Innominat's page

15 posts. Alias of bags.


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Albatoonoe wrote:
A class that utilizes high-risk/high-reward mechanics.

Wouldn't that just be taking a penalty to success checks and increasing the effect? For example, PF1E's Power Attack. Seems trivial to implement, but could make a better archetype than a class.

AceofMoxen wrote:
A character who advances the plot by screwing up

I mean, anyone can try and fail and still advance the plot. That's more player choice to choose consequences than character mechanics.

I think the key thing is they somehow screw up, cause serious consequences for others but don't face serious consequences personally. Perhaps the player invokes this ability which results in some kind of bonus to not face the consequence (attacks against them, saves, etc)?

The characters you mention also play off the "lucky halfling" trope. Like the old line "Providence protects idiots, drunkards and children"

AceofMoxen wrote:
the power to manipulate distance

Yeah, I have no idea how to do that mechanically. That would basically need to rewrite all the rules on distance/range/movement. This sounds hard.

AceofMoxen wrote:
steals enemy abilities and uses them

This is a super common archetype in video games. It does kind of break the normal rules about character knowledge of enemy abilities. Quina Quen would be the character I'd base it off of (though Kirby is similar) . It pulls from ancient traditions of eating things to gain their power. Bite off the target's flesh and swallow to understand their powers, another bite and swallow with a declared target power to gain a use of that power. How you get this to progressively scale over 20 levels would be interesting, probably mostly relaxing restrictions as you grow.

I would totally make this Gourmand class. Plus, it gives a setting specific reason why people would want to kill monsters and collect their bodies. Probably can steal some aspects of barbarian and sorcerer. I think there was also a 1e Sorcerer archetype that gained bloodline powers based on drinking the blood of creatures.

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I'm making up new classes for my party, and one player has no idea what concept to use for a "not covered by existing classes" character. Power will still be balanced against existing classes, but I will try to make up new mechanics.

Pitch him a character concept that is novel and far outside of what can be done by existing classes.

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Include the Chinese ghost (gui), since that's the biggest part of East Asian mythology. There's enough mythology on them to build a series of splat books. Chinese culture has an entire month per year devoted to gui, and the Ghost Festival is a major holiday in many countries.

Some examples:

Egui: hungry ghosts, a key part of Buddhist mythology (see also Preta). Suffering or unfulfilled people who die have their souls remain looking for something. Often it's filling their suffering with food (e.g. when dying from starvation or thirst), but it could be a lust to travel or experience new things they missed in life, wanting to be married or just wanting a proper funeral. Loved ones and descendants can help guide them through their pain to transcendance, with offerings like their favorite foods or burning money or pictures of things they need.

Yaogui: weird ghosts, who practice magic for various transformation goals. Some might be dead gods who want to become living gods again, or humans who want to become demons or demigods, or animal or statue spirits that want to become a living person. This is a huge body of legends which inspired related Japanese myths of yokai and mononoke.

Shuigui: water ghosts, often bound to reside in water (or sometimes take the water with them). They can be seen in reflections, and try to drown the living to trade places with them.

Just make sure you've got a sensitive person picking out the terminology and editing, since gui can also be used as an insult (particularly in racial/ethnic slurs).

Kyrone wrote:

- Fighter trading legendary weapons for legendary armor.

I think there are better ways to do this than class archetypes though. Like a "Defender" archetype with a prerequisite of weapon expertise that drops your weapon proficiencies one rank and raises your armor proficiencies one rank. One archetype applicable to all classes.

Samir Sardinha wrote:

Add class variants to summoner and maybe magus so we can have a better chasis to improve later, something in the Cloistered/Warpriest line.

Maybe one more focused on spellcasting and the other more martial options ( for the eidolon or even the summoner ).

It's really disappointing that decent combat plus decent magic is for prepared casting arcane only. Please give us more options here.

I think the Champion Codes you're discussing could come from deities or pantheons. For example, Nethys has domains of Magic and Protection, so their Champion might be eligible for a Magic Protection code. This opens up the potential for an insane number of code options, which has pros and cons.

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We don't generally consider people poisoning rats in their house to be evil, but we do generally consider people punching non-consenting adults to be evil.

The biggest ethical question is "can you control the damage"? With punching, someone can surrender and you can stop punching them. With poison, if they surrender, can you stop the poison? If no, then it could end up killing someone who surrendered, which would be murder and an evil act. That is why canonically paladins were prohibited from using poison in some D&D editions.

The arcane spell list only and prepared casting only make the Magus very limited in which players are going to like the class. This is the fundamental flaw with the class as written.

Magus is different from Champion in that the Champion isn't doing divine magic strikes every round, every combat. And Champion isn't really a caster. Cleric with Warpriest similarly doesn't get the same capability of "mix magic and combat" - they get both, but they don't really "mix" them.

One part of what you're talking about would be covered by the Magus MC Archetype, using a Fighter or Champion base and MC into Magus. More weapon proficiency advancement, less magic.

But I agree that martial class + Magus MC would never get the full range of "mix magic and combat" options that Magus has out of the box, even sinking all your class feats into Magus MC feats.

Totally agree. I want the non-arcane tradition options added as other types of Magus Synthesis options. It's easy enough as written to replace the word "arcane" with "magic" and get 95% of the class ready for three other traditions.

Based on how the Magus MC archetype Striking Spell will be basically useless* for other spellcasting tradition classes, it really needs to have the other traditions as options in the core class.

Striking Spell (Spellstrike) is the fundamental action of the class. Wizard with Fighter archetype (or vice versa) doesn't get that. Champion doesn't get that. Cleric with Warpriest doctrine doesn't get that. That could change with a Magus MC archetype (and it should).

*Spellcasting is the Magus class' hook into Striking Spell. For a caster taking a Magus MC archetype the spellcasting is not needed, but the missing weapon proficiency advancement would make Striking Spell useless. Similarly a martial taking a Magus MC archetype spellcasting is necessary for Striking Spell to have any utility, while the weapon/armor proficiency advancement is not. Either way, you're using a 2nd level feat to MC and more feats to either get weapon proficiencies (most needed by other casting tradition classes) to be useful in striking or spellcasting MC feats to make it useful. It's just not easy to adapt to a MC archetype.

To edit the class to accommodate other traditions, the spellbook verbiage could just as easily be modified to allow a holy text or occult grimoire if it has to be prepared from books. But rules for preparing from prayer/meditation/familiar already exist from Cleric/Druid/Witch and are easy to reference for the tradition Synthesis options.

There are also some feats that specifically talk about arcane tradition spells, but those could just as easily require the right Synthesis options as prereqs. But the class feats themselves are already almost all good fits other traditions.

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Multiclassing seems to be intentionally very painful in 2E, which I feel is a better reason for each class to have more options.

Why shouldn't a Rogue get an Int based racket with the Investigator class features as feat options? Why shouldn't a Sorcerer get the option for Mysteries replacing bloodlines? Why shouldn't a Wizard get the option to trade spellbook for a patron? Why shouldn't a Fighter choose Panache as a Feat option?

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Even as a skill monkey, you don't need to be trained in 80% of all skills. You just need to be good at the ones you plan on using a lot. I doubt anyone building the character would waste skill increases on training new skills. You'd have at least 7 skills with 1 from background and 6 from class with 10 Int. But of course no Investigator will only have 10 Int.

Compare this to the other 6 skill classes: Alchemist, Bard and Ranger. Bard is a full caster, Ranger is a martial. Is two skills worth sacrificing full casting or being a martial? I don't think it is, because you've already got the 10 to 12 most useful skills - the next two skills have diminished marginal returns.

Instead, I would give a skill increase at level 1, the ability to become a Master in skills earlier (level 5), and more skill feats.

Investigator was originally between Alchemist and Rogue, and there really isn't much space between them in 2e. I think multiclassing is terrible in 2e, but an Alchemist MC Rogue or Rogue MC Alchemist are each superior to Investigator right now.

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Why does an Int based character needs 8 skills trained from the class? If you're getting one skill from your race, one from your background, 8 from the class and 4 from intelligence, that's 14 out of 16 skills you're trained in. [Lore of course is useless because the player and GM will never agree on the scope of the skill.] Performance is useless for non-bards, so that's really 14 out of 15 skills. Plus, other players at the table probably want to be useful at skills sometimes too.

I'm playing a Rogue multiclassed into Alchemist, mostly for smokesticks. He was only multiclassed since making smoke is excessively expensive and the Rogue class feats are very underwhelming. I assumed the Investigator class would be a good replacement. [Why making smoke would ever cost 3GP is beyond me, since smoke bombs in the real world have been around for since the 13th century and one hour of unskilled labor can buy hundreds of smoke bombs, but that's beyond the scope of this.]

Nope. Investigator can't get free smokesticks like Alchemist can. Only elixirs. So while my rogue can make poison, elixirs, tools and bombs, the Investigator can only make elixirs. They should be able to use any of those like an alchemist can - or at least choose between elixirs, bombs, tools or poisons.

I'm playing a Rogue multiclassed into Alchemist, and the Investigator seems like just a weakened version of my character.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

Welcome all you scurvy dogs!

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Recruits will be taught the finer points of being a pirate. No land lubbers need be applying here. 20 point buy Candidates are encouraged to download the players guide.
Players Guide

House Rules
1) Character creation:
A) Characters will be created with a 25 point buy.
B) Classes and weapons are restricted to European only.
C) Classes should fit an old school theme and that of a pirate.
D) Sources: Core Rules, Advanced Players Guide, Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Magic and ACG. Additional Sources: Freebooter's Guide, A Brace of Pistols, Book of Magic Pirate Spells, 101 Pirate and Privateer Traits, Fire As She Bears, Pirates of the Inner Sea, Heart of the Jungle, Inner Sea World Guide, Isle of the Shackles and Dead Man's Chest and any other Golarian source that befits the Shackles theme.
E) Races Human, elf, half elf, dwarf, halfling, gnome, goblin, half-orc and orc.

2) Fumbles: Rolling a natural 1 in combat will result in a fumble ending the player action for the turn.
3) Skill checks.
A) Rolling a natural 1 on a skill check results in a -10 to the check.
B) Rolling a natural 20 on a skill check results in a +10 to the check.
4) Initiative: Rolling a natural 1 results in an initiative of a 1.
5) Area of Affect Spells:
A) The action of combat is considered a dance, therefore when an area of affect spell affects enemies that are in melee combat with adjacent characters they are considered to be in the area of affect.
B) Exceptions: Some spells are done on a line affect such as a lightning bolt and thus will not affect adjacent characters. Also the feat shape spell can shape the spell to only affect certain squares. Also spells that only affect squares do not affect adjacent squares.
6) Surprise Attacks: Amended back to RAW.***
7) Hit points: Reroll all natural 1's on hit point rolls. Barbarians can reroll all 1's and 2's.
8) Cure spells: If the die/dice are all natural 1's, reroll.
9) I don't take 10 or 20.
10) Dispel Magic I am rule 0ing Dispel magic back to the 10 level limit. If you want more than that, use Greater Dispel.
11) Note on ranged attacks: Cover: When firing through your allies they provide a +4 cover to the enemy. This is in addition to the -4 for firing into melee. Precise shot removes the latter only. Improved precise shot is needed to get around this. Now here is the kicker. If you miss by the cover, you hit the cover. Meaning you have a 20% chance of hitting your ally!
12) Giving an unconscious person a potion requires a DC15
heal check. If you fail by 5 you spoil the potion.

So show me yer best dogs and we be plundering the high seas!

Recruitment for ongoing game. We can't seem to keep a Paladin or holy fighter. Have a good well established party beyond that. Need replacement level 7.

House Rules
1) Character creation:
A) Characters will be created with a 25 point buy.
B) Classes and weapons are restricted to European only.
C) Classes are Core Only, plus Inquisitor, Swashbuckler, Warpriest. I might consider Gunslinger, but the gun powder rules are the simplified rules from Razor Coast and not Ultimate Combat. I might discuss others if they fit an old school theme.
D) Sources: Core Rules, Advanced Players Guide, Ultimate Combat and Ultimate Magic after 5th level on DM approval on a case by case basis only. Additional Sources: Lost Lands Sourcebook, Freebooter's Guide, A Brace of Pistols, Book of Magic Pirate Spells, 101 Pi The World of the Lost Lands, Pirate and Privateer Traits, Fire As She Bears, Pirates of the Inner Sea, Heart of the Jungle, Inner Sea World Guide, Isle of the Shackles and Dead Man's Chest.
E) Races Human, elf, half elf, dwarf, halfling, gnome, goblin, half-orc and orc.

2) Fumbles: Rolling a natural 1 in combat will result in a fumble ending the player action for the turn.
3) Skill checks.
A) Rolling a natural 1 on a skill check results in a -10 to the check.
B) Rolling a natural 20 on a skill check results in a +10 to the check.
4) Initiative: Rolling a natural 1 results in an initiative of a 1.
5) Area of Affect Spells:
A) The action of combat is considered a dance, therefore when an area of affect spell affects enemies that are in melee combat with adjacent characters they are considered to be in the area of affect.
B) Exceptions: Some spells are done on a line affect such as a lightning bolt and thus will not affect adjacent characters. Also the feat shape spell can shape the spell to only affect certain squares. Also spells that only affect squares do not affect adjacent squares.
6) Surprise Attacks: Amended back to RAW.***
7) Hit points: Reroll all natural 1's on hit point rolls. Barbarians can reroll all 1's and 2's.
8) Cure spells: If the die/dice are all natural 1's, reroll.
9) I don't take 10 or 20.
10) Dispel Magic I am rule 0ing Dispel magic back to the 10 level limit. If you want more than that, use Greater Dispel.
11) Note on ranged attacks: Cover: When firing through your allies they provide a +4 cover to the enemy. This is in addition to the -4 for firing into melee. Precise shot removes the latter only. Improved precise shot is needed to get around this. Now here is the kicker. If you miss by the cover, you hit the cover. Meaning you have a 20% chance of hitting your ally!
12) Giving an unconscious person a potion requires a DC15
heal check. If you fail by 5 you spoil the potion.

We need a replacement holy warrior of Mitra, level 6 for an ongoing Campaign of Dark Tower.
Dark Tower

Our paladin left and War Priest is away on and extended family emergency. The campaign is old school and has a great group, but RL happens.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

This is the Dark Tower Discussion thread.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map


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Recruiting for 6 players level 6 to start for 2007 edition of Jennel Jaquay's Dark Tower.

House Rules
1) Character creation:
A) Characters will be created with a 25 point buy.
B) Classes and weapons are restricted to European only.
C) Classes are Core Only, plus Arcanist, Swashbuckler, Warpriest. I might consider Gunslinger, but the gun powder rules are the simplified rules from Razor Coast and not Ultimate Combat. I might discuss others if they fit an old school theme.
D) Sources: Core Rules, Advanced Players Guide, Ultimate Combat and Ultimate Magic after 5th level on DM approval on a case by case basis only. Additional Sources: Freebooter's Guide, A Brace of Pistols, Book of Magic Pirate Spells, 101 Pirate and Privateer Traits, Fire As She Bears, Pirates of the Inner Sea, Heart of the Jungle, Inner Sea World Guide, Isle of the Shackles and Dead Man's Chest.
E) Races Human, elf, half elf, dwarf, halfling, gnome, goblin, half-orc and orc.

2) Fumbles: Rolling a natural 1 in combat will result in a fumble ending the player action for the turn.
3) Skill checks.
A) Rolling a natural 1 on a skill check results in a -10 to the check.
B) Rolling a natural 20 on a skill check results in a +10 to the check.
4) Initiative: Rolling a natural 1 results in an initiative of a 1.
5) Area of Affect Spells:
A) The action of combat is considered a dance, therefore when an area of affect spell affects enemies that are in melee combat with adjacent characters they are considered to be in the area of affect.
B) Exceptions: Some spells are done on a line affect such as a lightning bolt and thus will not affect adjacent characters. Also the feat shape spell can shape the spell to only affect certain squares. Also spells that only affect squares do not affect adjacent squares.
6) Surprise Attacks: Amended back to RAW.***
7) Hit points: Reroll all natural 1's on hit point rolls. Barbarians can reroll all 1's and 2's.
8) Cure spells: If the die/dice are all natural 1's, reroll.
9) I don't take 10 or 20.
10) Dispel Magic I am rule 0ing Dispel magic back to the 10 level limit. If you want more than that, use Greater Dispel.
11) Note on ranged attacks: Cover: When firing through your allies they provide a +4 cover to the enemy. This is in addition to the -4 for firing into melee. Precise shot removes the latter only. Improved precise shot is needed to get around this. Now here is the kicker. If you miss by the cover, you hit the cover. Meaning you have a 20% chance of hitting your ally!
12) Giving an unconscious person a potion requires a DC15
heal check. If you fail by 5 you spoil the potion.

Dark Tower

Long has it been since anyone has heard from the village of Mitra’s Fist. Hundreds of years ago the village fell into
shadow beneath the shifting sands as the mighty gods Mitra and Set and their minions fought to destroy each other
through the annihilation of their sacred temples and artifacts. In the nearest towns and villages, tales can still be heard of
the folks who went to Mitra’s Fist in search of fortune among the buried ruins.
Among those tales there are no happy endings: the fortune seekers never returned, and the village of Mitra’s Fist has
grown quiet...too quiet. Rumors persist of sightings of villagers in Mitra’s Fist who should long ago have perished among
the sand, and of the horrors that haunt the night in Redmoon Pass. Occasionally, through error or bravado, caravans of
pilgrims or traders are known to have ventured into Redmoon Pass, but they are rarely, if ever heard from again.
Folks from the nearby towns and villages would have it known what has happened to their loved ones who have vanished
within Redmoon Pass. The priests of Mitra would have their shrine rebuilt upon its original site. The leaders from the
surrounding area would have the pass cleansed of the evil which has left Mitra’s Fist silent for 300 years. And the mighty
lords of Viridistan and the City State would pay handsomely to have the most direct trading route to the Holy Cities restored.
Yet the rumors are clear: none who go there have return to tell of it. Something unspeakably wrong lurks beneath the sands
of Mitra’s Fist…waiting…

This is a private game.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

Welcome to the Sundered Kingdoms.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

South of the free city of Endhome, east of the King’s Road and Trader’s
Way, north of the Forlorn Mountains, and west of the sea, these lands
comprise what are known today as the Sundered Kingdoms, a half-wild
land of scattered towns and villages, a handful of independent city-states,
and few formal borders. It is a land where giants still roam the mountains,
trolls prowl the hills, and unknown beasts walk in the night, a land where
villagers huddle after dark around crackling fires behind puny palisades
while lords remain in their castles and try to ignore the strange cries and
screams that come from outside. It is a land of old kingdoms shattered
by war, new alliances formed for survival, and black-hearted cults that
beseech their dark lords for favor and power. It is the Sundered Kingdoms.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map


This will be a new Pathfinder Adventure Path in the Lost Lands. Characters are level one. More to come.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

South of the free city of Endhome, east of the King’s Road and Trader’s Way, north of the Forlorn Mountains, and west of the sea, these lands comprise what are known today as the Sundered Kingdoms, a half-wild
land of scattered towns and villages, a handful of independent city-states, and few formal borders. It is a land where giants still roam the mountains, trolls prowl the hills, and unknown beasts walk in the night, a land where villagers huddle after dark around crackling fires behind puny palisades while lords remain in their castles and try to ignore the strange cries and screams that come from outside. It is a land of old kingdoms shattered by war, new alliances formed for survival, and black-hearted cults that beseech their dark lords for favor and power. It is the Sundered Kingdoms.

This is a private game.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map


Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map


Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

This is the discussion thread for a new Reign of Winter campaign.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

This is the new Discussion thread.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map


Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map


I am going to be starting up another Rappan Athuk game here soon. It will be an old school game. Core races only, Core classes prefered but will consider others. APG, UC and UM per DM approval.

There are no magic shops here. Oh, you might find one where you can get a minor potion or scroll or material components, but even those are rare and not close. WBL, what is that? Encounters by CR, not in RA. If you open the wrong door and don't learn how and when to run those graves will pile up in a hurry! Better have plenty of back up characters for this one. My last party lost 12 characters by level 3! Gold? Treasure? That this place has in some vast quantities in some places. Presuming you can make it home with your hard earned gains.

From the introduction:

"Once upon a time, there was an idea—an idea formulated by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson in 1974 and published in a little paperback book called Underworld Adventures. The idea was simple: it is a lot of fun to go into a dungeon and kill evil monsters. Why is the dungeon there? No one knows. Why do the monsters usually fight rather than talk? We aren't really sure. Why are there 16 trolls in a cave with a jug of alchemy? No one cares. What do all the monsters eat? We don’t know that either (although “adventurer” probably tops the list). And we don’t have to know these things. This isn't an ecology experiment, it’s a dungeon—the quintessential setting for pure swords and sorcery adventuring.
This adventure pays homage to that original idea. True, there are
opportunities for role playing, but most of this module is dedicated to
“roll playing.” Hopefully, while exploring the halls of Rappan Athuk, you
will recall the thrill of discovery, the terror in your heart when you fought your first skeleton, the joy of rolling your first natural 20 and the despair you felt when that 1 came up for your poison save.
This module, Rappan Athuk—The Dungeon of Graves, is nothing more and nothing less than a good, old–fashioned, First Edition dungeon crawl
updated for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Very difficult, it should strike fear into the hearts of the most stalwart adventurers. It offers an
abundance of traps, tricks and monsters."

I will select six vict... er players for this game.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

And so it begins....

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

Welcome to the Lost Lands Campaign Discussion thread.

I am looking to start a new Lost Lands campaign and where the party goes will somewhat be up to them as this is a sandbox. They could go to Rappan Athuk, Barakus, Stoneheart Valley or the new Sword of Air. Regardless, the party will start out in Bard's Gate and go that away!

As for options, I am looking at level one, 25 point buy, old school. Core and some APG with some other options thrown in as they fit the campaign. Races are generally core. Heck, I even have most of this Sword & Wizardry of enough people wish to chose that option! Looking for six to eight players that are dedicated to a multi-year campaign. Would like to post on generally a daily basis, but I understand things come up. Need to be willing to be botted if out a significant amount of time preferably by another player. So who's game?

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I talked one of my players into doing a campaign log for our Rappan Athuk campaign. This one is done by one of our players named Don. We have been running every other week since 8/2012.

Encountered a mouse, it turned out to be Sandra, we dispelled the enchantment on her and returned her to her normal form.
Managed to lift the portcullis blocking our path.
Entered into maze, found secret door shortly thereafter.
Came across some giant spiders, killed them and found Binky Pink in their webs. Free’d him and he agreed to join us, encountered some Minotaurs, killed two and charmed a 3rd.
Came onto a cliff and after some comical entertainment watching Balmothere, Sandra, and Kaz trying to fly Big Red up the cliff, unable to do so until Big Red cast Bull’s Strength on Balmothere. We encountered a poisoned hallway and managed to make it through without triggering the trap, came into a room with two sets of really ornate doors and two statues. Doors were 20 foot high made of pure bronze. This was a tomb, Dae’din was able to decipher some ancient celestial on the statues that depicted the following.
Stone by stone and crafted by my hands
The tomb of Ereg Tal here stands
‘Til the end of time may be
Shall his goodness shine on thee.
Chiseled by the hands of Kor the
Storm Liegeman of Ereg Tal in peace and war
For to entomb his master’s bones
And thus to build eternal home.
Know ye who stand before the portal
Ereg was Titan, but not immortal
The Lord of Death did strike the blow
That laid my Mighty Master low.
Mortally wounded was Ereg Tal
The King I loved the most of all
And so I bore him to this cave
And from the stone carved our two graves.
About his blessed neck I placed
The Golden Torc, in life given free
As Symbol of my fealty
So I sealed it in the sepulcher with he.
To the end stand I the honor guard
‘Till life empties from my mortal gourd
Know all that Ereg Tal was the master to Kor
Faithful Servant to his Lord.
We rested in a cavern adjacent to the tomb where we encountered minitaurs and hill giants, then rested and decided to take the northern most passage that brought us downward. After proceeding downward we encountered an Eye of the Deep and killed it, then came upon a nest of over 50 Giant Scorpions and their mother, after a lot of heavy magic the group dispatched them and then searched the nest finding the eggs. Balmothere and Dae’din took them out.

Rumours – Break 7 seals to aid the side of good.
Shrine to a foul god or demon said to lie beneath the hills, corridors are gruesome and full of death.

We came across a small cavernous area with a brick wall and a path leading forward, we stopped to remove the pieces of brick to see what lay behind. During the wall removal we were attacked by a manticore and some stirges. We found a coffin containing an undead elf who pleaded for our help, Yokeem. Asked us to free her from her bondage, from which we went and killed the mummy who was holding her in this realm as an undead.
Dae’din accepted the key from Yokeem, and the group proceeded to the lake near the giant scorpion lair and underneath the lake as Yokeem said was an entrance to another tomb, in which lay the mummy. The group quickly dispatched the mummy thanks to Kaz’s fire breath and Balmothere’s Fire Bombs. Shortly thereafter Dae’din passed out while trying to identify a magical aura as Yokeem spoke into his mind thanking him for her release from undeath, as Dae’din is the one who accepted the key.

Don – Dae’din Ithil (Elf Rogue 3/Wizard 3/Arcane Trickster 3)
Kevin – Kaz (Gnome Sorceror 9)
Marty – Big Red (Half-Orc Cleric 7//Holy Vindicator 2)
Kara – Sandra (Elf Wizard 7/Druid 2)
James – Balmothere (Elf Alchemist 9)
Bill – Curt ( Human Fighter 9)
Henry – Liege (Human Mithral Knight 9)

The group went south via fly and swim magical aids and came upon an island full of goblins, after a chaotic mess of arcane magic (Fireballs, Ice Storms, Lightning Bolts) and divine magic (Walls of Fire) the group ran off the goblins and gained their hard earned gold ore. While collecting the ore the group was set upon by three river trolls and the fight seemed to be over rather quickly, that is until Curt fell into the river.
Sandra and Kaz morphed into aquatic forms to go and aid Curt who was being swept away by the river. Alas they were not of much help as the dangerously swift current swept them all away, along with the river trolls. After a struggle with both the river and the trolls Kaz, Curt, and Sandra broke free and made landfall. Sometime later the group re-united and continued the adventure. Curt noticed some tracks the trolls left behind and the party moved to follow. In a smaller chamber they found two of the three River Trolls in what was obviously their lair. Dae’din got the jump on the beasts and quickly fired off two Scorching Rays, Kaz came in with a fireball, Balmothere pitched a few bombs and the trolls were felled in fire and smoke. Sandra tossed a few arcane bolts, and Big Red cheered us on with a bless spell, ugliest cheerleader you’ve ever seen.
After dispatching the trolls the party searched the chamber and found several glowing magic items. Dae’din failed to notice a poison on a locked box and tried to open it, and although he made his save, he ran to the corner of the room, pilfering the periapt of proof against poison. He sat there clutching the periapt while the party was asking for it to help keep them safe against the deadly poison Dae’din claimed was on the trap as they attempted to open the box. Dae’din kept ahold of the periapt while not even wearing it. “Mine,” he repeated as Balmothere pleaded for it, finally to no avail Balmothere just searched the box, found the trap and disabled it. Inside was a tome that turned out to be a manual of gainful exercise. Also found amongst the treasure was a Robe of Scintillating Colours, a Bag of Holding, some arcane/divine scrolls, and Boots of Dancing (thought to be boots of Striding and Springing). Dae’din got the boots and put them on, and for the third time since entering the dungeon he was cursed once again and began dancing uncontrollably.
The group had a good laugh at his expense until Big Red finally stopped laughing enough to help Dae’din who thought his day couldn’t get any worse… And thankfully it didn’t as he noticed a pitfall trap just in time, thanks to Sandra wearing the Robe of Scintillating Colours and shedding enough light for Dae’din to notice. The group decided to rest here, and Sandra popped up a Tiny Hut for some measure of safety and comfort in the dungeon.

This is the recruitment thread for a ftf game already in progress. We are seeing if the players are interested in adding PBP to add to the existing game.

Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

To start the discussion thread.

Port Shaw.

Recruiting players for PbP Razor Coast game per request. I am looking for 6 players level 5. Campaign runs through around level 12.
I would have to warn people before starting a PbP game that I am a very Old School DM and run my games similar to the way the Frogs created them and run them, largely Core with a few exceptions on races and classes. I do use UM, UC and all the sources that the Kickstarter included so there is quite a bit of additional source material for feats and especially traits and have all the S&S material also. So Dead Man's Chest, 101 Pirates Traits, A Brace of Pistols, etc. And yes I have Call of The Frog God so it may be included depending on what the players do. I am open to ideas and suggestions, however. If you have something you really want too run and can convince me it fits the setting go for it. This is set around 1700 in a sort of Hawaiian/Caribbean setting. Think Port Royal in Hawaii in a fantasy setting. The Tulita are the Polynesian natives. Guns are common place but are strictly limited to flintlocks with only a few types available. They are however, very cheap. You can buy a gentleman's pistol for 30 GP. The rapier is the weapon of choice for all gentlemen and there are oodles of feats for it. Heavy armor is largely outmoded and face it, you will be on a ship a lot of time. Light armor is your best choice.

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Male Human Rogue6/Clr1 Current Map

The Razor Coast has drawn men to madness and slaughter since the world was young. Tulita natives, born from the same fire as this jagged coast, claim the Razor existed long before the world’s other lands. It is a crucible of flame cooled by the ocean’s caress and its mountains, reefs, and lightless depths teem with as many terrors as lustrous spoils. The Razor bucks the trappings of civilization in much the same manner the storm-tossed sea spurns the men who dare mount her. This is no place for the weak-willed. Untested souls are food for its storms, its fickle gods, its ancient spirits, and the evil predations of
unfathomable creatures. No less dangerous are the men who make the coast their home and whose dark desires put most horrors to shame.
Every year another colony of hopeful settlers springs up, only to be silenced by the unforgiving landscape or butchered by fearsome tribes of monsters lurking just beyond the tree line. Yet still the colonists come in their hundreds, lured to the coast’s riches: its kava, its jocas fruit and koa wood, to name but a few. All treasures worth twice their weight in gold and all ripe for the picking along the Razor. Mossy placards emblazoned with the bold names of these colonies’ founders are the only testament left to their brief, prideful xistence. The last chapter of their story is now told in dust and ash.
Port Shaw is the only survivor. The town clings to the coast like the sea’s most stubborn barnacle, impossible to scrape from the Razor’s edge. At times it limps along,vexed by demons, angry gods, cannibal tribes, dread pirate armadas and worse; but at present the city thrives as foreign vessels flock to its harbor, their holds hungry for whale
oil and other treasures.
Port Shaw menaces and delights in equal extremes. Treasures and pleasures abound in this whaling boomtown, but evil and abandon take almost every soul who comes her way. This playground of pirates is ruled by the crushing fist of the Municipal Dragoons and filled with both the ancient curses of the coast’s Tulita natives and dark secrets of its own. It is an easy place to die, and a town where countless legends are born.
- Reiker Glassgrinder, accredited naturalist of
the Guild of Cartographers and Explorers

I enjoyed the first read through on Fire As She Bears by Frog God Games for Razor Coast. I have a few questions though, first of all on trying to convert existing ships that do not follow the 20' format. What do you do about ships that are 30' wide like the ones in Skulls & Shackles? I am interested in using the system with S&S, but need conversion help please.

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I have been dming or gming for 32 years now and have a lot of players that like the way I run my games. I have also been published more than a few times over the years so I should know a little bit about this game I figure.
So I have been experiencing a lengthly bout of unemployment of late and seem to have a lot of time on my hands and asking myself what am I really good at? Well, I am a pretty good dm so why am I giving my services away for free?
What would they get for their money? Well, I have invested well over $20,000 in books, minis, terrain and extensive amount of Dwarven Forge. Besides, I provide a place to play. After all you can't go out and go to a movie for $10 a throw every weekend or any other form of entertainment.
Yeah, I know gamers are cheap and say why should I pay you when Joe Bloe down the street is a dm. He has been running for 4-5 years now. You can and play with your 3-4 friends. I usually have 8-12 constantly wanting to play in my games and I keep them all involved although I prefer 6-8.
I designed for Bob Bledsaw, Gary Gygax,Clark Peterson and Joseph Goodman. I also knew Dave Arneson pretty well back in the day so I am familar with how the game should be run, all the ins and outs. Not just the latest rulesets and how can I opitimize my character.