. Hey all you paizo mods. You ever make it over to this side of the pond (England specifically). Give me a yell and I owe you a drink and a bite. After the past few months looks like you need one.

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I will miss you both. I am sorry this is what brings me back to this forum.....

17 people marked this as a favorite.

It's been a long time since I have posted here. I haven't subscribed in a very long time (due to an international move), but I own every single Pathfinder related product produced by Paizo.
1) I don't intend to stop buying their products, however......
2) Sara Marie was awesome, she helped me on so many occasions, so did Diego, Katina, Sharaya. Even my bewildered and technology averse mother was helped by them on occasion, for gifts. Sara Marie was a bloody champion of customer service, and everyone I ever had to talk to was amazing. I am very upset with her being fired. It makes no sense to me, and it seems unjustifiable. I even looked for a patreon or go fund me to help her. Paizo I am heartbroken that THIS is what I finally have to come back to the forums to comment on.
3) I have read the statements from Erik, Jason, Jessica, and Crystal. I take everything with a grain of salt. I am a very cautious individual by nature and don't trust statements easily. But I warn you if I find out that there is abuse of my LGBTQIA+ siblings, I will seriously take social action. If you abuse PoC I will likewise stand beside them. I tend to trust Jason, Erik, and Crystal. Mainly because I have zero rapport or history with Jessica, but I will not disregard the allegations.

Please Paizo do better. I am not an enemy, I will be a patron going forward. As for Mr. Alvarez, actions speak louder than words. You may have to start showing your advocacy more than just corporately stating it. I will not condemn you unless proof of allegations are made.
P.S. If someone sees Sara Maries or Diego's patreon or gofundme, message it to me. No matter what I can't take Paizo's side on that issue.

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It's all good to go on this end. Hope you guys aren't too stressed with GenCon season. Remember to breathe and take time for yourself in this busy period.

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Crystal Frasier wrote:

I still remember... was it three years ago? This cis guy came into this thread and said his cisgender girlfriend had a theory about transgender people, and proceeded to run through a lot of awful stereotypes summed up with an insulting "theory" about what we were. And the four or five trans people in the thread at the time said "no, that's incredibly incorrect and also hurtful." Turned into an epic flamewar, especially when the girlfriend came in and demanded that we all respect her "opinion" because "respect is a two-way street."

Good times.

So, what's everybody's favorite class for playing gay characters? Trans characters?

I remember that ugh......

I usually play gay male characters. But as that is old hat to me a gay male. I decided to get into the mindset of a female and started playing a female paladin and a female Ranger. So I just want to get into a different mindset.

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James Jacobs wrote:
The Minis Maniac wrote:

Didn't mean to bother you and I'm not the type to say I need all of what I want right now. I'm adult enough to realize you need to cater to all your fans. And I know Wrath of the Righteous had it's detractors ubt hey I really disliked Iron Gods. I just loved the Dungeon magazine method wear you managed to get to 20th level and challenge a well known great foe known in old game lore like Demogorgon. I guess I just like the idea that you might make an adventure path some time where mephistopheles or even a kyton demagogue gets his comeuppance. Sorry didn't mean to be a downer hell I'll keep my subscription even through said plotlines that bore me. I have Iron Gods after all. And have subscribed since the beginning. So don't take my statements as anything negative. Just one fans input.

No worries! I'm just a bit reflexively thin-skinned when it comes to Mythic Adventures. I'm actually VERY proud of Wrath of the Righteous—it's a storyline I'd been aching to tell more or less from day one of Pathfinder once we decided there was a Worldwound, and it's just really soul-cripplingly frustrating and depressing that some folks have latched onto it as a failure due to the way the Mythic Rules and high-level play interacted when I put so much work into the AP to make it memorable. It just ended up being memorable for a lot of the wrong reasons, and that overshadows what I feel is one of the better storylines we've done in the line.

Ah well. Sorry if it felt like I was snapping at you, cause I wasn't. :-)

No worries I am a fan who has full support for the staff. I really couldn't do what you guys do. I couldn't go through the constant criticism with the positive attitude you guys and gals manage. I love pathfinder and am a full supporter, and as someone who has a slight idea on the economics of a gaming company there is a reason I buy products even I'm not a huge fan of them. The more money the company gets the more you guys are able to eventually produce the stuff I do like. I may be one guy but I'll always be in the staffs corner.

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James Jacobs wrote:
The Minis Maniac wrote:
James I am so happy about Bestiary 6 having so many demi gods and mythic foes. I am just so sad that we may never see another mythic adventure path. Can you say if we will ever see one again? Were sales of Wrath of the Righteous really that bad?

It's not that sales of Wrath were bad at all. They, as with all our Adventure Paths, were quite healthy as far as I know.

The problem was that I personally do not like how the interaction of Mythic and high-level play worked out, and as such am not interested in duplicating that effort.

If I had a time machine and knew now what I knew then I would rebuild Wrath of the Righteous so that the PCs still hit 20th level, but would spread out the mythic advancement about by half, so that you gain 1 tier per volume and max out at tier 5 or tier 6.

ANYthing is possible in the future, I suppose, but doing another tier 10/level 20 AP would require building foes that vastly exceed CR 30 in scope, and the game world doesn't really have room for that area, so it's kind of not something that we can do with the game.

But yeah. Ask me again in 5 years. I might have changed my mind.

That said... there are high CR foes for mythic characters to fight in Bestiary 6, yes, but there are NOT going to be "Mythic monsters" as they were presented in Mythic Adventures or periodically in Bestiary 4 and 5. Demigod-tier foes will retain mythic surge ability in the same way demon lords and Great Old Ones and Empyreal Lords have that ability, but there won't be monsters with "MR" in their CR line in Bestiary 6.

Didn't mean to bother you and I'm not the type to say I need all of what I want right now. I'm adult enough to realize you need to cater to all your fans. And I know Wrath of the Righteous had it's detractors ubt hey I really disliked Iron Gods. I just loved the Dungeon magazine method wear you managed to get to 20th level and challenge a well known great foe known in old game lore like Demogorgon. I guess I just like the idea that you might make an adventure path some time where mephistopheles or even a kyton demagogue gets his comeuppance. Sorry didn't mean to be a downer hell I'll keep my subscription even through said plotlines that bore me. I have Iron Gods after all. And have subscribed since the beginning. So don't take my statements as anything negative. Just one fans input.

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James I am so happy about Bestiary 6 having so many demi gods and mythic foes. I am just so sad that we may never see another mythic adventure path. Can you say if we will ever see one again? Were sales of Wrath of the Righteous really that bad?

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James not a question but more a comment. Been playing the new Demon Hunter on WoW and it's a lot of fun with great story. I fully suggest you make one name it after one of the evil iconics :)

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To those not affiliated with my social networking. Happy Treason day, Ungrateful Colonials. *drinks tea properly, nose stuck well up in the air*

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James Jacobs wrote:
Aww! AND: Thank you back at ya Jessica, Crystal, Lissa, and Tanis, for being so damn awesome and inspiring and brave and kick-ass in the first place!

You have more than just co workers on your side James. And I agree all the above people are awesome.

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I know this isn't a question. But I just want to say I have been a fan of paizo since Dungeon and Dragon magazine. And I support all you paizo staffers fully. I'm sorry you deal with that sort of harassment which is really really uncool in my books. James you've been a champ in this thread and your role as creative director. Don't let the bastards get you down. Your too good an asset to the industry to let that happen.

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So I am soon to be a player on a game for the first time in awhile. Take a look at the character I'm playing. (yes I did borrow and change a few things to come up with a compelling Oracle mystery.
"My character idea. I want to play a Human (Keleshite) Oracle of Lore. His name is Hassan. Hassan was found on the steps of the Grand temple of Saranrae in Katheer as a baby. The child from the very beginning was a great mystery to the sarenites, as the child had white pupiless eyes as if blind but saw perfectly well. Also when in stressful situations blood would trickle from his eyes like tears, and he would only be able to speak in an (at first) unintelligible dialect, but was later found to be an archaic form of the celestial language. And most intriguing of all a growing birthmark of the child in a script that to this day eludes translation. As Hassan matured and got older the birthmark also grew and now the script snakes all over his body, in a complete mystery of text. The best scholars could only determine that the text was extraplanar in some way, and that the child also had extraplanar blood that did little else than give him these strange features (no in game mechanic). And that the speech and and blood from his eyes were the part of an oracles curse. What do you think of my concept?"

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Aeglos and Drejk you will always be welcome in this english palatial estate. *sips tea properly*

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Ok here. Is a fun one. Favorite Comic Book series, hero/villain, and storyline.

Mine is Sandman by DC/Vertigo
Death is my favorite hero or ally
I enjoyed Tale of a thousand Cats storyline and the son of The Sandman storyline.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Also if someone steals a Tesla electric car is it called an Edison now?

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Sorry guys. I follow the thread regularly. I am a gay married man. And I suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder for going on 14 years now from a traumatic brain injury. (I should count myself lucky thats really all the aftereffects I got). Needless to say I am the mentally ill everyone is blaming. I have huge anxiety attacks that yes can make me aggressive, but no I have never hurt someone else while having them. Myself maybe but not someone else. Would I in the depths of my despair grab a gun and shoot a bunch of people who hate me? NEVER!!!! I may not like said people and they may eventually have part in my death by helping cause an anxiety attack that results in a heart attack or stroke. Have I had dark thoughts at my worst that I wish they would be harmed? I can admit that but I would never go through with it. The fact is most mentally ill people are much more likely to be victimized (as I have) or harm themselves. Now saying that I know my triggers and how to avoid getting more upset. I am not going to read anymore of the pro gun lobby explain this away, nor am I going to listen to people blame other marginalised groups and try and say it was anything but anti-LGBT hate. I am going to have to take a break for my own health. I wish you all the best. and I will look for charities to donate to help the Orlando families. (Don't pray as an atheist but I have to do something). I will be back to the thread after this has passed maybe in a few weeks....

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Meh I though it'd be bigger

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My anxiety is peeking today. Driving me crazy. I am cisgendered married gay man. But all these anti transgender bathroom bills filling my newsfeed on facebook is killing me. Coming from people who should know better. Yes I know I should unfriend/block these people, but if I don't make a stand and have these conversations with people who will? I mean I see some gay friends sitting back and not standing up for the trans community while the focus isn't on us for a change. *Sigh* It makes me sad and frustrated. There is no difference between me and my husband and my transgendered friend (Dan) *name changed for safety* and his husband, and my friend Lisa and her husband. No difference whatsoever you attack one you attack all. UGhhhhhhhI need to take a beta blocker today just to have these conversations that need to be had.

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Found out today you're supposed to urinate on a jellyfish sting, not a jelly stain. Sorry lady at work....just trying to help.

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The Minis Maniac wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
It's not easy living in a small town if you're different. :-)
I understand that completely. I am living in small town England. And being a gay married man from England I don't exactly blend in. But everyone is super nice to me.

Edit: I am a canadian in England ugh typing way to fast these days.

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captain yesterday wrote:
It's not easy living in a small town if you're different. :-)

I understand that completely. I am living in small town England. And being a gay married man from England I don't exactly blend in. But everyone is super nice to me.

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Sharoth wrote:
The Minis Maniac wrote:
First week in August we are back to Scotland for familial obligations. Alex and I will be enjoying some time at some local castles, as well as seeing some of Alexs family.
I hope you two have fun. How are you feeling after that nasty fall?

Just sore. Not too bad though.

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First week in August we are back to Scotland for familial obligations. Alex and I will be enjoying some time at some local castles, as well as seeing some of Alexs family.

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I don't want to work today.........

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You totally did you were just busy

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Yup we totally need to set up a European meetup, maybe a gaming weekend. Woot.

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So James when are they announcing the Curse of the Crimson Throne Deluxe Edition? Justin Franklin wants to know :P

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Game night!!!!!

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Hey Cap'n Yesterday can you give me a good price on some car tires?

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Reads then news *prepares to scream* *Remembers it's game night* Sweet fantasy escapism take me!!!!!!!

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Out for for over 10 years and all I hear is people refer to heterosexual folks as "straight". I think I heard the term "breeders" once as part of a joke. And thats about it. Mostly we don't refer to heterosexual folks in divisive terms anymore. Really to me people are people.

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Patrick Curtin wrote:
I don't know why I love minis so much. I don't even have a regular game to use them in. Still, they are fun to paint...

I can not understand a mindless compulsion to collect minis at all..........

*whispers* (Stop giving me those looks)

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Ugh fighting illness and doing game prep. Ugh I wish this cold would die.

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My weekly Wrath of the Righteous campaign had it's first fatality. The player was decent about it. I also am ordering my new Dwarven forge terrain this month but won't get to use in game for quite awhile. Hope all is well with everyone else.

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Super easy turn on the gas stove and gas heating while the master is sleeping and if he wakes up and notice I just produce a small electrical spark and blammo he's gone or he slowly suffocates in his sleep. Easy

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thejeff wrote:
The Minis Maniac wrote:
Odraude wrote:

I think when doing shades of gray, people tend to go quickly towards ultra violence and sexual violence to make the world seem gritty. I prefer more atmospheric and less on the nose showings of gritty fantasy settings that many people don't normally go for. Paranoia and mistrust, hopelessness, hypocrisy, sociopathy, famine, apathy, class war, bigotry... I feel these and more really add to that atmosphere one is looking to for a darker world without going straight to the jugular. Just remember that even in these dark times, there should still be some good people the PCs can trust.

I personally like to focus on a group's lack of empathy combined with hypocrisy to make compelling villains and that feeling of despair.

I get the whole GM treating darker or grey settings as a club against certain players. I think that is a bad GM thing. Moral ambiguity along with flaws and mistakes of society and people make things interesting for the players. But I have heard stories of the creepy GM victimizing a female player through bad GMing, and we all know thats awful. But if there is some misogyny done right where the player can slap it in the face and say I'm so much stronger. Then I think it CAN make an interesting plot. But we just need GMs to stop being creepy.

It can make an interesting plot, but so can many other things. It gets boring if every female character has to deal with the same plot.

I agree. And not every plot is good for every group. I know when I start a campaign I always have a preparatory meeting with my group and ask what players are comfortable with and I always have complete transparency with my players what they are comfortable with. I think that is also important in darker plot lines. I know in my Wrath of the Righteous campaign, I have a religious person at the table, and I cleared it with them first about the how I planned to make the crusade muddy morally as well as dark and gritty. They consented and have enjoyed the game so far. I think that is always key, you need to know your players and their comfort levels.

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Does it pay to bribe the Dev team to get what you want published?

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So Erik. Are there going to be any more huge minis coming from the pathfinder Battles line?

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Fourshadow wrote:
CBDunkerson wrote:
Fourshadow wrote:

"Climate Denial"? Really? It's still a theory, guys. Sure, things are indeed warming up--that much is TRUE. However, the why and how? Um, not really. That is still theory, not absolute truth.

The Earth has cycles of warm-ups and cool-downs throughout the ages. Again, the how and the why is all still theory.

Shockingly illogical.

You might as well argue that since gravity is "still a theory" we don't KNOW what would happen if you jumped off the top of the Sears Tower.

Hyperbole much?! It is very easy to prove gravity. Toddlers do it every day.

First off there is a difference between the common usage of the word theory and the scientific term theory. Secondly gravity is actually much more widely debated among scientists than climate change is. 97% of climatologists out there agree that humans are causing climate change through greenhouse gas emissions. However on the gravity side of things we are still looking for a universal theory of gravitation. Basically gravity seems to work very differently on the really small scale than it does on the really large scale. WE still haven't found out why :)

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Is there any way you guys can relocate Paizo publishing somewhere more central? I only ask cause according to seismologists. You guys are due for a huge 8.0-9.2 scale earthquake really soon. As on average one strikes that area once every 243 years and you are already overdue. :(
News Linky

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James would followers, alien races and aberration followers of the Dark Tapestry set up civilizations on 1) rogue planets floating far from a star.
2) Planets surrounding a brown dwarf star.

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How common is it for a human in the inner sea region to have a trace amount of "other"(elven, outsider, other humanoid) blood in them?

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I am also happy to see, Caitlyn Jenner has finally been presented. I hope she finds fulfillment and happiness with her new life.

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So James. If you ever develop Arcadia in the pathfinder world. Is there anyway I can make myself available to be a helpful resource? I have a masters degree in theology specializing in alternative and historical religions. Amateur archeologist specializing in native american (mostly northern and canadian tribes). As well as owning and studying many ethnographies of many varying native american tribes. I have also developed many native american flavored magic items, and organizations that I had hoped to submit to rpg superstar (but didn't because I lacked confidence, and thought no one would be interested). Just wanted to know if I could ever be of assistance? As i believe it can be done quite tastefully.

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Just know that there are folks out there who can relate to the things you are going through. I went through major depression for a time and managed to crawl out. It was the hardest time of my life. It feels utterly hopeless but please know it's never completely hopeless. I can't relate to what it is to be someone trapped inside yourself like a trans person. But I can relate to pretending to be someone you're not as a gay man. I did it for so many years and it made me miserable. My case was extreme as well as I did end up losing my friends and family and had to go out on my own. BUT and this is a big BUT. I made new friends, I found my husband who I love with all my heart. I am now living my dream of exploring Europe (moved to England last year). I know from your vantage point it all seems dark, and me saying that it gets better is a platitude. But it really really does. And you need to know there are those of us out there who would accept you just as you are and would be there to support you through any transition. But please above all, you need to see someone who can help about the suicidal thoughts. You are a unique and special person, and people like you are needed for society to move forward. Your loss isn't something that people would just get over, and as a society we would be loss for your loss. Please find some support somewhere near you.

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Ugh, why o why do I keep subjecting myself to reading any comments on LGBT news on any news network. It's always full of hateful remarks that get me down.

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So one of my new friends here in the UK, just came out as trans to my husband and I. He was super stoked to learn that it doesn't bother Hubby and I at all. I just feel bad that he felt it would be an issue in the first place :( I really hope I don't give off that vibe.

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Thanks for the support folks. I don't expect much to change between me parents and me. But I do think I gave them time to think. In the end however they would have to own up to some wrong doing, and I just don't see that in them. My mother is always full of excuses to pass off things like this. And my father is so bullheaded he is unlikely to change his views. I feel comfortable and happy for the first real time of my life and it only moving away from North America and never hoping to return. Having an ocean between me and my problems seems to have finally given me breathing room.

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So i think I finally got through to my mother and father. It took a lot but I apologize I need to rant.

I asked her to just take away her preconceptions about my homosexuality (fundamentalist christian).
I asked her to think what if I grew up knowing I was gay. What if I grew up and and only had the input that I was going to hell, for something no matter how hard and how earnestly I prayed wouldn't go away. On top of that I couldn't dare let anyone in my life know. My family was all fundamentalist redneck christians. My friends were all fundamentalist christians. My community was mostly so in a rural farming area. So should anyone find out they wouldn't help me. The best i could hope for is to be disowned, shunned, and thrown out of the house.

Now lets pile on the fact I was bullied at school for being super quiet and not one of the normal boisterous guys. I played sports, I worked on the farm. But i wasn't one of the guys. I didn't belong. School was hell, home wasn't any better.

At home my step father I was emotionally and physically abused by my step father. My mother who for years protected the man finally stopped doing so. (he has passed away in 2003) As hard as I try I can't remember one positive word that man ever said to me. The best i could hope for from him was to be ignored. Because if I wasn't ignored I was insulted, yelled at hit, and punished. That was the extent of our relationship. I finally stopped her defence of him. She always maintained that he was majorly abused as a child and that he did care for us. I broke and yelled that even if that was the case he is an adult, I was a child. He had no right to abuse me. At his age he was responsible for his own actions and she should have stepped in. If any government employee found out my brother and I would have been removed.

I asked her if all that was true does my life long struggle with anxiety make sense? If it was all true does my desire to get away and never come back to that place make sense? If it was all true does it make sense why I haven't visited home in the past 10 years make sense?

As for my father he pretended he was father of the year material, and I put him in his place. He knew all the abuse was happening and did nothing about it. He is just a guilty as my mother.
The conversations ended on a very different note than ever before. My mother seemed almost depressed. And my father was silent for the first time I can remember. I hope they can begin to understand.