
Jeremy Mcgillan's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 3,039 posts (4,171 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 23 aliases.


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Why oh why do I still insist on being a gentleman to women, when I am not interested in courting them. I still open doors for them, I still push in there chairs at the dinner table. I guess it's just hardwired into my brain.

Dark Archive

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Erik Mona wrote:

In the spirit of my original solicitation for the opinions of minis fiends, here's another question you could help me with. I know a lot of folks with huge collections of PPMs kind of frown when a set has player character/NPC miniatures, but the nature of the line (and the fact that we can't assume everyone already has giant collections) necessitates a certain amount (a relatively significant amount, in fact) of this type of miniature in our Pathfinder Battles sets.

I've already heard a lot of minis-fiends happy about stuff that can be used as townsfolk, so I'll definitely keep that in mind for the future. But what sort of non-monster, non-furniture miniatures might meet the approval of folks who already have tons of miniatures?

"Make them cool," obviously. But is there more to it than that?

NPC minis I would likely enjoy the most would be

1. Bandits- something that looks like they've been living rough
2. Pirates- I think only one pirate was every made (War of the Dragon Queen I believe)
3. Army members- Different army members, like melee fighter, ranged support, polearm support, cavalry all with the same uniform or armor.

I think those kind of NPC minis were really under represented.
And I think I had a request for a list of miniatures that were under produced and therefore multiples became hard to attain.

1. Dragons- While yes I know many dragons were produced by DDM, they were always rare, and hard to attain, also they are all curently pretty expensive to get. Also DDM tended to remake the same types of dragons over and over and ignore the good dragons. And currently all of these dragons are expensive and hard to attain (I should know I own ever dragon miniature ever made by DDM) so more of these is always an asset.
2. Keep making orcs, goblins, kobolds, skeletons, zombies, hobgoblins etc. Common monsters that show up a lot in most adventures. New people need them and minis fiends need more multiples so they are always a good bet.
3. Animals- Animals were made sporadically throughout DDM but are fairly common in adventures and random encounter tables. While I understand it's hard to get excited about getting a grizzly bear or wolf or tiger or what have you in your fantasy game miniature set, they are incredibly useful for gaming use.
4. Aquatic creatures- Almost completely ignored by DDM except for the odd exception and was requested highly by gamers. Aquatic creatures would be new and exciting and I know I would jump to get them.
5. Gargantuan or Colossal sized creatures- I understand these creatures are hard to produce as minis, but I also know many minis fiends who want them really bad. My suggestion is to keep them as case encentives with a limited availability outside that. From what i understand one of the main downfalls of DDM Icons line was the over production of these minis, along with inflated shipping costs from China. They also couldn't produce them cheaply. So the solution as far as I can see is to keep them fairly limited with a medium price point that will give a little bit of profit. But I think you guys at Paizo and Wizkids no more than I would anyway, but I can tell you minis fiends love these, and knowing wizkids the complaint on the painting detail of the DDM Icons will not exist.
6. D&D common magical beasts- All except the owlbear were hard to attain, so and production of these would be handy to new and old collectors.

Right now I thats all I can think of. I hope the post was informative and helpful. If you have any other questions Erik or anyone else feel free to ask.

P. S. The other way to produce gargantuan and colossal minis and make them sell. Awesome detail and poses. If people see something awesome looking they will want it period. For example don`t just make a gargantuan sized Roc, make that Roc be clutching some unfortunate individual in it`s talons with a spear stuck in it`s breast off to the side, and blood on its beak. The turns an ordinary over sized bird in to and frightening nasty encounter. A purple worm becomes a lot more menacing when leering down at a terrified person on its base, almost ready to pounce. Maybe that unfortunate persons sword is still stuck in the purple worm with a bit worm blood trickling out.

Dark Archive

Way to go Daigle!!

Dark Archive

Urizen wrote:
Why isn't there an open position for Rule Thirty-Four Analyst? I would excel at that. <frowny face>

Well I know a few *coughs* sites that might need an analyst... I will send you links. :P

Dark Archive

I will also revise my Bestiary 3 post and add a list of minis with close approximations already produced as well, as I got lazy near the end there.

Allip- Has been produced in Heroes & Monsters by the looks of things.
Animal Lord
Annis Hag
Ant Lion, Giant
Dragon, Faerie
Kami, Toshigami
Phantom Fungus
Sargassum Fiend
Spider, Ogre

Again sorry for the laziness.

Dark Archive

Now that I think of it

Make them rare and maybe one or 2 per set and I think you'd have some excited minis fiends.

Dark Archive

Erik Mona wrote:

In the spirit of my original solicitation for the opinions of minis fiends, here's another question you could help me with. I know a lot of folks with huge collections of PPMs kind of frown when a set has player character/NPC miniatures, but the nature of the line (and the fact that we can't assume everyone already has giant collections) necessitates a certain amount (a relatively significant amount, in fact) of this type of miniature in our Pathfinder Battles sets.

I've already heard a lot of minis-fiends happy about stuff that can be used as townsfolk, so I'll definitely keep that in mind for the future. But what sort of non-monster, non-furniture miniatures might meet the approval of folks who already have tons of miniatures?

"Make them cool," obviously. But is there more to it than that?

Spell Effects are a good suggestion

Grasping Tentacles etc
If you can do it in a creative way Traps would also be a wonderful idea.
These things just usually don't get produced but kind of need good representations. And if done well and in a good rarity you shouldn't get anyone upset.

Dark Archive

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Well done, Jeremy. Next time you get bored, how about a list of minis that were rare and now hard to get, but shouldn't have been. Things you need like RUST MONSTERS.

I'll get on that as soon as I have a bit of time off.

Dark Archive

And here is the Complete list for you Erik. Only took an hour and a half of work, and it should help you with any mini suggestions.

http://paizo.com/forums/dmtz5b4x?List-of-creatures-from-the-bestiaries-not- yet

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Bestiary 3:
The only creatures in Bestiary 3 that have miniatures made of them are
Baregura- Barl gura from D&D
Brass Golem
Desert Giant
Giant Owl
Myceloid- Myconid in DDM
Shadow Mastiff
Snake Swarm

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Bestiary 2:

Aeon- None have been produced
Agathion, Avoral-**
Agathion, Draconal
Agathion, Leonal
Agathion, Silvanshee
Agathion, Vulpinal
Amoeba, Giant
Amoeba Swarm
Angel, Cassisian
Angel Monadic Deva-**
Angel, Movanic Deva-**
Animate Dream
Archon, Shield-**
Archon, Star
Attic Whisperer
Azata, Brijidine
Azata, Lyrakien
Badger- (But a celestial badger was produced)
Badger, Dire
Bat, Mobat-**
Bat, Skaveling
Bee, Giant-**
Bee, Giant queen
Beetle, Goliath Stag
Beetle, Slicer-**
Blink Dog
Carnivorous Blob
Centipede, Giant Whiptail
Centipede, Titan
Cockroach, Giant
Cockroach Swarm
Crawling Hand
Crawling Hand, Giant
Crypt Thing-**
Daemon, Astradaemon
Daemon, Cacodaemon
Daemon, Ceustodaemon
Daemon, Derghodaemon
Daemon, Hydrodaemon-**
Daemon, Leukodaemon
Daemon, Meladaemon
Daemon, Olethrodaemon
Daemon, Piscodaemon
Daemon, Purrodaemon
Daemon, Thanadaemon
Dark Slayer-**
Death Worm
Demon, Kalavakus
Demon, Omox
Demon, Shemhazian
Demon, Vrolikai
Devil, Accuser
Devil, Belier
Devil, Handmaiden
Devil, Immolation
Dinosaur, Allosaurus
Dinosaur, Compsagnathus
Dinosaur, Parasaurolophus
Dinosaur, Tylosaurus
Dragon, Primal- none have been made except a large magma dragon
Dragon Horse
Dragonfly, Giant
Drakes- None have been produced
Dust Digger
Elemental- None except large Ice
Faceless Stalker
Fly, Giant
Maggot, Giant
Frost Worm-**
Fungal Crawler
Gar, Giant
Giant, Marsh
Giant, Rune- (Hope this comes soon :P)
Giant, Taiga
Giant, Wood
Golem, Adamantine
Golem, Alchemical
Golem, Carrion-**
Golem, Clockwork-**
Golem, Glass-**
Golem, Mithral-**
Gremlins-None have been produced
Hangman Tree
Hellcat- (A D&D version was produced)
Herd Animal, Camel
Herd Animal, Ram
Hippopotamus, Behemoth
Hound of Tindalos
Inevitable, Arbiter
Inevitable, Lhaksharut
Inevitable, Zelekhut
Jellyfish, Giant
Jellyfish swarm
Leng Spider-**
Lurker in Light
Magma Ooze
Megafauna, Arsinoitherium
Megafauna, Gylptodon
Megafauna, Megaloceros
Megafauna, Megatherium
Mosquito, Giant
Mosquito Swarm
Mu Spore
Nightshade, Nightcrawler
Nightshade, Nightwave
Nightshade Nightwing
Primate, Babboon
Primate, Monkey Swarm
Protean- None have been produced
Qlippoth- None have been produced
Ravenar- (But a huge blue dragon dracolich was produced by DDM)
Ray, Manta
Ray, Stingray
Scorpion, Black
Serpentfolk-** (DDM produced a Yuan-Ti archer that looks very much like a serpentfolk)
Shining child
Slime Mold
Slithering Tracker
Snake, Emperor Cobra
Snake, Giant Anaconda
Solifugid, giant
Solifugid, Albino Cave
Soule Eater-**
Souldbound Doll
Spider, Giant Tarantula
Tenebrous Worm
Tick, Giant
Tick, Swarm
Titan, Elysian
Titan, Thanatotic
Toad, Giant
Toad, Glacier
Troll, Rock
Turtle, Snapping
Turtle, Giant Snapping
Vampiric Mist
Viper Vine
Water Orm
Whale, Great White
Worm That Walks
Zombie, Juju-**

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** Means a close facsimile has already been produced but not the exact mini.
Bestiary 1:

Aboleth- While a large size one was produced many still wnat a proper huge size version
Astral Deva-**
Animated objects- Some objects have been made but more would always be handy, and they can also dual function as dungeon decor.
Ant, Giant
Archon, Lantern
Assassin Vine
Azata, Ghaele-**
Bat swarm
Beetle, fire-**
Black Pudding-**
Cat, Cheetah-**
Cat, Leopard-**
Cave fisher
Centipede swarm
Crab, Giant
Crab Swarm
Demon Nabasu-** (gargoyles can almost be replacements)
Derro- Has been made once before, but only once and never a pathfinder version
Dinosaur, Brachiosaurus
Dinosaur, Deinonychus
Dinosaur, Elasmosaurus
Dinosaur, Pteranodon
Dinosaur, Stegosaurus
Dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus- It was made as a mini in "Giants of legend" however it was fiendish and I personally would like to see a natural version and I Bet James Jacobs would too :P
Dog riding-**
Dolphin, Orca
Dragon, Black- All sizes have been produced
Dragon, Blue- Medium is the only size not yet produced
Dragon, Green- Small and GARGANTUAN haven't been produced (seriously the gargantuan green dragon has been requested for years now)
Dragon, Red- Medium and gargantuan are the only sizes not produced
Dragon, White- Medium is the only size not produced
Dragon, Brass- small, huge, and gargantuan have never been produced
Dragon, bronze- medium, huge, and gargantuan have never been produced
Dragon, Copper- Gargantuan is the only size not produced
Dragon, Gold- small, gargantuan, and colossal are the only sizes not produced (And if you did produce a colossal or garagantuan gold I buy it in a heartbeat)
Dragon, Silver- small, medium, huge, and gargantuan have never been produced
Dragon Turtle
Eel, Electric
Eel, Giant Moray
Elemental, Air- small**, and huge** have never been produced
Elemental, Earth- small**, and huge** have never been produced
Elemental, Fire- small** has never been produced
Elemental, Water- small, and huge have never been produced
Elephant, Mastodon- ** (One with a frost giant rider was produced)
Familiars- All except the bat have never been produced
Frog, poison
Froghemoth- (often requested)
Genie, Janni
Genie, Shaitan
Golem, Wood
Gray ooze
Green Hag
**Skipped the templates**
Herd Animal, Aurochs
Herd Animal, Bison
Hyena, Dire
Invisible Stalker
Kraken- (Awesome idea for a mini though)
Leech, Giant
Leech Swarm
Linnorm, Crag
Linnorm, Ice
Linnorm, Tarn
Lizard, Giant Frilled
Mephit- Dust, Magma**, ooze, salt, steam, and water haven't been produced
Naga, Guardian-**
Nightmare, Cauchemar
Octopus, Giant
Phase spider-**
Purple Worm- (While one was produced as a miniature by DDM it was huge size and not the proper gargantuan size)
Rhinoceros- (One was produced with an orc rider but not solo)
Rhinoceros, Woolly
Roc- (one was produced by DDM but again it was huge size and not the proper gargantuan size)
Sea Hag
Sea Serpent
Shadow, Greater
Shark, Dire
Shocker Lizard
Skeletal Champion-**
Slug, Giant
Squid, Giant
Tarrasque- (OMG yes someday please!!!!)
Tengu- But DDM did produce Kenku minis that look nearly the same
Violet Fungus
Wasp swarm
Wolverine' Dire
Yellow Musk Creeper
Yeth Hound

Dark Archive

Ok Erik from a guy who owns literally over 5000 DDM minis and have been collecting minis for over 10 years. Here are the top things I would like
NPC townsfolk- like minis are always a niche in need of filling when combat breaks in public we need representations so anything would be nice, even if it is just here and there.
Pathfinder exclusive monsters- Stuff from the bestiary that hasn't been made.
And for the heck of it I'll even go ahead and list what hasn't been made from the bestiary on a spoiler button for you.

Huge list:

** Means a close facsimile has already been produced but not the exact mini.
Bestiary 1:

Aboleth- While a large size one was produced many still wnat a proper huge size version
Astral Deva-**
Animated objects- Some objects have been made but more would always be handy, and they can also dual function as dungeon decor.
Ant, Giant
Archon, Lantern
Assassin Vine
Azata, Ghaele-**
Bat swarm
Beetle, fire-**
Black Pudding-**
Cat, Cheetah-**
Cat, Leopard-**
Cave fisher
Centipede swarm
Crab, Giant
Crab Swarm
Demon Nabasu-** (gargoyles can almost be replacements)
Derro- Has been made once before, but only once and never a pathfinder version
Dinosaur, Brachiosaurus
Dinosaur, Deinonychus
Dinosaur, Elasmosaurus
Dinosaur, Pteranodon
Dinosaur, Stegosaurus
Dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus- It was made as a mini in "Giants of legend" however it was fiendish and I personally would like to see a natural version and I Bet James Jacobs would too :P
Dog riding-**
Dolphin, Orca
Dragon, Black- All sizes have been produced
Dragon, Blue- Medium is the only size not yet produced
Dragon, Green- Small and GARGANTUAN haven't been produced (seriously the gargantuan green dragon has been requested for years now)
Dragon, Red- Medium and gargantuan are the only sizes not produced
Dragon, White- Medium is the only size not produced
Dragon, Brass- small, huge, and gargantuan have never been produced
Dragon, bronze- medium, huge, and gargantuan have never been produced
Dragon, Copper- Gargantuan is the only size not produced
Dragon, Gold- small, gargantuan, and colossal are the only sizes not produced (And if you did produce a colossal or garagantuan gold I buy it in a heartbeat)
Dragon, Silver- small, medium, huge, and gargantuan have never been produced
Dragon Turtle
Eel, Electric
Eel, Giant Moray
Elemental, Air- small**, and huge** have never been produced
Elemental, Earth- small**, and huge** have never been produced
Elemental, Fire- small** has never been produced
Elemental, Water- small, and huge have never been produced
Elephant, Mastodon- ** (One with a frost giant rider was produced)
Familiars- All except the bat have never been produced
Frog, poison
Froghemoth- (often requested)
Genie, Janni
Genie, Shaitan
Golem, Wood
Gray ooze
Green Hag
**Skipped the templates**
Herd Animal, Aurochs
Herd Animal, Bison
Hyena, Dire
Invisible Stalker
Kraken- (Awesome idea for a mini though)
Leech, Giant
Leech Swarm
Linnorm, Crag
Linnorm, Ice
Linnorm, Tarn
Lizard, Giant Frilled
Mephit- Dust, Magma**, ooze, salt, steam, and water haven't been produced
Naga, Guardian-**
Nightmare, Cauchemar
Octopus, Giant
Phase spider-**
Purple Worm- (While one was produced as a miniature by DDM it was huge size and not the proper gargantuan size)
Rhinoceros- (One was produced with an orc rider but not solo)
Rhinoceros, Woolly
Roc- (one was produced by DDM but again it was huge size and not the proper gargantuan size)
Sea Hag
Sea Serpent
Shadow, Greater
Shark, Dire
Shocker Lizard
Skeletal Champion-**
Slug, Giant
Squid, Giant
Tarrasque- (OMG yes someday please!!!!)
Tengu- But DDM did produce Kenku minis that look nearly the same
Violet Fungus
Wasp swarm
Wolverine' Dire
Yellow Musk Creeper
Yeth Hound

Also Erik I will start a thread in the miniatures section with this post and I will do the same type of list with the following bestiary for your reference. It should hopefully give you a good idea.

Dark Archive

Also the title of the thread should say *inquiry* instead of "inquiring" but to late now. Damn my brain moving faster than my fingers.....

Dark Archive

I have noticed in recent months we have had 2 delays in subscription. While slightly disappointed I'm not upset. I was just wondering what may be the cause of the delays and if there will be months coming with 2 Subscription shipments to catch up that I should be aware of?

P.S This is also coming out of concern and the hopes that all is still going well.

Dark Archive

Aaaaahhh whatever. I don't know about the rest of you but I'm f*##ing hot. Imagine me naked all you want.

Dark Archive

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O yeah and way to go Badger.

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It's official as of next month I will have all the Dwarvenforge terrain I need. I found no more than two sets of each was more than enough to have for in game tabletop play. You really only need to make a few rooms at a time, and with someone as a cartographer your set in game. I also only bought the classic Dungeon set stuff, the medieval house set, and the Cavern set with the few add ons I know I would use.

Soon I must throw myself into outside terrain exclusively now that step is completed. I also begin to worry because in our 2 bedroom apartment 1 bedroom is completely dedicated to my collection and it's starting to get really crowded in there.

And no Sharoth, for the last time, you cannot come visit me with an empty Uhaul in tow.

Dark Archive

Not really but made you look

But maybe if my parents were siblings I might you never know

Overly curious bugger aren't you?

You know what they say curiosity killed the....

Explosive Runes

Dark Archive

Treppa wrote:
Surely Jeremy is being hipster ironic.

Kinda, I hate all the Star Wars movie. so I wasn't being serious...... well I hate all of StarWars except Jar Jar Binks and the Ewoks.

I mean seriously they were the best characters in the entire series and they only got corner roles. :P

Dark Archive

Crimson Jester wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
A warning to all my FAWTL brethren, do not read my facebook feed. I warn you do not look at it!!!

destroys Facebook just to be on the safe side

It's better this way.

Nope his love for all things ** spoiler omitted ** still shows.


Hey, hey, HEY! I hate ** spoiler omitted ** as much as the next guy!

Not you, Jeremy and his lust for said character. From his post, he is not the only one. As hard as that may be to believe. Funny thing is all the "connections" this guy made in the movies, are to events IRL that happen after the movies were released. ~Scratches head~ Takes all kinds I guess.

now ain't I, the right little s&!@ disturber [/ cockney accent]

Dark Archive

Did you get any of the Pathfinder Battles minis?

Dark Archive

A warning to all my FAWTL brethren, do not read my facebook feed. I warn you do not look at it!!!

Dark Archive

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***I am totally going to regret posting to a gay rights thread but here goes****

I am honestly curious why christianity/ islam/ judaism/ (insert religious group here) think that they own marriage? Mainly because every culture in the world had a version of marriage and very many of them had it without your religions influence. For example imperial China had marriage so did Japan, southern tribal Africa had marriage, the Mayans, and the Aztecs had marriage, Indonesian tribes had marriage, etc, etc, etc and all without your religions influence. So I ask again why does your church own and get to define marriage?

***I am pretty darn sure this will be ignored by any gay marriage detractors, but it is still a valid question*****

Dark Archive

What game alignment would you say Cosmo from customer service would be?

Dark Archive

Celestial Healer wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
Awl right it's Monday and sports ban should be in re-effect. Enough of that silly s&$*e until next September.


I give you one reason: Women Olympics Gymnastics.



Dark Archive

Awesome selection, still looking forward to the case incentive mini. Hey Erik think we could get a look at that now? I mean you've been teasing us with it since before Christmas.

Dark Archive

I would love to see an Osirian AP. With some tomb robbers accidentally releasing the head advisor of the fiend pharoah, who initiates a plan to bring back his master and try to resurrect the old Osirian empire with a decidedly darker and nastier bent.

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So my husband just got long listed for a job at the university of Waterloo. He is one of 5 people to be given interviews for a tenure track position. *Crosses fingers*

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So last night was my second wedding anniversary. Seems like time goes by too fast :P

Dark Archive

Anyway you can convince Erik to let us know what the gargantuan miniature that's coming soon is?

Dark Archive

*sigh* *Ups subscription to 3 cases.......*

*Begins the plan to take down the entire White Castle restaurant chain*

You pushed me into this Erik Mona!!!!!

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hmmmmm testing smarf

Dark Archive

Aberzombie wrote:
taig wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:

Also: WOOT!!! Booked my flights for PaizoCon.

Do you hear that PAIZO?!? I'M COMING TO YOU!!!!!

Yay! I'm looking forward to meeting you in person.

(Now to see if the zombeh realizes that is a threat)

I realize the threat, but I'm not to worried about my ankles being badger-gnawed. :)

Uh oh, you mean I might run into the zombie and the monkey at paizocon......... *contemplates cancelling tickets*....... meh I should be ok with an airhorn and a chainsaw, hopefully they let me take them on the plane.

Dark Archive

James why did Asmodeus get Achaekek to assassinate Aroden?

Dark Archive

Swordsmasher wrote:
If I had to guess, I would say Yes. Probably some laughter at first, and then the feeling of elation, and then possibly some curiosity as to what it might be like. I am betting they are just as excited as we are to see what comes next.

You do realize that a lot of the Paizo staff are former WOTC employees right? Secondly from what we gathered by former staff responses to other things done by WOTC that yes the companies are competitors, the staff don't wish WOTC any ill will. It even seems a lot of the staff are on very friendly terms with the WOTC staff since they were long time coworkers. So I don't think that would be the reaction, it'd be more like they would wish WOTC good luck, since they wouldn't want to see their friends without a job.

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So someone is making me watch "Firefly" we shall see if it lives up to the hype. Hey Freehold DM what did you think of "Firefly"?

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Should I be proud that I own the complete works of Pathfinder in print, or sad that I now have to wait for a monthly fix?

Dark Archive

Röne Bartön wrote:
Yeah, I did her. Chicks dig me in my leather pants.

See I made a requirement in my will that everyone has to show up at my funeral wearing leather pants. That way it`ll be a completely hilarious event, cause god knows I don`t want people moaning and weeping.

Dark Archive

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Do you require assistance, Jeremy?

Maybe but I`d need to figure out if they`d still accept a Canadian credit card for payment first. It`s just really annoying.....

Dark Archive

*grumbles angrily* Can't buy any of the dungeon decor from megaminiatures.com just cause I don't live in the US. *Shakes fist*

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:
Montana MacAilbert wrote:
If you look really closely, you have two arrows sticking out of your neck. Who shot you, why, and what did you do to them in return?

That would have been a couple of foolish explorers. They're not a problem anymore. (burp)

(The art my avatar's from is the half-page opener to the Mwangi Expanse in the Inner Sea World Guide—that picture shows the whole story. About 5 rounds before the event that caused me to burp above.)

Do you realize that if you don't chew properly you can develop digestive problems?

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Mini madness day 2 over with, all mini packages shipped. Now I just need to sort and put away the ones I kept.

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So I unwrap my black dragon from the cord and as I try to get it out of the plastic it completely separates from it's base :(. It's ok, I'll just get some glue and reattach it at some point but people please be careful when opening that thing!!!!

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Minis arrived today, already have them opened and sorted.

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Male Human (Well mostly) 13th bard/cleric/barbarian

Sorry guys work has been getting the best of me lately but I'm back :)

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