Lost Lands Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master brvheart

This will be a sandbox campaign in the Frog God Games Lost Land Setting.

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I am looking to start a new Lost Lands campaign and where the party goes will somewhat be up to them as this is a sandbox. They could go to Rappan Athuk, Barakus, Stoneheart Valley or the new Sword of Air. Regardless, the party will start out in Bard's Gate and go that away!

As for options, I am looking at level one, 25 point buy, old school. Core and some APG with some other options thrown in as they fit the campaign. Races are generally core. Heck, I even have most of this Sword & Wizardry of enough people wish to chose that option! Looking for six to eight players that are dedicated to a multi-year campaign. Would like to post on generally a daily basis, but I understand things come up. Need to be willing to be botted if out a significant amount of time preferably by another player. So who's game?

Silver Crusade

awesome campaign material? check

large party of professional( pft) adventurers? check

limited material? eh

multi-year guarentee and promised fun? check

I'm in. though May I suggest starting level 2? (level 1 is, quite frankly put, bleh. most of the real class goodies don't come till 2-4, idk, its just me :P )

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16


Depending on what the players decide to do starting at level two is possible. Some of the scenarios don't start until then anyway.

What is "some APG" classes or just feats from the book or what?
Interested btw...

I will allow feats and archetypes from APG, UC and UM and the spells. My biggest issue is with the Summoner and having some issues with the witch as well, just not as much. Just realize this material is all old school and designed for more core classes. As long as the party is mostly core I won't have too much of an issue with a few other classes. I also use some Golarian Material as it fits within the campaign.

Liberty's Edge

Sounds very interesting...I will throw my hat into the ring, so to speak..lol

I'm interested. How's about a Dancing Dervish Bard archetype (UC) or Swashbuckler rogue archetype (APG; not the hybrid class!). Probably a half-orc in either case, since I'm partial to that race.

I've got some notes/builds on either that I can tweak when I've got a bit of spare time.

Silver Crusade

I'm actually thinking monk, or possibly a rogue. Hmm.

Im looking at a halfling cavalier, either range or melee, but on a mount, would you discourage that based on class or mount(meaning a lot of antimount areas)?

I would discourage a mount based on how much of this is classic dungeon crawl. Not exactly mount friendly. Swashbuckler sounds good either way. Just trying to stay away from evil alignments. After all, why take on Orcus unless the party is generally good?

I would gladly murder a hobo to be in this game, brv.

When do you need concepts and/or builds by? I am thinking of a dwarven stone lord paladin, if that would be acceptable.

No huge hurry as I have family in town for a funeral tomorrow. Would like to have the party together by the end of next week though. Can talk concepts anytime:)

How do you feel about the stone lord paladin? I know it's from the Race book, but to me it really has a great old school feel. The dwarf paladin of Torag becomes even more "dwarf-y" if possible.

Silver Crusade

brv, would you allow the glory rogue? And this 3pp rogue talent?

Rogues Finesse

im in

ok ty for helping me figure this out

Dotting, I am thinking of a Double Starknife Ranger build, but I need to check up on some rulings first

rorek55 wrote:

brv, would you allow the glory rogue? And this 3pp rogue talent?

Rogues Finesse

Mostly the 3rd party material I am using is FGG with very few exceptions. Just use finessing rogue or weapon finesse.

Brv, here is the skeleton of the Stonelord, I'd like to play. This is Gerald, obviously under the character's profile.

I don't have a background on him yet, since I need to know more about the town before drafting that. Also, I know I've spent well over the probable starting funds, which I'll adjust when we find out exactly what level and much much gold we have in our pockets to start.

As for me, I'm just as big a fan of FGG as you are I think, brv. I've got all their kickstarted stuff, but I've read almost none of it as I wanted to wait to play in a game. Where is the majority of the Bard's Gate info contained? If I can find that book, I can do a better job making a background.


Hi there! I've got two ideas for your PbP, if you want to look at them. I've not had a chance to do a back story on either yet. Just wanted to know if either, or even both, would be the sort of characters you're looking for for your campaign.

Turvijagal, Rogue:

Turvijagal, Half-Elf Rogue (Swashbuckler archetype)

STR 14
DEX 20
CON 12
INT 12
WIS 10
(25 point build)

FORT +1, REF +7, WILL 0

HP 10, CMD 17, CMB +2, Initiative +7

Special Abilities:
Half-Elf Racial Traits:
Elven Immunities: immune to magic sleep & +2 racial vs enchantment spells and effects
Adaptability: Skill focus as a bonus feat (Stealth)
Keen Senses: +2 racial bonus to Perception
Low Light Vision: can see twice as far in dim light as humans
Elf Blood: count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race
Multi-talented: pick two favoured classes, instead of just one (Rogue & Fighter)
Armour Expert (combat): reduce the AC penalty of armour worn by 1
Elven Reflexes (race): add +2 trait bonus to Initiative
Favoured Class Bonuses:
Half-Elf: Add ½ to Bluff to Feint and ½ to Diplomacy to gather information
Human: Gain ⅙ of a new rogue talent
Elf: Add +1 to times/day can cast 0 or 1 level spells through minor/major magic talents
Feats & Rogue Talents:
Skill Focus (stealth): +3 to Stealth, +6 if 10 ranks or more in Stealth
Weapon Finesse: use DEX to hit with light weapons, Elven curved blade & rapier
Two Weapon Fighting: -2/-2 if off-hand weapon is light (combat trick rogue talent)
Weapon Focus (scimitar): +1 to hit with scimitar (combat trick rogue talent)

Acrobatics +9
Climb +6
Disable Device +9
Escape Artist +9
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5
Knowledge (local) +5
Lingquistics +5
Perception +6
Stealth +12

Weapon Familiarity
All Simple Weapons
Hand Crossbow
Short Sword
Scimitar (archetype'S Martial Training ability)

Armour Familiarity
Light Armour
(not proficient with shields)

Urtnechech, Bard:

Urtnechech, Half-Orc Bard (Dervish Dancer archetype)

STR 18
DEX 14
CON 14
INT 10
WIS 10
CHA 14
(25 point buy)

FORT +4, REFL +6, WILL +4

HP 10, CMD 16, CMB +4

Battle Dance = 12 rounds per day
Initiative +4

Special Abilities:
Half-Orc Racial Traits:
Intimidating: +2 racial bonus to Intimidate
Sacred Tattoo: +1 luck bonus to all saving throws (replaces Orc Ferocity)
Weapon Familiarity: Great Axes & Falchions
Skilled: get 1 extra feat per level (replaces Darkvision)
Orc Blood: count as Human and Orc for effects related to race
Fate's Favoured: increase all luck bonuses by +1
Reactionary: add +2 trait bonus to Initiative
Favoured Class Bonuses:
Half-Orc: add +1 to the number of performances per day
Human: add 1 more spell to spells known, must be 1 level below highest level known
Orc: none
Extra Performance: Six extra bardic performance rounds per day
Lingering Performance won't work with the Battle Dance performance ability of this archetype

Climb +8
Diplomacy +6
Intimidate +8
Knowledge (geography) +4
Knowledge (local) +4
Perception +4
Perform (dance) +6

Weapon Familiarity (between race and class)
All Simple Weapons
Great Axe

Armour Familiarity
Light Armour
Shields (not tower)


I also did a bit of research on that Barakus setting, and heard a lot of good things about it.


@ brvheart, I liked the way your "Razor Coast" game was running. However I know nothing of the "lost lands" campaign. I will try and find out a little information about "Bards Gate" and come up with an acceptable core character.

Razor Coast is technically part of the Lost Lands, albeit far to the south. This area is a bit more old school in flavor more like original Greyhawk.

Rogue and dwarf look good!

How about an old school dwarfen ranger Sword and um Axe?
Will be decently tankish, can dish decent damage and has wilderness support in spades!

Hagrym wrote:

Brv, here is the skeleton of the Stonelord, I'd like to play. This is Gerald, obviously under the character's profile.

I don't have a background on him yet, since I need to know more about the town before drafting that. Also, I know I've spent well over the probable starting funds, which I'll adjust when we find out exactly what level and much much gold we have in our pockets to start.

As for me, I'm just as big a fan of FGG as you are I think, brv. I've got all their kickstarted stuff, but I've read almost none of it as I wanted to wait to play in a game. Where is the majority of the Bard's Gate info contained? If I can find that book, I can do a better job making a background.

Bards Gate Your Stonelord looks good:)

Definitely like the dwarven ranger!

brvheart wrote:
Hagrym wrote:

Brv, here is the skeleton of the Stonelord, I'd like to play. This is Gerald, obviously under the character's profile.

I don't have a background on him yet, since I need to know more about the town before drafting that. Also, I know I've spent well over the probable starting funds, which I'll adjust when we find out exactly what level and much much gold we have in our pockets to start.

As for me, I'm just as big a fan of FGG as you are I think, brv. I've got all their kickstarted stuff, but I've read almost none of it as I wanted to wait to play in a game. Where is the majority of the Bard's Gate info contained? If I can find that book, I can do a better job making a background.

Bards Gate Your Stonelord looks good:)

DM, I will download that tomorrow and get my history out together sometime tomorrow evening! Thanks for the info!

brvheart wrote:

Razor Coast is technically part of the Lost Lands, albeit far to the south. This area is a bit more old school in flavor more like original Greyhawk.

Rogue and dwarf look good!

Thanks. I'll try to put together something a little tidier for the Rogue, Turvijagal, then.

brvheart wrote:
Definitely like the dwarven ranger!


Hagrym wrote:
brvheart wrote:
Hagrym wrote:

Brv, here is the skeleton of the Stonelord, I'd like to play. This is Gerald, obviously under the character's profile.

I don't have a background on him yet, since I need to know more about the town before drafting that. Also, I know I've spent well over the probable starting funds, which I'll adjust when we find out exactly what level and much much gold we have in our pockets to start.

As for me, I'm just as big a fan of FGG as you are I think, brv. I've got all their kickstarted stuff, but I've read almost none of it as I wanted to wait to play in a game. Where is the majority of the Bard's Gate info contained? If I can find that book, I can do a better job making a background.

Bards Gate Your Stonelord looks good:)
DM, I will download that tomorrow and get my history out together sometime tomorrow evening! Thanks for the info!

Gerald, that book has major major spoilers for our game though!!

Are you open to new players? If so i'd like to join

Sorry about that Grimmy!

DM Grimmy wrote:
Hagrym wrote:
brvheart wrote:
Hagrym wrote:

Brv, here is the skeleton of the Stonelord, I'd like to play. This is Gerald, obviously under the character's profile.

I don't have a background on him yet, since I need to know more about the town before drafting that. Also, I know I've spent well over the probable starting funds, which I'll adjust when we find out exactly what level and much much gold we have in our pockets to start.

As for me, I'm just as big a fan of FGG as you are I think, brv. I've got all their kickstarted stuff, but I've read almost none of it as I wanted to wait to play in a game. Where is the majority of the Bard's Gate info contained? If I can find that book, I can do a better job making a background.

Bards Gate Your Stonelord looks good:)
DM, I will download that tomorrow and get my history out together sometime tomorrow evening! Thanks for the info!
Gerald, that book has major major spoilers for our game though!!

Grimmy, I will be pm'ing you in a second. I have an idea on getting some background on Hagrym without buying Bard's Gate, if you can give me a bit of help. That way, no spoilers! Easy peasy.

All right, brv, thanks to your informative post about the pantheon of FGG back in April 2013 and Grimmy's help, I think Hagrym will follow Dwerfater. Seems to check off all I'm looking for in a Dwarven diety and actually has a temple in Bard's Gate.

As such, I've put together a small background in my profile. I can expand on it if you'd like.

Other than that, I think the basics are done. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, let me know. I'm always open to suggestions and if you'd orefer soe thing to be changed, just let me know.

Thanks for the consideration.

How do you feel about a magus?

May I submit Galero, Protean Sorcerer, for your consideration:

Male half-elf sorcerer 1
CG Medium humanoid (elf, human)
Init +5; Senses low-light vision; Perception +3
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+3 Dex)
hp 8 (1d6+2)
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +4; +2 vs. enchantments
Immune sleep
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee dagger -1 (1d4-1/19-20)
Ranged light crossbow +3 (1d8/19-20)
Special Attacks protoplasm
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +7)
. . 1st (4/day)—mage armor, snowball (DC 15)
. . 0 (at will)—acid splash, dancing lights, detect magic, flare (DC 14)
. . Bloodline Protean
Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 18
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 12
Feats Eschew Materials, Point-blank Shot
Traits elven reflexes, focused mind
Skills Acrobatics +0 (-4 to jump), Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge (planes) +6, Perception +3, Spellcraft +6; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Common, Elven, Protean, Sylvan
SQ arcane training, elf blood
Other Gear crossbow bolts (10), dagger, light crossbow, backpack, bedroll, chalk, earplugs, fishhook, flint and steel, grappling bolt, scroll case, torch, trail rations (5), waterskin, 103 gp, 2 sp, 5 cp
Special Abilities
Arcane Training +1 CL for spell trigger/completion items for favored class, or use them as if 1st level.
Elf Blood Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race.
Elven Immunities - Sleep You are immune to magic sleep effects.
Eschew Materials Cast spells without materials, if component cost is 1 gp or less.
Focused Mind +2 to Concentration checks
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Protean +4 DC to dispel your [creation] spells
Protoplasm (7/day) (Sp) Throw a tanglefoot bag 30' that also deals 1 acid damage/round and lasts 1d3r.
At first glance, Galero is a handsome half-elf with a care-free attitude that takes him far afield and wherever his whims carry him. Yet, those few that spend more time with him soon realize that his demeanor masks a strange, otherworldly persona. His mind will sometimes turn inwards and outwards to vistas that others can't see or comprehend, as if he is searching for enlightenment, wonder, darkness, separation. His appearance, while handsome, is strangely and subtlely mutable. His eyes will change color slightly from one day to the next, his hair seems to have a life of its own and will also shift in color ever so slightly.
He is a wanderer of the true sense, always looking for a great adventure or mystery to solve.

Hmmm, "Bards Gate" a human city that celebrates and trains bards, maybe I'll try a human bard...I haven't played a bard in, well ever, let me see what I can put together.

I have no interest if you only run a Pathfinder based version of this campaign but if you run a Swords & Wizardry game as well, then I would be VERY interested.

@brvheart: Xunal here again. I've got the crunch done for the Rogue (swashbuckler archetype). Just need to make a back story now.



Half-Elf Rogue (swashbuckler archetype) 1
Chaotic Neutral, Medium, Humanoid (Human & Elf)
Initiative: +7
Perception: +6
Favoured Classes: Rogue & Fighter


AC 18, Touch 15, Flat-Footed 13
HP 10
REF +7


SPEED 30 ft.
• Dagger (1d4+2; 19-20/x2)
• Scimitar (1d6+2; 18-20/x2) (with the primary-hand)
• Short Sword (1d6+2; 19-20/x2) (with the primary-hand)
• Short Sword (1d6+1; 19-20/x2) (with the off-hand)
• Dagger (1d4+2, 10 ft; 19-20/x2)
• Light Crossbow (1d8, 60 ft; 19-20/x2)
• Sling (1d4+2, 50 ft; x2)
SPACE; 5 ft.
REACH; 5 ft.


STR 14 (+2), DEX 20 (+5), CON 12 (+1), INT 12 (+1), WIS 10 (0), CHA 9 (-1)
BAB 0; CMB +2; CMD 17
Feats & Talents: Skill Focus (stealth), Weapon Finesse, Two Weapon Fighting, and Weapon Focus (scimitar)
Traits: Armour Expert, Elven Reflexes
• Acrobatics +9 (1 rank)
• Climb +6 (1 rank)
• Disable Device +9 (1 rank)
• Escape Artist +9 (1 rank)
• Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5 (1 rank)
• Knowledge (local) +5 (1 rank)
• Linguistics +5 (1 rank)
• Perception +6 (1 rank)
• Stealth +12 (1 rank) (Skill Focus)
Languages: Common, Elf, Orc
SQ (Class Features): Sneak Attack (+1d6), Martial Training
Current Kit (his stuff)
• Studded Leather Armour
• Daggers (2)
• Scimitar
• Short swords (2)
• Crossbow Bolts (20)
• Light Crossbow
• Sling
• Sling Bullets (20)
• Traveller's Outfit
• masterwork backpack (+1 STR to calculate encumbrance)
• bedroll
• belt pouch
• caltrops
• chalk (10)
• flint and steel
• grappling hook
• an iron pot
• mess kit
• mirror
• pitons (10)
• rope
• soap
• thieves’ tools
• torches (10)
• trail rations (5 days)
• waterskin
Total encumbrance of 88 lbs. (medium)


Traits, class abilities, and feats … in brief
• Elven Immunities: immune to magic sleep & +2 racial vs enchantment spells and effects
• Adaptability: Skill focus as a bonus feat (Stealth)
• Keen Senses: +2 racial bonus to Perception
• Low Light Vision: can see twice as far in dim light as humans
• Elf Blood: count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race
• Multi-talented: two favoured classes (Rogue & Fighter)
• Armour Expert (combat trait): reduce the AC penalty of armour worn by 1
• Elven Reflexes (race trait): add +2 trait bonus to Initiative
• Half-Elf FCB: Add ½ to Bluff to Feint and ½ to Diplomacy to gather information
• Human FCB: Gain ⅙ of a new rogue talent
• Elf FCB: +1 times/day can cast 0 or 1 level spells through magic talents
• Skill Focus (stealth): +3 to Stealth, +6 if 10 ranks or more in Stealth
• Martial Training: proficient with the scimitar
• Weapon Finesse: use DEX to hit with light weapons, Elven curved blade & rapier
• Two Weapon Fighting: -2/-2 if off-hand weapon is light (combat trick talent)
• Weapon Focus (scimitar): +1 to hit with scimitar (combat trick talent)


• Age: 23 years old
• Height: 5 ft 11 in (180 cm)
• Weight: 145 lb (66 kg)
• Skin: Swarthy
• Build: Slim
• Hair: Black
• Eyes: Grey-Blue
• Special: Slim by wiry. His pupils are very light.

brvheart wrote:
Sorry about that Grimmy!

No problem, sorry for crashing your thread. I'm running an intrigue thing in Bard's Gate and I didn't want Gerald to stumble on plot spoilers by accident :)

Edit: By the way, Gerald is as good as it gets for a reliable, committed, creative, cooperative poster who knows what it takes to make for a great PbP experience for everyone involved. Great player, one of the best I've had the pleasure to game with.

headrush46n2 wrote:
Are you open to new players? If so i'd like to join

As long as you know 3.5 you should be fine.

Logan1138, I might run a S&W version also if we get enough players for one. I will mark you as first interested!

Ok so far:

Hagrym dwarf paladin
Turvijagal half-elf rogue (swashbuckler)
Galero half-elf sorcerer
Ulfgard Strongarm dwarf ranger

I will look at the magus and the bard. Did I miss anyone? If I did let me know.

How do you feel about gestalt?

Sorry, no gestalt characters please.

@brvheart are traits permited? Also I am looking at two human bard ideas; which would you prefer for this campaign? I am working on the crunch for both, once I hear which will fit the campaign better I will focus on him/her.

Arcane Duelist:

Naomi Chadwick Is classically trained from a well-to-do family. Her father is a famous Orchestra director and has had her trained in multiple string instruments. She had always shown an interest the dueling sword and her father indulged her and let her train in the weapon. She shocked the family in announcing that instead of following a career in the orchestra she wanted to become a member of the ‘Free Defenders.’ So after joining the ‘Society of Arms’ she has spent the last two years as a ‘Free Defender’ and is now ready for the next step in her carrier. If traits are allowed she will take Rich parents to reflect her fathers position and to pay for the traditional ‘free defenders’ weapons, replacing long sword with the dueling sword, also several expensive (masterwork) instruments that would stay at home.

street performer:

Sariel is a Tavern owners son who has learned to sing and play the mandolin from the musicians who play at his fathers bar. His father expecting him to follow in the tavern business will not let Sariel play in the Tavern. So Sariel plays on the streets for tips. When his skill and intelligence is noted by the local beggars guild he is approached and conscripted into the guild. Having refused to turn over dues he is now in hiding and looking for an opportunity outside of the city until things cool off. Primary trait would be affable.

@brvheart: I've updated the profile for Turvijagal, including a back story. The back story was a bit of a quicky. Mostly because I kept making way longer than it needed to be. But I hope this one does the trick.


Turvijagal was raised by his mother in the rough and tumble Underbridge district of Magnimar. They lived a hand-to-mouth life, and he never knew his father. But his mother was a human lockpick and cutpurse of no mean skill. She taught him everything she could about how to avoid trouble.

His mother recently married a respected artist, and a capable fencer, from Sandpoint. Turvijagal joined his mother and stepfather, as a dutiful son should. His stepfather appreciated Turvijagal's talent, and taught him how to use a scimitar and short sword with more confidence.

Turvijagal, now of age, became bored with the comfortable life in Sandpoint and struck out on his own. He is quick and talented. And he knows it. He wants to put his talents to the test to see just what he's capable of.


Personally I do like the witch and the summoner. They are perfectly fine classes, with just one fatal flaw. Summoner needs a good system mastery with Player and GM and Witch can wreak havoc. BUT if played sensible they can add a LOT of roleplaying potential. Heck I usually say a summoner is the rogues best friend!
And I really, REALLY like the idea of two Dwarfes holding the line!

This is Robert Henry's Arcane Duelist Naomi, I realized I listed her as being trained with the Dueling Sword, which is from the guide for the inner sea, should I switch it to a core weapon IE, rapier or short sword? Also, what is starting wealth?

brief backstory:

Naomi Chadwick Is classically trained from a well-to-do family. Her father is a famous Orchestra director and has had her trained in multiple string instruments. She had always shown an interest in the dueling sword and her father indulged her and let her train with the weapon. She shocked the family in announcing that instead of following a career in the orchestra she wanted to become a member of the ‘Free Defenders.’ So after joining the ‘Society of Arms’ she has spent the last two years as a ‘Free Defender’ and is now ready for the next step in her carrier. I've used the Rich parents trait to reflect her upbringing and to supply her with quality gear she would use in the 'Free Defender's'

If she is OK so far I will expand her backstory, personality and description.

I usually have starting gold at level one at 150 gp. Dueling sword is ok, but no MW at level one.

150 GP? Arg I have to erase a few weapons. HMMM this might get tricky to decide!

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